• Published 28th Dec 2017
  • 1,559 Views, 10 Comments

Snack Cake Confessions - NightCoreMoon

Equestria Girls. Twilight has a bad experience with a rude woman at the store and blows up at her. Pinkie is upset by this, but not for the reason that Twilight thinks. Thr3shot: Hurt/Comfort with a bit of angst, followed by fluffy platonic cuddling.

  • ...



“Oh!” Pinkie muttered before nervously laughing.

“You too, huh?” Twilight asked, lacing her fingers together with Pinkie’s.


Twilight rubbed her thumb over Pinkie’s, smiling to herself. So this is what it feels like. Warm. Safe. Secure. A single tear fell out of her eye. Why did this have to have been so hard for so long? All it took was a heartfelt discussion about insecurities, nothing big.

Her mind briefly ran through the steps that got her here. The hospital. The parties. The store. The fight. The conversations. The dinner. The movie. More conversations. And now... here it was. She was holding one of her best friends’ hands. It still didn't feel real.

She shuddered. It didn't feel like anything. It was just... skin touching skin. That's it. What the hell? Shouldn't there be, like, electricity arcing? A swell of rose petals enveloping her body? Heart racing and cheeks blushing and overwhelming elation filling her body? Anything at all?

Not to say that she was disappointed, as she didn't feel bad or empty or anything, but... that was it. Just a lack of anything bad. Just total emptiness. Except it wasn't the emptiness that she was used to, but a very different kind. This one wasn't an encroaching painful one, but one not dissimilar from floating through space. At least she had an anchor point.

And it of course felt nice to touch someone. She felt real, at least. But... it just wasn't enough.

“Hey Pinkie,” she said.


“This is nice.”


More silence followed. Twilight bit her lip.

“You tensed up,” Pinkie declared. “I feel a but coming.”

Twilight sighed. “I just... wish it felt nicer.”

“Like it's not enough?”

She nodded before realizing that couldn't be seen. “...kinda.”

“That's what it was like for me when I first started hugging people once I started going to school and talking to people outside of my family. We just weren't very physical. So once I first discovered the world of casual affection I thought it was just supposed to feel like... more, you know?”

“I mean, sort of. I've held hands with people before, with Sunset and Rarity and Rainbow. It was always more emotionally affective than ever physically. But this isn't bad, you know? I like this, don't get me wrong.”

“It could be better, you know?”

Twilight turned her head, and could barely make out the profile of Pinkie’s features in the dark.

“How?” She asked.

Pinkie’s head turned to face Twilight’s own. “We could scoot in closer together if you wanted. Like I said before, I'm super cuddly, but I know you're kind of new to this.”

“Right..." Twilight smirked. "I'd jump right in if it wouldn't fill me with anxiety about whether you're okay.”

“Then should I make the first move?”

“I’d appreciate it if you did.”

“Okay,” Pinkie said, before turning sideways and scooching over so that she was closer to Twilight. “Better?”

Their arms were now touching, hands still laced together. This was nicer. Not that before wasn't, but now there was the added warmth of Pinkie’s entire arm rather than just her hand. It felt really nice as well. A single butterfly was release in Twilight’s belly, and she smiled again.

“Yeah,” she said. “A lot, actually.”

“You just let me know if you're ready for more.”

The initial spark had already faded, unfortunately.

“Can we just...” she contemplated whether to finish asking what she was about to ask. On one hand, it could make things super mega ultra hella awkward and ruin everything and send Pinkie out of the room in disgust, or it would be totally fine.


There was no possible way the first one would ever happen.

“Can we hug?” Twilight asked. “Under the covers, you know?”

“Of course we can,” Pinkie answered. “In what position are you wanting?”

This was further than she expected to get.

“I don't know,” Twilight replied, unsure. “Just, like...”

How did she want it? If they continued holding hands, their arms would be painfully pinned underneath their bodies. If they adjusted their hands so they were between them instead, it would really get in the way of a proper hug. If they put their lower arms underneath each other there was a chance they might fall asleep, unless...

“Can I put my one arm under your neck, and you put yours under my hip, and then...”

“You mean, like...” Pinkie let go of Twilight’s hand and did as was suggested, so that her arm was supporting Twilight’s waist. “Like this?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “And then I put mine...” she snaked her arm up and Pinkie lifted her head and allowed Twilight to assume the position. With her free hand she placed it on her friend’s shoulder, and Pinkie did the same. “Here?”

The two girls lay facing each other, noses just a few centimeters apart. Everything else laid separate sans their arms. Slowly, Twilight moved her chest and hips forward, brushing her bare leg against Pinkie’s. Pinkie in turn moved forward as well, until their breasts came in contact.

“Oh boy...” Twilight muttered to herself. “So that's what that feels like...”

Pinkie giggled. “Warmer than you expected, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s... different when you're not standing up. Or wearing a bra. It's a lot...”


Twilight blushed. “You could say that...”

“But does it feel good?”

“...yeah, absolutely! Just... not what I expected.”

“Did you expect magic?”


Pinkie laughed at this. “Trust me, it does feel kind of magical if it’s sexual. But if you're just cuddling with a friend, it's not really anything fancy. It's just, you know.”

“Safe and secure?” the pair uttered at the same time, before giggling.

“And really warm, too,” Twilight said after the spate ended. “A lot more than I expected, actually. Are you wearing your geode?”

“Nope!” She answered. “It's probably just my thermowhatchamacallits. I can't make anything explode right now, but I’m always hot. I don't even feel the cold anymore.”

“Really?” Twilight inquired, curiosity piqued. “I'm going to have to do some studies on that then, because that's fascinating. Are any of your other senses inhibited?”

Pinkie shrugged, and Twilight’s hand found it subconsciously drawing slightly down her arm. “Nah, I don't think so,” she answered simply. “Are you comfy?”

In the darkness Twilight would have been barely able to read Pinkie’s features, but without her glasses she was practically flying blind. And she didn't even have wings.

“Yeah, I think so...”

A moment passed as the unspoken ‘but’ impregnated the air.

“Do ya wanna do something different?” Pinkie inquired. “Change positions or something?”

“Not exactly,” Twilight answered. “I'm just... well, a little cold. The air conditioning is a bit higher than I wanted it, and I've got bad circulation, and...”

Pinkie’s answer wasn't vocal. She simply moved closer forward so the girls’ abdomens made contact, and put her dominant hand in the small of Twilight’s back, before rubbing it gently up and down her spine. She also moved her forehead closer so that it too made contact, and twined her legs together with Twilight’s.

“Is that better?” She asked.

“Y-yeah... just...”

“Too much?”

“No!” she exclaimed. “I like this, a lot, I really do, but I'm just... are you okay with this?”

“Mmhmm. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't. But are you warmer now?”

Twilight hesitated before answering. This was certainly an exciting experience, in more ways than one, and she thanked her lucky stars that their hips weren't touching. And yes, she was a lot warmer, but something else was propping up that she was afraid of bringing up because it was a bit of a step forward, at least in her own eyes.

“Yeah, a lot,” she answered eventually. “This feels really nice. A little nicer than I thought it would be.”

This was, of course, true. The warmth she felt laying here with Pinkie dramatically outshined anything she imagined affection of this magnitude to feel like. Both physically and emotionally. The fingernails massaging her back left the faint hint of a tingling sensation in their wake. She began to do the same thing in return.

“Aww,” Pinkie said with a proud smile. “See, look at that. You're taking initiative!”

Twilight offered a grin of her own, but this one was shaded in embarrassment and self consciousness. She was right, though: this was a lot more than she’d done in years in terms of being physically intimate in a platonic sense. Or any sense, really.

Pinkie smelled nice as well, like equal parts cupcake frosting and cocoa butter, but with some subtle hints of freshly fallen rain. Strange, but it definitely seemed to fit. Twilight’s mind briefly turned to Pinkie’s hygiene routine, but she immediately batted those thoughts away so as to keep today innocent. Still...

“Something on your mind?” Pinkie asked. “Or are you just tired?”

Twilight sighed, less out of contentment and more out of dissatisfaction. “Don't get me wrong, this feels really good... and you smell really nice. And I feel just as warm inside as I do out. There's just something else that I kinda wanna try out, but only if you're okay with it.”

“Ask away, Twi Twi!” She breathed. “Odds are I'll be a-okay.”

Twilight bit her lip in thought before answering. On one hand, the absolute worst thing that could happen is that Pinkie says no and they remain in their current position for the rest of the night, which would have been totally fine. But the best case scenario somehow frightened her more.

“Do you...” she faltered, scrambling to come up with something else to take a step out of the grave she just started digging. After coming up with nothing, she found that she didn't want to come up with anything else, and was strong in her conviction to ask. But she had to ask in exactly the correct way to communicate the request effectively.

“Do you want to, and by that I mean are you okay with and willing to, you know... I just wanna... ugh, this is hard.”

“Take your time.”

“I...” she took a deep breath. This is it Twilight, she muttered to herself. Now or never. “I want to see what it feels like to give somebody a platonic kiss. But not on the lips if that's off the table since that's not what I'm aiming for in the first place. Actually I should have just said not at all because I don't think I'm ready for that level just yet and I'm not even sure if that's a thing that people do anyways because-”

Pinkie interrupted her by brushing her own lips over Twilight’s, immediately hushing her up. There was no romantic intent behind it, no tongue either, just brief friendly skin-on-skin contact that was over as fast as it started, and only done to make a point.

“See?” She pointed out. “That's totally fine with me if you wanna when we’re alone. And I only say that because I don't want anybody to think anything is going on if you don't want them to. I don't like you like that, I think we’re better as friends, but I don't think lip kisses have to be only reserved for dates and old people. And anything else you wanna do, that's fine too. I won't be mad, I Pinkie promise.”

Still reeling from the unexpected contact, she nodded slowly and felt a dopey grin cross her face. That didn't feel like romance novels said it would, but it still felt nice nonetheless. Understanding and acceptance and trust rather than electricity and cigarettes and pheromones; it was honestly preferable. She let out a small chuckle before closing her eyes.

“Thank you...”

“You're welcome Twi Twi!”

That gave Twilight the courage to lean forward, much closer to Pinkie than she had been to even Rainbow Dash, and pressed her own lips into Pinkie’s cheek. The contact lasted for only half a moment, but felt like a lifetime. It was no different in nervous response than to pressing her fist onto her mouth, which she did often when attempting to solve mental puzzles. But it still turned her heart into a ball of string for a moment, and she felt weightless.

“Was that so bad?” Pinkie asked.

“No, actually,” Twilight replied. “That's a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be. I was worried it would just feel like nothing, you know?”

“Yeah, I can understand that fear. Just because I don't express it the same way doesn't mean I don't feel it, you know? But yeah, kissing your friends is really nice, nicer than kissing strangers, because you actually know the person.”

Twilight nodded. “It's not special because of what it is, its special because... because it’s with you.”

“Gaaay...” she whispered.

“Well you're not wrong!” Twilight said, laughing. The two girls held each other through their fits of giggles until they calmed down and regulated their breathing.

“Oh, hold on,” Pinkie said after a minute. She took her hand off of Twilight’s back for a moment and did something to her chest before returning to its original position.

“What happened?”

“Oh, my boob slipped out, so I fixed it. Don'cha just hate when that happens?”

Silence greeted her.


“I... okay. That's... yeah.”

“I gotta say, that's the worst structured sentence I think I've ever heard you say. Is something wrong?”

Twilight sighed before pulling away, disentangling herself from Pinkie’s limbs. She slipped her glasses back on before standing up.

“Twilight, what's wrong?”

“I gotta use the bathroom...” she muttered, not turning back as she headed out her bedroom door and into the hall. She moved her glasses before wiping off the sudden tears that had welled up.

“This is stupid.”

She continued into the bathroom before hitting the light and shutting the door. She purposefully ignored the mirror, instead setting her glasses on the sink and splashing some cold water on her face.

“It’s just a breast...”

She finally turned to face her reflection. Luckily her eyes weren't red or puffy, but another tear fell. It isn't fair. She shouldn't be sad right now! She was right in the middle of having a really good time with one of her closest friends and feeling incredible and finally coming close to satiating her touch starvation and it all gets thrown out the window over something as dumb and inconsequential as a secondary sex characteristic. A sack of fat tissue!

‘Two of them, actually.’

Twilight gasped. Her reflection copied her. That couldn't have been real, right? The medication made it so that she didn't have hallucinations anymore, so what was...

‘I'm not a hallucination, dummy, I'm your conscience.’

Okay this was either the weirdest dream ever or she just finally snapped and went off the deep end.

‘This isn't anything more than you staging this conversation in your mind so that you can talk yourself down from feeling weird about your friends’ tits. Your subconscious mind is trying to drive your conscious mind back to cuddling with her because let's face it, it felt really nice, okay, and this right here, me talking to you, this is just a literal interpretation of you talking to yourself. Nothing more, nothing less.’

“So... I'm not crazy?”

‘No more than anyone else. I'm actually surprised that we didn't immediately jump to me being the pony princess. But this isn't a psychosis or anything, this is you being overly analytical as always.’

“Um... okay... so, what, are you here to tell me that it's okay to think my friends are hot and it's not weird to cuddle up with them just because Rainbow and Pinkie do it with the rest of us even though my situation is a lot different than theirs is?”

‘It's not that much different. You were just born a little off the base model. But that's not the point here and you know it.’

Sigh. “I guess so... I'm just...”

‘Just what?’

“I don't know! I just. Yeah, I like her a little. But we’re friends, of course I like her! And I think she’s beautiful, because I have working eyes!” She cast said eyes down to her spectacles for a moment. “Well, for the most part.”

‘Is there a but?’

“Of course there is! A really nice one!”

‘...I... no, I mean with one T.’


‘Twilight, she said that she thinks you're prettier than her. If she can be chill with it then you can too. Plus you've already seen them twice-’

“Don't remind me.”

‘And if she’s clearly okay to cuddle with you even though she finds you attractive and vice versa, even after you've seen her naked if only in passing and from the waist up, then shouldn't you be fine with it, guilt free?’

“I mean... I guess so...”

‘You have to let go of this guilt. You're allowed to be gay, you're allowed to find people attractive, you're allowed to cuddle with people, and you're allowed to be a little flustered by boobs because you've never really touched any but your own.’

“If I'm saying this then I should probably listen... conceited as it may sound, I do give good advice.”

‘You do at that. Now get in there, apologize for being weird, climb under the covers, and get back to cuddling!’


Suddenly the reflection snapped to the position that she was in, having been staring in one spot for the past minute or so. She washed her face one more time before putting her glasses back on. It really did take place in her mind since she could see herself clearly despite having the sight of a mole with cataracts.

She was right, after all. It was irrational to act as if she was a bad person for, gasp, acknowledging the sexiness of Pinkie Pie, while, gasp again, being a lesbian, and, biggest gasp of all, being physically affectionate with somebody she had a really strong platonic bond with. None of those were bad by themselves, it just seemed bad when you put them all together.

After using the toilet, which she did have to do so she wasn't really lying, she washed her hands and took a deep breath. Tonight will be a good night.

Making her way back to her bedroom and then subsequently her bed, Twilight set her glasses on the side table before getting back under the covers.

“Sorry about that,” she whispered. “I just spazzed out a little because my bladder was full, I guess. Would you be okay with getting back to where we were?”

Pinkie turned over in her bed. Though a little hazy, Twilight could still see colors and shapes, and she could tell that the comforter was wrapped tightly around Pinkie’s chest, and her bare shoulders and arms were over top. That's weird, her shirt was sleeveless but had shoulders, so why...?

“Something you should know about having a big cup size,” Pinkie began, seemingly ignoring the question. “Is that they don't like staying in one place, or they hurt. If they're tightly bound up in place, they don't go anywhere, but the pressure is really high. If they're all loosey goosey and flippety flopping all over the place, then there's not really any pain, but they'll end up in places that smaller chested girls wouldn't be able to imagine. And running is a nightmare either way. Basically, you can't win.”

She took a breath and continued. “I've thought about getting reduction surgery. It would make my life easier. But the thing is, I like having big boobs. It makes my confidence go through the roof, since at least I have something about my body that I like. And yes, I know you're gonna say my body is fine, but I'm talking about my own opinion. And when I have sex with people who really like them, that's really nice for the self esteem too. The only real drawback I have is that most bras for my size are beige, which is why I always buy so much lingerie, because pink lace is a lot more fun than beige not-lace.”

Pinkie reached over to grab Twilight’s hand in her own. “I know it gives you a lot of anxiety to think about seeing other girls’ boobs. So I just wanna apologize for mentioning it earlier. And I don't want that to happen any more. So... and tell me if you're too uncomfortable, but... I wanna help you get through that anxiety if I can help. So...”

She leaned forward, exposing her back. Before Twilight could piece the puzzle together, she let the blanket go and revealed her bare chest. She had apparently removed the shirt and- oh wait it's right there on the foot of the bed, how did she miss that??? Wait a minute, that's not important right now.

“Pinkie!” Twilight cried, averting her eyes and furiously blushing. “Why are you... why did you... what are you... huh?”

“I don't mind if you see them, Twilight.” She said, again refusing to answer any questions. Although to be fair they were only fragments anyways. “I know you like them, but honestly they're just fat and mammary tissue under skin. If I can help you to get more comfortable with them while they're out, then cuddling will be a little easier and less dangerous too, you know?”

Klaxons were going off inside Twilight’s mind, red lights spinning in circles, buildings were on fire, dogs and cats were sleeping together, orange juice flavored toothpaste was flying off of the shelves, unicorns were flying through the air- okay, maybe that one wasn't really too ridiculous, but still.

“A-are you sure ab-about this!?” Twilight asked, stuttering over her words and still finding her telescope to be EXTREMELY interesting. Oohh yes, dear sweet darling telescope, tell me your secrets you sexy dirty motherfu-

“With you, of course I am. You're one of the nicest and most respectful people I've ever met in the demographic of thinking that girls are hot stuff. Even more so than Dashie, and we showered together.”

“I guess...”

“Plus we fucked a couple times.”


“...oh, sorry... but yeah, I'm more comfortable with you than with her, if that says anything. Not that I'm uncomfortable with her, but... you know what I mean.”

Twilight breathed a few times and regulated her heartbeat. “Yeah, I think so...”

Okay, so right next to her was a really cute topless girl who was totally okay with cuddling with her and even going so far as to kiss her. This should be every lesbian, straight guy, and bisexual person’s fantasy. And in a way it sort of is.

There's literally nothing that could go wrong, right? Rationally speaking, of course. Pinkie was okay with her being a little bit sexual, but that wasn't an issue anyway because Twilight wasn't going to be sexual with it at all if she could help it. And if she accidentally did do anything weird, Pinkie would know that it was an accident and probably just laugh it off.

It was fine, but still... the fear persisted.

“So... you don't mind if I look?”

“Nope!” She proudly proclaimed. “In fact, if you didn't wanna touch ‘em too, I'd probably be offended.”

Wait a minute, that’s not fear, that's excitement.

It finally made sense now!

“Really?” She asked quicker than she meant to.

“Someone’s happy,” Pinkie giggled before scooting closer to Twilight. “But yeah. It's only a big deal the first time it happens. And honestly, I think that you deserve your first time to be someone shaped more like me than like Dashie anyway. She may be a hot mama but she’s practically a rectangle.”

Peripheral vision won out, and Twilight turned her head. Yeah, those were definitely breasts alright. She subconsciously reached for her glasses and only when she had them in her hands did she realize what happened.

“Want a better look, huh?”

Twilight blushed again. “Is this real?”

Pinkie took Twilight’s hand in her own and brought it to her chest. “You tell me.”

Twilight.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. The operating system will close and notify you if a solution is available.


And suddenly she burst into tears.

“Oh no, I broke you!” Pinkie cried. “Come on, come here...” she gently assuaged, positioning herself so Twilight could rest her head on her shoulder. “Go on and just let it all out. Do you want me to put my shirt back on?”

Twilight nodded sideways once but didn't cease in her crying. She snaked her hands around Pinkie’s arm and laced their fingers together, and sat weeping for a few minutes until her reservoirs were depleted.

She wasn't sad, not really. The dam just broke.

All the pain and suffering in the past, all the guilt and shame, the trials and tribulations, the near suicide, all over this? A loose squishy ball of skin and fat. That's it. Nothing special. She could have grabbed her own for all the physical feeling it did her. It was literally just a breast, nothing more. And that seemed so unfair.

Why couldn't it be more? Why couldn't it be better!? This was supposed to fix everything! Finally being intimately close enough to a girl to do something like this... it was supposed to be more special than this! It was supposed to be this big huge momentous occasion chock full of pomp and circumstance! Not just an oversized heated stress ball!

And that came in with a new source of guilt. She couldn't tell Pinkie that! It could really hurt her feelings! How dare she not appreciate this??? They were her BOOBS for Creator’s sake!!!

“I'm sorry,” she croaked, after her last few sobs. “I didn't mean to do this...”

“Not what you thought it was gonna be, huh?” She asked.

Twilight nodded again.

“Well...” Pinkie turned her friend to face her. “Look at me now.”

She wiped her eyes and then slipped the glasses back on. In front of her sat Pinkie Pie, except she was only wearing short shorts. With the mystery of breasts unveiled, it was actually pretty normal, all things considered. It was the middle of summer, she was magically infused with the ability to set things on fire with her mind, the sheets were exquisite, and she was with somebody she trusted implicitly. If men could do it, there was no reason whatsoever that women couldn’t too, after all.

“It’s different when you’re with somebody that you’re dating,” Pinkie explained. “But if you’re just with friends, it’s really not a big deal. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You don’t have to feel bad about thinking people are attractive. I think you’re pretty sexy yourself, but I’m able to keep it from making things weird between us, you know? And you can totally do the same thing. You’re doing it right now! You’ve been looking right in my eyes the whole time I’ve been talking.”

Twilight blinked, and realized that it was true. She was worried that she would be staring and making Pinkie feel uncomfortable, but the fact was that it was a non-issue. After touching them and confirming that yes, they were not made of magic, cocaine, and pixie dust, they became... normal.

“So are you feeling anxious about cuddling with me anymore tonight?”

Twilight didn’t have to think hard to come up with the answer. “I don’t think so, Pinkie... only if you’re still okay with it.”

She shrugged. “Honestly I’d even cuddle with you naked. I don’t really have any limits outside of having actual sex.”


“Of course!” she exclaimed. “Like I said, I’m a cuddle monster. And skin on skin cuddling feels really nice, but we’ll just move at your pace.”

Twilight pondered this for a moment. She had of course been interested in every facet of physical affection and platonic intimacy. She just had zero experience. And now she was being presented with an opportunity to practically go right up to the edge of her own limits? She decided to grab that bull by the horns. Why settle?

“I don’t know about the naked part,” Twilight indicated, eyes briefly flashing downwards at herself. “But, um...” Okay, this wasn’t harder than any of the other prior situations, but it still felt like more even though she literally groped her friend just a few minutes ago.


Twilight inhaled. Geronimo.

“Would you mind too terribly if I was topless too?”

Pinkie nodded. “Do whatever makes you comfy. If I don’t like something I’ll tell you.”

Oh good, she was fine with it. Now all that Twilight had to do was... take off her... shirt... and bra. Oh boy, maybe she should have thought this one through a little more. Now that she was presented with the opportunity do so, and permission was granted, the last bump was... hard, for lack of a better term.

She took a few deep breaths before placing her fingers underneath either side of her tank top. This was, of course, the easy one. Slowly, she began lifting the fabric, revealing the purple skin of her belly underneath. Pinkie respectfully turned her head the other way, and was inspecting the bookshelves. She had, of course, never read any of them.

The top was now halfway off. Not that it would have been her go-to pick for clothing, but Twilight owned a few crop tops and had worn them before. Rarity's influence. Not with anybody but her friends, of course, and only when it was ridiculously hot. But any more than this would be more naked than she had ever been with anybody. The bath with Rainbow Dash and their several beach trips didn’t count because bathing suits are different, even if they’re bikinis.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Pinkie reminded. “And if you just say the word, I’ll put mine back on.”

“I do want to,” Twilight affirmed as she pulled it the rest of the way off. “But thank you for being so patient with me.”

“Uh huh. That bra is super cute by the way!”

“Thanks,” she said, graciously accepting the compliment. “Rarity suggested it. It makes me feel pretty even if I’m in a blah mood.”

“I know how you feel. I have a designated period bra that’s got sequins on it. No panties for obvious reasons. And I don’t typically wear a bra when I’m on my period, just a sweater. But it’s the thought that counts.”

Twilight almost said that she couldn’t relate, but wasn’t ready to open that whole can of worms just yet. After today she was a little closer to being ready to telling everybody, but that day was far off. So far only the pony princess Twilight knew, but that was due to other extenuating circumstances and wasn’t going to be a problem. Sunset probably could guess, but she wouldn’t care.

“Well,” she said, reaching her arms behind her back. “Might as well.”

The clasp came easily undone, and she reached to her shoulders and pulled the straps down. No point delaying the inevitable, after all. After pulling them down and off of her arms, she pulled it off and folded it in half, setting it neatly on the floor on top of her tank top. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Pinkie’s small smile and light blush.

“Like what you see?” She teased, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

“They’re perky and adorable.” Pinkie intoned. “Definitely better than Dashie’s.”

Twilight laughed. “I’m gonna tell her you said that.”

She shrugged in response. “Go ahead. I ain’t afraid of no Rainbows. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Twilight nodded before climbing over and hugging Pinkie from behind. “I am now,” she said before moving back to the pair’s previous position and setting her glasses on the side table. “Same as before?” she asked.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie cried, returning as well.

The two girls slipped back underneath the covers and slid back to how they were laying before. Except now, their breasts weren’t separated by fabric, and the girls were a lot closer together so that more of their torsos were connected. It was warm.

Twilight leaned forward to kiss Pinkie on the forehead. She in turn giggled, and kissed Twilight’s nose back. She blushed in response.

The two girls twined their legs together again, and they moved their hands to meet each other. Lacing their fingers together, the girls closed their eyes and their breath began to slow.

“Good night, Twilight.”

“Good night, Pinkie.”

And with that, the two fell asleep, finally meeting rest after a long day.


Author's Note:

Believe it or not but this is literally the first more-than-2K-words fic that I have ever, EVER completed. In my now seven year fanfiction career spanning three aliases on two sites, I have finally completed a fic! :D

...please be gentle, senpai...

Anyways, this of course takes place after TFW You Find Your Crush's Nudes. There will be a fully chronological continuity in the group that I'm going to be adding all of the stories to, that lists every single fic in this series in a row. It honestly doesn't matter what order you read them in, because of the way they're designed, but they're there if you're interested in the extended continuity and would like to see more of the versions of the characters as I have depicted them in my fics.

Speaking of the characters, there will be a direct sequel to this fic that revolves around Twilight and Pinkie and cuddling, currently in development, entitled Cuddle Party. So if you wanna read that eventually, feel free to follow me and keep up on all my projects. And if you like what I've written here and want more, my other fics like to stay fairly similar in terms of style, tone, perspective, and theme. Yay for shameless self plugging! *dabs*

But yeah, thanks to the people who read this fic and gave me likes. And if enough people express interest in this specific story, I might do an epilogue chapter about what happens in the morning ;)

Comments ( 6 )

Ooohhh I see what you mean... yeah, I've noticed that good Twinkie fics are few and far between. I just hope this is one of them even if they're not romantically inclined here.
And yay for reading more of my fics! And I hope these two fresh hot chapters right off the presses sate your hunger :D

Well I am not sure how realistic these situations are but even so I did enjoy this story as it was entertaining and interesting. I am kind of sorry that it is not romantic because I think you do a good job of selling that even though the characters are doing their best to let the other know everything is ok because it is not romantic. I normally go for Pinkie with Sunset with an EG story but on this story I am sold for her potentially with Twilight so good job.

I also enjoyed the nod to Pinkie and Dash in passing. That seems legit as well.

do you mind expounding on that realism bit? this was lightly modeled after and inspired by a few experiences that I and acquaintances of mine have had, but a worry of mine was whether it would come off as in character or not since this is the start of twilight's recovery arc which is pretty important to rarity's college arc for reasons I'm not bringing up now. I am glad that you did enjoy reading it though :3

believe me, I wanted to make it romantic, but the reason behind why I didn't is because, well... what I want to happen with the chronology doesn't fall in line with that, although I was contemplating an AU where they did end up together. (I'm more of a SunShy girl myself). and don't worry, the pinkiedash bit is actually being developed in its own fic ;P

That was really cute at parts. I'm not a huge fan of really physical friendshipping though. It's a decent fic overall, and a pretty interesting universe you have. I think the first chapter is still my favorite.

This very good, and I very much respect the skinship issue and context. I myself admit that I like hugs, and holding in general. Some find it odd coming from a guy, but that's just how I am. Few friends who know it, and family.

So,I can fully understand Pinkie and Twilight in that regard. Well written overall.

Is the Description intentionaly mis-spelled?
Why is it mentioned "Equestria-Girls" in the Summary, with nothing connecting to it?

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