• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 12,018 Views, 609 Comments

Dragonball Super: Rise of The Super Alicorn God - UltraInstinctGoku

What would have happened if Lord Beerus was actually able to defeat Son Goku and destroy the Earth? What if the Super Saiyan God, just like his father Bardock, was sent to another world instead of dying a blazing death?

  • ...

Battle of Gods Saga: Time Travel

[Unknown Castle, Throne Room]

Twilight retreated a bit as Nightmare Moon was laughing. Goku was ready to fight, but he was taken aback when the night mare shot a magic beam against the ceiling instead of them. The ceiling collapsed and some rubble almost crashed down on Twilight, but the white stallion jumped, pushing himself and her out of the way, just in time. "Thanks," said the lavender mare.

"What's going on, Twilight?" asked Goku, "If she's Celestia's sister, why is she attacking us? Did we do something wrong?"

"I-I don't know," she answered, "But let me talk to her, maybe I can calm her down." Twilight was about to do so, but at that very moment, Princess Celestia appeared. The Sun Bringer wasn't very pleased with what she was witnessing. Son Goku wondered why he couldn't sense her presence too, but chose to let it go and, as well as Twilight, approached the Princess of the Day.

"Princess," started the stallion, "Why is your sister destroying everything?" The Goddess of the Sun didn't answer. Her gaze was upon the cloud of dust generated by the rubble previously fallen, from which Nightmare Moon came out. Goku was confused because of the Princesses' strange behavior. There was something wrong there, but he couldn't figure out what.

Celestia stepped forward, but the corrupted Alicorn shot a magic beam against her sister, who dodged by flying. All the while, Goku and Twilight jumped to the sidelines, not wanting to get in the way of their confrontation. Nightmare Moon attacked again, but the magic beam was dodged with ease by Twilight's former teacher. The Goddess of the Sun landed 6 meters away from the dark mare, staring at her when the lavender princess put herself in front of Celestia and said to the evil princess, "Luna! Think of how long you were banished to the moon! You'll give us no choice but to send you back there if you don't stop!"

"Banished to the moon?" thought the white stallion, "What the...?"

"Luna, I will not fight you!" stated Celestia, "You must lower the moon! That's your duty!"

"'Luna'? I'm not Luna." she answered, "I am... Nightmare Moon! And I have but one duty at the moment: to destroy you!"

Nightmare Moon shot a powerful blue magic beam against her sister right after finishing her sentence. Goku teleported in front of the princess and tried to deflect the attack, but something weird happened: the magic beam just went through him, like a ghost would do if it met with any solid object. Celestia was able to dodge it, anyways, and flew out the castle. "Where do you think you're going?" said the evil princess as she began to chase her.

Meanwhile, Goku was wondering what in the world just happened. He didn't feel pain so the magic beam didn't break through his body just like Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon did during the battle against Raditz.That beam felt... no, I didn't feel any of it at all! It was like that attack wasn't real, but rather just an illusion. However, how could it deal damage to this place if that was the case? Maybe there was a spell that causes damage to things that are not alive? But why use it against the princess if that was the case?Goku pondered.

"Come on, Goku!" exclaimed Twilight, breaking his thoughts, "We must help Princess Celestia!"

"W-wait! There's something weird in this place, Twilight. What if all of this is not real?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Did you see what happened? Her magic just went through me and almost hit Celestia."

"Nightmare Moon is a powerful being, who probably knows many kinds of spells. Maybe she cast one that can pass through anything that isn't its target."

"That's not the only weird thing, Twilight. Every time we tried to talk to them, they ignored us, just as if they weren't able to see or hear us."

"Well, maybe..."

Before she could say anything else, the duo heard the noise of the explosions caused by what they thought was the battle between the Royal Sisters, and felt the castle tremble.

"If all of this isn’t real, why can we feel the ground shaking, huh?" asked Twilight, now skeptical about Goku's assumption.

"Okay, okay. We’ll help out Princess Celestia, but I still think this is some sort of illusion."

[Castle's airspace]

Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia were still in midair, one in front of the other. The dark mare's will to defeat the Sun Goddess and take over the kingdom was firm. On the other hoof, the elder alicorn didn't want to fight against her beloved little sister, but she had to do something if she wanted to stop this from going any further. Unfortunately, Luna didn't want to cooperate and she had nopony to call for help. She was alone. There was only an option left: try to calm her down by fighting her. It was like Celestia's worst nightmare came true.

"Luna," tried Celestia one last time, "I beg you, come to your senses and stop this madness!"

"As I told you... I AM NIGHTMARE MOON!" she answered right before rushing her. Celestia cast a yellow magic shield around her in order to stop her sister's attack. The evil alicorn shot a night blue magic beam to the shield, weakening the point of contact, as she was flying toward it with no intentions of slowing down. The Sun Goddess was caught off guard when Nightmare Moon broke through the shield with ease by piercing the weakened spot with her horn. However, she was able to dodge the incoming threat by teleporting behind the dark princess just in time. The Princess of the Day couldn't believe it: her beloved little sister just tried to impale her.

The corrupted mare engulfed herself with a black magic aura and flew high in the sky at the speed of sound, readying herself for a second assault. Celestia was forced to counterattack using a similar spell: a yellow magic aura engulfed her as she flew toward her opponent. The Royal Sisters clashed, producing a burst of magic and a powerful shock wave.

Goku and Twilight were above the castle, witnessing the battle between the goddesses of the 2 most important celestial bodies of Equus. "We must stop this from escalating even further!" exclaimed Twilight, "Goku, teleport us there!"

"I can't," Goku said, shocking Twilight, "Instant Transmission works only if I can sense the Ki of someone wherever I want to appear, but since we ended up here, I can't sense the Ki of anyone but yours."

The mare quickly thought of another solution, "You're the best and fastest flyer here: go ahead, I'll catch up."

"Fine," said Goku, then he turned on his aura and flew to the battlefield, despite his doubts about all of this being real. Twilight followed him.

Meanwhile, a black and a yellow trail were soaring through the skies, clashing one against the other whenever they got the possibility to do it. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon teleported to an unknown location right before clashing with Celestia, who was caught off guard. She stopped moving and wondered where her sister go. As if to answer, the Goddess of the Night appeared far above the sky while flying toward her foe at incredible speed, still engulfed in her black magic aura. The white alicorn didn't notice the incoming threat until it was too late: she was hit hard on her midsection. The blow sent the Day Princess through 3 towers before crashing to the ground.

Goku and Twilight stopped as they witnessed Celestia's forced landing, so they flew back to the castle as fast as the could. Celestia was in a small crater as she was a bit stunned. Her chest was bruised and she also had some other injuries on her wings and across her back. She was trying to stand up, without succeeding, as Goku and Twilight reached her. Twilight, horrified by her former teacher's injuries, ran to help her but as soon as she touched her, she just went through her like she was a ghost.

"What the...?!" her eyes wide opened. Before Goku could even reply, Nightmare Moon appeared right in front of Celestia.

"Say 'goodnight' sister!" she said as her horn was glowing, ready to give the final blow, "Any last words?"

"Y-yes" replied Celestia as she was slowly standing up, "Solar Burst!" The wounded princess engulfed herself in a fire-like aura that produced a solar shock wave that sent Nightmare Moon through the walls of the castle. This surprise attack gave her some time to heal some of her wounds. Then, she charged her sister.

"I-I still don't understand... w-what just happened? Why I couldn't touch Princess Celestia? And why do they act like there is nopony but themselves here?" said Twilight, who was still in shock.

"I don't know, that's why I think this is an illusion of some sort."

"B-but even so, it doesn't make sense!"

"Look, let's see their battle. Maybe we will figure out something by witnessing the event."

"F-fine," she answered and followed him.

[Inside the Castle]

Meanwhile, the evil alicorn buried her hind legs into the floor to stop her foe's charge after being pushed through several walls. Then, she tried to land a punch on her, but the Goddess of the Sun sidestepped the blow and tried to elbow her back. However, Nightmare Moon teleported 4 meters behind her before being hit. She charged her black aura and sped off to her enemy. Celestia noticed this and sidestepped again before teleporting some meters away to keep distance, then she attacked as well. The white alicorn tried to land some punches on her sister, who dodged them with ease and counterattacked. But Celestia was able to dodge her blows, eventually leaving her to jump back to her former position.

Both of them charged up their magic auras and sped off through the castle. They were clashing one with the other as they were tearing apart the left side of the building. Shock waves echoed across the battlefield as the ground beneath the castle was shaking. Celestia and Nightmare Moon were about to clash again, but the latter teleported 4 meters away behind her foe. The white alicorn stopped her flight and turned, knowing where her sister was.

"Finally you're taking this fight more seriously. But with those wounds, let's see how many seconds you last" said the corrupted alicorn with a smirk.

Celestia wasn't in a talking mood and rushed her sister, who just dodged by jumping. The black alicorn teleported, right before touching the ground, to the right of her enemy and tried to land a punch on her face, but her target was able to dodge the attack. The elder sister counterattacked, but the younger one blocked her punch with a magic shield. She tried to hit her with an uppercut, but Celestia teleported 2 meters back in order to dodge it. Nightmare Moon was growing more irritated because of the persistence of her opponent. “Why can’t she just give up and die already! I’m in the right to rule Equestria!” she thought while gritting her teeth in frustration.

The black alicorn teleported to her foe's left side but Celestia attacked first, landing a punch on her cheek. Nightmare Moon punched her in the same spot as well. The Sun Goddess tried to punch her again, but her sister ducked to avoid her strike and then tackled her, making her foe to lose balance. The white alicorn managed to not fall and attempted to attack again, but her sister just teleported away. The elder princess was on alert, looking at the surroundings, in order to not be caught off guard. Five seconds later, she sensed a great source of magic behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw her sister engulfed in her black aura while quickly approaching. The Princess of the Day ignited her yellow magic aura and collided with Nightmare Moon, resuming the high-speed battle.

Goku and Twilight were witnessing the battle between the universe's mightiest ponies. The Element of Magic was deeply worried about Celestia and hoped for the good ending at the end of this all. She was also wondering when her former teacher learned to fight so well: she never told her she was a skilled fighter. The male alicorn wasn't very happy as well, but he was also amazed by both Celestia and Luna's performance, despite the fact that he wasn't able to sense their Ki. He just wanted to know their power better and to see how powerful they were during this battle.

Meanwhile, the yellow trail and the black trails were clashing with each other all across the rooms of the castle. They kept on fighting like this for several seconds, then they both were pushed back by the shock wave produced by their last collision. Celestia crashed into a wall as Nightmare Moon broke through another one that was on the opposite side. The first one was a bit stunned, pretty tired and rather hurt. She hoped to have knocked out her sister with the last blow, to finally stop this foolish fight and try to talk some sense into her. Only then would her sister be calmer than before.

However, fate was a capricious mare: Nightmare Moon suddenly appeared in front of her, unscratched. She laughed and said, "Already tired? I am just getting started," then she added, "However if you want to rest in peace, I shall grant your desire!"

The Goddess of the Moon turned into a nigh blue mist and merged with the remains of the left side of the castle. The only things left from their duel were just the perimetrical walls and a very high ceiling. Everything else was destroyed, so the place looked like a very big room with tons of debris and rubble in it, with the walls looking quite damaged. The room started trembling as the ceiling and the walls began to collapse upon the white alicorn.

"Let's get out of here!" exclaimed Twilight.

"What? why? The environment cannot hurt us," replied the Goku.

"Yeah, but I still don't feel comfortable watching a building collapse upon me or my friends!" she stated. Goku nodded in agreement and they both flew outside as the room was collapsing.

Celestia managed to stand up and looked for an exit. She saw a big hole in the wall dozens of meters in front of her and flew toward it. She was dodging the debris with great agility and speed as everything around her was falling apart. However, several pieces of rubble fell in front of the wall, blocking the path to go outside. Her stamina was depleting, but she still had enough power to cast one last spell: she charged her horn with magic, then she shot a powerful yellow magic beam at the 'barricade', making it explode outwards. The Princess of the Day escaped from the castle right before its left zone totally collapsed.

The Goddess was lying on the grass field, panting. A few seconds later, Nightmare Moon appeared some meters away from the exhausted alicorn as Goku and Twilight were watching the scene. The Saiyan-raised-on-Earth gritted his teeth. Even though he believed this wasn't real, he felt powerless witnessing someone hurt his new friend like that, all the while not being able to do anything to help her.

Tears began to flow across Twilight's face. Just like Goku, she felt powerless witnessing the fall of Celestia, who was like a second mother for her. Why was this happening? She still thought that what she was seeing was real for some reason, despite the fact neither her nor Goku could interact with the princesses. It just felt so real, she didn't know why. The male Alicorn saw her cry. The more he saw her tears flowing, the more he was convinced that her watching this battle wasn't a good idea. Maybe Twilight was not used to seeing these kinds of things.

Meanwhile, the dark mare was laughing devilishly as her foe struggled to stand up."AHAHAHAH! You shall yield to the power of the new and only ruler of Equestria! The sun will be forgotten and the night shall last forever!"

"W-Why?" asked Celestia as she managed to stand up, "Why are you doing this, Luna??!"

"Why? You tried to retain our subjects for yourself by making them love your day and hide them from my night. And for that, you shall perish!" she answered before teleporting right in front of the Princess of the Day and throw an uppercut, sending her into the air. Nightmare Moon teleported above the castle and charged her horn before shooting a magic beam that sent Celestia to the castle's throne room.

"CELESTIA!" cried Twilight as she flew as fast as she could to where her former mentor had been thrown and Goku followed her. They reached the throne room as they heard the evil laughter of the dark princess, and saw the elder of the Royal Sister lying on the ground, apparently dead. They both landed in front of the fallen Alicorn, then the lavender mare said in tears, "No... Why would Luna do this? Why now?"

"Don't cry, Twilight," said Goku in a kind tone.

"W-why not?" she said looking at him as her tears kept on flowing.

"She's still alive," he continued with a smile, "Take a better look."

Twilight turned her head to see the Sun Princess more carefully and found out she was still breathing. A smile appeared on the Element of Magic's face as she dried her tears. She was about to say something when Celestia stood up suddenly. "You're alright!" said the lavender Alicorn, happy to see that the princess was still able to rise, "You're alright!"

Celestia was badly hurt, though she didn't care. She was staring at Nightmare Moon, who was laughing because she thought she eliminated her, which is why she believed that no pony could stop her from bringing the everlasting night. Then, the white alicorn said, "Oh, dear sister," her tone was full of sadness, "I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these." She turned her head and, using her magic, she revealed the hiding place of something Twilight didn't see since her arrival in Ponyville.

There were 5 colored gemstones floating on 5 pedestals connected to a giant structure. On top of it, there was a big spherical stone. "What are those?" asked Goku.

"The Elements of Harmony," she answered, "But that's how they looked in... the past."

"Huh? You mean they can change form?"

"Kind of. Anyway, I just figured out why they can't hear us and why we can't touch them: this is a projection of what happened more than a thousand years ago. This is the night when Celestia banished Luna to the moon."

"I heard you saying that to Luna. But you told me she was the Princess of the Night, so isn’t that like sending her back home? Couldn’t she just fly or teleport back here?"

"The power of the Elements prevented that from happening. It worked for a millennium, but then the stars helped her escape. That's when I and my friends found the Elements of Harmony, and with them, we were able to purify Luna's heart."

"Wow, Good job Twilight! I bet Celestia was very happy to see her sister again, thanks to you," he said with his trademark smile.

Twilight blushed a bit and answered with a smile, "Yes, she was, in a way."

Suddenly, a light came from where the Equestria's mightiest weapon was placed. They both turned their heads and saw 6 gemstones swirling around Celestia, who was engulfed in a multicolored light as her wounds were healing quickly. The reinvigorated Alicorn took off to face once again her sister and finish this once and for all.

Nightmare Moon noticed the light and saw that the Day Bringer was still alive and completely healed. She instantly figured out that she was using the power of the Elements of Harmony. While still caught up in her own hubris, she thought that not even the gemstones themselves would be able to beat her, so she charged her horn using all her magic. Celestia began to cry silently as she was activating the rainbow power. The dark Alicorn cast her mightiest magic beam upon her foe, who counterattacked by unleashing a rainbow-colored magic beam radiated from the Elements. Both attacks collided, but the rainbow-colored one instantly got the upper hand.

"NOOOOOO!!" cried Nightmare Moon as she was blasted into the moon, on which appeared the black shape of a unicorn immediately afterward.

[Ponyville-Everfree Forest border]

Twilight and Goku finally woke up from their trance and looked around to confirm they weren't in that castle anymore. They then saw their friends looking at them with a worried expression. "Why are you guys looking at us like that?" asked Goku with a puzzled look.

Applejack spoke first, "It's just that... you were mumblin' to yourself..."

Pinkie Pie followed, "Ooh! Let's not forget Twilight's uncontrollable sobbing!"

Spike was the third, "And Goku's angry expression!"

Fluttershy was the last, "We were really worried about you."

Discord appeared on a black-spined root and said, "I for one found it delightful. Sort of a two-ponies theater piece, if you will." He then approached the alicorn duo and unrolled a scroll with an animated photo of a crying Twilight and an angry-looking Goku on it. He added as he showed it to them, "You should really consider taking it on the road."

The lavender princess felt a bit embarrassed about it and the Saiyan just giggled a bit as he rubbed the back of his head. Then Rainbow asked, "Did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?"

Goku answered, "Well, we saw the battle between Celestia and Luna but..."

"But it didn't explain what's happening now." completed Twilight.

Zecora approached them and said as she offered the conical flask again, "Perhaps going farther back are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you another peek."

Twilight took it with her magic as Spike approached them and said, "You guys are sure about this?" The baby dragon wasn't trying to doubt them, he just didn't want them to have more painful experiences, especially the lavender Alicorn.

Twilight saw the worried expression of the rest of the Elements of Harmony: they thought that that wasn't a good idea too. At least that was what she guessed by their looks. She began drinking the potion and decided to have a bit more than last time, then she gave the flask to Goku, who did the same. As soon as they both drank the magical beverage, Discord appeared with a black big-format still camera, dressing like a film director and said, "Oh, I do hope they break into a song this time!"

Once again, the Alicorns eyes glowed white as their pupils were no more.

[Somewhere in Equestria]

The lavender princess and the black-maned Alicorn found themselves in a bizarre place: the ground seemed like a blue and purple colored chessboard, there were fish swimming in the air, the houses were old and almost primitive, there were also floating rocks with houses on them and the sky was completely purple. In the middle of this chaotic scenario, there was a tiny hill with a wooden throne on it. The duo saw a wounded Celestia and a bruised Luna approaching the throne with angry looks.

Once the Royal Sisters were close enough, they stopped as the throne turned, revealing Discord sitting on it. "Oh my, this is going to be so much fun. How about a game of 'Pin the Tail on the Pony'?" asked the God of Chaos as he held on his lion paw Celestia's tail. The Sun Princess gasped as she looked at her back, confirming that that was actually her tail.

"Playtime is over for you, Discord." she then stated.

Discord just took a pack of seeds and began to eat them as he said, "Oh I doubt that." he then ate some more seeds and offered, "Hungry?" but the princesses weren't in the mood for jokes, "Suit yourselves," he then said and kept on eating. Celestia and Luna pulled out of their bag 6 certain gemstones drawing Discord's attention, "Oh! What have you got there?"

"Just the Elements of Harmony," answered the Sun Goddess as the gemstones started swirling around her and her sister.

"With which we shall defeat you!" stated Luna as the energy of the Elements created a purple cupola around them.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Goku were witnessing the event. "So where or when are we, Twilight?" asked the stallion.

"This must be when the princesses vanquished Discord and turned him into stone."

They heard Discord laughing at the princesses as they were staring at him while the power of the Elements was about to be unleashed. "AHAHA-OHOH!! You should see yourselves right now: The expressions on your faces. So intense. So sure of yourselves, especially considering the outcome the last time we fought, AHAHAHAHA!" Then the Royal Sisters finally unleashed the rainbow power and interrupted the Draconequus' laughter by turning him into stone.

[Everfree Forest, Somewhere]

The 'time travelers', Goku and Twilight, suddenly found themselves in a cave in which there was a crystal bright tree with 5 familiar gemstones on its branches, one gem per branch, and it was at least 10 meters tall. They saw Celestia and Luna approaching it and noticed they were injured, just like when they were defeating Discord. The black-maned Alicorn noticed they didn’t have their bags anymore, which he found confusing: a few seconds earlier, they were turning into stone the God of Chaos, and now they had neither their equipment nor the Elements. He was also wondering how in the world they ended up in a cave in the first place. All this 'time-traveling' thing was starting to be too much to handle for his mind.So this is what Trunks from that future must’ve felt like when he came back in time. It’s confusing. But then again, he got used to it,Goku thought. Ultimately, he decided to let it go and he, as well as the lavender princess, followed the Royal Sisters.

After a few moments, they stopped in front of the crystalized plant. The Princess of the Night gasped and said "The Tree of Harmony."

"'The Tree of Harmony'?" repeated Goku in confusion. This tree was certainly beautiful and all, though he was wondering why it was called like that, and why it wasn't made out of wood. Meanwhile, the lavender mare was taking a better look at the crystal tree. She saw the Cutie Marks of Celestia and Luna on the lower part of the trunk and then she saw hers right in the middle of it.

"My Cutie Mark!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Eh? What's a Cutie Mark?" asked the stallion.

"That’s a Cutie Mark," she answered as she pointed out Goku's flank.

The Saiyan-raised-on-Earth saw the Yin Yang symbol on it and said, "Ah, I see. Since yesterday, I wonder what it was. And why did everybo... I mean, everypony gets one?"

"The Cutie Marks represent the special talent of a pony, and they appear when said pony finds out what his or her talent is," she explained, "For example, my Cutie Mark represents my talent in Magic, or Mystic Arts if you like."

Goku took another look at his Cutie Mark. He already saw that symbol somewhere during his training with Master Roshi when he was a kid, and he was fully aware of its meaning: The Turtle Hermit said it was basically the representation of Balance and Harmony, which were the central principle of the Martial Arts. That meant just one thing, "So, my special talent is Martial Arts."

Before Twilight could reply, the light coming from the tree caught their attention. They saw the Sun Goddess flying in front of the giant, crystal, six-pointed star on the tree, which was the source of the light. "Are you sure?" asked Luna to her sister in a worried tone. She understood Celestia's intentions: to deprive the magical plant of the Elements of Harmony in order to use them against Discord, but she couldn't help but think that it wasn't a good idea. What if the tree couldn't survive without them?

The Princess of the Day tried to reassure her, "We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria." She then began to remove the Elements from their slots using her magic and added, "Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony possesses powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

Once the sixth Element was removed, the ground underneath the Tree of Harmony began to shine. Goku and Twilight, as well as the Princesses, looked at it, wondering what was going on. The light was drawing a circle, about 7 meters in diameter, around the crystallized plant, then an S-shaped line split it in half and finally, a small circle appeared in each of the two parts as the light faded. Now the Tree was at the center of this symbol.

"Sister, what does this symbol mean?" asked Luna.

"I don't know," she simply answered, “Whatever that symbol means, it was probably done for the sake of the kingdom, but for now, they are more important things to deal with. Discord must be vanquished once and for all.”

Meanwhile, the lavender mare was speechless. The Cutie Mark of somepony who wasn't even Equestrian just appeared beneath the tree where the Elements were born. After what seemed hours, she asked, "W-why did your Cutie Mark appear on the ground?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head and said, "I was about to ask you the same thing since I'm not from here." He barely knew what a Cutie Mark was and he was still wondering why there was Twilight's Cutie Mark on a tree. How could he know the reason why his mark appeared on the ground? If compared to him, she was the expert.

Twilight knew it was a silly question: of course, he didn't know why since he arrived in Equestria just yesterday, not to mention that she heard her former teacher say that not even she knew what it meant. However, before anything else could be said, their eyes glowed white again.

[Ponyville-Everfree Forest border]

The Alicorn duo found themselves back in Ponyville, as they shook their heads to properly wake up from their 'trance'. Spike quickly approached them, "So, what did you find out?"

Twilight just sighed, "We still don't know what happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia."

"But I think I have an idea of why the forest is growing," said Goku and added, "The Tree of Harmony is in danger."

The Mane 5 and Zecora looked at each other in confusion, then Rainbow Dash said, "The Tree of what now?"

"It's where the Princesses found the Elements. And I agree with Goku: I think something happened to it that caused the Everfree to expand uncontrollably."

Applejack approached Twilight and said, "All right then! Let's go save the... tree. Uh... where's it exactly?"

"Well," the princess replied as she pointed the forest, "I think it is in... there."

The Mane 5 and Spike got scared at the thought of even go near the Everfree Forest, let alone go into it. That place was dangerous enough before and now was even worse. Did they really have to go there? On the other hand... or hoof, Goku didn't see what the big deal was: it was just a forest with some crazy vines, it was not like they were facing the likes of Cell or Majin Buu. Discord just laughed and thought he might need some more popcorn. He was probably the only one enjoying the whole situation.

Realizing that there was no other choice, and in order to save Equestria, the Mane 6, followed by Spike and Goku, approached the entrance of the feared forest. "Seems like yesterday we were heading into these woods to find the Elements of Harmony," commented Rarity.

"Seems like yesterday I was foolish enough to think I should go after them on my own," replied Twilight with a hint of awkwardness, as she remembered the days when she thought that friendship wasn't worth the effort, as well as her first Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. "I don't know what we're going to face in there." she said with a hint of worry, then she added with a determined look, "But whatever it is, I know we need to face it together." Everyone agreed as they entered into the unleashed forest.

[Lord Beerus's World]

The God of Destruction was standing on the balcony with his gaze upon the sky, looking at nothing in particular. He wanted to fight the Super Saiyan God again, but due to some problems that recently occurred in Equestria, he had to wait for now. He would be rather angry if he would have been forced to wait 6 more additional months... or a single day for that matter. Fortunately, Whis synchronized the Temple's flow of time with Equus's. Now, he just had to wait some days at worst... which was still too much for him, but it was certainly better than the previous situation. Speaking of the Angel...


His assistant appeared right next to the purple cat, "Yes, Lord Beerus?"

"Give me an update on Equestria's events."

Whis activated his scepter and watched the recent events that happened in the Pony Kingdom, "Hmm, it seems that the situation in Equestria is pretty much the same, but a group of ponies known as 'Bearers of the Element of Harmony', along with Goku, found out that the Tree of Harmony is in danger. They’re now going into the Everfree Forest to save it."

Lord Beerus just growled a bit and said, "They would be better if hurried up: I'm sick of all of this waiting."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, the Super Saiyan God is completely healed, so his Zenkai Boost is finally active and did what it was designed for."

The God of Destruction's mood improved a bit, "Good, it means that he will be able to fight at his best." But then he asked, "How did he manage to heal completely so fast, anyway?"

"It seems like his godly powers healed his injuries right after battling Discord."

"Oh, so that idiot managed to escape from his stone prison. I won't be surprised if he is the one behind all of this."

"Well, Lord Beerus, it also seems that the Spirit of Chaos has somewhat reformed."

"Reformed, huh? We'll see about that." He didn't believe in Discord's redemption, or at the very least had doubts that his reformation will last very long. He was the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, after all, so he will eventually betray anyone if someone offered him the chance to do everything he liked. He decided to forget about that topic and asked, "Can we go to Equestria, now?"

"Yes. With the help of Son Goku, the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will be able to save Equestria before our arrival," answered his assistant. He already figured out what should be done to restore the kingdom's peace, and luckily, for now, the problem wasn't coming from a mighty foe, so it shouldn't take too long.

"Excellent!" exclaimed the god, "Let's not waste time further." He moved behind his assistant and sat mid-air while putting a hand on Whis' left shoulder.

"Wouldn't you like to bring some food for the trip, my lord?" asked the Angel before the departure.

"If there's nothing but Planet Watrin's fried salmon and Nebula 65's chicken in tartare sauce again, I’ll pass," stated the God. He was sick of eating the same things over and over... even though he ate those dishes just 2 times in this millennium alone, with the last time he ate it was a mere 6 months ago. He was regretting destroying Earth at this point: he had to admit, human cuisine was very exotic, tasty and, more importantly, completely new.

"I'll open the portal to the Pocket Dimension 7 here, but the trip will last 29 minutes and 31 seconds: Are you sure you can wait that long, Lord Beerus?" said Whis. It was not like he was really worried about his lord's hunger, less than half an hour wasn't too much time at all, but he was perfectly aware of the deity's impatience when it comes to 'long' trips. For the purple cat, a journey that lasted more than 5 minutes was too long and bringing along some food always helped him calm down... which was a relief for the Angel.

"About 30 minutes?! I didn't remember Equus was that far!"

"Of course you don't: the last time we paid a visit to Celestia and Luna was 300,000 years ago, which is equal to 1666 years in Equestria."

The god's eyes widened a bit, "Oh… Freaky how time flies when one is busy."

"Busy sleeping, I might add," teased the Angel much for his lord's annoyance.

"Let's just go to Equus, Whis!"

Whis began to open the portal to the Pocket Dimension 7 using his scepter. A hole in space-time appeared above the temple, while a godly white light formed beneath the white-haired being and the purple cat. After a few moments, they both flew through the portal, engulfed in a pillar of light. The dimensional gate closed immediately afterward.

[Pocket Dimension 7's Space]

As they were traveling to Equus, Lord Beerus said, "Hey, Whis, you mentioned something about the 'Bearers of the Elements of Harmony' earlier, right?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Weren't Celestia and Luna supposed to be the chosen ones to use the power of those items?"

"Yes, they were, but they aren't anymore. Actually, the Elements of Harmony have chosen 6 different mares to use their power."

"Why is that?" he asked in a surprised tone. Certainly, things have changed quite a bit in Equestria since his last visit there.

"It's a long story, but I can tell you about it to pass the time."

"Go on, then."

"Well, about a thousand years ago in Equestria..."

Author's Note:

Alright, here's another completed chapter, hope you liked it. I think that if Twilight would have tried to touch Celestia or Luna/Nightmare Moon on the TV show, what happened here would have most likely happened. What about Goku's Cutie Mark appearing beneath the tree? Well, you'll see the point of that at the end. In the next chapter, we'll see the Z-fighters again but that's all I'll say for now. Thanks for reading and see you next time.