• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,845 Views, 5 Comments

Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...

Nightmare Moon’s Daughter

Drawing by bam-bean-itzevil

Kitzumi stopped almost as fast as her heart sank. Twilight had at least recognized her, but as soon as she’d tried to approach… It was still night, she was in an outside passageway between buildings, it was not the palace of the two sisters, but where? One thing was certain, she hadn’t done it to herself. Had she heard discords voice right before finding herself… wherever here was? If nothing else it helped confirm her suspicions regarding that first fateful jump back in time. There was no way she could have done it to herself.

Kitzu flinched at the sound of her helmet hitting the cobbled stone. She’d had it tucked up under her wing along with the cap. Her goggles hung about her neck. Kitzu picked up the cap, the radio and MP3 player were fried. “Gee thanks Muma,” Kitzu muttered as she sat on her plot.

“Here now, what have we here,” Called the voice of a stallion.

“Looks like some pony took a wrong turn,” Offered another.

Kitzu turned to look, standing behind her were two guards, a unicorn, and a pegasus. They’d the typical highly polished silver breastplates of the Canterlot guard, but under that, they had red tunics, with lots of gold filigree, and on their heads, they wore tall feathered bonnets of black.

“Um, ello?” Kitzu asked. She was still recovering from Luna’s blast, and in no position to do much of anything. Not to mention having run the emotional gauntlet and would have burst into tears if not for being emotionally drained. What with getting blasted by one of her own parents, coming dangerously close to being torn apart by the vines of disharmony, being reunited with Luna, and nearly being reunited with her Twilight. Kitzu’s eyes were a bit puffy from having lost control of her emotions and she just felt numb. She’d finally caught up with her timeline, and now...

“Let me guess, you took a wrong turn, and got lost,” One of the guards stated rather than asked. A reasonable assumption considering Kitzu had obviously been crying.

“I suppose that’s one way to put it,” Kitzu admitted sounding very defeated.

“Come on, pick up your helmet, and we’ll take you to where every pony else is. So who are you supposed to be with all that gear?”

Kitzu gave them a calculated look as she picked up her helmet with her magic, and stuffed it, and the cap, back under her wing. She couldn't really be sure where she was at this point, or when for that matter. “Ensign Nova Moon, daughter of Princess Luna Moon. Fast message courier, Her Majesties own Shadow Bolts.” Kitzu offered as she got up. Kitzu was still in uniform, after all, there were gouges in her armor, forest debris stuck in her wings, mane, and tail, and her horn was very visible. She was also somewhat pungent from knocking down timber wolves and mixing it up with the fake Shadowbolts.

“Impressive.” They hadn’t even batted an eye, and a moment later Kitzu would know the reason why. She’d landed at Canterlot palace in the middle of a Nightmare Moon celebration. They’d guided Kitzu out to the main passage between the government buildings that lead up to the keep. There were dozens of Nightmare Moons, and Shadow Bolts running about with parents or guardians in various costumes following after, along with a liberal assortment of just about every costume imaginable. Strung across the passage from the roofs was a large banner that read ‘Welcome to Nightmare Nights 785’. Well, that at least solved the when, but which dimension?

“You need any help finding your parents?”

Kitzu’s parents, Twilight hadn’t been born, and won’t be for close to two hundred years, Prince Raynard was barely more than a foal, and Princess Luna was presently stuck on the moon.

“I’ll be alright now that I have my bearings.” Kitzu offered. “Thank you. - Um, you wouldn't be a Dash would you?” She asked the pegasus. He was so much like Rainbow Dash, Kitzu just had to ask.

“Ah ha, it’s that rainbow mane, gives you away every time.”

“Ya, well whatever you may have heard about my brother doesn’t apply to me.”

“I’m sorry, I know nothing about your brother.” Kitzu offered. “I know a Dash who is a good flier, that’s all.”

“Oh, alright. Name’s Indigo. Friends just call me Indi.”

“And I’m Harold, be sure to ask for us if you need any help.”

“Thank you so much for your help, Gentlecolts,” Kitzu replied with a curtsy, one knee bent and wings slightly extended. “And now I must go find my family.” And with that, she turned and trotted off to blend in with the throng a moment later.

“Who was that?” Asked a pale unicorn with a red and purple mane. Around their neck hung a badge of some sort hung from a gold chain, and a clipboard hovered out in front of them.

“Just a lost filly.” Indi offered.

“That Filly’s costume isn’t on the list.”

“No? - OK, she said she was Nova Moon, Daughter of Luna Moon.” Harold offered.

“Daughter of Princess Luna Moon. Fast message courier, Her Majesties own Shadow Bolts.” Indi corrected. “Oh and an Ensign. Like she’s old enough to be an Ensign.”

“Oh, right right.” Wings were impressive even if they were a bit oversize.” Harold replied. “She was clearly a unicorn though.”

“I swear, those wings looked real, but she could do magic.” Indi mused.

“Well that’s all well and good, but there’s no such costume on the list.”

“She had to be on the list, how else could she get in?”

“You tell me, you’re Palace guards, not me.”

In the meantime, Kitzu had found her way to a refreshment stand where she downed several cups of punch. What they had out for food was far too sticky sweet, Kitzu needed real food. Of course, getting at more substantial food was going to be tricky being that sooner or later some pony was bound to challenge her and not one of her ID’s looked anything like the badges the staff was presently using. There was also the issue of determining the dimension she was in.

Kitzu made her way through the crowd, and on spotting a group of unattended foals heading for Celestia’s school for gifted Unicorns decided to follow, her passage going unnoticed. Kitzu knew this path well, and at just the right moment, cut away into the dark path that led to the base of Luna’s tower. Kitzu approached the base door, applied a lubrication spell, and stepped up to the door. The charm in the amulet in her peytral did its thing, and the door slowly opened.

Kitzu gingerly stepped into the inky blackness of the old guard room and closed the door behind her. She then retrieved one of her two remaining lamps and used it to light her way. Of course, no pony had used the guard room at the base in many a year and was as dusty as ever. Food would likely be upstairs. Kitzu sighed, made her way to the stairs, and started climbing. “Be nice if my hover charm was working,” Kitzu grumbled to herself at the first landing. By the time she got to the third landing, she decided to rummage through her belongings to see if she’d any thing to eat.

“Fruit cake.” Kitzu mused looking at the ration bar. Never mind how old it was, she was hungry and ate it. With that gone, she put herself back together and continued her ascent.

Finally, after what felt like hours, she’d made it as far as the landing below the Moon viewing hall. And by the sound of things, there was a rather boisterous party going on in the hall. Kitzu wondered if she should just wait, or risk it? At the very least she had to rest before going out there, and then there was the issue of being all hot and sweaty, and not just from the climb. It was a wonder no pony seemed to have noticed, but then she had been outside. This would be different. Inside her, present aroma of swamp battle would be most noticeable.

After thinking on it for a while Kitzu decided to go with a nonnoticeability spell. The nonnoticeability spell was a nice simple fox spell that caused those affected by the charm to look anywhere but the item that has the charm on it. Kind of how when looking for something it’ll be right there in front of you when you finally do see it. It was effective and required very little effort on her part. So Kitzu cast her spell, and quietly slipped out into the room.

Kitzu had intended to simply continue upstairs, but there was a smorgasbord. She simply could not resist, walked around the table using her magic to load up several plates of goodies, and then continued upstairs to Princess Luna’s private apartments.

No lights were on in Luna’s great room that encompassed the tower, two Pegasi stood out on the balcony, but other than that, there was no pone within other then herself. White sheets covered most of the furniture. Kitzu pressed a front hoof to her amulet moments after the door behind her closed.

“Apartments, Princess Luna’s, this floor. All entry doors and all windows, Lock. Close the curtains.” Kitzumi smiled at the sound of the door behind her locking, and the door to the balcony locking. The two pegasi guards jumped at the sound, turned to discover the curtains were now closed.

“Well if they were just going to lock it up, why have us up here in the first place.”

“Our lunch is in there.”

“Oh, that’s just dandy. Might have given us a chance to get our food.”

As for Kitzu, she took her pack off and placed it against a far wall. There was a clotheshorse available so the armor, daggers, and saddle bags went on that while placing her ill-gotten booty on a table.

First things first, cast the spell to verify the dimension.

A moment later Kitzu had dropped the spell. A part of her wanted to break something, and a part of her felt totally defeated. It was as she feared, Kitzu was in the past, and not in another dimension. How Discord had managed it she'd never know considering the affects the lamps should have been having on him. Kitzu pulled off her waistcoat, hung it on a chair, and then took off her flight suit which got the same treatment. She nibbled at the food but found she’d lost her apatite. Not wishing to waste anything, she put it all in the icebox, after which she got out book number one,and wrote down everything that had happened from her last entry up to that moment. Her last entry: I don’t know if this book works across time the same way it does across dimensions. I imagine what I’m writing now will likely show up in your book, but I’m not too hopeful I’ll see a reply any time soon. Love Kitzumi.

Kitzu then closed up her book, put it back in the saddle bag, took everything off the clotheshorse followed by putting her uniform on the clotheshorse, followed by the armor, and then the saddle bags. She got her dress out of the pack and went back to Luna’s rooms with her goggles still about her neck. At least the dress was relatively clean even if she wasn’t. The dress was hung up, and Kitzu went into the bath to clean herself up as best she could.

“I wonder if I should just go find Auntie Tia.” Kitzu muttered a short time later as she sat on a bucket puling brambles from her tail. But then, she’d probably get arrested, and end up spending the rest of her days locked up in some dank cell. Or at least that’s what she feared.


Elsewhere the Unicorn who questioned who Kitzumi was, now had managed to garner more cooperation out of the guard force do to complaints of one of the fillies in costume smelling like a swamp. A little detail Guards Indi and Harold had overlooked being they couldn't bear to see a filly disappointed. As for the party in the Moon Viewing hall, the effect of Kitzu’s spell would linger just long enough for the occupants to get drunk enough that they’d just assume blame each other. “Wow, something must of crawled up inside of someone and died. - He who smelt it dealt it. - Don’t even try to pin that one on me.”

As for Princess Celestia, she spent the better part of the evening in the grand dining hall putting on as best a face as she could. After all, what had become a celebration of the banishing of Nightmare Moon was to her nothing more than a reminder of her greatest failure. Nor would she learn of the presence of the uninvited guest until morning.


On the morning in question, Princess Celestia rose the sun from the grand audience hall of the sun before a capacity crowd, and then retired to her sitting room to have a cup of tea prior to starting the day’s scheduled duties. Celestia sat sipping her tea looking out across the inner courtyard of the keep. Something was bothering her, tickling at the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite place it. Something was definitely off but what? “Did anything unusual happen last night, anything out of the ordinary?” Celestia inquired of her staff as she gazed up at Luna’s apartments. The answer was that nothing unusual had happened. Not even having a smelly uninvited filly slip in and out was considered all that unusual. After all, it was known to happen from time to time that an enterprising individual would find a way to get on the grounds and so long as they didn’t make a spectacle of themselves the guards would turn a blind eye to it. After all, many of the guards had done it themselves, it was part of what made them good Palace Guards. They all knew the best ways to sneak in and out of the palace.

“If nothing unusual happened, why pray tell is the Princess Luna apartment draperies all closed up?”

“The um, we aren’t quite sure.”

“Not sure?” Celestia asked looking over her teacup at Mr Gray who is the Palace Butler.

“It seems some pony locked the apartment, and we can’t seem to figure out how to get back in.”

Locked? All manner of alarm bells started going off in Celestia’s head. So far as she was aware, the apartment could only be locked with magic, and if any pony other then her attempted it some manner of alarm should have gone off.

“Are you telling me the whole floor is locked down, and not just barricaded?”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Some being locked us out of the Luna apartment without setting off an intruder alert?”

“Yes, your highness.”

“And I was not informed?”

“Umm…. yes. - Please forgive me, I should have informed you immediately.”

“The watch Captain should have informed me. - And you’ve no idea who could possibly be in there?”

“No, your highness.”

Celestia set her cup down, got up, and went to the Moon Viewing Hall via the court yard. Some of the revelers were still there passed out on sofas in the lounge area or in the hall itself. Celestia gingerly tried the door at the top of the stairs by reaching out with her magic. No go, the charm was holding fast. Celestia back tracked to the greenhouse. She climbed the stairs, and tried the door up there. Still no go. She then attempted a counter spell to disengage the magic lock only to have the spell feedback in a rather painful shock. It felt very much like Luna’s magic keeping her out.

“Princess Celestia, are you alright?” An attendant asked.

“Is there a record of known gatecrashers? Yes I know the guards will sometimes let ponies in.”

“Just foals, your majesty.” The day Captain offered.

“Did any stand out?” Princess Celestia asked.

“There was one likely anomaly last night,” The Captain offered.

“Which was?” Princess Celestia prompted.

“The morning report listed that Guards Indigo Dash, and Harold Sweet encountered a lost filly who’s personal hygiene was perhaps a bit much for the invited guests.”

“Did this lost filly have a name?”

“She had identified herself under the name of Nova Moon. It is the opinion of the guards that the name was not her real name being she claimed to be the daughter of a Princess Luna Moon, and even went so far as to claim she was an Ensign in the Shadow bolts.”

“Did it never occur to any pony that she might have told the truth?” Celestia asked. “About the only way some pony could lock my sister’s apartment without setting off alarms is if the security spell that’s in place recognized the individual as having authority to do so.” Granted that to the best of her recollection, Luna had not had a daughter, though it was likely Luna may have simply adopted a young filly, and the present situation was more fallout left over from her horrible decision following the loss of the Crystal Empire. Granted that the pony now barricaded inside might more likely just be some pony who got their hooves on an artifact, and was suffering from delusions... Celestia had to be sure to remain open to all possibilities.

“According to the report she was wearing some kind of light weight armor, black in color, and she looked like she’d gone for a roll in some brambles. - I’m afraid there was an assumption that it was all just a very elaborate costume. - The mark on the armor on the flank consisted of a crescent moon and two stars, one small one large with the small directly under the overhang and the large one under the maximum reach of the overhang about midway down. There was a shadowbolt symbol on her wing guards, and what looked to be large hoof dagers. Large for her. We just assumed the moon and stars was a cutie mark as it’s not registered as one having been used by the Shadowbolts, or the impostors.”

“Indeed.” Celestia replied giving the Captain a withering look. “Meanwhile we are locked out of my sister’s apartment by her own magic. - Magic I have not felt this strong since the time she was taken from me by the Nightmare.” Celestia didn’t wait for a reply, turned, and went back down the stairs, and returned to her own apartments. There within a hidden room was a safe only she had access to, and within the safe a magic talisman she’d made shortly after being rejected by the elements of harmony. Princess Celestia placed the talisman under her peytral and teleported to Princess Luna’s great room.

Slivers of light streamed in through slits between the curtains in the dimly lit tower room. Celestia caught a glimpse of Kitzu’s armor out of the corner of her eye, spun in place, and leveled her head in anticipation of battle. She froze in place for a moment, and then relaxed on realizing it was just a clotheshorse wearing the uniform of either a Shadowbolt or some pony on the night watch. Except, the night watch didn’t have armor like that and they all had her sun on their uniforms, not a crescent moon, and the crescent moon with two stars was the same that had been worn by the mystery guest. Best open the curtains, she thought, and found that the curtains would yield to her magic. Outside on the balcony stood a dozen of her pegasi guard, word having gone out that a pony had barricaded themselves inside. Celestia tried the door, but it held fast. Having failed there, she went back to inspect the armor.

Kitzu’s armor was pulsing with Luna’s magic, and in addition to numerous scratches and gouges there was one large black thorn embedded in a flank. The armor was to small to be Luna’s but it was of the same design favored by her, and the magic aura that permeated it proved that who ever owned the armor had at least been in close contact not long ago. The crescent moon and two stars on the flanks were unknown to Celestia, and suggested personalized armor. Luna was never one for absalut uniformity prefering her guard be alowed for some individuality. The crest on the old warn saddle bags were non other then the combined crest of Equestria. Beneath the armor sat four silver horseshoes of the style Celestia herself wore complete with the royal crest stamped in front and the stamp of the royal shoe maker on the inside. Celestia then opened a bag to inspect the contents. Finding books was not what she had expected. Pulling one up she found the same moon and stars on the cover. Had she dug the books out she’d have found multiple identification cards under the books. Going around to the other saddle bag she discovered more books with the same moon and stars, two rather curious lamps, a folded letter addressed to a Lady Oukitsune Aiko of Foxhaven, a writing implement of some sort, a bag of heavy iron shot the sort to be used in a sling, a bag of gems, a box containing carefully wrapped gems, an inscribing tool, some parchment, and a bag of equestrian money that had dates that wouldn't be good for two hundred years or better. The quandary of the money had her stumped. The bills looked perfect in every way – no the design was off as well. The currency looked absolutely perfect, and yet it was all completely useless. Is it play money, she pondered, and who puts gems in lamps instead of candles… and yet light shown from the gems? Then it hit her, the lamps had been the most singularly important things there. She levitated one, and then the other to inspect them more carefully.

“Surely these aren’t, they can’t be?” Celestia said in astonishment. The stones within displayed all the properties of harmony stones. Celestia’s apprehension was slowly being forced out by excitement. She put the lamps back, and looked about the room, and inspected the uniform. A quick inspection showed all the hallmarks of a real shadow bolt, made from spider silk, the fakes never knew about that, and had the bat pin that marked the owner as a member of an elite squad. Could this be from the garrison of the Chrystal empire, Celestia thought to herself? The black thorn proved the owner had at least been in the Everfree Forest. She knew the uniform wasn’t the one used in Canterlot, but she wasn’t aware if Luna’s Shadow Bolts had a duty uniform or not? The presence of Luna’s magic on the uniform, a black thorn from the Everfree, and a uniform made from spider silk all pointed to the owner being an authentic Shadowbolt. Celestia made a mental note to have her people deal with the thorn, and further investigate the uniform. Most troubling was the presence of Discordant magic suggesting the pony in question had been in close proximity to a very active Discord.

Celestia went over to the pack, but all she found there was field gear. A quick inspection of the ice box located Kitzu’s loot from the smorgasbord, along with a couple of her guards lunch boxes. Celestia made a mental note to speak to the guards concerning why they were using Luna’s kitchenette.

Celestia returned to the saddle bags, and pulled out the letter. Celestia was astonished at what it said.

To Princess Celestia the most honorable august sovereign of Equestria. Princess Hope is thy sister’s daughter. Please look after her.

Inspection of the letter indicated it was enchanted in some manner, but Celestia was at a bit of a loss as to how. The message was dubious at best, but what if it was true? It was time to find the pony in question. On taking a second look at what was written an add on had appeared. PS: why are you reading that which is addressed to another? Celestia raised an eyebrow, the letter was indeed enchanted. She decided to put it back.

Celestia then made her way into the long corridor outside the apartments. She used her magic to open the curtains looking out over the courtyard, and then poked her head into Luna’s personal chambers. The first thing she saw was a most exquisite gown, the sun dress, it is a Rarity creation after all, hanging from a hanger in front of a wardrobe. The simple elegance of the dress was like a breath of fresh air when compared to the overblown fashions of the day.

Celestia ventured in seeing no pony, and opened the curtains. The added light revealed a largish lump under the covers of the bed. Celestia slowly pulled back the covers to discover a small white pony curled up in a ball having both wings and a horn. The stripes in her white mane was reminiscent of the Velvet family, but Celestia had never encountered a pony with black ears quite like that, or the large fluffy tail with the black tip. Granted the feathering at the base of the tail that matched her mane stripes was fairly normal.

“Princess.” Celestia called gently. “Princess, time to get up.”

Kitzu stirred for a moment, a bleary cat like eye opened. Kitzu blinked, and then curled up into an even tighter ball while tucking her head under her wing.

“Come on, time to get up.” That eye was a bit of a puzzle as well, though perhaps not so much if she really was Luna’s foal. The foals reaction was also a bit curious. Certainly not the reaction of a foal who’d been caught doing something they shouldn't. No, this was the typical reaction of a foal who just didn’t want to get out of bed.

“But Aunt Tia, it’s not even noon yet.” Kitzu pleaded. Celestia raised an eyebrow at being called Aunt Tia by a perfect stranger. And yet the words had rolled off Kitzu’s tongue as though this situation was perfectly common place. As for Kitzu, in her present state she’d completely forgotten about her circumstances. She was also quite over her fear of Celestia.

Well this was a puzzle. If it was a trick it was both a very bad, and a very good one at the same time.

“Come on now, you’re wasting daylight.”

“But I’m nocturnal...” Kitzu’s voice trailed off. A moment later she stuck her head out, looked at Celestia’s puzzled expression, and let out a heartfelt sigh as reality began to sink in. “I don’t feel good either,” she added with a pout as she lay her head back down. Kitzu being small for her age, was as yet unbearably cute.

Celestia couldn't take it, she climbed onto the bed, and gathered Kitzu up in her forelimbs to cradle her in a hug.

“You’re damp.”

“I did my best.”

“And you have a fever.”


“Your bedding is damp too.”

“I was to tired after my bath, I don’t think I was dry when I went to bed. I did my best.”

“So what are you doing here?”

“I sort of live here.”

“Do you now? - Any chance I can talk you into unlocking the doors so we can get some dry linen?”

“Servant’s access door, unlock.”

“You really have that kind of control over my sister’s enchantments?”

“Um, ya. - I mean unless Muma locks me out. - I doubt she ever would though.”

“Indeed. - Any chance I can get you to unlock a front door?”

“Not unlocking the tower doors while there are guests, and the guards were using our home for their break room. Or at least I suspect as much.”

“I saw the lunches, and your right, they shouldn't be there. That clotheshorse shouldn't be there either.”

“What about the greenhouse door, at least ponies wouldn’t be able to get in without first going through the greenhouse.”

“I can see to it you don’t get any uninvited guests. - Should I call you Princess Hope? - Or is Nova your actual name?”

“Hope is sort of a title, but how’d you know about that? - Alright, the greenhouse door it is then. - Greenhouse door, unlock.”

“I looked at your things, and there was a letter with a note to myself addressed to another. - I hope you don’t mind.”

“It sounds like you found my teacher’s letter of introduction. There’s a rather interesting spell on it. It’ll have a different message depending on who holds it, and it’ll tell the pony in question what they need to know. Nothing more. Nothing less. - Just one thing, you have to promise not to look at the books?”

“Now I’m curious.”

“A riddle then. I am your messenger of hope.”

“Let me guess, the money in your bag aren’t clever all be it worthless forgeries, are they?”

“Some of it is from different dimensions.”

“Ah, those are dimensional books, but then are you from a different dimension then?”

“If only… that would be so much easier. - I said that I am your hope. What is the one thing you hope for most?”

“To someday reconcile with my sister. - You are my sister’s daughter is what the letter said. I thought perhaps you might be the young cadet my sister had taken under her wing.”

“I’m guessing that would be Loki, Loki is a colt, not a filly, and yes I know everything that happened back then. Maybe not everything, but a good deal of it. - I’m not from the past though. - I’m from the future, and too much information would have you second guessing yourself.”

That’s when an idea struck Kitzu, was that it, was that Discord's game, to put foreknowledge of the future in Princess Celestia’s hooves, and thus cause another split in time? Or worse yet, to completely alter the time line? As if it were possible. If Celestia knew what Kitzu knew would she do anything different? Was Discord creating retroactive save points? So far as Kitzu could tell Discord benefited only by creating more copies of himself, though his end game seemed to simply create more chaos and entropy. At least so long as Kitzu didn’t do anything big, she was relatively safe, and one more guest at Canterlot wasn’t going to cause any rifts in time.

“Alright then, the books are off limits. - What should I call you though? - Nova Moon, or Princess Hope.”

“Did the letter say Princess Hope?”

“It did.”

“Well then, Princess Hope it is. - But I’ll probably answer to Nova better.”

“Is this the device you use to control the locks?” Celestia asked on spotting the pendant.

“It’s a key of sorts as well as a tracking device, and don’t mess with it. There is an anti theft spell on it I think you’d find most unpleasant.”

“How unpleasant?”

“I call her Mooney. She’s a very realistic projection of Nightmare Moon. She kind of has a mind of her own, but obeys me. - She’s been know to protect me as well, so I guess we could call it a protection spell to keep me safe.”

“My Sister created an image of Nightmare Moon, to keep you safe?”

“Dimensional travel. The spell has been tinkered with by multiple Lunas. - Otherwise it’s relatively harmless if you discount the ability of the A-I to stun. It acts as a sort of shield should any creature try to access my mind against my will as well.”

“I see… Aren’t you kind of young to be doing that sort of thing?”

“It’s part of my special talent. I’m just a little too good at teleporting. - Good enough Muma put an inter dimensional tracking spell on my amulet. - It’s my benchmark so I can tell when I’m in my own dimension.”

“I see.”

“I did not do this to myself.” Kitzu admonished. “And as soon as I’m back on my hooves, I’m going to find a way to get back to my proper time.”

“Well until you do you will be my guest. Now lets see what we can do about getting you dried off.”

“Well if you aren’t going to have me arrested, and thrown into a dungeon, I’m partial to sunbeams. - Nothing like a nap in a sunbeam.”

“You’re a filly after my own heart. - Thought you were nocturnal though?”

“Mostly. Being somewhere I can sleep in the sun, and feel safe while I’m doing it is to me the height of luxury.”

“You don’t say.” Celestia mused as she got up. “You up to getting on your own hooves?” Celestia asked as she’d sensed that Kitzu was suffering from the aftereffects of having been hit with a powerful stunning spell. The idea that it might have been Luna herself who’d done it was troubling.

“I think I can manage. - I’ve been worse.” Kitzu offered followed by stretching front to back, and then a side to side stretch of her wings. She groggily climbed down and followed Celestia who led her out into the corridor, and then to the great room. The pegasi guards still waited on the patio, their eyes growing wide at the sight of the diminutive alicorn, along with a couple guards at the door who were showing a similar response.

“Oh by the way, there’s a large black thorn in your armor.”

“So then while I’m bed down elsewhere you’ll be having the hazmat team sweep the place I gather?”


“It’s from the Vines of Discord. Also known as the seeds of Discord, and Plunder seeds. It’s a black thorny menace of the Everfree. The thorns are the seeds, and the plant is extremely dangerous. It’s resistant to harmony magic as well.” Kitzu offered. “Yes I was in the Everfree. I suppose I can tell you this much, I was in front of the old palace in the Everfree, and then I was where Guards Harold and Indi found me. If you’ve a mind to trace me to sweep for those thorns, I went from there to where the refreshments were, and then let myself in at the base of Luna’s tower.”

“So that door will open for you as well.”

“I have a key.”

“Of course you do. Haz...”

“Hazmat? Hazardous materials?”

“Oh right. - I imagine I should put together a team.”

“Please tell me I didn’t just invent Hazmat teams?”

“We already have that.” One of the guards offered.

“Speaking of harmony magic...” Celestia prompted.

“They aren’t what they appear to be, just a clever trick. They can be problematic if fiddled with. I’d recommend not fiddling with them.” Kitzu explained, and then leaned heavily into Princess Celestia. “You offered me a place in the sun?”

“Oh, right, right. Come along then. I’ve got just the place in the Greenhouse.”

“My favorite spot,” Kitzu replied.

“Gentle colts...” Celestia prompted of the two guards who stepped aside for the two.

“Don’t touch the contents of the saddle bags.” Kitzu warned as she went through the door.

“Let me just get that, and put it somewhere safe.” Celestia offered, retrieved the saddle bags, and then followed after Kitzumi. From the landing they went down into the greenhouse where there was a fainting lounge. Perfect for Kitzumi to take a nap on. “You go ahead and lay down there, and I’m going to go lock this up.”

“Alright. Thank you Aunt Celestia.” Kitzu replied, sat down on the lounge, and watched as Celestia whispered some orders. A moment later the greenhouse was cleared of ponies, and Kitzu had it all to herself. She lay down, and let the warmth of the sun do it’s trick, and fell fast asleep.


“Princess?” Beckoned a soft familiar voice. “I brought you some broth.”

Kitzu opened her eyes, yawned, stretched, looked at the white earth pony who’d brought the broth, and her eyes opened wide.


“Teacher?” Lady Aiko asked. She was presently dressed as an upstairs maid.

“Should I address you as Miss then, being you seem to be passing yourself off as a maid?” Kitzu quipped with a smile. “So how is it you are here in the flesh?”

“I’m slumming. - Not often I meet someone for the first time who already knows who I am. - I brought you some broth.”

“Um, thank you.” Kitzu said sitting up. “So then you didn’t come all the way out here to investigate me?”

“No, I was already here when you popped in from nowhere. - To be honest it’s nice to get away and just be an ordinary pony for a while.”

“Hate to say it, but I kind of know what that’s like.” Kitzu took a sip of the broth. “And I’m glad there is some pony here who knows how to make a good fish broth. - It’s very good. Thank you.”

“So who blasted you?”

“It was a friendly fire incident. We made up shortly after I was freed from the brambles.”


At that moment in Princess Celestia’s office, Celestia is in a meeting with her captains.

“Princess Celestia, the armor and uniform is consistent with what we know of Nightmare Moon’s Shadow bolts.” offered a unicorn guard captain.

“Captain Rhys, need I remind you that before there was the Nightmare, there was my sister.”

“Forgive me, I misspoke.”

“Do please have a care you don’t continue such slips. The real Shadowbolts were loyal guards ponies. - Continue.”

“As I was saying, the uniform, while unknown to us, is consistent with a proper Shadow Bolt uniform. Interestingly enough it does share traits with the present Night Wing uniform to include the rank insignia save for a moon instead of a sun. Granted that it’s a crescent moon, and not the full moon used by the fakes. Also, so far as I’m aware no pony other then the shadow bolts of old have ever used a skin tight jumper. It’s definitely made out of spider silk as your majesty suspected, to include the laminate armor. Something we’ve never seen being used by the cultist despite their fervor. We’ve done a full sweep, there was only the one black thorn, but there were other flora that only grows in the Everfree.”

“So she was in the Everfree fairly recently?” Princess Celestia asked.

“It seems likely. It is also likely she was involved in a fight. The armor shows signs of having been hit with a powerful stun spell, and there are two daggers that have blood traces on them. If you could perhaps let us see the books she had? - There is a device that was attached to the helmet cap that looked similar to our two way communications devices, only some clever pony managed to shrink it down quite a bit.”

“The books are dimensional diaries.” Princess Celestia offered. “Any information contained within, without knowing the details, or shall we say, the subscripts, would make the information less then useless. Possibly even dangerous as it could have us believing things happened in our world that never did nor ever will.” Celestia decided to take a calculated gamble. “My sister and I didn’t always see eye to eye, and I wasn’t aware of everything she was doing. If I had been more attentive I might have been able to save her from the Nightmare. It’s possible she discovered this filly or that she is in deed my sister’s daughter, and I was unaware. Or perhaps my sister’s daughter from another dimension. It also looks like, given the evidence, that she has somehow been transported through time, or perhaps held in stasis over the years. Her present condition could be the results of having been involved in the conflict between myself and the Nightmare. Such were the forces being used it’s hard to really say.” Celestia paused for a moment, and let slip a sigh. At least no pony remembered Luna’s involvement with King Sombra. “Princess Luna’s entire elite team along with a number of her staff were never accounted for after the fight.”

“And you think this filly may be one of the missing members of Princess Luna’s personal entourage?” One of the other captains asked. A pegasus Captain Hayz. “After all these years?”

“Can you discount it given the evidence? - No we can’t, and everything about her is an enigma, leaving us with the task of eliminating all possibilities until there is only one left. No matter how unlikely that may be.” Celestia replied. “I can also add to that, that she is aware of an individual the public at the time knew nothing about, and fewer now.” A bit of information that posed more problems then it actually solved being Kitzu had professed to be from the future, and not the past. “What of her shoes?”

“The Cartier family have identified them as genuine. Originally made for Princess Luna, thought lost. They are beyond priceless. - Given the evidence she could easily be a protege discovered by Princess Luna, only to have had the Nightmare turn on her.” Captain Hays offered. “Do you think she might actually be your sister’s daughter?”

“I’m afraid it’s entirely possible. I’m afraid that I was so caught up in being the ruler of Equestria, I had precious little time for my sister. We weren’t even living in the same part of Equestria. - She could just as easily be an adoptee I knew nothing about. My sister had a weak spot for foals, and often took in foundlings. - Now, until we learn otherwise, I want her treated just as if she is my own flesh and blood, which she may very well be. - I also want everything in the Luna apartments cleaned up with fresh linens and mattresses for her.”

“But Princess Celestia, you never let any pony stay in those rooms.” Captain Rhys protested.

“From her perspective, that apartment is her home. Well, her home away from home. Her real home lays in ruin, and this was the only place she had to go to. Would you want to be turned out of your own home? - I’m more troubled by the fact that she felt it necessary to sneak in, and lock herself in.”

“Well, no.” Captain Rhys admitted. “And to be honest, I can’t blame her for wanting to sneak in. I imagine that she found herself in the ruins of her own home, and made her way here, only no pony knows anything about her, and she likely would have understood this. Who’d have believed her? Locking herself in forced us to figure out who she is. How exactly did she do it, I didn’t know the apartments could be locked.”

“She has the key. I doubt I could keep her out if I wanted too. - She’s also indicated that trying to take that key could be a bad thing.”

“Princess Celestia, she’s a filly, what could she possibly do?” Captain Rock Akaz, an earth pony, protested. He’d been quiet up to that point.

“I’m to understand anyone attempting to take the key will have to face a projection of my sister in, shall we say, a less then pleasant mood. The enchantment I’m told is the work of various versions of my sister during Princess Hope’s trans-dimensional travels. - We are talking a Nightmare Moon projection as in the real Nightmare Moon. - Trust me in that having a projection of the real thing pop up is not something we want happening.”

“What about these things?” asked the small yet bold voice of a filly that had slipped into the room.

“Miss Sunset, what did I say about sneaking into – no don’t!” Celestia began as a little filly Sunset Shimmerhorn had procured one of Kitzu’s lamps from the desk where Celestia had placed it to examine. Sunset was presently examining it herself by casting a spell on the device.

Moments later a wave of magical energy washed through the greenhouse. Kitzu’s stones in her peytral answered in kind causing her to lift up off the lounge momentarily.

“What was that?!” Aiko asked astonished. Her astonishment changed to perplexity as Kitzu began laughing.

“I told Princess Celestia not to mess with those!” Kitzu exclaimed between a fit of laughter. She dropped back down, rolled onto her back on the lounge, and kicked her legs as she laughed.

“You know I feel strangely uplifted as though I’ve just had a refreshing bath.”

“It’s an anti negative energy charm. A purification slash warding spell. Give it a little energy and it triggers a cleansing pulse.” Kitzu left off the effect they had on timber wolves and all things possessing of discordant magic. “And whoever did that is probably freaking out right now.” Kitzu rolled over, and off the sofa to land on her hooves. “And between that and your wonderful soup I’m a brand new filly. - Shall we go see who the culprit is.”

“Any chance you can tell me how it’s made?”

“You should already know the charm. Granted I’m taking a risk by telling you anything about them, but I think you’ll be able to figure out what I did when you see one.” Kitzu offered as the two trotted out of the greenhouse, and past a couple startled guards.

“You know I do believe that pulse cleansed you of the residual energy from when you got blasted.” Aiko offered. “Oh, and your mane has gotten all lustery too. More like a proper alicorn, and less like a false alicorn.”

“Ha, no such thing as a false alicorn, just celestial alicorns and lesser alicorns.” Kitzu quipped, and then to the guards at the door who were looking panicked, “Don’t worry about it, it’s harmless.”

“Harmless?” one of the guards asked. “What was that?”

“Apparently it’s a charm that clears a wide area of negative energies.” Aiko offered. “Are you feeling refreshed and energized?”

“Ya, actually, I am.” the other guard offered as a smile formed on his face.

“Energized panicky ponies is going to be fun.” Kitzu quipped as she and Aiko headed for Celestia’s sitting room .

“Better pass the word to let ponies know it’s nothing to be concerned about.” Aiko called as she followed Nova into the room.

A couple moments later, Kitzu and Aiko had arrived at Princess Celestia’s office to discover the ponies in the room seemed frozen in place to include a rather familiar little filly who was crying her eyes out. Kitzu went straight to Sunset Shimmer, that’s right a young sunset Shimmer presently known as Sunset Shimmerhorn, and embraced her, wrapping Sunset in her wings.

“It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s harmless.” Kitzu said as she rocked Sunset back and forth.

“Harmless? - But?” Celestia asked.

“I said they’d be problematic. I didn’t say it was dangerous. It’s a purification spell. The magic of hope.” Saying it was the magic of hope was perhaps just a little white lie, but Kitzu wanted to give Princess Celestia the impression it was something only she could do. “Now your going to have to do damage control to keep ponies from panicking.”

“I’m sorry.” Little Sunset said, and then sniffled.

“You know, you really shouldn't be poking things if you don’t know what they are.” Kitzu said softly.

“Princess Hope, are you feeling better?” Celestia asked.

“Oh yes, the sun dried my fur out nicely, Miss Aiko was kind enough to bring me some broth, and, well to be honest, the magic pulse the lamps produced have eliminated the remnants of the spell Muma used on me. - If you’d like I can look after Sunset?”

“Hang on, how’d you know her name was Sunset?” Captain Akaz asked almost as if he was accusing Kitzu of something. Kitzu looked at him for a moment, and in that moment his entire history popped up in her head.

“Why the same way I know you are Captain Rock Akaz.” Kitzu offered with a smile. “Would you like me to tell you your entire life’s story? Beginning to end?” Even if she hadn’t known, she could always pick his mind in a pinch if need be, or do a reading on him. Granted picking some ponies mind for information or doing readings without permission wasn’t something she liked doing. During her travels these skills had become survival skills. “I am the daughter of the night after all.”

“Um, no, that’s quite alright,” Captain Akaz replied. Kitzu’s explanation had thoroughly unnerved him.

“Princess, I’ll leave Miss Sunset in your care for now then,” Celestia offered as she got up.

“Oh, and if you are thinking of punishing Indigo and Harold, how about just assign them to me as escort duty?” Kitzu offered.

“You think I should punished them?” Celestia asked. “Though I must say that’s an interesting punishment.”

“In hind sight I’d have been better off if they had not left me to my own devices,” Kitzu replied. “And having had military experience despite my age...” Kitzu winked.

“Understood. - Gentle colts, I fear we have some damage control to do,” Celestia announced.

“What do we tell every pony?” Captain Hayz asked.

“Why not just tell them it was a Nightmare Night prank?” Kitzu suggested. Celestia smiled, turned, and exited the room followed by her captains.

“She, I mean...” Aiko said softly looking back and forth from the doorway to Sunset.

“It’s OK, it’ll all work out.” Kitzu offered suspecting she knows all to well what her Sensei is thinking.

“Is she like that with you?” Aiko asked.

“She keeps her distance, and I think I can understand why. - Say Sunset, want to go raid the ice cream?”


“Now hang on.” Aiko protested, but gave into Little Sunset’s pleading face. “Oh all right, but lets clean up that face first.”


“Oww ow ow!” Kitzu complained bitterly as a brush was pulled through her mane. Kitzu was back in Luna’s bedroom sitting on a stool while Miss Aiko ran a brush through her hair.

“If you want to go to tonight’s festivities, we need to tame that mane of yours.” Aiko offered. “Anyway you need to make an appearance.”

“But it’s a Nightmare night festival. What am I supposed to wear?”

“Why don’t you wear that pretty dress you have?” Princess Celestia offered as she entered the bedroom.

“But that’s just a sun dress?” Kitzu asked.

“Oh, I love the name,” Celestia replied with delight. “I’ve never seen something so simple, and yet so elegant.”

“Well, when I see the maker again, assuming I see her again, I’ll tell her how impressed you were.” Kitzu replied. Was Celestia really that impressed with such a simple dress? “Isn’t tonight a masquerade ball though? I mean, that dress can hardly be considered a costume.”

“All you need is a mask,” Aiko offered.

“What do you mean?” Kitzu asked.

“Wear the dress, a mask, and go as yourself,” Aiko prompted.

“Oh, I was thinking the very thing,” Celestia chimed.

“Should I tell ponies I’m Kaguya-hime?” Kitzu asked.

“Who’s that?” Sunset asked.

“Oh it’s a very old story about a moon princess who came down from the heavens to live among mortals,” Aiko informed her. “Princess, just be Princess Moon. - I fear no pony would know the reference anyway.”

“So be myself then. Right, got it.” Kitzu offered with a smile.

“We’ll have to see about getting you a mask though.” Celestia offered while thinking about her princess of the moon and how much she missed her.

“Oh, I can just conjure up a mask.” Kitzu replied, and a moment later a sparkly mask of silvery mist had formed on her face. The mask vanished a moment later.

“Decent.” Aiko quipped.

“I can conjure up a whole flight of Shadow Bolts that are good enough to fool even the originals.” Kitzu offered.

“Can you now?” Aiko teased.

“Oh, I’d like to see?” Celestia requested.

“Alright.” Kitzu offered with a smile, conjured up some foxfire, gave it a flick, and a moment later Captain Hoofstrong was standing before them with a rather grim look on his face. He was clad in the old Palace Night wing uniform, standing at attention with his helmet under his wing.

“Captain… but how?” Celestia whispered, and then dropped her head.

“Look again.” Kitzu prompted.

Celestia looked up to see the Captain now clad in a uniform that closely matched the one Kitzu had. He looked at her, smiled, and saluted. And then to Everyone’s surprise save of course Kitzu, he spoke. “Princess Celestia, do not be sad, but count the days until we return home again.”

“That is impressive,” Aiko offered. Few things impressed her. “How’d you do the voice?”

“Modulation of the air,” Kitzu offered.

“But that, and his voice, that’s his voice?” Celestia said, her voice nearly a whimper.

“Oh dear, I’ve over done it,” Kitzu announced, got up from her stool, went over to Celestia, and gave her a hug. The illusion faded like so much mist. “Are you going to be alright?”

“But how can you get him so perfect?” Celestia asked.

“Princess Celestia, are you alright?” Sunset asked.

“They are with Luna,” Kitzu informed her. “They tried to stop the fight. They didn’t die under a pile of rubble, they got caught up with Nightmare Moon.”

“They did? Everything got so out of hoof so fast.”

“It’s going to be alright. Every pony will come home.”

“They’ll never see their families again.” Celestia offered.

“They are their family. They’ll adapt. They are the best bunch of ponies I’ve ever met. - But never mind that, we’ve a party to get to. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve been to a party? - Too long, that’s how. Oh, and can I get my shoes back?”

“Your shoes?” Celestia asked.

“The household staff took my belongings for cleaning...” Kitzu prompted. “I’m assuming they took everything for cleaning? - If I’m to go as a princess I’ll need my shoes. The peytral is optional being the important part is the amulet itself.”

“Oh dear. I’m told those shoes are priceless.”

“Oh, and next they’ll be saying my uniform is priceless as well, being no pony knows how to work spider silk any more.” Kitzu quipped. “Let’s not forget all those things are my own regardless of value.”

“Not to worry, I’ll get them back.” Celestia offered, gave Kitzu a hug. “Sunset, go wait for me in my office, I want a moment with my niece.”

“Yes mam.” Sunset replied, and slowly walked out of the room.

“We’re both fox ponies. - We might even have a common ancestor, or something. - If that’s what’s bothering you?” Aiko offered. Aiko wasn't about to say she was more then likely Kitzu’s great grand mother umpteen times removed on Kitzu’s father’s side.

“Is that why you look so much alike? - But not that, before, that lamp went off...”

“That was an overcharge.” Kitzu offered. “It reacts differently to different ponies. The lamp takes in magical energy, amplifies, and discharges the excess in a wave of cleansing energy.”

“Is that how it works - But no, that’s not what I wished to discuss. Princess, the general consensuses is that you are at the least my sister’s protege who has somehow been transported forward in time.” Celestia explained.

“Oh, alright, I guess.”

“We haven't ruled out the possibility that you are my sister’s daughter.”

“And what I told you earlier?” Kitzu asked. She wasn’t entirely sure she liked where this was going.

“You know as well as I do that we must be cautious concerning what we tell ponies.” Celestia cautioned. “And if any pony makes the connection between my sister and King Sombra, I think it best to fall back on you having been adopted.”

“Oh, alright, I understand.”

“So for now, we will be telling ponies you are my sister's daughter, and that you were transported from the past as such a thing is a little easier to explain.” Celestia explained. “Miss Aiko, can we have your cooperation in this?”

“You can count on me so long as her safety and well being are never compromised.” Aiko offered with a smile. “We tend to be very protective of the young in the fox pony community.”

“I see.” Celestia replied. She was a bit unaccustomed to servants talking so candidly. Celestia wondered if that boldness was a fox pony trait.

“Miss Aiko is some pony I feel I can trust. I’ve confided in her the basic gist of my present situation, and she has offered to support me in any way she can.” Kitzu offered.

“In that case I’m glad you have someone you can trust.” Celestia responded with a smile. “Princess, while at the party if some pony tries to put you on the spot, or test you?”

“Considering that what I know may conflict with what’s in the history books, and legend, it might be a good idea to make sure no pony backs me into a corner.”

“That actually might be a good idea. Just one more thing, what happened, that is, if you don’t mind...”

“What happened between myself and Muma?” Kitzu asked.

“Yes, why did she use a stun spell on you? - And a fairly powerful one at that.”

“It was an accident. She meant to blast some other pony, and I got hit instead.”

“Oh, so there was nothing going on, at least not between the two of you. - What about the uniform, and there was blood on your daggers.”

“Picked all that up in a different dimension where they were fighting King Sombra. - Part of the reason I don’t want any pony reading my diaries. I wouldn't want you thinking we end up fighting Sombra. You actually manage to dodge that bullet, but I probably shouldn't say anything.” Kitzu had been deliberately misleading regarding the fresh blood, but the explanation was simply going to have to wait until the incident happened. if it happens, and Princess Celestia probably didn't need to hear that she'd been the one to go mad in that world.

“I see, and that’s quite alright as I do expect I’m going to have to face him again... though a narrative where you fight him in the past is doable.”

“Ah, yes of course, the Nightmare incident followed the Crystal Empire incident.” Aiko observed. “Some have even speculated one led to the other.”

“Muma was effected by the same madness.” Kitzu mused. “It shouldn't be too hard for me create a narrative that’d fit.”

“My Captains were speculating that Nightmare Moon turned on you.” Celestia informed her.

“I think I’ll stick to the accident telling. I wouldn't be comfortable saying anything bad about my own mom. That and even as Nightmare Moon, I doubt she’d intentionally hurt a foal.” Kitzu offered. “Even the Queen Moon I encountered in the world were they were fighting Sombra had a soft spot for foals despite all her gruff. - And no, I volunteered to help once I realized how bad things had gotten. That Luna was about as close as I’ve come to a real Nightmare Moon. She wasn’t happy about my participation, but under the circumstances, she didn’t have much of a choice. She ordered me to go home once they’d finally defeated Sombra. She didn’t want me to stay there, she wanted me to be safe.” What followed was silence. On hearing Kitzu’s defense of Luna, Celestia wasn’t quite sure what to say. “As to how I ended up here, your guess is as good as mine.”

“Luna always was very found of foals,” Celestia offered giving Kitzu another hug. “After all, her ire was aimed at me, and no one else. - Now...” Celestia let go of Kitzu. “I need to go get ready myself, and see what I can do about getting you your shoes back, and maybe I can come up with a tiara for you? - Oh, and everything is scheduled to kick off in about three hours from now. If no one comes for you, just come over to me.” Celestia gave Kitzu a smile, and exited the room.

“Alright now, lets finish up getting you brushed.” Aiko offered once Celestia had gone.

“Teacher, how is it you aren’t the queen of the fox ponies or something like that?” Kitzu asked as she sat back down.

“Because it’s a trap.” Aiko offered. “And there isn’t a fox pony who lives past seven hundred who hasn't realized this. Those of us who’ve beat the odds to reach a thousand or more, much prefer to be advisers. Granted being I’m the matriarch I’ve been set above every one else, which is why I like to just sneak off once in a while.”

Lady Aiko while mature, hardly looked old enough to be an adviser let alone a matriarch.

“And become a servant.” Kitzu teased.

“It is in serving others that we retain our empathy. If I were to sit in my temple all the time being waited on paw and hoof I’d have absolutely no idea what life is like for the poorest of our kind.”

“You’re spying on Princess Celestia, aren’t you.” Kitzu suggested with a smile.

“Umm, a bit. - And your a precocious little imp.” Aiko replied with a grin. “Princess Celestia is a genuine caring pony. Some of her hangers on and staff not so much.”

“Let me guess, no one wanted anything to do with me?”

“Not entirely. I did want to see for myself who you were.”

“I’m glad it was you.”

“So when can I expect you to show up on my doorstep?” Aiko asked as she finished up brushing Kitzu.

“In just a little over two hundred years. Assuming I don’t end up visiting some time in between.” Kitzu offered. “I’ll let you know more about what’s been going on with me then, only none of this will have happened yet.”

“Oh goody.” She replied with a touch of sarcasm. “I get the impression you’ve had it ruff.” Her tone softer now. “Any way, we’re done, and ready for your dress.”

Kitzu got up, levitated the dress over to herself, reared up, slipped it on, and set back down while adjusting her amulet. “I’m ready.” Aiko looked at her for a moment, and just started laughing. “What?”

“Wait till you see some of the elaborate outfits.”

“I saw some nice costumes last night.”

“Oh, but yesterday was the first day of the festival. Tonight is the fancy dress event.”

“And me with no shoes.”

“So where’d you get them, the ones you had?”

“Queen Moon gave them to me. They aren’t even from this world.”

Aiko burst out laughing.

“I imagine I probably can’t go anywhere without an escort so I think I’ll peruse the library for a bit. - Not that I expect to find anything I haven't already read.”

“Well if you’ll not be needing anything, I imagine my supervisor is probably wondering what’s become of me.” Aiko offered. “Do you know how to get a hold of me if you need anything?”

“Magic letter from anywhere.” Kitzu replied with a smile. “And tell them that Princess Hope Nova Moon requested you as her personal attendant.”

“I intend to.” Aiko offered as the two exited the bedroom, and headed down the corridor. Kitzu stopped off at the private library, thanked Lady Aiko, who replied that it was her pleasure, and continued down the corridor.

Kitzu climbed the library ladder, and slowly perused the books. Occasionally she’d pull one out and look it over, scan through the pages, and then put it back. Everything was out of order. Well there was only one way to fix that. Kitzu started levitating books onto stacks on tables, stacks on the floor, and even out in the corridor. Before long she’d had several shelves completely empty, and that’s when she saw it, cracks in the wall indicating a hidden, perhaps forgotten cupboard. It only took her a little while to figure out how to access it. Within was a small treasure trove of books along with a silver tiara, horseshoes, and several other items that would have been precious to Princess Luna, and likely viewed as priceless to Equestria. “I can’t,” Kitzu said to herself while looking at the artifacts. Her shoes were her shoes, and these were Luna’s. Even if they were the same exact pair of shoes. If her belongings weren’t returned to her there was still the item teleportation spell she’d finally mastered. Kitzu looked at the jewelry with a sense of longing in her heart. Thanks to a spell, everything was as shiny as the day they were placed in there. A far cry from her own silver shoes which desperately needed polishing after the abuse she’d given them. These were Luna’s precious belongings secreted away. Kitzu looked at the books. These were books she’d never seen, and one was a book about the moon hall.

“It’s an observatory?” Kitzu said with astonishment. No matter, she wouldn't have time until after the dinner. Kitzu closed up the hidden cabinet, and went back to her task of organizing books. A couple hours later she’d reorganized a good deal of the small library with something becoming painfully clear. She then found the inventory, checked it against the card catalog which would have shown if a book had been taken out, and checked the list against the books on the shelf. Kitzu looked at the place where the cabinet was, and touched her pendant, “Cabinet, lock.” A satisfying click reassured her that the spell had kicked in, and everything would be safe until either she or Luna came back for it. She’d every intention of looking that book over as soon as possible. But first…

Kitzu turned, headed out into the corridor. “Lock the servant’s door.” she said as she headed for the greenhouse door. A moment later she’d passed through the greenhouse door locking it behind her. Down into the green house, and out into the patio. Kitzu could see some curious ponies in the family guest apartments below Luna’s apartment. She couldn't help but wonder how any of these ponies could possibly be related. Likely why so many of the books that were supposed to be there were unaccounted for.

“Excuse me Miss, aren’t you supposed to have an escort?” One of the guards asked.

“I’m only going to talk to my Aunt.” Kitzu offered. “I’ll still be within the royal apartments. - Oh, and Princess Celestia said I was to just go on over if no one came for me.”

“I guess it’s alright then.”

“If it’s permissible for me to ask, who’s in the visiting family apartments?”

“That would be Prince Azure Platinum, his family, and guests,” One of the guards offered. “I imagine you’ll be introduced to them sooner or later.”

“I imagine so,” Kitzu observed. “They do seem rather curious about me. - I should go find Princess Celestia.”

“You take care.”

“I will, and thank you.”

Kitzu found Princess Celestia in her bed chambers in the process of being laced up into a corset underneath of which was a shift which is a type of full slip, and multiple ruffled petticoats. The team effort consisted of three maids, two were pulling laces as hard as they could while the third supervised the operation. Celestia’s hooves had white powdered socks made of angora wool and held in place above the knee with a tied ribbon.

“Oy you, what are you doing here?” The supervising ladies maid scolded on seeing Kitzu.

“Who, Oh, Princess Hope. - She’s perfectly fine, I asked her to pop on over.” Celestia offered. “She’s my niece.”

“Is she, is she really?”

“All evidence would suggest as much.” Princess Celestia explained as they affixed a front panel to her chest.

“Am I too early?” Kitzu offered as she cast a glance over to Philomena’s empty perch.

“We may be running a bit behind for the reception, but that is perfectly fine. The dinner isn’t till later anyway. The dinner doesn’t happen until after I lower the sun.” Celestia offered. “So tell me, what’s on your mind?”

“Well I can see why you like my dress.” Kitzu offered as Celestia had her dress put on her. The dress itself was a blend of reds, golds, and yellows not unlike Sunset’s colors.

“Princess Celestia, it would hardly be fitting for you to appear in public in a filly’s slip.”

“I’ve a mind to just show up wearing nothing but a mask.” Celestia protested as they fit a decorative saddle made of red velvet from which they hung lightweight saddle bags. “It’d take far less time, and clothing is nothing more then a display of status. It’s hardly a necessity.”

“I believe I spent more time getting my mane tamed then I did actually getting dressed.” Kitzu offered with a grin.

“I don’t doubt it for a moment. - Well now, all I need are my shoes, peytral, and crown.”

“Speaking of shoes...”

“Oh don’t worry, I told them that if they didn’t return your shoes and provide a proper tiara I’d refuse to go to tonight’s event. - But there was something else?”

“I can’t really be sure. Muma’s library is in a horrible mess. In the time I had I started organizing the books, putting everything where it belonged. Afraid I’ve still got quite a few on tables. The thing is, I’m not finding books that are supposed to be there. Specifically there were some books that might help explain my being here that simply were not where they were supposed to be. They are listed in the card catalog, and on the inventory as being there, but they simply weren’t. - By any chance is there an inventory of everything that’s supposed to be in the apartments?”

“It seems I need to make some inquiries as to the handling of Luna’s apartment. - It was my wish that her apartment be preserved as she left it, and I know she was a stickler for order. There is no reason her books should have been in such disarray other then ponies have been helping themselves. - I suppose we can be grateful they were putting them back.”

“I locked the floor again.” Kitzu informed Celestia.

Celestia let out a sigh. She wasn’t really sure what to think, and how would Luna take it if on returning to Canterlot half her things were missing? Were they to free Luna from the Nightmare only to bring her home to an apartment that had been ransacked. Celestia hadn’t noticed it because it’d happened a little at a time, but to Luna it would look like it’d all happened over night.

“Come on, they should have your shoes.”

Kitzu followed Princess Celestia out to the reception room were a couple business ponies, and a dozen palace guards waited.

“Ah Mr Silver, and Mr Filigree. How good to see you,” Celestia said warmly greeting the two business ponies.

“You’re majesty.” They offered with a polite bow. “We have as promised prepared a matching mask and peytral for tonight’s festivities. - I think you’ll be quite pleased.”

“And about the other items I asked about? - What say we take care of that little nicety first.”

“Oh, yes of course, for the little filly.” Silver offered, retrieved a case, and opened it to reveal a set of small silver hoof shoes, and an equally small tiara.

“Those are nice, are they for little Sunset?” Kitzu asked. The shoes looked to be entirely too small for Kitzu, and of low quality as well.

“Oh these are for you. Princess.” Filigree offered. There seemed to be some kind of mix up.

“I asked my shoes be returned. Might I ask where they are?” Kitzu inquired about as politely as she could muster. “And if I’d a mind to use what you’ve brought as a temporary loan, I might point out that the shoes simply aren’t going to fit.”

“Mr Silver, Mr Filigree, this is not what we discussed. - You were to return her shoes, and provide an appropriate tiara.”

What followed was a series of stuttered excuses and apologies.

Kitzu stepped a few paces away while Princess Celestia engaged in a circular argument with the pair as they provided excuse after excuse as to why the shoes couldn't be returned. Kitzu wondered if she’d be able to access the cosmic clock that was the key to Equestria, her eyes glazed, began to glow, she lifted her head up high her mane and tail started to flare out – contact – Kitzu could feel the power surging through her. She’d decided she wasn’t going to argue the point, and cast the item summoning spell. Four loud pops were heard as each shoe snapped into the room. A moment later she’d used her telekinesis to put the shoes back on her hooves.

“P-p-princess?” Celestia stammered out.

“Yes?” Kitzu asked. “Oh right, let me just tone it down a bit.” Kitzu gave herself a shake, and a moment later her power levels were back down to that of a fairly normal yet talented unicorn. “I’m sorry about that, but it was just looking like we weren’t getting anywhere so I retrieved them myself.” Kitzu smiled a most cunning smile. “Be nice if I had a tiara to match, but I’m just a fake, aren’t I?”

“We never, I mean…” the sales ponies said quickly. What they’d just witnessed had them half panicked. That and they'd already lined up a buyer for the highly prized shoes.

“Then what was it, why is it you didn’t want to return that which is rightfully ours?” Kitzu’s tone was less then polite.

“Princess?” Celestia asked.

“I’ll be alright, I just need a moment,” Kitzu replied as she dropped her head in a bow towards Princess Celestia. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go get some air.”

“Yes, that might be a good idea.” Celestia replied with a polite bow, followed by Kitzu heading back through the apartment to the tea room. She thought about going outside, looked up at the sky with longing, but decided against it. As all the fixings for tea were right there, she decided to make some tea,

“Gentle colts.” Princess Celestia said in a rather dangerous undertone after Kitzu had gone. “Thank you. I’ll not be needing your finery. - You may show them out.” Princes Celestia thanked them for their time, and followed after Kitzu.

“Hope?” Celestia asked as she poked her head into the tea room. “You are making tea?”

“I know, muma is a coffee pony. I just happen to like tea.”

“I am sorry about what happened.” Celestia offered as she entered the room.

“Afraid I get that sort of thing more often then you’d realize. - A pony would think I’d be accustomed to it by now, but it was really looking like they had no intention of ever returning my property. - The cynic in me suspects they'd planned to make a fast bit off my shoes."

“Your majesty, Princess.” Aiko said from the doorway.

“I’m alright, I just used a alicorn level spell because it was looking like I wasn’t going to get my shoes back.” Kitzu offered while fumbling with the tea pot.

“Perhaps I should get that?” Aiko offered as she moved in. “Go on sit.”

“I haven't seen that spell in over seven hundred an eighty five years.” Celestia informed them as she sat down.

“I’ve only just recently figured it out, and it requires tapping into the source magic for me to do it.” Kitzu admitted.

“You can do that?” Celestia asked.

“I’d just assume not do it,” Kitzu admitted. “I’m only, what, fourteen at best. Closer to thirteen really. I don’t need that kind of power, and I’ve found I can’t always keep it in check.”

“You’re inexperienced. You’ll learn,” Aiko offered as she put out a couple cups.

“I can tell you it wasn’t easy for your mother either,” Celestia offered. Celestia meant Luna, but at this point she knew nothing of Twilight. Twilight was well into the future. “She loved to fly too. How’s your flying?”

“I’m not called the queen of the sky for nothing.” Kitzu offered with a grin.

“Oh are you.” A smile formed on Celestia’s lips. “There’s going to be a scramble tomorrow for that very title.”

“I’ll need my goggles at the very least,” Kitzu offered. “And for that matter, should I?”

“Defend your title for Monarch of the sky and risk altering time, or play it safe and do nothing?” Aiko mused

“But then again, playing it safe and doing nothing would also be a choice,” Celestia reminded her. “You’re keyed up, and doing something you enjoy will help you loosen up.”

“But first I have to survive tonight,” Kitzu offered just as Aiko put down another cup. “You weren’t thinking of joining us were you?”

“That would be inappropriate to my present station.” Aiko offered.

“He’s coming isn’t he.” Celestia groaned. Now make no mistake, Celestia loved the pony in question, he just had a tendency to be a bit too much at times.

“He, he who?” Kitzu asked.

“Prince Platinum.” Aiko offered, and a moment later a white unicorn with a blond mane and tail who looked suspiciously like Prince Blue Blood burst into the room. About the only difference was the cutie mark. His was a dark blue crown over which were three stars of the same color. The outfit that he wore consisted of a blue gray livery frock coat with red cuffs, collar, and copious amounts of gold braiding. He also had elaborately embroidered fabric saddle bags which featured his cutie mark.

“Mother, what’s this I hear?” Platinum asked.

“Mother?” Kitzu said repeating the word with astonishment.

“I adopted Azure after his parents were assassinated.” Celestia explained her tone empty of emotion as though that sort of thing happened all the time. Kitzu’s eyes widened as Celestia continued. “I figured being he’s blood related I had little choice.”

“Blood related?” Kitzu was genuinely astonished. “Assassinated?” There were plenty of things about the family history that simply wasn’t spoken of. That and Princess Celestia’s family were distant relations at best being they were related via Celestia, and Kitzu’s family was Luna, the Sparkles, and the Silvermane Kitsune.

“Seven hundred and eighty years back I married the prince who was then the crown prince of the Platinum line in order to consolidate two factions and avoid the possibility of a civil war. My dear sister had far more supporters then she realized to include those who’d managed to escape King Sombra. - Though I suspect many were just maneuvering for power, a few of which continue to be a thorn in my side. - I don’t regret the marriage even if I went into it with reservations. - The assassination gave me an excuse to crack down on a certain family who’d the audacity to claim decent from my sister.”

“That would mean you became queen by marriage. - Which family? If I may be so bold?”

“She did, and being Equestria is a matriarchal monarchy, no other pony can ascend the throne so long as she lives. - And it was the Lulamoon family.” Prince Platinum supplied. “The assassination of my parents was meant to target Princess Celestia. Fortunately they failed in that. - But enough history. Mother, why did you turn away our jewelers? They were most upset.”

“Because they refused to surrender Princess Hope’s shoes.”

“Oh, right, this young mystery guest who somehow locked herself into the Lunar apartment.”

“It’s my home, and they are my shoes.” Kitzu stated. She had to think for a moment about the Lulamoon family for a moment. So far as she knew, they weren’t related to the Sparkle/Nightfoal family at all. There were some Lulamoons among Luna’s servants, and hangers on, but no one of any significant rank. "I must confess the only Lulamoons I'm aware of where hangers on, and not related. Of the families I know to be directly descended there is no connection so far as I know."

“Prince Platinum, tea?” Aiko offered indicating the place she’d set a cup.

The topic of the Lulamoons was simply being dropped and Kitzumi was perfectly fine with that. And if anyone where to ask who is related to Princess Luna, that information was confidential.

“Yes, do sit down, and have a cup of tea,” Celestia offered. “And don’t worry about being late to the reception. Just let them stew for a bit.”

“Very well,” He replied and sat down. “So this is Princess Hope, also known as Nova Moon.”

“To be honest, I’ll answer to Nova far better then I do to Princess Hope.” Kitzu offered. “And did you see that cheep substitute they tried to pawn off on me? It wasn't even proper silver, just polished nickle silver."

“Yes, as a matter of fact… Alright you’ve a good point there. I’d have given them a piece of my mind if they’d have tried to give that cheep set to my Sunset. It did look about her size.”

“Hang on, is Sunset your daughter?” Kitzu asked.

“She is at that. Brightest one of the bunch that one. - So what’s so special about those shoes? - I hear you went all Nightmare Moon on them.”

“It was an unconditional retrieval spell. The spell can retrieve any number of objects and defeat the most powerful of security spells.” Celestia offered. “It was some pretty impressive use of magic. I had no idea she was capable of that level of magic until that moment.”

“It’s a typical trait of fox ponies to keep their true potential under wraps.” Aiko offered as she poured the tea.

“Ah, loll potential adversaries into thinking you are weaker then you are, is that it?” Prince Platinum asked.

“It is a foalish commander who underestimates an adversary.” Aiko replied. There was no hint of emotion in her voice. “We’ve found that it is far better to avoid conflict through cleverness then to rush head long into disaster. We are strong ponies, but we are few.”

“Oh, right I think I get it. If no one sees you as a threat, they won’t bother with you, is that it?” Prince platinum offered.

“I suppose that is a fair enough assessment. There is value in being overlooked if one does not wish to be drawn into conflicts.”

“Regarding the shoes, they were gifts from my Muma.” Kitzu interjected hoping to put an end to the banter between the prince and her teacher. Though truth be told Prince Platinum delighted in antagonizing this maid who would actually talk back. “It’s a sentimental thing.” The shoes had actually been given to Kitzu by Queen Moon when Kitzu had mentioned that her standard issued shoes couldn't hold up to the abuse she was giving them. So far as Kitzumi knew Luna’s old silver shoes had protective enchantments on them, and legend had it that the shoes weren’t even silver, but something else far more rare. Something called True Silver or adamantine. Not even Queen Moon was sure as it’d been so long since she was young enough to use the shoes.

“You must miss her a great deal.” Prince Platinum offered. “A shame you’ll never see her again.”

“Oh, I’ll see her again, it’s just a question of time. Though if I can figure out a way to skip forward I will.”

“Not going to try to bring her back early?” Prince Platinum asked.

“Oh no, that would be disastrous.”

“It would? How so?” he pressed genuinely puzzled by Kitzu’s response.

“Not all the elements are in place yet, and won’t be until the curse runs its course.”

“Curse?” This time it was Celestia who was puzzled by Kitzu’s answer. She’d always told herself it was a banishment because there’d been no other way. Or had there?

“Take into consideration that I have studied the elements of harmony. I’ve even seen Star Swirl's original notes, and have even figured out how to create a sort of mock element of harmony," Kitzumi explained. "The true elements of harmony respond best to the magic of friendship and love. They were meant to act as protective magic, not as offensive magic. When used to do harm, no matter how noble the cause may seem, the magic will rebound in a curse. - Aunt Tia, that’s why you lost the elements. You misused them, you banished my mother when you should have never started the chain of events that led to the fight in the first place.”

“Now see here, it’s not like you were there.” Celestia scolded.

“Wasn’t she?” Prince Platinum asked. “Would she not have been with her mother?”

“The palace of the Two Sisters had a full staff of servants on hoof, Shadowbolts, loyal retainers who’d escaped King Sombra’s madness, and a few foals. Loki Starbright, who I count as a good friend among them, and my infant brother Nachtlicht.” It might have been something of a stretch, though Natchlicht being Luna’s first would technically make him an elder brother.

As for Celestia she knew there was no way her sister could have had a foal anywhere near Kitzu’s age without her knowing about it, not to mention Kitzu’s own admittal that she was from the future. Kitzu did say they would reconcile, but then again it was likely not going to be easy even after the nightmare was banished. Knowing about Natchlicht, whom Celestia had learned of only after confronting her sister only helped to Cement Kitzu’s position as a pony with close intimate knowledge of Princess Luna’s affairs.

“I’m so sorry.” Celestia said as she recalled what had really transpired that day. She’d pushed Luna past the breaking point, and then punished her further by banishing her to the moon. Never mind that there was no way Kitzu could have known being from the future as she’d said… unless Luna had simply shown her, but why would she have shown her what had happened? Princess Celestia would have just assume the details be lost to time.

“I’m sorry too.” Kitzu offered reaching a hoof over to Celestia, and placing it on Celestia’s. “I should be more careful about what I say.”

“It’s alright. Bout time I faced the truth anyway. Luna had gone into seclusion after the loss of the Chrystal empire, and I was bound and determined to drag her back kicking and screaming if I had to, with no regard for who might get hurt in the process, or why she’d secluded herself in the first place.”

“Say, speaking of doing things without thinking of the consequences, a recent find of mine is now worth considerably less thanks to the blast of magical energy my little genius daughter set loose.” Prince Platinum interjected.

“You know, we were having a moment here.” Celestia admonished just as Kitzu took a sip of her tea. The prince produced an old tarnished silver crown. To everypone's bewilderment, Kitzu spit out her tea, spilled what was in her cup, and even went so far as to push her chair back and away from Prince Platinum until she’d hit some obstructing furniture. The design of the crown itself was a squat tree with long tendril like branches in which rested the moon in it’s phases. At the center where there would have been a gem representing the full moon only a hole where the gem had been.

“Hope? Miss Nova?” Celestia asked.

“Prince Platinum, it seems to be that crown.” Aiko suggested. “May I?”

“Teacher, no, don’t touch it!” Kitzu pleaded forgetting that she wasn’t supposed to be calling Miss Aiko Teacher.

“Teacher?” Celestia asks.

“Apparently her younger self shows up on my doorstep some time in the future. - Your Highness, where’d you get the crown?”

“Where…? Now that I think of it, I haven't a clue. It’s like I’ve been walking about in a daze.”

“Princess Hope, do you recognize that crown?”

“It’s the Blood Moon crown.” Kitzu offered.

“The blood moon… Oh my?!” Celestia replied astonished. Luna had told her about the crown, about how Sombra had intended to use it to control Luna against her will. This was the very crown that had forced Luna to admit that Sombra was quickly sinking into madness. Celestia’s eyes widened even further when Miss Aiko, an earth pony produced a screen of magical energy which she looked through at the crown.

“Umm, is there something I should know?” The Prince asked.

“You’re fine.” Aiko offered. “Princess, princesses, you can relax, it’s quite inert. When the purification wave hit it, I gather it shattered the blood stone, and rendered the crown harmless.” She then took the crown from Prince Platinum so that she might further inspect it. “There is some spell work in runic, but it shouldn't be hard to fix that now that the thing has lost it’s power. - Seems Sombra had been studying some old magic.”

“Was Prince Platinum under the spell of the crown?” Celestia asked.

“Possibly. Likely he would have gone about his daily routine as though he was sleepwalking. - As I recall, Sombra’s control magic was dependent on someone pulling the strings.”

“So it’s harmless now?” Kitzu asked as she started to relax.

“Yes, lets just make sure it stays that way.” Aiko offered, took up a butter knife, and used the tip to scratch up the inscriptions. “Nice thing about this kind of magic is that it’s fairly easy to defeat it. All a pony has to do is destroy the inscription.”

“I guess my lamps are vulnerable in that regard as well.” Kitzu admitted as Aiko applied magic to the butter knife, and began using it to smooth the interior of the crown.

“What are you doing?” Celestia asked.

“I’m smoothing the inside to obliterate the enchantment so no pony can reactivate it. It’ll be a blank slate. Polish it up, and it’ll be as good as new.”

“Hang on, you can do magic? Without a horn?” Prince Platinum asked. The fact that Aiko was an earth pony using magic had finally registered.

“I’m a fox pony. We use a very ancient type of magic that’s not dependent on having a horn. All we need is a focus.” Aiko explained. “There, that’ll do it.” Now all it needs is a new stone.”

Kitzu and the others looked on in amazement. Aiko hadn’t just obliterated the remnants of the old spell, she’d manipulated the crown so that it looked as good as new, and had shrunk it down to Kitzumi’s size.

“It’s perfectly safe now?” Kitzu asked as she moved forward, and Aiko cleaned up the mess Kitzu had made.

“It’s not even the same crown anymore.” Aiko offered. “When I shrunk it, that closed the gaps where the inscriptions had been made. Perhaps you’d like to make some inscriptions of your own?”

“Nova, how did you recognize the crown?” Celestia asked.

“Muma made sure I’d know it if I saw it.” Kitzu offered. "It was part of a set that included an amulet known as the alicorn Amulet. - Perchance might I have my bag? - I’d like to see if any of my gems will fit.”

“Were you thinking that you might use it? - The crown, that is?”

“I’ve a particular stone that would look really good if it can be made to fit.” Kitzu offered. “If that is alright by Prince Platinum?” He noted that he’d be fine with her having the crown.

“Alright then, I’ll be right back.” Celestia stated, set her cup down, got up and exited the room. She returned a short time later with a golden mare, Shimmer, and two other foals in tow.

“Princess Hope, this is Princess Marigold Shimmerhorn, You’ve already met Sunset, the little filly is Aureate Dawn, and the colt is Cerulean Light.” Celestia offered. Aureate looked much like Sunset only with wings, and Cerulean looked a great deal like his father. All were dressed up in resplendent outfits.

“I’m honored to meet you.” Kitzu offered getting up, and making a polite bow.

“Oh no, the honor is all mine.” Princess Marigold offered as she returned a bow. “I mean, I’m only an honorary princess by marriage, and you are the real thing.”

“Please, don’t sell yourself short as you may be far more real a princess then you realize.” Kitzu offered.

“Your bag.” Celestia prompted as she levitated the saddle bags over to Kizu.

“Thank you.” Kitzu offered as she accepted the bags. She opened one taking note of the books, nothing seemed to be out of place, and then opened the other. Everything was still there. “Next time I should have you watch over everything.” Kitzu offered with a smile as she pulled out the small box. Kitzu carefully opened the box to reveal that aside from an inscribing tool the remainder of the contents were carefully packed in plain felt bags. Kitzu examined the contents by touch alone, and when she was satisfied she had the right one, she placed it on the table, put the inscribing tool next to it, put the lid back on the box, and put that back in the saddle bag.

“Miss Aiko...” Kitzu began softly as she removed a dazzling peace of white fire opal from the small bag. It had ruff edges having never been worked, but the colors of all seven harmony stones could be seen sparkling in it. “Any chance you could use your magic on this?”

“Oh, you want me to do all the work do you?”

“Oh no, I’d never ask such a thing. I intend to use my own purification spell inscribed to the inside of the crown.”

“Tell you what, you do your inscribing first, and if I like what you put on it, I’ll shape this stone to fit.” Aiko offered.

“Deal.” Kitzu replied, reached out for the crown, hesitated a moment, took hold of it, and pulled it over to herself. A moment later she’d picked up the inscriber, and was busily scratching away.

The room grew quiet as the look of concentration on Kitzu’s face suggested no pone say a thing. Just the sound of metal scratching on metal.

Kitzu looked up from her task a short time later, made a few more adjustments to what she’d inscribed, and then proffered it to Aiko.

Everyone sat quietly as Miss Aiko inspected Kitzu’s inscription.

“Impressive. You've learned quite a bit.” Aiko offered, took the stone, and placed it in the position for the moon. The stone now perfectly fit and shaped so that it now resembled the moon complete with the Mare in the moon resplendently defined by the colors reflecting from the stone. She then hoofed it back over to Kitzumi.

“Teacher, my inscription?” Kitzu asked. The inscription could no longer be seen.

“Being you were wise enough to add a fail-safe against misuse, I thought it best to hide the inscription.” Aiko replied with a smile. Kitzu touched the crown while whispering an activation spell, and light shone from the stone.

“Something tells me that’s no ordinary opal?” Celestia asked as Kitzu put the crown on her head. “I haven't just witnessed the birth of a powerful artifact have I?”

“That, oh it’s just an ordinary gem grade opal.” Aiko replied. The stone itself was anything but ordinary having come from the grotto of the Tree of Harmony. Kitzu got up from her seat, and went to hug Aiko.

“Thank you so much.” Kitzu offered. “I used a purification spell similar to what’s on the lamps. It will amplify magic so I added a spell to negate negative magic, and to feed back if used aggressively. It’s for protection only.”

“So, um, where did you find it?” Celestia asked.

“It was in a layer of substrate in a grotto.” Kitzu offered. “Now if we can lock up my bags again, I’ll be ready to go.”

Princess Celestia knew when some pony was putting her off, but decided to let it go for now. A short time later the group was headed for the Solar Audience Hall where the reception was already in progress. The plan was to attend the reception, and then return to the royal apartments, at which time the foals would stay with a foal sitter save for Kitzu who was to attend the dinner with the adults. The dinner would be in the grand ballroom.


Princess Celestia had Kitzu walk with her as they entered the crowded audience hall. The hall itself had been swept clear of all the normal furnishings and replaced with small tables scattered about radiating out from the dais in loose crescents separated by different colored ropes. Princess Celestia had chosen not to wear her peytral, and crown just yet though she did wear her silver shoes. A simple mask had been brought up from wardrobe, an enormous powdered wig, and a cheep tiara on top which contrasted rather glaringly with the elaborate outfit, and telegraphed the message that the court jeweler had failed Princess Celestia. Kitzu’s simplistic outfit gathered a considerable amount of attention as well, the plain white dress of a material that looked as though it could have been spun from clouds, the mask that was, and the gleaming crown that declared her as someone important. Add to that, her nervousness was causing a slight misting of fox fire around her silver shoes, and her mane would occasionally billow as though blown by a wind unfelt by others. Prince Platinum, and Marigold followed, each in their outfits, followed by Sunset, Cerulean, and Aureate. No names were called to announce their arrival as was the normal procedure, this being a masquerade no one was supposed to know who anyone was. Kitzu had the feeling ponies would be able to recognize Celestia no mater how she was dressed. Nor did it take long for ponies to gather round the royal family. It didn't take much longer for the press of politically minded ponies in want of favors to cut Princess Celestia and Prince Platinum away from the rest of the family.

“Don’t feel to bad, this sort of thing happens all the time.” Marigold offered as the orchestra began to play. “Come on, lets go find some refreshments.”

“This is actually kind of nice,” Kitzu admitted as they headed for a refreshment table. “What will they be serving for dinner later, and I’m wondering if I’ll get enough to eat? If not I should still have some goodies leftover if they haven't cleaned out my ice box.”

“Careful you don’t get too fat.” Sunset teased.

“Not a chance,” Kitzu countered. “I burn a lot of calories. Especially when using magic. - How do you think Princess Celestia stays so thin?”

“Wow, raising the sun and the moon must burn a lot of calories,” Aureate said, and perhaps a might bit too loud. Kitzu rolled her eyes at the sound of nearby ponies quietly laughing.

“Foals will say the darnedest things,” Offered a matronly mare approaching them.

“Ah, Lady Carneighie if I’m correct in my thinking?” Marigold prompted.

“I might admit to owning that name, and I might not.” Lady Carneighie replied. After all it was a masked ball and every pony was wearing masks, and outrageous outfits. “So how is life in the palace treating you now that you no longer serve as a guard?”

“Very well thank you.” Marigold offered politely. Kitzu smiled, her opinion of Prince Platinum having gone up quite a bit.

“Prince Azure treating you well?” Lady Carneighie sounded as though she was hoping for bad news.

“I’ve another foal on the way.”

“Do you now,” Lady Carneighie replied in a tone very reminiscent of a sneer. “I’d so hoped his foals would be my grand foals.”

Kitzu dropped an ear back. This pony reminded her far too much of Discord with perhaps a touch of Prince Blue Blood.

“Well, I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” Marigold offered.

“So tell me, who’s this odd little creature you have with you?”

“This is Princess Hope.” Princess Marigold offered.

“I swear it’s getting so any pony can be a princess.” Lady Carneighie replied in a rather self important tone. She bent down to look Kitzu in the eyes. “Tell me little princess, where did you get those wings, the penny and nickle mercantile?”

Booth ears were down now, not flat from fear or intimidation, but back in aggression. Her wings rustled in agitation. Kitzu was after all a pegasus first, alicorn second, and insulting a pegasi’s wings was fighting words.

“So tell me, if you are supposed to be an alicorn, what are you supposed to be the god of?” “Hummmm?” Lady Carneighie pressed.

“Hey, hey hey...” Interjected a couple stallions getting in between Kitzu and Lady Carneighie just as electricity began to arch along Kitzumi's wings. One offered to dance with Lady Carneighie, and quickly maneuvered her away without so much as asking leave to do so.

“Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, she’s not worth it.” Offered the stallion who’d remained.

“What am I supposed to be the god of indeed. Pompous old nag.” Kitzu muttered as the arches of electricity died down. “I’ve a mind to show her.”

“Princess, that’s no way to be. Have you gotten anything from the refreshments table?” The guards on discovering that Kitzu was indeed the real thing, had taken it on themselves to make sure no pony pressed the wrong buttons. After all, Kitzu was a teen, had some rather dangerous power reserves, allegedly the daughter of the night goddess, and most importantly an unknown. If there was one thing that would put the guard force on edge it was an unknown. As for Kitzu, she wasn’t hampered in this way as she’d a pretty good idea what was going on around her, and could even use her unique talents to tell friend from foe.

“Ah, Indi.” Kitzu was delighted at recognizing the guard.

“I am as accused,” He replied with a smile. Both he, and presumably Harold, had on elaborate outfits that would make it all but impossible to identify the individual. Indi had even a large powdered wig in hopes of hiding his mane. This time they made it to the refreshments table without being stopped. Kitzu and the others loaded up on goodies, wine for the adults, and a punch of some sort for the foals, to include Kitzu. Kitzu wasn’t exactly a stranger to hard cider, but then again, she was still under age even by the best estimate. From there they made their way over to a table that was about as far away from the dais as possible, and sat down.

“So, this is it?” Kitzu asked after a bit.

“Well until it’s time for dinner at which point Princess Celestia will lower the sun and raise the moon.” Princess Marigold offered.

“Hey, them wings for real?” challenged a brash gold yellow pegasus filly as she approached the table.

“Go away Goldenflair.” Aureate chastised.

“Not you, small fry.” Golden replied. “This pony presenting herself as a royal alicorn.”

“Miss Goldenflair Spitfire, she is a royal alicorn.” Princess Marigold cautioned.

“Spitfire?” Kitzu asked.

“She’s my niece.” Princess Marigold offered.

“And queen of the sky.” Goldenflair boasted. Kitzu had to stifle a laugh. Kitzu and Goldenflair were about the same age, but Goldenflair simply did not have the advantages Kitzu had.

“She won last year’s scramble.” Princess Marigold supplied.

“You’re a real princess, and it’s not just make believe?” Goldenflair asked.

“Nova Moon, Princess of Hope, Steward of Arcadia,” Kitzu had managed to identify the name of the city on Thorn peak from Luna’s hidden book, and being she was the only pony with actual physical access, it did technically make her the steward of the city, and then she added, “Queen of the sky.”

“Ha, you’ll have to beat me in tomorrow's scramble to call yourself the Queen of the Sky.”

“Steward of Arcadia?” Princess Marigold questioned.

“Technically,” Kitzu offered with a smile. “It’s kind of complicated.”

“But that’s the name of the fabled alicorn city?” Marigold asked.

“Ya, it is. - Not much there any more though,” Kitzu offered.

“You’ve been there? - You actually found it, and know where it is?” Marigold asked.

“Mmm, ya, but it’s only accessible to an alicorn. A pony has to be able to fly at high altitude for an extended time, and do magic.”

“How high have you been?” Goldenflair asked.

“I’ve been up to forty thousand horns,” Kitzu offered quietly. Goldenflair protested saying, no way.

“Sounds a bit like bragging to me,” Indi offered from his post a few paces away.

“Prove it.” Goldenflair commanded.

“Not sure how I’m supposed to prove that?” Kitzu offered. “I mean the only other pony alive who can match it is Princess Celestia herself. Short of taking you up there myself. It requires special gear, and a good strong updraft as well. - The truth is any determined flier can get up that high if they know the trick, and the one time I did it, I'd rode the updrafts of a southern thunderhead. The trouble is the lack of good air and extreem cold. Most ponies are apt to pass out before getting that high. - But I’ll tell you what, I’ll be in tomorrow's scramble, and you’ll get a taste of what I’m capable of. Provided of course I can get my gear back. I need my goggles.”

“Goggles?” Goldenflair asked. “And what gear?”

“So we don’t get bugs and wind born stuff in our eyes.” Indi offered. “You really should get a pair for yourself.”

“Mine are magically tinted as well.” Kitzu offered. “Otherwise flying in the day time can be challenging. - Flying at altitude is dangerous, it’s cold enough to freeze, and the air is mighty thin. When flying that high it’s really nice to have a nice warm flight suit, and a way to store extra air. - I need my goggles primarily so I can see where I’m going in the day time. I’m a night flier, I can see really good in the dark. Not so good in bright sunlight. The tint spell on my goggles makes the lenses dark in the day, but clear at night.”

“Tinted? Kind of squarish?” Indi asked.

“Yes, I had assumed they were taken along with the rest of my gear. - Think I left them hanging in the bath.”

“No actually, the goggles are in the Captains Office,” Indi informed her. “The Captain's have threatened to ride us till the owner fesses up to using the bath in the royal apartment.”

Kitzu looked over to him, and just started laughing.

“Oh, you’re full of heart,” Indi replied.

“Do you think we have time to go get my goggles?”

“You’ll have to wait till after the dinner.” Princess Marigold offered.

“The captain’s office will be closed by then.” Indi informed her.

“That’s not an issue,” Kitzu offered with a smile.

“You can’t break in. If that’s what you are thinking?” Indi replied.

“Oh no, I don’t have to. There isn’t a lock in Canterlot Castle that won’t open for me,” Kitzu informed him. There was a mischievous look on her face.

“You mean to tell me?” Indi asked.

“Any thing Princess Luna would have had access to, I have access too. - I’ll just walk down to his office, open the door, go in, retrieve my googles, and leave. - I’ll need an escort though.” Kitzu replied. “I just get the feeling I shouldn't wander about being I don’t have a pass of any kind, and ponies don’t really know anything about me.”

“Tell you what, if I’ve time, I’ll take you down to his office, otherwise you’ll have to wait till tomorrow.” Indi offered.

“Long as I can get them before the race,” Kitzu replied with a smile. “Why don’t you join us?”

Elsewhere within the audience hall more then a few ponies gathered were wondering who Kitzu might be. Following the intervention with Lady Carneighie, any of her ilk who attempted to gain access to Kitzu would find themselves being turned back by a number of costumed ruffians in the crowd. The family presumed to have been the royal family had inexplicably sat about as far away from the place of honor as they could, and the place that would have been occupied by the royal family was now occupied by one of the other leading families of Equestria. Now the only way to know if the small family that had entered with Princess Celestia was the royal family or a misdirection was left up to seeing if the small party would be escorted into the dining hall were the dinner was being held. Otherwise it was starting to look like this particular group wasn’t the royal family at all with the exception of a heavy guard presence. As for Lady Carneighie, word of her rudeness had spread, and her political rivals eagerly anticipated her downfall.


“I do believe the ruse has worked.” Prince Platinum offered as he joined them. “Sitting all the way back here has every pony half convinced we are a bunch of fakes.”

“We had a run in with Lady Carneighie,” Marigold offered. “I may not have been the best of the best, but I can certainly tell who’s who?”

“Not the best of the best? You got into the Palace Guard didn’t you?” Kitzu asked.

“To be honest, it wasn’t her prowess as a guard that got her the post, it was her ability to remember ponies and handle them that got her in the palace,” Prince Platinum offered. “It was her kindness and generosity that attracted me. - And despite her ability, she’s just a wee bit on the shy side.”

“Shy nothing, you're a scoundrel who just wanted to find the chinks in my armor,” Marigold chastised playfully.

“Say, Indi, what would you say Princess Marigold’s best qualities are?” Kitzu asked.

“I’d say the fact that she didn’t let her new position go to her head,” Indi offered.

“My dear sweet Mom is very good at spotting phonies,” Prince Platinum offered. “And she liked Marigold from the start. - One day out of the blue I asked her what she’d think if I were to marry a guard? She asked me if I was talking about Marigold, I said yes, and she said go for it. - There was a caveat though.”

“Expect opposition from various noble houses I gather?” Kitzu asked.

“Exactly.” Prince Platinum replied with a smile. His smile kind of faded as he thought about how the nobles had reacted. They were outraged about his marriage to Marigold, and liked Sunset’s name even less. If Celestia hadn’t supported him…

“Oh, she’s ditched the powdered wig, and has her court peytral and crown on.” Marigold observed.

Celestia had left the hall, and came back flanked with guards as it was time for business. Celestia walked up to the dais, and looked out over Canterlot through the large windows. It was time. Her horn light up, she rose into the air and began to glow. All eyes were fixed to Princess Celestia, all save Kitzumi who had decided she wanted to see what it really looked like. Kitzu wanted to see the interaction between Princess Celestia, the sun, and the cosmic clock now that she was aware of the interaction. Being a typical teen, she failed to think about the unintended consequences of her actions.


Unobserved by those around her, Kitzu’s eyes glazed over, and she began to glow, Her consciousness traveled to the cosmic clock, she observed Princess Celestia’s magic forming a magical triangle, direct to the sun, and via the cosmic clock which amplified Celestia’s magic. The sun began to move. Kitzu watched in fascination of the process and as the sun began to set it occurred to her that some clouds in just the right places would paint the sky. Kitzu had figured out how to move clouds some time back, and to her delight the connection to the cosmic clock made it absurdly easy. Was that part of her special talent, she wandered, not just moving clouds, but her use of the cosmic clock? She’d assumed it had something to do with teleporting, but being an abstract cutie mark it could very well mean any number of things. And that included being able to dissipate or build clouds at will without ever having to go near them. Not to mention the amount of energy she could tap into. Next Kitzu looked to the moon, and felt it’s pull, a moment later Kitzu was in a dreamscape dark and barren of any features save the light that shown about herself and a slight cloud like billowing at her feet. A moment later a figure emerged from the darkness, and Kitzu found herself face to face with Nightmare Moon.

“Who are you?” Nightmare Moon asked. Her tone gave Kitzu absolutely no clue by which to judge the situation. There was no malice, nor the kindness Kitzu was accustomed to. Some distance beyond was a shadow darker then the blackness that threatened to engulf them with wings of the blackest obsidian, bright yellow eyes, and a face that was almost human if not for the beak like snout. Kitzu knew immediately what it was that had possessed Princess Luna.

“My name is Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Moon.” Kitzu offered. She’d decided it’d be best to use Moon instead of Silvermane. “I’ve been having some difficulties. I’m your daughter by marriage.”

“I don’t have a daughter.”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet?” There was a hint of confusion in Luna’s tone.

“I’ve been time traveling. - Not exactly by choice either. - I can tell you that Nachtlicht made it out of the palace, and that Princess Celestia never found him. - Afraid I’ve never gone far enough back in time to tell you much about him. I can tell you that I’m descended from him.”

“Show me.”

“Show you?”

“Your family, show me.”

“I suppose it’s safe enough, you probably won’t remember once you get out of that limbo you are in,” Kitzu offered, and then began displaying her memories of when she was a little filly. The void filled with images of a mature Twilight sparkle, Luna, elder sister Nova, Prince Reynard, the little foals, Estar and Kitzu, all engaged in various family moments. Twilight Velvet, and Night Light Sparkle also featured in some of the memories. Kitzu was careful in her selection.

“A might too perfect.” Nightmare moon commented.

Kitzu smiled, and allowed the images to fade, and then provided the image of herself changing her younger self’s diaper.

“I thought you said you were my daughter?” Nightmare moon asked accusingly.

“As I said, I’m from the future. What I am showing you is a time I crossed my own time line. I had no choice but to change my own diaper because I’d been left, that is my younger self, had been left behind.” Kitzu explained. The memory of the incident colored her tone to be slightly scolding.

“You would scold me?” There was a hint of anger.

“You left me.” Kitzu offered, and then displayed the encounter in the forest.

Nightmare moon took a step back, “No don’t!” She called to the image of herself, and cringed when the blast hit Kitzu. “Ah, Loki. He was always so clever… hang on, Loki?” A smile had formed on her face, and Kitzu’s readiness to forgive her nearly brought a tear to her eye.

“Princess?” Asked the astral form of Loki stepping from the darkness. His coat now gray.

“Hi Loki.” Kitzu called. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Don’t talk to that, it’s just a product of my madness.” Luna said with a sigh. Loki looked at Luna with sadness in his eyes. Kitzu trotted over to Loki, and gave him a hug. His coat began to whiten.

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken. He’s real,” Kitzu offered. She then called Luna’s personal guard. Captain Hoofstrong, Lt Alice Mouse, Lt Ansaldo Balilla, Corporal Pfalz Shadow, Petty Officer Morane, and Gunny Gotha. One by one they emerged from the darkness. “They got caught up in the curse with you. - They have been with you all this time.”

“This is a curse?” Loki asked.

“Princess Celestia misused the elements of harmony, and you all got caught up in it,” Kitzu explained.

“I swear on my mother and my father that I will kill her,” Nightmare Moon said while clenching her teeth on some of the words.

The shadow drew closer.

“You’ll do nothing of the sort, for to do so would be to doom us all,” Kitzu scolded. “You’ll never know the love of my mother, your husband, your daughter Estar, my sister Nova, or myself.”

“I will have vengeance.”

The shadow drew near.

“Then you will have your vengeance,” Kitzu offered as if it was nothing. “But keep in mind two sayings, vengeance is a dish best when served cold, and the best vengeance is a life well lived. Why at this very moment ponies all over Equestria are celebrating you.”

“They are?” Nightmare Moon asked. Her face brightened and the shadow backed away.

“Auntie Tia hates it. Oh she hasn’t said as much, but she does,” Kitzu offered with a mischievous smile. She then offered a vision of fillies dressed like the Princess of the Moon.

“And that’s going on right now?” Nightmare moon asked.

Kitzu thought it best to check, and sure enough thanks to the odd way time flows on the dream plane, the sun was only about halfway to setting. “Why at this very moment Auntie Tia is lowering the sun. She’ll be raising the moon momentarily.”

“Like Tartarus she will,” Nightmare moon growled.

“And will you deprive ponies of your beautiful moon?” Kitzu asked.

“You raise it then.”

“But I’m not strong enough. - I’m only fourteen at best.”

“Well then, I shall help you.”

Kitzu thought about this for a moment, looked back to the Cosmic clock, conveyed her concerns hoping that whatever intelligence lay behind the device would understand, and then brought up an image of the moon. Once she’d done that she channeled her own energy through the stone on her crown. She quietly delighted at the shadow drawing further back. “I’ve an idea, if you channel your energy into the moon, and will it to raise, I should be able to do the rest.”

“Oh what a delight this will be,” Nightmare Moon said sounding quite delighted to get one over on her sister. She began channeling her magical energy, and Kitzu provided the control. The moon was moving.

“Kitzu had anticipated it, the shadow making a lunge for her, she’d have to retreat, but she’d one more trick up her sleeves. The shadow lunged, the Shadowbolts and Nightmare moon herself moved to block, and Kitzu who still had Loki in a hug, kissed him behind the ear.

As Kitzu drew away she saw Loki light up bright as a harvest moon.


🌇As the last rays of the sun slipped beyond the horizon Princess Celestia let out a sigh. It’d been one of her best sunsets. She quietly thought to herself that she’d have to thank the ponies who’d brought up the clouds to create such a magnificent canvas. Behind her the ponies gathered were speechless. Celestia decide that she best raise the moon now, turned to face the direction needed to raise the moon, and found herself looking right at the biggest harvest moon she’d ever seen. All of Equestria was bathed in the light of the moon.

Celestia just stood their staring at it. How? Had Luna made good her escape early, and was now taunting her? Concerned for her subjects she turned to look back at the mesmerized ponies. The hall was as bright as ever, and at the far end was the source. Nova, Princess of Hope, was presently sitting at her table, back hooves firmly planted on the floor, front on the table, wings outstretched, and in a trance of some sort. About two dozen ponies looked at her in bewilderment, and then jumped back when the stone on her crown pulsed followed by the aura about her fading away. A moment later her right hoof came up, and slammed down on the table as the focus returned to her eyes.

“Blast that Onmoraki!” Kitzu spat out. “I nearly… Oh dear.” Kitzu looked about her to discover that more then a couple dozen ponies were now looking at her. Lady Aiko, wearing an appropriate outfit to fit into the crowd was standing nearby giving her a dirty look. “Aaahhh, whoops.”

“Should you even be taking on such things?” Aiko said in a quite all be it menacing tone.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I hadn’t really planned on it either.”

“I see.” Aiko replied dryly.

“Don’t worry, I blocked it when I retreated.”

Meanwhile Princess Celestia had been quietly closing the gap, her hooves the only other sound in the room. Kitzu’s ears dropped as Princess Celestia approached.

“So, um, how far did we get it?” Kitzu asked sheepishly.

“It’s not quite all the way up, but it is actually quite beautiful.” Princess Celestia offered.

“That far? Really?”

“You did a good job. So good in fact, I think I’ll wait till later to adjust it. - Now, what was it you blocked?”

“Princess Celestia, how do you keep the nightmare at bay when you raise and lower the moon?” Kitzu asked.

“Oh that it.” Princess Celestia replied. “It’s afraid of me. - You took a huge risk young filly, you do understand that don’t you?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, I hadn’t even planned to do that. It just sort of happened, and maybe I best explain later?”

“We will definitely be discussing this later.” Princess Celestia warned.

Kitzu’s stomach growled. Followed momentarily by Celestia giving her a hug.

“Really makes a pony hungry, doesn’t it?” Celestia whispered.

“So is it time for dinner yet?” Kitzu asked.

“Just as soon as we take the little ones up to their foal sitter.”

“Um, we good?” Kitzu asked looking at the foals that were with them. Their eyes were like saucers.

“Did she, I mean you… Did you just raise the moon?” Sunset asked.

“Part of the way.” Kitzu replied. She thought better of telling them that Nightmare Moon had helped her. “I’ve still a long way to go.”

“Wow.” Cerulean said in a whisper.

“You still have to beat me in the race if you want to call yourself Queen of the sky.” Goldenflair stated.

“I’ll be there, count on it.” Kitzu replied with a smile.

“Well then, time we got going.” Prince Platinum prompted. “Everyone up.”

Kitzumi was the first to get up, she walked alongside Princess Celestia, the two followed by Prince Platinum and his family. Goldenflair sat there for a moment, and then went back to her parents. As for Lady Aiko, she filed in right behind the royals without a soul thinking it odd for even a moment.

“Did you seriously take on an Onmoraki?” Aiko scolded as they entered Celestia’s apartment.

“I’d wondered why you’d insisted I know how to deal with one of those things.” Kitzu replied with a sheepish grin. “Except from your perspective, that hasn’t happened yet.”

“Hasn’t happened yet? Does this have something to do with what Miss Aiko said about...” Celestia was asking as Aiko took off her mask. “Miss Aiko?” “How exactly does a maid manage to get into the reception in the first place?”

“Because, dear mother,” Prince Platinum explained. “She’s not a maid.”

“What?” Celestia asked.

“You knew?” Aiko asked.

“No real maid would dare to talk back,” Prince Platinum pronounced with a grin.

“Well it’s been one interesting night of surprises. - So tel me, if you aren’t a maid, who are you?” Celestia asked giving Aiko a rather suspicious eye. If Princess Celesta was trying to intimidate her, it wasn’t working.

“She’s the spiritual leader of the Oukitsune fox ponies.” Kitzu supplied. “I’d like to think she anticipated I’d be here, but in reality she’s just hiding from her responsibilities.”

“I needed a break from being fussed over, so I ran away, and sort of inserted myself into your staff.” Aiko explained.

Celestia looked at her dumbfounded, cracked a smile, and began to laugh. “So tell me, what is a Onmoraki?”

“Ruff translation, it’s a shadow daemon. The spirit of someone or pony who died and wasn’t properly laid to rest. Generally referred to as a Shadow Pony here in Equestria, only they aren’t ponies. They are malevolent spirits,” Kitzu offered. “And this one possessed Princess Luna when the two of you were fighting. - When I was observing the process, and I mean the actual process of lowering the sun, I was drawn to the moon where I encountered Nightmare Moon. Lets just say she’s not quite the Muma I know and love, but she wasn’t beyond reason though.”

“So how’d you get away, and why’d you try to raise the moon?” Aiko asked.

“Long story short, Nightmare Moon wanted to raise the Moon to steal Aunt Tia’s thunder.” Kitzu offered. “She supplied the raw magical energy, and I controlled the process. - The Onmoraki attempted to possess me, but Princess Luna fought it to give me time to make my escape. I really believe that for a brief moment she was herself. - Anyway, her personal guard are with her along with Loki. I gave Loki a kiss behind the ear, and that created more then enough positive energy for me to get away.”

“But you were sitting with us the whole time… weren’t you?” Sunset asked.

“My physical body, yes, but my spirit while still tethered to my body, can go out of my body. In this way I’m able to observe things in a way I would not otherwise be able to,” Kitzu explained. “Princess Luna has a similar talent.”

“As do I,” Aiko offered. “It’s common among fox ponies.”

“Well, in the future have a bit more care as to where, and when you do such exercises,” Princess Celestia cautioned. “And now, Miss Aiko… forgive me, but I’ve concerns… your presence here isn’t going to cause some kind of international incident is it?”

“Oh this is hardly the first time I’ve run away.” Aiko offered with a smile. “They’ll eventually track me down, assess the situation, and either request my return or spirit me away.”

“Well if they should decide to do the latter, please let us know so that I don’t worry about you.” Celestia requested. “Now, where’s the foal sitter?”

“Oh that would be myself,” Aiko offered. “There was some issue preventing the regular foal sitter from being able to make it.”

“I see...” Princess Celestia replied.

“I will treat them as though they were my very own,” Aiko offered.

“Does that include filling buckets of water, to move water from one trough to another, and then back again?” Kitzu asked.

“I only do that to students who lack patience.” Aiko replied with a wink.

“We should compare notes some time,” Celestia offered with a grin. “Very well then, I’ll trust you with the foals. As I have been trusting you even though I knew nothing about you.”

“There in lies the hazards of being in a leadership position, you presume to trust the people about you because you trust the people you know will have done a proper job of vetting new hires,” Aiko replied. “Thank you for putting your trust in me.”

“And me, do you trust me?” Kitzu asked.

“Well of course I trust you, Ensign Kitzumi Nova Tsukinokazoku Nightfoal Silvermane Moon. - saw your Identification badges.”

“You left out Hime.” Kitzu offered. "There should be a Hime there somewhere."

“Did I? - Oh yes I seem to recall that as well as at least one having the title Princess Hope.” Celestia mused.

“Though you probably shouldn't be looking at those either.” Kitzu cautioned.

“You are undoubtedly right. I only saw them by chance, and it wasn’t my intention to snoop,” Celestia admitted.

“She doesn’t have Steward of Arcadia on one?” Marigold asked.

“Not an official title anymore then queen of the sky is,” Kitzu offered.

“Steward of Arcadia?” Celestia asked.

“She says she’s been there,” Sunset offered.

“Princess Nova, should you be making such claims?” Celestia asked.

“It’s high on a mountain peak, a silent oasis of calm in a sea of hostility,” Kitzu informed. “The only way to get to it is to fly really high, and really fast. It is a citadel surrounded by massive walls with no battlements. At the front gates stand two mighty alicorn guards carved in stone. There is a guard house just inside, and several large warehouses. Beyond that are a number of businesses and homes. Not too much further on is a library the likes of which I’ve never seen before. The entirety of all the Canterlot libraries could be fit inside with room to spare. At the center of the city is an arboretum that is massive in scale inside of which is a magically preserved environment and a tree, a white tree so large an entire Mountain Elk village could be hidden in the branches.”

“Aww come on, you’re making all that up.” Cerulean protested.

“Alicorn statues all over the place?” Celestia asked.

“Ya, except they kind of gave me an odd feeling” Kitzu offered. “The whole place gave me an odd feeling. - I spent half a night sleeping under that tree. I didn’t even unpack any of my things, and left at first light.”

“Wow, that place must have really unnerved you.” Aiko observed.

“I know first light is kind of early, but…?” Sunset asked.

“I’m nocturnal. I don’t normally go to sleep until four in the morning. Mom makes me go to bed at two on school nights.” Kitzu explained. “First light might as well be the middle of my night so to speak.”

“I remember that tree from when I was a filly. Before Luna was born,” Celestia offered. “I don’t remember much else, but I remember that tree.”

“Princess Celestia,” called a guard at the door. “They are ready.”

A short time later Princess Celestia accompanied by Kitzu, Prince Platinum, and Princess Marigold enter the dining hall, their masks still on though it’d be obvious who Celestia was by where she was seated. The guest were in position standing behind their seats as it was considered inappropriate to sit before Princess Celestia did. Prince Platinum, and Marigold went to their seats, and Princess Celestia walked over to hers while directing Kitzu to a chair normally reserved for Princess Luna. Kitzu looked at her unsure if she should but as it was the only open seat left, she had little choice. Kitzu went to the chair, and looked to Princess Celestia.

“Welcome to the Seven hundred eighty fifth Nightmare night grand masked dinner. When these dinners first started it was just myself and a hoof full of close friends who wished to cheer me up. The loss of my sister to the Nightmare was, and has been very emotionally draining.” Princess Celestia paused for a moment. “Tonight...” Princess Celestia stopped talking as a smile formed on her lips. “Tonight I have in some small part been reunited with a portion of my dear sister’s life. We’re not really sure how she got here, but somehow thanks to the monumental amounts of magic that were used during the fight, she was transported through time to land on our doorstep. I’d like to introduce you to my precious niece, Nova Princess of Hope. - Oh, and she may not be quite on the same level I am, but she is most decidedly the real thing.” Silence. “Please welcome Princess Hope.” Celestia clapped her front hooves which was followed by polite clapping from the gathered guests. “Well then, without further ado, let us be seated, and begin tonight’s repast.”

Kitzu hesitated a moment as Princess Celestia sat down, and then climbed into Princess Luna’s chair. It was a big chair to fill. No really, it was a big chair. Of course Celestia’s chair was larger, but the petite Kitzumi sitting in a chair meant for a full grown Princess Luna was at the very least mildly comical. Prince Platinum, and Marigold sat in their chairs, the guest following suit.

Kitzu sat in Luna’s chair looking at the edge of the table, levitated it forward so she could reach, and then conjured up a cloud she could use as a booster seat.

“You going to be alright?” Celestia asked Kitzu.

“Yes, thank you please, Princess Celestia.” Kitzu replied.

Celestia smiled delighted by Princess Hope’s transformation. Kitzumi had gone from the brash young filly, to that of a dainty princess of the finest manners. When bread was brought out as appetizers, Kitzu only took small pieces, placing just the tiniest bit of butter on each. Of this she daintily nibbled. A short time later a pumpkin soup was brought out, and Kitzu remained true to form taking hold of her spoon at the end with just the right amount of magic, dipping slightly into the soup, and never slurping.

Kitzu’s sharp ears picked up every word being spoken. At least they hadn’t found fault in her manners. There of course were the whispers suggesting she was a fake, and who is she that Princess Celestia would give her such an honored place at the table? At the same time there were a few who’d cautioned to tread carefully.

“Oh I wasn’t the one who did that beautiful moon rise.” Princess Celestia replied to a compliment. “It was my niece, Princess Hope.”

“Afraid I got a little ahead of myself.” Kitzu offered. “Just wandered if I could do it, and next thing I knew I’d risen the moon. - Though next time I’ll not try arranging the clouds and the moon at the same time.”

“Hang on, you did the clouds?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I’ve been able to manipulate cloud formations for a few months, or at least a few months prior to finding myself transported seven hundred and eighty five years post Nightfall.”

“How did you discover how to manipulate cloud formations?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Do you remember how King Sombra was manipulating weather patterns?”

Princess Celestia had to think for a moment. “Yes, I do remember he had attempted to control the weather grid. “Don’t tell me you’d figured out how to counter him?”

“I did. - Being a high altitude flier gave me a perspective other ponies didn’t have, and I was able to use an aspect of my unique talent to counter what he was doing. It had it’s drawbacks in that I don’t know what’s going on around me while I’m doing it and it used to take a lot of magical energy to do it. - I use that ability sparingly. - As for raising the moon, Muma had provided me instructions on how to do it.”

“Muma?” One of the guest who’d been listening asked, wondering who this Muma person was.

“Oh I’m sorry. I mean Princess Luna. Princess Luna is my mom.” Kitzu explained.

“When I said she was my precious niece, I didn’t mean it in the way I do when I take in a promising student.” Princess Celestia offered. “She is my sisters daughter. My flesh and blood’s own offspring.” As Princess Celestia was saying this, plates were being removed. A moment later dome covered plates were brought in and placed in front of each pony at the table.

The presence of the covered dishes had every pony distracted, and when the dome was removed a delightful main course was revealed. Kitzu’s was a carp from the ponds. One of Princess Celestia’s prized Celestial Koi.

Not only had it not been properly prepared, but… Kitzu watched as it made it’s last gasp. At least it was fresh. She looked to see if any pone had noticed, but they were all engrossed in what they’d received. No point in letting good fish go to the rubbish so, quick as a wink she used her telekinesis with laser like precision to skin, and remove the flesh from bone. She then snatched back the lid, turned it around to be used as a bowl and deposited the now meatless carcass in the bowl, and passed it back over to the now horrified house maid. Not only had she unwittingly served up a fish from the pond, she’d witnessed Kitzu eviscerate it of flesh and deposit the remains all in the blink of an eye. Kitzu took a quick look about. Princess Celestia was now looking back and forth from plate to upturned lid, but asides from her, no pony else at the table seemed the wiser for what was going on.

The head foot pony had seen it, saw the demeanor of the maid, and quickly snatched the lid while motioning a couple of the footponies waiting in the wings to usher out the maid.

“Princess?” The head footpony asked not quite sure how else to react to the present situation. The butler moved in to intercede.

“It was so kind of some pony to welcome me with this delicacy from the far east.” Kitzu whispered. “But perhaps next time have Miss Aiko prepare it?”

“You’re going to eat my...” Celestia whispered.

“I’m sorry Aunt Tia, but it was beyond saving, and I do rather enjoy Celestial Koi.” Kitzu replied.

“Mr Gray,” Princess Celestia said addressing the butler, “if it’s not too much trouble, I’d really love to know who it was who was so generous with my pond fish?” Her voice was low, only for him, and had a hint of impending doom.

“Yes, Princess Celestia, I will see to it.”

“Is something the matter?” Marigold asked looking up from her own meal.

Oh they were just letting me know they’d have my spicy radish sauce right away.” Kitzu offered. “They were kind enough to provide me with a plate of koizushi.”

“Yes, terribly sorry this happened,” Butler Gray offered. “Would you like some rice as well? I’m to understand such dishes are usually served with rice?”

“Yes, that would be most appreciated, thank you very much.” Kitzu replied.

He and the head footpony then retreated to the hall where they found several maids trying to revive the stricken maid who’d served the fish.

“She’s a fox pony isn’t she? I’d heard they eat strange things.” The head footpony offered looking at the contents of the lid in disgust. “I’ll have to hand it to her for how she handled the situation.”

“Yes they do eat strange things, but there are strict protocols.” Note that she only kept the meat, and discarded the rest.” Gray offered. “We have strict protocols as well, and it seems some pony broke them. - Rumors be hung, she’s got a good head on her shoulders that one. She has all the intuition of a good diplomat. Had any of the other guest seen that fish there’s no telling what might have happened. - Best dispose of that before it starts to stink. - We are embarrassed by this incident, best we move quickly to fix it.”

As for Kitzu, she’d used a bit of her conjured cloud to chill her koizushi, and sat patiently while nibbling at more bread, or taking a small morsel of fish. Not that she’d never eaten raw fish with nothing on it, it was just given the present setting it just seemed wrong. The other guest had by this time noticed something was up.


Elsewhere in the kitchens, the meal that had been intended for Kitzu was found secreted in a cupboard, sending the head cook into a tizzy.

“A fish, we served a guest a raw fish?!” The cook exclaimed on finding out what had happened. “Oh, and not just any guest, but Princess Celestia’s special guest!”

“The whole thing, unprepared,” Mr Gray offered. “To her credit, she separated the meat from the carcass, and quickly stashed what remained of the carcass in the bowl of the lid before anyone was wise to it.”

“I know fox ponies like fish, but there wasn’t any fresh to be had.” The cook protested.

“About that, there are fresh fish to be had.” Mr Gray offered.


“The royal ponds,” Mr Gray informed him. “Princess Celestia is keen on thanking the generous pony herself.” “Meanwhile, what became of the meal intended for our guest, she’s requested spicy radish sauce, and is there any rice?”

“Ah, yes, yes of course. - I have rice on the plate that was intended for her, and...” the cook hurried over to a cupboard, pulled out a bottle, retrieved a small sauce bowl, filled it with the milky white paste from the jar, took the jar to a lone covered plate, took the cover off revealing an array of delectable treats, placed the sauce bowl on the tray, recovered, and passed the plate to Mr Gray. Mr Gray thanked the cook, and returned to the dining hall with the plate.

Kitzu was delighted at finally receiving her proper meal, along with the radish sauce for the fish. Her restraint was well tested as she began her meal in earnest.

The apparent slip up hadn’t gone unnoticed and would become the fodder for gossip for some time. Nevertheless, the night continued, and did so without any additional awkward moments. At one point she even found herself fending off Marigold who was keen to sample from Kitzu’s plate to include the koi.

It’s quite tasty.” Marigold remarked as she had a bite or two of Kitzu’s koi. Princess Celestia muttered something about putting a guard on the palace ponds.

“Mares and Gentlecolts. And now as according to tradition, it is time for the unmasking.” Celestia announced as the dinner plates were being cleared. “That is if you wish to have any dessert. - Who will be first”

“If it pleases the court, I say your little mystery guest go first.” Offered a mare a short ways down the table.

“I’ve no objection, nor will it do you any good as I’m not a pony that is known.” Kitzu offered. Her mask melted away like so much mist blown on a breeze. True enough, no one could name her.

“She is as I have said.” Celestia offered as she removed her mask. “She is the daughter of my sister."

“Looks a bit like a Sparkle to me.” offered a mare.

“My dear Victoria Velvet, I was going to suggest she looked a bit like a member of the Velvet family.” The tone was slightly defensive.

“I meant no harm or disrespect to you or your household,” Victoria offered apologetically, and removed her mask. “After all, your family's tragedy has affected us all. - Dare I ask where Commander Sparkle is?”

“My husband has been at his usual task of attempting to find some sign of our Granddaughter Cirrus.” Lady sparkle offered with a sigh, and removed her mask. She turned to study Kitzu, who smiled back. “She does look a bit like my Brighteyes. Why if she was purple she’d look just like her. - Wish I’d never let her marry that pegasus. Brighteyes has been inconsolable.”

“I’m sure your granddaughter will be found safe.” Celestia offered. “Now, lets have our masks off, and bring on the dessert.”

Kitzu caught Celestia studying her momentarily. After all, Twilight Sparkle’s name had been on a couple of the ID cards as a contact. the news that a lost foal by name of Cirrus was playing havoc with Kitzu’s mind. It couldn't possibly be the same Cirrus, could it? Kitzu forced the matter to the back of her mind as dessert came.


Kitzu was stuffed, and if not for it being the middle of the night, she’d have gladly gone to her spot in the sun.

“You going to make it?” Celestia teased as they headed back to the apartments flanked by security.

“I’ve survived Apple Family breakfasts, I can survive this.” Kitzu teased.

“Apple Family?” Celestia asked.

“Earth ponies.” Marigold offered. “Warm friendly, salt of the land sort. They’ll lend just about any pony a helping hoof, and invite you in if it’s meal time.”

“We ran into an Apple Family in Ponyville, and again in Appaloosa during our honeymoon tour.” Prince Platinum offered. “Thought I was going to die.”

“Your own fault for eating so much.” Marigold chastised.

“It sure is good food,” Kitzu replied with a grin. “Mmm, Princess Celestia?”

“As you aren’t addressing me as Aunt Tia, I’m assuming you want something?”

“Guard Indigo indicated that my goggles are in the Captain’s office, and I was wondering if I might go fetch them. With an appropriate escort of course.”

“Indigo Dash could you be so kind, and Harold Sweet, if you don’t mind?” Princess Celestia prompted. They indicated that they didn’t mind, and a moment later Kitzu and the two guards were headed for the captain’s office. The downside is it also meant going through the crowd of departing guests. Many of whom still didn’t know quite what to think of this young alicorn they’d been presented with.

“I can hear you.” Kitzu said loudly as they went through the hall that exited to the bailey. The hall grew quiet. “Alicorn impersonator my fanny.” she muttered. Fortunately the passage through the hallway to the bailey only took a short time. From there, they turned right to where the keep’s guard house was located. Inside they were greeted by the on duty guards.

“Ya, um, I don’t think you want to go back there.” The guards offered.

“How’s that?” Indi asked.

“Commander Sparkle is back there.”

“Oh.” Indi replied.

“I think I can manage one Nightwatch commander.” Kitzu offered and trotted on back to where the office was located. Indi and Harold hesitated just long enough to lose sight of her. Kitzu found the office, and gingerly opened the unlocked door. Inside the dark room the outline of a pony could be seen sitting at a desk looking at a framed item, possibly a portrait, by the light of the moon. The pony in question wore a black breastplate, and a purple tunic underneath with gold trim, a sun on the collar, and shoulder board with three horizontal gold bands and a sun above.

“Um, excuse me, I understand my goggles were brought down here by mistake. - I’d like to retrieve them if I might?”

He lowered the frame to look at her.


“Sorry, for a moment I thought you were my grand daughter.”

“I see. You look just like my grand father.” Kitzu offered as she walked further into the room.

“Do all care warn stallions remind you of your grandfather?”

“No, just you,” Kitzu offered, produced, a small frame of fox fire, and scanned the room. “Ah, there.” Kitzu then went over to a desk, used her magic on the desk, and tapped the top, followed by a drawer opening up.

“Captain Rock Akaz isn’t going to like you going through his desk.”

“Well...” Kitzu began as she fished out her goggles. “Maybe the next time he finds something that looks like it doesn’t belong where it is, he should check with the pony occupying said premises.”

“Princess?” Indi whispered poking his head in.

“You know, you Dashs sure have a hard time keeping track of fillies,” Commander Sparkle growled.

“I’m right here, and I’m not sure that tone is called for,” Kitzu announced as she hung her goggles about her neck.

“Ya, well his Brother took my baby girl, and her daughter into the Everfree, and promptly lost their baby.” Commander Sparkle announced, and showed Kitzu the portrait of the small family. Kitzu looked at it and froze as her mind tried to comprehend what she was seeing.

“So any chance you managed to find the fox village?” Indi offered sounding apologetic.

“I did. The only thing they could report was a strange event where the village was surrounded by some sort of spirit lights.”

“Spirit lights?” Kitzu asked. “Did they describe them?”

“Said they looked like lamps.”

“Any other interesting things happened.” Kitzu pressed.

“Just who are you anyway?” Commander Sparkle asked sounding rather cross.

“She’s Princess Celestia’s niece. Her name is Nova Moon, Princess of Hope, and she’s the daughter of Princess Luna Moon.” Indi offered as Harold peeked in. Commander Sparkle started laughing.

“Guard Harold, close the door and go wait in the reception area. Do it.” Kitzu ordered.

“Yes miss.” Harold replied, and closed the door. He hesitated a moment, and then walked away.

“In a pig’s eye she is.” Commander Sparkle spat out a moment after Harold had gone. Kitzu quietly climbed into a chair.

“Fine then. I’m Ensign Kitzumi Nightfoal, Loki Starbright’s sister. - Adopted son of Princess Luna.”

“Oh you know about Loki do you?”

“And about Nachtlicht,” Kitzu smiled having only guessed at Loki’s relationship with Luna.

“Who’s Nachtlicht?” Indi asked.

“That’s none of your business,” Sparkle barked.

“I’m also a Sparkle,” Kitzu offered.

“Like Tartarus you are.”

“I’m as much a Sparkle as you are. - Shut up Dash.”

“Now hang on?!” Indi protested.

“I let you stay because you are family,” Kitzu offered. “What I’m about to tell you is extremely sensitive.”

“How sensitive?” Commander Sparkle asked.

“Commander Rusco Sparkle, I’m your great grand daughter.”

“Say what?” Indi asked astonished at the claim.

“And your great great aunt umpteen times removed via adoption,” Kitzu offered. “I’ve told Princess Celestia that I’m actually from the future, but never gave her any names other then Princess Luna’s. Down side is she’s looked at my things and now knows I’m also connected to the Sparkle family. She doesn’t know who the Sparkle family is, or what their history is so far as I know.”

“And you are telling us this because?” Commander sparkle asked sounding like he didn’t believe a word.

“The lights are my doing, and the reason they don’t remember Cirrus, Brighteyes, or Mr Dash is because they haven't arrived yet. Whatever caused me to end up here, has stranded Cirrus in the future.” Granted there was no way as yet to know if the two events were even connected, but Kitzu figured that it was going to be the most palatable explanation. The worst part is that she'd no way of knowing if the Cirrus from this world was transported into the future, or the future of the world she'd last been in. And then, perhaps, just perhaps, it had happened in both worlds and there were two little fillies waiting for a pony who'd never come for them. No, the Bolts, they'd go back and take care of the Filly Kitzumi had met.

The room fell silent.

“What do you want?” Commander Sparkle asked.

“You don’t believe me do you?”

“I don’t know what game you are playing…"

“She raised the moon tonight,” Indi offered. “I was there. Princess Celestia herself confirmed it.” Indi thought for a moment giving Commander Sparkle a moment to process what he’d just said. “Look, I don’t know anything about a Nachtlicht, or even why that’s significant, unless it’s something you don’t want Princess Celestia to know about? If it is, and it’s something she can hold over you, and I’m guessing it has something to do with why you seem to know she couldn't possibly be Princess Luna’s daughter. - Also, if you wanted to out her as a fraud, you’d have to explain how you’d know. Wouldn't you? - And even if you were to take that risk, she’s already countered that possibility, and has provided certain evidence that proves that she was at the very least in close proximity to Princess Luna prior to coming here.”

The room fell silent for a moment before Indi continued. “Her claim is on its face preposterous, but, I’m inclined to think what she is saying is true.”

“You seek to clear your brother perhaps?” Commander Sparkle asked Indi.

“It doesn’t clear him.” Kitzu offered.

“And how’s that?” Commander Sparkle asked her.

“Those fox pony villages tend to be very secretive in regards to their location, and that particular one is in a very dangerous part of the Everfree.”

“It is at that," Commander Sparkle admitted.

“I know for a fact that they left her in the village, and walked away. This I was informed by the ponies living there. Secondly, why were they out there in the first place?”

“Some nonsense about wanting to explore the Everfree,” Indi offered. “I know he wasn’t telling the truth because he’s changed his story several times. First it was he wanted to explore, and discovered the village, after which Cirrus got lost. Second he’d heard about the village, and wanted to go see it.”

“And Brighteyes went along with his scheme, having second thoughts afterwards,” Rusco Sparkle added punctuated with a sigh. “I thought maybe if I could just find that village. - Why though?”

“She can’t fly.” Kitzu offered.

“She’s just a late bloomer.” Indi offered.

“Wishful thinking, I’m afraid, and it only damns your brother all the more if he really did want to be rid of her just because she couldn't fly.” Commander Sparkle offered.

“She’s a button head.” Kitzu offered.

“You aren’t saying she’s a false alicorn?” Indi asked. “Sweet Celestia, she’ll be grounded for life.”

“Not necessarily. That horn on her head responded to my magic,” Kitzu cautioned. “Mind if I do a reading on you?”

“A reading? What sort of reading?” Indi asked.

“I’m curious about your ancestry. - And it has a bearing on Cirrus’s future.”

“So what’s this involve?” Indi asked.

“I produce a screen of a special type of magical energy available only to fox ponies, and attempt to divine that which makes you special.”

“You know, I’ve often wondered that myself,” Rusco teased. He was finally starting to relax.

“Very funny. - Fine go on.”

Kitzu produced a fox fire screen, and began to delve into his past. Layer by layer she peeled away the past generations until she found the foundation of the Dash family.

“So, you find anything?” Indi asked after a bit. Kitzu remained contemplative for a bit followed by a large smile forming on her face.

“Oh, I do believe she’s found something.” Rusco offered.

“Dare I ask?”

“I know where you get your unusual rainbow mane and tail.” Kitzu announced.

“You know, I’ve always wondered who was to blame for that.” Indi mused.

“Well the bad news is you are related to Prince Platinum.” Kitzu replied.

“He’s what?!”

“I’m what?!”

“..good news is you possess within you the seed to an element of harmony, and your rainbow mane is inherited from non other then Princess Celestia herself.” Kitzu announced. “Which means, as I suspected...” Kitzu continued before they could fully process what she was saying. “..that Cirrus is an alicorn.”

“She’s an alicorn? - But?” Indi blurted out. “But, I mean, am I really, and how does that make Cirrus an alicorn?”

“I’d kind of like to know that myself?” Rusco asked.

“Both families are descended from alicorns.” Kitzu announced.

“Wait, you don’t mean the Sparkles are…?”

“Indi, that knowledge is very dangerous, and I’d appreciate it if you’d take it too your grave.” Kitzu requested.

“Oh buck, if the cultist ever found out.” Indi said in a whisper.

“Or the separatist.” Rusco pointed out. “My life could be turned into a living hell overnight.”

“And I could wind up non existent. It’s very important that Princess Celestia be supported, and remain as the Princess of Equestria. Anything else puts Equestria in grave danger. Kitzu offered.

“I can think of a few ponies who’d like to see the end of the world, but I’m not one of them,” Indi offered. “You have my word, I swear on the elements of harmony.”

Kitzu got up from her chair, and placed her right hoof over Indi’s heart. “Then place your right hoof right there, for within is the element of duty, loyalty, and bravery.”

“What, three elements?” Rusco asked with a smile.

“Technically it’s only one.” Kitzu offered. “Now that bad news. - I don’t know if Cirrus ever finds her way home. That is to say back in her proper time. - There are no records of any new alicorns, that I’m aware of, to include myself. - Granted I’m only fourteen, and I’m not as well versed in history as I’d like.”

“Not even yourself you say?” Indi asked.

“Nightmare nights. No pony knows for sure if she’s real, or not.” Rusco Sparkle offered. “So long as she maintains a low profile, she’ll be forgotten within a generation.”

“About that, I’ve been challenged to race in the scramble.”

“Speaking of which, are you aware it’s a costumed event?” Indi asked.

"Aunt Tia – Princess Celestia seems to want me to just be myself.” Kitzu mused. “Would either of you know what they did with my uniform?”

“What kind of uniform?” Rusco Sparkle asked.

“A genuine Shadowbolt uniform.” Indi informed him.


“I found myself in an alternate dimension where Princess Luna was queen, they were fighting King Sombra, and I got drafted. - But never mind that. I’d kind of like to get my uniform back, and it’d be nice to wear it in the scramble.”

“They’d likely have it in Research and Development over at the Wonderbolt compound.”

“So we going to sneak over there, and get it?” Indi offered. “Listen we might not be able to retrieve Cirrus, but we can get that uniform.”

“Are we just going to give up on Cirrus?” Rusco Sparkle asked.

“No, we’ll make it a project to be handed down to each generation,” Kitzu offered. “We know she’s alright, at least I do. You’ll just have to take my word on it. What we need is an explanation as to how I traveled back in time some two hundred forty years give or take, and a way to duplicate it.”

“Star Swirl the bearded never traveled back more then a few days.” Rusco Sparkle offered. But then, two hundred years just might be enough time to figure something out. - Well come on, let’s go see if we can find that uniform. It’ll give me something to do. - Get my mind off the fact that I’ll likely never see my grand daughter ever again.”

“That’s outside the castle though, and Princess Hope isn’t supposed to even leave the keep.” Indi cautioned.

“What? What could possibly go wrong?” Kitzu asked. “We’ll pick up Harold, trot on over to the research and development, pick up my stuff, if it’s over there, and come back. - Besides, I’m still just a little filly, and expecting me to stay cooped up during the Nightmare nights festival is a bit much. Especialy when I'm fully cable of sneaking out any time I want.”

“She’s got you there.” Commander Sparkle replied. “Come on, lets go.”

So a moment later they’d collected Harold, exited the keep and were on their way. There were of course ponies still out and about despite the lateness of the hour. There were even a number of parties still going on as well, having been arranged at various government offices. Every where along their path they met friendly ponies, some a might bit too friendly whom Kitzu chose to use her magic on to redirect their drunken stumbling in other directions. Everywhere except the Northwest gate that led to the Wonderbolt compound.

“I don’t get it? There should be some pony here?”

“I’m sure it’s just some strange scheduling snafu.” Kitzu offered, trotted out the gate, and up onto a rise about a dozen pony lengths in distance. “Come on, come on, you did promise.” Kitzu called as she flapped her wings about, this way and that like a typically excited young filly who’d been promised an adventure. The scene looked totally out of character for the normally reserved filly.

“Now Princess, we can’t just...” Indi began, but got cut off by Commander Sparkle.

“Of course we can, it’s obviously some kind of scheduling error, and we did promise to take her to the Wonderbolt compound.” Commander Sparkle offered, and walked over to where Kitzu was located. Indi and Herold reluctantly followed. Meanwhile Kitzu was still flapping her wings about.

“You think they’ve seen me yet?” Kitzu asked softly.

“There’s the confirmation now.” Commander Sparkle replied looking up towards the northwest tower of the keep. Kitzu followed up with a new set of wing motions. “You’re doing pretty good.”

Now why is it do you think Shadowbolts would have had white pegasi among their ranks? Well the answer is obvious, those wings can be seen in the dark, and while this can be a considerable disadvantage to stealth at night, those wings make wonderful semaphores. Thanks to Kitzu’s intimate knowledge of the castle and grounds she knew the guards in the northwest tower of the keep would be able to see her. See her they did. At first they just watched with amused curiosity until they realized it was an alert signal. Spotting one of the commanders approaching via telescope, and then just standing there, they knew something was up. Kitzu’s next message was to inform them the Northwest gate had been abandoned, followed by a request to rectify, and for a couple flights of the night wing to flank their movements. “What’s going on?” asked a guard of the others in the tower.

“The pony giving the signal is a bit on the small size, but that’s Commander Sparkle with her… I’m assuming a filly… and I see Indigo Dash and Harold Sweet with them. Gentle ponies, I think the horse apples are about to hit the fan.”

“What was that all about?” Harold asked as the four ponies continued on. “And shouldn't we be doing something about that gate?”

“Our little princess knows the night code.” Commander Sparkle offered. “It’s going to be taken care of.” “Meanwhile we continue on as though nothing is out of place.”

“Is this even a good idea?” Indi asked.

“Probably not,” Kitzu offered. “One possibility is that the lack of guards really is some kind of snafu.”

“Not very likely.” Commander Sparkle countered. “Our other more likely possibility is something is going on, and some pony wanted the guards away from the gate. - Turning around could alert them, worse yet, turning around could lead us right into lookouts waiting for any ponies that might double back.”

“Tell me, if a guard hasn’t been relived from their post, what’s supposed to happen?” Kitzu asked.

“Every post has multiple guards so they can relive each other if some pony needs to run to the latrine, or falls ill.” Harold offered. “Princess Celestia is mindful that we are mortal after all.”

“Hey, even alicorns have to poop.” Kitzu teased. “Go on.”

“Well if they don’t come back, or if the relief hasn’t shown, a runner is sent to watch command to report on the situation.” Indi offered.

“Whittling an entire gate down to no one takes effort, especially considering they can use semaphores to alert the watch towers that they have an issue.” Commander Sparkle offered. “You two are relatively new, and the signaling ability of the towers isn’t widely known being it’s only used sparingly. - Hopefully the castle is going into alert status, the keep should be in lock down by now, and if foul play is suspected, the whole place will go into lock down.”

“One silly question… Princess, if you really are as you say, doesn’t your involvement concern you?” Harold asked. "I'm talking about a possible time paradox here."

“I don’t think it’s a problem.” Kitzu replied taking a moment to contemplate the issue. “One filly alicorn goes missing in the Everfree, thanks in part to her parents, or at least one parent not appreciating just how precious she is, and then some time later another filly alicorn emerges having been in the Everfree. I realize there is an age difference, I’m a teen, and she’s preschool age, but I don’t think the universe cares being that there has been a net gain-lose of zero. The universe doesn’t know the difference between me and her. I’m hesitant to tell Princess Celestia any more about the future then I can absolutely help it less she second guess her decisions. - I have jotted down in a journal presently under lock and key my discovering Cirrus, but I had no way to know who she was at the time.”

“I can see where telling Princess Celestia about the future could be an issue.” Commander Sparkle offered. “Our impact would be minimal, but the decisions she makes can have long range repercussions.”

“At the same time I need to tell her something so that an injustice isn’t done,” Kitzu offered.

The four continued on in silence until they reached the gate of the Wonderbolt compound.

“We’re closed.” A guard said gruffly. The guard was a pegasi, but he was hardly fit enough to be in the military.

“We are not the ponies you need to turn away,” Kizu said in a sort of monotone way as she looked him over. “Now go turn yourself in.”

“Oh, OK,” the guard replied, turned and walked into the compound.

“What was that?” Commander Sparkle asked as the pony walked away.

“Old fox pony mind trick,” Kitzu explained. “Come on.”

“OK, there is definitely something going on.” Harold whispered. “Princess, do you think you should be here?”

“I’m part of an elite team of fliers. The mission is to retrieve my uniform. That and I’ve back up,” Kitzu offered. “That and I don’t think we’ve much choice at this point.”

“We leaving the gate with no pony on it?” Indi asked.

“Nope, if some pony is keeping tabs, I want them to see their pony.” Kitzu offered, tossed out a ball of fox fire, and a moment later it was the perfect likeness of the pony who’d been there a moment later. She then tossed out two more. “Lets add a few just to mess with their minds. Flash Magnus in an appropriate uniform, and everyone's favorite, Allen Quartermane.”

“Now I’ve met Quartermane, he isn’t anywhere near that heroic in stature. Good Flash Magnus though.” Commander Sparkle commented.

“Well I’ve never met Mr Quartermane.” Kitzu offered.

“Oh, you’ve never met him, hang on, you aren’t saying you’ve met Flash Magnus?” Indi asked.

“Lets just say I know what became of the pillars of Equestria and leave it at that.” Kitzu offered, and looked to Commander Sparkle.

“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?” Sparkle said looking back at her.

“Now you start to doubt?” Kitzu teased. “In for a bit, in for a bale.”

“Come on, it’s this way.”

It didn’t take long to get to the Research and Development building outside of which two ruff looking earth ponies were waiting minus any kind of uniform. Kitzu without saying a thing lifted up into the air, angled around to a good vantage point, and blasted them with a powerful stun spell. Commander sparkle, and guards Indi and Harold rushed to the dock. Kitzu perched on the overhang, and a moment later they were joined by a half dozen night fliers all wearing a uniform not too far removed from the original Shadowbolt uniform with a purple and black jumper trimmed in gold, and a black waistcoat similar in style to Kitzu’s save for the sun symbols instead of the moon. None had the bat pin or the skull and wing.

“Princess, you stay up there out of harms way!” Commander Sparkle ordered. He then asked how many ponies the night fliers had brought, and was informed that they’d a baker’s dozen still overhead. Plan of attack was quickly formed, Harold and Indi would stay with Kitzu, Commander Sparkle would rush in, and the remaining fliers were to rush the front and side doors.

Everything was over long before any of the Wonderbolt staff knew anything was going on. Kitzu went in, found her belongings, gathered everything up in her pack, teleported to Luna’s great room, dropped the pack, and teleported back.

“What about your uniform?” Commander Sparkle asked as Kitzu exited the building. Kitzu indicated she wanted to say something in confidence. He leaned in, and she whispered that she’d teleported everything back to her rooms.

“Be easier this way.” Kitzu added with a wink.

“You can just pop back and forth like, despite the anti teleportation charm on the castle?” he asked curious.

“Ya.” Kitzu replied. “Indi, Herald, I’d better get back. Princess Celestia is going to have a fit when she realizes I’m not in the keep.”

“Would some pony like to tell me what’s going on?” Demanded a Wonderbolt officer trotting up to the ponies.

“Oh that’s easy. Commander Sparkle got a tip that there was going to be a heist, and that they were getting inside help. They’d even planned to escape via the castle to blend in with the late night revelers.” Kitzu announced like a typical excited filly who had a secret, and couldn't keep it in. Her announcement had a ripple effect among the would be thieves, a number of whom were wearing the old style Shadowbolt uniform with bat wing guards, fish fin helmet, full moon pins on their collars, and skull and wing on the uniforms. So far as they knew, some pony had sold them out. Truth was Kitzu just wanted her stuff back, and was unwilling to wait. Especially considering the issue she’d had with her shoes. She feared the ponies simply wouldn't give any of it up willingly, and using the retrieval spell again so soon was sure to give her a bad case of jelly legs and wings. The presence of the false Shadowbolts only complicated the issue. Growing up she’d been completely unaware of the extremists. If that is indeed what they were.

Commander Sparkle couldn't help but smile knowing the effect Kitzu’s little white lie would have.

“Come on Princess, we should probably get you back.” Indi prodded.

“We are so going to get chewed out.” Harold offered up as the three walked back to the castle. Kitzu’s ghosts were gone, and the castle gate was now being covered by night watch ponies. The castle was still under lock down.

“I’m sorry, but we are under a lock down order.” Offered a guard speaking through a small opening in the gate.

“We are well aware of the situation.” Indi replied. “We need to escort this filly back to the Keep.”

“Well you are going to have to wait until the lock-down has been lifted.”

“And when is that going to be?” Harold asked.

“When they’ve finished the sweep.”

“That could take hours.” Indi protested. “I’m going to be fired- worse yet, I’ll be sent to the moon to join Princess Luna!”

“Say, Princess, you don’t suppose...” Harold whispered.

“Nothing of the sort.” Kitzu countered. She took him off to a few paces away. “I can’t be manipulating friends and allies. That’d be a bad habit to get into. That and there are too many and it doesn’t work on strong willed ponies. I could just unlock the door, but that would put us all in an awkward position as they’d still be duty bound to see to it no one passes through here. I also don’t want it to be widely known I can do that.”

“What about teleporting back?” Indi asked. “You could have just done that to begin with.”

“I can only teleport myself through the anti teleportation field. I’d have to leave you behind, and that would put you in an awkward position. Which is why I came back after depositing my belongings.”

“We won’t be able to say we saw you safely back.” Indi remarked. “Still though...”

“Hang on.” Kitzu requested, and went up to the gate. “Um, excuse me, Corporal. My Aunt is in the Keep. Could you possibly send word that Miss Nova Moon snuck out an is presently at the Northwest Gate?”

To Kitzu’s bewilderment and surprise, the guard dropped out of sight, closed the hatch, and a moment later the gate was being unlatched. Kitzu backed away as the doors opened, there, standing before her was none other then Princess Celestia wearing her crown, peytral, shoes, and a simple slip that looked like she’d planned to sleep in it. She was presently flanked by a dozen guards, as well as the captains. Indi and Harold immediately dropped to their knees in a bow, and Kitzu dropped back between them doing the same as her old fear started to kick in. The display troubled Celestia, her angry expression dropping to one of concern.

“Princess, I’ve been worried about you.” Celestia said softly.

“I’m terribly sorry. One thing lead to another, and I soon found myself right in the thick of a mess.” Kitzu offered apologetically. “Please don’t blame the others this was my doing. Sometimes I think getting into trouble is what my cutie mark really means, I seem to be so good at it.”

Celestia let out a sigh. “I’m sure your cutie mark has nothing to do with getting into trouble. I doubt you had any idea what you were about to walk into either. Otherwise I think you’d have been wise enough to not get yourself or any pony else involved.”

“I just wanted my stuff back.” Kitzu offered in a soft voice.

“I see you got your goggles back.”

“Will I still be allowed to fly in tomorrow's scramble”

“If you plan to fly in the scramble, shouldn't you be in bed by now?” Celestia scolded mildly. “No, no arguing, come on, get up, lets get you back where I know you’ll be safe. Come on, do please get up. It’s alright.”

Kitzu got up slowly and went over to Princess Celestia with her head down.

“Come on now, you aren’t in that much trouble, I was just worried about you.” Celestia whispered to her. The two turned, and quietly walked back to the keep. Celestia watched her ward, her heart going out to her. Kitzu seemed most contrite, and yet… Kitzu’s ears were zeroing in on every sound as they rotated back and forth. Celestia looked at her captains, they’d noticed it too, despite Kitzu’s demeanor, she was one hundred percent alert and wasn’t likely to settle down right away.

Kitzu hadn’t fully relaxed until they were back in the royal apartments. Miss Aiko was there, sat her down, and made them some tea.

“Would you like to talk about it?” Celestia asked.

“I was alright until you surprised me.” Kitzu offered. “I went down to the Captains office to get my goggles. I met Commander Sparkle, we talked for a bit, and he said my uniform was likely at the research and development building in the Wonderbolt compound.” Celestia said nothing choosing to sip from her tea. “So we headed out to the Northwest gate. We got our first hint that something was up when we discovered the gate empty. I went to a rise I knew to be visible from the keep’s northwest tower, and signaled them regarding the situation and requesting a larger escort.”

“So I hear. You know the night code then.”

“I do. Do the fakes know it?”

“So far as I’m aware, they never figured out why my sister had at least one white pony in every squad. They have no connection to the original Night Watch or Luna’s own Shadowbolts. And it seams you walked right into a swarm of them. I’ll see about getting your belongings back first thing in the morning.”

“Oh I’ve already got everything. Once every pony was rounded up, I went in found my belongings, gathered everything up, teleported to the great room in the tower, deposited everything there, and teleported back. The only thing I didn’t find was my helmet radio.”

“What, you did what? Why’d you go back, you should have come straight to me.”

“I wanted ponies to see me going back the same way I came, and I couldn't just abandon Indi, and Harold. I knew I was going to be in trouble as well, I just hadn’t expected you to come fetch me.”

“I was worried. So how did Commander Sparkle seem?”

“He found the village he was looking for.” Kitzu’s tone betrayed the news that the pony he’d been looking for hadn’t been there. “Ant Tia...”


“Something I feel I should tell you, but it involves the future.” Kitzu was hesitant.

“Are you sure you should tell me?”

“It involves Cirrus.”

Celestia set her tea cup down, and let out a sigh. “We find her remains I gather.”

“Oh no, she’s fine. In fact I was going to ask mom to adopt her.”


“Right now I think it may be related to my being here.”

“Oh.” Celestia was shocked. “Then they?”

“They had no business being out in that forest, and they did leave her there.”

“Any idea why?”

“I do, but you’ll have to ask her parents.” The two sat in silence for a bit till Kitzu set her cup down. “I’m going to go get some sleep. Also, I’m to understand the scramble is a costumed event, so I was planning on wearing my uniform as a costume.”

“Sure, you do that, but no weapons.”

“I promise, no weapons. It’s a race, not combat.”


The next morning saw Kitzu at the eleven o'clock brunch in uniform, minus the armor, reading a book written in Arcadocypriot which was considerably older then old Ponish. If her having a book at the table wasn’t bad enough, the bibliophiles at the brunch were rather upset that such a valuable book, it was in Arcadocypriot and they didn’t know what it was therefor it was valuable, should be in the hooves of a filly.

“It’s not rare, I’ve thousands of books like this.” Kitzu offered not even bothering to look up.

“Princess?” Princes Celestia prompted. “Could you perhaps be exaggerating? Just a bit.”

Kitzu looked up with a contemplative expression, looked over to Princess Celestia, “Well how many would you say are stored in the caverns below the keep?”

“I ah, I don’t actually know? Don’t tell me you’ve been down there?”

“About as far as I could see without my own light. So who is Usgov anyway?” Kitzu asked.

“Usgov?” Celestia asked. “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of them. Must be left over from Princess Platinum the first. What were you doing down there?”

“I’m an inquisitive little filly, I’ve explored every square inch of this place. Well maybe not every square inch, but you get the idea. Any way, this book is one Muma had stashed away. It seems to be a technical manual. It starts out with an overview on particle physics, and briefly mentions a place called Atlantis.”

“I see. Perhaps you should put it away for later?”

“Perhaps I should at that.” Kitzu mused catching sight of a pony slowly working their way up to her. “Can I help you?” she asked as she closed up the book.

“No, no, that’s quite alright, I just wanted to get a closer look at that book.”

“Can you read Arcadocypriot?” Kitzu asked, they admitted that they could not, and quietly retreated back to their seat.

“Princess Celestia, might I be excused?” Kitzu asked a short time later.

“But you’ve hardly touched anything?” Celestia asked.

“Race lineup is in an hour, I need to report in before that I’m told, and not even I can fly while stuffed. Float maybe, fly no.”

“Alright, alright.” Celestia conceded, followed by Kitzu getting up from her chair, and exiting the dining hall.

Kitzu went up to Luna’s rooms, this time flanked by two unicorn guards. She climbed the stairs, opened the door, entered, “Sorry guys.” and then closed and locked the door before they could enter.

“You think maybe she doesn’t like us?” One guard says to another.

“Na, she’s just a teenager. That and I can hardly blame her what with ponies taking her things, and not giving them back.” The other replied, turned, and went back down to wait in the Moon viewing hall with the great tree pillars. “I hear those boneheads they caught last night had planned on cutting everything up to sell to others of their ilk. The really embarrassing part is some of them were our own ponies.”

“Ya, but she gets a whole floor to herself practically.”

“From what I hear, she is Princess Luna’s daughter. As in The Princess Luna who became Nightmare Moon. Princess Celestia’s actual niece, and not just a talented waif that’s been brought in.”

As for Kitzumi, she put the book back, locked up the cabinet, put the books back that hid the location of the cabinet, went to Luna’s room, brushed her teeth, combed her mane and tail, went out to where her uniform and armor was, put it and her goggles on complete with her pendent set in the peytral, and went back downstairs locking the door behind her with the helmet under her left wing.

“So that’s the armor everypony has been talking about.”

“Sure is.” She offered pulling the goggles down around her neck. “Getting the material is rather labor intensive, takes a lot of time, and requires going into some of the more hazardous areas of the Everfree forest.”

“So it’s spider silk as they say?”

“The whole thing. The trick is to gather the long strands that cross the forests paths made by animals, and spin them as you go.” Kitzu explained as they exited the hall, and made their way for the grand stairs.

As Kitzu went down the stairs, her progress was marked by a number of VIPs, dignitaries, state guests, and royals alike. Among which were four pegasi officers of the Night Watch who went to meat her as she descended the stairs.

“Gentleponies, we’ll be taking over the escort duty.” One of the officers announced, and produced a document signed by Princess Celestia.

“I’m honored.” Kitzu offered as her two guards reluctantly released Kitzu to them. Outside in the large bailey Kitzu was delighted to find the entire palace night squadron turned out. “Hang on, are we flying formation?” Kitzu asked delighted. “Just give me my orders.”

So Kitzu was directed to her place in the squadron, they were called to don helmets, goggles on, given the ready, and commanded to launch. In her exuberance at being able to fly in formation again she nearly raced ahead on take off, and found she had to put her wings at full spread to maintain the slow cruising speed they were using.

“Something wrong Princess?” Her flight Sargent asked.

“It’s kind of slow.” Kitzu called. There was some good-natured chuckling around her.

“I told you this pace would be too slow!” Someone shouted from behind. Kitzu couldn't help but laugh herself.

“You know the best part is that just a little over a year ago my time, I’d have been struggling to keep up.” Kitzu announced. “I can fly faster, a lot faster, and I love every moment of it. Even the crazy bits when the sugar turns to horse apples.”

“So how come you don’t wear the skull and wing on your uniform?” Asked a wing mate.

“Only the elite personal guard wears the skull and wing on their uniform.” Kitzu explained. “I have it on a pair of daggers I was authorized to use, but otherwise the device was never used by any pony other then the elite squad. Something those fakes don’t seem to appreciate. I was given the honor to use my cutie mark. Every pony else would wear the cat’s eye on their chest to symbolize that we are the ones who stand watch at night to protect Equestria from harm.”

“We gave up using the eye some time ago.” Her wing mate offered. “Afraid the symbolism was lost on most ponies, and completely misinterpreted by the cults. Those boneheads actually want Equestria locked in eternal darkness.”

“Did no one ever explain to them we’d all die if that happened?” Kitzu asked. “Gees, not even Sombra at his worst was that crazy.”

“Did you fight against King Sombra?” One of the others asked.

“Fighting his drones isn’t easy.” Kitzu offered. “I was a courier so I did my best to avoid them. Sombra uses mind control. Those that are under his control will fight till their body just can’t go on, and they can’t be reasoned with. If they can be isolated, and the mind control broken, then there’s a possibility of saving the pony. My strategy was to either outrun or out think them.”

“You talk like he’s not gone.”

“He is, and he isn’t he’s neither dead nor alive.” Kitzu explained. “It has something to do with what he did to himself. Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna used the elements of harmony to defeat him, but he was only banished.”

“You mean he might come back?”

“Oh he’ll be back, you can count on it.” Kitzu offered. “Why do you think Princess Celestia maintains the night watch?”

Before anypone could answer orders were shouted to prepare to land. The trip from the keep to the air field had taken very little time. The squadron did a loop around the Wonderbolt facility prior to landing in the field were the race was being held. On landing the command “Squadron” followed by flight leaders shouting “Flight” echoed across the field. The next command was attention. Again the words squadron followed by flight echoed across the field, this time the command at ease is given.

“Honorary Ensign Nova Moon, front and center!” shouted an officer.

“I ain't budging till he gets it right.” Kitzu growled while lowering her ears.

“Um, what part he screw up?” Her wing mate asked.

“I am a commissioned officer in Her Majesties Princess Luna’s Shadow bolts.” Kitzu replied. OK it was Her Majesties Queen Luna, but that was splitting dimensions. Or was that hairs? Regardless, Kitzu was no honorary anything.

“What seems to be the problem?” The flight leader asked.

“She’s not an honorary Ensign, she’s an actual commissioned officer, and refused to budge until address as such.” The wing mate called.

“She’s what?”

“A genuine bucking Shadowbolt.”

“Pass the word up that Ensign Moon would appreciate being addressed properly!”

A moment later the Lieutenant Commander came back to find out why Kizu hadn't come forward. “What’s going on?”

“Sir, with all do respect, I am an Ensign. A commissioned officer under Princess Luna. My commanding officer is Captain Hoofstrong.” Kitzu offered. “I am not an acting Ensign, nor am I an honorary Ensign.”

“But, but your age? Captain Hoofstrong?!”

“I’m a courier. Couriers aren’t held to the same age restrictions. Or at least they weren’t at the time. Couriers were picked according to their ability to fly over long distances really fast, and or slip through enemy lines undetected.”

“Well then, my apologies, Ensign Moon. Now, shall we get you signed in?”

“Yes sir, I’d like that very much.” Kitzu replied, her ears going back up.

“Well then, allow me to escort you.” He offered, and a moment later Kitzu was walking with him forward. Before her a large crowd of ponies was gathered, some racers, many were just there as supporters. Nearly every eye was on the squadron.

Kitzu walked forward towards the desk where several Wonderbolts were signing in entrants, the crowd parting as she approached. She waited for the foal ahead of her, and then walked up to the desk.

“Ensign k… Ensign Nova Moon reporting. I’m to understand there was a spot reserved for me?” She’d nearly said Kitzumi Nightfoal.

“How old are you?”



“I’m in my fourteenth year.”

“Age thirteen.” The Wonderbolt looked her over. Other then the crescent moon and two stars in the peytral the uniform was identical to the one that had gone missing last night. “I’ll need you to remove the helmet so I know who’s under it.”

Kitzu removed the helmet, pulled her goggles down around her neck, shook out her main, and placed the helmet under her left wing. The guard had been provided with pictures of all the participants as precaution against ringers entering the race. Which Kitzu was, by all practical reasoning as she was far better suited to be racing against adult ponies who were skilled athletes.

“Ever been in a race before?”

“Just against time with my life at stake, otherwise I’d have to say no.” Kitzu offered deadpan.

“You don’t say.” To the Wonderbolt this Nova Moon was just another princess who’d used leverage to get into a race intended for serious athletes. What did they say, she was Princess Hope? He figured the horn was likely glued on. “Your competition number.” He said passing a large peace of paper over to her. The number read forty two. “That’s also your starting position, and don’t loose it. If you lose it you’ll be disqualified.”

Kitzu levitated it away, and fixed it to her chest just under the peytral where it stuck like it’d just been glued on.

“Yes sir, thank you sir.”

The Wonderbolt looked on in bewilderment. Had she just, could that horn be real? What was going on here?

“Anything else?” Kitzu asked.

“Just, just go line up with the others.”

“Yes sir, thank you sir.” Kitzu replied, and went to find her starting point.

By this time the Night Watch had fanned out to strategic locations save for a couple of the officers who escorted Kitzu to the line up.

“So how does this race work?” She asked them.

“One time through the Wonderbolt training track. As the gates are set for formations of four, you’ll all be lined up in fours.”

“I’m number forty two, the race will be over before the last in the line hit the gate.”

“That’s intentional. The serious racers have to compete in races throughout the year to move up in position in this race. That ensures the racers get in the front of the line up ahead of the ponies who’s parents use their political clout to get their foals and grandfoals in the race. There was only supposed to be ten groups, but they had to add an eleventh group do to your entry.”

Kitzu listened to the explanation. “I see. Well not like it’s going to make a difference. The course should be easy enough, all I have to do is get past all the costumed buffoonery to catch up with the serious racers.”

“That you do.” They both responded at once, and then laughed. Indeed the only costumes that looked practical for racing were up in the front, every last one of which was wearing their very own custom fit Wonderbolt outfit. Several of which were starting to look like the skin tight jumper Kitzu was used to seeing on actual Wonderbolts. Kitzu also had a good idea what her competition was like. Sure she hadn’t gotten a good look at Goldenflair’s physic, but she could tell the filly didn’t have quite the refinement she had.

Goldenflair watched Kitzu from the front of the line up as she stretched.

“I’m going to beat you this year for sure.” One of the competitors boasted. “Who’re you lookin at?”

“That Shadowbolt with the two Night Watch officers.” Golden offered. “If anyone is going to beat me, I’d wager it’s going to be her.”

“You can’t be serious, she’s just another princess who used pull to get into the race.”

“She’s an alicorn, an actual alicorn, and her body is like chiseled stone.” Golden offered.

“Um, ya, sure, sure she is. Besides, she’ll be starting from the back of the pack. Even if she’s all that, she’ll never catch up.”

Meanwhile Kitzu was more worried about getting past the foals in front of her as she took up her position at the back of the lineup. There she found two very silly ponies in outrageous outfits, and very determined gray filly with a straw blond mane in a Wonderbolt costume that reminded Kitzu a great deal like a filly version of Miss Derpy Whooves.

“Hi, my name’s Muffins.” Offered the little Derpy look alike.

“Hi, name’s Nova.” Kitzu offered. “Nova Moon.” Muffins had the same issue with the eyes, not as pronounced, but it was there. “I’m going to assume you are a racer.

“Sure am. The best...” She offered with enthusiasm waning to discouragement. “.. or at least I was.”

Kitzu couldn't resist giving her a hug.

“Hey!” Muffins protested.

“Well I know you are one of the best, why else put us in the back of the line up.” Kitzu offered. “Here stands ready to race, two of Equestria’s finest. Why perhaps even the best fliers that Equestria has ever known.” the other nearby ponies overhearing, look and laugh. One walleyed pony, and one pony with impossibly large wings wearing armor of all things. Two of the greatest indeed, they laughed.

“Muffins, no matter what, keep going, never give up, never quit.” Kitzu told her emphatically. Kitzu looked up in the stands, now full of ponies, and saw Princess Celestia taking up her position in her box seat. Celestia looked down at Kitzu and waved. Kitzu turned to face Princess Celestia. “Hey Muffin’s can you do a salute? - Princess Celestia is in the stands.”

“Sure can, wait, where’s the stands?”

Thanks to her issue with her eyes Muffins’ vision beyond anything close up might as well be a kaleidoscope of double images served up in a thick fog. The further out something was, the harder it was to see it.

“Stand next to me, one wing spread, facing the same way. Do they do the anthem?”

“Oh ya, they do.”

“Then when the anthem play, we salute.”

“Can do.”

The two listened as an announcer spoke over a loud speaker, explained the race, welcomed Princess Celestia, and everyone else, followed by playing of the anthem. The two snapped a sharp salute.

“Racers, positions!” Shouted the announcer.

“You got your strategy?” Kitzu asked as she put her helmet on.

“Sure do.” Muffins replied as Kitzu put distance between herself and the other ponies. “Where are you going?”

“I need a little distance.” Kitzu offered. “Just concentrate on the pony in front of you, and don’t worry about me. “I’m going to do a bottle rocket Launch.” She pulled her goggles up, and into place adjusting them to just the right position.

“Cool, you’ll have to show me after the race.”

“Racers, ready!”

Kitzu’s ear flaps snapped shut.


Up in the stands Princess Celestia is watching Kitzu with puzzled curiosity. Why had Kitzu walked away from the other racers, and why was she crouching down like that? Kitzu spread her wings lifting them up ready for a sweep that looked like she intended to go straight up. One look at her wing spread set her apart from the other foals.

“Is that your new prodigy?”

“She’s my niece.”

“What ever is she doing?”

“It looks like she intends to go straight up?”

The shot of a cannon going off to start the race might as well been loaded with Kitzumi. Up she went, straight up, climbing faster then any pony thought possible while the racers surged ahead. The first obstacle was a high wall that the racers had to go over, after that a gate followed by another wall.

Kitzu satisfied with her height she pitched over, righted herself, aimed for the gate clearing the first wall, and looping through the gate and up again to clear the second wall while at the same time avoiding other racers. Most of the costumed cavalcade was behind her now as they struggled to gain enough altitude to get over the wall. Those that had already made it to or through the gate went through either dead center or a bit on the low side. The next had ponies skimming the top in much the same way as they did over the first forcing Kitzu to go over them. After this was a hard left turn to the next gate. Kitzu did a sweeping right turn all the way, passing over the far end of the stands, and then back, tucking her wings to shoot betwixt racers. Wings out, turn right for a cloud gate, drop down, back to the left for a standard gate. The next gate was a cloud gate directly over the last gate forcing many of the racers to circle wide to regain speed and altitude. Kitzu was still going plenty fast enough to loop up and through passing even more ponies. Now only a half dozen racers were ahead of her with the next turn being a hard U-turn followed by a slalom course about half of which was made of cloud gates at various altitudes. Kitzu made the turn, one wing tip pointed at the ground, the other to the sky while vapor trails formed at the tips, she straitened out, and powered into the slalom. She rolled to her side again for the first gate passing it at blinding speed, pulled in her wings, rolled the other way, wings out, power into the next gate, and so on.

About halfway through she encountered another pony and passed between them, and the gate. Two ponies in the middle of the path forced her to pull up into a tight loop, and back down into the course forcing her to pass the same two again. The leaders were pulling out of the slalom. Kitzu was hot on their tail.

Goldenflair was out of the slalom with two ponies behind her, and the only thing in front of her was a wide turn right through a cloud gate, followed by another right and another one each higher and higher forcing the ponies to climb in a circle until they were well above the air park. She was giving it her all, when a white winged shadowbolt swept around her and started climbing like it was nothing. Try as she might, that pony was slowly pulling away. At the top the fliers were headed back towards the stands, and a spiral drop. Goldenflair watched in disbelief as the pony dove into the spiral holding as tight to the center as was possible without clipping any gates. Goldenflair started her decent just in time to see the pony pull out at the last possible moment, dust and turf lifting up in their wake, and into the next climb before the final turn into the home stretch.

Princess Celestia had been on the edge of her seat the entire race. Never before had she seen such aggressive flying. Every near miss had her on her hooves, and now Kitzu was in the lead. Kitzumi had gone from the back of the pack to first with a widening gap between her, and the next racer. Now she was in the final turn, and racing along the track fast enough to form a vapor cone in front of her.

It was but an instant for Kitzu to pass the stands, and the moment she’d passed the finish line, being it was one lap only, she looped up into a huge loop, but instead of finishing it she dove down to the infield where a filly in a wonderbolt outfit was flying back and forth looking lost. Kitzu glided over to the filly, they spoke briefly, and then the two headed for the spot where one gate was on top the other. Now flying in formation with Muffins on Kitzu’s left, Kitzu started back thru the course as though she’d missed at that point with Muffins in close formation.

“What ever is she doing?” A spectator asked confused by what they were seeing. The pace was considerably slower, but it soon became apparent that Kitzu was guiding the other filly through the course. One by one, racers who hadn’t dropped out finished, and then stopped to wait wondering what was going on. Those who had dropped out had gathered on the infield to cheer on the last racer.

“She’s leading her around like a mother hen, and they are practically the same age.” Celestia mused as she watched the pair.

The last racer save Muffins and Kitzu had landed, and the judges were left with an interesting problem. Kitzumi had disqualified herself. They also had no idea who Kitzu was only that she’d been entered into the lineup the night before. To be true, they really didn’t know who the majority of the entrants were other then the hoof full of regular racers. This was to maintain a degree of fairness. As for Muffins and the other two who’d started with them, not a one was expected to finish. Muffins was known to them, she was a racer, or rather a former racer thanks to a genetic eye condition that seemed to hit every other generation.

Kitzu had the best time they’d ever seen from a racer on that track, but she’d also flown in a reckless manner that put others in danger. Flying over the stands was the third strike as she was clearly outside the course.

“Ladies and gentle colts!” rang the voice of the announcer over the loudspeaker. “The judges have come to a decision.”

Decision, what decision, it’s obvious who won, the crowd murmured in confusion.

“Do to numerous infractions, pony number forty two has been disqualified. The first place goes to pony number 1, Goldenflair!”

Some of the crowd applauded. More then a hoof full voiced their opposition. Including Goldenflair herself.

“No, no, no, no! You can’t do that!” Golden shouted, her voice carrying over the loud speaker. The crowd applauded her. “You made her start from the back with the ponies who didn’t care. Had we started side by side I wouldn't have had a chance!”

Kitzu walked up to the announcer's podium followed by Muffins.

“You are probably right, but I can’t accept the first place.” Kitzu offered. “I cheated on the first turn.”

“Cheated?” Goldenflair asked shocked.

“I couldn't safely make that first turn at the speed I was going at so I turned right and looped out over the grandstands to maintain my speed, and pick a better opportunity to get past the slower fliers.” Kitzu explained. “Add to that I nearly collided with a couple ponies in the slalom. The final sin, if you can call it that was when I went back into the course to help Muffins. She’d gotten lost, missed that cloud gate over the top of the standard gate. She knew she’d missed a gate too. I saw her going back and forth trying to pick up the rout so I went to help her. She can barely see anything past a half dozen wing lengths.”

“Why would you do that, you can’t go back in the course when your done!?” Goldenflair exclaimed. “I know she can’t see. She should have never entered the race!”

“I am a princess by accident of birth. So there are certain expectations of me. But that’s not why I went after her. I went after her because I’m a Shadowbolt. A true Shadowbolt. I earned my wings, and a Shadowbolt never leaves a pony behind while they still have the will to go on. A Shadow bolt protects others.” Kitzu removed her helmet and goggles to stunned silence, her mane flowing freely in the breeze. “If you don’t want that crown, give it to Muffins, it’s probably going to be her last race anyway.”

Goldenflair looked at Kitzu with a shocked expression for a moment, and then a smile formed on her lips. “Hey Muffins, come here.”


Kitzu descended the stairs down into the Moon viewing hall with Luna’s book in her magic aura. The day had been a good one, Muffins got to wear the crown, and they had let her race the adults in a steeple chase to Canterlot station and back. She’d kept pace to the station, and as soon as she’d finished her turn at the station, afterburners into the stratosphere. Reentry after breaking the sound barrier was always interesting, slowing down, the mach wake overtaking her… in this case it heralded her arrival back at the Air Field. She had to go to the mike for the loud speakers and reassure the ponies there was nothing to worry about. Maybe she shouldn't have done that. Princess Celestia scolded her once she realized what had created the boom that hit the stands. The racers had heard it too, reverberating off the mountain, and never having experienced thunder on a cloudless day, flew all the faster to get back. They arrived some time after Kitzu had, thoroughly winded. Later on in the day Philomina had shown up with a brood of her fledglings. A dozen in all, and watching them cavort about was a bit like watching a fireworks display that never ends.

Kitzu had to stop thinking about the day she’d had and start thinking about the task at hoof. It was two A. M. and she’d put any trepidation about attempting to activate the observatory behind her, standing there with book in hoof, she cast the incantation and activated the spell. She smiles at the result, the entire hall had seemingly vanished leaving only night sky high above, high above Arcadia. Kitzu suspected the observatory must have been moved from Arcadia in the days when they’d been forced to evacuate ending up here in Canterlot and it was still set to display the sky above Arcadia. Kitzu looked at the book again to see what she needed to do next.

“Well, this is a surprise.” Offered an alabaster Alicorn that had appeared in the center of the hall. “It’s been quite awhile since I’ve had the opportunity to converse with any pony.” Her hooves were plated in gold, the tips of her wings shown like the early morning light, and her mane and tail billowed out with every color of the rainbow. “Who are you?”

Kitzu was quite surprised by the presence of the alicorn now standing in the hall.

“Indeed it is.” Kitzu replied. She certainly hadn’t expected this. “Might you be the spirit of the great tree?”

“I suppose that’s one way to describe my present self. But who are you? You’ve been in contact with the cosmic clock?”

“I have, but it hasn’t happened yet your time.”

“Well I’ve yet to see you cross my threshold. Who…? What are you doing?”

“Making sure no pony walks in.” Kitzu explained as she checked, and locked the doors. “I’ve been cast into the past a little over two hundred years, so if I’m to tell you the truth, I’m not going to want it overheard.”

“I see. Two hundred?”

“My name is Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Silvermane, and I am, or at least was Princess of hope. I’m really good at trans dimensional travel, and in the world where I was finally granted the gift of flight, I soon acquired the unofficial title of queen of the sky and goddess of thunder. I’m the daughter of Twilight Sparkle who is Princess of friendship, Adopted daughter of Princess Luna Princess of the night and Moon, who is sister to Princess Celestia Princess of the Sun and ruling monarch of Equestria.”

“Luna? Celestia? They survived the war, where are they?”

“Aunti Tia should be asleep right now.”


“Well obviously she’s going to be alright.” Kitzu offered.

“What’s happened? Please, I’m their mother.”

“Princess Aurora, Daughter of the Sun King.” Kitzu said softly, and then bowed. I’m honored to be in thy presence, even if that presence is only an astral projection.” Kitzu paused a moment. “Much has happened. Princess Celestia and Muna, er Princess Luna, obtained artifacts created by a mage named Starswirl the bearded with the help of others known as the Elements of harmony. I know they had at least five of the elements. These were used to turn Discord the...”

“A curse on that mistake. Ours was once a mighty empire that spanned across worlds until Discord, and it was he who brought ruin upon us.”

“They turned him to stone, and he presently resides as a statue in the garden.”

“Smash him, pulverize him to dust and cast his remains into space!”

“Um, I’m sorry… I can’t really do that. Not just now anyway.” Kitzu was shocked at the vehemence and hatred towards Discord. “For what it’s worth I share your sentiment. I suspect my present situation may be his doing. I’d hoped to use this to study the time stream, and see if string theory of time and space will play out enough to help me get back to my proper time.”

“Let me help you with that.” Princess Aurora offered as she willed herself to calm down. “You were telling me about Luna...”

“Yes.” Kitzu offered as the stars speed away and were replaced by something that looked more like a serpent made of stars with multiple Equestrias like some kind of spine, each overlapping the other like snapshots of moments in time. “Luna had fallen for a unicorn stallion, but Celestia had foreseen that the relationship would end in disaster. His name was Sombra Nightfoal.”

“Then it turned out alright?” Aurora asked as the time stream drew further away till other streams of time and dimension could be seen. The streams all seemed to be traveling in the same general direction, but not always parallel. They wobbled about, even spiraled back on themselves, sometimes crossing multiple times.

“No, Aunt Tia was right, it was a disaster that lead to more disaster.” Kitzu explained. “He desired immortality, and attempted to turn himself into an alicorn.”


“Um, Pegacorn, like you and I.”

“Ah… so they call us alicorns now.”

“And the common ponies worship us. To be honest I kind of find it annoying.”

“We control the very heavens, it’s understandable.”

“Anyway, Princess Celestia and Luna faced off with Sombra using the elements of harmony. Instead of undoing the spell he put on himself, his body was shattered, and his soul was banished. Luna, unknown to Princess Celestia was with foal, and went into seclusion. Some time after the foal was born Princess Celestia got it into her head that Luna had been in seclusion long enough. She went to Luna to force her to come out of seclusion, and it lead to a fight. During the fight, thanks to Luna’s weakened will, she was possessed by a shadow pony. Princess Celestia was forced to use the elements against her. Luna was banished to the moon, which is where she is now, in a sort of limbo like state. - She's accessible to the dream state, but I don't recommend doing it, as the shadow pony might try to take you instead."

“I’m detecting a pattern here.”

“I’d like to think she didn’t have but five of the elements. There are seven that I know of, but at the time, or rather when Luna comes back, only five were known. My mother somehow managed to discover a sixth, or rather she is the sixth. She and her new friends became, or rather will become, the bearers of six elements of harmony. They drive off the shadow pony and save Luna.”

“I can understand why you wouldn't want the ponies here in this time to know all this knowledge about the future. Just knowing could cause it to not happen. You’re not worried about me?”

“You are stuck in a tree, and I’m assuming Princess Celestia can’t use the observatory.”

“Well some one had to protect the cosmic clock. This might come as a shock to you, but this world is artificial. It was created by our fore bearers. A sizable planet was selected, a moon put in orbit, and a small sun placed in orbit. All of this is regulated via the cosmic clock. We had created a paradise, and then one of our bio engineers created Discord never once stopping to ask if they should.”

“I never would have even imagined it.” Kitzu said stunned. “About my little, possibly Discord induced issue? I’ve only been here three days now.”

“Well, three days ago, a future section of one of the time lines crossed over this section close enough all a pony would have to do is just give some one a little shove.”

“I see. That’s it, it’s not even a time travel spell. It’d have to be a variation on a dimensional traveling spell that he’s using. Looks like the two parts of the time line have split apart now.”

“Afraid so. If you knew the spell, you would have had two days to get back. It’s too late now, and the next convergence doesn’t happen for quite a while. Your other option is to do a bit of dimension hopping.”

“I had thought of having Princess Celestia freeze me in stone as a last resort.”

“Bad idea to do that for any length of time. It robs you of your magic, and causes you to regress in age. You might survive but you’ll never be able to use magic or fly ever again.”

“Oh,” Kitzu let out a small sigh. “I guess I’ll talk to Aunt Tia in the morning.

“Cheer up, you'll find your way home. Don’t give up, not now.”

“But I’m further away then ever. And I probably should stay away from worlds I’ve already been to.”

“It’s actually not a big problem so long as you don’t make a big impact… granted you are a bit young to be living incognito for any length of time… Ah, I know...” Aurora adjusted the projection to show what the dimensional time lines would be doing in the future. “Here we go, you’ve a week, and then this world’s dimension will come in conjunction with our own and will remain that way for just shy of two weeks. It’s a human world, but there’s a lot of magic so you shouldn't have any issues with magic. I’m not sure if you’ll transform or not. Often times the magic of a portal will cause us to take on the form of the apex species of the planet, but you won’t be using a portal I gather.”

“I can ask Aunt Tia if there is a portal, otherwise I’ve gotten fairly good at transforming into a human.”

“You can transform?”

“I’m part kitsune, divine fox. A world we had a portal to that had very little magic gave me problems. When visiting I’d turn into a fox. I had to learn a spell that would allow me to transform myself.”

“Excellent.” Aurora praised. “Now, once there you’ll have to stay there about a year, and then that dimension loops back on itself. All you have to do is jump across the gap. After that it won’t take too much longer till our dimension will be in proximity. You’ll be able to wait it out until it’s time as the two will be in close proximity for quite a while, and if you find you are too early, then it’ll be safe enough to do the frozen in stone thing. Just be careful of a third dimension that is running more or less parallel with those.”

“You think I can do it? Except, I don’t see any evidence of a dimensional split?”

“That...” Aurora began zooming out a bit more, “would be the dimension your pendant is from. I’ve been analyzing you and your pendant. Your tachyon signature is different then the one of the pendant.”

“So all this time I’ve been aiming for the wrong dimension, and the ponies I thought were family aren't?”

“You’re in the right dimension now.”

“But I checked?”

“What did you check against, the pendant or yourself?”

“I was worn out, I wasn’t thinking clearly… I didn’t used the pendant.”

“And verified your true home, whereas using the pendant would point you away from home. You’ve as likely been going back and forth, and never knew it.”

“I didn’t have access to the observatory so I’d no way to verify either. I wonder if there is another me doing the same thing? There as likely is. Oh, that time I babysat myself, I had to have been in the right world then, but when I went back I’d verified by the pendant… and my counterpart has as likely been doing the same thing. We’ve been going around in circles. Who knows how many times we’ve passed by each other? Oh, and Cirrus, was there another conjunction about a month ago with the timeline with the split?

"Indeed there was. The time line was so close a pony could have walked across without having to use magic to do it if they were just in the right spot."

"Would I be able to retrieve another lost pony?"

“Indeed. You’ll know better now. You'll be able to find your way now. By any chance can you dream walk?”

“I can.” Kitzu offered cautiously. It wasn’t something she liked to admit to.

“I’ll make you a copy of that book then.”

“You can do that? But how will that do me any good if I don’t have access to the observatory?”

“The observatory can be accessed via the dream state regardless of dimension. As can the Cosmic Clock with limitations, but it can be done. Full access requires being in the same dimension of the clock being accessed” Aurora reached out with her magic, and cast a spell on the book. Kitzu looked at the book with fascination as the spell took form. At first it was like her eyes were going cross eyed as the book split into two images. A moment later there were to books in front of her. “Being you’ve had access to the Cosmic Clock, you are essentially in the position of a High Priestess of Arcadia.”

“I am?”

“You are.”

“And here I thought I was being bold by calling myself the Steward of Arcadia.”

“Well, being no pony else seems to have access, I guess it fits.” Aurora offered with a smile.

“So what exactly does that mean anyway? I mean there is no one there, no pony what so ever, the city is abandoned.”

“The clock leaves a marker on those deemed worthy. That’s how you were able to access it now even though you’ve never been in physical contact with this specific clock. You need to study that book, memorize it cover to cover.”

“I’m just lucky I can read it. It’s written in Arcadocypriot.”

“Are you saying you don’t use the old language anymore?”

“It’s still taught in school at the higher levels to unicorns who’ve an aptitude for it, but otherwise no. It was taught to me because my mothers are over achievers. Somewhere along the line we switched to what is now known as Old Ponish, and the language we speak now, the modern Ponish is vastly different. The fact that I can understand you and we can communicate is do to my knowledge of the language and I suspect the spell work that makes this meeting possible.”

“I see, yes I hadn’t thought of that. It’s been over three thousand years, hasn’t it?”

“I’ll just have to take your word for it I’m afraid. Once I get caught up to myself, I’m going to pay your library a visit.”

“And I will enjoy having you there.”

Kitzu continued talking to Princess Aurora until the it was nearly morning when she finally decided it’d be best to go to bed. She shut down the spell that activated the observatory, unlocked the doors, and climbed the stairs. She didn’t rouse until the afternoon, just in time for High Tea.

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d left us already.” Celestia mused with a wry grin. Kitzu had her book with her, Luna’s having been returned.

“I was up late working on a solution for my little problem, and I’ve a course of action plotted out. I have verified that I am at least in the right dimension this time.”

“So what now?”

“I’d thought about just having you freeze me in stone, but I’m to understand that would be a bad idea.”

“It would indeed. We do that to criminals for a reason, it allows us to give them a brand new start.”

“My other option is to go to another nearby dimension, a dimension where humans, and magic exist side by side.”

“Oh yes of course, I’m aware of such a world, I helped four wizards set up a school of magic some time back, but I’m not sure how going there is going to help?”

“Their time line is going to loop back on itself in about a year their time. You see I know now that it wasn’t a time traveling spell that sent me back, but a dimensional spell. All I need to do is hop across the gap when the wizard dimension time line loops back on itself. It won’t get me all the way back to where I belong, but it’ll get me close enough. Oh, and I’ll probably want another dimensional book. I mean that is, so I can let you know how I’m doing. You see, it seems the majority of what I have in my diaries may very well have occurred in a dimension other then our own. “I’ve been going around in circles, and I’m going to need to add a few things to my existing diaries. Right now I'm not entirely sure what happened in which dimension. Not sure how I’m going to fit one more book though?”

“I think I have just the thing for you.”

Now, as for the world Kitzu had mistaken for her own, that dimension’s Kitzu had indeed been doing the same thing our Kitzu was doing, with one exception, she wasn’t afraid of Princess Celestia. That Kitzu had ended up in the Crystal Empire. When she told the ponies who she was it was only natural no pony believed her, and they put her in an orphanage, where the influence of the Crystal heart had caused her horn to grow. She somehow managed to hide her horn from all except Princess Flurry Heart who discovered her, and taught her how to use her magic in secret. Flurry Heart being a bit of a rebel, the two would get into all manner of mischief together. It was a panic teleport to escape being caught by the local Law enforcement that led to That Kitzumi to cross the dimensional boundary. She’d arrived home to find herself having been left without a foal sitter, and like her counterpart, fearing she might effect the time line, she fled as well. Later on she began to rethink her actions, and approached Princess Celestia and informed her what it was that happened to her even though she'd no idea how it happened. She'd also managed to approach the right Princess, that is her true Aunt, purely by chance. Celestia and that Kitzumi decided that the best course of action was, unfortunately, to freeze her Kitzumi in stone, but not tell anyone. When that Celestia learned of our Kitzu she was convinced she was just a fake who needed to be dealt with. Meanwhile the Kitzu in stone was stolen by cultist, and had to be rescued. Once freed our little statue had reverted to the little filly that had been lost days before, her adventures having been forgotten. She did lose her magic, but owing to the nature of a button head, and who her parents were, she matured as she would have had, had she never had her misadventure. As for that world's Discord, his powers had been greatly reduced, and dared not show his face openly for many years to come.

There is just one more thing to add, when their copy of Kitzumi Nova's diary kept updating they quickly realized there had indeed been two Kitzumi Novas. Princess Celestia vowed to be a proper Aunt to her niece and they all agreed to keep an eye out just in case any other Kitzumi Novas ever found their way to their dimension.

And Cirrus was discovered by Rainbow Dash who after hearing about her, decided to go see if she was indeed the filly that one of her ancestors had lost.

Author's Note:

And that's how we turn continuity issues into a plot twist. :facehoof:

There are probably still a few continuity issues I haven't tied down, but I'm going to call it done for this book baring any issue that I may need to address that I've overlooked. Word count on this chapter is over 36k words, and editing it has been a bytch. Sure, I could have broken this down into smaller sections but really felt like it needed to be one piece. On the one hand, small chapters are easier to edit, but on the other hand. er hoof, longer chapters make it easier to fix continuity issues before I post.

Why do I write? I do it for my own enjoyment. And I do it as a form of mental exercise. My approach to fan fiction is more of an exercise in what ifs then any consideration of canon. As for long term goals, I ain't got any. I'll think of an idea, set some loose goals, and then follow a course of cause and effect as I run my characters, OCs and canon, through the various obstacles I set up for them. This series is as much a sounding board for ideas as it is an adventure. As to why I'm so mean to Discord, it's because he's overpowered. Seriously over powered. And if Discord is truly reformed, he'd be able to protect Equestria from all threats foreign and domestic. He'd be able to just quietly solve everyone's problems. Instead he often abandons Equestria, and behaves in ways that paint him as being a very selfish self centered narcissistic egomaniac individual who goes from going out of his way to spoil the Grand Galloping Gala, to sending the element bearers on a wild goose just so he can sabotage Twilight's school just because he hadn't been included.

Now if you've made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. If not, why did you read the whole thing? [A question I once asked myself after reading a trilogy that had a main character that was about as irredeemable as could be.]

Now for my next project, which I've hinted at towards the end, I'm going to tackle a pony-Harry Potter crossover. Just don't expect to see young Harry Potter right away. Will our Kitzu ever get to go home? Maybe. I've had my cake and eat it too. Kitzu's counterpart goes home, and as far as she knows, it's as though she'd never left. Our Kitzu, thanks to the decisions she's made, and Discord's actions, isn't much better off then when she started.

I've added a little more to the ending of this. Things that should have been there right from the start. Perhaps someday I'll write a story about Cirrus and Rainbow Dash.

Comments ( 2 )

Comment without the comment? Creepy stuff.

The other time there were two "Twilight Sparkle" tags in "Solitary Locust" story, and now this...

I have no idea??? :twilightoops:
I can only assume something happened to it.

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