• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday



Comments ( 34 )
Majin Syeekoh

Oh man it’s up.

Are those things in the image... horn condoms? :trixieshiftright:

psychological evaluation

This can only go horribly wrong.

Well that happened. How are these the heroes again?

The only thing missing from this story to make it 100% medically accurate is a revolver. Oh fluoxetine, how I have missed you...

This... really isn't funny.

This story speaks to me on a spiritual level.

It says drugs are nice.

Well, this was bound to happen sooner or later, wasn't it?

This is why I abandoned my prescription.

This is literally the greatest thing I have ever read in my entire life god damn it regi why are you so much better at writing than i am hfusdfisaydf89 fuck,

This was kind of reminiscent of Tittysparkles. Classic fucked-up-ery. But then, you've done your fair share of that haven't you Reggie?

I chuckled until Rarity OD'd.

This was... disquieting. In a good way.

Test tubes I believe, but I like the way you think.

Yeeeeeeah. I've been on medication that gave me migraines, that made me throw up, that made me nauseated, made me pace the floor, etc. Side effects are eeeeeevil man.

Thumbs up for sure.

This is starting to convince me that Rainbow is a perverted flying idiot who managed to get far in life from being stupidly lucky. Fluttershy is just plain sad and I was right about Starlight being a functioning psychopath. Twilight deserves to have ALL of her stupid books burned for being a general asshole to Spike and being racist towards earth ponies, but I do pity her mental overall mental state and she doesn't seem to be fit to be raising Spike anyway. I'm honestly happy that Applejack is not illiterate, though. At this point, I'm torn between Twilight and Rainbow because I'm starting to hate them both. But by no means do I want to read about them being raped. Ugh, I sound like one of those SJW people.

Oh god, the pacing side effect. When I fucked up my left arm in the shower I was given a pain med that gave me restless legs so i couldn't sit still and watch Daredevil until the surgery. Then because i couldn't hold still long enough to fall asleep I was sleep deprived and if that wasn't enough, I wasn't taking my normal psych meds because of the stress of everything. I was having mental breakdowns up the ass. I thought your goal was to keep the patient calm, not stress them out more.

*reads first paragraph*
omg its like MAS twilight.

This is the most well written stupid thing I've ever read.
And I've read A METRIC FUCKTON of stupid things.

Congratulation. Maybe. Kinda. Sortoff.

That's all I ever wanted to hear
Now I can quit writing this shit and get on with my life

I refuse to believe this is true. I may accept a lot of things when veering into crackfic territory, but I think you've overstepped your boundaries when criticizing the health sector in Equestria, Regi.

I am, of course, talking about the way dental hygiene is presented in this story. I feel confident that Equestria must have a well-functioning odontology industry, if only by virtue of Pinkie Pie still having all of her teeth. Therefore, I must object to Starlight having a cavity, and I expect you to appease my outrage.

The rest of the story was entertaining, though.


Now I can quit writing this shit and get on with my life

Yeah, how has that worked out for you before? :eeyup:

Well, that went from zero to what the fuck in no time flat!

At least Spikes dead so it's a happy ending.

By Celestia’s nipple spittle


So was this the third Starlight, or the second one?

Needs “Gore” tag for that bit with Spike and Twilight and that ritual.

What do you mean “nah”? That’s clearly gore and if I had been warned about that I wouldn’t have read this. I hate gore.

Well it’s 3:30 in the morning thanks for the dream fuel

“Woah, I think it just kicked in,” Rainbow said, gently drifting down into her seat and sitting calmly in place. “What do you think we should do, Starlight? We should try and think of a plan if we want to do anything. Just let me know how I can be helpful.”

Starlight stared in utter and abject horror at Rainbow for a second. “Oh fuck, I gotta find Twilight."

Ǫ̸̼̃̈́͒Ǹ̵̦̹́́E̵͓̟͋̾͜ ̵̥́̌͜

Well I’ll never be able to unsee that

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