• Member Since 30th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


I read a variety of literature quickly.


This is the story of how Luna becomes an engineer and runs special freight and passenger lines all over Equestria and how she fights the caribou to retake Canterlot, after it was sieged.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 34 )

And that is how you take over a nation. No need for all that Nightmare moon thing, just arrest them!

I know it would have been so much more successful.
but here it's just a means to an end.

8205857 if you would like to point out errors feel free.

First of all, this was so laughably short that I read it in less then a minute, and I'm a slow reader. I also give you an IGN/10 for the picture of a Schwerer Gustav and calling it the Paris gun. I get this is supposed to be a comedy story but it's over so quickly that any attempt at a laugh is forgotten.

Well crud I looked up Paris gun and this came up so I blame Bing for this one, sorry.
and the ones that actually looked like something close to correct I couldn't put here so my bad.
also this was a comic chapter and someone finally comments YAY story mission achieved.

Well that's one way to get out of being royalty

she had a 4-6-6-6-4 dual articulating nuclear powered engine, the first and only ever to be made of it’s kind, the reason being it was worth about 2 million bits.

That's my kind of engine thinking! I like it

Suddenly, 300 tanks, 500 mortars, and 600 Jeeps outfitted with machine guns started rolling over the hill.

My man!!!

Hey, the story is short but it got chuckles out of me

Finally someone who likes this story now to finish the next chapter.

Well we have a very shared mine set in my opinion. You're basically writing what I like to write about, just with shorter chapters. It's good stuff man so definitely keep it up.

Actually the chapters are about to get a lot longer. I hope. Because some big plot twists are in store.

This is the story of how Luna becomes an engineer and runs special freight and passenger lines all over Equestria.

How do the other princesses feel about this?

That will be covered in the next chapter thanks for the ideas though.
however I am very bad at emotions so we will see how this goes.

Invading caribou? that makes this a "Fall of Equestria" fic?
*Automatically hits my "read never" list*

sorry I just included that in there to give them something to completely obliterate. I mean literally the caribou will be no more by the middle of this fic, also you could change the name caribou with anything you want, there is nothing special about them in this one, it was just the first set of people who had a reason to invade even if it wasn't good, also no other cities are affected by this either it is just Canterlot, on top of that the only one captured by the Caribou is Celestia and they don't do anything to her. because their too busy getting their asses handed to them to, also it gives me an excuse to use this music.

Eh, OK, I'll give it a chance.
I have enjoyed at least one fanfic involving caribou so far, the epic "Under the Northern Lights" by Sieurin, which has no connection whatever to Fall of Equestria.

The Changeling forces were sent into an area they'd already targeted to become a radioactive inferno.
Changelings aren't bright, are they? I mean, sure they would be, but only for a few moments.
Their saboteurs were extraordinarily well trained, though. I'll give them that.

After stopping, it might have been worthwhile for Luna to slowly back her train away from the damaged portion of the bridge. There'd be a possibility that it might not be able to continue supporting the train.

Nice, but when you have a nuclear engine to pull a rope, why rely on muscle power?

"Because we are here the crowd answered"

"Because we are here!" The crowd answered.


Invented by a Minotaur cow named Leche, in honor of her brave sons fighting in their army...
Behold, the CowLeche ne Calf!

(Gotcha! > :trollestia:

And then they replaced all of the wheels and quite a bit of track, but hey... Best prank EVER!

Naturally, then, Moonie walked in with her black and silver colors. And Lena just had to ask, "is it okay if Moonie works with me on the railroad?"

Naturally then, Moonie walked in with her black and silver colors. Luna just had to ask, "is it okay if Moonie works with me on the railroad?"

They hopped in and preformed the pre trip checklist,

They hopped in and performed the pre-trip checklist:

Thanks for the corrections I'll fix it in the morning also possible update tomorrow.

I'll admit that I'm not a professional writer, so some of my advice might be flawed, but I took care to do as well as I know.

Right then.
Could you at least use a spell-check program?

sorry I'm preparing to edit it now this was just to get the basis out there, I now have to review it.
Then I start on the next chapter.

also spell check does not work on the internet browser I use so I have to copy and paste to word, then spell check it then reformat it and re copy and paste it back.

Do you really organize the stuff you read on a spreadsheet? Btw, I'm eventually gonna read this.

I don't even remember but I do use the libraries very excessively.

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