• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Raichu for Hire - CommanderX5

Twilight and Starlight provided her with a home and food while showering her with kindness and friendship. Determined to repay them, Raichu takes on various jobs, using her skills and survivability to face tasks too dangerous for common ponies.

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Ch.6 - Bodyguard Career pt.1

Raichu for Hire


Chapter 6

Bodyguard Career pt.1

Rarity trotted nervously between numerous houses, searching for the long-tailed creature. With a few citizens telling her that Raichu was working for Derpy today, and that they were visiting numerous shops, she spent half an hour checking store after store in search for her.

A wide smile formed on her the moment she noticed familiar faces at the entrance into ‘Antique shop’. The grey pegasus pulled a covered cart filled with who know what kind of artifacts, while Raichu walked by her side, carrying a small saddlebag supported on her shoulder. Both smiled cheerfully while looking at each other.

“Raichu, I was looking everywhere for you,” Rarity said as she approached at a quick pace.

“Oh, hello Rarity, is something wrong?” Nica asked. “Also, my name’s Nica. It turned out Raichu is just a name of my species.”

“I see, I will make sure to address you properly from now on.” Rarity took a quick glance at the collar with five gems and metal attachment present on Nica’s neck. Twilight mentioned that she improved my collar with a translation spell. It will make things so much easier. After taking a deep breathe, she spoke, “My friend from Manehattan, Miss Coco Pommel, is in need of assistance, but nopony is brave enough to work for her.”

Rarity grabbed the pokemon between her hooves. “Twilight told me that you’re very brave and looking for random jobs.” She lowered Nica to the ground and placed a forehoof on her own forehead in a dramatic fashion. “Without the help of a brave strong little knight like you, Miss Pommel will be left at the mercy of thugs in the most dirty and poor part of the big city where no law reaches far enough to help its citizens.”

Nica looked at the pegasus with a worried look.

Derpy kept smiling and said in a happy tone, “It’s okay, you helped me a bunch. Thanks to you I was able to visit so many shops I was always afraid of visiting.” Using her wing, she wrapped Nica’s shoulder and pulled to her side. “You were the bestest, and I loved your tail-tricks. Hope we can meet again.”

Nica allowed herself a moment of pleasure in Derpy’s wing-hug before answering, “I’d love to show you more tricks. Making you happy makes me happy.”

Derpy unzipped her saddlebag with her teeth and grabbed numerous bits with her hooves, only for Nica to gently return them into the pegasus’ saddlebag.

“There’s no need to pay me, helping you was a pleasure.”

Derpy blushed and hid it behind her wing. “Oh jeez… you’re too kind.”

“No, you’re too kind, and you make really tasty muffins, I really enjoyed them,” Nica said before embracing Derpy’s neck and next approaching Rarity. She waved at the pegasus who waved back, their smiles warm.

Rarity looked down at Nica in confusion. “You know you’ll never earn any bits if you do charity work all the time.”

Nica shook her head and poked her saddlebag, causing numerous bits to make noise. “Oh, but I was paid, not by Ditzy, though.”

“Huh? Then by who?”

“The shop owners.”



After paying the shop owner for the numerous porcelain plates and vases, Derpy turned around and started trotting cheerfully, only to slam into a five meter tall shelf filled with fragile porcelain, tilting it over.

The stallion yelled in terror. In a few seconds the shelves were going to crash into each other with a domino effect. His heart was about to escape through his throat.

Out of reflex, Nica leaped towards the shelf, pressing her forepaws and tail against the floor while her rear paws pressed against the large shelf. She stabilized the structure before the damage could be done. Upon hearing the noise of falling vases, she wrapped her long tail around them, catching them centimeters above the floor.

She lowered her trembling legs to the floor and wiped sweat from her forehead, sighing in relief.

“...And then the stallion stood on his rear hooves, forced me to dance with him, and next gave me a small bag of bits. I got similar rewards for preventing Ditzy from causing damage on numerous occasions.” She lowered her head and tapped her paws together. “It was my job to protect Ditzy and keep her from having accidents, yet I didn’t expect to be paid this much by so many ponies. I wanted to return their bits, but they refused…”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh, sweetie, you worry too much. Ponies of Ponyville are very kind and they always forgive Ditzy for her accidents… though some call her Derpy as a tease. In turn, Miss Ditzy was afraid to visit many shops, which is why she hired you in the first place. You should just accept payment for a job well done.”

“If you say so,” Nica said before her ears perked up, her mod shifting immediately. “You were saying something about helping a pony in trouble. Whatever it is about, I’m in!”

“Splendid.” She levitated Nica onto her back and started walking towards the train station. “Manehattan, here we come!”

Perched on the double seat inside the train, Nica looked out the window, watching as the trees, buildings and hills were moving on the horizon. I seem to have a lot of stamina and I am quite fast. I wonder…

“You seem deep in thought, what are you thinking about, dear?” Rarity asked, sitting next to the pokemon with her forehooves placed between her hind legs.

Nica turned away from the view and looked up at Rarity. “I’m just wondering. If I ran towards Manehattan, would I arrive there faster than this train?”

Rarity raised a forehoof up to her mouth and laughed. “You, reach Manehattan first while running? You have an interesting sense of humor.” After she stopped laughing, noticing Nica’s serious stare, she asked, “You weren’t joking, were you?”

She shook her head.

“Well… Earth ponies pull the train between Ponyville and Appaloosa nearly as fast coal-powered or magic-powered trains, but the road to Manehattan is way longer. I certainly do not question your speed, but you would need to have more stamina than those earth ponies to win the race to Manehattan.”

Nica smiled cheerfully. “Sounds like a challenge. I’m so racing the train once I come back to Ponyville.”

“Your love for challenge reminds me of Rainbow Dash. She’s our friend. Have you two met yet?” Rarity asked.

“Not really,” Nica said with a shake of her head. “Is she nice? What is she like?”

“Well... “ Rarity said, looking at the ceiling while tapping her chin. “She is very athletic, competitive and easy to provoke. Usually, she was the first to rush into a fight and take action, but she matured quite a bit and is now much better at teamwork and more level headed than before.” She lowered her head and looked at Nica. “I suppose she is kind, but a bit rough around the edges if you annoy her.”

“Oh… sounds like many pokemon from my dream. They were also athletic, competitive and easy to provoke, all willing to act and battle on the spot. I feel Rainbow Dash would have fun wherever I came from.”

“Speaking of which,” Rarity said, “I still don’t know much about your home and your past. The only thing I know about you is that you don’t speak our language, possess powerful abilities, electrocuted my sister by accident and felt very guilty about it. Would you tell me something about yourself while we ride this train?” She smiled warmly. “It will help us pass the time.”

Nica nodded and smiled sheepishly. The day she hurt young ponies being the worst day of her life.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to bring back sad memories.”

“It’s okay.” Nica forced a smile. “Still, before I tell you about my past, can you tell me more about my job and the pony that needs my help?”

“Oh, but of course,” Rarity said. She waited for the service to place two cups with tea on the table before them, levitating over a cup and taking a sip. “Miss Coco Pommel is a friend of mine who once worked for my rival. She revealed that her boss was cheating and gave up her job, and we became friends ever since.” She took another sip and lowered the cup, waiting for Nica to drink some tea as well. “Recently, Miss Pommel found out about a part of Manehattan which lacked clothing stores, and there was a building with storage for sale very cheaply, which she could turn into a shop of her own.”

Nica nodded.

“Sadly, while my friend has a very good heart, she is a bit naive. The police in Manehattan do not have enough staff to patrol the entire city, and this part of Manehattan is considered to be very dangerous, filled with thugs and gangs.” She sighed, her ears drooped. “It did not take long before Coco found out why her new accommodation was so cheap.”

“Sounds like a criminal organization is involved. My trainer dedicated her life to fight crime.” Nica narrowed her eyes and clench bronze edge of her forepaw. “Just lead the way and I’ll defend Miss Coco Pommel with my life!”

Rarity looked around nervously, her friend’s shouting caught the attention of nearby passengers, giving them disapproving glares.

“How uncouth that pets are now allowed to ride a train, for shame,” spoke an arrogant looking unicorn mare wearing a white dress. “Miss Rarity, oh, my deepest apologies? If this creature is with you, it must be of great importance.” She lowered her head apologetically and looked away.

Rarity rolled her eyes, recognizing the unicorn as one of Canterlot ponies she meet on Twilight’s birthday party while in presence of Fancy Pants. Once the numerous eyes were no longer on them, she looked at Nica and said, “It’s not exactly a criminal organization. According to the letter, a group of thugs formed a gang and even thought they could become a mafia family. They started terrorizing shops and homes, demanding money for protection. They are small fry, but finding a bodyguard proved problematic.”

“Problematic, why?” Nica asked, taking another sip from her teacup.

“Most ponies were not interested in working at this part of Manehattan, or were too afraid to face thugs. A few shady individuals offered their services, but the payment they demanded was even worse than simply paying the protection money.” She gave Nica a trustful smile. “I showed Coco’s letter to Twilight, and when she told me about your talents and that you are looking for a job, I thought you were perfect for this task.”

“You can count on me,” Nica said enthusiastically. It was the chance she was hoping for, an opportunity to help a friend of her friend. She could use her skills to defend a pony in trouble against a bunch of thugs.

Could her day get any better?

Coco Pommel observed the city from the window of her store, seeing nothing but dirt and graffiti covering the walls of nearby homes, or a group of angry and arguing ponies wearing dirty and damaged clothes. Fashion crime probably not being their only offence.

Whatever she earned from her hard work went to pay the thugs, which kept her stressed and on high alert. A white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie decorated her neck, which she rubbed over and over out of stress.

“How… how could I end up in this mess?” She struggled to resist bursting into tears. Her career and well-being were at risk due to her hasty decision. All of her bits and resources she had became this very shop. She couldn’t sell it, and leaving it would leave her sleeping on the street.

Her ears perked upward and she flinched, screaming in panic upon hearing knocking at her door. She raised a forehoof up to her chest, hyperventilating. She approached her glass counter and asked, “W-who’s t-t-there?”

“It is me, your friend Rarity.”

Coco Pommel smiled with an open mouth, dashing towards the door. She opened it quickly and embraced her friend. “Rarity, I’m so happy to see a friendly face!” She released her friend and started walking back and forth. “It was terrible, Rarity, just terrible. I thought I was making the best decision of my life, opening my own little store, only for it to turn into a nightmare.” She sat and held her forelegs near her chest under her neck like a pleading puppy. “Those mean ponies… they were so scary.”

“Now, now,” Rarity said, patting her on the shoulder. “You do not need to worry any longer. When I heard about your trouble, I could not leave you to those savages.” She pointed at the long-tailed critter sitting patiently in front of them. “I brought a solution to all of your problems.”

Coco blinked in confusion, gazing at the pear-shaped creature who smiled cheerfully and waved at her. She looked Rarity in the eyes and asked, “Ummm… do not get me wrong, I appreciate any help… but how can this cute little animal help me?”

“Oh darling, I know her appearance may be deceiving, but trust me.” She punched the air with her forehoof. “Under her soft appearance lies a powerful warrior with a heart of gold.”


The critter stood on her rear paws swung her tail like a sword. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, I swear.”

Coco looked between the critter and Rarity’s smiling face before gesturing for them to enter. “Please come in and make yourselves at home.”

Nica stepped into the shop, walking on her two feet while examining her surroundings. At the other end of the room in front of the entrance was a glass counter with a door behind it. The left side of the room was filled with dummies wearing clothes in a variety of colors and shapes. Some having holes for wings. They were not on the quality level of Rarity’s work and certainly not as over-the-top. On the right side were similar dummies, but were wearing dresses and skirts instead.

Aside from the dummies, she noticed a few glass counters with some sort of shoes which would fit on pony hooves. In the left and right corner of the room were small platforms with curtains, most likely if a pony needed some privacy while testing different outfits. Wait… ponies are naked most of the time, so what’s the point of having these? she thought, finding ponies culture to be overly complicated.

“Please, come this way.”

Nica looked towards the source of the voice, approaching the door behind main glass counter. The room they were now in was even bigger, filled with random machinery, numerous rolled materials with a diversity of colors and numerous identical clothes being stacked atop one another.

“This is my storage and workplace,” Coco explained before pointing at a sofa in front of square table, poking the sofa in an invitation for her quests to sit on.

Accepting the invitation, Nica ran closer and climbed up onto the sofa, sitting in the middle. Rarity sat on her right while Coco sat on her left. Her ears drooped, the aura of worry and depression she sensed before once again grew in strength. She raised her paw and gently stroked Coco’s side.

“Would you like… some tea?” Coco asked.

Rarity shook her head. “We already drank tea in the train. While I do not want to act impolite, I need to return to Ponyville as quickly as possible.”

“Huh, but why?” Coco asked.

Rarity flapped her mane with a hoof. “Let’s just say that Miss Photo Finish is interested in making my mane a big hit. I need to make preparations for the shoot.”

“Oh… I’m sorry,” Coco said and lowered her head, rubbing her arm nervously.

“Oh, no no no, do not feel sad, your problems are way more important.” She stepped from the sofa and pointed at the critter. “Coco, meet my friend and Twilight’s newest care, Nica. She’s a pokemon traveler from a distant unknown land and she is still recovering from her magically forced amnesia.” She walked towards the earth pony and turned around. “Miss Nica, meet Miss Coco Pommel, my friend and a fellow very talented fashion designer.”

The earth pony raised her forehoof towards the critter. “Nice to meet you, Miss Nica.”

The pokemon took a deep breath and performed a graceful bow. “The pleasure is all my, Miss Pommel.” She grabbed the hoof and shook it. “I must say, your tie looks so elegant.”

Coco blushed. “Oh… thank you sweetie.” She lowered her head. “Your collar is elegant as well, a true masterpiece that fits your colors perfectly.”

“It is so elegant thanks to Rarity’s hard work and Maud’s generosity,” Nica said, poking the gems on her collar. “Maud Pie shared her collection of gems, Twilight and Starlight magically made them absorb my electricity so I wouldn’t hurt anyone by accident, and Rarity turned it into this precious collar.” She pointed at the metallic tag with ‘Raichu’ written on it. “Twilight improved it recently to translate my language. I can talk with you as long as I wear it.”

“Translate? Absorb electricity?” Coco asked.

“My species name’s Raichu and I’m capable of using electricity, so I need something to restrain my power so I wouldn’t hurt you or any other innocent creature. Also, according to ponies, when I speak, all they hear are words made of the name of my own species, but Twilight’s improvement changed that.”

“Oh, I see…” Coco said, her face showing growing interest. “You look a bit chubby, but you’re definitely incredibly cute. I love those cute funny ears of yours, and your tail is very impressive. I find it hard to believe that someone with your adorable features is capable of hurting anypony with electricity.”

Nica blushed. “Thank you, I get that a lot.” She chuckled. “I must say, you look adorable yourself. Your blue-teal mane, your blue eyes, the color of your fur…”

Rarity cleared her throat, breaking the discussion. “I apologize for interrupting, but I need to take my leave very soon and I would like to say something before that.”

Coco raised forehoof to her mouth and looked to the side. “Oh, but of course. Please, do speak Lady Rarity.”

The unicorn pointed at the large critter and explained, “Miss Nica may look adorable, but she is battle-hardened and possesses the ability to use electricity for combat. She was looking for a job, and when I learned of your terrible situation, I thought she could become your bodyguard.”

“Oh…” Coco said, taking her eyes away from Rarity to look at Nica. “You want to work for me as a bodyguard? But you are so small…” she poked her belly, “...and soft.”

“Don’t let my size deceive you, Miss Pommel, I assure you that I can protect you from any danger.” She puffed her chest proudly. “Lately, I started teaching Princess Twilight self-defense. I can evade her incredibly powerful spells, and I even managed to break her barrier recently. Furthermore, according to my memories, I fought a few hundreds battles while being way smaller than I am now.”

“R-really?” Coco said, her eyes wide.

“R-really?” Rarity said and gasped. “You held your ground against Twilight Sparkle?” The moment Nica nodded, Rarity walked towards the exit. “I believe that settles it. I will be leaving back to Ponyville. I wish you both the best of luck, farewell.”

The moment the door closed, Nica looked Coco in the eyes and asked, “So… ummm… can I…”

“You’re hired.”

Nica displayed her teeth in a wide smile. The aura of fear and depression she sensed weakened substantially. In a rush of excitement, she leaped towards Coco, tackling her from the sofa onto the floor as she embraced her neck in a hug. “I swear, I’ll be the best bodyguard, I won’t fail you.”

“T-t-that’s g-great… b-but… could you… release my neck… c-can’t b-breath.”

Nica flinched and held her forepaws together apologetically. “Sorry!” She approached, helping the earth pony stand up. She took a few steps backward and saluted. “As your bodyguard, I’m awaiting your orders. Is there anything you want me to do?”

Coco blushed and tapped her forehooves together. “W-well…”


Coco’s ears dropped and blush on her face became even stronger. “Ummm… Lately, I have been under alot of stress… Will you allow me… to rub your cute white belly? It would relax me.” She looked to the side in panic. “I mean… if you don’t want to.”

“Sure,” Nica said, approaching on her two feet before wrapping her tail around Coco’s belly, lifting her up. Walking on four legs with a bit of struggle, she approached the sofa, perching the confused pony on it. She climbed up, perched herself on Coco’s legs and exposed her belly. “I love nuzzling, cuddling and belly rubs, and I have gained a few hours of experience in this field under Fluttershy’s guidance. In other words, my fluffiness is at your disposal.”

Coco blinked in confusion. After explaining her embarrassing request, this was certainly not an answer she’d expected. She carefully touched the fluffy white belly with a tip of her hoof, gently rubbing against it, her nerves calming down. The creature on her legs had closed eyes and bit her tongue, radiating in satisfaction. Coco exhaled and smiled warmly. Not only had she gotten herself a bodyguard who –in theory– was going to save her business and protect her from mean thugs, but her bodyguard was the cutest and most cuddly creature she could’ve wished for, surpassing even her most pleasant dreams.

Could her day get any better?