• Published 15th Jan 2017
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My Little Paper Mario - Codex92

Bowser has another heinous scheme on his claws to defeat Mario and take Princess Peach once and for all, but the mushroom-eating plumber will have some help from six mares accidentally transported to the Mushroom Kingdom by a botched dimension spell.

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The Climb Up Shiver Mountain

As the party began their trek up Shiver Mountain, the path was clearly linear as it lead higher and higher until they reached the peak and the Crystal Palace. They first had to make their way through a long, cavernous path, running into a few Gulpits and Frost Piranhas along the way, but it was nothing they couldn't handle at this point. There was a point earlier in the cavern earlier where there was a large gap barely anyone could leap across, nothing but a pit with a block of ice covering a green button that was attached to that section of the ground. Mario took care of that, leaping up and performing a super spinning pound, shattering the ice, pushed the button, and raised the platform of land up to fix the path. As long as no one pressed the button again, they won't get trapped down at the bottom of the pit.

"Huh," Twilight pondered aloud. "A strange mechanism to be placed in such a mountain trail."

"If there were people who wanted others to worship the Stars like they did, why create a 'bridge' to raise and lower to 'trap' outsiders from reaching the Crystal Palace?" Kooper questioned rhetorically, both alicorn and Koopa Troopa humming in thought, unable to help but wonder about the ancient civilizations of Shiver City and Starborn Valley's histories with the ruins above the summit.

Unfortunately, their curiosity would have to wait as time was of the essence. As they continued their climb up higher through the caverns, they finally reached the end and made it outside. They wound up facing another wide gap that impeded their progress, though thankfully the fall below wasn't as deep as the one back in the cavern, and there was a stairway nearby to bring them back up if they fell. On the other side was a blue button, another switch that might activate a bridge to come out and allow them across.

"Why is it that ruins have to have such crazy contraptions that are either traps or puzzles?" Bombette asked. "Even with the road toward said ruins?"

"So, anypony want me or any of us who can fly to push it?" Rainbow suggested.

"Nah. I got this, guys." Kooper stepped up as he volunteered, cracking his neck as he readied to toss himself over. Diving in his shell, the blue-shelled Koopa spun around in place, then shot off over the gap and smacked into the button, creating the bridge for them. He didn't notice the others shocked expressions when he came back, popping his limbs back out of his shell as he clapped his hands of imaginary dust at his job well done. "Piece of cake."

"Uhhh, Kooper?" Twilight said in confusion.

"What?" Kooper turned around, but he noticed that there was another him beside him as he turned. Looking back at his clone, the two Koopers blinked, then both yelped and leapt away from each other. "W-What the heck!? Who are you, impostor!?"

"I'm Kooper...Yeah, that's it," the other Kooper said. "I should be asking you that question!"

"No, I'm Kooper!" the real Kooper exclaimed.

"You're not making any sense!" the fake said back. "I'm the genuine Kooper!" He then looked at the others, who were unable to tell the two Koopers apart and how it was possible for the Koopa to duplicate himself. "Come on, guys, you know me! Don't listen to this liar!"

"Shut up! You're the liar, you fake!" Kooper yelled, then looked at the others. "You have to believe me!"

"Ok, what is happening!?" Pinkie questioned. "Why does Kooper have a twin we never knew about!?"

"Pinkie, Kooper doesn't have a twin!" Twilight said. "Something's clearly impersonating him!"

"Ya mean there's things like the changelings in this world?" Applejack asked, making the mares worry if they encounter anymore creatures similar to the shape-shifting bug ponies back in Equestria, though the changelings were no longer a threat thanks to Starlight. "How are we gonna tell them apart?"

"Hmm..." Twilight began to think of a way to easily tell the two Koopers apart. She had an idea, completely foolproof as only the real Kooper would know everything about her. "...Ok, I can figure out which of these Koopers is the real one and the fake one, because only the real Kooper knows a lot about me." The real Koopa Troopa grinned, confident enough to ace any of Twilight's questions and prove he's the real Kooper, but the other one subtly flinched, but went to perfectly mimicking the real one as he copied his stance and expression. "First question: What is my name?"

"Twilight Sparkle!"

"Purple Twinkle!"

Twilight knew just from that first question alone was enough proof that the first Kooper got it right, but she had to be one hundred percent sure. "Second: What is the name of the kingdom my friends and I live in?"


"Magic Land!"

"Ok...Now, one more question, and only the real Kooper knows about this one," Twilight said, pausing for effect as she grew suspension between everyone and the two Koopas. "...My friends and I were bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Each of the six Elements represented us as specific parts of what makes the magic of friendship...What Element was I?"

"That's easy!" the impostor exclaimed first. "It's...uhhh...smarts?"

Twilight raised a brow at the fake, then looked at the real Kooper, who didn't hesitate or jump the gun at his response. "The Element of Magic," he answered.

"...Well, I know for a fact the fake Kooper...is YOU!" Twilight aimed her horn at the second Kooper, blasting the fake with a beam of magic, sending him flying onto his back with a groan.

The fake suddenly poofed into a puff of smoke, revealing the real identity of the impostor. None of them expected it to be a mysterious person in a white sheet covering his body, some red hair on his head, and a pair of black shoes, though the rest of his body was really invisible or concealed well under the sheet. The creature sat up, revealing yellow pupils in his black eyes and his scowling black mouth.

"Darn it with the questions," he grumbled. "You're lucky I don't even know anything about you or your four-legged friends!"

"W-What is that?" Fluttershy asked. "I-Is that a...g-g-ghost?"

"In a sense, sort of," Bow said. "It's a Duplighost: they mimic their opponents in every way, from their appearance to the sound of their voice. Unfortunately, they don't copy anyone completely and end up making a mistake when they talk, or make a transformation error that makes them stand out."

"Aww, can it, you Boo!" the Duplighost yelled. "I thought I had you fooled!"

"Unfortunately, you have no idea how many situations we've had involving shape-shifters trying to trick us in the past!" Pinkie said. "But Twilight figured you out like she did with Chrysalis when she pretended to be her sister-in-law at her brother's wedding and we didn't believe her because we thought she was too overprotective of her brother in a way that was kind of-"

Applejack quickly shoved her hoof in Pinkie's mouth, both from continuing with the horrible memory of no one believing Twilight during her older brother's wedding and finishing that odd statement of the alicorn loving her brother in another, more disturbing way. "We get it, sugarcube."

The Duplighost crouched as he prepared to fight. "Well, even if you figure me out, I'm not letting you by so easily!" Lifting his invisible hand to his mouth, he let out a whistle, calling in three more Duplighosts to help him. "And your little Boo friend is right about us mimicking everything about you, which includes your skills!"

All four shape-shifters transformed, the plume of smoke around them disappearing as they transformed into someone among them. There was a duplicate Goombario, Sushie, Parakarry, and Lakilester now standing before them, perfect copies of them in every way, shape, and form.

"Oh boy. We better be on our toes," Goombario said. Quickly thinking of a plan, he grabbed his blue hat and tossed it over to Sushie. "Sushie, put my hat on so we all don't get confused over who's who! Parakarry, take off your bag, and Lakilester, your glasses!"

"Smart thinking, Goombario!" Lakilester said as he took off his shades.

Parakarry did the same as he tossed his mailbag to Twilight while Sushie put on Goombario's hat. Luckily, the Duplighosts copying them can't exactly do the same as they had, forcing to stay as their victim they copied until harmed enough to revert back to normal. The quartet of mimics charged forward, but the Duplighost that had impersonated Kooper earlier wasn't exactly honest with them being able to use all of their opponents abilities in combat. The fake Goombario tried to headbonk the real one, only for him to miss and hit the ground, letting out a painful groan and got a massive headache. The fake Parakarry had trouble flying and missed dive-kicking the original. The fake Lakilester had terrible aim, the Spiny egg being real enough, though his shots lobbed too high and was easily avoided. And the fake Sushie had a similar problem like the Goombario one, only instead slamming hard on his stomach and knocked the wind out of him.

"Perfect copies by appearance, but not in a fight," Kooper said. Spotting the one who mimicked him, who happened to be the fake Goombario, he ran up to the downed impostor and kicked him up high in the air. "This is for trying to trick my friends into thinking I was a fake!"

He leapt up after him, hiding in his shell and spun rapidly, meeting the falling clone halfway and repeatedly smacking him with his spiraling shell. After enough abuse, Kooper flipped over and kicked the clone back down to the ground, popping him out of his disguise and back as the bedsheet-looking ghost he was. Lakilester showed his doppelganger how to really throw Spiny eggs, pulling out several and unleashing a hailstorm of spiked eggs down on the fake, making him yelp in pain and revert him back to normal. Mario leapt onto the fake Parakarry, dropping him down to the ground where he met the stone-headed Goombario's skull down below, bending his back in a painful way, then get shell tossed by the real Paratroopa straight in the face, which sent him tumbling across the snow, smoke poofing where he first landed as he continued rolling in his real form. The fake Sushie looked up when he heard sparks above him, where Watt hovered over him and surged with electricity.

"If you're like Sushie, umm, does that mean you also get hurt more from electricity?" Watt asked curiously.

"...Uhh, no?" the fake Sushie said with uncertainty, mimicking the eldest of the group's voice perfectly.

"Then let's see if it's true!" Watt dropped down and zapped the Cheep Cheep impostor, making the fake's body shudder and flinch from the powerful volts of electricity coursing through his body.

While getting shocked, it was powerful enough to revert him back to normal, leaving behind a charred Duplighost, his limbs twitching from the electricity in his invisible body. Pinkie bounced up beside him, taking her hammer and wiggled her hips, taking careful aim as she lined it up with the stunned foe before swinging it back.

"FORE!" she yelled, smacking the Duplighost hard in the stomach, sending him rolling off like a bowling ball and knocking him into his duplicating buddies, the sound of pins getting struck echoed around the mountain. "Strike! Bingo! Touchrun! Homedown! Other obligatory things to cheer when winning something!"

Knowing when they were beaten, the Duplighosts scrambled on their feet and fled, letting out a ghostly sounding scream as they ran. The copied party members put back their respective items on once the enemies disappeared from sight, Lakilester putting his shades back on, Twilight giving back Parakarry's mailbag, and Sushie returning Goombario's hat, who promptly put his cap back on his head.

"That was some quick thinking in case they decided to get us caught in a scuffle," Sushie commented. "But I doubt the same trick will work if there are more of them who copy any of us without an article of clothing or an accessory to wear."

"Sushie is right," Rarity said. "Those ghastly ghosts may not be as strong as the changelings back when they were evil, but they can easily get the jump on us if they pretend to be us."

"Then we're going to have to take a page from Starlight's book when she, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax went to infiltrate the changeling hive to rescue us from Chrysalis," Twilight said. "We need to come up with a code word that all of us will remember, and if we split up in any way, we say the first part, then they'll have to say the second. If the second part of the code word isn't said, then they're impostors."

"What's going to be the code word?" Bow asked.

The group grew silent as they thought of a good, memorable phrase to use as their code word. After several minutes of thinking, Pinkie chimed in as she came up with one.

"How about if one of us says 'paper', then we say 'Mario'!?" she suggested, then looked out in the distance, addressing something that the others couldn't see. "It's clever because the game is called 'Paper Mario', and this crossover's about the game while we're a part of it, but we're not made of paper in this story or the sequels when we get around to them."

"'Paper Mario'? Seriously?" Rainbow questioned.

"Well, it's pretty simple to remember, and the Duplighosts won't have any idea how to follow up with just hearing the word 'paper'," Twilight said. "'Paper Mario' it is."

Despite the odd code words, everyone else unanimously agreed since it surely would throw off any of the duplicator ghosts they'll end up seeing further ahead. Continuing on over the bridge, they continued on their way up Shiver Mountain. Now that had to deal with White Clubbas, a bit stronger than their green counterparts and were able to live easily in the freezing climate. They soon came up to a smaller cavern, where there were three rock carvings with slots that contained a random item in them: the first one a Shooting Star, the second one a Snowman Doll, and the last one a Thunder Rage.

"Hey, look! Free items!" Pinkie pointed out.

"That's...odd," Goombario noted. "Why leave some pretty decently useful items like a Shooting Star or a Thunder Rage in these rocks?"

"Let's take one! These will be very helpful taking care of big groups!" Pinkie bounced up to the Shooting Star and pulled it out of its slot. She was about to put it in Twilight's bags, only for a wall of ice to slam down beside the carved stone, blocking their way forward. "...I didn't do it!"

"Clearly, you did," Bow grumbled.

Rainbow walked up to the empty stone slot, staring curiously at it for a moment. She put her hoof down on it, the pressure plate sinking under its weight and lifting the ice wall back up. Moving her hoof, the wall fell back down again.

"Cool! This is kinda like the traps in the ruins Daring Do runs into with these doors!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Place something down with an equal amount of weight to keep the pressure plate down, and the door stays open!...Or keeps a trap locked to be activated by grave robbers who think they can take any treasure just sitting in the open...Thank goodness it wasn't that last one."

"Pinkie, put the Shooting Star back in the slot," Twilight said.

"Awww! But we barely used any of the items from the game aside from Mushrooms, a Sleepy Sheep, lemons and limes, a crummy broken hammer, and other not useful stuff that aren't as fun as anything else!" Pinkie whined. With no one vouching for her idea, the pink earth pony pouted and put the item back in its place. "Stupid, dummy writer not allowing items in any epic fight scenes..."

The ice wall opened back up, allowing them to keep moving without getting blocked off. As tempting as it was to take the helpful items, they had to leave them behind, or trade them with something else they had. Unfortunately, since Twilight had stocked up on supplies necessary for making it up the mountain and through the Crystal Palace and back, they couldn't waste their rations for those items, even if they would be beneficial if they run into a large group of foes.

Their next climb as they got closer and closer to the summit was practically impossible after passing through the cavern. It was right in front of them, but it was incredibly high up with no way of climbing the heavily steep cliffs. Even if they could fly up, the fliers in the party wouldn't be able to carry everyone up to the highest cliff, where they could practically see a side of the Crystal Palace from where they stood. There was a small natural staircase nearby, but it didn't lead far and had an icy structure in the shape of a set of stairs, a star-shaped hole in the center of it.

"Ok. How are we going to reach the top?" Goombario asked. "There's no way I can climb the walls. I have no arms."

"And it's too high to try to carry everyone up, even if we work in pairs to lift everyone one by one up there," Lakilester added.

"Well, aside from that mystery, there was also supposed to be a shrine we were supposed to find while we were climbing up Shiver Mountain...So far, we haven't found it." Twilight looked around the empty plain made of ice before them. The wall ahead was pretty solid aside from a sizable crack in the center. Seeing how there wasn't any way forward, and the Crystal Palace was really close, the shrine Merle told them about had to be nearby, and where there are cracked walls, there had to be some secrets hidden away. "It looks like the only way we can go for now is through the mountain. Bombette, can you blow up that wall over there?"

"With great pleasure!" The pink Bob-omb leapt down from the ledge and ran up to the cracked side of the mountain.

One explosion later and an opened passage later, the party made their way inside. Everyone gathered in the secret room, but they wound up at a dead end inside the crystal room. There wasn't any way leading up or down the mountain, just an empty room with clear blue crystals hanging from the ceiling.

"Well, that was a bust," Bow commented. "Dead end, and no way up unless you want those able to fly to traverse those ruins sitting several stories above us."

Twilight didn't give any remarks to Bow's snide attitude, distracted by a strange presence that was in this very room. Looking around, all she could see were crystals, but there was some sort of magical energy coming from further beyond the room through the opposite end from where they entered. She slowly approached the wall, staring at it curiously as she recited Merle's words to herself.

"'Truth lies not only in the eyes. Sometimes, even walls may lie.'" That phrase continued running over and over in her head, looking around the back wall. Lifting a hoof up, she slowly moved it toward the wall, but where she expected to touch the solid wall, it phased through it as if it was an illusion. Quickly pulling her hoof back in surprise, it clicked in her head as she managed to solve the riddle. She poked her head through, finding another room, but what lied inside made her eyes widen in awe. "Wow."

"Ahh! Twilight got her head stuck in a wall!" Pinkie exclaimed, alerting everyone when they saw the alicorn's head poking through the fake wall. "Hang on, Twilight! I'll save you!"

Pinkie ran up to Twilight, wrapped her forelegs around the alicorn's barrel, and pulled hard, making them yelp as she managed to send the two of them flying back, hitting the ground hard with the two of them in a tangled heap. They both groaned, Mario and Kooper helping them up on their hooves.

"Pinkie, my head wasn't stuck," Twilight grumbled. "I wasn't stuck in anything. That wall's not real."

"It's not?" Curious, Kooper approached the wall and pressed his hands against it, nearly stumbling forward when they passed through. "Whoa! She's right! This wall's an illusion!"

He passed through the wall to see what Twilight saw, the others following as they tentatively stepped through the wall. Once everyone was inside, they found what the alicorn had stared at while she looked like she got her head stuck in a hole in the wall: a piece of ice in the shape of a diamond sitting on the far end with a blue star-shaped stone trapped inside it. It was the perfect shape to fit into the the piece of ice stairs in the wall back outside. Before anyone could figure out how to break the ice open to take the stone, a spiritual being appeared before them, hovering over the ice. Startled by the mysterious ghost, they could tell it was female, and dressed similarly to Merlon and Merle, though her robes were a pale fuchsia and her long, curled hair was a grayish-fuchsia.

"Another ghost!" Pinkie screamed, making Fluttershy yelp and hide behind everyone.

"At long last, Mario," the spirit said. "I have been expecting you."

"You know Mario?" Goombario asked.

"Of course," she said. "I am Madame Merlar, a messenger of the Stars. I am sure you know Merlon and Merle well, for I am their ancestor."

"Whoa. That's pretty cool," Rainbow said.

"And we assume you have some important message to give us?" Bow asked.

"Indeed," Merlar said with a nod. "The Stars had spoken to me of you all in my dreams. They said you would come to the shrine on Shiver Mountain. And it is here that I guard the way to the Crystal Palace."

"So this is the shrine," Twilight said in awe. "I knew something was strange about this room." She looked at the star stone inside diamond-shaped ice. "And this stone will help us reach the top, correct?"

"Yes. But before I allow you onward, there is much I need to tell you," Merlar said. "Bowser's followers have already invaded the Crystal Palace, and are soiling the sacred ground of the place where the Stars were honored. Now, what I will tell you is very important, so listen to every word I say. It is quite long, however, so I will be brief." Mario and Goombario winced, the two looking at each other as they hoped beyond hope that Merlon didn't inherit his long rambling stories from his ancestor. "The story begins a long, long time ago. I was still a young woman back then..."

Mario and Goombario groaned and wilted, their fears already coming true as they had to wait for Merlar to finish her story. "Here we go again..."

Merlar continued her tale after what seemed to last for hours. Everyone wound up falling asleep out of boredom, even Twilight and Kooper despite wanting to learn more about some history from the spiritual mage floating above them. They either fell asleep standing up, leaning against each other, or slept on the ground, Merlar unaware that the ones she wished to convey her message to had slept through most of her story, especially with some of them snoring.

"...so that's why you must get Bowser's men out of the Crystal Palace. But..." Looking down, she was appalled to find the party sleeping after several hours of regaling them with her story. "Hey! Were any of you even listening to my story!?"

Everyone was startled awake, scrambling to get back on their feet while trying to pretend they knew exactly what she told them. "We weren't sleeping and ignoring your story because this cutscene is supposed to be a time waster to get something really important to continue progressing!" Pinkie blurted out.

Merlar raised a brow at Pinkie's sudden exclamation, but she ignored it as she foresaw that she was an odd case compared to her other pony friends. "...Ok, then...As I was saying, you need this Star Stone to reach the palace." She lifted her hands up, causing the Star Stone to rise up from the ice and rest it on top of it. "Take this stone, and you can open the way to the Crystal Palace."

"Uhh, thanks, Merlar," Goombario said.

Twilight used her magic, levitating the stone over to her, keeping it out of her bags since they were going to use it pretty soon. "Hmm...I wonder if you all understood the shortened version of my tale?" Merlar said her thoughts aloud. The others balked, surprised to know that her long-winded story was just the short version. "It really doesn't do the story justice, you know. Perhaps one day I'll tell you the full story."

"No thanks! We're good!" Twilight quickly exclaimed. "I-I mean, we got the gist of you...shortened tale."

"Oh, very well. Then I wish you all the best of luck." Madame Merlar began to disappear, her message given from beyond the beyond.

Once she was gone, the group filed out of the shrine, Kooper letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "I do not want to imagine how much longer the actual story is. I don't think there was anything of historical value to learn about what Madame Merlar told us."

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "I ended up zoning out after she mentioned her husband and children with fortune telling. We didn't ask for her autobiography."

"I guess Mario and I were right about expecting a boring, overly long story," Goombario said. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree between Merlon and Merlar."

"At least we got the Star Stone," Lakilester said. "Let's put that bad boy in its place and keep on going higher."

Returning back to the stairway, Twilight placed the Star Stone in the hole where it belonged in the icy stairway sticking out of the wall. Once it was in place, the slot clicked, the ice slowly pushing itself in until it was part of the mountainside. The ground began to quake around them as the large area of ice between them and the shrine began to rise up. Sections of the ground rising up stopped randomly with a thud, creating three separate flights of stairs that lead higher and higher, reaching the tallest cliff and the peak of Shiver Mountain.

As soon as the mountain stopped shaking, the party climbed up the tall, icy steps, some of them slightly winded from constantly jumping up the long flights of stairs. Eventually, they made it to the top, stopping to let everyone catch their breath, most of them not used to the high altitude or excessive climbing they had to do.

"W-Who...Whoever...used to...worship the Stars-" Rarity wheezed, thankfully not worried about getting sweaty with the frigid air from the climate they were in, though still slightly miffed as she tried to breath. "-they should have wished...for a lift for this mountain!"

"And ruin the sanctity of what this place means to the region!?" Kooper exclaimed in shock at the unicorn's statement. "This is ancient history with a religion long-lost to this region of the Mushroom Kingdom, and I will not stand for any ruins to be defiled by modern society taking away the meaning of the journey up to the top of this summit!"

"Kooper, save the archaeological defense for after we kick out Bowser's men from the Crystal Palace," Bombette said, reminding the Koopa not to lose his cool while defending ancient ruins when they're already being defiled as they spoke.

"I'm just saying," the blue-shelled Koopa uttered bashfully. "What's there a point in an adventure without a trek that tests the traveler's determination to reach their goals?"

As soon as everyone was ready to go, they continued on as they walked down the path leading straight to the majestic Crystal Palace. They paused and stared up at the ancient structure, still in pristine condition after being forgotten for hundreds of years. After admiring the palace, they continued onward, but as they got closer, they noticed a slight sheen of light that seemed to split down the center of the building. Stepping out from the rocks blocking the oddly reflective surface, they gasped in surprise as they saw their reflections.

"What in Equestria?" As everyone stared at themselves, Twilight pressed her hoof against her reflection, looking over to the palace as she saw the mysterious glass somehow stayed stable in this cold weather and spanned across the road from the building to the mountain. "This is...interesting. The Crystal Palace is pretty long in length, but its width is pretty small. This giant mirror makes it look like it's bigger than it appears up close."

"It's like a funhouse of mirrors in a carnival!" Pinkie said cheerfully, making weird noises and faces at her reflection while moving about.

As everyone looked at the Crystal Palace, preparing themselves to enter the former place of worship to the Stars and drive out Bowser's army intruding the abandoned structure, Pinkie had stopped fooling around to join her friends. Oddly, her reflection didn't follow, panting heavily and wiping the sweat off her brow. Kooper looked at the mirror curiously, then back to see the landscape down below, finding it odd that they could see Starborn Valley down below, but the mirror didn't show it from what they were able to see. When he looked back, he got startled when he saw Pinkie's reflection nowhere near where she was supposed to be, having lagged behind in exhaustion while the rest of their reflections mimicked their movements.

"Uhh, Pinkie?" he called out, the pony reflection suddenly panicking and quickly ran up to mimic the earth pony.

"Yeah, Kooper?" Pinkie asked.

He looked at the real Pinkie, then back at the "reflection", not sure if he should chalk this up to Pinkie being Pinkie, or something oddly suspicious going on with this mirror. "...Never mind. I must be seeing things."

Pinkie shrugged, then bounced off with the others as they gathered at the entrance to the Crystal Palace. Kooper watched Pinkie's reflection, then looked at himself in the mirror, keeping a close eye on "himself" as he adjusted the bandanna around his neck. He joined the others as Mario grabbed the door handles, looking back at the others as they silently nodded, ready to see what lies inside the Crystal Palace and save the last remaining Star Spirit.

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