• Published 4th May 2018
  • 763 Views, 25 Comments

Equestria V.S Tartarus: Battle Of The Century - Whooves235

Equestria has bean at peace for eleven years, now with the return of Tirek and Princess Cinch the Main 6 will have to do evrything thay can to save there home

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Chapter 9: The Deception

"MOM!" Zap shouted from his cage, which was being guarded by Wallflower.

"We’re coming, Zap!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack both yelled.

"Not on my watch, you filly-foolers," Lightning Dust said, barging at Dash at top speed.

The sky was dark gray, and all of Tartarus was breaking loose. Twilight and Fluttershy were battling Discord and Tirek, Pinkie out of all ponies was dealing with Flam, and Rarity… Was gone. This was truly a dark day for Equestria.

"Face it, Princess Twilight, you have lost," Tirek said. "With the elements on my side and my powers slowly returning in part, I shall rule over both Tartarus and Equestria!"

"I will not let you win, Tirek!" Twilight said.

Just then the sky broke open, and through it came Celestia, Luna, and Cadence wearing battle armor.

"Tirek, your reign of terror ends now!" Celestia said.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Cinch said, flying towards Celestia’s back with a spear.

"Celestia, look out!" Cadence yelled.

Celestia jumped out of the way of Cinch's surprise attack, allowing the spear to pierce Cadence’s stomach.

"AGH!" Cadence shouted, and slowly she dropped her weapon, falling towards the ground. The Princess of Love was dead.

Three Hours Earlier at the Castle of the Two Sisters

As Tirek, Wallflower, Cinch, and Discord appeared at the castle, Wallflower could see that Tirek had made himself at home already.

“As you can see, I used Discord’s powers to make this castle more unique than it used to be,” Tirek said, showing Wallflower the new and improved Castle of the Two Sisters. The once old and damaged castle was now a fortress, the bricks glowing red, the floor covered in black tiles, and the throne giant and menacing. At the top of the throne was a device, at the center of which were five of the six Elements of Disharmony.

“This place is nice and all, but how does this at all affect me?” Wallflower said.

“Why, this will be your new home, Wallflower!” Tirek said.

“I’m sorry, but why in Luna's name would I want to live with you?!” Wallflower said with a tone sounding almost offended.

“Because I am the only one who sees you for who you really are,” Tirek said. “A powerful pony who could rival even Nightmare Moon.”

“Ok…” Wallflower said, “but you said that you would show me how Princess Twilight is the real villain. How does this prove it?”

“Ah yes, follow me,” Tirek said.

As Wallflower walked through the castle she noticed that the alicorn with the broken horn was working on the device atop the throne.

“Who is that?” Wallflower asked. “She looks familiar.”

“Oh… Her,” Tirek said, facing Cinch. “This is the former Princess Cinch. She was the rightful heir to the throne until Celestia and Luna stopped her. She went into hiding and then I found her.”

“Why is she missing her horn?” Wallflower asked.

“Let’s just say she messed with powers she could not handle,” Tirek said. “Because of her lack of magic, she uses most of her time making machines for me.”

As Tirek led Wallflower to a dark room she could hear the sound of bugs from one room, and another sound that was almost like giant boulders being thrown against a wall in another.

“We are here,” Tirek said.

As Wallflower looked around the room she could see it was different from the rest of the castle, like it was not built in Tartarus.

“What is this place?” Wallflower said.

“This is your room, Wallflower,” Tirek said. “And here is your welcoming gift.”

Tirek then held out a mirror to Wallflower. “This is the mirror of truth. It will show you what you want to see.”

“And you want to show something to me with it?” Wallflower said.

“Show me Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Tirek said, then he blasted the mirror with his orange energy and the mirror showed Twilight with her friends near the Everfree Forest.

”With Ponyville distracted, we can now move on to phase two of our plan,” Twilight said.

“And what would that be?” Fluttershy said. “I hope it involves more burning.”

“Yah,” Rainbow said, “putting gasoline all over Ponyville was fun.”

“Can y’all remind me why we are helping Tirek destroy Ponyville again?" Applejack said.

“How many times do I have to tell you idiots that we are not helping Tirek,” Twilight said. “We are only making the damage of his attack more extreme so Celestia and Luna will let us deal with it.”

“But Daarrrlllliiinngg,” Rarity said, "all of the gasoline is ruining my beautiful luxurious coat, and I refuse to…”

Just before rarity could speak, however, she was punched by Fluttershy. "For once in your life, can you please shut up about fashion!”

"Hahaha!" Rainbow and Applejack laughed while pointing at the fallen and bleeding Rarity.

"Hay Rainbow," Applejack said, "There’s an abandoned barn around the corner, and my hips are really begging for some action."

"Oh, I love you," Rainbow said.

"OK, if you need us we’ll be having sex in the barn!" Applejack said.

"Wow, subtle," Twilight said. "I know you’re the element of honesty, but you can keep some things to yourself.”

"Oh shut up," Fluttershy said. "You are all horrible, you know that, right? If I wanted to I could...

"OK, I have seen enough!" Wallflower said.

As Tirek put the mirror down, the image of Twilight faded away just as the image turned off. Before it did, however, her eyes briefly flashed green and then the image went black.

"How… How could they do this?" Wallflower said. "They are supposed to be heroes, instead they are all Evil and Liars!"

"Like I said before, Wallflower, you belong with me," Tirek said. "Unlike Twilight and her friends, I will not betray your trust."

"You said I am an element bearer?" Wallflower said.

Tirek gave a wicked smile. "Yes… Yes you are," Tirek said. "Here you are, Wallflower." Then Tirek handed Wallflower a silver tiara with the corrupted element inside.

"Now Wallflower, come with me," Tirek said. "we are about to have company.”

Author's Note:

Hey, guys sorry for the late update hope you enjoy :pinkiehappy:

Hopefully, the next chapter will be up soon