• Published 18th Jul 2018
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JTHW: Journey To Hearth's Warming - Lighttone GryphonStar

Trapped by a spell Twilight and Starlight must live through the events of Hearth's Warming. Only the events aren't playing out exactly like the history books. All while a mysterious wendigo makes a move that might changes the future they once knew.

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S3 Episode 22: Underworld Waves

Author's Note:

Yeah, a little retcon and change to the title of this one. Don't worry, this will be the only moment such a thing will happen, hopefully. Really when it came down to it, when I was overlooking the titles of all the episodes I noticed two chapters felt too similar. So I'm changing both slightly. Go ahead and head back to the chapter list to see the new changes.

Deep within the Gross, Twilight and Cold Blue kept to a tight group of random species, isolating themselves from as many unicorns as possible. It wouldn't be until night time before they could go back above ground, but even down here, there was still information worthy of gathering.

Twilight spotted an old bookstore and remembered that Starlight had found some good books down here twenty days ago. "Over there," she pointed.

"Okay," Cold Blue didn't stop her and followed. His mission was simple; keep her out of the sight of Princess Platinum's forces.

"Some of these books are history style."

"Hmm, you can tell that easily?" Cold Blue was surprised just how fast and keen Twilight moved through the bookshelves.

"Well, I grew up in a library. I'll never be lost in the search for these kinds of books... unless I'm reading them." She stopped at the name of H. P. Bloodcraft. "Hmm, another one?"


"Starlight found some stuff on this stallion twenty days ago and now there is already more available."

"Hmm, I don't see the importance. His levels on magic projection pale compared to my master and even Starswirl." Cold Blue was stopped by another author's name. "Here, Dr. Pr. Halo," he presented it to her.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as the name sounded familiar, but she didn't remember reading a book by him. "Okay, let's see what history he covers?"

"Every species, or at least the base thirteen."

"Interesting. Does that include the changelings?"

"White, gray, and black."

"Really? I've only encountered the black kind." Twilight was surprised by how much knowledge of books Cold Blue had. She looked over every detail of the book. Before she knew it, she was floating in the air, lost to all of this knowledge, leaving Cold Blue to himself.

The siren wanted to say more, but her silent sigh said enough to him. He looked around. Judging by the time and the movement around here, it would be some time before they could tell if Blood Diamond had made his move. He decided here was a good enough spot. He pulled off his cloak and laid it under Twilight. As Twilight subconsciously lowered herself onto the soft cloak so ponies wouldn't stare, Cold Blue sat down beside her. Twilight was so lost in the words of her book until she felt the soft fur under her. She reached down and felt the well-knitted texture before looking at Cold Blue. Cold Blue was reading a book of his own from the shelf.

They continued for a minute, making minor comments back and forth on the details of the books they read. While yes, Twilight was gathering up knowledge, she was surprised that Cold Blue was reading a short adventure book called Letter of Hope. The two had a good laugh at how the series of those adventures had been going so strong even in the future she heralded from. Cold Blue's laugh was short and quiet, but familiar. Twilight was unsure where she had heard it before, but hearing it was very relaxing.

"Tell me, what is it like working for Blood Diamond?" Twilight finally took herself off the topics of books.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, back in my time, I've worked under Celestia since I was five years old. She was always very lenient on work, though I think she knew I would take far more than I could handle often."

"Hmm," Cold Blue questioned himself. He had never considered such a question before. "Blood Diamond prefers to take his duty to the extreme."

"That's an understatement. I mean, how does he treat you?"

"He..." Cold Blue stopped. He had never considered it from his own perspective. "He is lenient with me too."


"I often leave him to work alone." Cold Blue's eyes narrowed on the book as if he wanted this train of thought to stop.

"Does he...?" Twilight's eyes rolled around her head and she winced. "Does he push you?"

Cold Blue went far more silent at this question. After a moment, he finally blurted out rather harsher than he wanted, "Are you seeking more knowledge or more power!"

"I..." Twilight knew these questions were not part of the mission and though he didn't make it clear at first, Cold Blue too did put the mission first. Twilight could say the same about herself. Unfortunately, her mission was not the same as his. "I'm sorry," she caved. "I wish to end this war, but if I go out of control, then ending it would be pointless for me."

"Then stop fighting it." Cold Blue didn't hide his disappointment.

"Don't fight it?" Twilight was perplexed by his words. "Is that what you did--" she was stopped as he shushed her.

"Take a breath." Cold Blue's gills opened up, giving Twilight a bigger hint as to with a cast of quick magic. The two became like puddles.

With no warning, Rex, Clover, Clovis, and Silver Pear ran by. The four stopped by the bookshelves to catch a breath as guards rushed by. Rex noticed the puddles and dropped his chains into one. No reaction came, but he was still uneasy around such things while hunting his old rival. The four stayed until the guards were out of sight before leaving.

Once those four too were out of sight, Cold Blue and Twilight raised forth from the puddles. Twilight took a moment to catch her breath, as that felt like forever. "Damn it, that was too close."

"He nearly had me." Cold Blue rubbed his throat where the chain had twisted. "I was surprised you didn't give away our position. Are you this determined?"

"No, I trust them to handle things on their own. Though, I do not know why Starlight isn't with them." Twilight rubbed her head and laughed. "Really, I'm more surprised at your skills at form magic, holding multiple targets like that for that long."

Cold Blue stood up, grabbed his cloak. Knocking the dust off, he gave another look in case they were still nearby. "I've learned from the best on form magic."

"Blood Diamond?"

"No, someone far stronger." Cold Blue caught his mouth closed.

Twilight gave a sweater to laugh at his reaction. "Did you just deadpan?"

"Is that a problem for you?"

"No, I just thought that was a more modern expression since I've only ever seen it on me and Starlight."

"Nevermind that." Cold Blue's eyes tracked back to the books they had dropped during the spell. He spotted some notes sticking out of the book by Dr. Pr. Halo. "You take notes too."

"Of course, you can never be too careful!" Twilight grabbed the book out of his hand and flipped to the notes.

"Shapeshifting, form magic, and astral projection." Cold Blue's eyes narrowed at Twilight. "You attempted to learn ways to control that monster inside from the very beginning."

"You would be surprised what history can teach you. Besides, I noted every mention of unicorns but there wasn't much to work with."

"Strange, that was one of the first subjects he covered in his research." Cold Blue took the book away again and flipped to the first chapters and skim enough to get the basic details. "Huh, I see."

"I know. This book is too new. I need an older edition to help me."

Cold Blue closed the book and took a moment to think. "There might be someone we can talk to."

"Someone? As in not a pony?"

"Indeed, follow me." Cold Blue took another survey of their surroundings. Spotting more guards approaching, the two increased their speed. Within moments, they were deep in the crowds. They knew they would be out of sight soon.

But little did they notice the magical string latched onto Cold Blue's cloak, leading to a certain umbrum in the distance. "Got you."

The two soon arrived at a dusty old shop with nothing but a bell sitting beside it. Twilight was a bit confused by this place and why Cold Blue had brought her there. However, Cold Blue gave her no direct signs of answering her. Instead, he approached the bell rather cautiously and tapped it twice.

After a moment with no answer, he tapped it twice again. Another moment passed and no answer leading to Twilight finally openly questioning, "Why are we here?"

"You wish to gain unrestricted access to the knowledge hidden within the underground." Cold Blue leaned down and pulled out his falcata. His eyes narrowed on a crack in the ground and stabbed his weapon into it. With a quick flip, a trapdoor opened.

"Well, I guess it would expand my search grid." Twilight leaned over into the tunnel.

"Then you will need to talk to the leader of this place, Diamondback Gust." Cold Blue grabbed Twilight by her side and slid them both down into the tunnel, much to her dismay. Unknown to them, the string broke from this sudden dropped but Rex had a good idea now where they were heading as the four stopped at the sight of the tunnel.

The slide was rather quick if enjoyable for Twilight. Dealing with so much war and being locked up for twenty days had made it impossible to have some time for fun. She had a small fear in the back of her mind that Pinkie Pie was leering at her from the future for going so long without fun.

The two reached the bottom and found a massive cavern reaching so far outward that the light could not fully envelop it. Twilight was already curious by the architecture upon landing, "It's old, ancient, far older than anything I've seen before." She walked over to one of the many massive pillars. "So vast that it could span the entire city."

"It does, I think." Cold Blue walked forward.

"What?! Impossible, there is no way these pillars hold up the entire city." Twilight caught up with him.

"These pillars had been here since before the city even existed."

"No, no, no," Twilight was so confused by this. "Geländehorn is the oldest unicorn city to ever exist."

"Exactly, that doesn't mean other cities existed before it."

"I... I..." Twilight stopped to hide her shame. "I never considered what life was like before the unicorns, frankly before ponies."

"The lands were ruled by many creatures far older than ponies once." He stopped at a wall and pointed to some images. "The naga, nuckelavee, centaur, thestrals, the centrapedes, ifrits, and even the wendigoes. Most of which were never marks in public books."

"Huh," Twilight lit her horn with light. Her eyes went wide at the sight of words far too ancient to read and images. "There, unicorns!" She pointed to the image of three unicorns meeting with an enormous serpent.

"This shows how the unicorns forged their first allegiance with the naga." Cold Blue moved his fingers over the words. "Unicorns at first couldn't control their magic and the other ponies. earth ponies were already building their farms and pegasi had just started moving clouds. In their vanity, unicorns allied with an old foe of the alicorns, the naga."

"This makes no sense in my future." Twilight traced her hands over the images. "Naga is such a rare sight, almost considered myths."

"Now isn't much different. The alliance only lasted long enough for the unicorns to master their horns and project magic outward. After which, the naga moved back into their caves. Only the royals keep in contact with them now." Cold Blue turned away as shame poured over him now. "Unicorns are selfish beings at heart..." He stopped and stared back at Twilight, "Well, most are."

Twilight didn't catch his words or his stare, as she already had a notepad out. Taking notes was her favorite pastime, studying every detail sometimes to the absolute extreme.

"Twilight..." Cold Blue reached out to her before stopping and turned away.

"Huh, did you say something else about the unicorns?" Twilight jumped as she noticed him walking away.

"No, it's nothing." Cold Blue went quiet upon seeing new light in the distance. He held out his hand to stop Twilight. "He's close." Those words stopped Twilight in her tracks as Cold Blue moved toward the light much slower, especially as voices could soon be heard.

Getting closer, the two stopped behind a massive pillar. Twilight noted the massive bite mark on it as well as several somewhat recent battle scars around it. Hiding carefully and quietly back into a puddle form, they went silent as two nagas approached.

"I'm sorry to bug you about this godfather," a voice spoke. Twilight was surprised to hear the voice of Dimitri Dusk, Princess Platinum's naga guard.

"Your connection to this mare will prove to be your downfall one of these days," a larger voice echoed. Since Twilight lacked sight in this puddle form, she had to assume this was this Diamondback Gust.

"I can't abandon her, not while she is getting this reckless. I must end this war before more get hurt."

"Wars are often needed to surface evils some would rather ignore."

"I know but..."

"The evil you wish you could have never seen?" Diamondback Gust questioned.

"Yes," Dim conceded. "I want her to stop before she becomes just as evil as..." His voice softened to a point that Twilight couldn't hear the name. She knew there was shame in Dim's voice, but if only she could hear the name, she could end this war, too.

"Hmm," Diamondback Gust thought. "I have a customer coming by in a few minutes. Maybe he can help you."

"Really, who?"

"An alicorn."

Shock filled both Dim and Twilight at those words. Dim's fists tightened, and he refused, "No, they start this war."

"Not this one. He is far too old to be a part of this cabal that poses a threat to your mare."

"Old," Twilight wondered if this might be the alicorn that Starswirl fought before. He mentioned to her that the one seeking the siren fillies was an ancient alicorn of some sort, abandoned by his kind. Twilight questioned to herself if the name mentioned wasn't the one responsible, then maybe this alicorn was. After all, he had the power to pull something like this off.

Twilight stopped her thoughts as the room shook. Twilight could feel Cold Blue's hand over her mouth. Her eyes went wide. Did she say that out loud?

"You heard that too?" Dim questioned as the shaking increased.

"Yes, silence..." The shaking increased and got far closer.

Twilight was mentally slapping herself on such actions. She had to do something or else they both would be caught. She prepared magic ready in case that had to battle as the shaking increased to its highest point as if Diamondback Gust was right above them. Just how big was this beast?

"Hold!" Dim stopped his godfather's advance. "Message?" He questioned as he reached into his pocket. Twilight heard a familiar gem sound and a message spoke.

"Head back to base, something has happened to the princess," a guard spoke on the other side of the line.

"Mira?!" Dim rushed back to the exit. The loud movement of Diamondback Gust followed, giving Twilight and Cold Blue and a moment of rest.

"What happened?" The larger serpent questioned.

"I'm not sure..." Dim stopped. "Tell your alicorn to meet me outside of the hospital tomorrow morning."

"I understand, just be careful." Diamondback Gust answered. Once Dim left, Diamondback Gust turned around and slammed his tail around the puddle, making Twilight freeze in fear. "Okay, he is gone, come out, or I will squish you next time."

Cold Blue conceded and undid the spell. Rising from the puddle, he bowed to the massive naga slivering toward them. "Forgive the spying, we did not know you were talking to someone else until you arrived."

Twilight fell back in pure shock at the sheer size of the beast. "Wow, wow, you are even bigger than Tirek."

"Ixion's grandson, but is he just a child?" Diamondback Gust raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"We're getting off track." Cold Blue rose from his bow. "We are here to seek unrestricted access."

"My godson is fighting your master. Why should I help you?" Diamondback Gust lowered to their height and showed his teeth.

"You care for your godson, right?" Twilight stepped forward. "We seek to end this war too."

"Wars are a way for the universe to unveil pains hidden in plain sight. I do not wish to end this war." Diamondback Gust turned away in disappointment.

"But you care for your godson, yes?" Twilight demanded an answer this time.

"Yes," the naga conceded.

"Then, help me end this war before he gets hurt."

The massive naga went silent to her words. It made perfect sense to help them, so why was he hesitating. The beast moved away, refusing to give them an answer until Cold Blue gave his answer, no, more of a declaration,

"Wars are the great unveiler, so let us unveil the true purpose of this war!"

The naga stopped in his tracks and turned back to Cold Blue. The beast raced right toward him with rage and malice, teeth outward ready to strike, and yet Cold Blue didn't falter in his ground at all. The siren never went for his falcata nor his ocarina-blade, not even charging up magic, instead, staying completely defenseless.

Twilight rushed to his side and raised a magical shield, but the teeth tore through the projection so easily. Her eyes went wide as she was the shield of Cold Blue. It was too late to pull back, as there was no room for escape. She simply fell back, mentally slapping herself for failing here, of all places.

However, as time passed, she realized the teeth never once tore through her. She stood her spot with being ripped apart. She opened her eyes only to find the naga had stopped his advance, not because of her but because of Cold Blue. Her eyes went wide at the sight of a giant bony and scaly hand from the siren holding the naga back.

Diamondback Gust pulled back in fear and held up his defense. "A dark ascended." Twilight's eyes softened as she realized what Cold Blue did just now to save her. Or maybe he was planning to use

The bony and scaly limb retracted back before vanishing. It was then Twilight realized it was an astral projection. "You wish to let this war continue to reveal the evils of this world? We wish to learn this war's purpose." The siren questioned with an icy breath.

"Wait a minute, you can astral project your alternate form?!" Twilight interrupted Cold Blue, bringing down his temper with her confusion.

"Of course, I noted no detail against such a technique." Cold Blue's firm stance was in complete pieces now, thanks to her complaint.

"Here, I am trying to learn more about my darker self and you show off an astral projection of your own and that looks as easy as breathing!!" Twilight argued back. "Why didn't you show me this sooner?!"

"The mission was to keep you safe, end this war. Both would be impossible for you wasting time learning this power now!" He snapped back.

Now his words caught Twilight off guard. She had completely forgotten the dangers of her alternate form. Seeing him use his power so easily gave her hope that she jumped to conclusions and pushed buttons that weren't meant to be pushed. She backed away from him in shame.

Both of them for a moment totally forgetting the giant naga standing in the room. Diamondback Gust didn't mind this. In fact, he found their little spat to be quite cute. He leaned back and waited and hear what they had to say to him. After all, despite Twilight not noticing it, that astral projection was easily strong enough to toss the naga across the room easily and yet the siren only used it to stop the naga's advance.

Cold Blue conceded and apologized. "Twilight, I don't take on multiple tasks without knowing ahead of time that I can handle them."

"But I can handle them. I just need time."

"Time, for a time travel, can last for eternity but for the rest of us the opposite is true." Cold Blue turned to the naga and demanded. "Give us the access or tell of someone who would be more willing to help."

The naga laughed at this. "Fine, I'll do one better. I've heard word of another searching up information about the war. You need to talk to him, another unicorn."


"Lord Red."

Twilight felt a chill go through her spine upon hearing that name. "That might be a problem."

"I know, he is already searching for you," Cold Blue answered with as much hesitation as anyone else. "He is one of the oldest unicorns in existence."

"If that's true, he might hold more information than any other, even more so than the naga." Twilight wondered aloud. There was a lot to think about, but the move was solid. The naga lowered his snout and allowed them to climb aboard so he could bring them back to the entrance. Upon exiting, the two noticed that night time had finally arrived.

"Looks like we will have to find a place to rest." Twilight noted the emptiness of the Gross now that night was here.

Cold Blue didn't answer at first, instead, pulling out his falcata and aiming forward. Twilight jumped back at the sight of it blocking her path. Looking forward, her eyes widened at the sight of Rex Moba standing in their way.

"Actually, you and I need to talk, first," the umbrum proclaimed as chains rose from his shadows.


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