• Member Since 5th Jun, 2014
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Sunset Shimmer has lost the will to live after Anon-A-Miss has turned the entire school, including her friends, against her. However, things dont go her way as she wakes up to find her world in ruin's, and must now defeat the evil that she was supposed to defeat 100 years ago, all while proving to her old friends and the remaining human's she has changed.

ok, so Ive recently been reading abunch of stories where Sunset gets pushed to the edge in the comic (we all know the one) and I wanted to do a story going into it, but... since Im a crossover guy, this is how I went with it. (would you believe a big part of how i typed this was thanks to PBG's song "Open Your Eyes"?) so hope you guys enjoy it, and probs to me for actually trying to type a story with fucking dead pixels everywhere so if you guys see any typo's or spelling errors or something, let me know so I can attempt to fix it.


Chapters (10)
Comments ( 119 )

Little fast on how things progressed, but ok story.
Honestly Sunset shouldn't feel bad it was the cmc who drove her to kill herself as well as the other students Karma just struck them hard.
I hope the CMC are alive and suffering for what they done.

7990208 ya, Ive been noticing that Ive been going fast in these stories... I was gonna try and make it longer(was shooting for at least 5000 words) but I just couldnt do it. Maybe next chapter.

Ya, but Sunset doesnt know it was the CMC. Although I will agree, Karma hit them HARD here.
Oh they just might show up. Not everyone is dead... yet

so is this a crossover with legend of zelda, sort of?

I'm adding this to the Anon-a-Miss group

7991802 thats one of them. That one was kinda obvious...


I figured Sunset doesn't know it was the CMC but do the sisters know?
I'm sure the posts kept going till Sunset was found dead, which proved she was innocent afterwards I no idea, did the CMC confess, and why didn't Rainbow tell her who the guilty party was...unless she couldn't bring herself to do so.

7991837 so is this a crossover or not?

7991860 It is a crossover.

7991846 we shall see in the upcoming chapters. As for Rainbow Dash not telling her... Ya, I can see her not being able to say it, especially since she's kinda amazed that shes alive again. Plus it helps at the moment its not really important

This will be quite a read for adaptation of a massive video game, but I'm a patient man.

7992001 well actually its not JUST the new Zelda game... like I said, Im dropping hints around at other games where your set in the Apocalypse, in fact, there were 2-3 others in this chapter alone. 1 I think is super obvious, another youll only know if youve played it, and the final one... its not very obvious right now and might only get if I told you

Good start so far :twilightsmile:

Quick question about this story, are we going to see a flashback chapter of what happened after Sunset killed herself?

8000853 perhaps. But it would be more likely to come from someone else on the aftermath of her death

I thought this was a Doom crossover.

I take it back. This is more like Shin Megami Tensei, but without a party of demons for company.

However, thanks to some student’s I never got a chance to punish, you took your own life, and Midnight took over the world, becoming the Calamity Sparkle.

Student's needs to be changed to students.
Sounds like it only one student did framed her.

Other then that it's pretty good, thou you need to describe the demons better and not just assume everyone will know what Sammel looks like aswell as the demons that roam there if you rather not wriote what they look like set up a link to show what sorta monsters to appear or will appear.

I can see why Bon bon and Lyra are suprised to see Sunset save them figure she hld a grudge aginst them.
Plus in a state fo shock they should relaized Sunset a teenager still even after 100 years.

8008792 nope. Not even close... At least, to my knowledge. never played those games.

8008795 alright. Ill go fix that in a second.
and your right... TO THE *insert where they come from* WIKI! Honestly never thought about that as usually people that do that stick the picture in the actual story and that bothers the hell out of me to see.
*faceplams* How did I forget to have them notice that.... Oh well, I guess ya, they were in shock. Im sure they will notice next time

Great chapter and thanks.
But think you need a editor.

I just wish I didn’t people don’t hate me like Lyra and Bon-Bon did…” she sighed as Big Mac patted her on the back.

I not sure what she was saying there it's very confusing,.

8027111 Sob... this is the result of not typing for a few days and not being able to see my mistakes...

Is one of the crossovers Darksiders?

Looks like Sunset has an iDroid.

Looks like it's gonna be a bit before Sunset discovers who Anon-A-Miss actually is. I wonder how two certain silblings took it as their younger sister started it out of jealously and spite.

8027316 *claps* hurray, someone got the second crossover

8027989 I love it! Perfect

8029753 It's a little unnerving how the Sheikah Slate is basically the iDroid's cousin.

8029499 we shall see in a few chapters. Though I also wonder how Princess Twilight will react

8029773 ya, well at least the "iDroid" isnt gonna do any of the abilites the Shiekah Slate can do

8029782 Yep. I'm pretty sure that Sunset's "iDroid" has a fast travel function or something like that. At least it's lighter and thinner compared to the Pip-Buck/Boy.

8029808 Nope. No Fast Travel. She will be getting other means of getting around like her wings.

8029813 Alright. Using fast travel isn't immersive if you ask me.

I read this chapter and the others before but never reviewed it and I got to say I like it. I wasn't sure what kind of crossover it was but from what I read of the other reviewers it sounds like a Darksiders crossover though I could be wrong as when I read more I thought it might have more than one crossover like with Legend of Zelda. But I'll wait to see more.

Anyway I was surprised to see this had to do with that god awful holiday comic and I'll tell you like I told other authors. I HATED that piece of shit! :twilightangry2: If anything it wasn't a holiday special as it was more of a Sunset torture story and the writer who did that comic is a fucking idiot. Please excuse my language as that is how much I detest it.

So Sunset had died but then wakes up 100 years later in a post apocalyptic world and the Human Five are surprisingly still alive thanks to the magic they had in them. But their world's Twilight has decided to mess in things she had no understanding of and this was most likely during the Friendship Games. I wonder who became the new principle since Celestia quit since she had messed up big time and Luna no doubt quit as well if I'm right.

But a lot of questions are going through my mind with one being this. Where was Princess Twilight Sparkle? Did she confront the Rainbooms after hearing Sunset's demise and literally tear them a new one for failing to watch out for her and did she close off the portal to Equestria permanently after what happen? Also who became the new principle after Celestia quit and are the CMC dead?

Also not to sound evil but I hope the Rainbooms suffered since they are the ones who gave the other students a reason to hate Sunset after right in front of everyone they tossed her away like a piece of garbage. Sorry it's just their dumb ass's reminded me of what their counterparts did with Twilight during the Canterlot Wedding.

This is getting good and I hope to see more soon.

Good Luck King Sonic.

This was an awesome chapter. Sunset has defeated the boss guarding Samael and now she has gained an ability to help her in her quest from the Demon King. Also it looks like she gained the mind reading ability like in the fourth Equestria Girls movie. Lyra and Bon-Bon are alive which is cool and Sunset saw that they were hurt learning she had died when she saw one of their memory's. Since she is going to Manehatten is Rarity going to be the first one she saves? I can't wait to see what kind of boss monsters she fights.

This is getting good and I hope to see more soon.

Good Luck King Sonic.

8050979 oh boy, this is gonna be a fun one to reply to. *opens phone to see the message*

well thanks, its always great to see people want to look into my stories and give an actual review. .
now, as for the crossover, YES, Darksiders is part of it. However, you are also correct with Zelda. This is my second attempt at merging multiple things into one story and thought it would be nice for people to figure out the other stuff. still shocked no one has spotted the third crossover.
huh, really? I personnally like that comic. I liked it for Sunset proving to her friends that she truely has changed for the better. I didnt take itfor a holiday special though. I took it as a Sunset story... which I think it's quite obvious I love Sunset Shimer. and its excused. I could give a rat's ass how people talk Unless its in another language, then I cant reply lol.
ya, been reading alot of stories where Sunset tries to end it all thanks to that comic and I got to thinking, "this takes place before Friendship games... what if she did it? what happens then? and thus this story happened.
hmm, not sure on the principle... might just be an unanswered question for now.
your not the first to ask about Princess Twilight, and after the first friend get's freed, we shall see what Twilight's reaction was.
also, no, the CMC arent dead, but they wont be appearing for quite awhile.
well... seeing as though 4 of them are being used as batteries, I think its safe to say they are.

now then, onto your second comment.

yes, and if you remember where he's from, she will be getting more from him. As for the Mind reading, wanted to do something close to Breath of theWild's flash backs, but since Sunset didnt lose her memories, and indeeed got that power from Everfree, thought it would do great for the story. and indeed, They are, as are alot of other people. and expect that reaction abit. Might change depending on the person, but still.
and no. I already have it comfirmed who the first friendwill be.
As for boss monster, those are gonna be tricky to think up.

and finally... its actually knigsonic... the name is spelled like that on purpose.

8052168 Sorry about that knigsonic. I thought your name was spelled the other way. Anyway there were other reasons I hated the comic.The Rainbooms were a bunch of idiots and you think they would have learned the first time around after Sunset broke up their friendship the first time and talked with her. Also the rest of the students are a bunch of hypo critic idiots since they were the ones who shared those secrets and wanted them posted. No one put a gun to their heads and I especially hated Trixie in that comic. Stupid bitch could have broken Sunset and the others necks and legs in Rainbow Rocks. That just reminded me, are the Dazzlings going to be in this?

Plus there was one more thing I hated about the comic and that was the ending. The CMC only got a slap on the wrist and none of the Rainbooms apologized to her and I'm like WTF? Also this made Principle Celestia and Luna incompetent. I hope I can figure out the third crossover.

Well I read the third chapter again and it looks like Sunset has found out that more people had greatly missed her and paid their respects. Plus Rainbow Dash seems like the only one of the Humane Five right now that is likable since she volunteered to be one of the poll bearer. It makes me wonder if those other idiots even paid their respects. Also these video games come to mind for the third crossover and I'm not sure if you have heard of these but I will name them.

1. Alundra
2. Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of Cerberus
3. Devil May Cry, and no I don't mean that piece of shit reboot from the douche bags from ninja theory.

So Apple Jack is the first one up to be saved? I wonder what kind of power Sunset will get for saving her? Maybe power gauntlets.

I hope to see the next chapter soon.

Good Luck knigsonic.

8052351 ah its no biggie. Alot of people have thought it was king, and it originaly was going to be, but I fucked up the name back on youtube and just rolled with it cause who actually misspell's their name for an account? lol

as for the comic, ya, Ill agree on that 100%, the other students and CMC should of gotten punished... which, seeing as the entire world has gone to shit, think it kinda evened out.
as for the Dazzlings... originally, no, but I just an idea on how to work them in.

well it will be all over with chapter 4 with the next crossover. If nobody finds out what it is by chapter 5, Ill reveal it.

8052936 indeed, hopefully the rest of the world will be that nice.

well usually with these stories they ALWAYS make Fluttershy the one to come to Sunset first and make Rainbow the bitch. I know she's hot-headed, but come on... She's the element of loyalty, and since she was my first fav character, I always try to get her character right. As for her friends, we shall see when Sunset saves them.

as for that list. never heard of Alundra, dont play RPG's. and I personally hate DMC altogether thanks to some asshole sucking that games dick so much that I just choose to stay away from it.

oh no, Sunset will get stuff like that, but not for saving her friends. More so in the area's they are held to get to them. What she will get from Applejack however... you are close.

8054271 You hate all the Devil May Cry games or just one?

8055659 the series. I just want nothing to do with the series

8056368 Sorry my bad. I'll wait till the next chapter and I hope I can figure out the third crossover then.

PBG's song "Open Your Eyes"

Can I get a link?

8090029 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9xmHed_N_s
good thing Ive had it on a tab for.... shit, I think a full month now?

Is it bad I expected leader of the C.O.G. unit was Flash Sentry? For the record, Shining Armor calling the makes much more sense.

I just read the newest chapter and it kicked ass! And the third crossover you used was from Gears of War, am I right? Also I hate to say it but Shinning Armor is an idiot for not taking care of the calamity but then again since that was his sister he wanted to try and save her which is understandable.

Sunset showed her memory's to Twilight's brother and now she learns more about what went on in this world. I was also wondering how everyone was still the same after a hundred years but as you pointed out when that world became the new hell that explains everything. This is getting good and I can't wait for the next chapter soon.

Good Luck knigsonic.

How does Fractured Sunlight relate to this one? Also, I find the equivalent of a SWAT team trying to kill a magical being with guns to be laughable at best and pathetic at worst. Anyway, looks like Sunset's iDroid updated its map.

8090472 well seeing as hes in the Subway... I guess lol.

8090655 thanks! And yes, it is the third one.
And that is why I wrote that. Nobody knows his relationship to her.
Ya, I was like, "shit... How do I explain why everyone is there" then thought how Calamity Sparkle opened the gates of hell and went "perfect"

8090672 it doesn't. I was just saying why it took awhile to get this done.

8091753 That is an excellent idea. I can't wait to see what kind of boss monster Sunset goes up against soon.

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