• Published 18th Jul 2017
  • 2,578 Views, 31 Comments

Just One Kiss - Fylifa

Twilight Sparkle is hit with a storybook curse with a very particular solution.

  • ...

Chapter 3

“Oh ho! Fluttershy, I just read the most splendid of stories that was full of ideas! How about we have today's tea party on the ceil—” Discord paused as he squinted at the mare glaring at him from the chair. “Fluttershy, you look rather… purple today. Though I suppose I can’t complain if you’re feeling horny too,” he added with a flick of a paw finger against Twilight’s horn.

Twilight fended off the flick with a spark of magic. “Do I even need to explain why I'm here?”

Discord curled himself around the chair instead of sitting in it, reaching over to pluck a sandwich from the table to eat it backwards. “Of course not, Fluttershy’s sandwiches are delicious. It was only a matter of time the rest of you girls caught on.”


“Mmm. Typical, you want to talk about a book you’ve read when my book was one that was absolutely wonderful. About a wonderful land, even! Full of size changing cakes, playful kittens, and a queen whose demeanor you could relate to.”

Twilight let out a breath and hung her head. “I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to argue. I just want to get this collar off. Please, Discord. I need help.”

Discord watched her for a moment before sobering. With a snap of his claw fingers, the storybook appeared, and he paged through it. “How did you figure out this little popup book was mine, anyway? I’d all but forgotten it was around.”

“Between cursed books and chaotic vines, I wonder just what else you’ve ‘forgotten’,” replied Twilight hotly before she closed her eyes and took a few calming breaths.

Be nice, you promised Fluttershy you’d be nice to him.

“Your magic is unpredictable, but that makes it predictable in another way. Not that much in magic acts as weird and unstable as what you do,” explained Twilight.

Discord perched over the table with his chin in paw and claw. He fluttered his eyelids which were now adorned with extra long lashes. “Oh, Miss Sparkle you do know how to give us the vapors with your flattery,” he said with a country falsetto. His ears emitted a few whistling puffs of steam.

Twilight rolled her eyes before continuing, “Celestia wrote me that for a time, you worked with unicorns in the past. Apparently, it’s what gave her the idea to try to convince you to help us in this era.”

“Goodness, you do a job for one, two, a hundred summers and it sticks with you.” He turned a shade of golden-syrup and used his now sticky hands to lift up several sandwiches all at once. He idly ate one.

Twilight waited as Discord ate until he started polishing off the third sandwich. “Well?” she finally asked.

“You should try one. They really are quite good,” Discord said while offering out a paw with a few of the sandwiches stuck to his wrist.

Twilight simply looked at him.

Discord chortled before waggling his sandwiched paw. “You’re no fun today. Yes, I helped ol’ Bully with this spell. Unicorns back then hardly knew magic from head to tails. Not good at all, at least until mister purple pony crystal eater took over the unicorn homelands.” He popped another gooey sandwich into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “Somepony of your caliber should have found this foal's play.”

“Bully…? You mean King Bullion?” Twilight asked with a slow blink. It was sometimes hard to remember that Discord was incredibly old, even older than Celestia, and now apparently the founding of Equestria.

“Mmmhmm. He wanted to teach his little princess a lesson. Though I can’t imagine why y—” Discord paused and put a finger to his chin before grinning. “—unless you’ve been kissing a princess? Which one did you try?”

“All of them,” Twilight deadpanned. “Along with what’s felt like half of Equestria.”

Discord smirked. “Twilight Sparkle, the ever studious mare, keen on trying all the variables.” He waggled his brow. “You, of course, utterly missed the point of the story.”

Twilight steamed at that smug assurance, but it felt close to a revelation. “What is the point then?”

Discord flipped through the book. “A princess too full of herself to even think of accepting somefrog beneath her station. Until she learns that even in the most disgusting, ugly creatures are valiant traits she can admire. So she shakes off her own prejudice and realizes it is not the frog without she must go against, but the frog within. ” Discord sighed then, wistful while wiping away an overly dramatic tear. “A book about being accepted and accepting.”

“You made the conditional in a spell enchanting a nursery book based on the subtext?”

Discord’s beaming smile was skewed crooked by his snaggle fang. “I did! Else the spell could have been broken from Platinum by kissing one of her royal sisters or even a mirror. You know how fickle conditionals are. They take nearly anything in the ballpark. No point in a lesson if it’s easy.”

Twilight groaned. “But the rhyme at the end!”

“Yes, it was great, wasn’t it?” agreed Discord.

Twilight held her head in her hooves. “You never make a conditional out of subtext! It can be interpreted a million ways! Who knows which one the spell is using.”

“Probably why Bully ended up never using it on her.” Discord rolled his lazy eye over to the despairing Twilight. “Oh relax. It’s me! Master of Chaos extra-extraordinaire. As amusing it would be to have you hop around with a crown, it’d make Fluttershy terribly sad,” mused Discord. “Or would it make her happy to have a princess frog to take care of?”

Twilight grumbled, but she looked up with a renewed hope. “You can magic away the collar?”

Discord laughed and raised a claw poised to snap before turning the gesture into a finger waggle. “Aaaah, no. But I can tell you what would be the closest to solving it. Let’s see... from what I remember our princess found love in the most unlikely of places. The lady falling for the rough and tumble pegasus. Have one of those?”

"So you think I can break the spell?" asked Rainbow, "because I wore a Commander Hurricane costume in a play?"

Twilight flustered. “I know it sounds like a weird mess, and it’s weird to me too! This is Discord’s spell, and I have to do the same thing Princess Platinum did.”

“Uh-huh and that ends up with you kissing me,” said Rainbow with a suspicious side-glance. “Pretty… convenient.”

Twilight boggled at her. “I-I’m not making this up, Rainbow!”

“Remind me where in the play did we have Platinum macking on Smart Cookie for like an hour?”

“Oh… you saw that, huh.”

“You see a lot of things cloudbusting. Also, orange and purple show up real well on green grass,” commented Rainbow.

“That was from before I knew what the spell was looking for, I was just experimenting—” Twilight abruptly shut her mouth after hearing herself say that. Even to her, it sounded hokey.

Rainbow arched a brow at her. “Well, I don’t know magic, but I do know that Commander Hurricane would have never get on with some Princess unless she did something really awesome to impress him. So if you really wanna follow your spell. You’re going to have to impress me.”

Rainbow spread her wings and started to float with a few flaps. “Beat me in a race, and you’ll get your kiss!” She grinned.

“What?! This isn’t a game!” cried Twilight.

“Sure is! And a kiss is the prize!” Rainbow’s voice dwindled as she sped off.

Twilight appeared in front of Rainbow with a flash and tried to grab. She ended up only hugging empty air as Rainbow effortlessly zig-zagged around her.

“Get back here!” Twilight yelled. Rainbow blew a raspberry over her shoulder and continued zooming off. Twilight readied a bolt of stunning magic.

Rainbow executed a barrel roll and deflected the shot off her wingtips. She was moving fast enough now to be glowing in a multicolored bubble.

Twilight cursed before teleporting herself beside Rainbow again, this time flapping as hard as she could muster.

“Hah! Only took you two times to quit cheating,” teased Rainbow as she flipped herself over and began doing the aerial equivalent of a backstroke. Slowing, but still out of Twilight’s reach.

Twilight didn’t have breath for an answer but pumped her wings all the harder under Rainbow’s taunts.

Rainbow smirked, mimed yawning until Twilight’s muzzle started to get close to her tail. She flicked Twilight on the nose with it before flipping over and resuming her forward stroke, immediately wiping out Twilight’s gain by several paces. “Getting there! Just a little more, egghead!”

Twilight growled and threw all her effort into flapping, and the distance between her and Rainbow closed.

Rainbow glanced back, did a double take before splaying out her wings in a sudden brake that lifted her upwards. Twilight shot out from underneath and fell like a purple rocket into a long stretch of clouds. She bellyflopped once, twice and then crashed into a mound of the plush, yielding cloud stuff.

Twilight groaned and sprawled out in her exhaustion, shoving her face into the cloud.

Rainbow landed on Twilight a few seconds later and nuzzled her ear. “That was a pretty awesome try there, you almost got me,” she murmured.

Twilight was too tired to even squeak from the weight on her back. “It...hah… it’s… hah… not a joke,” she panted.

“Naw. The only joke is that you really thought you needed to win a race to get me to kiss you. Still impressed though.”

Twilight rolled over to look up at the smirking Rainbow, but before she could make a reply Rainbow moved in and kissed her.

They were both warm from the race and a little sweaty. Not exactly the most romantic of situations, though Twilight being out of breath felt herself sucking on Rainbow’s lips. I must seem like a needy wonderbolt fangirl!

When they broke Rainbow’s smirk reversed into a frown. “Hmm. It didn’t fall off you. Hold up, let's try again.”

Twilight blinked. “It should only take one. Wait! Rainbow, wa—” Once again Twilight found herself cut off by a pony muzzle on hers.

Rainbow peeled away and peered at the collar. This time she got angry. “I’m not letting some stupid collar tell me which pony I care about! Pucker up, Twilight! We’re going at this until it’s off you!”

Twilight gasped, “No! Rainbow, it doesn’t have an opin—” But of course then Rainbow’s mouth was on hers, again.

Internally Twilight sighed. Every. Bucking. Time. She wondered if she should be offended or flattered that most preferred kissing her over listening to her.

Twilight soon started squirming and blew out a ‘mmmf!' Rainbow’s hoof had petted along her flank and had now drifted down to fondle around her cutie mark.

After hearing that muffled protest, Rainbow pulled off. “What?”

“It’s a foal’s storybook, Rainbow,” Twilight insisted. “Definitely only about kissing.”

Rainbow’s ears drooped. “Aww, that’s no fu—”

Twilight grinned as she interrupted Rainbow Dash with a kiss of her own. Payback!

Back at Fluttershy’s, Discord was in the lounge while Fluttershy was off doing dishes. He sat with a newspaper spread between claw and paw, corn pipe in his muzzle as well as a pair of fatherly glasses.

“So you spent the afternoon chasing after your marefriend, making out with her in the clouds, and somehow this is my fault?” said Discord to a rumpled-maned Twilight. He blew some disapproving soap bubbles from his corn pipe at her.

“Rainbow isn’t my—agh! That’s not the point. The point is that your collar is still on me and I’m still going to be a frog by midnight!” Twilight answered with a furious blush.

Discord rolled his eyes, several times and in several directions. “Well if you can stop looking to indulge your fantasies, you have to woo a pony without telling them what is at stake first.”

Twilight facehoofed. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?!”

“I thought it was obvious! The frog in the story didn’t tell the princess he was a prince now did he? What is the point of romance and accepting an ugly creature if the princess knew she was getting a free handsome hubby out of it?” Discord chuffled. “Face it Twilight; every pony adores you enough to want to help you the minute you ask. You have to woo them! Go woo somepony who doesn’t know about the curse yet.”

“Why Twilight what a pleasant surprise!” Rarity said as she opened the door of her boutique. “I was just setting up shop for the summer sale. I could use a little help if you're not busy.”

Twilight’s ears perked. “Nope! Not busy at all. I’d love to help.” She forced a big, broad smile and added, “Sweep sweep sweep, that’s me!” She laughed nervously.

“Well. The floors are not that bad off. What I really need is your skill at sorting,” Rarity said and gestured towards a pile of colorful fabrics on a worktable. “Those awful transporters mixed them all up!” She lifted two bolts of nearly identical cloth. “Just look at it! Ocean Turquoise paired with River Turquoise. I swear they must be blind.”

“Yes, so very terrible,” agreed Twilight and approached the table. Rarity had sat in front of it on one side and clearly expected Twilight to sit across on the other end. Twilight instead sat on Rarity’s side.

Rarity blinked and scooted over to accommodate. Twilight began helping her sort the cloth, she didn’t have Rarity’s eye for fashion, but she could at least match colors.

“You know, I don’t do this for just anypony,” commented Rarity.

“You don’t?!” Twilight despaired.

Rarity looked surprised by that reaction. “Well no, I wouldn’t let anypony come into the boutique during off hours. Especially with a sale coming up. Buuuut I think for you, Twilight I can make a special exception. Call it the savior of Equestria bonus.” She giggled and tapped a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.

Twilight laughed overloudly. “Oh! Thanks, Rarity. You’re so generous. I always appreciate you, how generous you are, that is.” When Rarity’s hoof touched her shoulder, Twilight put hers over it.

Rarity's smile faltered when she tried to tug her hoof back, needing to pull several times before Twilight let it go. “Still. It’s a surprise to have you here at all. You never seemed all that interested in sales. Or fashion for that matter.”

“Oh, I like… beautiful things and there are a lot of beautiful things in this boutique,” suggested Twilight with a waggle of her brow.

“Something in your eye?” Rarity asked, perplexed at Twilight’s expression. Her own eyes dropped down, and she gasped, “Oh! What is that around your neck? It looks positively delightful!”

Twilight reached with both hooves and covered herself with wings. “Oh! This! Uh… I…” She looked around the boutique for inspiration. “I came to find something to match it. You know, summer sale. Best time to get a dress and you’re the best, so...”

“Oh darling, you could have just said from the start! Let me pack up these piles, and we can get right to work at making you a dress.” Rarity stood and floated the sorted cloth over to a nearby cabinet.

Twilight chewed on her hoof and watched Rarity walk to the cabinet when an idea struck her. I’ll just put my face near hers so when she turns around her lips will bump into mine. That always works in story books too. Kiss given and then I can explain all of this.

Hoofstep by hoofstep, Twilight approached Rarity. As she edged herself closer and closer she ran her tongue over her lips. Once prepped she started to lean close.

Rarity finished packing away the cloth and caught the movement in a nearby mirror. She whirled in time to put a hoof up against Twilight’s chest.

Twilight lunged the rest of the way, lips puckering, before promptly getting her nose clubbed by a hairbrush.

“Aieee! Away with you, you fiend!” shrieked Rarity, “Are you some kind of changeling?! What have you done with Twilight?!” She wielded the hairbrush in the air between them with her magic.

Twilight fell on her flanks with her forehooves on her nose. “N-No, I want… I need…” Twilight’s eyes started to water with her frustration. “A kiss,” she finally said.

Rarity blinked at seeing Twilight’s tears. “Goodness, it is you! Sweetie, there are better ways to get that from a mare. You could try asking, for instance.”

Twilight slumped in her misery, what could she say without ruining her hope at breaking the spell?

Rarity’s brow furrowed at Twilight’s silence and expression. “Wait, don’t take it like that!” She puffed. “Gracious, I never even knew you felt this way.”

Twilight sighed. “I’m… just making things worse by staying. I’ll explain it better tomorrow.” If I even can by then.

While walking to the door, Twilight heard the hairbrush clatter to the ground moments before a pair hooves landed on her shoulders and spun her about. All at once Rarity was there, kissing her with a firm intensity.

Twilight’s mouth was slack from the surprise and Rarity showed just how much Prench she’d learned from her worldly travels. A wiggle of her tongue, soft and dainty along with a small exchange of breath. Twilight even caught the taste of mint.

Probably her morning tea. Twilight thought madly, starting to giggle.

Rarity pulled away then and smiled. “There we are. Feeling better? Never let it be said that a customer ever left my boutique unhappy.” She gently patted Twilight’s cheek with a hoof adding. “Though if you're looking for anything else. I expect us to go on a few dates, first!”

Twilight felt a little guilty and didn’t want to be leading Rarity on. Well… You could just go on that date later, anyway collar or not.

A glance downward showed Twilight that it was a moot point as she still hadn’t lost her frog curse. “I would like to, Rarity. But there is something important I need to handle. I can’t… exactly tell you what yet. But I promise by tomorrow I’ll explain.”

Rarity looked concerned. “Well, alright. It isn’t serious is it?”

Twilight sighed, “We’ll see. But for now, I really need to go. I have to sort the rest of this out before it’s too late.”

“And you said she kissed you? Even after you threw yourself at her?” Discord asked, astonished. “Well, that certainly should have worked. Her giving you a pity kiss out of her inherent generosity.”

Twilight frowned at him. “It wasn’t a pity kiss! Well, not exactly, but it should have been enough. This is why you don’t use subtext, Discord!” She shook her head. “All the elements were there. She didn’t know about the spell, she initially turned me down then came around and kissed me out of her own volition when I had given up.”

Twilight planted her face on the nearby desk and rattled the cups on it. “She even was Princess Platinum for Hearth’s warming. It couldn’t have been more fitting!”

Discord twisted himself into a pretzel shape and groused, “If you and Deputy Friendship Horse didn’t supercharge this spell then maybe we wouldn’t be here and— eh? What’s that?”

Twilight looked up at him. “Hearth’s Warming Eve. We do the play every year. Rainbow was Commander Hurricane and Rarity was Princess Platinum.”

Discord blinked at her, his eyes making electric click-clacks when he did. “Twilight. Did you have a role in this play?”

“Of course, I played Clover the Clever.”

“Well tell me, Twilight the Not-Clever, why would a spell conditional not be met when you have such a fitting analog?” Discord had put on a black robe with a green snake badge on the front, his mane now an oiler shade of black, slick over his brows.

Twilight frowned at both antics and the question. “Because… Princess Platinum never fell in love or kissed Clover the Clever.”

“Correct! Ten points to Alicorns,” intoned Discord before banishing his outfit. “If we work on being historical then it’s the strongest match yet for the conditional. Who did Clover end up smooching?”

Twilight squinted as she tried to remember her history. “He… he traveled with Platinum until she married Hurricane and then… Pansy!” Her eyes widened as the front door opened in time to jog her memory.

“Is everything still going alright in there? I heard you two shouting, urm... again.” Fluttershy had been spending most of the day outside tending to her animals though every so often she checked in on them.

Discord looked between Twilight and Fluttershy and chortled. “Oh, this is going to be good.

Behind the town's public stage, Twilight threw on the familiar burlap sack with its simple rope necklace. “Thanks for helping with all of this on such short notice, Pinkie."

“Hee! It wasn’t any trouble. I always keep Pony Play Party Preparation Packs around for this veeerrrry situation!”

Twilight peered at her. “Just how often does the need for a spontaneous play happen?”

Pinkie gave her a knowing glance. “More than you think! Musicals can show up just as much as the songs do.”

“That much, huh?” Twilight marveled before turning to face Pinkie. “How do I look?”

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin as she considered. “Missing something… Oh! I know!”

With a firm grip on Twilight’s shoulders, Pinkie pulled her forward into a kiss.

Twilight mumbled, though didn’t struggle too much. Years of knowing Pinkie had dulled her sense of shock or surprise at anything Pinkie did.

Compared to the other mares she’d kissed, Pinkie had an inherent softness to her features that was welcoming. Not to mention her muzzle was practically glazed with sweetness. That enthusiasm for another pony’s happiness seemed to keep in full feeling with the way her lips played on Twilight’s. Sweet in the figurative and literal.

Twilight vaguely wondered about the calorie count of Pinkie’s kisses.

When they broke, Twilight chuckled. “What was that for?”

“For luck, silly!” Pinkie replied before they both glanced down at Twilight’s collar. “Aww! I wanted to be the special somepony.”

Twilight smiled. “You’ll always be special to me, Pinkie. Besides, I don’t think Puddinghead ever made out with Clover.”

Pinkie grinned and kissed Twilight again on the nose. “His loss!”

Discord sat pointedly between the two mares, forcing them to scoot apart. He then snapped his paw fingers to conjure an extra row of chairs just so he could put his foot and hoof up, despite being in the front row. “Oh ho. I can’t wait to see such a performance! I’m glad you girls held my seat.”

Starlight looked around. The audience consisted of exactly two ponies and a draconequus. “Yeah, it’s a real sold out show.”

Discord loudly munched from a bag of popcorn. “Oh, I’m sure many would pay extra for seeing mares kiss at a show. Isn’t that right?” He directed his question to the third audience member.

“Trixie amazes and delights crowds with her feats of incredible illusions… though if her equally amazing and wonderful assistant wishes to try for a kiss at the next show... Trixie would not refuse giving it a try,” declared Trixie with a hopeful glance toward Starlight.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Trixie, I think if we started doing that on stage it’d attract a different clientele, one not so interested in magic.”

Trixie stuck her tongue out and replied in a plainer, less grandiose tone. “Would be worth it.”

Discord grinned and munched his popcorn.

Starlight looked up at him. “You know, I’m surprised you’re okay with this, Fluttershy kissing somepony.”

Discord stopped mid-munch and squinted an eye at Starlight. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I dunno. You seem like the jealous, possessive type.”

Discord flicked a popcorn kernel to bounce it between Starlight’s eyes. “Anypony ever tell you’re as subtle as a brick and just as sweet?”

Trixie laughed. “Starlight only keeps quiet with ponies she really cares about.”

Starlight shook the corn from her hair before she snorted at Trixie. “Oh don’t you start now...”

“But for your information, Fluttershy is her own pony and can kiss whomever she feels like kissing. Any friendship or feelings she has for anypony doesn’t affect the feelings and friendship she has for me,” recited Discord.

Starlight and Trixie shared a glance.

“Friendship lesson?” Trixie wondered.

“Definitely a friendship lesson,” replied Starlight.

“It wasn’t from Twilight!” said Discord defensively before muttering, “Fluttershy taught me this one herself.”

Trixie looked for a place to put a comforting hoof on Discord and ended up patting his tail instead. “Trixie will reveal that she herself had trouble with Starlight until Starlight told Trixie how to behave.” She grinned and raised a hoof to stage whisper to Discord behind it. “But sometimes a little trouble makes it all the better.”

Discord smirked at Starlight. “Teaching how ponies to ‘behave’? How very Twilight of you.”

Starlight sighed.

Trixie and Discord laughed, and eventually, Starlight joined in. However, all three quieted when movement from the stage drew their attention.

“Are you sure this will work?” Starlight whispered over to Discord.

Discord snapped his fingers to conjure a large soda to obnoxiously slurp from before answering, “Not at all! Though I have every confidence that it will somehow.”

“Is that faith in your chaos whatever?” asked Trixie.

“Nope! Just look at us. We’re living proof that she and her friends can work miracles. Now hush the show is starting.”

Spike stepped onto the stage with his master-of-ceremonies bowtie and hat on. He lifted a index card and read it.

“Ladies and gentledragoncolts. Welcome to the preview of ‘An After Winter’s Tale’. After Hearth’s Warming Eve had shown that the different tribes could work together, the question remained: Could they love?”

The stage curtains pulled up to reveal a scene set in front of a cardboard castle. Rarity in her Princess Platinum costume trotted alongside Twilight in her Clover the Clever outfit.

“I can’t believe my father wants me to marry a pegasus! They don’t even have princes! Just sergeants, captains and—”

Overhead Rainbow Dash flew by, swatting aside cardboard cut-outs of clouds, dressed in her Hurricane outfit.

“—commanders,” finished Platinum, staring open mouthed.

“Is everything alright, your majesty?” Clover asked.

Platinum shook her head hard enough to bounce her ringlets and set her oversized crown askew. “Well. If it’s for the good of my nation, I will woo that stud.”

“Your majesty seems to have gotten a quick appreciation for diplomacy,” deadpanned Clover.

Platinum made a ‘harrumph’ noise. “Dearie, they are not our rivals any longer. Besides a lady can appreciate a colt who knows where to put his hooves.”

Rainbow broke one of the cardboard cutouts with an enthusiastic buck.

Spike ruffled cards and read from the next. “Though the Princess found that Pegasi were pragmatic and often more about substance over style.”

“What do you mean they aren’t any good?!” Platinum wailed, “These are some of the finest clothes in Equestria!”

“Yeah, but you can’t even take a step without tripping over your own hooves! And being on the ground, you’ll have to gallop to keep up with me!” Hurricane replied with a soldier’s curt honesty.

Hurricane turned and flew while Platinum scrambled to trot after him only to make a pratfall on her nose, sending her crown skittering across the floor. She tossed her hooves in a overly dramatic tantrum as the curtain fell.

Spike flipped through his cards. “The princess grew up getting everything she ever wanted. Having a pony turn down her hoof in marriage was devastating! But, it put to her that if a pegasus was ever to respect a Unicorn she had to do something truly ‘magical’.”

As the stage was too short for much physical action, Rainbow flapped in place with hooves outstretched. Off stage, Applejack worked the winch to make the cardboard clouds move behind Rainbow and a fan blowing in from the side, giving the impression of Hurricane flying at speed.

“Clover! Just look at him! The love of my life is flying away, and he doesn’t even know it!” cried Platinum.

“Love of your life?” Clover asked incredulously.

Platinum’s mascara ran with her tears. “I must have him!” She demanded before breaking out into sobs, “I know I could woo him if he would only listen...”

“I can help get you to him, but you’ll have to do the rest,” answered Clover while lighting his horn.

Platinum gasped as the purple magic lifted her through the air. After a momentary wobble, she soon grinned and pointed herself towards Hurricane. “For love!” She didn’t even stop to recover her crown when she zoomed through the air after the pegasus.

Spike continued his narration. “Hurricane never thought that a unicorn could ever match him at the thing he was best at and the old soldier soon found appreciation for some fancy with his fierceness after all.”

“You can fly!” Hurricane exclaimed as Platinum flew up to meet him.

“Not only that! I can dance!” replied Platinum as she put her hooves out and did an aerial pirouette. Her dress which had been long and impractical on the ground now flowed and bloomed out in the air. “Care to have one?”

Hurricane grinned and bowed his head, seeping off his helmet with a gesture. “Don’t mind if I do… my lady.” Soon both pegasus and unicorn were swinging and dancing in the air together.

Spike lifted the last card from the deck. “Now on equal hoofing, the Princess and Commander would go on aerial escapades. Though while Platinum impressed Hurricane, there was another pony who got quite the revelation herself, in the most unlikely of places.”

Clover stood behind a bush with his horn lit, watching the pair above him, so focused on his task that he didn’t see Pansy come up and try to pick one of the flowers.

Pansy’s hoof landed on Clover’s shoulder instead of a flower stem and she let out a gasp when the unicorn leapt from the bush in surprise. After straightening her askew helmet, Pansy blinked. “Clover! You’ve been the one helping them?”

“Please don’t tell! Platinum… she needs all the help she can get,” begged Clover with a glance above.

“That’s so sweet of you to do that for Rari— um… Platinum.” Pansy raised a hoof to her mouth and giggled. “Hurricane is terrible at picking flowers, and he asked me to bring them a bouquet to give to Platinum. I guess we're both helping in our own way.”

“And so as the leaders of the unicorns and pegasi warmed to each other, so did their assistants until the day…” Spike gestured.

The play had been a hastily put together affair and most of the time was time spent in convincing Fluttershy in a way to make it seem believable without tipping her off. The result was a play that was more improv than scripted, particularly now as Twilight hadn’t been sure if writing in a kiss counted for the spell.

Above them Rarity and Rainbow danced and spun with hooves touching before drawing together close. Rarity’s head lifted and Rainbow’s face lowered.

“It looks like they are falling for each other!” Twilight declared.

Fluttershy clopped her hooves together, letting out a small voiced cheer. “Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m glad we were able to help them.”

“I’m going to miss working together with you,” Twilight said with an emphasis on wistfulness.

Fluttershy thought on what her next line should be and put a hoof to her chin.

Around them the stage had gone quiet. Rarity and Rainbow looking from above. Applejack hauled on the rope winch and Spike wrung his claws. Twilight bit her lip and looked out from the stage towards the town center. The large town hall clock was distant, but she could make out how close to midnight it was. Should she try for another hint? How much would be leading?

“LADIES! Please! Contain yourselves till after the show!” Discord’s yell broke the silence. In his lap, Starlight and Trixie were up against one another face to face.

Twilight boggled at the sight until she squinted and saw how Starlight and Trixie’s muzzles were scrunched and Discord’s claw and paw were on their backs. He had lifted them up and put them together.

Starlight saw Twilight looking at her out of the corner of her eye. Slowly, but surely, she put her hooves on Trixie’s shoulders, tilted her head and turned the forced muzzle smoosh into a real kiss.

Twilight never felt more proud of her student for remembering a lesson.

Trixie for her part either caught on or couldn’t pass up making out with Starlight and started reciprocating.

Fluttershy giggled. Discord’s interruption didn’t phase her as she was so very well used to it. The inspiration worked to goad her into a line. “Clover, it doesn’t have to be the end. I really like you. Maybe… maybe we can stay together, too.” Fluttershy leaned and touched her lips to Twilight’s.

Twilight trembled, this would be the last kiss she ever got as a pony if it didn’t work. She pressed back, trying not to show her desperation, reaching to hug her friend as she did. She hoped Fluttershy would take good care of her as a frog.

Like her personality, Fluttershy was sweet, kind, and accommodating, tipping her head in just a way to make the kiss inviting. Twilight was too nervous to Prench but felt Fluttershy would have simply taken it in stride. Twilight peeked an eye open and found herself matching gazes with Fluttershy. The caretaker mare was looking to her, with an expression pure and innocent, yet adoring as well.

The opposite of ‘The Stare’...

Twilight’s thoughts started to fuzz and her horn winked off. Somewhere above, Rarity let out half a scream before Rainbow caught her and clopped a hoof over her mouth.


There was a sound of something clattering to the ground. Fluttershy broke the kiss with a gasp and looked. “Oh no! Your collar fe—”

Twilight with the weight literally off her neck, felt the figurative one move off her heart. She pulled Fluttershy close and rained kisses on the prettiest yellow muzzle she’d ever seen. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Fluttershy ‘eek’d’, each kiss turning her rosier and rosier at the cheeks. “Tw-Twilight, it’s j-just a play!” She stammered in-between each kiss.

It took some explaining afterwards, though Twilight didn’t mind. She had time now, all the time in Equestria, and explaining is what she did best. Pinkie Pie announced that the actors should do the traditional post-play party in Twilight’s castle. Naturally, Pinkie had already set up banners and prepared a cake.

Twilight was about to ask how Pinkie could be so sure that they’d be coming home with a victory until she saw a jar of frosted flies that Pinkie quickly hid behind one of the congratulatory signs. Pinkie Preparedness indeed.

“I think if there is a lesson to be had, it’s that I have the best friends in Equestria,” announced Twilight, settling back into her cutie-chair at the round table after thoroughly enjoying her pony-appropriate slice of cake. Avoiding her froggy fate had it taste all the sweeter.

Rarity flounced her mane still adorned with a crown. “It was certainly a change from all the adventure and heroics we're usually involved with. Most of our drama is the hoof biting kind, not the theatrical kind.”

“Ya know ya can take that off now,” said Applejack to Rarity with a chortle.

“Piffle! Let me be a princess a little while longer. It’s not like I’m on my way to turning into a frog,” said the Platinum stand-in.

Fluttershy smiled. “I’m just glad I was able to help, though couldn’t we still do the play without the curse? It was still a beautiful story.”

Pinkie giggled. “Yeah! We can put even more kissing in it now that we don’t have to worry about distracting everypony from the main one.”

“Hold up! I think everypony is forgetting one important thing,” announced Rainbow with a stern clop of her hoof on the map-table. Her commander outfit lent her an air of authority as she pointed right at Twilight. “You still haven’t told us which kiss you liked the best!”

Twilight blinked as all eyes turned towards her. “Girls, it wasn’t a competition.”

“Not a competition, ‘cuz you already decided, huh?” Applejack commented with some smug assuredness.

“We should be kind to Twilight. It’s not fair on her to have to say my kiss was the best just because it broke the curse,” said Fluttershy in Twilight’s ‘defense’.

“Sweetie, that kiss was given out of necessity! Truly it’s the ones given out of generosity that count the most. If you had only seen how miserable Twilight was in my shop before I gave her my ‘special.’”

“Yeah? Well, she broke the sound barrier coming after mine!” Rainbow huffed.

Twilight tried to wave them off. “Please, you don’t have to fight about it! It doesn’t matter whose was better.”

Applejack’s fork bobbled in her mouth like a hay stem. “Shucks, we’re grown mares, Twilight. We can handle being second best if that’s where it end up bein’.”

Rainbow squinted suspiciously at Applejack’s all too quick glance over to her. “Hey!”

Pinkie Pie waved one of her hooves enthusiastically. “I’m curious too! Aren’t you reallllly great at breaking down abstract situations into simple to understand laypony prose using mathematical proofs and assorted concepts?” When the others stared at Pinkie, she put her hooves up. “What? She is!”

Twilight sighed. “Fine. If you’re all so curious… Spike get the chalkboard. I need to draw up some matrices.”

“So you can see based on variables such as lip pressure, taste, sensation and other factors you can plot a logarithmic graph that takes into account all the functions,” Twilight said as she clattered the chalk after filling out every available space on the blackboard with numbers.

Rainbow jolted from her doze when she heard the rattle of the chalk. “Huh! Oh, yeah. Um. Hey, Twilight I think I'm gonna go get some sleep. It’s way past midnight and you’re not a frog so, yeah.”

“Got my mornin’ chores to be thinking of too.”

“Oof, is it that late? I never did get a chance to finish preparations for my sale. Something for the ‘morrow.”

“Discord tries his best, but he always mixes up feeding the animals when I’m away. I really should go home and check on them.”

When the last of Twilight’s friends left Spike walked up to the chalkboard and looked at it.

“You really don’t have any idea which was the best, do you?” Spike observed.

Twilight smiled as she started erasing the showy and purposefully over-complicated nonsense formula she had written. “Of course not, I love all my friends.”

Comments ( 26 )

You weren't kidding on the amount of kisses there was in this story. It was quite a trip reading this, and I'm glad to have read it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for putting up with my Kiss-a-thon :)

I LOVE the ending. Perfectly Twilight way to evade a question.

This story is Extremely Good and I want to thank the author for bringing it into all our lives. Smoochfic is the new clopfic, nobody should write anything else again.

Came for the pony smooching, was not disappointed. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay it's official Twilight Sparkle turns everything off including romance.

This fic was great but it's left me wanting some smooches now. :rainbowkiss:

Fluttershy: *smallvoice* Yay~

And thanks for the kind words! I am glad I got a laugh, brought a smile and struck a few heartstrings too with you~

Rarilight and Twiluna are fun pairings and your idea makes me giggle with its sit-com potential. Those two would be easy for Twi to mix up in the dark on voice alone. As the idea that the lingering effects of the curse isn't some magical thing. But rather all her friends now think of Twilight romantically. Oh no.. how... terrrrrrible.

I kept thinking it would turn out she had to kiss a frog. Oh well, fun little story.

Actually... that is a genius idea. I’d have totally gone with that if I wasn’t so caught up writing pony smoochin >.<


I was even more sure when Discord got involved. Even anticipated angry Twilight and sheepish Discord!

I started reading this hoping it would be hilarious and full of well-written kisses. I was not disappointed. In fact, this was far better than I expected; it was absolutely hilarious and the actual maker of the book was perfect.

A follow-up with a Twilight-centered love hexagon (Luna Applejack Rainbow Rarity Pinkie Fluttershy) would be brilliant, if you have the time.


Aww! Thanks for all the sweet words <3 Really glad you liked it!

I've have a few ideas that is close to what you suggest~ I'll probably save it for a milestone if this ever reaches a hundred upvotes :)

It's pretty rare that a story makes me laugh out loud. This one managed it multiple times! Kudos to the Author for a very well written, very funny and perfectly in character story. Thanks.

This was a very sweet story :twilightsmile:

I like how it managed to keep that atmosphere and yet still have some threat behind it with what might happen to Twilight. And I liked Discord being in-character without being too zany and taking over everything. Luna was well-balanced as a virgin without being too shy about it, and I liked Applejack's pragmatic approach to it. Cadence admitting she'd already given it her best shot was a fantastic moment.

More than anything I liked how different each of the kisses were; the premise is one that could have got old quickly, but you mixed it up enough each time to keep it fresh :twilightsmile:

O. M. G.

This was the best! :heart::heart::pinkiehappy:

I absolutely nearly died from cuteness overload! And those kisses!


Eeee you are such a sweetheart. I am glad you enjoyed so much :twilightblush:

Adorable from start to finish, yet still carrying some great dramatic tension. And I can't help but notice that Pinkie never actually gave an excuse for leaving at the end...

:pinkiehappy: "I see where you're going with this. Lemme do some quick back-of-the-cupcake-wrapper calculations and I'll have definitive proof bright and early!"

Thank you for a most enjoyable read. (Though you should probably stick to "Darling" when it comes to Rarity's terms of endearment. When she calls ponies "Sweetie," it sounds like she thinks they're her ssiter in disguise.)


Huh. You did call it. Nice.

Hey. I still don't hold a candle to the master of precog though. :raritywink:

Though you should probably stick to "Darling" when it comes to Rarity's terms of endearment...

Of course how could I forget Ocellus' masterful impersonation. You don't really need any other words really. She's like a fabulous Pikachu Darlingchu

I am happy you gave it a read and enjoyed! Means a lot! Not just to get my kissyfic upvoted, But I now almost have a comment on every story of mine from you. Do I get a free FoME combo meal after the sixth?

Or better yet. gimmie a kiss-related Magic card~

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am not a frog.

Your faithful student in all things, Twilight Sparkle

That's pretty good, I wish I thought of it and put it as a tiny epilogue :twilightsheepish:

After Terms and the comet story, this was somewhat lighter than I thought it would be. The other two were very emotional and sometimes profound, while this is more... fluffy, I guess? Maybe the lack of a drama tag here should've clued me in on that sooner. But that's not a complaint at all. This was still a very entertaining story with a fun premise which managed to remain fresh for the whole twelve thousand words, even despite doing the standard thing of Twilight having a scene with each of the main characters in sequence. You even included Discord! And if I haven't said it before already, I really do like your descriptive prose. So it's pretty good all around. Thank you, again, for writing this.

"Or when we went over how to play spin the bottle!"
"It was always weird to play that game with just the two of us."

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