• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 11,517 Views, 473 Comments

Ponyville Runaways - Splash Surfer 216

After the Gabby Gums incident leaves them feeling outcast by their friends and family, the Crusaders resort to running away from home.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - We Done Goofed

It was the very next day, as Celestia's bright and shining sun rose high into the sky to signfy the start of a brand new day...

Inside the Apple Family's farmhouse, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith were inside, having just about woken up, and halfway done with their complete breakfast of pancakes, with a few glasses of apple cider. No pony had noticed of course until later on that something or somepony was missing...

"That's funny," said Granny Smith, gulping down one bite of pancake from her plate. "Ah haven't seen or heard a peep out of Apple Bloom all day! She never misses pancake morning, where could she be?"

"We haven't seen her since yesterday afternoon, Granny." Applejack replied.

"Eeyup." answered Big Mac.

"Funny thing," Granny said. "Ah heard there was some drama going around town 'bout Apple Bloom's school newspaper print'n some questionable stuff that's gotten every pony all up in a tizzy more than a rattlesnake with a beehive stuck on its head!"

'Eeyup, we unfortunately got stories 'bout both of us in that gossip column." Applejack replied. "An' when t' Crusaders tried ta get us ta agree ta another story 'bout us, Ah was too angry ta even talk, and Big Mac sure gave 'em an earful and told them ta buzz off..."

All of a sudden, Granny Smith slammed her front hooves on the table in disgust.

"Why, that's just doggone awful!"

"Ah know!" Applejack agreed. "T’ nerve of Apple Bloom, humiliating her own siblings like that an' all fer some dumb ol’ cutie mark!"

"No, no, darling," said Granny Smith, "Ah'm not talk'n 'bout Apple Bloom, Ah meant you two!"

"What?" her grandchildren were both surprised at their grandmother's disapproving tone. "We didn't..."

"Ah can't believe you'd be so selfish an' harsh towards yer sister like that! An’ over somethin’ so ridiculous as a gossip column!"

"But, Granny..." Applejack argued.

"But noth'n!" their grandmother snapped. "Now Ah'm sure that what they did was wrong, but ya'll should remember that Apple Bloom's still just a little filly, she don’t know any better! All foals make mistakes, an’ ignoring ‘em an’ hollering at ‘em like they're wild animals is not t' way ta solve a problem! You're supposed ta sit down an' talk with them an' straighten things out."

"We were just..."

"Darling, it pains me ta say it," Granny Smith's angry tone began to calm, yet remained with a hint of disgust and disappointment. "But Ah fear that you've brought shame, something fierce upon this household with how y'all both treated yer little sister over something that wasn't that important ta you at all! Ah bet that if yer ma an' pa were still with us, they'd be pretty disappointed as much as Ah am right now. What you both did, was probably just as hurtful as any story those three fillies could write."

"But... but..." Applejack stammered out.

"Now if y'all will excuse me, Ah'll be finishing my meal in the den, 'cause it seems like you two have some serious think'n ta do..."

And with that, Granny Smith carried her plate of half eaten pancakes and stormed off to the living room, leaving Applejack and Big Macintosh still at the table, stunned, and confused at what had just transpired. They began to think back to that moment before, that yesterday afternoon when the Cutie Mark Crusaders came by to ask for a new story and for help, and how Applejack had outright ignored them and Big Macintosh turned them away. Thinking back to how she refused to listen to her little sister, the one pony who looked up to her as much as Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow Dash, made Applejack's ears begin to droop.

At that moment, the two ponies' consciences began to become one and manifest themselves into the form of a beautiful angelic looking pony with a horn and wings and draped in a flowing white dress, hovering above them.

"Granny Smith is right you know," said the angel pony. "Even if the Crusaders made a big mistake, that did not give you the right to outright turn them away and holler at them like a puppy that left a spot on the carpet. You two should be ashamed of yourselves!"

Suddenly, another form took shape next to the two siblings, this form appeared almost ghastly and had a look mischievousness on it's smile. It looked like a pony, but it was a blood red color, with black wings, and two black horns atop its head, and its hooves were cloven like a goat. It also had a long, spikey tail, and carried a pitchfork in one hoof.

"Aw, don't listen to that goody two-horseshoes!" chuckled the devil pony. "You gave those little brats just what they deserved. How else are little fillies supposed to learn anything if you don't put your hoof down when they mess up big time?"

"You've known Apple Bloom since the day she was born," argued the angel pony. "Do you honestly think that she'd hurt you two and your friends on purpose?"

"If I remember correctly," Devil Pony, scratched the goatee on his chin. "She wrote in the paper that you Applejack were a lazy slacker, and that Big Mac has some really weird attachment to your friend Twilight's old fillyhood doll!"

"I know things look bad, but how do you think Apple Bloom feels right now? It's only pretty obvious that the poor dear must be so sad!" Angel Pony painted a visual picture with her magic of Apple Bloom with a sad face.

"Pah!" scoffed the devil. "Who cares? She'll get over it eventually."

While the consciences continued to battle, Applejack turned to her older brother.

"Big Mac, please tell me Granny Smith is wrong, we weren't that hard on her, were we?"

Big Macintosh thought back to that moment when he told the Crusaders that they should be ashamed of themselves and to take their gossip and their embarrassing pictures and go away, and thinking back to how he not only turned away his little sister when she and her friends tried to reason with them and ask for help, but he also probably had to go and mentally scar her.

Hanging his head in shame, the only words the stallion could utter out were, "Eeyup, we were..."

Applejack felt her heart begin to split, as she then buried her head in her hat, overcome with guilt.

"Ah... ah can't believe it..." she moaned, her voice muffled by her hat. "Should've known... Ah got mad at my own little sis an' her friends fer no good reason, Ah'm so stupid!"

Devil Pony began to laugh, getting a sick kick out of seeing the two overcome with guilt. "Face it A.J, you and Big Mac haven't much luck at helping raise a dependable, faithful little sibling as you do keeping a good reputation!"

"You're not stupid, A.J." reassured Angel Pony. "You two just made some bad decisions. If I were you, I'd march straight up to Apple Bloom's room, sit down and talk things over with her and figure out what's going. Who knows? There might be more to this than just wanting a cutie mark."

"I'd hate to admit it," agreed Devil Pony. "But that's a great idea! Of course, the chances are that Apple Bloom will be too upset to talk or she's probably gone and run off somewhere, but then again, how's she going to escape? It's not like she can just trot right out the front door or anything..."

"Okay, you two really ain't helping our case at t' moment." Applejack said, growing annoyed.

"Eeyup!" agreed Big Mac.

"Oh, right! Bye!" And with that, the manifestations disappeared.

"C'mon Big Mac," A.J then said to her brother. "Let's go check on our little sis."

The two earth ponies then exited the kitchen and quietly began to climb up the stairs to the door to Apple Bloom's room. Once they had stopped at the door, Applejack quietly knocked on the door.

"Apple Bloom?" she asked. "Sugarcube, are ya okay in there?"

There was no answer.

"Maybe she didn't hear us." she said to Big Mac.

So she tried again. "Sugarcube, please open up. We'd like ta apologize..."

"We just want ta talk, sis." Big Mac said, looking through the doorknob to see if the lights were off in the room. "We ain't here ta yell at ya again."

Still no answer.

"Apple Bloom, ya can't stay in there all day! At least come out before yer gonna be late fer school!"

"She might be still asleep." A.J concluded. "Ah'll go in first an’ wake her up..."

Applejack slowly turned the doorknob, opened the door and crept inside. Granny Smith was just walking upstairs when she saw Big Mac outside the door to the room, and smiled.

"Now that's what Ah'd like ta see..." she whispered, proud to see that her grandchildren understood their mistake and were working to try and fix it. "Ah just hope that Apple Bloom isn't too upset."

The moment was soon interrupted by the sound of a blood curdling scream from inside the room. Shocked and fearing the worst, Granny Smith and Big Mac burst through the lit room and found Applejack, hyperventilating and an empty, almost messy room with no sign of Apple Bloom in sight.

"What is it, A.J? What happened? Where is she?!" asked Big Mac.

"S-s-she's gone!" cried Applejack.

"She's WHAT?!" Completely shocked for a moment, Big Mac recomposed himself and then asked, "Are ya sure she didn't leave early fer school?"

“All of her favorite things are gone...” she sniffed. “Even her picture of Ma and Pa an’ her favorite bow are gone!”

"She couldn't have gone that far..." said Granny Smith, growing increasingly worried. "You two, check every square inch of Sweet Apple Acres. Ah'll get in contact with t' relatives an’ see if anypony's seen her!"

Applejack and Big Macintosh dashed out of the room and immediately began searching all over the farm.

They searched high, and they searched low.

They searched inside and even outside.

They even searched around the Crusaders’ clubhouse, but they found that it also was empty...

Oh, how they were so worried, searching every nook and cranny, vainly calling out their sister's name as they searched, but to no avail.

Finally, Applejack, headed upstairs to her room, stuck her head out the window, and with tears in her eyes, hollered out at the top of her lungs, echoing so loud that it could be heard almost across Equestria.


And at that very moment, both Applejack and Big Macintosh realized how badly, they done goofed....

Author's Note:

Special thanks goes out to Astral Phoenix for helping craft the outline for this chapter!

Update: Edited (6/6/18)!