• Published 26th Sep 2017
  • 3,116 Views, 14 Comments

For Better or For Worse - RhetCon

Diamond Tiara takes her relationship with Apple Bloom up a notch.

  • ...

Till Death Do Us Part

“I think I want to marry Apple Bloom.”

Silver Spoon raised her eyebrow at her friend, partly amused and partly surprised. Out of all the things she'd expect to hear from the drunken mind of Diamond Tiara, this wasn't even on the top of her list. Concerned, Silver leaned forward and gently tugged the wineglass from Diamond's grasp.

"You want to marry Apple Bloom?" she asked carefully.

“I think so. I’m not sure.”

“Hm...” said Silver Spoon, taking a sip of the red wine Diamond had laid out about a half hour earlier. She swished it around, sipping and savoring it for as long as she could. The two were at Diamond’s living room table, in candlelight she used for dramatic ambiance. “It’s been a long time coming if you ask me.”

“Really? You think I should?” Diamond looked around for her glass and found it out of her reach. She grumbled a bit before resigning herself. She looked into the living room, where the fireplace blazed, keeping the two warm. Rudolph stood beside it, making sure the flames were kept under control. Diamond focused her attention back to Silver Spoon. “No, no. She’ll laugh at me. What if she laughs at me?”

“You two have been going out for years and been friends since way before that. You're the type of person to just say and do what you want when you want to.” Diamond was quiet for a moment, watching Silver take swigs from her glass periodically. “So just… y’know, do it.”

“That’s… good advice,” said Diamond. Silver Spoon patted herself on the back. “I mean if I want to be single for the rest of my life. Apple Bloom would dump me!”

“Now you’re just being ridiculous,” said Silver Spoon. It was dark, but Diamond could see Silver Spoon’s face ever so slightly. Flames danced on her glasses, blocking her eyes from view. Silver sighed and placed her wineglass down. “You two have been through thick and thin together. It’s kinda hard to see you two breaking up now.” Diamond groaned at her friend’s sensible words, attempting to break them down with groans of annoyance.

“But she might, though,” she mumbled. She pictured Apple Bloom looking at her with contempt, shuddering at the thought. In response, she reached for her glass and again, found it removed. She tried to search for the bottle itself, but Silver Spoon kept the last of the wine over on her side of the table, out of Diamond’s reach.

“But… it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll say yes,” said Silver Spoon. “I mean, she’s probably up right now. I could call her and—”

“No!” Diamond nearly lunged over the table to stop Silver Spoon from pulling out her phone. “I-If I’m going to do this… it needs to be perfect, you know? I need to make sure that I do it right.”

“Have any ideas?” asked Silver Spoon, polishing off her glass. “Or are you just rambling in the night?”

Diamond thought for a moment. If she wanted, she could probably get a nice ring, take Apple Bloom out for a reassuring dinner, and propose to her there. That’s how her dad asked her mom. And somehow, that left a poor taste in her mouth.

“Hm…” Silver Spoon got up from her seat and left her glass behind. Standing above the table, Silver’s eyes came into focus and revealed the uncertainty behind her glasses. She took the last of the wine with her as she stood. “I’m gonna go ask Rudolph to drive me home. In the meantime, you should get some sleep. Maybe if you think about it, it’ll come to you.”

“Mhm,” she said, feeling her eyes falling heavy already. She remembered waving goodbye to Silver Spoon, and her melting into the darkness, but not a thing after that.

Sometime during the night, she fell asleep. She felt herself slipping away from the table, and start falling to the floor before being caught. When she opened her eyes, she wasn't in her dining room anymore. She could feel the cool breeze on her skin, tossing her hair around wildly. Trees surrounded her on all sides, and the familiar scent of apples wafted in the air.

“Whoa there, sugarcube.” Apple Bloom stared back down at Diamond. Her face was littered with an almost impossible amount of freckles, and her hair was still done up with that silly bow. Most stunning of all were her eyes, shining a bright red more brilliant than any gem Diamond had ever seen. She pulled Diamond back up to her feet. “Ya almost blacked out there. Wanna sit down, or somethin'?”

“Erm…” Diamond didn't remember what the two were doing. She nodded, wondering if she could try to remember. Apple Bloom took Diamond’s hand in her own. It was rough, seemingly like grasping etched stone, but comfortable enough to hold. She led her to a particular tree, sitting down and giving Diamond a seat next to her.

The two sat in silence. Diamond looked over at Apple Bloom a couple of times, trying to gauge the situation. Every time, though, Apple Bloom was staring off into the orchard. Diamond tried relaxing too, placing her hand on Apple Bloom’s. She responded by closing her fingers around Diamond's, looking over to meet her eyes.

“W-What?” asked Diamond, instinctively flushing red. Apple Bloom chuckled a bit.

“Nothing,” she said. “Just tryin’ to figure you out.” Diamond was confused.

“What are you trying to figure out?” Diamond realized just how close she was to Apple Bloom. Close enough that it made her heart thump like a war drum. Apple Bloom laughed again but didn't answer. She just kept staring and kept smiling. Somewhere inside her, she wanted Apple Bloom to feel the same way she felt.

Her body didn't cooperate at first, locking up when it realized exactly what she intended to do. Her heart quivered in her chest, aching to just get it over with every beat. She closed her eyes, then managed to lean forward just enough to meet lips with Apple Bloom. She closed her eyes, unsure why she was ever so scared in the first place. They'd shared plenty of kisses before this. They kissed whenever they went out, they kissed whenever they were leaving to go to their own homes. They'd been kissing for years!

Apple Bloom returned it, filling in for Diamond’s lack of ferocity with her own. Diamond felt Apple Bloom wrap her arms around her pulling the two closer. Fire started creeping through Diamond's veins, heating her whole body and prickling her skin. This wasn't an ordinary kiss. This was something different.

The two pulled away from each other. They were still close enough to feel each other's labored breaths. Diamond was sure her face was plastered red, just as Apple Bloom’s was. She looked almost irresistibly cute when she was red.

“You’re a terrible kisser,” said Diamond, smirking.

“I… uh,” Apple Bloom stuttered. “It'd be kinda weird if… we didn't start going out, right?” Diamond nodded. This wasn't a new scene. Their first kiss happened up here. Diamond rested her head on Apple Bloom's chest, feeling her heartbeat through her shirt. The sun was still high in the sky, but Diamond didn't feel like leaving or moving at all. She calmed her breathing and relaxed on her new girlfriend's chest.

She blinked and was back in her kitchen. Sunlight was slowly creeping into the place, shining on the snuffed candles. She was laying on the ground, foot propped up on the chair, and draped in a large cover. At least Rudolph gave her that. She got up slowly, stretching herself out after sleeping in such an awkward position, and made her way to the bathroom. She splashed her face with water and rubbed her hands over her lips, almost feeling her Apple Bloom’s touch still there.

I’ll make it special,” she thought, smiling in the mirror. “Just like it was then.”

Diamond Tiara stood in front of Apple Bloom’s farmhouse like she had plenty of times before. The sun had already crawled into the middle of the sky. It didn’t stop the cold wind from blowing right through her. She was wearing a pretty thick jacket to help out. The cold didn’t much bother her, though. It was the thought of the afternoon and everything that could go wrong.

She shook her head. None of those now.

She rapped on the door a few times. She’d set the whole plan in motion with that one gesture. Every second of silence was a godsend. Anything that allowed her to think through exactly what she was doing was a good thing. Eventually, though, someone came to the door.

“Oh! If it ain’t Diamond Tiara.” Apple Bloom’s older sister held some startling resemblances to her. Same freckles, same skin-tone, same accent, but Applejack’s eyes were a sharp green. “Ah guess yer here for Apple Bloom, ain’t ya? Ah’ll go get ‘er. While Ah do, you should come on in.” Applejack left the door frame and allowed Diamond to pass through. The door led straight into the kitchen, which, unsurprisingly, always smelled of apples.

“Thanks,” said Diamond with a smile. She sat down at the table and watched Applejack disappear up a flight of stairs. She didn’t have to wait long before two sets of footsteps rumbled down the stairs. Applejack emerged first and left Apple Bloom to follow afterward.

“Hey, T.” Apple Bloom walked up and pecked Diamond on the cheek, sending heat rippling through her cheek.“What brings ya over?” She was as bubbly as ever and made Diamond laugh.

“What, I can’t come over without a reason?” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and fell into a seat. “Really, I want to take you somewhere. Are you too busy?”

“Probably.” Apple Bloom scrunched up her face, thinking about something. Applejack, still in the kitchen, answered for her.

“Yeah, ya are.” She turned and looked at the two. “But Ah’d be lying if Ah said ol’ Granny Smith didn’t let me out the house a couple of times. Y’all go have fun, alright?” Diamond looked at Apple Bloom, and she returned it with her own smile. “Just make sure ya make it up when ya get home.”

“Yes ma’am,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah’m gonna go get changed. Be back in a minute!” She ran up the stairs, leaving Diamond in the kitchen with Applejack once again.

“So, what’s goin’ on?” asked Applejack. “Yer acting all jumpy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ya won’t stop fidgeting about the place, and you keep twiddlin’ yer thumbs.” Applejack leaned up against the oven. “I’m not tryna put ya on the spot, or anything. Just askin’.”

For a moment, Diamond thought about telling her. Shifting at least some of the responsibility to someone else would probably make it a lot easier. She could rest easy knowing that, at least, someone else understood exactly what she was going through. Her teeth ground against themselves, so she opened her mouth and took a deep breath

“It’s a secret.” Applejack raised an eyebrow but didn’t follow up. Apple Bloom was coming back down the stairs, dressed well for the weather. Applejack met eyes with Diamond once more, then patted her sister on the back.

“Have fun, ya little rascal.” Apple Bloom smiled and watched her sister leave deeper into the house. Diamond got up from her seat and led Apple Bloom out of the house.

“Yer lookin’ pretty nice,” said Apple Bloom, walking with Diamond off of the farm’s grounds.

“I know,” said Diamond with a smirk. She flipped her hair extravagantly and looked over to Apple Bloom, who was smiling all the while. She was dressed in an old coat, worn jeans, and her work boots, but Diamond knew better than to suggest she buy her clothes. “Come on, my car is over there.”

The two entered the car, with Diamond taking the driver’s seat. She turned the car on and let it come to life. She pulled off into the streets of Ponyville, paying as much attention to the road as possible. Applejack was right: she was fidgeting all over the place. Maybe the silence wasn’t the best thing for her. It didn’t matter, though. She couldn’t think of anything to say.

She stopped at a light, tapping the wheel, and looked over at Apple Bloom. She was looking out of the window at the scenery, not paying much attention to Diamond staring at her. Diamond turned her eyes back to the road and waited for the light to change. She decided that she’d leave the purr of the engine to fill the silence, and tapped her wheel in impatience.

The light changed, and she started heading into a district that she recognized pretty well. The roads weren't nearly as crowded as her ride over here, but they did come across the average person strolling through the streets.

Eventually, they got to their stop. Diamond pulled over to a parking spot and turned off the car. After looking once, she could tell that Apple Bloom remembered the place. They left the car and entered the small park that Diamond stopped at.

Apple Bloom looked around. Autumn was already beginning to blanket this part of Ponyville. The apple trees were still strong and green, but these leaves had already become red and yellow and orange. The park was mostly deserted now, and the rides didn’t look nearly as new as they did all those years ago. Diamond Tiara walked into the park, stopping in front of a swing set. By now, the leather seat was worn, and the metal would probably creak if she thought to sit down.

But before, it was the main attraction of this park. Every day, 3 in the afternoon, this would be the place to go. Diamond could almost see the waves and waves of children that would line up, jumping in joy to get to ride on the swings. The days could be hot, cold, rain or snow, and like clockwork, the kids would be there.

The competition was simple: swing the highest, and you were the most popular.

“Ya sucked at that, didn’t ya?” said Apple Bloom, walking up beside her. Diamond chuckled a bit, but it was true. She was the richest kid on this playground, by far. She could probably buy it from the state and have it all to herself. But, instead, she decided she was gonna be the best in front of everyone.

So she swung, and swung, and swung some more until she got to be the highest. The only problem was—

“You kinda saved my life, there,” said Diamond, finally speaking after simply staring at the swing set for about five minutes. “You remember? I probably cleared ten feet, or something trying to beat that stupid record, and you jumped in so you could cushion my fall.”

“Fractured mah hand,” said Apple Bloom, shaking her hand for effect. “It was a hell of a week at home, what with everybody there doing mah chores and such.”

“I didn’t even thank you when you got back, did I?” asked Diamond. “Just bragging about how awesome I was. Wow, I was a mean little girl.”

“Was?” Diamond scrunched up her face and looked over at Apple Bloom who, just laughed. Diamond couldn’t help but laugh as well. They must have looked like two crazy ladies, laughing in the middle of the day.

When the two had finally quieted down, they leaned up against the metal railings of the park. They looked around the park, near completely empty. The kids were going to be here soon. Still, they waited while the biting wind blew past their faces. Diamond was the first to cave in, suggesting the two go back to their car.

“That was fun,” said Apple Bloom. The heat from the car brushed over their chilled skin and heated them right up. Her cheeks were still red and numb from the cold. “Why’d ya bring me out here? Feeling old?”

“Never.” Diamond smiled, turning the car on once again. “Come on, the day’s not over yet.” Apple Bloom let Diamond take the reins, pulling away from their past.

“Remind me never tah share the road with you,” said Apple Bloom, vacating the car, stumbling and trying to keep her balance. “If Ah was that truck driver, Ah’d probably be yelling an’ hollerin’ at ya too.”

“I made one mistake,” said Diamond, getting out of the car. “I don’t drive much…”

“Maybe next time you can get that butler of yers to drive ya around.”

“No, it’s our spe—” Diamond almost had to slap her hands over her mouth to stop herself. “Er, it’s just that he wasn’t feeling too well. Can’t force him to drive me while he doesn’t feel good.”

“Makes sense, Ah suppose.” Apple Bloom circled around to the sidewalk to stand next to Diamond. The sun was still high in the sky, but it was beginning to go down. Apple Bloom looked over at Diamond, still looking straight ahead. “Are ya just gonna sit here, or are ya gonna go through?”

As much as she disliked being rushed, especially by Apple Bloom, she reluctantly walked forward. The large black gate in the front was easily opened with Diamond’s spare key. The grass was well kept, and the various hedges were sculpted into perfect images. The house itself radiated wealth, even from the outside, and could suffocate you if you stepped inside ill-prepared.

“Ah never liked this place,” said Apple Bloom, walking behind Diamond. She looked around at everything with a growl. “Why are we here again?” Like she had in the car, Diamond didn’t answer her questions, not wanting to ruin her plan. She reached the door and, with a graceful fist, rapped on the door. The door was opened almost immediately by a tall young man.

“Ah, Madam Diamond,” he said, standing aside to allow her to pass. “Please, enter.” Diamond took Apple Bloom’s hand and led her inside. The butler closed the door after her and turned back to being a door guard.

“Still don’t know why we’re here.” Apple Bloom looked about the place with a confused glare. “It’s gotta have been a while since Ah’ve stepped foot in this place, seeing as Ah don’t remember a lick of it.” Diamond still didn’t answer her, instead, leading her through the foyer area into a larger dining room. There were entrances leading everywhere all from here: the kitchen, the bedrooms. But Diamond had no need for that. She was already where she needed to be.

A butler in the corner recognized the two first. He straightened his uniform and walked over to the man’s ear, tapping him on the shoulder. He looked up from his plate and listened to what was whispered into his ear. Looking up, the man gazed over at Diamond. He placed his cup down and left the table, taking the long stroll over towards Diamond and Apple.

“You’re back home.” He said, smiling. “I’m so glad. It’s been much too long. And you’re here… I suppose I should call you her girlfriend.”

“Yep. Proud tah be!” Apple Bloom stuck out her hand, and Filthy Rich returned it.

“I see… you didn’t break up? That’s good.” Apple Bloom looked over at Diamond who seemed to shrink away. She gave her hand a squeeze, hoping that she got the message across. “You wouldn’t happen to want to see your mother?”

“Yes,” said Diamond with a sigh. “Yes, I would like to see her.” Filthy Rich nodded.

“She’s confined herself to her bedchambers not too long ago.” Filthy Rich left to return to his table before turning around and adding, “I wish you two the best.” With a clenched fist raised in support, he turned back around and sat, returning to his tea. Diamond nodded, leading Apple Bloom out of the room and into a long hallway.

“So, am Ah not getting any explanation?”Diamond slowed down to a stop. She sighed and met Apple Bloom’s glare for a moment before looking away.

“Okay, ask away.”

“Why was yer pa so surprised that we’re together?”

“I technically hid it from him,” said Diamond, biting her lip and hiding her face from her. “Well, it wasn’t for him. It was for my mom. When I told her that I was dating, she was ecstatic. She just didn’t think it was you.” Apple Bloom scrunched up her face like she was trying to remember.

“But me an’ yer ma got along nicely before, didn’t we?”

“She doesn’t like losing her temper in public, even around people she doesn’t like.” Diamond was still averting her gaze from Apple Bloom. “She’s the reason that we had our first fight, honestly. I got a little high on her ideas and started inheriting her way of thinking, and I… called you a—”

“Oh yeah,” she said, nodding her head. “Ah remember now! Yeah, she was a right bitch!”

“Apple Bloom!” Diamond said, looking behind her, checking for her mother. “I mean, yes, what she did was pretty bitchy, but—” Apple Bloom leaned down and planted a kiss on Diamond’s forehead. She ran her hand through Diamond's hair and smiled. She looked up at her with a firm blush over her face.

“But, she’s not you. Ah mean, ya can be a… mean girl sometimes, but on the inside, yer as sweet as a sugarplum.” Diamond took a deep breath and calmed down.

“T-Thanks,” said Diamond, suddenly frowning. “Just… don’t call her a bitch to her face?”

“No promises!” Diamond sighed before continuing to her mother’s room. The one at the end of the hall. She knocked on the door first, softly so that it wouldn’t wake her up abruptly if she was napping.

“Who is it? Rich?” Surprisingly, the two got an answer right away. The voice was raspy but recognizable. Diamond cleared her throat and answered.

“It’s me.” There was a silence, where Diamond wasn’t sure whether or not she actually heard. Then, there were a couple of thumping noises, and bare feet moving along the floor. Finally, the door was pulled open and revealed who was inside.

Diamond’s mom had definitely suffered from age. The wrinkles on her face had only hardened since she’d last seen her. Her eyes were a lot less sharp, and her hands seemed weak. Her eyes darted between Diamond and Apple Bloom like she was considering who to scold first. She brought her hand to her face and worked those stress lines.

“You’ve finally come home,” She left the door frame with the door opened. The two shared a look before her voice came from within. “Are you two just going to stand out there? At least close my door, it’s getting chilly.” The two entered and closed the door behind them.

The inside was just like Diamond remembered it. A bed of to the left with a large mirror just to her right. Large enough to span most of the wall. If there was anything her mom cared about, it was her vanity. In her bed, Spoiled laid draped in cover. The window was closed and a heater was on. Spoiled Rich shuffled on her bed so that they could see her face.

“There’s no place to sit, so you'll have to stand.” She shuffled a bit in her bed before sitting upright and draping herself in more covers. “And it's hot in here, so you better take off your coats.” Diamond didn't expect her mom to change too drastically, but some part of her still hoped.

“That’s, okay. We don’t plan to stay for very long.” Diamond looked at her mother with eyes as fierce as hers used to be. “Mother, me and Apple Bloom are dating.”

“That’s clear,” she said, looking between the two of us. “You’d never stand up to me like this unless you had someone at your side.” Her eyes drifted over to Apple Bloom, who held her gaze for a while. The two stared at each other, Apple Bloom keeping her eyes firm and forward, while Spoiled let hers droop. This wasn't much like her. Finally, she sighed and looked back at Diamond. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I’m not hounding over you any longer.”

“Y-You’re not?” Diamond frowned. Something was amiss. "What's wrong with you, mother? Just a few years ago you would have yelled much more."

“Look at me, Diamond,” She spread her cover a bit to show her body. The wrinkles followed her neck and into her clothes. She looked smaller than Diamond remembered, and she was speaking in a raspy voice. She closed the covers again. “I’m getting old and I’ll probably be gone soon. How pathetic would I look as a sick old lady chasing down some kid in love? I'd look like a witch.” She actually chuckled a bit.

“So, you don't mind me?" she asked. She grabbed Apple Bloom's hand. "Being with Apple Bloom?"

“I do," she said, looking past the two. "But look at that mirror. I'm a sight for sore eyes. Weak, aging quickly. What am I going to do to stop you? If I'm doing anything, it's making sure you don't end up like me. I can't have my daughter look as pathetic as me." Diamond could see straight through her mother, and she smiled.

“Naw,” said Apple Bloom, cutting into the conversation. “Ya got it messed up, lady. Yer nothing bad, just a little different is all.” Apple Bloom looked over at Diamond. “Y’all are like apples and… Zap Apples! Different, but kinda the same.”

"Hmph." Diamond's mother returned to her sleeping position, no longer facing the two.

"Mom?" Spoiled shifted in her bed a little. "I know what you're trying to say, and I just wanted to say... Thanks. This really does mean the world to me." Spoiled grunted in her bed.

"Every gift I ever got you meant the world to you." Diamond chuckled, knowing that her mother was just beating around the bush. She sat back up with a frown. "Well? You got what you came here for, right? Go away. I'm trying to sleep here."

"Bye mother." Diamond walked up to her bed and planted a kiss on her forehead. She backed away from it at first, but eventually just let it happen. She didn't look happy, but she wasn't angry. "I'll come visit you soon."

"Sure. Whatever."

“Ya sure you should’ve done that?” said Apple Bloom, back on their way to their own side of Ponyville. The traffic was nonexistent, so the ride was relatively calm. “You’ll probably be coughing an’ wheezing all up and down tomorrow.”

“That’s fine,” she said, paying attention solely to the road. “I have you to take good care of me.” Diamond didn’t look, but she was sure that Apple Bloom was flustered.

“What’s up with you?” she asked. “Yer actin’ kinda strange. All day today, actually.” Diamond didn’t answer, which probably made Apple Bloom frown. She didn’t bring it up again, though.

The sun was finally starting to set. The sky was turning the deep shades of the dusk: orange, yellow, red, pink. The clouds that passed by started to fade as she got closer to her last stop. In this atmosphere, it’d be perfect.

As she slowly pulled up to the farm, her heart started beating faster. Everything was working out, more or less, and this was the final stretch. The thought of what was supposed to happen next kept her heart pounding, but she still moved forward.

“So we’re back home,” said Apple Bloom. “Today was nice. Ah mean, it was a little weird but still nice.”

“Well, it’s not over yet. The last stop is right up there.” Diamond pointed in the general direction of the orchard.

“Right here? On the farm?” Diamond nodded, vacating the car. Apple Bloom followed suit, following behind Diamond as she walked onto the farm. Apple Bloom was led around the side of the barn, heading deeper until she got to a particular tree in the orchard. One far above the rest, growing on a small hill. The two made the small climb.

At the top, Diamond took a deep breath and met eyes with Apple Bloom.

The sun was shining on her face, shining it’s weakened light on her. Still, she looked like she was glowing. Her hair was being whipped in the cold wind, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“Want to sit?” Diamond looked towards the ground at the foot of the tree, making space so she could sit. Apple Bloom walked over and sat next to her. Even in the same position as before, Apple Bloom looked different. More mature, more beautiful. “Apple Bloom?”


“I don’t think I say it often enough, but you know I love you right?” Apple Bloom looked at her with a confused look on her face. Her face was red, covering her freckles in their shade. God, she was beautiful. “I know, I know, it’s weird.”

“Yeah,” she said, looking back at the orchard. “But Ah’m not saying Ah don’t like it. When ya open up, yer a real kind gal.” Now it was Diamond's turn to blush. She looked for something to distract her. Her hands were digging into the ground.

“Thanks,” said Diamond. She sat in silence until she knew exactly what she wanted to say. “Do you know why I came here, of all places?” Apple Bloom looked around.

‘We’re alone,” she said, placing her hand on Diamond’s. “We can do whatever we want.”

“True, but that’s not… it.” She leaned back and put her head against the tree. “Have you ever wanted to be… more than my girlfriend?”

Her body yearned to hear the answer. The silence seeped into her body, clogging her ears with a ringing noise louder than anything. Suddenly the clothes on her body restricted her breathing. She could feel the uncertainty itself gnawing at her heart. There was nothing left to do but to turn and fulfill her body's wishes.

She noticed her eyes first, oddly enough. The light was faint, but the streams of tears coming from her eyes could still be seen. She searched Diamond’s face, with her own being covered in surprise. Her blush seemed to stretch all the way across her face now, and even down to her neck. Diamond wondered if they felt the same thing.

“I guess... What I'm trying to say is that you should... Marry me.” It sounded so bland now, coming out of her mouth. It felt like the thing she wanted to say was far worse than this. Apple Bloom moved first, grabbing her in the tightest hug she could muster. Diamond dug her face into her hair and started crying. She didn't feel sad or shocked, or anything that would normally make her cry. But somewhere inside her heart, a clenched heartstring finally went slack, letting all the pressure come out.

When they broke apart, Apple Bloom looked down at Diamond, who seemed to be gushing. She chuckled, using her sleeve to wipe away whatever was left, falling down her face.

“If there was every anything Ah'd say yes to, it'd be this.” She grabbed Diamond in a hug again. “Ah love ya, sugarcube.” Diamond could only hug her back, digging her face into Apple Bloom’s shoulder. She could feel more tears coming along,

“I love you too. Always.”

Author's Note:

My longest one-shot ever, and therefore my longest romance fic ever. That was fun.

Comments ( 14 )

Will this story have a love triangle with Silver Spoon?

No, but I do have an idea in the back of my head about a DiamondSpoon fic, and a picture to back it up.

Okay, this story was actually really sweet, and I've been dying to read more Diamondbloom stories for awhile now. It's also an interesting angle to have a story in their adult years for a change.

Here, have a like from me!:raritywink:

I have only one word that can describe this story.


Luv'd this story!:heart:

You did this ship some justice.

Thanks! I'm glad you see it that way.

It's a cute story. I would say it takes second place. Oh, and I LOVE the artwork. That's all I have to say.
Signing out, VShuffler42

I don't think it's right to ask, but who would it come second to?

Thanks for reading, by the way.

"Apple Brandy" by Alaborn

Your story is great, it really is. "Apple Brandy" just happens to be a little bit better. I think it's only of personal preference of what actually happens in the story, not much anything else. I Will say however, I LOVE your cover artwork.

And it's completely fine for you to ask, I am the one who put that statement (that could be taken as rude, I can say now:ajsleepy::unsuresweetie:) out.
Sorry about that.

Signing out, VShuffler42

I just realized the story title and chapter title are lyrics to the song "I Swear"

Is that on purpose?

The title and story chapter title are both references to marriage vows. The song is probably a reference to that as well.

I know the song definitely is. Good story though

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