• Member Since 18th Sep, 2016
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I am not a very social person, and have Aspergers Syndrome. I am a DEVOUT, CONSERVATIVE Christian, have UNAPOLOGETIC views on certain subjects, and am a BIG fan of CLASSIC, PURE, NON-POLITICAL Disney.


One shot based off the classic drop ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios. I do not own the Twilight Zone or Disney Parks!

After getting caught in a big thunderstorm after a great day out, the mane 7 seek shelter in an eerily elegant abode. This old hotel has been abandoned for almost 80 years, yet it still bears some semblance of functionality. The vacant stare and unnerving smirk of the bellhop, the rundown gardens and the rusty machinery don't deter the hotel's business. The girls are given two rooms free on the 13th floor, and discover 5 souls who vanished in the elevator on Halloween night, 1939.

"We invite you if you dare to step aboard,
because in tonights episode,
you are the star.
And this elevator travels directly to....
The 5th Dimension.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

can you do equestria girls x haunted mansion please

Well, i sorta did with my previous story.

Okay, before I say anything, I want you to know that I will give you props for the idea of doing a cross-over between Equestria Girls and The Tower of Terror. This is something that I don't see that often and the story that it presents can be explored further. After all, I personally love the Twilight Zone and the very setting of the ride being this hotel that was abandoned during the 1930's. So for doing it at all I say more power to you. Furthermore, the story itself isn't that bad, for if it were, then I wouldn't bother writing in this.

So... with that being said, I did come out of this fic asking myself a lot of questions because of the rather confusing narrative overall. Look, I can see that you've only got two stories out so far and I can give you the benefit of a doubt that maybe you're trying this out for the first time. And not everyone can write up a hit overnight so you're probably learning how this works. For what you got here, the grammar I can overlook, but the story... Well, it only left me confused. Let me explain why.

(Before I start, please note that this is not an attack on you or your writing. Rather this is me trying to explain where things aren't that clear.)

"Not any one close by. I cant believe virtually every hotel here is booked. This must be a really strange happening on the night before Halloween." Rainbow said in frustration.

"What about that one?" Pinkie said pointing out into the rain. They followed her finger and were staring at an imposing and ominous sight.

Rising above the glow of the street lights stood an eerie hotel, its flickering lights reading: HOLLYWOOD TOWER HOTEL while it also looked to be missing a section of its front. To top it off, a huge scar of what appeared to be scorch marks streaked across the front.

While I can see that you're building up to show off the building itself, it does leave me asking how come none of the group noticed the building before? After all, a towering structure in which has the words "Hotel" is rather hard to miss so why are they looking up for a hotel when there's one within sight? If anything, should it been better if Rainbow were to try to look up info about the building that they need a room to spend the night?

Also, it's kinda interesting that they're in Hollywood... But keep that in mind, I'll come back to it later.

"Haven't you heard the story behind that place? On a stormy Halloween night, many, many years ago, five people stepped into one of the main elevators, and were never seen again. Witnesses say lightning struck, causing the entire front wing to vanish, along with the elevator and the people inside! Its been abandoned since. You want to stay at that hotel, nice knowing you all, however briefly. Hope you all emerge alive!" He then immediately jumped up, ran out, hailed a taxi, and sped away.

That doesn't really add up, both from a narrative standpoint and from common sense. Why would the guy be scared about a bunch of people disappearing several decades ago? One end seemed like really forced exposition that, we get to hear about it a little later in detail. And at the other his reasoning for fleeing is rather odd. I mean, people disappear every day and at several places around the world, what's so unusual here? Yes we know because of what the ride is, but to everyone else the guy just flees without any reasons like "it's super haunted" or... something at least.

.... They all then dashed through the rain and to the hotel's wrought iron gates. Lamps adorning the side cast an elegant and eerie glow. However, they saw a lock and chain around the gates.

"Well, the guy said this place has been abandoned." Applejack noted. Rarity all the while held her diamond studded umbrella over everyone. Suddenly, the lock broke, the chain rattled to the ground, and the gates slowly swung open. The girls looked at each other nervously, but said nothing as they walked along the ornate gardens and run down signs and overgrown arches...

Wait, why would they go in if the lock just broke? Yes I know it's because of the rain but wouldn't that mean that they're trespassing at this point? And besides, why did the lock broke? Was it because it was rusty? That's the only thing I can assume but I'm not sure as it doesn't say. But apart of the lock just suddenly falling off, things get quickly confusing with:

They came to the lobby doors, and they swung open to reveal a bellhop staring vacantly and spookily grinning right at all of them.

"Good evening, my ladies. Perfect night to drop in, may i presume?" He said.

Shouldn't the girls question what they guy was doing in a place that obviously been shut down a long time ago? I don't know about you but I would find that incredibly suspicious if I found an old fashion bell hop in a hotel that's supposed to be abandoned. Sure, that may imply that the hotel is still going, but you've clearly showed that it was shut down because of the lock so this doesn't make sense.

.... The girls took a moment to observe the lobby. It seemed like only a short time ago, it had been hustling and bustling but now with card games, tea sets, books and whatnot left about, but now cobwebs and dust covered everything. The owl sculpture in the center was most unusual, its bronze eyes seeming to be staring straight at the girls.

What's more, shouldn't someone like say... Rarity question why this place is dusty if it looks like it's still running? If anything, she might be at least be a little bit disgusted by the dust and cobwebs alone. It only further adds to the confusion why the guy is even there at all as the hotel has clearly been neglected.

At this point, if the reader is asking five or more questions about your story with the first half, then consider revising.

"It seems your in luck. Something has opened up!" He said with a quiet laugh. The girls were a little unnerved, but they gained their composure. "As far as price goes, you are the first guests in 80 years, so we've decided the stay is on us."

That's seems contradictory, why would something just "opened up" when in the same paragraph say that no one has been here for 80 years? Plus, wouldn't that make the girls even more unwilling to stay at this place or ask questions about it? I don't care if it's the only opened hotel within miles and pouring with rain, but if a place like that hasn't had a single guest for that long, I'd consider going someplace else. Besides, I don't care if the hotel is paying for the free stay, that alone would get me walking out the door.

"Its good so see a young mind so inquisitive, and all answers will be given in due time. Unfortunately your rooms on floor 13 are not fully ready, so please enjoy yourselves in the library." He led them to a pair of doors by the desk.

How does he know this? Would it make more sense to use one of the old phones to ring up someone to check if their rooms are available? Even people in the 1930's had phones (while not as advanced) for this sort of thing.

Suddenly the lights went out with a lightning flash and a vintage television flickered to life. An eerie voice rang out:

Technically I know that television was already invented by around the 1930's, but why would the hotel even have one as they were incredibly expensive at the time? After all, I'm pretty sure that there were only a handful of channels to choose from. So why not an old radio? I know that it wasn't in the ride but the hotel was closed in 1939, not the 1950's which the Twilight Zone had aired. After all, it would make more sense to have a radio version of the Twilight Zone as, that actually exists. Plus, not once during this exposition that any of the main 7 make any comment what-so-ever or maybe say something that they didn't know there was a radio version of the show?

Hollywood, 1939. Amid the glitz and the glitter of a bustling, young movie town at the height of its golden age, The Hollywood Tower Hotel was a star in its own right; a beacon for the show business elite. Now, something is about to happen that will change all that. The time is now on an evening very much like the one we have just witnessed.

Tonight’s story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. This, as you may recognize, is a maintenance service elevator still in operation, waiting for you. We invite you, if you dare, to step aboard because in tonight’s episode, you are the star. And this elevator travels directly to…The Twilight Zone.”

I know this is a copy and paste of what the narrator said, but here it doesn't really work since on that TV you didn't show what exactly had happened nor the girl's reaction to it. But if you go through the radio route then you'll have to add some detail about what exactly happened here. For anyone that hasn't been on the ride or know what it's about, this leaves out a tremendous detail of the very core of the story.

The bellhop said blankly. The doors slowly opened to reveal 7 seats in the back. The girls slowly entered. "This elevator is still operational, but these seats and seatbelts are for safety reasons. Please buckle yourselves in."

"Why do i have this feeling that we're on some sort of thrill ride?" Applejack said quietly.

Question: when was the last elevator you've ridden that was big enough for seats with seatbelts (something that they didn't have in the 30's, by the way.) If anything, why not just make it that, an elevator? Having make it look more like a copy of the ride itself shows that not only is it out of place in a setting like this, but it doesn't work in a story like this as there's not really any sense of danger.

"No....thank you?" Fluttershy said quietly. Lightning flashed again, the ghosts vanished in a burst of electricity which played across the walls and ceilings. Suddenly, the corridor faded into a field of stars, with only the window remaining. It then started to morph into a more eerie white window, which then shattered.

Shouldn't someone be screaming from the lightning? Remember, try putting yourself in their shoes in how any normal person would react to seeing something like this and how they would feel.

There was a crack as the elevator jolted and then shot straight up like a rocket. All the way up to the top floors where elevator doors opened to reveal a view of Canterlot City.

Okay, it's time I brought this up. Where exactly are they? If they're in Hollywood then just say so. But if they're in Canterlot City... that makes things all the more confusing as why would there be a hotel called "The Hollywood Tower Hotel" when it's not in Hollywood? Which, come to think of it, why are they there on Halloween to begin with? If they're in their home town then why don't they call someone for a ride home?

All the while, only Sunset and Rainbow managed to keep a brave face as they hoped for a miracle from the continuous drops and rises.

Why on earth would they? If I was in an elevator that's out of control then I would probably be screaming my head off, trying to figure out how to get off like... jumping off or something.

"Perhaps it would be better forthemto explain."

Wait, is Rainbow or the Bellhop speaking this?

"Follow me." He said. They reluctantly followed him to the hotel gift shop. There, standing right amongst items and stands, were the ghosts themselves. The little girl noticed them.

"Hey, everybody, its those girls who freed us!"

How exactly are they freed? The girls didn't do anything other then just get on a ride like anyone else. And while I would excuse you for the gift shop as, yes, there are hotels that do have one.

"From all of us to all of you all. Thank you. By your braving what we endured on this night 80 years ago, we are now freed from the curse that has bound us to never leave these haunted floors. Only if a living soul were brave enough to venture in and take the journey could the curse be broken. Thank you all."

Curse? Sorry but did I miss something? What curse? When in this story did it mentioned anything about a curse? Why was there a curse to begin with? And how does them taking a ride do anything about it?

Rarity spoke up to the actress. "Darling, you look simply divine. The style, the grace, the elegance, you have just given me an idea for a new halloween lineup!"

Why did she say that? Especially when there are ghosts around? Shouldn't the reaction be more screaming or shock or... something?

"Thank you, Miss, though it hasn't been easy keeping this outfit clean all these years."

Why? You've been dead since the 1930's.

"The storm has stopped, you are now free to leave, all of you. It was a pleasure being your tour guide tonight. The Hollywood Tower Hotel can rest assured its final guests left satisfied. Once again thank you, my ladies, and farewell." He faded away himself and the ghosts flickered and then faded away as well, leaving the girls alone.

Tour guide? All you've been doing is checking them in, showing them to a library, taking them to the boiler room and onto an elevator. Tour would imply going beyond that and into the hotel itself while explain about the history and other facts about the place.

"Well, its only been an hour or two. Lets get home." Sunset said. The girls followed her outside to discover a starry night sky, and the floodwaters had disappeared from the ground. As they walked home, they turned around one last time to look at the old Tower. A final, strange clap of thunder and lightning sounded, and the Tower vanished from sight.

Why did the tower disappear? I could only assume that it was because of the curse was lifted, but again, we don't know what that said curse even was nor what it did.

Okay before you decide to delete this story and swear off to never write a word again, hear me out. That last thing I want to do is discourage anyone from writing when they're just beginning to do so. I mean, the idea alone of writing a story about the Tower of Terror is a great idea in and of itself as it has a cornucopia of ideas that you could do with. To go beyond then just the ride itself. However, one lesson that needs to be learned here is that it's essential to use not just common sense but empathy as well. Try putting yourself in their shoes when they're going through this for the very first time. How would you honestly react to all this? What would you do in an abandoned hotel? Because that's what makes writing all the more fun is that you get to explore these ideas.

But if you wanted to just followed the already laid out path that the ride has laid out, you can do that just as long as you do something that's creative and new. Or rather, give their reactions as all these crazy things are going on. You can write out a scene, and yes, I know that telling a story is hard but don't be discouraged when it doesn't turn out well. I did the same with my early work, for all it takes is practice and learning what makes something work.

Well, thanks for your honesty.:ajsleepy:😞 Ill try to make this better.

Do not be discouraged, this story isn't horrible. You are new so don't be disheartened.

yes, but i didn't expect it to be THAT lacking. Several bronies here like it as it was originally, according to my notifications, but thanks anyway. What about my first story? Nightmare before Hearth's Warming?

I haven't gotten the chance to read it. If anything, I was here for the tower of terror.

Not bad. Saw some punctuation and grammar errors. I can tell you're definitely improving on your writing, though. Keep at it!

Coming from you, that means a lot!

Canterlot, 1939. Amid the glitz and the glitter of a bustling, young movie town at the height of its golden age, The Hollywood Tower Hotel was a star in its own right; a beacon for the show business elite. Now, something is about to happen that will change all that. The time is now on an evening very much like the one we have just witnessed.

I thought the name of the place was the Canterlot Tower.

"Why do i have this feeling that we're on some sort of thrill ride?" Applejack said quietly.

Because it is.

“A warm welcome back to those of you who made it and a friendly word of warning; something you won’t find in any guidebook. The next time you check into a deserted hotel on the dark side of Hollywood, make sure you know just what kind of vacancy you’re filling. Or you may find yourself a permanent resident of… The Twilight Zone”

"The storm has stopped, you are now free to leave, all of you. It was a pleasure being your bellhop tonight. The Hollywood Tower Hotel can rest assured its final guests left satisfied. Once again thank you, my ladies, and farewell." He faded away himself and the ghosts flickered and then faded away as well, leaving the girls alone.

I think you made the same typo twice.

As for the overall story, it was fun and simple. It didn't have much of a plot though. I think the scarier elements of the ride also got lost in translation.

yeah i know. I think countdown is my best story.

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