• Published 13th Dec 2017
  • 2,204 Views, 52 Comments

Tales from the Pokemon Universe: Aura of Empathy - The Bricklayer

It started like any other day for Sunset Shimmer on her Johto Journey, arriving in Cianwood for her next Gym Badge. However, finding a wounded Lucario puts those plans on hold...

  • ...

Part 8: The Cianwood City Gym

“Eat up!” Sunset barked, pulling on her signature leather jacket over an orange shirt with a sunset on it -With a little help from Mismagius, a broken arm wouldn’t heal fully for a good while after all- before she filled up each of her Pokemon’s food bowls. The sun rose over the horizon behind them, yet another day in Cianwood. Although if Sunset had anything to say about it, today would be the final day in the beachfront community. “Today’s the big day, we’ve got a gym to challenge today and I want you all to be at your best! So, a hearty breakfast for you all is in order!”

Lucario sat away from the group, as usual, still not feeling completely comfortable with being a part of a team after his last experience on one. He instead opted for grabbing a handful of his food from his bowl and eating it in silence as he rested himself atop a boulder.

“Lucario…” Sunset murmured to herself sadly and Riley laid a hand on her shoulder.

“Give him time, he needs to proceed at his own pace,” the Steel-Type expert and Aura Guardian in training advised. “You can’t force him to eat with the others if he doesn’t want to.”

“Yeah, I suppose…” Sunset muttered adjusting her baseball cap as she tied her long red and yellow hair into a ponytail. Sunset sighed to herself, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, Riley was right. She couldn’t just force Lucario into situations he didn’t want to be in. The sad thing was, because of the way he was raised Lucario was probably always going to be an anti-social type.

Sunset noted Riley’s personal Skarmory walk up to Lucario and began to strike up a conversation. Whatever they were talking about, it was evident Lucario wanted it to be kept private as he kept his mind closed off from her empathic abilities.

“Listen… About last night…” Lucario began only to be quickly cut off by Hellina holding a talon up to his muzzle to shush him.

“No, everything’s fine, no apologies needed. We’ve already been through this, no need to go through it again,” the older Pokémon quickly said, still sounding somewhat ashamed of herself. “I was wrong, you were right, end of story. We clear on that?”

Personally, Hellina didn’t want to dwell on their little argument any longer than necessary. Lucario nodded in understanding. “Clear. Although something’s still bothering me. Should we tell Sunset about Rufflet and the Arbok last night? It’s already happened and nothing came of it, so I don’t see the point.”

“You want to worry her about something like that, and give her nightmares about her chick almost dying when she wasn’t there to stop it?” Hellina asked, a raised eyebrow present before she began to eye Lucario critically.

“No point to it as I said before, we already dealt with the matter, and Rufflet’s safe. I don’t think we need to worry her needlessly,” Lucario replied. “Rufflets are reckless, it’s in their nature isn’t it? Sunset probably already knows this, given she’s raising one. It might happen again, but this time I’ll be around to help him if he does, and besides, I think this particular Rufflet’s learned his lesson about challenging opponents far stronger than him.”

He then turned to Sunset’s direction, watching the young woman roughhouse with Ninetales in the sand. The Ninetales pounced on her, and Sunset laughed and tried to tell him to get off as he licked his trainer’s face affectionately.

“Ooh, Ninetales uses Pounce and then a Lick attack!” Flareon shouted, in mock-commentary fashion. “They’re Super-Effective!”

Talonflame smacked his face with a wing and shook his head muttering “Idiots…” while Dragonair chuckled.

“Besides… Would you really want to ruin her morning right now?” the Aura Pokémon asked, gesturing to the scene before them.

“Alright… You’ve made your point, but you’re telling her later okay? Got that?” Hellina commanded.

Lucario nodded in understanding as he chuckled at the antics of Sunset and her team. He’d tell her, just not right now. She deserved a bit of relaxation and time to unwind after the past few days, really.

Eventually, Ninetales got up off his trainer and went for his breakfast, a nice assortment of various colored poffins. It was his preferred food, as the way these Poffins were made it kept him looking nice and beautiful. And that was just the way he liked it.

“You keep chugging those things down, and you’re going to look fat, not beautiful,” Flareon teased. “Just saying…”

“Hey, don’t think I’ve caught you sneaking a glance at Combee Honey Jars every now and then whenever we’re at the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop back in Sinnoh. Mew knows you have a craving for the stuff…”

“Hey, don’t you mock the Combee Honey! That stuff’s a godsend!” Flareon snapped. “And besides, that’s not the reason I like that place and you know it as well as I do! We’re both sneaking glances at Forsythia’s Roserade every chance we get!”

“You never said anything about that, at least on your part. Everybody knew I was, but you…?” Ninetales trailed off with a wily little smirk on his face and that incited a bit of laughter from some of the other members of Sunset’s team. That included Dragonair. It seemed she wasn’t quite so above it all, evidently.

“Well, this is an interesting way to start the day isn’t it?” Dragonair commented, a small amused smile on her face.

“Yep,” Mismagius agreed. “The daily argument about something or other from the Peanut Gallery. Never fails. Next thing you know they’ll be going in the slap-slap-kiss direction and well…”

“You’ve been on the internet again reading yaoi fanfictions, haven’t you?” Dragonair asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe…” the Magical Pokémon trailed off, a little smirk on her face. Should have been called the Mischievous Pokémon really.

Flareon and Ninetales’ jaws dropped in unison and they tried to sputter out responses as to how they weren’t gay as Talonflame shot a disgusted look in Dragonair and Mismagius’ directions.

“Like I said… Idiots, the whole lot of them…” the Scorching Pokémon muttered to himself, still shaking his head in embarrassment with whom he had to put up with. Sometimes he wondered if he was the only sane or at least completely mature ‘Mon in the group at times.

Cianwood City Gym:

Later that afternoon Sunset stood in front of the Gym, confidence filling her. She’d faced off against Fighting-Type Gyms before, namely Maylene back in her home region of Sinnoh at the Veilstone City Gym. So in her mind, this would be a piece of cake.

“Just like any other Gym Battle, use the strategy I’ve come up with and bring home the win and another Badge and I’ll be one more step up the ladder towards the Silver Conference…” She thought to herself.

Speaking of Sinnoh, Riley had left a few hours before after his Lucario had given Sunset’s own some more hard training. It had paid off in dividends, with the battle ending in a draw after Lucario debuted his new Thunder Punch. You could tell Lucario himself was much more powerful, slightly bigger and bulkier in muscle structure. He carried himself with more confidence as well, a far cry from when Sunset had found him on the beach covered in blood.

The Gym itself was Japanese in styling, like an old karate dojo with blue shingles on the roof and white walls. Flanking either side of the entrance were two stone Marowak statues. Outside the Gym stood a sign, reading these words:
Cianwood City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Chuck
His Roaring Fists Do the Talking”

“Well, that’s not going to scare people off at all…” Lucario commented in a remarkably deadpan tone of voice.

“That’s the point I believe,” Talonflame remarked from his perch on a nearby building. “He’s trying to make the trainers less confident in themselves, make things more of a challenge for them. Gym Badges have to be earned, it’s not like Leaders can just give them away… It’s a test of both Trainer and Pokémon.” he lectured with Sunset nodding at his statement. “Should be an easy win for us, not like Sunset hasn’t gone up against Fighting Types before.”

The Scorching Pokémon’s words struck a chord with Lucario, and he looked directly at Sunset as an idea came to his mind.

“Sunset? A request?” He asked somewhat nervously -afraid what he’d be asking would be rejected outright- and his trainer looked directly at him. “I want to challenge this Gym… No, I need to challenge this Gym.”

Sunset was taken aback. “Lucario… Are you sure? I know you’re stronger and all, but challenging a Fighting-Type specialist such as Chuck…” she trailed off, worried that a loss by Lucario against Chuck’s powerful Poliwrath would ruin his self-confidence and reset everything that Sunset had done to help him believe in himself again. But Lucario stood steadfast in his beliefs.

“I have to prove myself, it’s the only way I’ll know if all of that training Riley and his Lucario gave me was worth it.” Lucario stated firmly.

“He’s right Sunset,” Dragonair said from inside her Pokeball. “He needs to do this, it’s the only way.”

“Alright…” Sunset sighed before mustering up her courage and opening the Gym doors. “Let’s do this...”

And if you listened closely, one could hear a small whispered “Thank you…” from Lucario.

When they entered the interior of the gym, the two found it was vastly different from the exterior. It was styled after a cave, with a fake waterfall pooling into a small lake constructed at the other end of the gym. At the top of the waterfall was a mechanism that with a series of gears connected to a switch could raise and lower a gate onto the waterfall cutting it off. The only thing that marked it as a Fighting Style Gym was the big dojo mat in the center of the arena and the bleachers on either side of the room.

Sunset’s eyes narrowed. Underneath that torrent of a waterfall was a massive giant of a man, wearing only a set of white shorts and covered in bristling muscles. That could only be Chuck himself.

“Well, he sure takes his training seriously…” Sunset trailed off.

“...I like him already.” Talon smirked. “Willing to push his body to the bone to train, now there’s a Gym Leader for you.”

“Wonder what that means for his Pokemon?” Sunset wondered to herself before looking at Lucario in concern. “If you want me to substitute you for someone else, you don’t have to be afraid to ask…” She told him kindly.

“No, I will beat him. No backing down now. I walked into this fight, and I’m not running away.”

“Okay then…” Sunset trailed off and nervously swallowed wondering what she was about to subject Lucario to. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to the cut-off mechanism and pulled the switch, lowering the gate onto the waterfall.

“Ooomph! The waterfall pounding right onto my head…” Chuck rumbled. “Why’d you stop the waterfall from pouring on me!?! You just spoiled my training! I have to warn you that I’m a strong Trainer spending practically his every waking hour when I’m not battling under this waterfall!”

Sunset’s only thought was “What the Hell did I get myself into?” her earlier confidence fading before it sparked up again.

“Chuck, I’m here for your Storm Badge!” she shouted in declaration. No backing down now, this was it. Ah, there it was. That feeling, the one every Pokemon trainer got when they challenged an opponent. The adrenaline pumping through their veins, the anticipation of an upcoming battle! Sunset looked into Chuck’s eyes and knew he shared the same feelings.

Chuck bowed. “Well, who am I to refuse such a request from a fine trainer such as you? After all, I can see the work you’ve put into your Pokémon! And you have a Lucario with you, very impressive indeed! No small feat, befriending one,” the Gym Leader complimented. “Very well, we shall have our battle! This’ll be a 3 on 3 battle with no substitutions, understand?”

Sunset nodded in understanding and bowed back before the battle began as Chuck threw out his first Pokeball, with the local black belt martial artists under Chuck’s training regime gathering to watch…

Eventually, the battle wound down to its final stages. Like Sunset had predicted, Chuck’s Pokemon were just as intensely trained as he was. It had been a matchup with Flareon against a powerful Primeape that started off things, and after many exchanged blows and launched attacks Flareon had come out on top ending things with a powerful Flame Charge.

“Great…” Ninetales had muttered on the subject. “That’ll feed his ego even more…”

He’d smirked when Chuck had sent out his next Pokemon, a Breloom from the Hoenn region. He’d at the time thought it would be a piece of cake and laughed it off, but that laughter was soon to fade when the Mushroom Pokémon had defeated him with a Brick Break/Solar Beam combo.

From the stands, Lucario had winced at the sheer power of the Breloom that had been on display and knew that whatever he faced next, would be even more powerful. Rufflet, on the other hand, looked eager.

“Now, that’s an opponent!” the Eaglet Pokemon had squawked out. “Meema, when I get strong enough can I face him?”

“Sure… Sure you can…” Sunset had nervously replied. She was still nervous about Rufflet’s near brush with death thanks to an Arbok from what Lucario had told her. So understandably, she was nervous about letting the baby Pokemon going into battle anytime soon.

“You’ve been running me ragged, I’ll give you that young miss. Your Pokemon are very well trained. What’s your name?” Chuck asked, clutching his last Pokeball in hand.

“Sunset. Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset replied and Chuck smiled warmly at her. He recognized that name, he’d heard about her from a Videophone call from his fellow Fighting-Type specialist and Gym Leader Maylene praising a challenger who’d won her Cobble Badge in Sinnoh.

“Well, you’re a very good trainer for getting this far,” the Gym Leader said, not letting his recognition of Sunset’s name show. “But don’t get too cocky. After all, we haven't lost yet! There’s still this Pokemon you have to face…” Chuck warned.

Then, he threw out his last Pokemon. The one both Lucario and Sunset had been fearing. Poliwrath. This was a giant blue Pokemon, wearing what looked to be boxing gloves. But that wasn't the most notable feature, oh no. That would have been the massive and almost hypnotic black and white swirl that took up most of the Pokemon’s chest.

The two Pokemon stared each other down each seemingly trying to size each other up before they charged at each other.

Lucario threw a powerful Thunder Punch at Poliwrath but it was easily dodged by the powerful fighting type and he was hit in the chest and sent flying backwards by a powerful Mega Kick.

Lucario grunted in pain from the blow, but wasn’t going to give up.

“Hmm,” Talonflame observed from his place on the wooden rafters that held the roof up, his wings folded up against his sides. “Trouble is, given the fact that FIghting-Type moves are hugely effective against Steel-Types, Lucario 's not in a good spot here. The only real advantage he's got here is his Thunder Punch attack to deal with Poliwrath's Water-Typing.” the Scorching Pokémon mused to himself. “Chuck’s Poliwrath is much better trained then Lucario, even with Lucario going through Riley’s training. And then there’s that other issue... Lucario still hasn’t mastered his species signature move, the Aura Sphere, the only other move he could use to pull out a win… Oh, this is going to be close, I know that much…”

Lucario himself was thinking along the same lines as he ducked and dodged the powerful blows sent out by Chuck’s Poliwrath. Even as he fought, his mind wandered elsewhere, back to his teacher’s training earlier that day…

“Now remember,” Luke had growled out. “I’m not here to hold your hand throughout all of this. I’m only staying around for a few more hours before me and Riley have to head back to Iron Island to keep the peace. I’m only a guide, a stepping stone if you will towards reaching your true potential, understand?”

Sunset’s Lucario nodded in understanding before their battle resumed. Punches and kicks were thrown and wills clashed. “Come on Lucario, you can do it! The aura’s with you! Focus that energy!”

Lucario impacted Riley’s own with a powerful Force Palm sending him sliding back in the sand but Luke hit him with a powerful Cross Chop attack. Lucario growled and retaliated with a Thunder Punch, and lightning met fire as Luke used his powerful Blaze Kick move. It was training from Hell, sure, but Riley’s Lucario knew that this member of his species needed that kind of training. And he was fair, pointing out mistakes when Lucario made them. Nor was he needlessly cruel. He knew Sunset’s Lucario could potentially beat him, he just needed more practice. He only wished he had more time.

“Come on, I know you can do better than this!”Luke urged him on. “Get your head in the game!”

Back in the present, Lucario reminded himself that he had to stay focused, otherwise, he was going to lose this battle. He leaped onto rocks like a game of leapfrog as Poliwrath fired his Bubble Beam attack, smashing each rock to rubble upon impact. Lucario landed on the mat once again and threw a Thunder Punch, but to his surprise, it only met air.

What had happened was while he was so busy focusing on dodging the Bubble Beam attacks, he’d missed Chuck shouting out for Poliwrath to dig under the ground. Lucario’s eyes searched the surrounding area, darting from left to right as he tried to figure out which way the Tadpole Pokémon was tunneling directly underneath his paws.

Lucario was starting to panic, his breaths getting more frantic and his heartbeat speeding up in fear.

“Where… Where is he?” Lucario thought to himself. Up in the rafters, Talonflame groaned. He knew what was about to happen.

“Damnit Lucario, the last thing you should do in a match is lose your cool! Think, you can sense that damn thing with your Aura! Hell, you could read what it’s going to do next with the Mind Reader move!” Talonflame snapped, but of course, Lucario couldn’t hear him.

He was so panicked, he wasn’t thinking about any of this. And then, it happened. Poliwrath erupted from the ground right below the Aura Pokémon and hit him with a powerful uppercut of a Dynamic Punch knocking him flat.

Lucario’s last thoughts before he slipped into unconsciousness was: “How… How could I lose? Sunset… I’m sorry… I failed you…”

And then the announcer cemented it as Lucario hit the mat and Sunset rushed to his side in a frantic manner. “The Challenger, Sunset Shimmer is all out of Pokemon! The Gym Leader, Chuck, wins!”

When Lucario next awoke, he found himself in the Cianwood City Pokemon Center once again. As machines beeped and the evening sun shone through the window blinds, he took a look around before he gasped in shock. Standing over him was a Fearow, -wings tucked into her sides- with a familiar set of piercing green eyes he’d know anywhere.

“K-Kiara...?” Lucario gasped out.

Author's Note:

Okay, first time around, I did have plans for Lucario to actually win this match, but then I realized it would create better drama, and a more interesting reunion for him and Kiara if he actually lost to Chuck. Now, on the Gym Arena itself, I tried to combine the anime's version of an actual dojo, with the Heartgold/Soulsilver map of a cave with a rushing waterfall. Huge thanks to Son Elec for that idea.

Also, on Kiara, and this sorta plays into the next chapter as well, I originally wasn't going to have her return at all. Just have her as a childhood friend that Lucario had memories of, but then I figured if she played such an important role in Lucario's past, it sorta figured that she'd probably go and search for him after he got captured, just out of worry. That Spearow Fluttershy had to handle way back in Ecruteak City? Originally, just a random male Spearow,
no bearing on the plot whatsoever. Then, when Kiara came along, I changed the gender and set it up as a Chekov's Gun.