• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 9,976 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

  • ...

Contest of Rivals: A Solemn Arrival

Author's Note:

Wow, this is my longest chapter I have written yet o.O
Hopefully it doesn't come off too rambly ^^; I had too much fun writting the interactions between the Shadowbolts and the various groups of CHS~

Contest of Rivals: A Solemn Arrival

8:26 AM

“It’s too damn early!” came yet another complaint from Lemon Zest, the teen obviously not a morning person causing Sunset to giggle

The week of team prep had passed by incredibly quickly for the students of Crystal Prep. As Sunset had guessed the other six students didn’t show up at all, leaving the room to be entirely used by Sunset and her friends. They even invited Twilight and the Sirens to join them, Twilight and Adagio being of great help with the studying and review while Sonata and Aria made sure to keep the morale high with various gags and wisecracks.

“Stop complaining, you blabbermouth!” came the irate response from Sour Sweet, the girl messing around with her makeup to try and hide her own tired appearance. “We all have to deal with waking up this early.”

“Why couldn’t the schools agree to start at a reasonable time though?” the audiophile leaned her head against the cool plush leather of the bus seat. “This is ridiculous!”

“For someone complaining about being tired you sure are lively.” Sugarcoat mentioned, her eyes closed as she too rested in her seat.

“If you don’t stop complaining, Lemon, I will strangle you with the uncountable number of earbuds i know you have with you.” Sunny Flare stated as she turned around in her to face her friend.

“Well what about you, Indigo?” Sunny asked the girl to her right, only to receive light snoring as her reply. “Hey, not fair!” she yelled as she lashed out at the sleeping girl.

“Wha-huh? Ow! Hey!? What the crap, Lemon!?” Indigo was furious at being woken up from her nap. “Why the hell- Ow, seriously!?- are you hitting me?”

“How dare you! Sleeping so peacefully!” Lemon continued to rain a flurry of blows on her teammate, only stopping when Dean Cadence intervened.

“Now girls, stop roughhousing. It wouldn’t be a good show to Canterlot High if we were arguing and bickering with one another, now would it?” The cerise skinned woman stood up, steadying herself on with hands planted on different seats. “We will be arriving momentarily and we come to a full stop I would like you all to exit the bus and line up outside. Once the other bus arrives we shall take a quick roll call before we head to the gym for a brief assembly.”

Sunset gazed out of the window, watching her former apartment complex shoot by. She had officially moved out of the building at the start of February once she decided to take Twilight Velvet's and Night Light’s offer to move in with them. Sunset had no reason to go back to that small hole in the wall, and felt like she was living with a family whilst at that house. She thought back on all the times the Rainbooms had held sleepovers at each of their homes, Sunset always insisting that her place was too small to hold all of them. She remembered the looks on their faces when they had all took shelter in apartment when a rather unseasonal rainstorm drenched the town and took out the roads for a few hours. Sardines would appear to have an ocean of space compared to the six teens.

“There it is!”

“That horse is so corny.”

“It looks so drab.”

“That’s supposed to be a parking lot?”

“At least we won’t have to walk far.”

Sunset was snapped back to reality when the students started to chatter about the upcoming school, only stopping when Cadence stood and held up a small hand.

“Now team, I know you all have your dispositions about this school, but I want you all on your best behaviour. You are the representatives of Crystal Prep Academy, so I expect no hostility towards the students and staff of CHS, and please, no pranks.” the educator face palmed as she shook her head. “It is not cheap cleaning that horse statue.”

Light laughter flitter through the bus as it screeched to a halt. The students stood up and slowly made their way to the front, pausing as Cadence motioned to Sunset. “Any words you’d like to share before we exit, Captain?” the woman winked as a smile shone from her face.

Sunset looked around, her friends nodding as Indigo chanted, “Speech! Speech!”, and the other six stared blankly or rolled their eyes.

“Um, well…” Sunset started, looking back to Cadence as she nodded encouragingly, “I know that I may not have been the Captain some of you wanted, but I promise that I will lead us through this day. To the victory that awaits us in these halls.”

Sunset blushed as she scratched her head, an uneasy smile complimented the similar silence that echoed throughout the bus.

“You suck at speeches.” Laughter broke out amongst the teens as Sugarcoat gave one of her patented blunt responses, even causing Cadence to giggle.

“I love you too, Sugarcoat.” Sunset responded before she strode to the front of the bus, thanking the driver before she vaulted to the worn pavement of the CHS parking lot. She stared over the school, unease building in her core as she took in the view.

I can fix it all~ started the voice, There is no Princess to stop us this time, and once we have them all under our control we can burn this place down. All you need to do… well, you already know~


The teen shook her head as Cadence’s voice washed over her, the woman grasping a firm shoulder. “Are you alright?”

There was a warm, concerned smile looking back at Sunset, love and worry washing over her. “Ya, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Sunset said, doing her best to smile in a non worrying manner.

“Hmm…” Cadence studied the teen, before nodding and gripping the uniformed shoulder firmly. “Well, if you have any issues you be sure to let me know, alright?” Sunset nodded as the woman disengaged, heading to the front of the lineup of students to do a quick headcount.

“So how bad do you think we are going to crush them?” Indigo asked, nudging Sunset’s arm with her elbow. “You are the one with experience of CHS after all.”

Sunset did her best to hide her conflicting emotions, shrugging as she furrowed her brow. “We should have it pretty easy, though that depends on the events. There are some… unique individuals at this school.”

“Is that related to what Aria blabbered about last week?” Indigo was staring at the Captain, her face an open book of unexpecting wonderment. She obviously meant no harm, but she didn’t really think too much of it.

“Kinda… Not something I wanna really talk about honestly. I’ve moved past it.” Sunset wasn’t looking at Indigo as she said that, her eyes scanning over the aged walls of the high school, taking in the atmosphere. The school was deathly quiet, understandable since there were very few students even awake at this hour let alone at school yet. She saw the front doors start to open, familiar figures crossing the threshold as the second Crystal Prep bus’ engines died down behind Sunset.

“Well, at least our entourage finally showed up.” muttered Sunny Flare, as her hands found purchase on her hips, “What took them so long?”

“I thought cheerleaders were supposed to be at the event ahead of the team.” Sugarcoat mentioned with her usual lack of emotion.

“Cheerleaders would actually cheer, unlike those ingrates.” Sour Sweet said as she flipped her ponytail back over her shoulder.

“I’m sure Sonata would cheer if you asked nicely enough, Sour.” Lemon jested, poking the teen in the cheek. “Though I doubt you have it in yourself to be so nice.”

Slowly the other bus disgorged more Crystal Prep students, the poor souls who were conscripted by Principal Cinch to form the student delegation of the Academy’s visit. Cinch left first, walking over to Dean Cadence and talking to the other woman in hushed tones.

“Sun-Shim!” Sonata cried out as she bounded off the bus, rushing over and near tackling the unready teen. “Are you ready to get revenge on these meanies?”

“Sonata, down girl!” Adagio commanded as she made her way over, Aria and Twilight trailing her. “You are being most unbecoming, and I am certain Cinch would be chewing you out if she wasn’t preoccupied with the principals.”

Aria pried Sonata off of the struggling Sunset as the amber girl peered over to the gathering of the four women. Celestia and Luna were putting on their best fake smiles, that much was obvious, while Cadence appeared to be empathetic as Cinch looked around apathetically.

“Are you sure you want to deal with them?” Twilight asked, worry on her face as she looked at her friend.

“I’m gonna have to, Twilight. Though truth be told, I’m more worried about how they will react to the Sisters.” Sunset jerked a thumb towards the three Sirens who were doing their best not to make too much a further scene.

“Welcome to Canterlot High School!”

Sunset turned and watched as Celestia and Luna approached the teens who had left the bus, Cinch glaring at the students who had yet to leave the comforts of the second Crystal Prep bus. She saw the two sisters faces light up with shock when they saw the Sirens, glancing over to Sunset in worry, passing over Twilight along the way.

“Hi again!” Sonata said cheerfully, waving warmly to the two women, “We’re super sourry about trying to- mph!”

Adagio clamped a hand over the girl’s still moving mouth, shooting a harsh shushing whisper as she did so.

“Er, hello you three… Sunset and, uh… Twilight.” Luna responded. Sunset could see the worry mixed with weariness in the woman’s eyes, the look magnified tenfold in the appearance of Celestia. “It is certainly… surprising to see all of you again.” She put as much of a smile on as possible. “We hope you all have a… good time here.”

“Thanks, Vice Principal Luna,” Sunset responded, offering a hand to the woman who looked shocked by the rather warm reception from the four former students of CHS. “I look forward to competing in these games, and I can guarantee that the four of us will do our best to not cause any trouble.”

Luna looked over at the three former taskmaster’s of the school, studying the, before looking once more to Sunset, her eye’s down at the hand she held as she tried to pierce through the cloth.

“We… appreciate it, Sunset Shimmer… And should any trouble arise I hope the four of you feel comfortable enough to inform us about it.” She looked back to her sister who nodded in confirmation. “We promise to listen to you this, as we should have in the past.”

Sunset’s smile faltered as she looked at the two women, before nodding sadly as she withdrew her hand.

“For now, allow Us to welcome you all to Canterlot High. We hope you enjoy your time here, and use it to build strong bonds of friendship.” Luna said aloud as she stepped back and regarded the girls before her. “My sister shall be giving Principal Cinch a tour of our facilities, while I welcome you all to follow me and join our students in the gymnasium for a small welcoming.”

Celestia and Cinch went off their own way, Celestia looking obviously uncomfortable around Cinch, but playing the part of welcoming host nonetheless. Luna started walking, chatting happily with Cadence who had just returned from gathering the student delegation of Crystal Prep from the other bus. Sunset followed in the middle, pausing when she suddenly bumped into Twilight who had stopped randomly in the hall, her head down.

“Wha… Twilight? Why’d ya stop?” Sunset asked, trying to gaze over and see what had the teen’s attention.

“Ethyl is getting some readings. Very faint, almost not strong enough to be detected, but they’re here.” Twilight looked down the hall to her left. “They seem to be coming from this way…” She muttered before following the beeping from the device in her hands.

“Twilight, wait!” Sunset called out softly, looking ahead to Cadence and the others, before following after her friend, hurrying to catch up to the oblivious girl.

“Why aren’t you going to the welcoming?” She asked when she finally caught up, stopping the lavender teen with a firm hand.

“I can’t not go after these readings! They are similar to the ones I keep getting from you and the three sisters! Maybe they will help me find out if what I’m getting from you four is legit or just a hiccup.” She stated before continuing on her way.

Sunset shook her head. There was no reasoning with any Twilight once they got their minds set on something, especially if it was study related. She stayed beside the smaller teen, bobbing and weaving through the empty halls, going up and down stairs before ending up before a rather familiar room, its door slightly ajar allowing both light and soft, muffled voice to sneak out.

“Hey! Why’d you five take off?”

The pair turned around to find Aria, hands on her hips as she awaited an answer from the two, and the rest of their group of friends behind them.

“Twilight here just had to check out these readings she was getting from her device.” Sunset responded as she playfully nudged the mentioned teen. “Says hey are similar to the readings she gets off of us.”

“Why would she…” Adagio started before she looked at Sunset, her eyes narrowing as she hypothesized what was going on.

“Looks like she just decided to head in.” Sugarcoat mentioned, pointing to the now open door and the missing Twilight.

“T...Twilight…?” Came a shocked voice from inside the room. “What are you doing here?”

Sunset burst into the room, worry becoming a burning coal in her gut. There was a reason she recognized the room. She had come here often during her attempts at penance in this school. She had practiced here with her guitar, Jimmy, along with the rest of the teens that were holding council inside.

“Sunset?” Rainbow Dash asked, shock rushing over her features as she saw the red and yellow maned girl burst in after Twilight, who had stopped instantly when she entered the room. “You too? Why are you here?”

“Why’re all ah y’all here?” asked an incredulous Applejack, head turning to look over the eight other girls who entered in after Sunset, before stepping back in shock when she noticed three certain Equestrians with the group. The other Rainbooms did the same, all of them seeming ready to grab their instruments at a moment's notice.

“Oh…” Adagio sighed, obviously upset at who they had walked in on. “It’s just you five. Twilight, honey, I think we should leave before their combined stench rubs off on us.”

“Why the petty words?” Rarity asked, her tone haughty and downputting. “I’m sure that I am not the only one shocked that Sunset and Twilight put up with you.”

“You seem very oxymoronic.” Sugarcoat stated, crossing her arms as she regarded the five unknown students before her.

“What did you just call her?” demanded Rainbow as she stepped forward. “I don’t know what you just said, but you better take that back!”

“Allow me to explain in a way that your feeble minds could understand.” Sunny Flare said as she stepped forward, “What she said conflicts with itself.”

The eyes of Pinkie Pie slowly started to drift apart as Rainbow looked at the unknown Crystal Prep student with a look of befuddlement.

“Seriously?” Sour Sweet whispered harshly, “She made a petty comment about Adagio supposedly being petty! But seeing as this is how you act around here,” the girls arms swung out around her, “I think Adagio is right. I feel bad that the four of them had to come to this festering slum of a school.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say.” Fluttershy said as she stepped out from behind her hair and tambourine shield, only to go back to shuddering when Indigo responded.

“Nice? From what little we have heard it’s ‘cause of this school that the four of them are now at Crystal Prep!” She crossed her arms before her, gazing over the five before her. “Obviously they came here to get a feeling of happiness when we grind you into the ground.”

Pinkie Pie and the other’s leaned back in shock before looking over one another. How much did those girls know? What had Sunset told that school?

Look at them~ The voice returned, blocking out the arguing of the students around her. Bickering and fighting. If only there was someone strong enough to unite them, give them purpose~

“Sunset? Do you have something on you?” Twilight asked, her device pointed towards the teen, it’s buzzing and beeping louder than before, but slowly returning it’s regular pattern. “Nevermind…? Weird I thought I had fixed the bugs?”

Sunset looked around before stepping forward, her arms shooting out.

“Enough!” She shouted, “Stop it, all of you! I didn’t come to this place again to see fighting! I watched this school tear itself apart. Twice! I don’t need to see the people I know fight one another!”

“I wouldn’t really call them people,” Twilighted muttered a little too loudly, “Not after they made try to kill yourself…”

Twilight suddenly realized how loudly she was talking when everybody in the room stared at her, her hands shooting over her mouth as her eyes widened in shock. The Rainbooms all slowly looked at Sunset, before looking down at the ground in self disappointment. The Sirens looked at each other uncomfortably as the other Shadowbolts stared at Sunset in shock and horror. What did they just hear?

“Sunset…?” Indigo started, breaking the pall of silence that had ushered itself into the small music room, “Is that… right?” Fury started to come across the goggle wearing girl. “No… Please don’t tell me that these… assholes did- you mother- I oughta beat the shit out of you all!” Indigo dashed forward, fists clenched, only to be stopped as Sunset appeared in front of her, arms wide to stop the girl.

“What are you doing, Red! They obviously don’t care about what they did to you! Look at them!” She pointed past Sunset and at the Rainbooms, who were staring in shock at both their assailant and their saviour.

Sunset slowly lowered her arms. “Look, Indigo? I appreciate that you’ve come to care about me so much, but I can’t allow you to harm them. Not only would that disqualify you, as well as the rest of us most likely, but… you can’t. I’ve moved past it.”

“You can’t honestly tell me you forgave them for driving you to suicide?” questioned Sunny Flare, a glare worthy of her name etched on her face as she stared at the slinking Rainbooms.

“I’ve moved past it. The past is the past.” Sunset said, slowly looking over her shoulder at her former friends. Conflicting feelings of sorrow and joy, love and abandonment, acceptance and anger, washed over her. They had been her friends, right? Then…

Why did they hurt you?

Sunset sighed as the voice echoed in her mind. “Look,” she said, turning around fully to look over the five of them. “I think we should all just focus on the games, alright?”

“And this is where…” Celestia’s voice died out as she stood in the hallway just outside the music room. “Girls? What are you all doing here? Shouldn’t you all be at the welcoming?”

“Sorry about that.” Sunset said, bowing her head. “I ended up feeling like exploring the school again, and my classmates here came after me.”

Twilight looked at Sunset in shock. She was covering for her? But why? She was a competitor, couldn’t this cause issues for Crystal Prep?

“Don’t, uh… Don’t worry about it, Sunset. I can’t really blame you for feeling that way, but next time please listen to your classmates, alright?”

“Obviously my prized students were overcome with morbid curiosity.” Cinch stated, her arms crossing before her as she looked down coldly on everyone else. “Why else would they explore?”

“Wow. I see where the students get it from.” Rainbow said, unimpressed by her first interaction with Principal Cinch. “Let’s go girls, the less I have to hear of this the better.” She started to walk out of the room with purpose, pushing the Crystal Prep students aside, pausing beside Sunset to whisper something.

“We need to talk, all six of us.”

She didn’t wait for the amber teen’s response, continuing on her way as the rest of the Rainbooms regarded Sunset sadly as they passed.

“I guess we should get going as well. This way, girls.” Sunset said as she shepherded her fellow Shadowbolts out. “Sorry about this, Celestia. Won’t happen again.”

Celestia nodded as the ten girls went towards the gymnasium.


“Ah, looks like the rest of the you decided to join us after all.” Luna’s voice rang out through the gymnasium, thanks to the sound system. “As I was starting to say, We welcome all you students of Crystal Prep Academy to Canterlot High School for the Friendship Games. It is a multi part competition consisting of events based on all sorts of scholastic learnings.”

The Vice Principal looked down over all the teens gathered before her, doing her best to have a warm smile as she regarded all the present individuals. “While I am sure you are all interested in what is coming up for our two teams, I think instead it would be best if we all instead took some time to mingle. We have a warm welcome for our comrades from Crystal Prep to present, so please enjoy yourselves before the event.” Luna bow as she vacated the stage, an embarrassingly pitiful amount of applause echoing in the air. A few students of CHS sighed as they walked up to the students from Crystal Prep, inviting them to come enjoy some snacks and music. Lots of shoulders were shrugged as teens reluctantly followed one another, music starting to fill the void of silence. Rather familiar music.

“Wait… is that…” Lemon Zest shut her eyes and removed her headphones as she listened intently to the music being played. “It is! That’s one of DJ-Pon3’s songs!”

“Oh yeah, I’m not surprised that they have Vinyl doing her thing on her turntables.” Sunset responded as she watched Lemon Zest’s face drop in wonder.

“Vinyl? Who’s that?” she asked, before Sunset wrapped an arm around the girl and started leading her towards the impromptu DJ booth set up near the stage.

“Come along, all. Time to show you that there are are at least four students worth knowing at this school.” She called out, waving her hand back and directing the others to follow her. With nothing better to do, the other eight girls tagged along, ignoring shocked glances of worry and confusions as the student body of CHS saw both someone who appeared to be Princess Twilight in a Crystal Prep Shadowbolt uniform, but also the three Sirens in the same uniform.

Sunset knocked on the side of the booth, waiting for a moment before stepping aside as Vinyl popped out, leaving her music to auto play for a little bit.

“What up, Pon-3?” Sunset greeted one of the few CHS students that didn’t attack her during the Anon-A-Miss events. “I thought you should meet your biggest fan at least from Crystal Prep, if not the city or even the world!”

Lemon Zest had slowly started to shudder more and more, before starting to shake with violent tremors. “T-t-t-those glasses.” She stared at the teenager before her, nervous energy flooding her body. “Y-y-you’re… are you?”

Vinyl cocked her head, playful smile playing across her face before she nodded.

“Ohmaigawd! It’sDJ-Pon3! Ihaveboughtenallyouralbums! Yourmusicissoawesome! Heresignmyheadphonesplease! HolycrapIcan’tbelievethis!”

“Lemon, dearie, I think you might need to visit a bathroom and change your underwear before you fangasm any harder.” Sour Sweet snarked, smiling in amusement at the audiophile’s inane fangirling.

“Yeah, you may want to breathe there.” Sunset laughed as the girl received her headphones back from Vinyl. “Hey, V? Think you could call Octavia, Lyra, and Bon Bon over? Preferably with some treats from Bon Bon? Heck, I bet Octavia and Lyra have their instruments, don’t they? I got a couple girls hear that would love to hear some strings being strung.”

The DJ threw back a weird looking hand sign in response, before fishing around in her pocket and vanishing behind the threshold of her music den.

“Does she talk?” asked Aria, puzzled look on her face as she regarded the closed door. “I don’t remember her talking when we were here before.”

Sunset shrugged as she led her friends over to the bleachers, the ten of them taking seats as Sunset continued. “Vinyl can be very talkative, she would actually do pretty well with your crassness, Aria.” She blinked one aquamarine eye at the ponytail Siren, who responded with a very crass digit.

“Sunset! So good to see you, love!” came an extremely sophisticated voice. “I am so very glad to see that you are well. And these must be your friends from Crystal Prep.” Octavia bowed as she set down her cello case, before offering her hand to the girls one at a time. “Octavia Melody, pleasure to meet you all.” The teens all shook hands with the slate girl, unable to refuse the offered hand from such an obviously refined young woman.

“Really, Octavia? Shouldn’t you be the least bit worried?” Lyra commented, resting her lyre on one shoulder rather casually.

“Oh hush, Lyra.” came Bon Bon’s response, the candy makers hand laden with a tray of treats she had obviously made for the event. “Please ignore Lyra, she means well but is as kooky as they come.” The smile she wore infected the girls that sat before her.

“You say that now, but just wait! I bet the Dazzlings there will try something!” She said, smile playing on her face as she swapped two fingers between the front of her eyes and towards the girls before her. “Just joshing ya’s, Sunset let us know month’s ago that you were safe now.”

“And you bought her? Just like that?” Adagio asked, confusion lighting her face.

“Sure, why not? She seems much better there than here.” Lyra shrugged as she took a seat on the bleachers. “And after everything that happened, I think we could tell when someone was… well, not thinking straight.”

Sunset shot a glare at the lyrist, telling her to shut up before she slipped up and blabbered about the magical happenings around CHS. Bon Bon also intervened, distracting the Shadowbolts by holding out her tray of sugary treats.

“Here! You are all welcome to try these. Whipped them up myself!” the girl smiled with every fiber of her body as she handed the tray to the group of Shadowbolts before her.

“Are those…” Sunset started before she looked up at Bon Bon in awe, only to receive her response in the form of a single nod. “Mine!” Sunset shouted as she dove at the tray, hands scrambling to grab as many of a particular treat from the tray, stuffing them in her mouth like squirrel with nuts.

“Um… Mind telling us what you’re freaking out about?” Sunny Flare asked, slight disdain evident as she watched Sunset’s embarrassing display.

Octavia sighed as she giggled, “Sunset and Vinyl both have a rather unbecoming obsession with Bon Bon’s caramel squares.”

As soon as the words left Octavia’s mouth, the door to the DJ booth slammed open, the occupant had her trademark shades resting on her head as carmine eyes stared in shock at the group before her. Once she spotted her prize in Sunset’s hand she raced over, tackling the teen in an effort to dislodge her grasp on the sugary treat.

“Vinyl!” Octavia admonished, hands ripping Vinyl to her feet and away from Sunset, who grinned as evilly as she could with her cheeks full of pure sugar. “Show some manners! I swear, you are worse than an alley cat in heat!”

Vinyl kneeled in feigned sorrow, before slowly crawling over to Sunset on all fours, pausing and kneeling before her candy holding overlord. With puppy dog eyes that were so cute even Sonata felt her blood sugar level spike, Vinyl stared up at Sunset, who merely closed her eyes and rolled the candy around in her mouth. Slowly the aquamarine irises peeked open, a smile coming to the girl's face as she held out a hand, a couple small cubes of caramel offered to her friend. Vinyl embraced Sunset with bone crushing strength before nabbing the treats and depositing them in her mouth, struggling to make her way back to the booth as her legs wobbled weakly.

“Um… Are these treats going to make me fight others?” Sonata asked, breaking the silence and causing everyone to burst out in laughter as the tray started to make its way around the group, each teen finding a treat that looked apatizing.

“Dear god!” Indigo shouted, “These are amazing!”

“I think this is better than all my orgasms, combined!” moaned Aria.

“I swear Aria, you get worse every day.” Adagio scowled as she took a bite of her chocolate looking treat. “Oh my… I take that back.” she said after tasting the treat.

Slowly all the treats were devoured, everyone singing Bon Bon praise worthy of Valhalla itself, much to the blushing stuttering of the teen. Eventually Adagio spoke up, her curiosity of the instruments in the hands of Lyra and Octavia.

“So you two are musicians I take it?” She asked, “More of the classical type it seems?”

“That we are.” Octavia confirmed as she stood up and dug her cello out of the its protective carrying bag. “Would you like to listen? We are pretty confident in our abilities.”

Lyra took a smug bow before she walked over to Octavia. “Cello Suite No.1? Just the Prelude, don’t need any of these girls leaving in body bags after all.”

Adagio let out a harsh bark of laughter, giving a come hither look as she looked at the two young girls before her. “Wow me.” She challenged, leaning back.

Octavia took a seat on her performing chair and readied her cello. “Your count, love.”

Lyra gave three quick taps of her foot before she starting running her delicate fingers across her lyre, as if making love to the instrument, as Octavia matched with the deeps tones of her cello, the two perfectly in sync. All the teens gathered watched in silent awe as the two young masters of their crafts performed a short, private, and very impromptu piece of art. Vinyl even opened her door and rested her headphones around her neck, happy smile plastered on her face as she listened to her sister’s majestic tones of pure music.

The end came quicker than the audience expected, tears gracing cheeks at the unbridled beauty the had just been witness to. Sunny Flare and Adagio in particular seemed the most affected, Sunny had a handkerchief dabbing at her welling eyes as Adagio slowly picked her jaw up off her lap.

“Never, in all of my years, have I heard something so… moving…” Adagio whispered, slowly standing up and approaching the two of them, before bowing much to the shock of the two musicians. “Thank you so much for sharing your passion. You two are truly gifted.”

“Agreed.” Sunny stated as she got up, walking forward and offering a pair of identical cards to the two teens. “If you should ever find yourselves in need of musical employ, I am certain my family would be blessed to hear you two play.”

“Wait… You’re the heir to the…” Lyra trailed off as she looked from the card up to Sunny Flare, the Shadowbolt nodding before returning to her seat.

“Well, seeing as I think everybody here is in desperate need of fresh underwear, how about we all take a quick run to the washroom before the events start?” Sunset asked, chuckling at the various blushes spreading across her two groups of friends.