• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
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A multinational coalition lands in the minotaur homeland for a disaster relief operation. However, all may not be as it seems.

A comment driven story.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 51 )

Izumo had ten helicopters, some of which could lift the trucks. Ideally, Izumo would be able to offload equipment at a pier.

Given that they just got hit with a Tsunami, it's unlikely that they'll have a pier intact. If they're going to speed vehicle deployment along either for replacement equipment, or for trucking in additional resources once initial assistance deployment has gotten underway they'll need to construct a new one. (Alternatively they could make landing in Equestria and use the vehicles to go from there. Heck, they could even give the ground-bound ponies a lift, speeding their arrival.) Of course, given that it only just recently happened they'll be better off sticking to the helicopters and small boats until they're ready to move further inland. Maybe amphibious vehicles for when they do so when they encounter lower areas inland they can still make good time through them.
-Setting up medical tents etc on deck would probably be a good first step for now until higher ground that isn't flooded can be found and prepped for use, as well as deciding in what pattern the choppers will fly out looking for areas the vehicles can be used as well as searching for survivors.
-A good second step would be unpacking water supplies for initial distribution, as clean water will be difficult to find, and you can go longer without food than you can water. Each vehicle sent out to search and recover survivors should carry some with them in the case of groups found that have a few injured that cannot wait. Water given to the healthy staying behind while the injured are flown back to HQ for treatment.
-When the translators arrive they should be placed in a room similar in function to the old telephone operators so they can hear situations that require translation quickly, and respond in turn when able. It'd be a heck of a lot easier than having someone page them every five seconds to calm down a panicking family.
-Get the coffee pots brewing. It;s going to be a LONG month (or longer) to get things sorted out and people will need to be alert when their shift is active.
-Each chopper should probably have at least one member of medical staff on them in the case of emergency health situations.

What kind of comments are you looking for? Generally there's a sort of standardized format that gets adopted.

After the coalition is together, they have to pass through some sort of rift to Alt-Earth, I would guess. That sounds like it bears describing.

Will any of the princesses be responding with the equestrian aid group?

How will minotaurs respond to LCAC landings of that scale?

Once a geologist explained to the minotaur government exactly why the earthquake had occurred, the king's first response was to organize teams of the nation's strongest minotaurs (that is to say all of them) to punch the tectonic plates back into place. The human observers were incredulous, but the Equestrians were at the very least curious.

Unknown as of this time, and not much.

All good suggestions.

There haven't been any mentions of what Equestrian personnel will arrive. As for the rest, acknowleged.

I think I can use this word for word.

No, actually, though Arma is part of my recent search history.

Communication is always the hardest part among multinational coalitions.

They call humans hard headed? How hard can those squishy heads be?!

(one headbutt and a bloodied snout later)

I decree humans be named honorary minotaur..

Cultural misunderstandings incoming.

Expanding from previously, no standard format. This is as much an experiment in readers as it is in story. As for the Equestrians coming, I was hoping someone might have a suggestion…

Minotaur: those are crossed pitchforks? In Minos, that symbol is what we call 'crossing horns' (insert gay pun, or 2 bulls fighting pun here)

There's a bit of a theme to the town names - Phobos, Diaemos (Deimos?), Ares, Pavor, Metus, Terror are all Greek-God-of-war themed. Diony (Dionysus?) and Minos are Greek themed as well, of course, but slightly removed from the rest. I wonder what the intelligence analysts on the ship will make of it?

im waiting for the tectonic plate punching another dude reccomended

"His name is Copper Kenny," Lee said. "That's a pretty common naming convention for them, some mineral followed by a formal name."

A naming convention like that will give you a lot of names with pretty gneiss translations into English - Iron Will or Diamond Joe or whatever - but it'll also have some amusing ones.

I can just imagine people from the task force trying not to laugh when they have to tell some mistaken minotaur, "That's a load of bull, Schist!"

You humans talk of hercules, dauntless, seahawks, ospreys and pretty much a lot of animals. My question now is: have you ever named one of your military vehicles after the great minotaurs?

I was planning on it eventually

Minotaur hide can't be as thick as bear hide, and all you need is a .223 to stop a bear. Probably need something anti-tank to take out a dragon though, or at least anti-aircraft.

8445778 Oh dear god, the earthquake killed Copper Kenny!

Looking at that map, when the ground forces arrive from Equestria, I wonder if there will also be a separate contingent from the Crystal Empire? I can definitely see a country just emerging from their own disaster feeling pride at being able to help someone else out.

Since it looks like they're neighbours, the minotaurs might even have helped out the Crystal Empire after their return, so there might be a feeling among the crystal ponies of returning the favour now that the minotaurs need help.

Things seem to be going about as well as can be expected, so far. If fishermen keep showing up though, they might start getting in the way of other ships. I hope their captains have the sense to get out of the way should a bigger ship roll through. Even if the king of the minotaur lands doesn't care about them right now China should still be contacted about it so as to prevent possible issues later if possible. Regardless of the order of priorities at the moment theft is still theft.

Chinese ship collides with coalition ship. Chinese captain says that they were using flags, flares, and lights to signal their intentions. Coalition ship says their nav computers are unable to interpret such signals.

I was actually already planning this

Human captain says accident is a load of bull****

Minotaur king is not amused...

With all these reporters coming in...

Weekly Equestrian News exclusive! Princess Luna declares Japan to be her least favorite Earth Country! Pakistan among her favorite! Batboy named honorary citizen!

(Land of the rising sun vs. A country with a moon and a star on its flag. Also, see weekly world news for more crazy stories.)

The big problem here is that tabloids seem to be everywhere, leading to distrust between equestrians and humans out in the field.

Huhh... I thought it was a stylized depiction of an armored minotaur, standing with his arms out and hands raised, as though flexing his biceps.

Two minor glitches.


 Australian Air Force Colonel

... The RAAF uses a different rank system, he would be known as 'Group Captain'. Call him 'Colonel' and you'll spend the next 6 months regretting your slip of the tongue.
2. The RAAF wouldn't send C-130's until they could confirm the conditions of the airstrip, but they would take the Caribou's out of mothballs to be able to airlift in an unprepared area.

Hogan, of course, wore a bush hat.

It's a 'Slouch hat'

I'll bet that the Australian 5.56 is more on target that any non-marksman's 7.62. We don't issue much ammo to our diggers, when they shoot at something, they tend to hit it!

Pac fleet: we do not send DESTROYERS, we send HEAVY CRUISERS. Expect some *heavy cruiser support.

Read somewhere that Starfleet refuses to call their ships battleships or something like that since they are exploratory vessels, so they agreed to call em heavy cruisers instead.

Either that or the Minotaur King starts selling tickets to something getting destroyed because of the destroyers being sighted near their coast. Or some crazy cult starts worshipping these destroyers.

Dragons seek Japanese national known as Godzilla :facehoof:

That destroyer didn't take long to get there after the accident. How close is the rift to Chinese territorial waters, anyway? Close enough that they might be planning on claiming some of the waters on the other side as theirs? Or maybe claiming some uninhabited island just off-shore for the purposes of claiming its surrounding waters?

The Cargo Cult of the Destroyer starts sacrificing fishermen to summon the Destroyer.

I would say that this is getting silly, but I've heard of stuff like this happening in flooded-out regions before.
Something that won't be an issue in the immediate, but could be in the future: sickness. With refugees (or anyone, for that matter) all crowded together, it only takes one person with the sniffles to give everyone else a cold within a week.

On earth: pony food magically modified! Are they safe to eat? Pony diseases incoming! Are you vaccinated against them?

Guess it's time for human nature to show its bad side

Cargo cult starting in 3...2...1...GO!

I can see the minotaurs adopting "No greater enemy, no better friend."

hmm...wonder if youve seen the anime ‘Gate’ where they fought against the dragons

Well, I definitely saw the scene with the F-4's.

Wow, this got really real.

<at the canteen>

humans prank all other races by claiming that their mystery meat tastes a little scaly today.

after ruckus has died down, reports of chinese making their way to dragon corpses. One asian trooper comments that they are after dragon testicles for their supposed libido effects. whole group looks at him. he shrugs and tells everybody that on earth, we will eat anything that has a ‘magical’ element to it, like minotuar horns giving them strength, pegasus wings as a cure for diarrhea, horsehooves as hair grower, and unicorn horns for eternal life. he then chomps on a unicorn’s horn and camp ends up FUBAR

casualty report: multiple bite marks on various races, 3 humans passed out from laughing so hard, 14 humans who won’t stop saying ‘worth it’, enough feathers to make 42 new pillows and 1 new relationship between human male and female minotaur, or as he calls her, ‘my wittle tauren’

Looks like the relief supplies have arrived.

So, on the one hand, I doubt the dragons were acting under orders of the dragon lord. On the other hand, killing their friends might make them angry enough to get revenge. Individually, at random. Guerrilla warfare against dragons could kind of suck.

Could be worse. Imagine guerilla warfare against burrowing diamond dogs.

lol at the ending :) would love to see minotaurs watching american football and of them saying “wow, all that violence just to get a quarter back”

And that right there is why tribal warfare is such a shitfest.

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men.

I am loving this story! Keep bringing the action bro!!! :pinkiehappy:

Nice chapter, even though it was a little short can't wait for the next one.

Awesome chapter! MOAR!:pinkiehappy:

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