• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five


It's the year by the pony calendar of course. It's the year 1990 ponies rule the earth. But there is more to this story than an invasion from an alien race in the universe. There is so much more of how this came to be.

Some don't even remember the true story of what happened to earth.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 20 )

Greetings to a new story. I am going to let this stew the first chapter for just a bit. To see how it's received also I didn't go deep into the intro of what happened. Because that will come later slowly so enjoy of learning what happened over the time of the story.

Stargate was my favorite of what I watched on bunny ear antenna when I was a kid. That, court shows (when there was nothing else), NCIS, monk, matlock, and the Saturday morning cartoons including sonic x. Ah... my childhood.....


heh yeah I grew up on Stargate.

New chapters and yes it's a short one as well. I want to get the story going and then the chapters shall be longer. THey will come slower as well. heh don't want burn myself out from writing to much.

Hey, readers, anyone has any ideas for the next few chapters? I am just wondering give me ideas on what planets they go and who that creature in the recent chapter could be.

Forgive the short chapter it's all I could think of for a chapter that would contenue the story.

I don't understand. Is the main cast cursed, or something? Or, is that one of those TV show fantasies, like in the episode 200?


Oddly no I am not surprised you got that idea. Deeper in the story it will explain what happened to the humans of earth. It may say the 90s but it takes place 100 years after the ORI got defeated.

If they went anywhere it would have to be the one with that annoying android


Heh, don't worry that android will not be showing up.


Lol na you spelled that right now I could make a reference to that of seeing old androids of the team in a museum somewhere that were found maybe.


Just yeah I am thinking of that since it would be old to see them after so long heh heh


Crazy story eh? I know I did many parts but I had to bring it back to the mother.

Does the Stargate franchise really take place in the year 1990 and not, like, the year 4540 or something like that?


it came out in 1997 I watched the entire series till it's end in 2011

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