• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 2,217 Views, 75 Comments

How to Friendship a Comet - Fylifa

A comet heads towards Equestria and Twilight is bidden by the other Princesses to move it into orbit. Problem is, she has no idea how.

  • ...


It was still nighttime when Twilight appeared in her crystal observatory. The first few steps had her stumbling at the fresh pull of Equestrian gravity. She marveled at how it felt like she was gone for months when in reality it was only a couple of hours.

Strangely enough she didn’t feel tired at all. If anything, she never felt more awake in her life. She would get used to it, the princesses had said and sleep will return to her once she adapted to the aether surges every time her comet orbited overhead.

“Even if you do not dream for a while that does not forbade you from visiting me in the waking world instead.” Luna had pointedly clarified and Twilight kissed her for it.

Twilight floated the blue and purple marble onto her study’s table. With a bit of inventive spellwork she created a stand for the shimmering blue memento and smiled at her hoofcraft.

“I think I deserve some leftover wafflecake after what I did,” she said to nopony in particular and took the stairs down instead of teleporting. She had so much energy, she needed to burn it off in any little way she could.

Twilight only got a few hoofsteps into the map-room proper when there was an explosion of light and her vision filled with confetti


It wasn’t Pinkie’s canon that surprised her the most, but the sight of all six girls there to see her, “W-What? What is everyp— everyone doing here?” She corrected after seeing Spike too was there with a noisemaker.

They were crowding around her then. Dash was tugging on her wing and Rarity was fussing on her mane and the others were talking so quick and excited that she couldn’t make a single one out. Until finally Twilight lit her horn and teleported out from under the friendship pile to appear a few hoof paces away. She cried, “Please! One at a time!”

They looked at each other and Applejack tipped her hat back. “First ya better be tellin’ us should we be happy or worried for yeh?”

Rainbow was bubbling over with excitement. “It’s something awesome right? I mean just look at those wings! I wish I had wings like those!”

Rarity waggled a hoof and cut in with her own observation. “How could you all be ignoring her mane?! Gracious. I'm good, but not that good in styling!”

A few more comments of fawning before Spike was thoughtful enough to bring her a mirror.

Twilight didn’t even bother to gasp this time. Her mane had kept its enhanced colors but now the edge if it had become indistinct and ethereal. It was not yet at the level of Luna or Celestia, but there is no way she’d ever pass for anypony other than who she was now. When she angled the mirror she saw her wings had gotten the same kind of gradient effect Cadance’s own wingfeathers had as well as a size boost.

“Well. I uh... I moved the comet and this happened. It’s a good thing... I think.”

At least I hope.

“I can give you the long version of it later, but… just why is everyone here past midnight?” Twilight added after a small flinch at the silent thought.

That question prompted a bunch of shared looks. Surprisingly enough it was Fluttershy who first spoke.

“Umm. I'm usually in bed before nine... but I got woken up when I felt something.” She reached and rubbed her own neck with a hoof. “For some reason, it made me think about what you said about the comet. Dizzy was still sleeping so I went to put on some tea and then went outside to go see it. The night was real clear so it was easy to watch when I saw it moving all of a sudden. So I... I went to see Dash, but she... umm… already knew about it.” Fluttershy’s voice began to dwindle and she flushed.

Twilight thanked her for getting that much out. Though her eye twitched at that ‘Dizzy’ part. Celestia help her if that was a pet name for who she thought it was.

Rainbow hovered over to pick up the conversational thread. “Yeah I was up. I totally couldn’t sleep in the slightest so I spent a few minutes cloudbusting away then I saw the comet and thought about you Twi! Reminded me about doing my wingups. Managed to hit ninety before Flutters poked her head in my window.” Rainbow nodded and waited a half moment before realizing no-one was going to compliment her on her score. “Sigh, so me and Flutters headed over to Rarity since she read that book of yours and we thought she might know what was up.”

Rarity gracefully stepped into the conversation, waiting like a stage actress for her cue. “I told them the obvious, dearie. That you took my excellent help from that textbook and figured out this princess business. Though this beast of a mare took it to mean that we had to hurry and lifted me right up! You didn’t even let me out of my nightgown, Rainbow!”

Rainbow frowned at that, squinting at Rarity. “You weren’t even in bed though. Why were you working on a dress in your nightgown, anyway?”

Rarity scoffed and gestured with a hoof. “I bolted right out of bed with the idea of a truly splendid dress for Twilight and I didn’t have time to stop.”

“You didn’t even take off your sleeping mask!”

Applejack interrupted the arguing pair for the sake of brevity. “Anyway. Ah was already up on account of that same funny feeling everypony else was talkin’ about. Ah couldn’t plow the field at night and the animals were sleepin’ so ah took to brewing some cider fer a nightcap. Ah thought about sharing a drink with ya, Twi and was making a little extra to take over when ah saw these two. Plenty strange to see Rarity and Rainbow of all ponies sailing in the air together, though ah’d never thought she’d lift us both right after tellin’ me what all the hooplah was about!”

Rainbow looked smug under the fire of both Applejack and Rarity’s combined glares. “I was super pumped, okay? Besides I’ve been getting plenty of practice in carrying ponies lately.”

Twilight giggled at the banter, but inwardly started to feel a spring of worry. Did every pony she have a connection with feel her fiddling with Bond? How many across Equestria got woken up by her nighttime moon antics? “So you went to Pinkie’s next I figure?”

Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack shared a glance. “Well... we did. But she was already at the castle setting up decorations,” said Rarity.

Pinkie broke in with a merry bounce onto the nearby table. “Yep! I was right out of bed when my Twilight sense started making my mane and tail go craaaaazey!”

Twilight mouthed the words Twilight sense? As she thought on it, it made an odd kind of sense. If anypony was a natural Bond user it would be Pinkie.

A thought that soon had Twilight trembling slightly at the mental image of Pinkie as an alicorn.

“So I zipped over right away to your castle. You weren’t back yet so that was great! Starlight and Spike were up already arguing about making you a wafflecake and I told them I could make the bestest one ever if they started working their flanks off in getting the rest of the decorations over from sugarcube.”

Twilight noticed what she took at first to be a wooden countertop on one of the tables was in fact a giant wafflecake. Her belly betrayed an eager rumble.

Rainbow rounded on Twilight with a glint in her eye. “If you plan on eating that whole you know I'm gonna add a zero to your wingups, maaaybe two. You got the wings for it now.”

“Ah brought some of the cider I was makin’ ya can wash it down with,” Applejack helpfully offered.

“I won’t let you face this alone! We’ve been in the trenches before you and I,” declared Rarity valiantly before adding, “Even if they are square shaped.”

Somewhere in the back a soft set of squeaking noises told Twilight that Fluttershy was adding her encouragement too. Twilight made a theatrical sigh, but she couldn’t hide her smile. The mention of Starlight had her looking to her student.

“Helped with the decorations, huh?” Twilight asked wryly.

Starlight eyedarted as she put her hooves together. “Sorry, teach. Pinkie said we owed her a party, and that I made a Pinkie promise. Spike said I really shouldn’t break one. Is it really worse than Tartarus if I did?”

Twilight nodded soberly. “Even Celestia gives parole occasionally. I don’t think Pinkie ever has.”

Pinkie beamed her sunny smile with a voice as chipper as always confirmed. “FOReeeeever! Means FOREVER!”

Twilight dipped her head in a small bow to her friends. “I'm thankful you all came on such short notice, but really we can do all the celebrations tomo—”

She was interrupted by a sudden hiccup by Spike who spat out a scroll tied with a pink and blue ribbon.

Twilight blinked and floated it over. At the top was Crystal Kingdom stationary with elegant curly strokes that could only be Cadance.

Hey sister!

We can see the comet all the way up here in the crystal kingdom! I knew you had it in you! Flurry Heart knows it too. She’s been up all night going ‘Tweh’ ‘Tweh’ which means you and you know Flurry, once she’s on something I don’t think we are going to get her to bed. I hope you're not too tired! All of us sort of felt like we really had to see you. We should be over there as fast as the crystal express can take us. Neither of us are getting any sleep tonight anyway.

Below that the handwriting change to her brother’s familiar, if rougher quillwork.

Twily! It’s not just Flurry! I had the strangest feeling that I needed to see you too. Weird huh? Cadance said that it might be a good idea to get mom and dad on the way. Sorry for the short notice, but it looks like we're having a family gathering at your place this weekend.

Twilight groaned, there was no escaping it now. “On second thought, let’s keep the party going. We are going to get some guests soon.”

That had them all start talking amongst themselves and begin devising strategies on how to cut the wafflecake. Twilight lingered on the edge, simply watching her friends and how they interacted. They really all came this way for her. Twilight was touched and had no doubts to their feelings, but curiosity gnawed on her as she heard the echo of Luna’s words.

Maybe just this once, one peek to see.

Twilight lit her horn and cast the Bond-Sense spell and even at the lowest possible setting she was blinded by the intensity of the connections between her, her friends and between each other. So much friendship...no... not just friendship!

With a flex of that newfound magical might she impulsively snatched everyone in the room to her and used those hooves and larger wings to get as many in an embrace as she could. “I love all of you!” Her voice cracked, a few happy tears gathering in her eyes from the overwhelming emotions.

“Aw…well shucks!”

“Darling you... don’t... have to hug so tight...!”


“Gah! You're like a super-sized easter-colored egghead now!"

Pinkie Pie giggled, “Love you too, Twilight!”


Comments ( 45 )

Something has gone terribly wrong here...
I can only like and upvote this once!
It's the Worst. Possible. Thing! :duck:


Damn italics eating my space. Thank you for the heads up! Also glad I could make it an entertaining read :)

I was sooooo very tempted to make this very reference with Discord~

The things we must suffer! Perhaps you should try clicking veeerrrrrrryy hard when you do the one upvote n_n

Aww! I am glad I made the end of your workday a silly happy unstressful ponyfilled one :)

Just finished the epilogue. Good stuff! Still, my point remains. The sex and romance tag don't fit quite in, if you've grown beyond cooties.

I was almost expecting Twilight to suddenly realize that she understood Pinkie, or at least her point of view, and not know whether she should freak out.

I really like the way the story incorporated a number of elements of canon and cohered them, too. Plus, of course, it's completely in alignment with the show's underlying message. It's really nice when a story builds on and adds to what came before.

Well, that was certainly an interesting revelation about the Princesses' private times together... :pinkiehappy:

My only real complaint is that it comes to an end! :rainbowlaugh:

It's ended! T^T I enjoyed reading this. Every single second of it! Truly. It was a spectacular ride and I'm glad I spotted it when I did. This was a hidden gem, I just wanna say and my point last review is still standing. This needs more appreciation. It pulled me in right from the title. T^T I loved it.

Wow, great story. I love reading about magic systems and pony friendship, and they're best when combined.

Sequel? Please :twilightsmile:

8183008 I am planning on one! I did have some ideas left over that I was saving for a second half. Though I might put out a few shorter stories before a sequel to this one.

8181446 Glad you enjoyed and didn't think my magic system was too hokey :)

8180720 People like you make it that much easier to write these stories, thanks for being such a cheerful fan!

8180484 Heehee! Immortality expands horizons as well as lifespans!

8180123 Hey I remember you~ You were the first to comment! Thank you for sticking with it to the end. Glad you enjoyed. Admittedly I was really tempted to use that line, but can anypony really see the world with her felt-imagination :)

8179876 Hmm. You might have a point after all. I fiddled with the description some to make it a bit more clear!

Hmm... I wonder what would break first. Reality or everyone's minds if Pinkie Pie became an alicorn.

I second all those calling for a sequel: I love the world you've built here and I'm very curious to to see more!

Ohhh this was fun! Thanks for wrighting it

A lovely tale of Twilight coming into her own as an alicorn, with fascinating headcanon and a deceptivelg clever title. Thank you for this.

Also, how long before Pinkie accidentally ascends?

Whose to say Pinkie didn’t already get her horn and wings~ She just hides it well.

Feels! My heart! It can't take it!

Hee hee. There is an episode of the show that touched on this, Once Upon a Zepplin, where someone conveniently notices that by inviting Twilight's Parents to a family outing that they also get Princess Twilight, Princess Cadance, Princess Flurry Heart, and Prince Shining. All in one go. It's probably the most aware-villain ever :)

Aww! It's so great to hear you've enjoyed. Thanks for reading and leaving comments :pinkiehappy: It's my first story and a little rough but I am fond. You made it get to 99 upvotes! Eee. :heart:

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

P.S. Iron Will, right?

I really enjoyed how you wove everything from the show together, and added that extra bit that made perfect sense.
Well, and the TwiLuna :twilightblush:

Thank you so much for the nice words! It's my first story so it always brings a smile to know it brought you one too :yay:

Nicely written story and elegant, but a bit too subtle on the building relationship between Twilight and Luna. Also a bit confusing and somewhat of a letdown to pull up Celestia and the Mane 6 on a similar level of love. I like stories about polyamory but how it was handled here was just so teasing that it was more frustrating than nice. Only a hint of romance for Twiluna, and nothing substantial for everypony else.
Still, the story is nicely crafted and well written, so I'd give two upvotes if I could :)

Oh that’s fair. This was one of my first stories and admittedly it could stand to be better in places. I think some of the trouble you describe comes from that it was originally meant to be much longer (Twilight was to have visited the comet in person along with her empowered friends and gave more run time to grow their relation)

Still I am happy you could enjoy it regardless!

Thanx for responding.
As you responded, could you tell me whether Twi's love for the other Bearers is romantic?
It sounded like it, or at least that it was more than friendship, but at the same time, it didn't sound like she was 'in love with' them or wished for something more.


Reverend Lovejoy: Oh, short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but."

If you asked Twilight at that moment at the end of the story if she thought of her friends romantically she'd say she'd want to get it right first with Luna before considering anypony else, just yet.

Though, if you allow me a soapbox to stomp on...

There is something sweet about a magical world where emotion and feelings for each others can translate into actual magic. We hairless apes in our less-magical, cruel and cynical world don't get that as much faith in our connections as our idealistic fantasy world ponies do.

It was that transcendental quality of friendship and love I was trying to get across. From personal experience the biggest heartbreak in my life came not from a turndown over a pretty face to flirt with, but with a friend of ten years who having a falling out with. Friends have a way of becoming a part of one's personality, a mooring that those emotional roots curl around. Losing someone you talk to, share with and spend time with every day could be like losing a tooth. Something that had become so expected that the gap is felt constantly.

Do I want to bang my friends? Not necessarily. Do I love my friends? Yes I do. If I lived in a world where the uptight social conventions, the expectations, the physical distance and all those roadblocks didn't matter? Would I hook up with them then? The answer becomes less clear cut.

It's a theme too I tried to make in the story that it's not exactly about winning something or passing some test, but realizing that it is something one already had all along. Twilight does live in that magical world. It doesn't always have to follow the usual boy meets girl path of Lust(Attraction)->Friendship->Love but it can be Friendship->Love->Lust(attraction).

I am a believer that if you love someone, truly love someone. It has a way of making all those reasons against attraction small and thin and to the point of non-existence.

Twilight loves her friends and they love her. In truth any of them could have been her partner, imagine her balanced just at the edge of the love meter needing a little bump to go over. It just happened to be Luna who was the first one to nudge. If Rarity put more seriousness behind her earlier flirting, or Rainbow during their flight together. Or even any of them confessed to her, she would be shocked, but I don't think she'd say no.

You don't need to take my word for it. Just listen to the lovely song from the Bottled Up episode. I still get a little tear in my eye over it. Silly sappy that I am. Best Friends Til End of Time

(I also giggle at the visual in the song when they are all 'shipped' together )

I wish I was a better author when I wrote this story, heck even writing this post now I don't think I am doing the concept enough justice. But again, thank you for reading and asking.


I always felt that was one of the most appealing aspects of the MLP world. It's a place where good things like friendship and love have actual power because they are good.

I absolutely loved this!!!!

This story was impressive. I wasn't sure what to think going in other than that I wanted to see more of your writing, but I mostly just expected some low-key romance threaded through some scenes of star-gazing. You know, the TwiLuna standard.

Instead, it feels a lot more... profound than that, for lack of a better word. I don't know. But the underlying lessons at the core of the story about what exactly friendship magic is and how Twilight and others use it isn't something I was expecting, when I probably should have from the title. It contributed something special to this story, something that ties together a lot of disparate elements of this world and makes an actual coherent magic system out of them, but more importantly does so in a way that really resonates with Equestria both emotionally and thematically. It's not quite Terms of Forgiveness, but I can absolutely see the same level of skill and polish in this one, and I'm glad to have read it, so thank you.

Or to sum it all up. No, Twilight is only dating Luna at the moment, and maybe later she might branch off to other characters.

Then again, Luna did make her move first before the others could grow a pair and do it.

Pretty much, yeah :twilightsheepish:

I think the closest in canon with Twilight is Starlight now. She did do that spell with her that Twilight did say long ago was a sign of two ponies love for each other,

When did that happen? I can't remember.

During the end of the season 8 2nd episode. That spell they used to save the students was just a less powerful version of the one Cadence and Shinging used to drive off the Changelings. The one Twilight said was there special spell that was a sign of their love for each other. It's the exact same, right down to it being a unicorn and an alicorn doing it. And the colors used pretty much the same,

When Star and Twi did it, I was like, 'Wait, I think I've seen this before...' Did they forget the context of this spell or did they do it on purpose with full knowledge. :rainbowlaugh: :pinkiegasp: :moustache:


Looking back at it now, I think the problem for the others was that they assumed Twilight would pick up on the hints they were dropping left and right. Except that, for all that she is, Twilight isn't the best at picking up on the subtle. As those who know her should know.

Luna seemed to have picked that up, and went for the direct approach. And if that didn't work, after all this, then there was never a chance between her and Twilight anyway. Or that's what I got.

Or maybe I'm overthinking it.

It makes me all warm and fuzzy to know that you still go back to this old story of mine! So don't worry about 'overthinking' the fact that you are thinking about it at all makes me do a little dance of joy.

But your instincts are right! (I mean Luna kisses Twilight in the very first chapter and she writes it off as a joke). I wanted the revelation when she gets a magic way of testing for love and connection to be astounded at the depth of feeling.

"so, Twi, how did you end up doing it?"
"well, I just used friendship!"
"you mean magic, right?"
"I said what I meant. You know, friendship is magic, right?"
"huh, didn't think it was quite so literal..."

Heee. It's a joy to see all the nice comments! Thank you! :heart:

I am glad people can still enjoy this story even with it being my first one and after the show sort outpaced the stuff in it. I hope you still found it fun and entertaining.

We think that at the core it fits in quite nicely. It reminded us of a theory from Sawtooth Waves about how Alicorns are made to begin with...

Starlight eyedarted as she put her hooves together. “Sorry, teach. Pinkie said we owed her a party and that I made a Pinkie promise. Which sounded kinda ridiculous, but Spike said I shouldn’t break one. Is it... umm really worse than Tartarus if I did?”

Back up. They never Pinkie Promised a thing. Promise yes. But that's it. You missed something somewhere me thinks. Or I did.

Hmm! I suppose you are right. I did have them promise Pinkie a party in the first chapter but not specify Pinkie Promise. Thanks for the catch, I'll go edit the chapter to be a bit more specific about it.

*Features a romance, but more of the budding kind than characters chasing. Between: Luna and Twilight

Oh good. I was worried she fucked a comet.

Maybe in one of your stories :ajsmug:

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! :liarjack:

Hi! Looks like I remembered to fave this back when I reviewed it, but (me being me) forgot to actually mention I'd reviewed it in the first place! Good stuff, with nice characterisation -- and I'm always happy when fics appreciate that "friendship is magic" isn't just a throwaway slogan...

Oh wow! A review!! Super appreciate it and the fave. I always get a warm feeling when my first story gets some attention. You're a dear to say such nice things! And I'll try to revise some of the accent. Did I really use booketh..? :derpyderp1:

Loved the story.

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