• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,443 Views, 4,585 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

  • ...

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To Gnarlbough

Maple, Starlight, Valey and Howe stood in the plush conference room at the top of Dangerous Karma's fortress tower, without a single idea what to do with themselves.

"Does she do that often?" Maple tilted her head, inviting anyone to answer. "Come, and leave suddenly? Because I'm not sure that accomplished anything at all."

"Yeah, pretty much," Valey replied with a shrug. "Sparky's kinda bad at long conversations. Or maybe it's just when I'm in the room. Who knows? I might just make her awkward." Her lips cracked in a grin. "Hey, cool that you've got friends in Sosa, though. You really are getting a little popular!"

"Hmm!" Howe stroked his goatee back and forth, smirking in thought. "What are the odds she was actually summoned? Could it be that that was all a ruse, designed to give her an easy escape after learning some priceless piece of info?"

Valey reached under her hat and pulled out an amulet, softly blinking with a chain to be strung around her neck, and stared at it. "Well... I mean, I've got a pager, and it's legit, so she definitely could. No clue what she'd bail for, though. But I am pretty sure she's serious about wanting those two safe."

Her hoof pointed its way to Maple, who blinked. "So..." Maple shrugged. "What do we do, then? Just keep going to Gnarlbough, like we originally wanted to?"

Valey stretched, shelving the amulet. "I don't see why not!"

"It's getting dark," Starlight observed, staring through the domed sky-window at the back of the room. "The streets here are safe at night, right? Last time, we got fought by the Spirit..."

"Eh... I doubt it." Valey hopped to the ground, pacing towards the door. "Shinespark has some ties with the Spirit. She'd definitely make them leave you alone. And if she didn't, I can send Braen packing without lifting a hoof."

"I don't know..." Howe bit his lip. "There is always the chance they would stand and fight regardless."

An eager smirk spread across Valey's face. "Then I guess I'll get to boot some heads."

The journey back down the tower was marked with silence, deliberacy, and constant checking of passing windows to see if the rain had resumed in the seconds since it had been checked last. It never had; the storm seemed spent, though night-darkened clouds still blotted out every hint of the sky.

There were fewer workers and number-crunchers than when they first entered the building, the ponies likely having gone home for the evening. But the lights never dimmed, even in rooms that didn't look like they had been occupied for days, and the Earth District's signature warmth lingered in even the corners, lacking a mountain downpour to drive it away.

Starlight found herself studying the floor between her hooves as she plodded, noticing the cracks between the boards and never quite deciding if it was worth the effort to step on each one exactly once. It served as a backdrop for the other thoughts swirling through the filly's head: thoughts about Shinespark, and about Howe, and how she and Maple were somehow becoming the attention of all sorts of ponies who had little reason not to be spending their skills on more profitable things.

Shinespark, that made sense... with enough consideration. According to Elise's story, Arambai was all but Shinespark's father, and with a secret ferry running to Riverfall, it wasn't hard to guess they were in correspondence. Shinespark probably helped her father set it up, even. So if Arambai wanted her and Maple safe, she would be his method for ensuring that... and Starlight didn't doubt his intentions, even with his secretive manners. There were far too many untrustworthy ponies not to be grateful for the ones that legitimately seemed to want to help.

Howe, however, was a complete mystery. Had he really gone back and helped Gerardo, as he had said? He was Neon Nova's brother, though she didn't know if he knew what had happened in Blueleaf. Aside from the pegasus's somewhat dubious word, all she knew for certain was that he had been present and at least partially responsible when they first got in trouble in Ironridge, then disappeared for a day before turning up again, smiling and helpful... or at least trying to be, with nothing to prove his good intentions. She didn't trust him, Starlight decided. She didn't trust him at all.

Never trust a bat.

Valey's words echoed through her mind, ingrained by dozens of repetitions during her argument with Maple on the cart. For everything Valey had said, her actions had remained consistent, helpful and selfless enough that Starlight had little doubt she cared about them to some extent, even if she might have had an ulterior motive. Still, the batpony had reminded them time and time again not to get too attached... while Howe had done practically the opposite, loudly proclaiming he was on their side and doing nothing to prove it.

She glared at him as she walked, sticking next to Maple at the back of the procession. Admittedly, he hadn't really had a chance to prove himself, so faulting him too hard for it might not have been fair. Still, she would be keeping an eye on him.

"Attention, visitors and employees," a magically-projected mare's voice suddenly echoed, accompanied by a one-second toggle of the lights for emphasis. "Karma Industries will be closing for the evening in thirty minutes. Please finish your business, ensure you don't forget any important belongings, and have a great night. Your patronage is very much appreciated!"

Howe whistled. "Whoo! Sounds like we finished just in the nick of time, huh?"

"Whoever that was?" Valey ignored him, pointing to a nearby speaker on the ceiling. "I like her."

"They're closing?" Maple frowned, looking out a second-story window. "How much further is the entrance? We won't get in trouble for being here at night, will we?"

"Relax, Ironflanks." Valey strutted at the front of the group, not checking her shoulder. "We've been walking for literally five minutes, and it's ten minutes max from end to end of this place. It's not that big."

Starlight huffed. Whether Shinespark was helping them or not, it wasn't like she had to give them such a detour to see her.

The faintest of light mists drifted down around the fort's palisade entrance, a rain so fine it could have been vapor and had a greater effect on Starlight's coat. Around the entrance, a steady flow of earth ponies passed by, all on their way out of the headquarters building, some smartly dressed and others wearing nothing at all. Gradually, they broke up and went about their ways, some calling goodbyes and others walking off in silence.

Most shot the group uneasy glances as they passed, and Starlight couldn't tell if they were more concerned by Valey's reputation or Howe's mane. Eventually, they came to a stop under an overhang, far enough from the procession of ponies to be out of earshot.

"You know, I didn't really think about traffic," Valey admitted. "Gnarlbough's got basically nothing but homes, and probably a decent amount of these ponies are headed there. Do we really want to travel in a crowd? It'll make talking about... like... anything super awkward."

Maple gave a tired smirk. "Oh, really? You're concerned you'll make other ponies uncomfortable by being around them, now? And not pretending that's a good thing?"

Valey blinked, twice. "...Know what? Yeah, you're right." Winking, she spread her wings and made to take off. "Wait here, I'll be right back. I'm gonna clear us the road my way."

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