• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,258 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Lessons & Memories Part 2

[Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters, 10:10 A.M.]

The sun began to rise over the horizon and shined through the multiple trees and gaps where the students were sleeping on the ground. Luckily, Gine at least allowed Twilight to pack pillows for them all so they don't have to wake up with sore necks. The group began to groan and turn a bit as the sun shined down on them all. They all began rubbing their eyes before sitting up. Gallus was the first to open his eyes and Gine was up before any of them and was currently doing push-ups. Huck was sitting by her and watching when she spotted everyone sitting up and smiled before pushing herself hard enough to get up on her feet. "Morning everyone."

The students all stood up and began doing a few stretches to get their blood flowing easier. Scootaloo looked and covered her eyes a bit as the sun shined in them. "Wow. That sun's even brighter when I don't sleep under a roof."

"Yeah," Gine said and smiled before placing her hand on the young pegasus' shoulder. "But that's why we're out here. Like I said. By learning to survive out here, you'll all be able to have your bodies become stronger and your senses sharper. Your instincts will become greater and allow you to handle your ki better when you learn to tap into it afterward."

"That's great and all," Smolder said as she approached the Saiyan. "But if we're going to get stronger, we gotta eat something first. So... What do we do for breakfast?"

Gine smiled a bit at the question. "Well Smolder. That's something else that's part of your training. In order to pass your test and survive out here, you have to rely on what the forest provides and find out what's out here that you can use?"

The students all looked to her confused. "What exactly do you mean Gine?" Silverstream asked.

Gine smiled even more and chuckled. "What I'm saying is, your next challenge is finding your own food from what this forest has to give."

This caught everyone by surprise. "Saiyan mean we have to get food with only bare hands?" Yona asked with some interest.

"Yes Yona," Gine said. "During most missions, we Saiyans survived only on what we gathered from the planets we were sent to. Doing so challenged us to use everything we had besides just our powers. Such as learning to tell what we could eat, what was guarded and what wasn't. Our hearing, sight, smell, touch, and tasting. All of it was tested and improved from surviving in the wilderness of multiple worlds for every mission we went on. There were times we even had to learn to use what was provided by nature for medicine. I can't count how many times I had to improvise a kind of medicine cream from herbs, plants, and all kinds of stuff to help my old squad when we ran out of the healing formula."

"So you're saying finding whatever we can use to survive only from the forest will help us get ready to tap into ki better?" Sandbar asked.

"Exactly," Gine said with a smile.

"But," Spike said as he seemed a little nervous. "What about wild animals? We may be just gathering food out there, and maybe some other stuff we can use, but what if we run into trouble while we're out there?"

"Well. I won't lie," Gine started as she looked to them all with a look of understanding. "Learning to tell when danger is around will come to you eventually while you're out here. But in the meantime, to help prevent you from worrying, I will keep my eyes and ears sharp should any of you run into anything that could threaten your lives. Alright?"

The students all became as nervous as Spike was, but given how strong they knew Gine was and her encouraging smile facing them, they all nodded with determination. "Good. Now before we get moving, are there any questions?"

Ocellus then raised her hand a bit before Gine looked to her. "Before we start today, can we go check on something down below the castle?"

"Below the castle?" Gine asked with curiosity.

After a moment, Yona, Silverstream, Sandbar, Gallus, and Smolder also smiled before nodding to Ocellus and looked to Gine with pleading looks as well. "Well... I suppose it'd be alright."

Before Gine could get another word out, the six students took off running out the abandoned castle, leaving her with Scootaloo, Spike, and Huck. Gine then looked to her two remaining students. "What are they going to check on exactly?"

Spike and Scootaloo couldn't help but smile at the Saiyan. "You may want to follow us," Spike said.

"There's something down below the castle, you'll definitely wanna see for yourself," Scootaloo said as they both began walking out of the castle themselves with Gine and Huck soon following after.

After a few minutes, Gine was led to a stairway heading down below the castle, following down behind Spike and Scootaloo with Huck by her side. She soon reached the bottom and found a cave with a small glow coming from the entrance.

"What is that?"

"Follow us in and see for yourself," Spike said as he and Scootaloo ran in with Huck chasing after them. Gine looked at the entrance for a moment before entering the cave and looked to see everyone gathered around what appeared to be some kind of crystal tree. It had five branches and each branch, along with the center of the tree, held a symbol that resembled the Cutie Marks of Twilight and her friends. She approached the students as they all looked to it with amazement as Gine asked, "What... What is this?"

"The Tree of Harmony," Ocellus said. "It's one of the main sources of powerful magic in Equestria. Not to mention it's also given Twilight and her friends their magic of friendship."

Gine looked to the tree with an intrigued expression. "Really?"

"Mhmm," Yona said with a nod. "Tree even once teach us how to face fears and show we capable of being friends even though we all different creatures."

"I see," Gine said as she approached the tree with interest. Despite no sun being able to reach it, it shined like a river onto the ground in front of her. "It's beautiful."

As she continued staring at the tree, she soon found her gaze focusing on the center that resembled Twilight's cutie mark. It seemed to be shining brighter than the others for a moment before a glimmer of light from it caused Gine to blink a bit in surprise before looking to the star shape again. To Gine for a moment, it felt like she heard a small whisper-like sound.


Gine shook her head a bit and turned to see Ocellus approach her with a somewhat concerned expression before asking, "Are you okay?"

Gine looked at her for a moment before looking to the tree again with a somewhat confused expression. She stared at the tree for a bit longer before smiling to Ocellus. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine."

Gine then turned to them all with a smile. "Alright, let's get today started. Follow me."

Gine then began walking back towards the stairs. As they began moving further and further up the stairs, they were unaware of another brief flash of light from the center of the tree.

[A few minutes later]

The group was following Gine with Huck at her side through the forest. As they moved further and further into the forest, Scootaloo ran up to her side as well with a giddy expression on her face. "So what are we going to do today? Cool hand blasts? Punching hard enough to break a tree? FLYING!?"

Gine chucked at Scootaloo's enthusiasm. "Now, now Scootaloo. I'm afraid that stuff won't come until much later on."

This caused Scootaloo to falter a little. Gine showed sympathy winking at the young pegasus. "But don't worry. I promise that when that time comes, you and the others will be ready for it."

This statement lifted Scootaloo's spirits a bit and caused her to smile. After walking for a little longer, Gine soon stopped, which caused the others to do so as well. Gine then turned to them all as they looked straight to her.

"Alright," Gine said as she looked through all of them. "Are all of you ready to start off your training?"

The group each nodded in confirmation before Gine continued, "Alright then. As you all know for the next three months, we'll be here in the Everfree Forest. So to start off, for the first month, your task will be simple for each day... Stay alive."

"Stay alive?" Ocellus asked as she and the others were confused.

"Yes. Like I said, for the time we're out here, you'll have to rely on what the forest provides in terms of food, water, and defense. From I've learned about you all from Twilight, you're all more used to having supplies provided to you and others to protect you. In order to get strong enough, you'll have to learn to survive on only what you can gather yourselves along with your wits, bodies, minds, and wills."

"You mean we're going to be on our own throughout all of our time out here for the next month?" Silverstream trembling a little while also biting down on her claws a bit.

"But what if we run into wild animals that want to eat us?" Yona said, also concerned.

"Like I told Spike earlier, part of your task for surviving is learning to deal with them yourselves. If you want to learn ki, you have to learn how to sharpen your senses and bodies to be ready to handle creatures that can be a threat to you," Gine said with a somewhat stern voice. However, she noticed that her words still made the students nervous before she continued, "Look. I know it sounds a little extreme. But I promise the reason I'm pushing you this hard is that I know you're all capable of learning ki. But I'll remind you all that I promised you and your guardians that I would protect you. So if you come across any creatures in the Everfree Forest that prove too much for you to handle on your own, I will step in and help you. Also while I am going to push you to survive on your own, I won't push you too far. You'll only be working on your survival skills during the day. But when night draws in, I'll gather you all back and return you to our campsite to rest."

"So we'll be surviving on our own during the day, and sleep back at the abandoned castle at night?" Gallus asked, wanting to clarify the Saiyan's words.

"Exactly Gallus. The sun just came up. So for the next few hours, unless I'm needed, you'll survive out here without my help."

"But," Sandbar started before asking, "How will you know where we are or if we need your help?"

"Don't worry Sandbar," Gine said as she tapped the side of her the head a bit. "I'll be able to keep track of you by sensing your energies. If I sense a power level around any of yours that's higher than yours and I sense any of you struggling against it, I'll be there in a flash to get it away from you."

"So you're saying you'll help us by finding us with one of your new tricks?" Smolder asked with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Pretty much, yeah," Gine said. "But only if you struggle too much with something that's trouble. If it's something I believe you can't handle, I'll step in. Otherwise, you'll have to take care of it yourself. And if you can do that with any of the creatures here, then you'll be one step closer to progressing through your training."

The students all still felt a bit concerned. Sure they wanted to learn about ki, but they were being left to fend for themselves. True, they had all once ran away from home before, but this time, Sandbar wouldn't be able to go to Ponyville for supplies. This time, they had to rely entirely on finding the food on their own through a dangerous forest of animals and dangerous magical creatures. However, they did take some comfort in knowing Gine would at least be keeping an eye on them.

However, these thoughts were interrupted when they heard a loud rumbling noise that seemed to startle them. "What that? Some dangerous animal that wanna eat Yona and her friends?" Yona asked looking around the area that surrounded them to see any movement.

"Actually," Spike said as rubbed his head and blushed a little. "It's not an animal at all. I just haven't eaten any breakfast yet."

This caused everyone to laugh a bit before Gine started hovering up a bit. She even picked up Huck and held him on her back as she looked over her students again. "Alright, I'll be back around sunset. Like I said, use whatever you have that the forest provides you. Believe in yourselves and use all that you have available to you. Most importantly, remember I have your back if you need. But only if you really need me." Gine then took off flying out further to where the students were soon unable to see her at all.

"So... What now?" Scootaloo asked as she looked to her fellow students.

They all remained silent as they all just looked around, Spike then stepped up to get everyone's attention. "Okay. Well, she said we needed to survive only on what we have from the forest. But I doubt we're going to survive on an empty stomach. And since I know no one's eaten yet, let's get some food rounded up."

"Good idea Spike," Ocellus said. "Well... I know about quite a few of the types of fruits that grow out here. Like which are poisonous and which aren't, so with a little help I can gather up some food with a little help."

"I'll help out too," Sandbar said. "I've been reading a few things about the foods from the Everfree Forest from some of the cookbooks professor Pinkie Pie showed me."

Scootaloo ran up to the two as well. "I'll help too. I've read a few books from the times I went camping with my friends and Rainbow Dash. I know what some good and safe things to eat are."

"Alright. I guess that means you three can handle getting some food to eat," Spike said. "We also need some fresh water to drink too."

"I can help with that!" Silverstream raising and waving her hand around. "Since I live underwater part of the time, I can tell when water is clean enough to drink better," said Silverstream.

"Good call," Spike said as he looked to Gallus. "Why don't you help her gather water, Gallus?"

"Say what?" Gallus asked with a blush. Ever since Silverstream got that armor on her, it had become something Gallus couldn't stop thinking about. Something about her in that Saiyan armor made him feel nervous when he was around her. "Ummm... Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It'll be fine," Spike said while he walked up beside Smolder and Yona. "While you help her gather water, Yona, Smolder, and I will gather wood for a fire. And for food."

"And if you don't mind, grab some fish for those of us who eat more than just fruit," Smolder said with a grin and a thumbs up to Gallus.

"Yeah... Sure."

"Let's go, Gallus!" Silverstream yelled out as she grabbed Gallus by the arm.

"Whoa!" Gallus let out as he was pulled away into another part of the forest. After the two were out of sight, Scootaloo, Ocellus, and Sandbar gathered up.

"Alright then," Spike said. "We'll all meet up back at the abandoned castle in a couple of hours."

Sandbar nodded with Ocellus and Scootaloo. "You got it, Spike," Sandbar said as he followed the two with him.

Spike then turned to Smolder and Yona. "Yona wanna know how we get wood to camp?"

"We'll just carry it Yona. We gotta get some more muscle on us somehow," Smolder said as she flexed her arms a bit.

"Yeah. Plus like Gine said, we have to survive on only what the forest provides for us," Spike said as he took to the air with his wings and with Smolder following.

"Hey!" Yona said as they flew towards the forest a bit. "Yaks can't fly remember? What Yona supposed to do to stay with friends?"

Spike held up his hand in surrender to calm Yona down a bit. "Don't worry. We're going to fly low through here to keep us all together."

"Just make sure you can keep up Yona. And try not to trip on your braids again," Smolder said smugly before flying off.

"Smolder no talk about Yona's braids!" Yona yelled as she chased after Smolder.

Spike watched as Yona went straight into the forest before sighing a bit. "This is going to be a long training day." He then took off flying after them.

Meanwhile, from a nearby hill peak, Gine sat and ate a piece of fruit she grabbed and pulled a piece off to feed to Huck. She had been focusing on watching the spot the students were left at and smiled at what she saw. "Looks like they're already off to a good start."

After finishing his piece of the fruit, Huck actually looked in the same direction and whined a little.

"Don't worry Huck," Gine said as she rubbed his head. "I kept my word when I said I'd keep an eye out and make sure nothing too dangerous happens."

Meanwhile, Scootaloo, Sandbar, and Ocellus had just stopped at a spot to begin gathering fruit. They had spotted many trees with multiple types of fruit hanging from each one. Berries, cherries, star fruit, and some other kinds of fruit. "Alright. Let's get picking," Sandbar said.

"Okay. Just a heads up, if you find any berries that are orange with black and white spots, don't pick them. On one of my camping trips with my friends and Rainbow Dash, I found out those berries are extremely poisonous."

"I remember reading about that in the library," Ocellus said as she looked over the berries. "I think most of these are safe. The problem is, how do get a large enough load gathered so we have enough for right now but still be able to take more back for later?"

Sandbar looked around until he spotted some rope-like roots hanging from a tree along with some long thick branches. "I have an idea. Why don't we build a stretcher to carry some food in using this stuff?"

Ocellus looked at the roots and branches as well and after giving it some thought, said, "That might work. Let's give it a try."

Ocellus then decided to fly up and land on one of the branches before turning into her dragon form to fly up to the roots and began pulling them off with her new claws. Afterward, she used her claws to get a good grip on the four of the biggest branches she could gather before dropping them down to the ground and changing back to her normal look. She then looked to Scootaloo and Sandbar with a smile. "Let's get to work shall we?"

The two nodded and began pulling the branches together and then started using the roots to tie around them to hold them together. Ocellus then turned herself into Chrysalis' old form, startling Scootaloo and Sandbar, but calmed them down when she smiled to them. She then shot some of the old Changeling slim onto roots and used it to help tighten the grip on the branches. She then changed back to her normal form before pulling it into the middle of the area they were in. "Alright. Let's get to gathering."

The three began picking multiple fruits from the trees around them and placing them on the carrier they made. Ocellus began picking some mangos, Sandbar picked some starfruit, and Scootaloo began picking some berries. They each continued adding more and more to their pile of food while also having a few bites of their own.

"Wow. I thought this would be a bit trickier," Sandbar said as he began picking more starfruit until he spotted some forest cherry trees. "Wow. I didn't expect to find cherries out here." Sandbar then began picking those as well.

"I know what you mean," Scootaloo said as she began picking apples from some forest apple trees as well. "I mean I thought it'd be harder since we don't have any camping supplies or stuff like that, but so far this is pretty easy."

After picking a few more mangos, Ocellus then started picking from a blueberry bush and gathering some onto the carrier as well. "I agree. I mean I remember when you, me, and the others all ran away to stay together, Sandbar. But back then, you would go back to Ponyville to gather us some cupcakes, blankets, and pillows for us to use to sleep with and eat. But this time, all we have is this armor. I mean I know Gine said she'd look out for us, but she said only if she thinks we really need it. Even knowing she'll be out there watching us, I still feel a little nervous."

"Me too," Scootaloo said as she kept gathering more fruit. "The only times I felt safe in a place like this was knowing Rainbow Dash was right beside me the whole time. But Gine wants us to rely on ourselves and get through it without help unless we really need it. I feel a little scared too."

"Don't worry girls," Sandbar said as he popped a cherry into his mouth before chewing on it. He felt the juices from it spread throughout his mouth and smiled to the two, showing some red on his teeth, making the two girls laugh a bit. "I know we're not used to this kind of stuff. But remember, Gine's making us do this because she believes in us. Not to mention it'll be worth it to learn how to use ki like her. Who knows, along with flying, which is what I know you want Scootaloo," Sandbar said looking to the pegasus before continuing with, "there's no telling what else we can do once we learn it. We could come up with our own moves and stuff like that. Maybe even know what it feels like to save Equestria again. Gine learned those new techniques of hers from just one month of being by herself, so surely we could make some new stuff of our own after she teaches us about ki."

The girls were both surprised by how reasonable Sandbar's words were. True, they had a lot of work to do on their own in the forest first, but they both knew Gine wouldn't be making them do this if she didn't need them to or believe they couldn't handle it. She had high hopes and expectations of them all and they were determined to meet them both and learn what she had to teach them.

"You're right Sandbar," Ocellus said as she threw more blueberries onto the pile. "Gine's one of the best things to happen to Equestria. Not only did she answer the question of whether or not we're alone in the universe, but she's now willing to share what she knows with us all to help our world."

"Not to mention, that armor looks good on you Ocellus," Sandbar whispered but was still barely heard by Scootaloo.

"What'd you say Sandbar?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nothing!" Sandbar quickly said with a blush forming on his face.

Soon, they heard rustling and out jumped a pukwudgie startling Ocellus and Sandbar. "Oh no," said the former. However, rather than get aggressive, it took off running in panic.

"That's weird," Sandbar said. "Last time we ran into those little guys they were getting all angry with us."

"Well I can only think of two possibilities," Ocellus said as she looked in the direction the pukwudgie ran off in. "Either it really was alone and didn't wanna risk getting hurt. Or... It was running from something."

They then heard louder rustling before, out from the forest cover, came a manticore who looked straight at them before roaring.

"I think it was the second choice! RUN!" Sandbar yelled before they all began running prompting the manticore to chase after them.

[At the same time]

Gallus and Silverstream had just arrived at a stream and Gallus let out a sigh. "Finally!"

Gallus was the first one to reach the stream and dunked his head and began drinking as fast as he could. He then yanked his head out to catch his breath. "Man. That is good water."

Silverstream giggled a bit as she sat by it and ran her claws through the water as it flowed by. "This running water reminds me of home."

Gallus then noticed how close he was sitting to Silverstream and with how he could see her in the armor, he began blushing heavily again and began scooting away from her a little. "So um... How should we get it back to the others?"

Silverstream then pulled the pack her armor came in and reached inside to pull out what looked like some glass bottles with corks in them. This caught Gallus by surprise, leading him to ask, "Where did you get those?"

"Oh. While we were settling into the abandoned castle yesterday, I looked around and found them and thought they could come in handy. I even cleaned them up a bit so we could have clean water," Silverstream said with a big smile.

"How did you know to clean them?"

"I read it in one of the books I found on sinks from the library. A lot of cool stuff on how to make sure the dishes in a sink are clean," Silverstream said with her usual giddy attitude.

"Ummm... Okay? Well, let's get to filling them."

The two then began holding each bottle into the stream, letting it fill them up before pulling them out to put their corks back in. As they were doing so Gallus couldn't help but ask, "So Silverstream? Why exactly did you wanna learn from Gine? Besides all of the cool stuff."

This seemed to cause Silverstream to gain, to Gallus' surprise, a somewhat serious expression. "Because... I wanna start doing my part."

"What?" Gallus asked with confusion. "What do you mean Silverstream? Do your part in what?"

Silverstream continued just staring down into the water as it flowed by before sighing. "What I mean is... When hippogriffs went into hiding after the Storm King attacked us. I couldn't do anything to help stop it. Me, my parents, and brother couldn't do anything to help Auntie Novo stop him and that's what caused us to have to go underwater and hide. But now, I have a way to be useful if another bad guy like the Storm King shows up to Mount Aris again. You saw what Gine can do and if I can learn how to do the same things, I can help keep my friends and family back home safe!"

This speech surprised Gallus a bit. He had seen Silverstream act serious in certain situations, like when they beat Cozy Glow. But he had never seen Silverstream this serious. And something about it made Gallus blush even harder. He quickly shook it off to try and calm himself. "Wow. That's the first time I've ever heard you so determined Silverstream."

"Thanks," Silverstream said with a giggle. "Anyways, what about you? I mean like you said, we all wanna learn cool stuff from Gine, but what made you wanna really join the class for the summer?"

"Well...." Gallus started before scratching his head a bit. "To be honest, I don't know. I mean Gine has a lot of stuff to teach us like those energy blasts and sensing stuff, etc. I guess if I had to word it. I wanna learn from Gine to be a better griffon."

"Be a better griffon?" Silverstream asked with a raised eyebrow and a look of confusion.

"Yeah. Think about it," Gallus said as he looked at the water as well. "Griffons and ponies are kinda working together now, but there's still some tension between both of them. You know like griffons still sometimes expect things in exchange for helping ponies with the simple stuff. Well, I thought I could be seen as a better griffon if I learn from Gine and use what she teaches me to help out you and the others along with keeping our school safe. You know?"

Gallus was then surprised when he felt Silverstream pull him into a tight hug, causing the blush to return to his face and his heart to start racing like crazy. 'What is going on? Why is this happening now?' "Um... Silverstream?"

Silverstream quickly pulled away with a smile. "Sorry. It's just that you're always so determined about stuff like this. I mean when we first met, you always acted so..."


"I wouldn't... Okay yeah. Dull. But now, since then, you've become a good friend to us all. You look out for us, you help us, and you're just fun to be around. Like the time you helped me in the Tree of Harmony's tests for us. I'd say you're already a better griffon than most. But with what Gine teaches us, I think you'll be a great griffon."

This brought a smile to both of their faces when Silverstream's eyes went wide, bringing confusion to Gallus. "Silverstream? What's wrong?"

"G... G... Gallus?"

"What?" Gallus asked as he followed his gaze to look behind him where his eyes went wide as well. Behind them, emerging from the water, was a large cragadile. It walked onto dry land and shook off the water before its right side eye caught sight of the two. "Silverstream?"



The two took off running as the cragadile roared and took off running after them.

"This is crazy!" Gallus yelled.

"Yeah. Crazier than I thought possible!" Silverstream yelled as they kept running from the cragadile.

[Also taking place at the same time.]

Spike, Smolder, and Yona had come to an opening where they luckily found many old trees that had fallen down. "So quick question. How do we hall enough wood when they're still whole trees?"

"Yona handle that!" Yona said before running to the trees with her horns held down. She eventually ran into one of the trunks and managed to knock it down. She then started stomping on it and broke it into many more pieces. Yona then turned to her two friends with a smile catching them both by surprise.

"Wow, Yona. If you can do that now, I can't imagine what you'll be able to do when Gine gets done with us," Spike said with an impressed tone. "So why do you wanna learn from Gine anyways Yona? I mean she's strong yeah, but so are you. Do you just wanna get stronger."

"Yes!" Yona shouted. "Wait... No. Yona does want to get stronger like Gine. But Yona also wanna help friends more by getting stronger so Yona can do new things. Like, be the strongest Yak ever!"

"That sounds about right," Smolder said. "Me. I plan on being the strongest dragon also. That way when I try to tell other dragons to listen to what I have to say about the school, they'll listen."

"That somewhat makes sense I guess," Spike said with a raised eyebrow.

"What about you Spike?" Smolder asked while started picking up a few pieces of wood. "You're not a student like the rest of us. So why did you wanna join our trip out here and learn from Gine?"

Spike took a moment to think before sighing. "Well... Over the years I've been here in Ponyville with Twilight, I've always watched from the side while Twilight and the others had to save me and everyone else for whatever trouble came our way. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Tirek, and so on. They all did the work while all I could do was sit back and do nothing."

"Headmare Twilight mention you help stop evil unicorn once. King Sombra Yona think."

"Yeah. But that was by accident. I had the Crystal Heart in my hand but only managed to get it to the altar thanks to Princess Cadence. If she hadn't been there to catch me, I would've been helpless and Sombra may not have been stopped. Not to mention every time I get into trouble like Timberwolves, one of the girls has to always save me. For once, I wanna be able to save myself. I wanna be able to help the girls keep Ponyville, no Equestria safe. And Gine has a way for me to do it. I wanna learn so I can start protecting them when they need me to. Be a real hero for once. But more importantly, keep my friends safe and make it to where they don't have to always protect me."

This seemed to catch Smolder and Yona by surprise. Sure, they knew Spike wanted to do more for his friends, but hearing him say it really earned their respect for the goals he wanted to achieve. "Wow, Spike. I gotta say, if the other dragons could hear you now," Smolder said with respect in her voice.

"Yona agree. Yona thinks Spike wanting to help friends is good." Yona said before she smiled and charged into another tree and managed to knock it down. Only this time, when it fell down, they heard what sounded like a thump and a groan when it reached the ground. Not long after, they watched the tree slightly rise from the ground before it fell over back onto the dirt. But what caught the three's attention was what the tree rolled off of.

From the forest, a large figure began to rise to its feet before it turned around to reveal its sharp claws, beaver-like teeth, and glaring eyes. It then roared at the three, causing them to drop the wood they gathered.

"It's a maulwurf!" Spike shouted as he began backing away.

"So what we do?" Yona asked as she also began backing away.

"Simple Yona," Smolder said as they watched the maulwurf raise its claws. "RUN!"

The three then began running before the maulwurf brought its claws down and narrowly missed them. It then roared again before it took off running after them. Smolder and Spike began flying while also carrying Yona to get further ahead of the creature. After moving further on into the forest, they soon crashed into Silverstream and Gallus and they all rolled onto the ground.

"Gallus! Silverstream! We gotta run!" Spike said, pointing at the maulwurf.

"You got that right!" Gallus said before pointing at the cragadile that was still chasing them.

They all then heard more screaming before seeing Ocellus, Sandbar, and Scootaloo run out as well with the manticore chasing them as well. "Run!" Sandbar yelled as they met up with the others and they all took off running from the three creatures. The three creatures still seemed to ignore each other as they all continued chasing the students.

"What do we do?" Scootaloo yelled as she kept running.

"Where's Gine!?" Gallus shouted. "She said she'd protect us!"

After running a bit farther, Yona accidentally tripped over her braids and caused herself to stubble and crash into Silverstream, followed by them crashing into the rest of the group. This made them all roll a bit on the ground before stopping and forcing them all to get to their feet. However, before they could start running again, the three predators had gathered around them from three different directions.

"Gine! We need help now!" Spike yelled out.

However, despite their pleas for help, they couldn't see any sign of the Saiyan coming to their area. "Where is she?" Gallus asked.

They watched as the creatures continued to advance towards them.

"She should've been here by now!" Smolder said as she watched the manticore licked its fangs.

Sandbar kept close to his friends when a thought came to his mind. 'Wait a minute.' "Guys? What if this is part of Gine's training?"

"What?" Gallus asked. "What are you talking about!?"

"Remember, Gine said she'd help us if the situation really called for it."

Smolder glared harder at the creatures as they kept glaring at them all. "And that helps us how?"

Ocellus took in what Sandbar said and began to realize something as well. "She also said to use what the forest offers along with what we know from our classes to our advantage."

Yona was getting nervous as the cragadile got even closer to them. "But what we do? There still three of them that want to eat Yona and friends."

Ocellus thought for a moment before she came up with a few ideas. "I think I know what to do. We need to split up again."

"Are you crazy?" Scootaloo asked. "These things will tear us apart if we do that! And Gine's still nowhere to help us!"

"We may have a chance if we split up correctly."

"What do you mean?" Gallus asked.

"I'll explain later. But for now, here's what we need to do. Gallus? Silverstream? Follow me and we'll lead the Maulwurf away! Spike and Smolder! You guys lead the cragadile away! Sandbar! Scootaloo! Yona! You guys get the manticore!" Ocellus said.

"And what do we do after that?" Spike asked as he met up with Smolder.

"Just trust me. Remember what these animals are like and what we learned about them from Professor Fluttershy."

The group all huddled together. "Ready! Go!" Ocellus said as they all ran away and with a means of causing their assigned creatures to follow them.

Gine was still watching from a distance while Huck looked to her with a concerned expression and let out a small whimper. "Don't worry. Just as I hoped, they're taking the right strategy to protect themselves."

Huck tilted his head a bit in confusion. "Just keep watching," Gine said as she smiled and continued watching herself.

With Sandbar, Scootaloo, and Yona, they had run into a clearing with the manticore still running after them. Scootaloo looked back to see it still after them before looking to Sandbar. "So what do we do now?"

Sandbar was looking ahead and trying to come up with an idea as they kept running. 'Okay. Think. Ocellus said to remember what this manticore is like and what Fluttershy told us about it. She must've meant something. But what?'

The three kept running and running until Sandbar spotted a downward hill ahead of them. He then got an idea as they got closer to it. "I have an idea guys. When we reach that hill, we split. Scootaloo and me on the left and Yona on the right."

"What that do?!" Yona asked.

"Just trust me!" Sandbar then watched as the hill got closer and closer. "On three! 1... 2... 3!!!"

The three then split into the two directions and the manticore stopped to go after them. But rather than stopping completely, it skidded a bit before it fell over the edge and rolled down the hill and landed with a loud thud. Scootaloo, Yona, and Sandbar then watched as the manticore let out a whimper before it got up and ran off. "How did you know that would work?" Scootaloo asked.

"I remember one thing Fluttershy told us in class. Manticores are dangerous, but when it comes to sharp turns or stops, their weight and size make it hard for them to stay on their feet."

Sandbar then felt himself lose his breath when Yona pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. "Sandbar saved us. Sandbar good friend!"

"Y... Yeah. Thanks, Yona. But... Can you please not break me in half?"

Yona then let Sandbar go, causing him to fall on the ground and take a deep breath, making Scootaloo laugh a bit before saying, "I hope the others are okay."

Meanwhile, Spike and Smolder were flying off with the cragadile following them. "Sheesh. How fast are these things?" Smolder asked.

"They're pretty fast. About twice as fast as ponies." Spike said as he was doing his best to keep his flying going while watching the creature chasing them. "But there is a bright side. Sorta."

"And that would be?"

"Well. We're not in water. And let me tell you, these things in the water are twice as fast than they are on land."

"So what you're saying is that they live mostly in the water?" Smolder asked.

"Yeah," Spike said as he soon saw a smirk starting to form on Smolder's snout. "What's up?"

"I think I just got an idea. Follow me," Smolder said as she flew off further with Spike following and the cragadile still following them. They kept flying on and found themselves coming to a point where they saw a small stream up ahead. Smolder then stopped flying away and just kept flapping her wings to keep her near the stream but not entirely above it. This caused Spike to do the same.

"So what's the plan again?"

"Just wait. Once it gets close enough, we fly behind it and let out a good puff of fire from both of us." Smolder said.

"What'll that do?" Spike asked.

"Just trust me." The cragadile ran at them again with its mouth wide open. "And... Now!"

The two dragons flew over the cragadile before they both landed behind it and let out a puff of fire from their mouths, striking the creature. It let out a cry and, to the dragons' surprise, it also began to change skin color a bit. It then looked to the stream and ran to it before jumping in. The stream wasn't deep enough for it to fully hide, but it was deep enough for it to keep most of its head in. The dragons then watched as its skin began returning to normal color but also as it passed out. "I don't get it. What happened?" Spike asked.

"Back in the dragon lands, those eels from the Gauntlet of fire can get out on the land for a time. But if they get too hot, they gotta get back in the water to keep their skin from getting fatally dry," Smolder said as she watched the cragadile sleep. "After giving some thought on this thing being made of wood and also living in water, I thought maybe it worked the same. If it got hit by enough heat, it would need to get moisture and get some sleep."

The two watched as the cragadile kept resting as the water from the stream ran over it. They then quietly flew off as to not wake the cragadile as Spike said, "I think this is what Gine meant by using what we have around us and what we can do to survive out here."

"I think you're right. And I guess Ocellus knew that we'd be able to handle the cragadile better than the others. Anyways, let's just hope the others are okay also."

With the last three, the Maulwurf was chasing after Silverstream, Gallus, and Ocellus while letting out a roar as they soon came out into a clearing in the forest. "So what do we do Ocellus? Because I have a feeling this thing isn't going to stop and let us rest!" Gallus said as they kept watching the Maulwurf chase after them.

"Yeah," Silverstream as she was starting to pant a bit as they kept flying from it. "Do you have a plan Ocellus?"

Ocellus looked around at the area they were in before an idea came to mind. "I'll keep it busy for a bit. In the meantime, find some vines." Ocellus said before she stopped.

"Vines? What are vines going to do?" Gallus asked.

"Just trust me," Ocellus said as she transformed into a bugbear and roared and flew off at the maulwurf. While Ocellus began fighting off against the creature, Gallus and Silverstream, though still confused, began flying off to look for some vines like Ocellus said.

"What do you think she has planned Gallus?" Silverstream asked while Ocellus flew right for the maulwurf. She bit down on its arm causing it to let out a roar before using its other arm to smack her away. It then tried to bite her with its beaver-like teeth before Ocellus countered by using her stinger to sting it in the head. It then grabbed her stinger and threw her to the side.

"I don't know but- Silverstream! Look out!" Gallus said as he watched Ocellus throw a tree at the maulwurf, which knocked it away in their direction. He quickly flew up and pushed her out of the way and had the tree knock him into the ground. Luckily, the tree didn't land on him, but it hitting him still made him hit the ground hard.

"Gallus!" Silverstream said as she flew down to check on him. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be okay. But," Gallus stopped when he spotted something. "Silverstream!"

Silverstream followed his gaze before she found what he was staring at. Hanging from the tree that was thrown were some fresh vines hanging from its many branches.


The two quickly flew up to gather some of the vines from the branches. After thinking they had enough, they looked to see Ocellus was still holding off the maulwurf. However, they noticed something, rather than actually trying to fight it, they noticed it was more like she was pushing it somewhere. They looked further in the direction she was pushing it and soon spotted another gap in some of the trees, not too far from the bottom of a mountain. "Wait. I think I know what Ocellus wants us to do! Follow me!" Gallus said as he flew off toward the trees with Silverstream following until they landed at it.

"Now what?" Silverstream asked.

"Tie some of the vines together and then take the end of some of them to that tree while I take the other ends to that one," Gallus said pointing to two trees across from each other while he began doing as he said. After getting enough vines tied together, they both flew to their assigned trees and Gallus began tying his ends of the vines around the trunk of it with Silverstream soon copying him at her own tree. After making sure the vines were tied on tight enough, Gallus quickly looked back to Ocellus before shouting, "OCELLUS!!!"

The bugbear changeling looked to her friends before nodding. She watched as the maulwurf threw its claws at her and reverted to her normal form to dodge it. She then quickly turned back to her bugbear form and crashed right into the maulwurf, pushing it towards the vines. From the force of the crash, the maulwurf tripped behind the vines and the fall caused it to crash into the bottom of the nearby mountain, knocking it unconscious.

Ocellus then returned to her normal form again before flying down to meet up with the others where Silverstream pulled Gallus into a tight hug, making him blush. "We did it! We did it! We did it!"

"Heh, heh. Yeah," Gallus said, still blushing when Silverstream let go of him. "Looks like you had the right idea splitting up Ocellus."


They turned to see the rest of their friends running to them. "Looks like we all took care of those animals, huh?" Smolder asked.

"Looks like it," Gallus said. "Anyways, I say we all get the stuff we gathered again and head back to the castle before those guys either wake up or find us again."

The group all nodded and ran off to gather what supplies they had before the animals attacked.

[Castle of the Two Sisters, 7:30 P.M.]

The group were all sitting back at the abandoned castle and were each digging into some of the fruit gathered by Ocellus, Sandbar, and Scootaloo. Luckily the three had gathered enough food to last them for the day and even when they got lower than they thought they would, they went out to get more, only this time, the whole group went as a way of keeping an eye out for predators again. "Wow. I thought this was gonna be tough. But that was way more than I expected," Gallus said as he wiped his head of sweat. "Still, why didn't Gine show up when those three monsters did?"

"Because you didn't need me."

The group all turned to see Gine land not too far from them, before setting Huck down. "You all did well today."

"What do you mean we didn't need you?!" Smolder yelled as she glared a bit at the Saiyan. "We could've been killed and you promised to protect us if we needed you to. But when those things showed up, you left us with them! Why?!"

"Like I said Smolder, you didn't need me," Gine said as she sat down before them with Huck sitting down beside her. "I said I'd step in if the situation absolutely required me too. But as I expected, you handled it on your own. You all used what you can do, each other, and what the forest provided you to survive against them. And you proved to be able to handle them on your own. So there was no reason for me to step in."

"But still," Yona started. "Why Saiyan still not help us at all?"

"Because, even though you're going to learn how to use ki, you may not always have me to protect you." Gine then began rubbing Huck's head. "If I had stepped in on your first day of training, then there's a possibility that you would've started depending too much on me to help you survive out here, and you wouldn't get better to where you need to in order to learn ki."

Despite how much they wanted to, the students couldn't find a reason to argue. If Gine had saved them today, then more than likely they wouldn't be trying as hard to in their training. "As I said, I'm training you the only way I know how to. And like the training I went through back on Planet Vegeta, it will be far from easy," Gine said as she picked up a fruit and began eating it.

The students soon realized what Gine was saying. She was trying to prepare them so they wouldn't rely on her unless they absolutely needed to. "So you making us rely on ourselves by not being around us?" Ocellus asked.


Despite how much some of them wished it wasn't, Gine's logic was unarguable. "Wow. You really do know what you're doing huh Gine? It's almost like you've been through something similar," Silverstream said.

"As a matter of fact," Gine said with a chuckle. "I actually did go through something similar to it once."

This seemed to catch all of their attention. "Gine means she had to go through what we went through today?" Yona asked.

"I actually did once Yona. It was once on an incident between me and one of my squadmates, Fasha."


In part of space, six Saiyan battle pods were flying through past many stars. Aboard these pods were Bardock, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Fasha, and of course, Gine. The pods were currently leaving a solar system from a mission. "Oh man, I could eat our whole planet out right now," Shugesh said.

"Those inhabitants weren't nearly as good, even cooked. No offense Gine," Tora said.

"None taken," Gine said as she watched some of the planets pass by before stretching as much as she could. "Still I agree with Shugesh. I could eat a ton right now myself. We've all been in hypersleep until now, I could go for as much fresh food as my stomach can hold. Maybe even have a drink or two."

Borgos laughed a bit at Gine's answer. "Wow, Gine. I'm starting to like you more and more."

Bardock sat back in his pod with his arms behind his head as a smirk came upon his face. "I'll admit everyone did good. And for that, the drinks are on me when we get back."

They all cheered from their coms but Gine was the first to notice Fasha remained quiet. "Fasha? You there?"

"Yeah. Yeah. You did a decent job rookie. But still, you still have a lot to work on," Fasha said with a scuff in her voice.

This caught Gine by surprise. She had been with her new squad for about a month now, and while she gained the respect of most of them, Fasha still seemed to give her a tough time. Gine didn't know what she had done to upset her, but she was determined to find out why. "Hey, Fasha? Why-?"

Gine was cut off when all of their pods' sensors began sounding off. Bardock looked to a computer on his pod before shouting, "Hang on guys! We've got a meteor shower coming in!"

They all soon felt their pods being knocked around by said rocks. Gine could see multiple ones from the window of her pod until she noticed one, larger than the others heading right for her pod. "Oh no!"

The meteor struck Gine's pod hard enough to send it flaring out of control, resulting in her also crashing into one of her teammates' pod. It resulted in them both spiraling out of control and began heading to a nearby planetoid. Gine held onto her pod for her life until she felt it finally jolt hard, resulting in a crash landing. Gine felt the surge of anxiety shoot through her from the crash for a moment before she sat up with her a hand over her head. "Ughhhh... Didn't need to feel that."

Gine then kicked the door to her pod open and stepped out. Luckily for her, she wasn't injured badly. However, her pod wasn't going anywhere. And Gine found out it wasn't the only thing damaged in the crash when she reached to the side of her head for her scouter. When she touched it, she pulled her hand back from the feeling and sounds of sparks from it. She pulled it off to show it was damaged badly, meaning she had no means of contacting the rest of her crew. But then she saw a trail of smoke from the air and remembered one of her teammates crashed with her. "Well, whoever took the fall with me hopefully has a working scouter."

Gine then took flight towards the smoke and not long after, she spotted the pod and as she descended, she saw who had crashed with her sitting nearby it. "Fasha!"

The only other female Saiyan of the squad looked up to see her before gaining a scowl on her face. "Oh great. I should've known it'd be you to cause this mess."

"First off, this isn't my fault Fasha. That meteor shower came out of nowhere and we just so happened to be the ones to take the most hits," Gine said as she landed beside her. "Secondly, and most importantly, does your scouter still work? Mine was damaged and if yours is functional, then we can contact Bardock and the others to send help. Unless your pod is working, despite its appearance."

"My pod's not going anywhere. And I can guess yours isn't either," Fasha said as she didn't even look at Gine. "And I'm way ahead of you on contacting the others. They're still heading to Vegeta as we speak. It'll still be a few hours before a ship can get here."

Gine was a little upset that Fasha wouldn't even look at her while she said this. She was about to speak until she heard rumbling around them, causing Fasha to get on her feet as it stopped not long after before she looked to Gine. "Tell me that was your stomach."

Gine shook her head before saying, "I was about to tell you the same thing."

Fasha then noticed Gine was looking at her a bit nervously. "There's something really bad behind me isn't there?"

Due to how unresponsive Gine was, Fasha turned around to see what was behind her. Towering over her was a creature similar to a giant a centiped with armor-like skin.

Similar to the look of Subterra Centipoid from the original Bakugan.

"Crater crawler! Look out!" Gine said before she ran over and moved herself and Fasha out of the creature's path right as it brought its head down to bite at Fasha. The two rolled over a bit to see the crawler look at them before more began bursting out of the ground as well. The two Saiyan women charged energy into their hands as they watched more of the crawlers surround them. "I thought crawlers didn't hunt in packs," said Gine.

"Tell them that!" Fasha said before one charged at her which she countered by blasting it right in the mouth, knocking it away with smoke in its mouth.

Another crawler charged at Gine, who did a screw kick to knock it away and then blasted another, with it letting out a screech. She then fired another blast at another, only for its back armor to block the shot, it then rose up to strike Gine from above but before it could, Gine blasted it in the stomach, knocking the creature out. "Fasha! Hit them from below!"

"Soft underbelly huh?" Fasha asked after knocking another out. She then flew to the air while dodging another's strike. She then watched as many of them looked to her while she smirked and charged more energy into her hands. "Let's see how ticklish!" Fasha said before firing multiple shots, each one striking a crawler in the stomach and knocking them unconscious. Before Fasha could react afterward, a crawler shot out underneath her and grabbed her by the leg. Fasha let out a scream as the creature drove its fangs into her leg before it swung her around before throwing her to the ground.

"Fasha!" Gine began to fly towards her right before a crawler wrapped around her. Gine watched as another crawler moved towards the downed Fasha. Gine then let out a yell as she charged her power enough to break free of the creature's grasp. She then charged forward and right as the incoming crawler was about to close its fangs on Fasha, but in the nick of time, Gine appeared in front of it and blasted it in the mouth and rendered it unconscious. Fasha then felt herself begin to pass out as Gine kept blasting more and more crawlers away.

[Two Hours Later]

Fasha soon awoke to find herself sitting by a fire, she attempted to stand only to fall back a bit again when she felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg. She then looked to see she had some makeshift bandages around her wound. "What the-?"

"Look who's awake."

Fasha looked up to see Gine walk towards her with food in her hands. She then threw one down by her before sitting down and started eating. She looked to see Fasha looked at her with a stern look on her face. "What?"

"Do you expect a thank you?"

"No," Gine said as she continued eating. "I just expect us to stick here while we wait for Bardock and the others come back with another ship to get us home."

"How do you know that?"

"While you were out, I managed to get in contact with them with your scouter after getting us here. Turns out we crash-landed on a planetoid called Vampa. Real nasty place with all kinds of creatures. This cave we're in is the safest place. You might wanna eat as well. It'll be a couple of hours before the others get here so you're gonna wanna keep your strength up if you want to get that leg healed."

Fasha looked down at the food passed to her by Gine before reluctantly picking it up and eating. "Whatever."

After they both finished eating, Gine started a fire and the two just sat their silent. They just watched the flames crackle and spark a bit before Fasha decided to break the silence. "Why?"

"What?" Gine asked with confusion.

"Why? Did you even bother with me? With how I've been treating you, I thought you'd hate me enough to leave me behind for those things to snack on."

"Well, then you don't know me well enough Fasha."

This statement caught Fasha by surprise as Gine continued, "Yeah. You have given me a hard time, much like the squads I've been on in the past. But the difference is unlike them, you and the others actually act as a real team. Despite how much you and I haven't gotten along, you still watch my back like the others. That's one of the reasons why I want to stay part of your squad. Because for the first time, I feel like I belong to a real squad."

Fasha let Gine's words sink in before she smirked a bit. "You know rookie. You're right. I didn't know you well enough. You actually do have more confidence than I thought at first."

Before the two could continue their chat, they heard the sound of a space engine before looking to see one the Saiyan ships land not too far away. Gine smiled before supporting Fasha with her arm over her shoulder and walked her to the ship.

'We both got back to Planet Vegeta, and after getting Fasha patched up, things changed for the better between the two of us.'

Gine was walking through the halls of the Saiyan soldier command area. She was scanning her surroundings when she accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh. Sorry about that."

She looked forward to view see who she had bumped into and was not happy to see who it was. It was a large, bald, male Saiyan with a scar over his right cheek. And to make matters worse, it was a Saiyan that was a former commander of her. "Vocado."

"Well, well. Look at this. The runt weakling runt who I got rid of is still hanging around here. You mean they put you on another squad to get kicked off of?" Vocado asked with a smug grin on his face. Gine simply rolled her eyes and tried to walk around him but Vocado stepped in front of her and made her groan.

"Please move aside Vocado."

"Or what? You gonna move me yourself?" Vocado chuckled before holding his finger out in her face.

Suddenly another hand reached out of nowhere and clenched Vocado's hand and twisted his finger and made him fall back clenching his hand.

"Back off my teammate." The two looked to see Fasha had been the one who snapped Vocado's finger. "Now get lost before I do some more damage."

Vocado groaned before reluctantly leaving the two women. Gine then noticed a small scar on Fasha's leg. "Nice addition."

"Yeah," Fasha said before chuckling. "Well as much as I hate to admit, if it hadn't been for you, it would've been a lot worse."

"That's what teammates are for."

"Yeah, you got that right." Fasha then walked over and put an arm over Gine's shoulder before leading her down the hall. "You got more spirit than I thought Gine. I may not like a whole lot yet, but you do have my respect. So as thanks for saving my ass, how about some food for both of us... On me."

Gine smiled before holding up her fist and said, "Sounds good to me... Teammate."

Fasha chuckled before giving her a fist bump. "Come on rookie. I got some stuff to teach you afterward."

Flashback ends

"And after that, Fasha and I grew more and more respect for each other until eventually, we were practically sisters," said Gine as she took a bite out of some fruit.

Smolder took a bite out of an apple before saying, "Wow. Sounds like you and Fasha took a lot of time getting along but it was worth it in the end."

Gine smiled before saying, "That's why I had you all work on your own. Fasha had to learn that I did have a job on the team and I was going to fulfill it just like your job to fulfill today was working with one another and looking out for each other. And you all passed. Keep that up and the first phase of your training will be no problem."

Gine then took a sip of some of the water Silverstream gathered for them all before laying back. "Now get some sleep. You're going to need to keep that up for a while and you'll need your strength."

"We won't let you down Gine. Right guys?" Ocellus asked.

The rest of the group nodded with determined looks on their faces. Gine smiled at hearing this while Huck snuggled up to her. "That's what I love to hear."

Everyone then finished their food, laid down, and let sleep overtake them, ready to start the next day coming soon.

Author's Note:

I just wanted to get this in place before I started back to class. During my free time, I'm going to try and take a break from this one and try and get my Ancient Race story back and going.