• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 1,851 Views, 54 Comments

Jack Spicer's Quest to Conquer Equestria - CrazedLaughter

Jack Spicer and Wuya are teleported to Equestria after a fight with Omi and his friends. Jack, using his evil genius, plots a magnificent and fool proof plan to take over the new land he finds himself in. Also Wuya is there.

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Chapter 13 - Wuya Meets the Team

It had been about an hour since the assault on Twilight's Castle.

Twilight had returned bursting through her doors, Rainbow Dash close behind and Fluttershy still catching up.

"Alright! Let me at him!" Rainbow dash said she she flew up and made a few punching motions "I'm seriously ready to take down some bad guy butt!"

Twilight stayed silent at first looking around as Rainbow Dash zipped through the corridors, looking for a fight.

Twilight, seeing Rainbow Dash fly off to one room. Purposely went the opposite direction and went into her study. and closed the doors, she could already see the damage was done.

Her horn started to vibrate, as a ghostly form seeped out, and gave form. It was Wuya. In all her ghostly glory,

She began to slowly hover around the room "Hrmm...It seems we just missed him. I told you, you should have left Fluttershy behind if you wanted to catch him in time."

"I wasn't just going to leave her there, what if Jack escaped and saw her back to wherever he would run off too? He might have captured her too." Twilight sighed, feeling she did actually goof up despite her sound reasoning.

"I doubt it, Someone like Jack Spicer usually runs straight home if things don't go his way." Wuya kept her cool, she actually just wanted to scowl and berate Twilight, but she knew her cover would get blown if she acted too hastily. "I thought you'd be more concerned about your dragon friend, to be honest" Wuya reminded Twilight.

"I AM...mnngh..I just wanted to make sure I didn't lose anypony else" "Twilight looked down, feeling like a failure.

"And now, from what it seems, Jack has the Alicorn Amulet. Who knows what evils he plans to do with it..." Wuya started to get a little agitated all of a sudden "If only I could sense his Shen Gong Wu again. Something is definitely off. I could usually trace a Shen Gong Wu down once it's shown itself. But in this world, I can only do it while it's activated. Odd...it must have something do with the magics that flow here."

Twilight was feeling a little too down to pay attention. She failed to save her good friend, and now the Amulet was taken. She thought that maybe he would have at least traded for him....but her bartering chip was gone now too.

Wuya started to think to herself "Would that boob go back to that castle? no, the coward wouldn't dare step foot into the forest again. Darn it Jack! Where could you have gone to? Now that you have everything I need I don't need this stupid princess anymore! If I have to stick with her for another minute I'll...I'LL"

Suddenly, her train of thought is broken when Twilight begins to speak to her "Wuya?"

Wuya turned and gave a quick fake smile "yes? What is it Princess?"

"Maybe I should just introduce you to my friends. It might be better if we come up with a strategy together." Twilight said.

Wuya had made Twilight keep her a secret. With a lie, that being should her friends know. And one would let word that she was around. That Jack would take desperate measures and actively try to hurt Twilight's friends and their families rather than taking the amulet. In truth, Wuya didn't want to deal with any of them. She didn't want to risk her being found out if she had to watch out for all six of them. Pinkie especially worried her, she could sense some extrasensory ability in her.

"We can't do that! Because...umm..Jack probably still needs another item! Yes that's it! If we can figure out what it is, we can plan an ambush for him!" Wuya told Twilight, completely against her idea.

"Wuya, he has Spike and the Alicorn Amulet. You said that's all he needed to succeed. We can't waste time planning an ambush if we don't even know what his next move will be! I'm happy to have your cooperation, and I'm glad you have some way of tracking him but....We need everypony to sit down and figure things out. If Jack went through here already. Maybe you can confer with Applejack,Pinkie, and Rarity. They might know something."

"B-b-b-but, be reasonable Princess! Perhaps we ca-" Suddenly Wuya's words are cut short as Pinkie Pie comes through the ceiling, crashing to the ground holding a bowling ball "LOOK OUT BELOW!"

Twilight looked towards the crash and stepped back in surprise "What in the- Pinkie?! What- What were you doing up there?"

Pinkie quickly turned and stood up, giving a salute and a smile "Just deboobytrapping the castle! But it's good that you're here! I have a lot to tell you! oh, and your ghost friend there too!" Pinkie didn't even seem surprised nor alarmed that Wuya was floating right in front of her.

"Well theres no hiding it now.." Twilight pointed her hoof to Wuya "Pinkie, meet Wuya the Witch. Wuya, this is Pinkie Pie"

"Twilight, that's not a witch! That's a spooky ghost...hrn...she seems kind of familiar" Pinkie rubbed her chin, something about Wuya seemed off to her.

Wuya was caught offguard, and hovered silently. Staring directly into Pinkie's soft blue eyes.

"Pinkie, Don't be rude. Wuya is....another victim of Jack. She lost her body to him, and her people..So please..don't upset her." Twilight warned.

Pinkie's focus on Wuya was lost. Specifically her eyes. Pinkie was beginning to think she had seen that kind of swirly eyes before. But now, hearing What happened to Wuya. She suddenly frowned and opened her hooves wide "That's...that's so sad..mngh. I know it probably won't help right now. But..I want to give you a "New Friend" Hug, Since..you're already friends with Twilight and all, that means you're my friend too! I hope it makes you feel a little bit better."

"Hug?" Wuya was not having any of this "No, I'm fine, really. Maybe you could go hug a cactus or something." Wuya hovered backwards

Pinkie gave her a small grin "I've already mastered hugging cacti, Come on please! I promise you'll feel a little bit better!" Pinkie inched towards her

"No really I-" Wuya gets stopped as Pinkie closes her hooves around her....then falls through her onto the floor with a small oomph.

Wuya sighed in relief "...well..at least this form has it's perks..."

Twilight giggled a little, finding the odd situation humorous

Suddenly there was a knocking on the door "Hey Twilight, what's going on in there? Is it that Jack guy? because if it is!..HERE I"

Suddenly Rainbow Dash did a flying kick into the room, going right over Pinkie and through Wuya.

"Wait Rainbow Dash" Twilight called to her.

"Is that him?!" Rainbow Dash immediately rushed up to Wuya and started doing hoof punches "TAKE THAT! AND THIS! AND SOME OF THAT!"

Wuya just stared as the hooffists went through her, a face of that unhumored "...will...will you just cut that out already?"

"Not until you tell us where Spike is! You...you..." Rainbow Dash finally noticed her attacks were going right through her. "What in the hay? What's going on?! Why can't I-"

"Rainbow Dash! That isn't Jack! ahrm...That's Wuya, the Benevolent Witch of Love and Friendship." Twilight walked up to Wuya and waved her hoof at her to present her.

"I dunno, she seems pretty evil looking to me. Are you sure this isn't that Jack Spicer guy?" Rainbow Dash inched her face closer to look at Wuya directly.

"HOW DARE YOU COMPARE ME TO THAT SAD SACK OF FAILURE! YOU INCOMPETENT HORSE! I'M NOT EVEN MALE!" Wuya bursted out, being compared to Jack was something that brought her quick to anger.

Rainbow Dash leaned back from being yelled at, and looked to Pinkie "yeesh! What's her problem?"

Pinkie got up to whisper to Rainbow "She lost her body and is a spooky ghost now, I think that's why she looks pretty evil. But don't worry, she's a friend of Twilight's"

Rainbow whispered back "oh"

"Wuya, please don't get upset at Rainbow Dash. She didn't mean anything by it...I mean...you didn't need to react like that either" Twilight said, trying to defuse any situation that might happen. Due to Wuya's burst

Wuya was just about to just tell everyone that she was done with them. But she still needed them. Jack would never give her her body back now. But Twilight would. She didn't really care about Spike. But she did need these ponies to pull out a win and get the amulet and Shen Gong Wu from Jack. She took a breath, and did a hovering bow to Rainbow Dash "..I'm sorry, I..I don't know what came over me."

"Don't sweat it, any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine. I'm Rainbow Dash" Rainbow Dash struck a "cool" Pose as she said her name.

Wuya didn't know how to react. She already knew Twilight's friends by name by hearing them called out while hiding in her horn. But the name "Rainbow Dash" struck her as WAAAYYY too goody goody sounding. "Good for yo- I mean..ahrm...nice name, I'm Wuya"

Wuya's cover was blown. She had to make sure she acted as friendly and nice as she could muster. But she didn't know how much more she could deal with at this point.She had a choice, These ponies or just going and groveling to Jack to take her back.

As Wuya turned, she saw a familiar yellow horse at the door. She knew Fluttershy by name, but never happened a glance through Twilight's horn due to her always being out of her sight or too far behind. But looking at her now, She definitely recognized her.

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide. Staring at Wuya. Wuya just let out a nervous smile as she began to sweat ectoplasm. The jig was up. She knew the horse had to have spotted her with Jack before.

But Fluttershy didn't remember that. the encounter had put her in a small state of shock, she didn't even remember the incident.

Though, that didn't stop her from yelling out "G-G-G-G-GHOST!" And fainting again.

While the ponies went to check on Fluttershy, Wuya just let out a sigh of relief. She didn't know if Fluttershy actually remembered her or not. But she'd able to find out later, maybe she could scare her again? She liked her reaction.

"Rainbow Dash, can you take Fluttershy to the guest rooms? mnngh, Poor Fluttershy. She's had a really rough night trying to keep up" Twilight knew Fluttershy's reaction was caused by Wuya's appearance, but enough to faint? She also chalked it up to flying around all night and being worried about Spike.

Rainbow Dash nodded and picked up her incapacitated friend, and flew towards the guest rooms.

"Please don't get upset at her Wuya" Twilight turned to Wuya, to apologize for Fluttershy "She's kind of scared....well..of almost everything."

Wuya kept herself from smirking.She just found her new pet for when she conquers Equestria "I'm sure her and I will become the best of friends...hehehe.."

"Oh Twilight, I forgot to mention! Check out what we got!" Pinkie Pie rushed up to Twilight, and showed her the odd mirror. "We think Jack may have dropped it!"

"So..he was definitely here then.Where is Rarity and Applejack?" Twilight asked as she stepped up to inspect the mirror.

"They went after Jack, I dunno if they can catch him. But if they do..oh man, he's gonna be prettttyyy sorrryyy...But What about this mirror, pretty neato huh?" Pinkie Pie held it closer to Twilight's face, scrunching it against her nose.

oop...um..hehe..yes it's...pretty "ne-"...wait, I know what this mirror is. This is the mirror that Jack used to deflect my stunning spell!" Twilight said in surprise "He dropped this?!"

Before Pinkie Pie could reply, Wuya rushed up to the mirror "THIS IS THE REVERSING MIRROR!" She stared at it, as if it was some sort of long lost brother.

"Reversing Mirror? Is this one of your Shen Gong Wu, Wuya?" Twilight asked

"huh?..w-why yes! It is! It could also be vital to my restoration..hehe" Wuya started to nearly drool. Maybe she didn't need the Amulet. All she needed was some sort of ethereal ghost spell to be shot at the mirror while she was in it. And BAM, she'd have her body back.

"We can use it for ourselves, right? Since Jack has the amulet. We might as well use this mirror against him. From my guess, it deflects spells right?" Twilight asked, feeling a little more confidence. Since she witnessed first hand that the mirror was pretty powerful.

"Not just spells, it will completely reverse any form of attack or magic brought against it. It can even reverse the very nature of a spell's intended effect...hehe..speaking of which" Wuya turned to Twilight, giving her a wicked smile "You wouldn't happen to know any spells that can turn one into an ethereal being....would you?"

"I have an invisibility spell, but not any kind of spell that can turn a pony into a ghost...But..I bet I could probably find a spell like that in Starswirl's personal library...but, why do you need it?" Twilight was confused as to why Wuya was suddenly asking something irrelevant to rescuing Spike.

"Oh uhm..well..to be truthful. With the mirror and that spell. I could regain my body and help you thwart Jack and rescue your dragon friend..hehe..now..where would that library be? I'd assume somewhere in the castle? " Wuya could barely contain herself. She was internally thanking Jack's bumbling for bringing her body back.

"Oh no no, It's in Canterlot. It's kind of far away from here. I would love to help you right now Wuya...but...We still need to rescue Spike. You don't mind waiting a little while longer..do you?"

Wuya did not want to wait anymore. Choosing the dragon over her? That just won't stand. Wuya, absolutely furious with the answer. Flies up to Twilight's neck and tries choking her in her rage,

Twilight just raises an eyebrow and looks down at her "Wuya? ...is there a problem?"

Wuya, realizing she's doing nothing but wasting her time. Just looks up to Twilight and smiles "Oh..umm..no no. I was merely trying to give you a massage from all this happiness I feel about getting my body back soon and..erm..rescuing your friend....But silly me, I forgot for a moment that I can't touch anything. I hope I didn't offend you...eheh" Wuya chuckled nervously

Twilight gave her a big friendly smile "Don't worry about it Wuya, I'm feeling much better now. I'm just glad you're willing to wait until we rescue Spike. And again...I thank you for your help"

Wuya just turned, and gritted her ghostly teeth in anger "Don't mention it..."

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