• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Seventy One, GODLESS GODDESS: Escape.

-Edge of Manehatten Park, 8:05 PM, Fizzle-

“Jade, please tell me you didn’t plan to turn her into a real alicorn… on purpose.” Somehow, I should be angrier with Jaded than I am, but it was hard to be angry at the kitty that just gave me a bright smile and an affectionate looking shrug. “Well at least…”

“Hold that thought beautiful, got to go!” Jade sped away on her skates.

The earth pony, that was now an alicorn, continued growing in size and was glowing ominously.

While I was worried about Jade, I had to wonder about some things.

Was all that extra mass coming from magic? If not, where was it all coming from for her to reach Celestia size in a matter of seconds? She even seemed to be growing bigger than Celestia, does a history as a natural born earth pony have something to do with an alicorn’s size? How powerful could she be as a false alicorn?

The mare’s turquoise fur was standing on end and feral her eyes followed after Jade as she darted away.

We didn’t have any time to approach Stochastic Labor, given she leapt after Jade to give chase. She left behind a large crater in the ground just from the force of kicking off of it.

I bet Stochastic didn’t know how to use her horn or wings yet, we’d be fairly lucky if she never figured it out. If that form was fully viable, and given the raw magical power coming off the mare it was likely, then Jade better have a plan for how to…

A bolt of green shot off across the city in a high arc and the alicorn that had given chase roared out loud in raw fury.

I sighed in both relief and frustration. This was all going to end in pain, I just know it.

“Arizona, Velvet, Paprika, go get started on taking the threat down.” My orders came swift and I was taking charge of this situation. As annoying as Jade was with how often she got injured, I wasn’t about to let her get mauled or killed by the monster now on the loose. Not on my watch anyway. “Oleander, you’re their backup. If they get into trouble, pull them out of the way and get them to Dr. Bones at the rally point immediately. Jacky, Gene, try to catch up with Jade. Flamberge, Fortitude, Skelly, you’ll be the next in line to try taking the threat down. Sweetcakes, you will be responsible for pulling them out danger if they get into trouble. Maries, we need to find mom and prepare to face that magical juggernaut head on.”

My kitty better still be in one piece by the end of this night, or else Tempest Shadow was coming out of the closet.

-Jade, seconds prior-

I landed on the ballista, left skate in front of the right and already have my yo-yo palmed in my left hand.

Despite not being able to fly or use magic at the moment, Stochastic certainly had an increase in speed and strength already. That’s just on the basis of how far she could jump.

She was kind of terrifying to witness, but I already planned for this very thing hours in advance.

Hopefully no foals, fillies or colts were watching this, because this was definitely not how someone would safely use a ballista. Not that I had time to think about what I was doing with my life or how dangerous this could be if Flotsam’s aim was even a little bit off.

I launched my yo-yo, it struck the lever and the rope against my right heel thankfully only digs into the very light armored plating of the skate and not straight through it.

Not going to lie to myself, this very could have easily made me lose one or both my ankles and my ability to walk.

What actually happened was the special grind function of my skates activated immediately to accelerate me like I’m being fired from a cannon. Now I’m flying across the sky with lightning trailing behind my magnetically driven skates.

Behind me the ballista was destroyed within a second.


You were really cutting it close there Jade, that also looked incredibly dangerous. If it worked, it worked.

I kicked forward off the ground, raised my right hoof back and then thrust it forward as I crossed the gap between us to ram it home into the left side of that mare’s face.

The mare only stumbled and flared her massive wings to regain her balance, then she turned her rage filled eyes towards me.

I spun around clockwise and launched a ‘Little Mach Lefter’ directly into her right side, she stumbled again while letting out a pained whinny and I blinked as she managed to stay standing.

The minor injury from the blast wound of my hoof hitting her side was starting to heal immediately.

“Regeneration, are you kidding me?!” Well, if I were to take an earth ponies magic and bump it up a few notches, it stands to reason that she could take a lot of punishment and would heal from whatever we could do to her.

My left hoof was already aching from hitting her with literal explosive force that breaks the sound barrier in a concentrated manner and all that did was stagger her.

This was not going to be an easy fight, especially if this mare was not restricted to earth pony power.

The mare launched towards me while I was distracted with my introspection and I heard a wince as Paprika suddenly appeared to block the attack meant for me and was sent flying into a building. She thankfully fluffed up before she hit the wall and she didn’t damage the building or get hurt too badly.

I ducked under a slow moving hoof, slow for me anyway, and promptly slugged the alicorn across the face with a nasty left hoof. Just staggered her again, she wasn’t quite up to speed yet and she was beginning to move more like Velvet and I did when we started fighting one another.

“Velvet, hit hard and keep hitting her even when she’s down!” This alicorn is just warming up and I didn’t envy what would happen if we couldn’t take her down quickly enough.

I darted forward and tried to hit her in the face with a straight right. She deflected with her left hoof and she grazed me with her right and then tried to stab me with her horn.

Dodging backwards from the pointy horn charged with magic. Feeling a chill, I rolled to the left and a giant hoof made of ice smashed down on the alicorn's horn and body. Said ice hoof had split entirely in half upon striking her.

Velvet then proceed to shoot several icicles into her chest and tried to freeze her to the ground.

Despite the attempts to freeze her solid, the mare just roared and the ice shattered as she loosed a beam of raw magic into the sky. Velvet looked to me in consternation and I nodded.

The damage from the sharp icicles that pierced her chest healed up pretty quickly, especially once there was nothing poking through her ribs and slightly into her heart and lungs.

The mare looked between us and went for me again without a second thought, only to receive a large hoof made of ice to the face. I followed up Velvet’s attack by leaping after and over her as she flew backwards while raising both my hooves above my head.

Bringing my front hooves down on her spine in powerful hammer blow between the wings, my rear legs went upwards to ram into her neck as I violently kicked off of her. The mare’s legs were driven straight into the street and her head snapped backwards, yet she looked completely fine after this.

She only looked slightly disgruntled by this and what should have been an exceedingly painful spinal injury. Both her wings swept forward and blasted both me and Velvet away with compressed air, felt like an entire building just slammed into us.

Both Velvet and I went sailing backwards until we both were stopped by a wall of softness that tenderly put our hooves back on the ground. Stepping forward, Paprika glared at the alicorn.

“…” Paprika waggled her rear end and stared at the alicorn threateningly with an aggressive posture, which was something considering Paprika usually doesn’t do threatening very often.

“Did Paprika just speak in ellipses?” Velvet muttered in disbelief, it was surprising because Paprika didn’t need the ellipses to be understood by us and she still bothered to speak in it.

Our opponent was currently busy ripping her hooves out of the street.

“Yep, she’s taking this one seriously. Just remember that this mare has some ridiculous regeneration going for her.” I tilted my head to the right sharply and after a nice clean snapping noise, I tilted it back up and dragged my right hoof against the ground in a threatening manner. “Let’s go!”

We charged the supposed leader of GODLESS, Jade just had to exacerbate the situation and drive it to madness. I’ve actually missed this kind of insanity dearly, I'm thankful Fizzle got Jade out of her funk somehow.

The alicorn lowered her horn and fired a massive beam, Paprika and I slowed while Velvet took the lead and made a snowflake barrier to deflect all that raw power into the sky.

The alicorn swept her wings forward as we continued our approach and I took the lead, I broke through the compressed air with my body by forcing my way through the blasts horns first.

The mare raised her hooves to attack us and Paprika suddenly took the lead and was hit by both her front hooves that sent shockwaves out upon impact with the fluffy alpaca. Paprika wavered backwards with the blow and then perform her favorite counter by slamming her head down on the alicorn’s skull sharply.

The alicorn was not only staggered by the blow to the skull, she was also too dizzy to do anything to defend herself. I leapt to the left and slammed my left hoof home into her right side again and then started to rapidly pummel her as hard as I could.

I managed a strike or two on her wings, but they seemed to flick out of the way of my blows and I could get off more damage by focusing on her torso. Her rate of healing was insane, the bruises I was causing were healing almost as soon as I made them.

Velvet came at her from the left with ice blade covered hooves and after the initial right hoofed slash, she started to rip into her from the other side. Velvet wasn’t having any more luck dealing damage than I was.

Paprika was not idle and was slapping at the horn and head of alicorn rapidly and randomly, she was trying to keep her completely off balance. She was keeping her confused while we dealt as much damage as we could and it was going fairly well.

The world froze for a second and then the alicorn started to react to all of our attacks, I could hardly follow what happened next.

Her right wing suddenly wound itself around my right hoof stopping me cold, her horn went to the center of Paprika’s face and blasted her backwards. With a flick of her wing, I was suddenly digging a furrow in the street until I slammed into Paprika.

I had enough of my senses together to watch as the alicorn’s left hoof block Velvet’s right leg, then she hopped back and slammed forward into the right side of our reindeer's face. This launched Velvet towards us, she would have shot over our heads if Paprika hadn’t caught her with her fur and prevented any further injury.

The alicorn dazedly started to trot towards us and the pure fury in her eyes was still quite clear, a flickering circle of darkness suddenly erupted from the ground and launched her skyward.

“Magical Fel Spark!” A beam of darkness struck the launched alicorn and blasted her down the street, Oleander came up to us with Fred floating loyally at her side as usual. “Are you alright?”

“We’re fine, but we might need a few seconds. Paprika just took a nasty magical blast to the face.” Grumpily grousing this out, I watched as the alicorn launched herself right at us.

Oleander quickly wrapped her hooves around us and inhaled as the alicorn got closer in slowly motion, I could feel the raw hatred as she was about to strike us all down with a glowing hoof.

“Bamf!” Oleander shouted and a cloud of smoke erupted around us and we were suddenly somewhere else. We fell onto the nearby rooftops and watched as the alicorn struck the ground with impressive force to create a twenty foot wide crater. “My goodness, she is quite powerful.”

“She’s just overcompensating for something Ollie, BUT SHE IS PRETTY POWERFUL!” We rolled our eyes at Fred.

We watched as the ‘alicorn of wrath’ lit her horn and sent out a pulse that seemed to filter throughout the entire city.

“What do you suppose that magical pulse was?” Asked Oleander as the alicorn below us suddenly turned to look in a specific direction.

“If I had to guess, I’d say she was…” Velvet started to say, then the alicorn leapt away across the whole city without even using her wings. “Using a powerful locator spell to track where Jade is right now. Check us in with Dr. Bones, then we can get right back into the thick of it Oleander.”

“Right, hopefully Gene and Jacky can temporarily handle the problem.” As she stated this, Ollie pointed out Flamberge’s group already on the move. “Bamf!”

In another burst of smoke, we appeared next to Dr. Bones and she immediately made her presence known.

“Alright, who’s got the worst of it out of you idiots?” The doctor dog asked.

Paprika spooked us by suddenly screaming.

“…!” Whined out Paprika, as she fell over clutching her head in agony.

Dr. Bones immediately started checking her head.

“I too feel like a donkey cart full of lead hit me dear, don’t worry I’m sure we’re fine.” Velvet stated calmly, we had certainly hit that alicorn hard.

“Your wife is not going back out there… her skull is badly cracked in three places.” That was a scary bit of news, also Dr. Bones was business as usual. “What was the nature of the attack that did this?”

“Uncontrolled magic blast, almost point blank to the face.” Velvet answered as Dr. Bones checked Paprika over. “She also took a blow for Arizona and performed her head smash counter.”

“Definitely not in fighting condition, the mare only hit her two times and she did this much damage?!” There was an incredulous look on Dr. Bone’s face, understandable considering Paprika was ridiculously tough.

Dr. Bones came over to me and checked me over.

“Light bruising, left leg moderately bruised and burnt from throwing an attack at mach speed… also were you hit with an entire building?” No Bones, more like an alicorn with incredible power in her wings.

“Try highly compressed wind, three times worse than the strongest hurricane you can think of.” Yeah, no kidding Fluff Butt.

“Ah.” Was Dr. Bones answer as she quickly checked Velvet. “You two are still good, but be careful.”

Author's Note:

It begins.

Since we're on the last few chapters I'm going to try to make them as good as possible, the world is kind of messed up right now.

Still, I hope to finish this story with a month or two.

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