• Published 17th Aug 2017
  • 7,884 Views, 117 Comments

Outlier - SociallyAwkwardPegasus

A human turned equine is thrown for a loop when he is suddenly transported to Equestria. The ruler of the fair land has only one request for the former human. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.

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Happy Flaps

Chapter 8

About a week had passed since Devin and Skylight had made amends. The two truly left any animosity towards each other in the ring. Devin would greet Skylight in the mornings with a smile while making small talk as everypony ate their breakfast. There were a lot of interesting facts about the mare that the thestral did not know before. One such interesting fact was that the mare used to play the piano, despite her demeanor. When Devin asked how she started playing, he was told a rather somber fact about the mare. She was an orphan from a very young age. Her main mother had died of some type of medical complication shortly after her birth. Her other mother started drinking as a result of the death, often finding solace in reminding Skylight that she was the one who killed her mother. Suffice to say, CPS was called numerous times before they finally had enough after a drunken night left Skylight in the hospital. Of course, Skylight’s living mother was investigated and found to have been so abusive that it warranted the mare being sent to jail while Skylight got put in the foster care system. It was during her time in foster care that she took up the piano as an outlet to help express her emotions. She had played all throughout her younger years and into highschool. Every now and again she would play some, though it wasn’t something she was actively pursuing. Devin made a mental note to try and get the mare to play him something next time an opportunity arose.

When Devin asked Lemon Scent about her family, the mare seemed a tad reluctant to give away any information about them. Her posture and tone told the stallion all he needed to know about the sort of relationship she had with them. And although Devin’s interest was piqued, he respected the mare’s privacy before moving onto Streamline.

Out of everypony there, Streamline had the rather standard upbringing. Born to two middle class mares in the suburbs, she went to school and enlisted in the Royal Guard right after highschool. And the rest is history. When Devin compared the ages of the mares, he found that Streamline was the youngest of three at the age of twenty three. Lemon Scent was twenty five and Skylight was reaching her twentyninth birthday within a few weeks. Devin made another mental note to get her something before going into a few details about himself.

After a brief discussion and breakfast, Devin was hoisted back upstairs by a very watchful Streamline. She made a threat to be within eyeshot of the thestral at all times during his recovery, and she meant it. The only time he had any solace was when he was in the bathroom to use the latrine or take a shower. Every other time, Streamline was constantly there to check up on him and make sure that the healing process continued smoothly. It was also during this time that Streamline decided to make herself available during the night, in case he needed anything. Though the thestral believed it was just a way to get the two of them to sleep in the same bed. And surprisingly after a few days of the routine, Devin started liking the notion of sharing a bed with someone else. Even if it didn’t involve anything sexual, not that Streamline didn’t try a time or two, he still felt comfortable having the mare around him. Which led to another thought entirely. How did she really feel about him? Or better yet, how did he really feel about her? It was these questions that lingered in the stallion’s mind on his last day of recovery. He knew he would need to talk to Streamline about it, though he didn’t quite know how to breach the subject in conversation. Granted, he was sure that an opportunity would present itself by the end of the day.

“Devin, can you come downstairs for a minute? We need to figure out where we want to go and eat,” the voice of Skylight called up to him. Sitting up from his position in the bathtub, Devin took a moment to close his eyes for another moment of peace before getting out of the tub and drying off. Now that he had recovered enough for his friends not to be labeled a stallion beater, everyone wanted to take him out for something to eat as a celebration of sorts. When he asked what they were celebrating, he received a couple of responses. One, for not dying in the boxing match against Skylight. And two, for starting a clean slate with the mare. Skylight insisted that she would treat everypony to a meal as a show of gratitude, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Yeah, I heard ya. Be out in a few minutes,” Devin yelled back, as he begrudgingly wiped away the last of the water on his coat. He still wasn’t one hundred percent used to dealing with such a thick coat of fur, or any fur for that matter. It made drying off a rather annoying task, since he needed multiple towels to be able to do so now. Though that was just another thing he would have to get used to.

Throwing on a pair of jeans he had gotten from his previous outing with Streamline, the stallion grabbed his shirt before proceeding downstairs. Making his way into the kitchen area, he saw everypony talking amongst themselves but quickly froze mid conversation as Devin outstretched his hand with the shirt.

“I don’t feel like messing with this thing for the next half an hour, so can you please just help me real quick?” Devin asked. Lemon Scent wasted no time in grabbing the shirt from the thestral before throwing it over his head and gently guiding his wings through the two wing slits on the back.

“Thanks, Lemon. So, where exactly are we going?” Devin asked. Skylight and Streamline were quick to snap out of their stupor before answering his question.

“Well, we have a few places in mind. Since this is mainly as a show of gratitude for you, we all thought that you might like to pick the place we eat, or at least a general idea so we can narrow it down from there,” Skylight replied. The thestral shrugged his shoulders before offering his response.

“Honestly, I don’t really care. Since I don’t really know most of the restaurants around here, you all can pick. Something not formal though. I don’t really have clothes to match that kind of setting. Speaking of which, will I need to get a suit or something?”

“I don’t think you have too, though it would be a good idea if you did. We can take you to a place tomorrow if you want. They should be able to fit you for a couple of suits for when you have to wear them to specific stallion functions.” Devin raised an eyebrow at the last part of that sentence. He didn’t know what a stallion function was, but he assumed he wouldn’t like it.

“And what exactly is a stallion function? Just somewhere stallions can meet and greet with one another?” Skylight took this opportunity to clear her throat, not looking forward to the response she was about to give.

“A stallion function is a function for stallions to interact with mares, mostly the nobility, for the purpose of meeting new potential herdmates or clients if the stallion is into that line of work.”

“So, it’s basically a place where mares can window shop for stallions and then proposition them for sex with money or companionship?” Devin bluntly stated. All three mares looked away from the stallion as he phrased it that way, though they had to agree that is what it was.

“In simple terms, yes. Though they aren’t mandatory, or at least most of them aren’t. Every stallion must attend the summer function since it is close to estrus season for mares, though they aren't required to attend anymore than that. Most stallions only attend one or two a year, unless they are in that type of work,” Skylight answered. Devin let out a sigh and shook his head.

“Great. If I have to attend the summer function, that’s probably going to be in a month or so. So I guess I will need those suits sooner than later. What happens if I don’t attend the summer function?” Skylight began to fidget a bit, knowing the answer but not wanting to upset the stallion.

“The stallion and his herd would have to have an audience with Princess Luna and explain why they were not present for the event, since it is the law. If the Princess deems the answer unsatisfactory, the herd could receive a large fine or some other types of repercussions. Other citizens might shun them as well since it is the duty of the mares in herds to take their stallions to these sorts of events. Though that does rarely happen.” Letting out a grunt of annoyance, he knew good and well that the Princess was expecting him to be at the event. If he failed to show up, his friends might pay the price for it since they all technically work for the Princess. Or worse, she might force him back to the castle, not that he would go without a fight. He decided to push the thought out of his mind for the moment and instead focus on the here and now.

“Despite how stupid that law is, I would prefer not to complicate my life any more than it already is. We can start looking for a suit tomorrow, but for now, let’s just get something to eat. I honestly don’t care where we eat as long as I don’t have to dress up for it. So feel free to pick,” he said. Streamline and Skylight shared a look with each other before silently agreeing on a place.

“Well, there is a place not too far from here. It’s… not the most extravagant place for stallions, but a lot of guards go there and they serve decent food. The patrons shouldn’t bother us too much since Skylight will outrank most of them,” Streamline said.

“Sounds good to me. Lead the way,” Devin added, as the party of four made their way out the door and towards the restaurant.

It was nearing around seven in the evening when the group managed to make it to the restaurant. The walk was uneventful, except for the multiple stares the group had received from other ponies. In the upper district where his home was located, most of the ponies would give a quick glance in their direction, their eyes focused on the stallion and mares for a few seconds before being on their way. Stallions were more of a normal sight around those parts since most of them tended to be herded with nobility or high status ponies. However, once the group started making their way out of their neighborhood and towards the lower part of the city, that is when the stares from other ponies became longer and more awkward. Devin couldn’t fault them for it, even if it did unnerve him slightly. Most ponies probably didn’t expect to see a stallion around their area, or one so exotic as him. As if sensing his unease about the situation, Streamline made it abundantly clear that he would be safe as she and Lemon Scent practically glued themselves on either side of Devin with Skylight taking point.

“It’s just up ahead. Hopefully it won’t be that busy on a weekday. I don’t want to deal with a bunch of inebriated guards,” Skylight said. She proceeded up to the door before holding it open for the group to enter. As soon as the thestral stepped through the door, he was hit with a wave of familiarity as he internally chuckled to himself at where he was at.

“Of course this would be the spot a bunch of guards would frequent,” he mumbled to himself, scanning the room full of box TVs and mares in different colored jerseys. He was in a bar, a sports bar at that, and it seemed that Skylight had guessed wrong on the amount of patrons the establishment was hosting.

“Dammit. I forgot it’s the start of buckball season. This is going to be crowded as hell in an hour,” Skylight said before turning towards Devin.

“Hey, Devin. I sort of bucked up and forgot it was the start of buckball season. This place is about to get crowded. We can find a new place to go if you want,” Skylight said, leaving the decision up to him. Honestly, Devin really couldn’t care less. He hoped that most of the mares there would pay him little mind, and instead be focused more on their sports games being played. That’s how it normally worked in his old world, so he figured he would give them the benefit of the doubt.

“Nah, I'm good. This place is fine. Let’s just grab a booth near the back and try to stay out of the limelight. Besides, I'm interested in the kind of sports you all play,” he said. It was an opportunity to observe a different world’s sports. He wanted to make some mental notes to see exactly how similar, if at all, sports were in Equestria versus where he came from. Nodding her head in understanding, the group quickly made their way to the back of the bar, seating themselves at a booth next to a television for the stallion’s viewing pleasure.

“Good evening, my name is Cherry Twist…” A waitress began to say as she strolled up to the table. It was upon her greeting that she noticed not all of the patrons were mares, catching her off guard as she blatantly stared at the stallion. A harsh sounding cough coming from Streamline was quick to snap the mare out of her thoughts before adorning her customer service smile once again.

“Apologies for that. I wasn’t expecting to see a stallion around here,” She said before taking out a notepad.

“Again, my name is Cherry Twist and I will be your server for this evening. May I get you all something to drink and perhaps some appetizers?” The mare stated as she handed out the menus to everypony. From frequenting the restaurant more times than they cared to admit, Skylight and Streamline ordered the table a set of appetizers, fried mozzarella sticks with chips and salsa, along with drinks for everyone. The mare wrote down the requests on her notepad before quickly scampering away to the back, where the group knew she would be gossiping about a stallion being in their restaurant. Sure enough, Devin noticed a few of the working mares stick their heads through the serving window, trying to catch a glimpse of the stallion to see if their coworker had been pulling her leg.

“So, Skylight, Streamline? You say you have been here a lot. How many times have you seen a stallion here before,” Devin asked.

“Well, I know Skylight has been coming here a bit longer than me. Though I’ve been coming here for around five years and have actually never seen a stallion here before,” Streamline replied.

“I agree. I’ve been coming here for a little bit longer though I have never seen a stallion here either. Granted, most stallions would think of such places beneath their status, or at least their herds would. Most of the normal, working ponies may end up seeing a stallion only a dozen or so times in their lifetime. Interacting with one is such a rare occurrence, that it borders on statistical improbability,” Skylight added. Nodding his head, Devin took a few moments to process his interactions between ponies over the last month. It brought forth some conclusions on the way mares acted around him. He still could hardly grip his mind around the scarcity of stallions, though the constant looks and interactions were slowly desensitizing him to that way of thought. That also brought up another question to mind.

“So, if mares never really get to interact with stallions, why did you all seem rather normal when interacting with me?” he asked. The mares took a moment to think of a response before Lemon Scent broke the silence.

“I have actually had a few interactions with stallions from home, so it wasn’t as big of a shock to me as most.”

“Because of my position in the military and other reasons, I have had multiple dealings with stallions as well,” Skylight agreed. All eyes soon shifted to Streamline, her reddened cheeks tinting her fur as she shook her head.

“Well, Devin was actually my first interaction with a stallion. I didn’t really know how to act, so I sort of just winged it and treated him like I would anypony else,” she admitted. Remembering back to his first interactions with Streamline, he couldn’t help but focus on a particular aspect of her personality.

“Wait, if you were treating me like anypony else, does that mean your default mode is horny? Because damn, you were making a lot of passes at me the first day we met… and even now.” Devin questioned. By this time the drinks had arrived at the table and Skylight had to do her best from choking on her drink because of the comment. Streamline’s wings started twitching along her back as the blush on her cheeks reddened.

“M-My default mode is not horny!” she countered, trying her best to save face. Looking back at it, she did realize she made a lot of sexual jokes and innuendos with the stallion. She assumed he didn’t mind it and continued to do so, though now she was beginning to question her actions.

“If your default mode isn’t horny, does that mean you like making those jokes with only me,” Devin teased. It was one of the few times where the stallion had the offensive, and he was going to use every advantage he could to tease the mare for all the teasing she had done to him. Streamline could only grumble out a short response before sipping on her drink, knowing that she was gonna need it if Devin decided to tease her all night. Luckily for the mare, the thestral lessened up on his plans for revenge, as his focus was soon brought to the television. It reminded him of when he was young, with most sports bars back then having box television sets, like a TGI Fridays. The trip down memory lane seemed to somber the stallion, with Lemon Scent being the first to notice.

“Are you alright Devin? You seem… kinda sad,” Lemon Scent stated. Streamline and Skylight turned their attention towards Devin as he nodded his head.

“Yeah, I’m fine. This place just reminds me of a few places back home. It’s… I don’t know how to really describe it. I’m not sad, just sort of taking a trip down memory lane,” he replied. Despite the previous teasing from before, Streamline wanted nothing more than to comfort the stallion next. She used this time to drape a wing along his back, silently reassuring him that she was there for him. The action seemed to work, as Devin relaxed a bit into the wing before becoming engrossed in what the locals called buckball.

A few hours had passed since the group made it to the restaurant. Devin was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere of the bar, seeing as how a majority of the mares were more interested in their sports teams instead of him. He knew that would be a selling point for him to return, not to mention that the food was decent for a bar. They even had fish, an uncommon dish for most ponies besides pegasi. Devin decided to order himself a plank of salmon, and he was not disappointed in the quality. All in all, it was a good trip and a good outing with friends. That thought played on the stallion’s mind the entire time home, as he thought about the conversation he was going to have with Streamline. He had delayed it long enough as it was, and he knew it would be better to just get it over and done with than beating around the bush. So as soon as everypony made it home, Devin retreated upstairs to his room, followed by a rather nervous looking Streamline.

“S-So Devin, what did you want to talk about?” Streamline asked. Devin couldn’t help but notice a slight worry in it, though he pushed the thought away. Taking a moment to close his door, Devin proceeded to the end of the bed before flopping on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He took a deep breath before exhaling, as he stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds. Seeming to take the hint, Streamline joined the stallion on the edge of the bed before flopping down beside him. Another bout of silence permeated the room as the two just layed next to one another before Devin broke that silence.

“Streamline, what are we?” Devin asked, turning his head towards the mare. Seemingly puzzled by his question, Streamline turned to meet the stallion’s gaze with a confused expression.

“I don’t really understand what you mean?” She admitted. Devin let out another sigh before staring back up at the ceiling.

“What I mean is, what are we to each other? How do you see me? Or better yet, how do you really feel about me?” Despite her preparation for this moment, Streamline found it hard to offer her answer. The confident mare that usually showed no signs of hesitation or doubt when offering a rebuttal with her quick wit, took a moment to process her thoughts as best she could.

“I-I think I know what you are getting at. And I think you already know the answer.” Tilting her head towards Devin, Streamline made sure to give the stallion her full attention before answering the question.

“I like you Devin. By the gods, I really like you. You are just… amazing. I’ve never really felt this way about another pony before, mare or stallion. I used to think that there was something wrong with me since I never could relate to other ponies describing what having feelings for another pony was like. But with you, my feelings are different. I can just be myself and not have to worry about offending you or causing drama. I don’t have to hide my, as you called it, horny mode or my jokes. I love the banter the two of us have together. I love spending time with you and all the teasing we do to each other. And, I love being there for you when you need somepony to talk to or advice. That’s how I really feel.” Streamline answered. The mare didn’t hold back or try to say what she thought he might like to hear. It would have been a disservice to Devin if she had. Now all she could do was wait for his response, if he would even offer one. As the seconds ticked by, the mare could only dread the wait before Devin offered his feelings on the matter.

“That’s kinda what I thought,” he said before sitting up from his lying position on the bed. Streamline joined him as he shifted his position to look directly at the mare, knowing that it was time for him to tell her how he really felt.

“Streamline. I don’t really know how to say this, so I just will. Ever since I came to this goddamn world, I have had to deal with a lot of shit. I still feel like I was cheated out of my old life, and I hold a certain animosity because of that. When I was in the castle, I was kept dark about everything, including the purpose I was there for, what happened to me, and if I could return home. And when bad news after bad news continued to come my way, I was starting to think it would be better to just off myself to spite that bitch of a princess. But one of the only saving graces I had was you. I don’t think that Skylight or anypony else really expected us to hit it off like we did, or for us to share the same sense of humor. You didn’t hide anything from me and answered my questions the best you could. You treated me like you would anypony else, something that I desperately needed to keep my sanity.” He paused for a few more seconds, trying to gather his thoughts and express them in a coherent manner.

“And when I thought that I would never be able to be happy again, you went out of your way to make me feel welcomed and valued. But most of all, you made me feel like my own person and didn’t try to dictate my actions. You helped me get my freedom back, which is why I can make decisions on my own now. And I want to make another one right now.” He gave the mare no time to contemplate or argue with what was about to happen. Instead, he pulled Streamline tight against his chest before delivering a soft and gentle kiss upon the mare’s lips. Streamline could only respond with a soft ‘eep’ and fluttered wings, though quickly fell into a trance with the stallion. The kiss lasted less than five seconds, though when the two pulled away from each other, both of their cheeks were blazing red. That still didn’t stop them each from sporting a small smile on their muzzle. No more words needed to be said between the two. Both Devin and Streamline knew what the other had in mind. It was going to be a long night, though neither one was complaining.