• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,131 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

  • ...


Rainbow awoke to Celestia's magical handiwork; the sun rose with a natural beauty that managed to even impress the tomboyish daredevil. She was spread across a blanket with only the embers of a dying fire to keep her warm, a sharp contrast from what her memories could piece together from the night before.

"Fluttershy, you around here?" The cyan mare received no response.

Wiping the crusts off her eyes, Dash slowly walked away from the firepit, trying to identify her friend's location. Rainbow assumed it was quite early. 6:00 AM was her best guess.

What did I do? Did I scare her? Does she not love me? Thoughts collided, often violently, in her head as she anxiously searched.

"Fluttershy? Where are you? Listen, I'm sorry for everything ok? We can put last night behind us."

There. Fluttershy's silhouette was sitting on the dock, not showing any apparent signs of movement. Rainbow quickly took to flight and dashed towards her friend.

"Fluttershy? Are you ok? Look, let me explain."

"No, you don't need to explain anything. You haven't done anything wrong.” Silence erupted in a manner of seconds, and ended just as quickly. “The sun is really pretty during this time of morning, isn't it?"

"Yeah. That's what I was thinking."

"Rainbow, when you said you loved me, what did you mean?" Fluttershy asked with the innocence of a filly.

Fluttershy had opened her darkest secrets to Rainbow. It was now her turn. "That I love, love you. Everything about you. Your singing, your smile. Every little thing."

Fluttershy retracted her body; showing clear signs of confusion and intimidation. "Rainbow, I..." She withheld her words, instead choosing to communicate with troubled eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. It was never my intention. We can just leave it here. Let's not worry about my feelings. Let's focus on you, ok? I want you to feel better pal."

"Rainbow, I'm nervous. But never uncomfortable with you. Always know that. I just... I don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"This is the first time anypony loved me. I don't know what to feel."

"Do you need time to think about it? This is what this whole trip is about, right?"

"Yes... if there's one thing I do know, it's that thinking is probably a good thing."

"I'll be here if you need me. We can have an easy day, just like yesterday. How about we go get some blueberries? The boy's would love some pancakes I bet."

"Yes, that sounds pleasant. I bet Angel and Tank are still sleeping. They would love to wake up to pancakes."

"Alright, right behind you ‘Shy." Rainbow offered her hoof to Fluttershy, who used it to recover to a standing position.

The pair trotted past the cabin in the direction of the forest trail. Fluttershy led timidly, yet she acknowledged that Rainbow was following.

Fluttershy looked beautiful amongst the various foliage in the trail. Though Rainbow loved Fluttershy for different reasons, she couldn't help but think Fluttershy was gorgeous Her mane was ruffled in a morning fashion, yet it didn't distract from her beauty. If anything, it highlighted the fact that Fluttershy could look amazing, any time. She was always in wonder at the various creatures they would stumble across, showing clear signs of intuitive cuteness.

"Here's a bush." Rainbow leaned down and delicately picked several blueberries.

"Here, throw them in here." Fluttershy gave Rainbow a small cup that she had grabbed before their departure.

The berries piled onto one and another within the cup. "So Fluttershy, about your dad."

"Look, I'm sorry to have gotten you involved."

"Don't be. I want you to know something."

"Just... just don't feel sorry for me, ok?"

"I'm not the only one who cares about you. Nor are your animal friends. Rarity constantly tells me all the time that you are "The most amazing spa partner,". Twilight is always impressed with your knowledge and dedication. Heck, I've actually been told by Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom that you are the nicest mare that has ever taken care of them. We all need you better Fluttershy."

"Is that true Rainbow?"

"Well, Scootaloo did say I was cooler. But yes, all of it is true. We all love you Fluttershy."

"I love you all too. And I will get better for everyone's sake."

"No. Don't talk like that. You are getting better for yourself. It's time you see how great you are."

"Thank you Rainbow. I don't know... I'm not sure how to take this."

"Just telling the truth ‘Shy. There's nothing to it."

"Angel, man, are you awake?" Tank tried to flip himself over.

"Yeah. I think we got too into the movies," The bunny cracked his fists.

"I guess you don't hate me anymore."

"Nah, you're an alright tortoise. Not great or anything, but okay. You have a great taste in movies, that's for sure. Where are our moms?"

"Does it look like I can see, man? Can you help me back on my feet?"

"I guess so," The bunny hopped over and attempted to flip Tank. "We are going to be in serious trouble, aren't we?"

"Yes... wait... What if they didn't see us? Your mom would most likely wake us up if she saw this mess."

Tank's realization hit the bunny with a jolt of energy. "I won't tell if you don't tell Tank! Let's get this mess cleaned up!"

Angel quickly hopped towards the garbage, attempting to bring it over to the living room. Tank slowly rounded up all of the trash and turned off the TV.

"So it looks like the boys had a good time last night. I'm sure waking up to pancakes will be even better for them." Fluttershy reached the front door of the cabin.

"Yeah, we can make it up to them for last night. Tonight we will have to make sure they don't trash Wind Pierce's cabin again. I didn't think they had it in them!" Rainbow laughed as she unlocked the front door. "I'll go wake them up. You can get started on the pancakes."

"Alright Dashie."

Rainbow made her way to the living room and opened the door. "Rise and shine boys... oh...”

Tank was attempting to push a garbage can while Angel had a hand full of trash. Rainbow decided to play along. "Did you guys trash the house last night? Did you think we wouldn't find out?" The pets shook their heads heavily, clearly not aware of the futility of their lies.

"What if I tell Fluttershy you over ate and made a mess, Angel? She won't like that." The bunny graduated his head shakes further, praying for innocence.

"And Tank, you trashed the house without me? What is this?" The tortoise retracted into his shell. "I guess I will keep this a secret. But if Fluttershy finds out..." Rainbow smiled as she slammed the door.

"How are Tank and Angel?" Fluttershy asked.

"They were trying to clean up. I messed with them a little bit."

"At least they have good manners."

"How are those pancakes going? Need any help?"

"No, I think I'm fine Rainbow. Thank you. And remember, I haven't forgotten what you have said." Fluttershy slowly walked towards Rainbow and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. "Just give me some time."