• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 27th


Standing on the outside, dying on the inside.


This story is a sequel to Anon-a-Miss

It's been almost half a year since the events that took place on Mystable.
Most of the students at CHS have learned from the incident, vowing to do whatever it takes to atone.
Meanwhile, there are others who refuse to let go, still consumed by thoughts of revenge.

Apart from these two groups, there is one student in particular who was changed entirely.

Preread by Hattafan2593 and Cerealkiller78

Disclaimer for readers who enjoyed the previous story:

The original was multiple chapters long, whereas this is only a one-shot.
And as such, this story won't carry as much weight as the original.
The purpose of this story is to give an idea of "What happened next".

Disclaimer for new people:

If you haven't read the previous story that this is a continuation of then you're going to be confused.

* Jan 27th, first feature. Thanks everyone!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Great story dude!
I think you should make more stories related to Anon-A-Miss! I'd love to read them!

I want to see the story continued in one shots, like what happened to the others?
Sunset knows they are drifting apart now, maybe due to the shame of thier sins.

I also want to know how some of the teachers are doing and what ever Sunset meets up with Sci Twi.


Wow! Great work!

An applause to you! very well written and thoroughly enjoyable.

Given all fan spins on this, it's always nice to see a follow up from the original timeline. Concise, to the point, and showed what was needed.
Easy thumbs up. Nice job, man.


Lol, tell you what.
If I ever decide to go in for round 3, I'll at least try to add Sci-Twi.

Cool! Because i only trust Sunset to teach Sci Twi friendship and to make her tough!

Seems the Rainbooms are finished but was brought by thier own stuipity, and i still wodner if Dash's rep is as ruined as Sunset said it was and what damage it did to her career.

Thanks Uria!
I kinda wish that it had more likes and more comments, but in the end, this is about as well as I expected things to go.
I didn't exactly make this friendly to new readers, and the only ones who could really understand the significance of what I wrote here would be people who read through and enjoyed the previous story.
This was more so meant to be a thank you to returning readers.

With any luck, maybe I'll expand on that some day.
Looking back, I realize that I left a lot of things up in the air.
For example: What was it that lead to Twilight saving the sirens, what happened between the time that Sunset got back from Winter Break and where this story places in the timeline, what's happening with the h5, and so on and so forth.
The good news is that this leaves me with a lot room to pick as a starting point should I feel like starting things back up again.

Well I enjoy the story especially sunset clocking score in one hit and you just recently posted likes and comments take time to get


and you just recently posted likes and comments take time to get

I'll keep that in mind.
Either way, I'm just happy that I was able to finish writing something again, regardless of how it does.

YES! I know the others can't harm bloom and Sweetie Bell but in another one shot based off you're story.
Didn;t stop the hate mail she may of gotten and sweetie lost her boyfriend due to what she did.
Hope something simialr happens or they got law suits, minor ones to major ones still cause them a bad rep and damage them further.

no guilt ridden confession happen, the only reason they got exposed was because they were found out, and caught, they were willing to let Sunset die and rot for all they cared.

Like i said i liked it


Hope something simialr happens or they got law suits

Ah, so, Law Suits and legal matters are a subject that I'm not even gonna pretend to be an expert with, so I've been trying my best to stay away from that.
If I ever go that route then it would have to be after I got some input from someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

Nice, would love to see some more one shots set like this.

Comment posted by Arthor2017 deleted Jan 27th, 2018

Excellent work as always, man. I'd really enjoyed it.

So the question here is... Is the Round Trip going from her "reformed" self back to being the ice queen bee of CHS, or is it going from the disillusioned and broken mess of Anon-a-miss back to someone who's starting to at least somewhat care about people other than herself and her few friends? :trixieshiftright:

lol, sorry if I kept you waiting

I would really like to seethw epilouge for everyone involved. H5, CMC, students, teachers, and even Princess Twilight and Celestia's reaction.

A sequel series would not be the best idea, but a series of oneshots that take place after, that would be good.

I like this Sunset way more than the pansy that the Rainbitches and Twilight turned her into, too bad she had to get so screwed over by what had happened for her to reach that point. Have a fave my fellow Boktai loving guy :twilightsmile:


Have a fave my fellow Boktai loving guy



If I ever decide to go in for round 3, I'll at least try to add Sci-Twi.

From discussion elsewhere you know my feelings on how Sci-Twi is the major X factor in Anon-a-Miss stories.

Both to reiterate and let other people know what I'm talking about:

Sci-Twi figured out that CHS was the source at the end of Rainbow Rocks. Events have been set in motion and she's already on her way. She's going to discover the portal, she's going to build her magic capture and sequestration device/pendant/thing, it's going to operate outside of its intended parameters and suck up way more magic than the small samples it was designed for.

These things will happen unless something unexpected (and probably contrived) happens to stop them. So, barring Sci-Twi getting struck with a sudden bolt of, say, laser guided amnesia, any post-Anon-a-Miss world is going to have to face that.

In this universe the Friendship Games have been cancelled and that changes everything except the fact that Sci-Twi is on a collision course with portal magic. In planning out my own sequel I realized that without the Friendship Games forcing everything to happen on one day there was a high probability that, when things went critical, the people necessary to fix the problem wouldn't be in the same place as the problem itself.

Things have the potential to go apocalyptic very fast in that case. (Which is why my original plan for A New Path Forward has been replaced with a plan for two stories. New Path's world may be heading toward a massive magical catastrophe eventually, but that isn't what New Path itself about and so I'm splitting off the Sci-Twi portion into a sequel.)

On the other hand, there's also the possibility that things never go critical at all. Twilight sucks up the magic of the portal, realizes that her device isn't working properly and has a potentially unsafe amount of energy stored in it, takes it back to her lab, and (under conditions as safe as she can make them) sciences the fuck out of everything until she can safely re-release the magic into the place it belongs.

Everything from smooth sailing to the end of the universe is possible, but the one thing that is profoundly unlikely is getting The Friendship Games as shown on screen, even in universes where the games themselves still happen.

I miss badass Sunset.

The key thing that changes is whether the others pony up or not, which was where SciTwi got most of her magic from. In FG, they all ponied up representing their Elements, so it’s very likely the most she’ll get is the portal. Top that off that without the pressure to win the Friendship Games (in particular the Cinch blackmail and an overall less capable CHS team) and potential lack of Sunset exploding at her (or even willing to help her study the magic if Sunset gives no shits about the Friendship Games), there’s more than enough things to reasonably prevent any kind of large scale disaster and Twilight unleashing the magic.

i LOVED this
i love any aftermath stories of anon a miss!
i really want to see what else is happening. between the other cmc. the humane 5 and dash!
great follow up! :D

I really like the way you write Sunset. If EQ wasn't aimed for little girls then we would have a very interesting character due to her background and the events through the series. She could be a deep character and it's a shame that we are never showed how she actually tried to redeem herself after the fall formal and how she started to change her personality as well, which is why events like Anon a miss are the most interesting to explore, the old Sunset Shimmer can't disappear that easily.
Unfortunately, you can always expect the "friendship solves everything and most villains are forgivable so they can end as our friends".The final of anon a miss is a complete disaster and the worst was when Sunset ended forgiving the CMC just like that.
I enjoyed a lot your version of that story and I love your Sunset Shimmer, very realistic. I hope she stays like that.

This is a really good way to wrap things up. She hasn’t blindly forgiven anyone, but at the same time hasn’t forgotten what she learn at the Fall Formal. She’s just more decerning about who her friends are and whose opinion matters to her.
Also, if the human 5 could have so easily been broken up in the first place, there was probably a good reason for them not to be friends at all. The CMC seem much a better example of what friends should be, always looking out for each other regardless of cost or circumstance.

Hey Dainn, awesome story, I actually really enjoyed how that went, it felt smooth reading it. The details were there and did great job describing the actions and the scene's playing out. The dialogue and characters thoughts were well structured and easy enough to follow without getting lost.

That sounds pretty awesome actually

I really enjoyed this story. I hope that Sunset does eventually find her way back to her former friends, but something tells me that it will be a long journey.

The new Sunset here is a sad creature. She has fallen back to her old ways in some manner, but she doesn't have the complete cruelty either. Making it more confusing is that she does seem to still have a big heart, but that is clouded by what happened for good reasons. :applejackunsure:

Not gonna lie, this Sunset is very intriguing. Hopefully she doesn't fall back into be cruel for cruelty's sake, but the cold efficiency here is admirable... I think? Don't know, hope she ends up warming back up to people one day. Cause right now she is walking a very thin line. Kinda want to see Twilight going through everyone one in person to see how she responds to all of it. Either way this is a good follow up.

“Well, I watched you beat-up and blackmail Score a few minutes ago. And you just admitted that you’re still angry at most of the school, and you only helped me because you wanted to remind Dumbbell and the others that you were still at the top.” Scootaloo watched Sunset nod, confirming that everything that she had said so far was correct. Frowning a little, Scootaloo pressed on with her question.

“Then, does this mean that the old you is back?”

Hope not:twilightoops:!

“But,” Scootaloo continued, “I don’t think that you should let what happened at CHS change who you are. You’re better than that. And I still think that you’re a good person, even if you might not think so anymore.” She gave a small nod, and then turned around to leave, only to stop part of the way out and face Sunset once again.

Be honest with yourself Sunset:pinkiesad2:.

‘And besides, change doesn’t have to be a bad thing.’

If you keep it from being a bad thing that is:raritywink:.

‘It can also be a learning experience too.’

Eeyup, that too:eeyup:.

This time she wasn’t going to lose.

She'd better not, or this'll all have been for nothing:flutterrage:!

Dainn, this story (and the story it derives from) was a massive inspiration to me, and encouraged myself to write my own Anon-a-Miss tale. Thank you.

I had no idea there was a sequal to my favorite Fanfic! Thank you so much for writing this!!!

I like this.

Brass knuckles? I thought this couldn't get more gratuitous. Geez.

Scootaloo was just about ready to protest the unfairness of that deal, or just flat out chance it and run away now while everyone was distracted.

Girl, what are you still doing standing there?

"“But there is one thing that I do know. The good girl with a big heart, who was looking for atonement, and helped save everyone from becoming the Sirens’ new playthings; she’s gone. From now on, my first and only concern is myself and the small few that I consider to be my friends. I don’t owe anyone else a thing.”"
Then you are letting your pain define you than moving on. That isn't a good thing.

"‘Don’t let what happened at CHS change who I am,’ Sunset thought to herself as she reached the opposite exit. She quickly tossed out the suggestion, deciding that it was too little too late.

‘And besides, change doesn’t have to be a bad thing.’"

Except in your case where you are reverting back to form. I would like a sequel where Sunset catches snips and snails talking with one of the rainbooms and realizing she does miss them.

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