• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,984 Views, 163 Comments

Hard To Find The Right Words - Nameless Narrator

There are thousands of stories about changelings lost and broken after the explosion ending the invasion of Canterlot. After all, there were thousands of changelings caught in it. Some found love or peace, and some found death. I'm just one of many.

  • ...

A true paladin.

“What?! Miss Fury, what do you mean?”

“It’ll take too long to explain, but I think Riverside is a gathering place for changelings recovering after the invasion.”

“Is it that bad? Maybe we can help them and-”

“Stop it right there, Puff. Few of us might see things like I do now. What will you do about the hundreds of bugs with sharp teeth and mind control capabilities who don’t? I know my kind better than you ever will, and trust me when I say that the best we can do is get the hay out. Though I can understand how my sunny disposition and friendly behaviour could leave you open to the being nice option.”

“You’re much friendlier than you make yourself to be.”

“We’ll be about as dead as they make us to be if we don’t haul ass. Can you carry me?”

“You’re rather light, miss Fury. Let me get some food for Huff.”

“Grrrrr, fine. Being light means my chitin armor is weak. I am a queen-tier changeling, but we warriors aren’t much good with magic in the first place, and I’m pretty sure that part of me is broken as well. I might be able to stun a changeling or two through the short-range mental connection if they aren’t too fed, but that’s about it so we should avoid fighting as much as we can.”

“Climb on my back then. Huff, here are three cans of food in case I’m not back tomorrow. Now stay here and be a good boy.”

“Woof woof! Whine.”

“I’ll be alright. We’ll save the day and be right back. You won’t even notice I’m gone. Hop on, miss Fury.”

“Hmm, much more comfortable than when you used to carry me like a sack of potatoes. We ride forth, my faithful steed!”

“You don’t have to swing your forelegs like that, just grab tight.”

“I don’t know how I missed it, but you’re really well-built.”

*Thudding of hooves on stairs suddenly cut short.*

“Wait, what’s the plan then? Do we raise an alarm or something?”

“They got to Crest. I have very little doubt that they have the mayor as well. We need somepony actually helpful… well this can turn out to be a terrible idea. How about Bladehoof? Can we perusade her, or will she fly off and tell the first controlled pony about me?”

“Do you think they have that much control over Riverside’s citizens?”

“The usual progress is to first get to the vital positions in society to keep other operations secret. The city leaders, armed force commanders, politicians, then it’s any way of communication with outside, and citizens are actually long way down the list. However, from what I can faintly sense there are far too many changelings all over the place. All those who have survived the explosion and landed around need energy to recover, and the amount makes it easier for tourists passing through to notice something strange. The direct takeover must have been happening over few nights, not longer.”

“But why all of the sudden? And without even rumors.”

“For the rumors, were you listening? As for why the sudden activity… no… did I guess right?”

“Miss Fury?”

“Where are we?”

“We’re walking up Ridgeback road. Bladehoof should be dancing tonight, and the clubs are in the city center. Umm, how do we hide you, or do I just leave you in an alley nearby?”

“Damn it, some obstacle at every step. I don’t have it planned out that well. Fine, throw me behind a dumpster somewhere and bring Bladehoof. If she’s under another changeling’s control I will know and you’ll have to knock her out and let me bite her. You fed me really well, so I think my venom should be able to override that of others, and it will certainly overpower changeling magical control.”

“I’m worried, miss Fury.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“No, I mean I’m worried I messed up hard and you’re just using me to gain control of others.”

“For your information, up until now you’ve been doing everything out of your free will, but I won’t hesitate to force you. I’ll do something nice for you later if it makes you feel better, but now is not the time to doubt me. I know you can’t sense the changelings in town, but I can. You’ll see for sure when we tackle Crest or somepony else under control.”

“I wish I had a choice in the matter.”

“I’m glad you don’t. You see, when you need a job done it’s a good idea to have some completely obedient drones at hoof.”

“I hope I’m not a throwaway one.”

“Me saying anything won’t change what you think, I guess, so I’m not going to bother. Why did you stop?”

“I’m looking for a place to hide you. Are you alright with-”

“Puff, listen to me! This isn’t important, I’ll keep standing where you tell me to. Just freaking GO and get Bladehoof!”

“Alright, miss Fury. Just stay here, I’ll -oof- move the dumpster a little so you can hide behind it in case of trouble. You should be fine just standing next to it, there’s nopony around and it’s hard to see this far from the street lamp. I’ll be off, then.”

“Just pull her off the stage if you need to.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“NOT LITERALLY! Damn too useful mind control.”


“Umm, I’m really sorry, Bladehoof.”

“I told you not to come when I’m dancing. It’s weird for both of us.”

“If it helps, you’re really pretty.”

“Not really, but I’ll take it as a compliment. Now what is this all about?”

“Well, please don’t be mad at me, because-”

“I told him to.”

“Fury?! Puff? The hay?”

“Puff, is she armed?”


“Good. Now, bat, stand still.”

“Puff, she got to you...”

“Stand still before I order him to knock you out. You can either trust me, or hurt him. He will attack you, he doesn’t have a choice.”

“I will hear you out.”

“Good. Puff, if she moves, immobilize her immediately with all you’ve got.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“...you bitch...”

“I heard that. Now, let me give you the short version - changelings are gathering in numbers within Riverside, and they aren’t as fun to hang out with as I am. The only reason I’m not biting your neck right now is because they haven’t gotten to you yet. They got Crest, though, and if the chief of police was the target, then all higher ups are already taken over.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’ll believe that.”

“Crest’s sudden marefiend.”

“He did boast a lot in past few days… wait, how do you know I’m not under control?”

“I’d smell the venom in you. Magical control is different, though, and that’s why we’re here. I realize this is stupid of me, but you of all ponies deserve a choice - magical control is possible to override and block with venom. Will you take the pleasant route or do I have to order Puff to hurt himself to obey me.”

“What? I though you’d make him fight me.”

“I wanted to do that at first, but I decided against it. I will make Puff slit his throat if you keep wasting my time.”

“Miss Fury?”

“Be quiet.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“I will rip you to pieces, changeling!”

“We don’t have time for this. Bite or kiss?”


“I’ll go with the kiss, I suppose.”

“Alright, come over here. I’m pretty sure I’m already talking into a wall.”

“I wonder if your tongue is as good as it is dirty. Mhmm-”

“Mmmm- wha- OW!”

*Crunch!* *Slam.*

“Miss Fury!”

*Furious coughing.*

“P- haaah- Puff, stop HER! No matter what -haaah- STOP HER!”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Puff, stop! I won’t hesitate to- huurk?!”

*Chaotic fighting.*

“Puff- Puff- P-”


“Done, miss Fury.”

“That last blow sounded awful. You didn’t crack her skull, did you?”

“I really, really hope I didn’t. Come here and check her out.”

“Good, still breathing, only concussed, but hard. Damn, you were merciless, Puff. I like that. Now let me fill her.”



“Good. I would have preferred the kiss, but she chose this way. She didn’t have to clock me that hard. I guess she got what she deserved.”


“Stand up, Bladehoof.”

“Nnngh, yes… Fury.”

“Normal Bladehoof, activate.”

“Wha- huh- FURY!”



“I have you under complete control, Bladehoof, so calm down and stop. You weren’t under any spell or venom, thankfully.”

“Well now I am!”

“Yes, and you’ll thank me later. With the amount I’ll be pumping into you in a minute, you’ll be immune to any control besides mine. I am pretty well-fed and I doubt the others are.”

“Miss Fury, please don’t make her like me-”

“Be quiet, Puff, I won’t. Besides, that would take time and repeated doses.”

“So, Bladehoof, I’ll fill you and let you be yourself. However, when I order you something you will do it despite the strain on your body. Call it suspended survival instinct or something. You will simply go beyond your limits to obey me.”

“So that’s how Puff got me.”

“Exactly, but his case is a bit special. I’ll tell you later and accept any punishment you decide I deserve.”

“So what now? Since I don’t have much of a choice other than to obey.”

“You sound pretty cool with it now.”

“I am practical.”

“I knew you’d be the best one to start with. Puff, take me on your back again. We’ll have to split up, since I’m pretty sure the changelings know by now I escaped from Star Trail’s house. Puff and I will get Crest. Do you know where he lives?”

“I do.”

“Excellent, at least something’s going marginally well. You, Bladehoof, go get Palisade and bring her to Crest’s house. She’ll get as much time with her head between my legs as she wants.”

“Why, though?”

“We save Crest from his Whizzy’s control, same with Palisade, and get the hay away from Riverside. I could do without Palisade, but I’m an old softie and know you’d be begging me to get her later. Now while we still have some degree of secrecy we need to do as much as we can.”

“Alright, I’ll go get her. You want her in Crest’s house ASAP, right?”

“Yes. See, Puff? That’s initiative. If she keeps that up, I might end up replacing you.”

“Don’t even joke about that, miss Fury.”

“Heh, joke, let’s roll.”

*Disappearing flapping of wings.*

“Damn, I forgot about the batpony thing. At that rate, she’ll be at Crest’s before us. Are you okay, Puff?”

“A bit bruised, but nothing big.”

“Good, because Crest will be just like you, I think. Well, that depends on how much venom his owner had the time to pump into him.”

“Do you think I can take him on if he goes berserk?”

“The love his changeling stole from him was the same my queen took from Shining Armor - plentiful but fake. What you gave me and still are giving me is different, Puff. The venom plays a role in it, but your willingness adds… nutrition. I think I- No, I WILL free Crest, and you WILL knock him out if you have to. Now move, we’re running out of time.”


“I misjudged you, Fury, but I guess a changeling doesn’t change as much as ponies think.”

“He’s armed, miss Fury!”

“And you’re not?!”

“I rushed off without thinking!”

“Damn it, I knew this was going too well. New orders, Puff. Grab a chair and beat him up with it.”

“She’s using you, Puff, but I’m guessing you don’t have much choice at this point. I should have let Star Trail dissect her when I had the chance.”

“Puff, GO! I can sense them closing in. Break his leg if you have to, somepony else will carry him.”

“I apologize in advance, Puff, but death is better than losing all free will.”

“Mister CREEE-AAAH?!”


“I’m- I’m-”

“Stop trying to answer me and bash his head in!”


“Non-lethally, idiot!”

*Even more chaotic grunting.*

“...I’ll just back away before Crest realizes he should be going after me and forces Puff to defend me...”





“You caused this, changeling, and now you’ll finally get what you deserve.”

“Crest, listen to me. Your Whistling Wind is a changeling and she’s got you under control. You would never willingly hurt Puff, nor say something as dumb as death or free will. I know you well enough, I think.”

“Puff is your fault, bug. You made him attack me. I hope you burn in Tartarus for that!”



“...well, I tried...”

“Die, b-”


*Frothing and groaning.*

“...now, miss Fury...”


“...bite him...”


“Huh? Wha? Owww. Damn it, Fury, what gives?”


“Fur- PUFF?! PUFF! Oh dear Celestia, what have I done? Puff, I have a first aid kit, but I-”

“Go get it.”

“Yes, Fury.”

*Panicked rushing off.*

“How bad is it, Puff?”

“...bad… I feel… cold...”

“Hold on, Puff. I’m a warrior, not a magician. All I can do is kill… and not even that anymore.”

“...so cold… mister Crest… he’s really good… with a sword...”

“Don’t talk. Damn, I can feel the blood. There’s so damn much...”

“...are you still there, miss Fury...?”

“I am, I am, I am, and I will be, Puff. Don’t you dare stop breathing, that’s an ORDER!”

“...I guess… I really did… kiss... just the right mare… the one...I liked...”

“Puff? No no no no no, Puff? You can’t… not now that we’re nearly done!”




*Incoming hoofsteps.*

“Puff? No, please, Fury do something. Bite him and tell him to get up again. Something, please...”

“...I don’t know what...”

“He’s not breathing. I need a doctor, not first aid… no, I need a miracle.”


“Y- yes?”

“His last words were that you were really good with a sword. No hate, no blame or regret, just a compliment.”

“That only makes it worse, Fury...”

“I know, Crest. I hate you. You listened to your dick instead of your head.”

“I’m such an idiot. You were right in what you said, Fury.”

“I hate you, Crest.”

“...I know...”

“I hate you so much.”