• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 8,648 Views, 601 Comments

Sunset Shimmer and the Boy Who Lived - cullexoh

When Sunset Shimmer entered the Mirror seeking Power, she never anticipated going back to school. Well, at least this one has something actually worth teaching.

  • ...

The Sorting

Chapter 6: The Sorting.

Despite having spent over a month at the Castle, Sunset had to admit that she could understand the appeal in having the First Years travel to Hogwarts by boat. The sight of the castle backed by the starlit sky as they sailed across an ominous black lake in enchanted boats was like something out of a fable from old Equestria, back before the sight of Canterlot Palace had become a common thing.

‘Say what you like about Dumbledore, he’s definitely got a flair for the dramatic.’ She mused as she helped Harry out of the boat they’d shared with Neville, the boy who kept losing his toad, and Hermione, the bossy looking girl who kept pointing out things she’d read in Hogwarts: A History to anyone she thought might be listening.

After the last of the students had disembarked, and Hagrid reunited a sniffling Neville with his errant pet, the Groundskeeper proceeded to lead them up a passageway carved into the rock of the mountain until they found themselves jogging to keep up with him as he strode across the smooth, damp grass of the castle courtyard.

“Everyone here?” he called out, glancing over the sea of wide-eyed children like a mother hen counting her chicks, pausing only to confirm that Neville hadn’t somehow lost his toad again before turning to the massive oak doors and knocking three times with one gigantic fist, the door swinging open, as if by magic, which in retrospect it likely was, to reveal the imposing form of Minverva McGonagall, clad as usual in her emerald-green robes and pointed black Witch’s Hat “The firs’ years, Professor McGonagall.”

“Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.” The Deputy Headmistress instructed, gesturing for the students to follow her before leading them through the torch-lit hallways of the castle towards the Great Hall, stopping short of the doors before turning to face them.

“Welcome to Hogwarts.” She greeted them warmly yet primly, hands clasped before her as she let her stern gaze wash over the crowd, pausing briefly as they landed on Harry and Sunset before resuming her speech “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats with your classmates, you will be sorted into your respective Houses. For those of you who do not know, the four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.”

Sunset quirked a brow as a round of whispers rose up at the mention of the last one, only silenced by McGonagall’s stern glare and raised eyebrow. Apparently Slytherin had quite the reputation, and not a very good one if the glares on several of the First Years, particularly the ginger from the train, was anything to go by.

“Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards.” McGonagall continued once the whispering settled down “While you are at Hogwarts, your House will be like your family. You will have classes with the rest of your House, sleep in your House dormitory, and spend free time in your House common room. Your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule breaking will lose points.”

‘Well that’s one way to ensure they put out their best…’ Sunset noted wryly, recalling her early days prior to being accepted into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Unlike the Princess, who believed in allowing young minds to blossom at their own pace, it wasn’t uncommon for her earlier instructors to employ a similar system of pitting students against one another to bring out their full potential.

Of course, having experienced both forms of tutelage, Sunset could honestly say that neither was perfect. True, Celestia’s approach might be the more popular, but it depended entirely on the students putting in the effort, and while prodigies like Sunset would excel regardless, it couldn’t be denied that, for the right reward, a healthy dose of competition could light a fire under even the most unmotivated slacker.

“The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school.” McGonagall informed them, her eyes lingering for a moment on Neville’s cloak, which was fastened under his left ear, and the ginger boy from the train, who had a distinctive smudge on his nose “I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.”

“You look fine.” Sunset assured Harry, who was trying, and failing, to flatten his bird’s nest of a haircut into something more manageable as McGonagall took her leave “Seriously, calm down.”

“Sorry.” Harry offered, flushing at being caught out only to swallow nervously as they continued to wait for McGonagall to return “I don’t suppose you know how they sort us into Houses?”

“Some sort of test, I think.” The Ginger from the train grumbled nervously, rubbing at the smudge on his nose “Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.”

“More than likely.” Sunset acknowledged with a nod “The test I mean, your brother was likely just trying to scare you. In any case, whatever they have us do, it isn’t likely to be particularly strenuous since they haven’t taught us anything first, so there’s no reason to panic-!”

She trailed off as of the children in the back burst out screaming, whipping around with her wand at the ready, only to relax at the sight of the Hogwarts Ghosts, arguing with one another as usual, no doubt over something peeves the poltergeist had done.

“Forgive and forget, I say.” The Fat Friar proposed, the Hufflepuff Ghost clasping his hands before him imploringly as he regarded his fellow specters “We ought to give him a second chance.”

“My dear Friar, haven’t we given Peeves all the chances he deserves?” Sir Nicholas demanded crossly, the Gryffindor Ghost looking decidedly put out “He gives us all a bad name and you know, he’s not really even a ghost…” he paused at the sight of the First Years “I say, what are you all doing here?”

“New students!” the Friar exclaimed, smiling around at the silent children with barely contained excitement “About to be Sorted, I suppose? Hope to see you in Hufflepuff! My old House, you know!”

“Move along now.” a sharp voice commanded, the students whipping round to find that McGonagall had returned while they were gawking at the ghosts “The Sorting Ceremony’s about to start.” She explained after the ghosts had floated away through the opposite wall “Now, form a line, and follow me.”

“Stick close.” Sunset whispered, taking Harry’s hand as she stepped in line behind a boy with sandy hair, completely missing the way the Potter’s cheeks flushed at her touch as they walked out of the chamber, back across the hall, and through a pair of double doors into the Great Hall.

While hardly a new sight, given how long she’d spent in the castle, Sunset had to admit that the Hogwarts staff had gone all-out for the Firs Years, the massive Hall lit by thousands of candles that were floating in midair over the four House tables, where the rest of the students were sitting, while the faculty sat behind another table at the top of the hall.

“It’s enchanted to look like the sky outside.” She explained after catching Harry gaping up at the ceiling in disbelief “It’ll even mimic it when it rains, though thankfully not the actual water.”

“Wow…” Harry breathed, marveling at the sight in wonderment, only to quickly look down again as Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of them, followed by a positively ancient looking pointed wizard’s hat that would’ve sent his Aunt Petunia into fits if anyone had dared to bring it into her house.

“Maybe we’re supposed to pull a rabbit out of it?” he whispered to Sunset, only to flush as she scoffed at the idea, though his embarrassment soon gave way to shock as the hat twitched, a rip near the brim opening wide like a mouth before it promptly broke into song.

‘Eh, give it about a five.’ Sunset shrugged, applauding halfheartedly along with the rest of the hall as the Hat finished off with a bow to each of the four tables before McGonagall began to call out names ‘Though that bit of intel about the houses was interesting.’

Truth be told, with the exception of Hufflepuff, Sunset could see herself fitting into any of the other house. While she wasn’t particularly chivalrous, she liked to think of herself as rather brave and daring, she’d have to be to defy Celestia as she had, but at the same time she could see the appeal of finding likeminded individuals in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, home to the Wise and Cunning.

‘No point fretting over things now.’ She reminded herself, looking on impassively as one by one her fellow First Years were sorted, some of them quickly, others taking several minutes before the Sorting Hat shouted out their House. It was about half-way through the list that she noticed Harry growing decidedly more worried with each passing name “What’s wrong?”

“It…it’s nothing…” he tried to assure her, only to bite the bullet in the face of her quirked eyebrow “It’s just…what if I’m not chosen?” he asked “I know it sounds silly but I just can’t help but worry what’ll happen if I’m asked to leave because the hat doesn’t say anything.”

“You’re right, that does sound silly.” Sunset deadpanned, sighing in exasperation at his embarrassed flush “Look, Harry, do you really think they’d have sent Hagrid to deliver your letter and help you buy all your school things if you didn’t belong here? Trust me, you’ll be fine no matter what house you wind up in?”

“But what if the Hat puts me in Slytherin?” Harry whispered, though to be fair he looked a lot less worried about that than the prospect of being sent back to his relatives “Vol…You-Know-Who was in Slytherin and-!”

“Stop that.” Sunset chided, placing a finger to Harry’s lips to silence him “Seriously, it’s getting annoying, you know his real name so just call him Riddle if you don’t want to say the other one.”

She lowered her finger with a shrug as Neville jogged back to return the Sorting Hat to a decidedly unamused McGonagall, the poor boy having run off with it still on his head the moment he was sorted into Gryffindor.

“As for being sorted into Slytherin, does it really matter?” she asked, earning an affronted look from the Ginger boy that she pointedly ignored “So what if Riddle was a Slytherin? That doesn’t mean you should base your opinion of the house by his actions, unless you think one of your classmates is the next Dark Lord in the making.”

“I guess…” Harry mumbled, still looking troubled, though decidedly calmer than he’d been a moment ago, the two of them looking on in silence as the rest of their peers were sorted until finally, McGonagall called out his name “Well, here goes nothing…”

“You’ll be fine.” Sunset assured him with a scoff, rolling her eyes as whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall as he stepped up to the stool, sending the boy reassuring nod just before McGonagall dropped the hat over his eyes, the entire hall seeming to hold their breath as they waited for the Sorting Hat’s verdict.

“GRYFFINDOR!” it roared at last, Harry whipping the hat off his head and staggering shakily towards the Gryffindor table as the rest of the hall, with the exception of Slytherin, promptly burst into cheers, the twins from the train even going so far as to chant ‘We got Potter! We got Potter!’ like they were at a Hoof-Ball match.

“Yes, yes, quiet down.” McGonagall urged, letting off a few fireworks from her wand when it was clear her voice wasn’t loud enough, though Sunset didn’t miss the hint of pride in the normally stern woman’s eyes as she glanced towards the Gryffindor table “Now then, Shimmer, Sunset?”

‘Moment of truth…’ Sunset sighed, stepping forward confidently as the cheers died down, taking one last glance at Harry, who returned it with a shaky grin of his own before McGonagall dropped the hat on her head and all she saw was darkness.

‘Well now…’ a voice she dimly recognized as the Hat whispered in her ear ‘Aren’t you an odd one…it isn’t every day I’m asked to sort a Unicorn, especially one capable of throwing up mental barriers.’

‘Not that they did any good, right?’ Sunset grumbled, having half expected that the hat would be able to bypass her defenses somehow ‘I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you tell anyone about me?’

'Paranoid, aren’t you?’ The Hat chuckled wryly at her threat, much to her frustration ‘Then again, I’d be a little on edge too if I made an enemy of an Immortal Goddess that controls the Sun and Moon.’

'She isn’t a Goddess.’ Sunset countered, more than a little petulantly if she was honest with herself ‘And I’m not presumptuous or suicidal enough to call my enemy…I just go sick of her holding me back from my full potential.’

‘Ah yes, there’s that healthy ambitious streak…’ the Hat noted wryly ‘I’ll confess, it takes a brave man, or pony in your case, to stick to their guns and spit in the face of authority. You’re certainly one of the brightest heads I’ve ever had the pleasure to rest on, oh if old Rowena were here she’d have snapped you up like nobody’s business.”

"Could you hurry this up?" Sunset demanded, glaring into the darkness in mounting annoyance, well aware that her sorting was taking the longest so far “Unlike you, I don't have the luxury of sitting around collecting dust."

‘Patience is a virtue, Sunset Shimmer…’ the hat chastised in a tone so eerily reminiscent of Celestia’s that for a moment Sunset swore she felt the Princess’ wing on her non-existent withers ‘In any case, you're certainly no Hufflepuff considering how many bridges you burnt on your way here, and I shudder to think what you’d get up to if given access to the Ravenclaw Library…’

“Just hurry up and put me anywhere.” Sunset snapped, grimacing as she realized she’d done so aloud, her cheeks flushing as whispers of amusement broke out in the hall “Seriously, I don’t care where you put me so long as I can achieve my destiny.”

‘Ah, but just what path will that Destiny take you down, Sunset Shimmer?’ the Sorting Hat pondered perked up at that, as she was unaware there was another Library until now ‘After all, for every door that opens, many more will close. The path you take will color people’ perception of you for years to come.’

"I could care LESS about what other people think of me.” Sunset hissed angrily, forcing down the memories of Celestia’s look of disappointment and the countless backstabbing comments her would-be peers had delivered behind her back “They can either get in line or get out of my way."

"Well spoken…" the hat chuckled, and Sunset swore she detected a hint of approval beneath its wry amusement "Indeed, very becoming of a SLYTHERIN!”.

“About damn time.” Sunset grumbled, blinking the spots out of her eyes as the hat was yanked off her head, noting with interest that her tie had shifted to the emerald and silver of Slytherin House as she strode down the stairs towards her House Table, pausing only once to meet Harry’s disappointed gaze, sending the boy a reassuring smile before taking her seat to wait for the last four people to be sorted.

Once Ronald Weasley, the ginger with the smudged nose, had scarpered off to Gryffindor, plonking himself down next to Harry without so much as a by-your-leave, Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away as Dumbledore rose to his feet, the headmaster beaming at the students, his arms opened wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.

“Welcome!” he called out warmly “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!”

‘Well that was random…’ Sunset noted, quirking a brow at the venerable Headmaster, wondering how much of that had been an act, and how much was actual senility showing through. After all, despite her age Celestia possessed quite the mischievous streak, often playing pranks on her students simply to laugh at their reactions.

"Greetings, all." A cold voice intoned, Sunset shivering in apprehension as she turned to find the Bloody Baron, the Slytherin House Ghost, looming over the first years with his hands clasped behind his back. Like all ghosts, he existed as a simulacrum of his former self at the moment of death, and so was dressed in robes that were stained with silvery blood, though whether it was his own was anyone's guess.

"Allow me to welcome you to Slytherin House, home of the cunning and ambitious. I hope you young serpents can uphold the reputation of your peers, Slytherin house has won the House Cup six years in a row, and I would prefer to keep it that way…"

‘Yeah cause that’s not a threat…’ Sunset noted, shivering more so from the ghost’s proximity than his attempt at intimidation. Fortunately, the Baron floated off after a moment, taking a seat next to Draco Malfoy, who Sunset was pleased to see looked decidedly uncomfortable by his proximity while the rest of the table tucked into the feast that had appeared before them.

As the evening wore on, Sunset became dimly aware of Harry sending her concerned glances from the Gryffindor table, having clearly not rid himself of his preconceived notions of her new House. Since it was unlikely she’d be allowed to go and join him this early on in the year, she opted instead to simply offer him a reassuring smile every time she caught him glancing her way.

‘He really does remind me of Sunburst…’ she mused, smiling distantly at the memory of her Younger brother, whom last she’d seen had just started getting control of his magic ‘Heck they even have the same glasses and haircuts…’

She was just finishing off the last of her dessert when Dumbledore rose to his feet the hall falling silent while the last of the food vanished from their plates, regardless of whether or not people were done eating, as evidenced by Ron's grunt of protest.

"Just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered." The Headmaster assured them, his eyes twinkling merrily as he held up a hand for silence "I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. As always; First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well.”

This last bit seemed to be pointedly directed towards the Gryffindor table, more accurately towards the twin redheads that were clearly Ron's older brothers, who merely bowed dramatically, earning laughs from their peers and an approving smirk from Sunset, who could appreciate those who refused to be tied down by authority.

“Settle down please." Dumbledore chuckled, waving his hand for silence "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors."

'Yeah, like that’s going to happen.’ Sunset scoffed, knowing all too well that there were thousands of different ways to conceal using magic in a crowded hallway, and that was without the benefit of robes to conceal ones focus, be it a wand or a horn.

"In other news, Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term." Dumbledore continued, pausing briefly to let the chatter die down "Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch." He instructed, gesturing to the Witch in question, who rose briefly to wave to the First Years “On a more serious note, I regret to inform you that there has been a slight alteration to the curriculum for First and Second Year Students.”

‘Huh…this is new…’ Sunset blinked, noting with interest that most of the Staff, with the exception of Quirrel and Snape the Potions Master, looked either resigned or approving of whatever Dumbledore was about to say next.

“It has been brought to my attention numerous times that those Alumni who seek to interact with the Muggle World find themselves incapable to do so, whether it be due to lack of knowledge of social ques, common law, or simply lacking basic knowledge of Muggles in general.” the Headmaster revealed, waiting patiently for the whispers, and scoffs in the case of the Slytherins, to die down “This is especially bad in the case of those Alumni with Muggle relatives who find themselves unable to reintegrate back into their old lives due to lacking the credentials to forge a career outside the Wizarding World.”

“Why would they even want to?” Draco Malfoy sneered lowly, a sentiment that was shared by most, if not all of Slytherin house, particularly the elder years “Not that I’m saying we wouldn’t be better off without mudbloods and blood-taitors mind you.”

“With that in mind.” Dumbledore continued, though Sunset didn’t miss the mischievous twinkle in his eye as he glanced briefly towards the cocky Slytherin “It gives me great pleasure to announce that, from henceforth, Muggle Studies shall once again be a required class at Hogwarts.”

“He can’t do that!” Malfoy shrieked, gaping at the headmaster in disbelief even as the hall erupted into a veritable hornet’s nest of whispers that were promptly silenced by a few fireworks from the Headmaster’s wand.

“I can understand why many of you would find this announcement worrisome.” Dumbledore assured them calmly “Rest assured Hogwarts shall provide all the necessary textbooks and materials for you.” He regarded the hall sternly “However, do not presume this to mean you can simply breeze through the class.” He warned “Given the rapid advancement of Muggles society, in particular, the threat said advancements pose to the Statute of Secrecy, the Ministry of Magic has given their complete support for this change, so as to better reduce the odds of you accidentally revealing the existence of Magic to the non-wizarding world.”

‘Game Set and Match…’ Sunset applauded, chuckling at the dumbstruck expression on Malfoy’s face, as there really was nothing the brat’s father could do if the government decided this was in the students’ best interests ‘Old man certainly knows how to play ‘em.”

“Well, I think that’s everything of importance…” Dumbledore mused, only to smile as Professor McGonagall cleared her throat pointedly “Ah yes, one last thing. All students are hereby informed that, this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

‘Wait, what?’ Sunset blinked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion as she glared at the Headmaster warily, wondering just what on earth he was up to even as he led the students in singing the School Song ‘Just what the hay have I gotten myself into?’

Author's Note:

Figured I'd get this out there as an early present.

So yes, Sunset has found herself in the serpents' lair due to her ambitious nature and desire for power. For those wondering why I placed her there, this was my thought process on the matter.

1. Sunset is relatively Fresh through the Portal, so she naturally still resents Celestia. While she's nowhere near as villainous as she was during the events of Equestria Girls, she's not the Reformed Bacon Horse we've come to love either.

This, sadly, meant Hufflepuff was eliminated by default. As the House that values Loyalty and Friendship, traits that Sunset has eschewed in her pursuit of Alicornhood, she really had no place there unless the Sorting Hat decided to be a Troll (in the Dungeon!)

2. Out of the remaining three houses, Sunset could've easily been sorted into either, but Gryffindor and Slytherin being the main focus would've made the story easier to write due to them sharing so many classes together, so that knocked out Ravenclaw.

3. While Sunset's Personality hasn't degraded to what we saw in Equestria Girls, her ambition is arguably stronger than ever since she isn't trapped in a world without Magic. Sadly, the hat's comments were simply the final nail in Gryffindor Sunset's coffin.

And before anyone asks, no, Sunset's 'relationship' with Harry would not have played a major role in her being sorted since at this point she doesn't believe in 'friendship'.

At the very most she considers Him 'worth keeping an eye on' due to his fame potentially opening doors down the line. That will change soon enough I assure you.