• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


"No matter how many friends you do lose...you can always make more." - Michael J. Caboose


Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to permanently visit as well.

Oh, and that magister? He's been turned into an alicorn. And there's also another interdemensional intruder that happens to be nearby and the two hate each other. There goes the neighborhood.

This is a collab story, with its partner story being written by the awesome Silvak

Silvak's partner story: Nocturnal Mayhem

Apparently this dumb story got featured on 5/4/2017 and 5/8/2017! I don't know why, but it did!

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 115 )


And since this story involves a time traveler ... will the ... uh ... Doctor be making a visit? :twilightsmile:

7894523 And each story got its own princess' Seal of Approval. :trollestia:

7895550 I'm glad you're enjoying the story. As for your question, me and Silvak have some plans for this story and his story and...if we added the doctor, despite this story being intentionally random, it would mess things up. Don't get me wrong, the Doctor was brought up during making this story, but left out due to what we already have planned.

I'm guessing that would be Dr Whooves aka Time Turner he tends to vary from story to story. From just another pony to the pony version of Dr Who. Not sure what purpose he'd sErie.
All in all interesting story so far

7900318 the other pone is in the companion story to this one that's linked in the description

7900318 Well, its more of the fact that Doctor Hooves is considered to be a doctor who version of a pony by most people. That's why I said that in the author note.

I am glad that you find the story interesting though!:pinkiehappy:

7901074 More than by most people he is an homage to DR Who by the creators. I should say Dr Hooves as made the official name by Hasbro though there was never any complaint by the BBC

7901362 Well...he's not appearing in this story. That's all the author's note was for.

This is good so far. I can't wait to see more!

Also we'll we see what his other friend is doing?

7930414 Opps I didn't mean "other" The guy from the first chapter that was on the ship. I'm wondering if we'll see him again?

7930702 Oh! Um...not exactly anytime soon. That doesn't mean he won't be popping up eventually though.

Remember, do not go back until you get free candy.

Never forget the candy! :pinkiehappy:

7930867 One of the many rules of life!:pinkiehappy:

Writers block disease most have been the cause for poor little Chron brain! :pinkiegasp:

Caught using language right when she just adopted him. Trouble! :pinkiecrazy:

8009015 Don't worry, there's gonna be plenty of that in the future. Chrono has a problem with keeping his mouth shut.

Does he really have to leave after he finishes his mission? It would be too much feels if he left.

8009234 *watches as Nebula swings in on a vine, screaming at the top of her lungs* Remember this is a collab! Oh no, a wall! *splat*

8009234 I'd answer your question, but I'd rather let you wait in anticipation of what will happen later.

Just a comment, it would help if you and Silvak note how the chapters in each story mesh together. I like reading things in chronological order, but I'm not seeing much of any references to tell where/when the chapters here are related to the ones in his story. :derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

8020011 Yeah...they haven't exactly meshed yet since Chrono hasn't met Nebula yet in this story. My story starts about a week before Nebula shows up in Equestria. Don't worry, the two will finally meet in the next two chapters.

I did it this way to introduce Chrono and show that he's kinda the opposite of Nebula. That's why the story hasn't fully meshed yet. I was thinking of referencing what chapters of Silvak's I'm doing in mine when I get there.

8020031 Ah, okay, that explains it. Silvak's chapters already have them meeting pretty early into his story.

8020350 His story basically starts a day later after the Nightmare Night episode of Season 2 while mine is a week before, which starts after the episode where Twilight goes nuts and Celestia comes to punish her. That's why Celestia is so frustrated at the start of the story, she's already angry that that happened and Discord had just happened right before that.

Time and Space have finally synched up! :rainbowdetermined2::pinkiecrazy:

And, yes, that pun was intentional. :derpytongue2:

wait... i thought celly already knew about Nebula....

8027916 No. Nebula appeared after Nightmare Night if you read the other story. This story takes place before that. Nebula literally just showed up.

'Cake first, time garbage later' Favorite line ever.

Next chapter:

Nebula jumps on Chrono's back: "To Daylights Saving Time And Beyond!"
And war were declared. :rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy:

8052637 As much as I would love to do that, Silvak's story has already shown that's not gonna happen. But, that doesn't mean we can't work towards something like that.:raritywink:

Heh, I love these two stories.

WoW, now he will stay there a real while wow, and he get to be Celestia's Son.

8055568 That's the plan...for now.:raritywink:

8055535 it'll be a fun 50 years for him!

8055666 Its a time travel story my friend. Remember that.:raritywink:

You do know that most folks here are adults, and the few that aren't probably know far more explicit language than many of the adults...The self-censoring bleeping is getting rather old.:twilightangry2:

I can appreciate if you don't like to use such language, and if that's the case, you can always do what numerous shows of the past have done and invent substitutes to get around network (and your own) censors--ever hear of "frack", "frell", "shazbot"? Lots of source material out there if you don't want to have to have some sailor's typical conversation end up looking like "**** the ******* ******!" (that's a quote from one of George Carlin's recordings about the versatility of a certain particular word, if you're ever interested in trying to decipher that):rainbowwild:

Other than that, another great chapter :pinkiehappy:

8069239 Who ever said all the censors are swear words? I find it more fun to put in censors, makes people think he's being more foul-mouthed that you think.:raritywink:

8069239 Actually, you know what? You just gave me an idea for the next chapter. Thank you!

8069465 Okay. Glad I could help. Looking forward to it :twilightsmile:

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