• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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Adventure: From Sea to Sky

It didn't take long for the group to gather the missing gold bars. While they did so, Fox discovered an easier way to handle the larger Sharpclaws they faced that didn't tax Sunset's magic, as without a heat or flame based power boost she had difficulty simply flinging a foe so heavy around. The frost spell he'd gained for the staff could freeze one of them solid if held on them long enough, at which point a single heavy blow would shatter them. This proved much easier than trying to pound them into submission even from a multi-pronged assault, and helped conserve everyone's energy.

With the gold bars returned to the High Top, he offered the help he had promised...which involved making a ladder drop to allow the group access to an odd temple-like structure at the center of the curved beach. As the group turned to go, though, he spoke up. "The Sharpclaw have captured a Cloudrunner."

"A Cloudrunner?" Sunset gasped in shock. "Where?"

"I do not know," the High Top admitted. "I would have opened the path sooner, but without my gold I cannot control the energies released from my massive bulk. Had I tried, I might have drowned her, wherever she is."

"We'll take care of it," Fox said quickly before Sunset could let her temper get the better of her. He could see that she was starting to lose her cool over being given a 'fetch quest' when someone was in danger on top of the planet falling apart, but upsetting a local wouldn't do them any good. "Come on." He turned to lead Sunset and Tricky over to the ladder that had dropped. Sunset glowered for a brief moment, but let out a sigh and followed.

The ladder led to a switch, which raised a gate to a cavern chamber. Inside the chamber, nothing of importance seemed visible until the trio tried to leave. When they did, a stone door closed and four blocks shifted of their own accord to unseal vents that released toxic gas. "Hold your breath-" Fox started to call out.

Flames erupted at each of the vents, consuming the gas before the room could fill. "I can't hold these too long," Sunset carefully spoke as her horn glowed. "Close the vents quickly please, before I lose focus or the flames consume all the oxygen in here."

Fox quickly shifted the blocks back into place to seal the vents, Sunset releasing and extinguishing each flame just before Fox pushed the block into place. As he did so, the stone door opened, and they could hear a gate opening below as well. "Looks like this was the right way to go."

"Then let's see who they locked up," Sunset said quickly before rushing down to the source of the sound. As she got there, she gasped in surprise. "Your Majesty!"

"It's good to see you again, Sunset," the Queen Cloudrunner said warmly as she carefully stepped out of the cave, leaning forward to preen Sunset's mane with her beak. She was wearing her regal garb, a purple robe and golden helm and choker. "I shouldn't be surprised to see you running about with the planet falling apart. It was you who freed me?"

"Dad, Tricky and I," Sunset answered readily as Fox and Tricky arrived.

The Queen Cloudrunner glanced towards Tricky thoughtfully before turning back to Sunset. "I owe you a personal debt of gratitude, Sunset," she offered calmly. "Despite the fact that each tribe is meant to work together to oversee the good of the planet, for a long time the Cloudrunners and Earthwalkers have been..." She paused as she searched for the proper words. "Less than courteous with one another," she settled on finally. "We never saw eye to eye, and thus were often...unpleasant to one another. However, your discovering a way for the Warpstone to send young Tricky to the Cloudrunner Fortress with you at a time as I was considering nesting led to me seeing the Earthwalkers in a different light through Prince Tricky, and the joy he found with the youngsters of my tribe led to him refusing to accept old views from his Father regarding us. The King Earthwalker and I are...cordial and pleasant to one another, a first in centuries to our peoples, thanks to the two of you."

"Happy to help!" Sunset offered happily, Tricky nodding eagerly as well.

Fox smiled proudly at the pair, then turned to the Queen. "Am I correct to assume that General Scales locked you up personally? And that you are also the Gatekeeper of Cloudrunner Fortress?"

"You presume correctly, Fox," the Queen confirmed, nodding her head. "I would carry the three of you to the Fortress myself, but it has moved to the barest edge of the atmospheric envelope. I can manage the passage, but the air would be much too thin for the three of you. You will need to make your own way there with your ship. I shall open the Gate, and ensure the landing pad is safe. One of the Water Spellstones was forged in our lands, so it will likely be there now. Please hurry, to save the planet...and my tribe." With that, she sent a beam of light into the sky, revealing a warp hole like what had appeared when the Snowhorn chief had opened the Gate to the Darkice Mines. She then spread her wings, flying into the sky.

"Let's get back to the Hollow," Fox said firmly. "We need to get to the Fortress."

"Umm..." Tricky began thoughtfully.

"What's wrong, Tricky?" Sunset asked curiously.

"I dunno if I should go up to the Fortress," he began carefully. "I mean, most of the paths up and down were wind turbines, and those could barely make me float even with your magic assistance when I was younger Sunset. I'm older and heavier now, and I dunno if I could make my way around. General Scales is starting to beef up his forces, so you need all your magic...especially if one of them tries to throw you off the Fortress." Seeing Sunset's frown, Tricky grinned. "Don't worry about me, though. I can just stay in the Hollow with Mom."

"That's good thinking, Tricky," Fox agreed warmly. "Don't worry, we'll take care of things up there. You watch the ground front."

"I won't let you down!" Tricky declared proudly, lifting one foot in a playful salute.

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