• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 5,761 Views, 364 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - War Does Change - tom117z

It has been nearly two hundred years since the megaspells rained fire down on the world, reducing it to a tainted wasteland. And ever since that day, the changelings have never been sighted in the wasteland...

  • ...

18 - Insidiis

Chapter Eighteen: Insidiis

“You are born in the stable, you die in the stable.”

Now hang on! Back up one minute! This was Insidiis!? And not Chrysalis!? I mean, I guess this explains why Chrysalis was freaking out so badly about the Insidiis I heard about in that memory, Insidiis being her kid and all… But still, I had expected to see the Queen emerge all dramatically out of the shadowy corner, not the freaking Princess! But… why is the Princess the Overmare? Why not the Queen…?


“OK, hold up a moment,” I interrupted the changeling before she could ask any of her own. “Before anything… No offence, but I’ve been hearing a lot about Queen Chrysalis lately and… I was kinda expecting her to be the Overmare…?”

The Princess flinched, and I knew I’d hit a nerve. Oh boy…

“It is I who shall be asking the questions, pony,” Insidiis rebuffed severely. “And what I have to ask is very important for the future of my changelings.”

“Look, I’ve been through a lot to get here,” I shot back at the changeling. “So throw me a bone here! Question for a question?”

The Princess seemed to consider me for a moment. “You mean we take it in turns?”

I nodded, hoping she would go for it. I was in no mood to wait for answers any longer.

And she did.

“Very well,” Insidiis decided, sitting herself down at the opposite end of the table to me. “But I shall start first, is that agreeable?”

“Fine. Shoot.”

Insidiis nodded, and then she wasted no more time. “First and foremost, how did you find this place? And how did you unlock the door to even get inside at all?”

Ah, right. Well… glancing at the PipBuck on my hoof, I realised that her question actually fed directly back into my own. It also made me realise how immensely awkward things were potentially about to get. I mean, I guess I could just say it’s a random PipBuck that just happened to have the coordinates of the stable, or some other lie. But, then again…

“The PipBuck,” I answered, showing her the device. “It had the location of this place on the map, and nothing else. We knew the password from some old MAS files at the Manehatten hub.”

Insidiis narrowed her eyes. “The PipBuck…? And why would that device even have the location the hive saved on it?”

“Yeah, about that…” Well, here goes. “When I first got it, there was a different name to my own on the mains screen. And actually, that name was Chrysalis.”

The Princess’ eyes shot open wide. “What!?”

I didn’t even have time to protest as my hoof was yanked forward in her magic, and I was haphazardly deposited on top of the table as she went to examine the PipBuck. I mean, a little warning would have been nice! Or you know, if she had asked first!

“My mother’s…” she whispered to herself before she dropped my hoof and glared daggers at me. “Where did you get this PipBuck!?”

“Hey, I didn’t take it from a skeleton or anything!” I quickly assured the Princess as I retreated back to my nice and safe end of the table. “I got it from a trader in New Appleoosa. And she came across it in a similar way, I think. I don’t know where it was first found!”

The changeling didn’t seem to like that answer, but she did her best to calm herself down. She closed her eyes as she processed the information, letting out a long sigh. She then opened her eyes again, the glare slightly less… shooty.

“I see…” she muttered. “Then I suppose this leads us back to your initial question.”

“Yeah, I’d say so,” I confirmed. “So, where is your Queen?”

Insidiis gritted her teeth, and I suddenly wondered whether I was pushing this super powerful creature a little too far. But nevertheless, she answered the question.

“I don’t know,” Insidiis responded. “When Stable-Tec issued the call for all stables to seal, my mother was away from the hive on business. I do not know if she ever returned to the hive, as the door has not been opened in two hundred years.”

“You… sealed the stable with your mother outside…?” Wow. I guess that explains how the PipBuck could have ended up in Ditzy’s hooves two centuries later. “You didn’t, you know… wait?”

Wrong question, Scrap Heap!

Insidiis slammed her hooves into the table, and I couldn’t help but wilt under her renewed glare that was full of pure anger and… sadness? Regret? I honestly couldn’t tell what she was feeling, probably because I was suddenly terrified for my life.

“Of course I waited, you fool!” Insidiis bellowed. “Even as radiation flooded into the upper levels of the hive, and we could hear the distant crashes of balefire explosions! But the spread of the radiation would not stop, and it was at lethal levels. There came a point where had I waited to close the door any longer, the whole stable would have been lost!”

“Okay! I’m sorry!” I quickly apologised, hoping that would appease the Princess at least a little. “I get it, I do. You had to save who you could.”

My response seemed to work, and she seemed to calm down again.

“My apologies,” Insidiis said with a sigh. “I must admit, my mother’s fate is a sore spot for me. And I suppose, in the end, I did inherit at least a fraction of her temper.”

“Well, I know she at least cared for you,” I noted honestly.

“And how could you make such a claim?”

“I… found a memory orb,” I explained. “At some MAS facility, we couldn’t get far in before being shot at. It showed the day your mother decided to make an alliance with Equestria and… well, she did it for you.”

“She… did?” Insidiis questioned, and this was clearly new information to her. “Could I see this orb after we conclude…?”

“Uh, sure.” I didn’t see any harm in it. And if it built some good will, why the fuck not? “I, uh, also think it’s your turn to ask something.”

“Of course, we should get back on topic,” Insidiis agreed, fully composing herself. “So, you clearly went through a lot of effort to reach here. Why?”

“Caps,” I answered.

Insidiis seemed confused. “Caps? What do you mean?”

Ah, right. “Uh, well… Most ponies don’t use bits anymore up top. We use bottlecaps for currency now. Not exactly many bits around to use, anyway…”

Insidiis furrowed her brow in thought. “Things are still in a bad way topside, aren’t they?”

“I think it’s my turn,” I interrupted. She seemed annoyed by that, but nevertheless sat ready and waiting. “Why haven’t you left the stable until now? Especially if you’re low on love…”

“We couldn’t leave,” Insidiis answered. “We attempted to open twenty or so years after the bombs dropped but found the mechanism to open the door was stuck. Nothing we did could get it to budge, so we were trapped down here. Fortunately, it seems you opening it from the outside has reset the system and fixed whatever malfunction caused the issues.”

“So… you can now leave?”

Insidiis gave a small but genuine smile. “Yes. After two centuries, the changeling race can finally see the sun again.”

“Uh… about that…”

Insidiis’ smile was replaced with a frown.

Well, I guess it’s time I returned to her question, and told her just how fucked the world had become while they’d been down here. I told her everything I knew, starting with how the pegasi had closed up the skies and left all surface dwellers to rot. I told them about how the Equestrian Wasteland was just a band of various survivor settlements trying to make the best of it, and how we had to contend with everything from raiders to weird mutant alicorns from Splendid Valley.

The latter really seemed to disturb her. Or maybe it was the entire explanation that did that, I couldn’t really tell.

“That… is deeply concerning,” Insidiis mused to herself. “I knew that the ponies may be in difficult times, but I had hoped Princess Luna had at least survived to keep some semblance of order.”

“If she had, do you think you’d still be down here?”

“I suppose you have a point there,” Insidiis admitted. “And it’s like this everywhere? All over the world?”

“Well, I think so…?” Not that I had ever left Equestria… “We hear stories about other wastelands. As far as anypony knows, the radiation killed off any and all civilisations that survived the bombs dropping.”

“Even those who had nothing to do with the war…?” Insidiis shuddered. “To think the world is now a lawless land, where life is a battle for survival. It… almost seems impossible. The world I knew had fallen on troubled times to be sure, but for most ponies life was at least generally safe.”

“Safe isn’t a concept in the wasteland,” I replied grimly. She probably pictured a normal pony life as going to school, getting a job and then aging until you could only shit in a bag. Now… well, you’d be lucky to live to half of such an age with all the gunfire and gnashing teeth. “I’m a scavenger by trade. I recover scrap from pre-war ruins in hope of making enough caps to survive until the next day.”

“Which is why you came here…?” Insidiis surmised. “To see what our stable had to offer you in terms of salvage, no doubt.”

“Kinda, yeah.” For me at least. Though it hadn’t exactly turned out that way. “I only learned that you people even existed on the way here, which brings me to my most pressing question…”

Insidiis raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And what is that, then?”

“My friends…” I said, trying to put as much caution in my tone as possible. “Where are they? The unicorn and the zebra. Where?”

“The two you arrived with, I thought you might ask about them,” Insidiis began, and I hoped they hadn’t harmed them... “They are fine. Though your zebra companion was suffering terribly from some kind of poison. While you and that other stallion were thrown in the cells, the zebra was taken to the infirmary to be treated. We’re not monsters, Scrap Heap.”

Stripe had been taken to the infirmary? Does that mean… she was going to be okay?

“But now for my most pressing question,” Insidiis cautioned. “What are your intentions now, pony?”

“I…” What was I going to do? After everything that had happened… And with these changelings, I obviously wouldn’t be getting any salvage from Stable 84.

I just…

“I don’t know.”

“Do you intend hostilities against us?”

“What? No, not the last time I checked.”

And then Insidiis smiled. “I see. In that case, I have a proposition for you.”

“…Wha…?” Was she about to offer me a job? What?

“Come, your friends should both already be in the infirmary,” Insidiis said as she got up and approached the door out of the room. “We can discuss the details as we walk.”

Well, what else was I to do but follow?

The hallways of the stable were filled with changelings. Almost all of them were wearing blue stable jumpsuits, and even had PipBucks on their hooves, though they seemed to be of a slightly different model to mine. When I had asked about them, Insidiis had described them to be Alpha Series PipBuck 3000s. They had all the same functions as the PipBuck 3000 MK IV, but was both sturdier (borderline indestructible, according to her) and could not be removed from the user’s hoof without special tools.

I think I prefer being able to take mine off whenever I want to.

They also seemed to give me a wide berth, apparently not knowing what to make of the armoured pony. Though the presence of their Princess/Overmare and the two security guards flanking us did seem to assure them at least a little.

It was also really bright down here. Seriously, could they not dim those lights even slightly?

The hallways themselves were all made in the same uniform metal that the entirety of the stable was made from. We often passed by closed doors with the stable number written proudly onto them, and various signs pointed in the directions of important areas such as the Overmare’s office and the cafeteria.

And the entire time, the Princess had only ever spoken to describe to me certain areas of the stable, and some interesting titbits about what had occurred there over the previous two centuries. Though I had enquired about the changeling infiltrator I had seen in the memory orb, who she’d then described as an… unsettling individual who had apparently lost a brother during the Invasion of Canterlot long before the war, after which he had never been the same. She hadn’t really elaborated much on that, claiming that the drone had always made her uncomfortable to be around during her younger years. Though Insidiis did add that he only gotten worse because of the war itself.

While that explained a little about what I had seen, the rest of her chatter was largely meaningless small talk. And though I nodded along with her, I was more interested in whatever job she wished of me and was waiting for her to get to that bit.

And then we emerged into the stable’s atrium.

The room was huge, doors lining the outside of the ground level with balconies higher up making up the second level. A circular window up top had a view of the entire chamber, and I could only assume that was the Overmare’s office. But more of note, the room seemed to have a large gathering of… children inside? Wait, were they having a birthday party?

They were!

I don’t know, I guess I wasn’t expecting the changelings to have something as… ‘normal’ as a child’s birthday party. I don’t know why, but… Well, it was nice to see, seeing as I’d certainly never had one. They even had a birthday cake set up on a table, with a Mr Handy seemingly getting ready to cut it into slices.

Though, I hope that sawblade doesn’t only end up making a mess of it…

But all of the children, and their parents, turned to stare at me with wide eyes the moment we had walked in. We stopped a moment, and the Princess said a few quick words to them, even wishing one filly a happy birthday, before then leading me off down another corridor with a sign for the infirmary.

At least I knew we were on the right track.

But I was done waiting in silence.

“So, what is this about?” I asked the Princess, who glanced toward me without slowing her pace. “This thing you want me to do? What is it?”

“Ah, I suppose an explanation is due.”

Ya think?

“Well…” Insidiis sighed, and her mood seemed to drop. “To put it bluntly, we need your help.”

My help?” What could these changelings possibly need me for? “I don’t think-”

“Hear me out,” the Princess asked, and I shut up. I guess I should just let her explain… “It is fortunate you unsealed the door when you did, because my stable has something of a crisis developing, and I was increasingly at a loss for what to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s our water talisman,” Insidiis suddenly stated, her tone grave. “Our stable was never meant to remain closed for as long as it has, and we were not given replacement talismans. And now ours is failing, and we have barely been making do by jury-rigging and repairing what we can. But pretty soon our water will start becoming irradiated, and we shall begin to die.”

Well… shit. That sucks.

“Bottom line is… we need a new one,” Insidiis continued. “We have the location of another nearby stable, Stable 77, which may have spares we could use. But we need someone to make the trip to retrieve the device for us.”

“But why can’t you just go and claim it yourselves?”

“Because we need time to acclimatise to the world above,” Insidiis responded, and I guess she had a point. “We have equipment we can use to begin cleaning the hive of radiation now it is a more manageable level, as was always the intent.”

“You would need to clear out the ghouls as well,” I added. “Some of your changelings two hundred years ago made it back to the hive after you closed, but have mutated into… well, zombies.”

“I… see,” she muttered, frowning. “Our security teams can deal with that as we clear the hive. Though I’m assuming you have already begun that process.”

“Well, I had to help Stripe…”

“Indeed. But beyond reclaiming our home, we shall need to focus on scouting the area around us and locating a source to begin collecting love energy. Passively, I assure you.”

“Yeah, I’d hope so…” The last thing we needed was changeling raids on Tenpony… “Though if you meet ponies using corpses as decorations, screaming like lunatics all the while, feel free to fuck them up. The fewer raiders, the better.”

“We shall keep that in mind,” she confirmed, though seemed to frown a little more at my language. Seriously? “But these tasks are also as pressing and leave us short of hooves to collect the talisman. Which is why I ask it of you.”

Huh. Well, I guess I might make a profit from this after-

“Though I’m afraid I cannot pay you for it.”


“We don’t exactly horde the caps you use for currency,” Insidiis pointed out, stopping and turning to face me directly. “Which makes us, in pony terms, completely broke. I ask this of you as the Princess of a people who are only just emerging into the harsh world above. Please, will you help us?”

Help…? Just… help? I’ve been through a lot to get here, and I have no caps to show for it. And now she wants me to venture out on some quest where I stand to gain nothing in return…?

But then again… These people need help, don’t they? I can already see these stable dwellers are going to struggle to take their first steps into the Equestrian Wasteland. The radiation, mutated monstrosities, raiders… They’re entering a fight for the very right to exist. And those children back at that party, could I just leave them to a fate where, in a few months, they could all be dying from an irradiated water supply?

UGH, why was this even a question!? I’m a scavenger. That’s what I am, and always will be! I don’t do hero stuff! Do I…?

“You care. And that’s a good thing. But, Scrap Heap, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to be the person Stripe sees in you or a scavenger after a simple bag of caps.”


I really wasn’t the same pony that had left New Appleoosa, was I? Ever since Calamity had saved my life, everything had changed. Somepony had saved me without wanting a damned thing in return, and ever since then I just couldn’t look the other way. First, it was that family I’d saved from that malfunctioning Mr Gutsy.

And then it was Stripe, back when I’d helped her fight those other zebras and raiders.

I had friends for the first time in my life, and they saw something in me that… well, I didn’t really want to see for the longest time. They saw more than a scavenger, doomed to scrounge through junk for the rest of his life. They saw a pony that was worth a damn, and one who had a right to have friends at all.

Just like those ponies on the radio.

I could say no and just walk away. Go back to my junk piles, turn back the clock. Or I could prove Stripe right, and I could help these changelings for the pure sake of ensuring that these people survive in the wasteland. To be kind.

It was time to make that choice.

And I had chosen.

“Welp!” I announced to the Princess as I clapped my hooves together, and then began to walk down the corridor while the Princess just watched me curiously. If I was actually doing this, what was the point of sitting on our asses any longer? “Guess I’m a hero now.”

When we finally arrived at the infirmary, ready to commit to my complete stupidity that was playing hero, I was immediately met by the sight of Cobalt in discussion with a changeling in some kind of lab coat. There were a couple others, doctors I guess, around the room alongside a few security guards watching Cobalt like a hawk.

There was one other changeling in the room that seemed to be doing her best to make herself as small as possible as if hoping not to be noticed. Unlike the others, she wasn’t wearing any clothes beyond two yellow medical boxes strapped to her sides with the image of three pink butterflies on them. Neither was she wearing a PipBuck, now that I looked…


But the odd changeling aside, Cobalt turned to face me the moment I stepped in.

“Scrap Heap!” Cobalt said with no small amount of relief. “So, you met the Overmare?”

“Yeah, you could say that…” I replied, glancing at the large Changeling Queen. I then focused on the zebra on the bed and quickly moved to her side. “How’s Stripe?”

“She’ll be fine,” one of the doctors assured me. “We gave her sufficient antidote for the poison. She should be good to go in the morning.”

“I wish it felt like it…” My eyes widened as the zebra mare spoke, and saw her eyes open a crack to weakly look up at me. “Not how I imagined crossing the finish line.”

“I don’t understand how you could casually explain going up against a scorpion of that size…” the doctor muttered scornfully as she walked away, having clearly been given the details by Cobalt. “Crazy surface dwellers.”

I ignored the drone, placing my hoof on Stripe’s. “So… are you alright?”

“I will be,” she replied with a pained chuckle. She finished her half-hearted laugh with a cough, before settling down again. Wait, why was she suddenly blushing? “I… heard you carried me all the way down here?”

“Oh yeah? What did Cobalt say exactly?” I asked, glancing back at the other unicorn.

“That you freaked out, shot your way through a horde of ghouls and got gassed in order to save her life,” Cobalt replied with a shake of his head. “I wish I was exaggerating, but I don’t need to tell you that I’m not.”

Stripe looked at me curiously. “You… truly went through that just for me?”

“Well, yeah…” What else could I say? “I… think you were right about me, Stripe. I don’t want to be that useless, apathetic scavenger anymore. I want to help people. Just like you.”


“More than that…” I continued without hesitation. “You’re my first friend. And maybe my closest. I… couldn’t bear to see you hurt. When I saw what that creature did to you, I had to save you. Nothing else mattered at that point.”

I sighed, letting a mountain of stress and worry melt away. “I’m just glad you’re going to be alright. If I hadn’t got here in time…”

Stripe’s eyes met mine, and I could just see the flurry of emotions inside them. And honestly, they kinda spread to me the longer I looked. I could see the relief, the thankfulness, and something else… I really couldn’t place it. But who cares? Stripe was okay, she was here. I was content just to sit at her bedside, locked in that one moment…

…Why was everyone in the room giving us both the exact same knowing look?

Princess Insidiis, in particular, seemed to be looking between us with an infuriatingly smug smile. “Hm, it’s certainly been a while since I have seen such embers growing in a pony’s heart. How delicious.”


I immediately backed away from the table, coughing into a hoof. I mean, why were they looking at us like that? Was there a problem with showing a little concern? Because that’s all it was! Really!

Stripe seemed to share my sentiments, forcing herself into a sitting position and glaring at the others. “Yes, I am grateful that my life has been spared. Now would you please stop staring at the zebra, you foolish changelings!”

Yeah, how rude of them! Hah, and they were getting the message! That’s right, divert your gazes! I shot a victorious grin at Stripe, who only seemed to falter and look away with a blush. Ugh, why was I now feeling bloatsprites in my stomach?


“The Princess has asked us to go hunting for a water talisman, since theirs is shot,” I announced to my two friends. “Apparently they know of another stable where we can look. And I say we help them, they’re going to need it.”

“You are new to the wasteland,” Stripe said while looking at Insidiis, the Princess giving a nod of affirmation. “Then I agree. Water is key to a thriving settlement. Without it, the changeling hive will not last.”

“And in return?” Cobalt asked.

“Nothing,” I answered. “They have nothing to give. Which is fair enough, they don’t exactly use caps.”

Stripe was practically beaming at me. “To assist a species away from the edges of extinction. Could there be a worthier purpose?”

Cobalt hummed. “Well, I guess I’m being dragged along for the ride. But first…” He turned to the Princess. “If you could give us access to your mainframe, we could search up information about this other stable. But I’d also like to look into some MAS project Queen Chrysalis was involved in during the war. Whatever it is, well… maybe it could be put to use helping the wasteland.”

Insidiis raised an eyebrow, but she seemed to consider his words. “I’m aware that my mother had ties with Twilight Sparkle, though I never did find out in what way. If there is something to be found, feel free to read up on it.”

Cobalt’s mood significantly lightened. “Thank you, Princess! That’s all I wanted to hear.”

“Very well, your weapons will be returned when you leave in the morning,” Insidiis announced. “My teams will begin the clean-up of the hive in the meantime. I shall have some extra supplies readied for you, as I will also have your rooms prepared, for both now and when you return.”

I thanked the Princess, and I was quite eager to get some real sleep of the non-knocked out variety. And what I was feeling… was strange. The future was more uncertain than ever. Where once I had the whole plan of getting enough caps to get a house of my own, none of that really mattered anymore. Tomorrow I would do everything in my power to help these changelings, and anyone else who needed it.

Me, and my two friends.

“Oh, and one last thing,” Insidiis halted as she made to leave the infirmary, glancing back at us. “Do any of you have any significant medical training?”

…Huh. No, I didn’t believe we did.

“No,” Cobalt answered for me. “We’ve been largely relying on healing potions. The last time one of us got seriously hurt, it was a rather… tense time.”

Oh yeah, when I’d exploded.

Insidiis seemed to give the matter some thought, before turning to look at the changeling I’d spotted earlier.


The drone seemed to yelp at the sudden attention, before trying to compose herself. “Y-yes, your highness?”

“Could you please accompany our guests to Stable 77? See to their medical needs as best you can,” the Princess requested. It wasn’t an order, I realised. She was letting the changeling, Altrix, choose for herself.

Altrix gulped, looking at us nervously. She seemed like a… timid mare. Definitely not a fighter, we’d have to be sure to keep her back if we ever, or rather when we ever encountered hostiles. And honestly, I was sure she was going to say no…

“OK,” she suddenly decided, surprising the heck outta me… “If they would be hurt without me, then I will go. Even if it’s scary…”

“Are you sure?” I asked Altrix. “It’s dangerous up there.”

“But… I don’t want anyone to be hurt because I wasn’t brave,” Altrix replied honestly. Huh, I guess she was stronger than I was giving her credit. “You know... if you want me there…”

Me, Cobalt and Stripe looked between each other. Sure, we’d have to be sure to protect her. But still, could we say no to a trained medical practitioner coming along with us?

“OK, Altrix,” I said, holding my hoof out to her. “If that’s what you want, then welcome aboard.”

Altrix seemed to look at my hoof nervously, and then slowly reached out with her own before shaking mine rather feebly. She then retracted the appendage, flushing in small embarrassment.

“Um, it’s nice to meet you,” Altrix stated. “I’m Altrix. But you know that. Though, I don’t think I quite caught your names…”

We all introduced ourselves to the changeling, and Insidiis used this moment to slide out of the infirmary with a quick warning to me to bring Altrix back in one piece, and also telling one of the guards to show us to our rooms when we were finished.

“Well, we had better turn in,” Cobalt suggested. “And I need to browse the stable database. Hopefully, I find something good for my peers back home.”

“Right…” I muttered in reply before I turned back to Altrix. “Well, Altrix, I look forward to getting to know you better. Will you be taking anything in particular on the trip, just so long as you don’t pack too heavily?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry,” Altrix assured. “I have everything I need in my medical boxes. I’m not even going to bring a PipBuck since they’re so itchy to wear…”

Well, that answered that unspoken question.

Still, I felt a little better with a medic in our group. And really, in the new territory I was throwing my life blindly into, who could say no to more friends?

After all, I had a feeling I was going to need them in the coming days…

Footnote: Level 16

New Perk: Changeling Medicine – Your companion has given you a new insight into the world of medicine. Healing potions and RadAway now heal 25% more, and Rad-X gives an extra +1 to rad resistance.