• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,263 Views, 104 Comments

The Armada Trilogy I: The Lieutenant - TheMysteryMuffin

Tempest Shadow has an untold past that nopony really understands. One day, she tells Twilight Sparkle what actually happened on the day she lost her horn and also learns a valuable lesson; that everypony is truly wonderful in their own way...

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Capper carried all of Tempest's things into her new room, before dumping them next to an empty bed. Dust was flown about, from the force of the items landing on the floor. Bright sunshine came through the bedroom's window, which was covered by a pair of white, torn curtains. Despite looking like it hadn't been slept in for years, Tempest's new bedroom looked like the right place to stay.

Tempest went over to the bed and stroked the sheets, feeling the material and the texture. It just felt so good to be somewhere, that for once, she could feel like a normal pony, just staying in a stranger's house. Also, this was the first time that Tempest had slept somewhere that wasn't at home. This would be the second bed that she ever slept in, instead of sleeping on her tiny filly sized bed. What an adventure this would be! She would work alongside Capper and do the greatest things with him. They would be partners in crime. Yes! Tempest could see it already; the Great Capper and his Trusty Companion. A double act, that would take on the world.

"This will be your room, for now," Capper explained, "I'm sorry it's not glamorous. I run very cheaply."

Tempest looked around the room and saw posters of Capper along with other companions of his. Some were ponies and others were bizarre creatures that Tempest had never seen before. It was just amazing to see the past of Capper stuck on a wall, just to be looked at by pretty much anypony. To have been painted as well was astonishing. You had to be pretty wealthy to have yourself painted by another pony or creature. To be painted in Canterlot, for example, would cost a fortune. Very few ponies had been painted over there.

After sitting herself on her bed, Tempest looked at Capper.

"Thank you, Capper," she said, "this is lovely."

"You're welcome, Miss Shadow," Capper replied, "tomorrow, I'll find someone that could offer you a job. Sounds fun?"

Tempest nodded in reply. She started unpacking her belongings and clothing after Capper had left her, starting with her carrier bag. She took out her dress, make-up, food, Identification Papers and books on foreign languages. Tempest put everything near her bed, apart from her I.D., which she hid in the pocket of her cloak. She may need to use it when walking around town, especially if was under occupation of the Storm King's army. There would be soldiers wandering around the streets for the whole day and night. Twenty four hours the town would be under guard. Tempest could easily be asked for identification by an officer.

Tempest pulled out the photograph of herself standing next to her parents and placed it on her desk table. She then tilted the photo frame, so that it faced her when she would sleep on her bed. Tempest could almost imagine them lying near her, like what they used to do when she was younger, but she could still feel the large gap that separated the three of them. Tempest was miles away from home now, so what was the point of thinking of going back now? Besides, she didn't belong back at home.

All of a sudden, Tempest's eyes soon became droopy and she eventually fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Tempest was in town with Capper, still with her hood up. She didn't want anyone, including Capper, to know about her condition just yet. Besides, it was just too early for her true identity to be learnt about. Tempest wondered secretly if Capper was asking himself why his new friend would be covering up her head, without revealing what was on top. However, this didn't stop Tempest from enjoying the walk around Kludgetown.

It was busier than usual, with all sorts of bizarre creatures walking around, with masks covering their faces from the sand. The wind was getting stronger all the time and the sky had turned a dark orange, making the clouds look like that they had been set alight. Sand was being blown about and soon it was almost impossible to stand against its unforgiving force. Tempest pushed on though, as she followed Capper through the blinding streets. The locals didn't dare allow anyone to get past or move to the side for an older resident. The only thing that was on their minds was to get to the city's council, where there was slave sale going on, in which the residents would gamble to buy the best slave they could possibly get.

Capper guided Tempest closer to the council's court building. Tempest was confused though, for she couldn't understand what Capper wanted her to do.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked him. Capper didn't respond until they turned left to go down another street, just missing one of the Storm King's guards.

"I'm taking you to the council," Capper explained, "there's a job that they're offering at the moment. You can work there and get enough bits to buy your own place. You can go to school, get an education and perhaps even find a coltfriend or something. I don't know. Look, we're nearly there now."

Tempest suddenly felt concerned about what was happening. Capper was onto something that didn't seem right. Go to school? Find a coltfriend? But, what about she had now? She was happy staying with Capper. There was no need to leave just yet. She just arrived at his yesterday, so surely she couldn't be leaving just then?

"But... what about the things we were going to do?" Tempest asked, "Wait, why are you sending me away?"

Capper started to run, picking up Tempest and tucking her underneath his furry arm. He dodged past the residents like a rabbit running through a sea of trees, trying to get away from its predator. Tempest couldn't do anything, but just allow Capper to take her where he desired to go. All she could see were flashes of colours from the different clothing that the residents were wearing around town.

Eventually, Capper slowed down when he reached the entrance to the council. He sneaked inside, trying not to make too much sound. Capper then snaked his way through more creatures, still holding tightly onto Tempest like she was a toddler trying to get away. His grip and sharp claws were beginning to dig deep into Tempest's front leg, causing it to bleed tiny drops of blood. Before Tempest could smack Capper to try and make him let go of her, they made it to the centre of the room, where there stood four of the strange guards and a figure under a silver cloak.

The figure was tall, about six foot seven inches. The silver cloak it wore seemed to look expensive and royal, like what a king would wear, and the hood that covered his head exposed nothing of his face. In his right claw was a staff and in the other was a piece of paper with writing on. It looked like a list of names, along with signatures. The list was long and scrolled all the way across the floor. The guards standing next to the creatures looked at the list and grunted as they remembered who was on that list.

"Okay then," the hooded figure snarled, "let's get started. Get ready for your names to be read out, slaves!"

Slaves? Tempest thought. This is a slave sale?

"Ladies first. I mustn't forget my manners, should I?" the figure continued, "Captain Celaeno. Parrot-thing? I don't know. Where are you? Show yourself!"

The parrot-thing was carried over to the front by the two guards and then thrown to the floor. Tempest saw the creature land on her belly and cry out in pain. Her green feathers soaked up the dust that was on the ground, making Celaeno look scruffy and dirty. Celaeno tried to get up but was kicked in the stomach, which caused her to fall again. The figure walked up and inspected the parrot, before laughing out loud.

"You're a captain, eh?" the figure asked, "Well, that's about to change, parrot! I'm in charge of you now! She's good enough for manual labour. Take her to my ship at once!"

Two guards picked Celaeno up and dragged her towards the exit of the room. Before she completely left, Celaeno turned round to the figure and spat towards him.

"Go to Tartarus, asshole!" Celaeno swore.

The figure gave a loud burst of laughter, before stretching out his arm towards his slave, ordering his guards to take her away. After Celaeno was gone, the figure continued looking at his subjects, giving them all a snarl like a hungry wolf. The crowd shivered nervously, backing up as far as they could. They watched, as the Storm King then looked across the room and looked over to the furthest corner.

"Bring the princess here!" the Storm King ordered.

Another pair of guards came in, carrying a battered creature that looked like something between a griffin and a sea serpent. It had pale yellow skin, a wavy blue strip of hair and a pair of big, beautiful eyes. The creature was dragged in and was then thrown to the ground just like how Celaeno was treated. It cried out, after landing on a large bruise that spread across her back. Covering her face and arms were lashed by a whip, which seemed to have dug itself into her pretty skin, along with smudged makeup and mud.

"Ha! Whose the ruler now, Skystar?!" the Storm King roared.

A roar of laughter came from most of the crowd and the sound of glass smashing against the walls of the building, from where the citizens threw glasses around, one of which hit Skystar in the face. Another round of laughter followed, before being silenced by the Storm King.

"So, who wishes to buy this slave, eh?" the Storm King asked his supporters, "Or is there someone who will kindly take her place? No? Should someone treat the princess nicely? Come on! Bid, all of you!"

The citizens started lifting their arms in the air, holding money and bank slips, some ranging from 50 to 500 bits. Later on, some even rose up to a thousand bits and some even threw jewels in the air to pose as money in some way. Tempest watched in anger at what she was seeing. The poor creature started crying at the embarrassment from the creatures that were in front of them.

Tempest couldn't bear it anymore.

"We've got to do something!" she said to Capper.

The smug creature grinned, before grabbing hold of Tempest's arm again.

"Okay then. I will."

Capper raised Tempest's hoof into the air to try and get the Storm King's attention.

"This pony will take her place!" Capper shouted.

Everyone stopped talking over each other and turned to look at Capper. Tempest remained quiet, trying her hardest not to argue with Capper.

"Her?" the Storm King asked, "She will take a princess' place?"

Tempest snorted in anger, before trying to get herself out of Capper's claw, which didn't seem to work as she thought to have. The Storm King pointed his staff towards Tempest, alerting the guards to go over and grab hold of her. Before Tempest could run off, the guards grabbed hold of her back legs and dragged their prisoner back over to their ruler.

The Storm King leaned down and stroked Tempest's face as if she was some sort of pet. Seeing the scars and broken horn made the Storm King think why he would ever take this pony to replace a stronger and more important pony, just like Princess Skystar. But then, something clicked in his head, and the Storm King changed his mind.

"Release the princess and return her to Queen Novo!" he ordered to his guards, "I'll take this pony instead. Tell me, slave, what is your name?"

"Tempest, sir..." the unicorn whispered, "...Tempest Shadow. I'm too weak to work alongside you, your majesty. Please, have pity on me..."

The Storm King thought for a moment but still remained strongly towards his previous intentions. Tempest seemed to be the pony to do the job...

"If you work for me, Tempest," the Storm King replied, "then I will set Princess Skystar free."

For just a moment, the complete atmosphere in the whole room had become crestfallen. Nopony really knew who was to be trusted anymore; Tempest, the princess, their ruler or the anthropomorphic cat. Tempest then turned to look around the room, before returning her gaze towards the Storm King.

"I will serve you, your highness," Tempest replied, "as long as you set the princess free."

"It's a deal," the Storm King said, "I will do so. Guards! Release the princess and give her back to Queen Novo. After you've done that, then tie up this unicorn and take her to where the others are being kept! You brought this upon yourself, Tempest. Prepare yourself to follow my orders for the rest of your living days!"

The guards untied Princess Skystar and took her outside of the building. Afterwards, they returned and went over to Tempest, kicking her in the stomach and placing a mask over her face, covering up her muzzle and broken horn. Despite the odd groan, Tempest didn't cry out in pain or anger, for she didn't dare give it to the Storm King. After they had finished on her, the guards took Tempest by the front legs and dragged her outside, to where Tempest saw the most slaves she had ever seen in her entire life...

Author's Note:

Yes, I know I've changed my name, but I wanted something that suited what I wrote in a way. Interested in my other projects? See the latest updates today on my profile! Stay awesome; Twilight loves you. :twilightsmile: