• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams


This story is a sequel to Before Closing

Once upon a time, two strangers met at a carnival, and after a night of whirlwind romance, fate pulled them apart. Now, five years later, their paths cross again, and they get a chance to find out what might have been, as they learn more about each other and discuss what's been going on in their lives in the years since. And yet, once again, they only have a few hours to do so before they have to go their separate ways.

Inspired by Before Sunset.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 10 )

My head exploded during this chapter. Philosophy is really confusing. I want to go into a corner, and debate morals and stuff like that.

That metaphor was BRILLIANT!!! Last chapter made my head explode, this one made my gut explode from the laughter!! :rainbowlaugh:

If he misses his train, and has to stay with Bluebell for another day, I will laugh harder than I did last chapter.
Brilliant sequel. Loved the romance, mixed in with slice of life, all with the adorableness that you seem to have in these stories. I just read the previous one yesterday, and this is just the sequel that story deserved.
And now, next month, the carnival will be in town. Hopefully we will get to see these two interact more. I'm not a huge sucker for romance, but this one just gives me all the feels I could ever need.
This ending is much preferable to the last one. But I still want a sequel. Because I'm a greedy piece of s#@$ like that.

This story only gets 3 comments and all of them from the same user? I'm scratching my head. I loved the romance and the tasty slice of life. These two just sorta clicked and that's all the chemistry they need for being apart for 5 years. Hope they can make it to the carnical this time, together.

And yeah, I know a sequel is highly unlikely but ummmm........I want one.

Pretty good couple of stories so far. I'd definitely read a third!

Yeah, I would like a round 3 please of 5 years later into the marriage and how they're still trying to work stuff out k thanks also omg I just marathoned both of these stories in a sitting because I have no self control.

Man, this has even fewer views than Before Closing, and both that and this story are excellent.

“Orgone. It’s an obsolete scientific theory of… universal life force or something.”

Excuse me what the frick :rainbowlaugh:. I literally got into orgonites 2 months ago, built myself some, have yet to see the effects but they're so pretty to look at. I put one at my work place and every day people come ask me what it is. It's pretty funny.

This story and it's prequel Before Closing are one of those stories that are interesting enough to make me want to check out the movies they're based on. After I watched the entire trilogy, I went back and re-read these two stories, and they're just as good as I remembered. I like how you swapped the ponies genders in Before Closing. In the movie Celine was the one in college and here you made the stallion be in college. There are enough similarities between your story and the movie to make it familiar and still enough difference to make it refreshing.

Something I find confusing is Why does it take Aegis 5 years to find Bluebell? She already told Aegis all he has to know to find her in Before Closing (she lives in a farm). If he can't come to the carnival he can go straight to her vending stand afterwards to make up for it. While he is the type to feel guilty for standing her up I can't imagine him spending 5 years swallowing his own guilt. Either that or he's uncertain whether bluebell still reciprocates his feelings after he stood her up.

Overall I really enjoyed this story. When I first read it 3 years ago I really wanted a sequel, now though I'm pretty content with what we got. The ending isn't as open ended as the movie seeing that they already confessed to each other, so if there ever is a sequel I guess it'll be Aegis and Bluebell having a disagreement about how to raise their kids?

These were a lovely pair of stories.

Mark Knopfler's Prairie Wedding seems fitting for Bluebell and Aegis

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