• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,322 Views, 67 Comments

Destitute: A nightmare of the Nothing - The Psychopath

Luna gets a dream about a pony in black and white that will destroy everything if not stopped.

  • ...

Seduction is destruction

With a dark wave of energy flying over the group, a familiar looking mare appeared in front of Pencil Box. She seductively approached the stallion and fluttered her eyes before the stunned pony, who harbored a stupid expression on his face as the mare fluffed her tail right under his muzzle, only to quickly circle around him and start gnawing on his ear and whisper in it like she did with Luna:

"I've been watching you for awhile now. You seem to like lust. When you die, I'll drag you into the Abyss, and we'll have lots of 'fun' together."

At these words, Box froze up. He finally understood who this was, and he feared it more than anything. As she came back up to his face, the sapien grabbed her with his huge hand and threw her extremely far, just like a baseball. Unfortunately, her wings came into effect, and she came back into a charge with a malicious smile. As the distance between the two became smaller and smaller, a bright light shone right before the impact. It was Creator. As he looked at his "brother", he huffed, and turned to see that the sapian was bowing to this high entity.

"I did not think that I would have the chance to meet the great creator before my time came. If it is not much to ask, have my actions been dutiful and just in your eyes?" the sapian asked as he lift his head to look directly at the entity's eyes.

"While I would not normally say this, this encounter is indeed rare, so I shall tell you that you have indeed been perfoming well, although those 'contacts' of yours are somewhat...doubtful in their tasks."

"I know, but I only aim to catch the evil and set them straight."

"Tcheheah! Good luck with that."

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" Pencil Box yelled.

"Ah yes. Pencil Box and Furrows. You have obviously met our messenger...Mond." Creator presented the unicorn with a hoof pointing.

"Yes. I have. And it hurt."

"That's what happens when you are a lecher."

Instead of glaring at the black and blue mare, Box simply backed away in fear. If this was who he thought it was, he'd be better off shutting his mouth.

"That may be so, but I believe that he can still right his wrongs." the sapian interjected.

"Your species tires me with your 'good deeds'."

"And your unholiness also irritates me. How about closing that breach so none of us have to deal with it anymore?"

"Hmph! It was YOU mortals who created that for Blumarak. It's not my fault if I modified the spell. Oh wait. Yes it is!" Destroyer burst open with laughter.

"ENOUGH! Creator roared. "You two!" he pointed at Box and Furrows, who scampered up immediately."You have a mission to accomplish. You must find the object related to Pencil Box's cutie mark."

The four summoned looked at Box's cutie mark, and scratched their heads in confusion. Box walked up, worry and fright ornating his face:

"What do you mean? I don't even remember how I got this."

"All in due time. Your friend, the sapian, knows a few contacts who can locate the box in question."

"What does he mean by that?" Mond wondered as she slowly twisted her head towards a less than jovial creature.

"It's my species goal to rid the world of evil creatures, but by abiding to the rules set. Therefore, we have a tendency to do bounties and such. We don't, owever, keep much of the money. We give the majority to victims, and keep a small amount for ourselves. We have no need for money, but it's always good to keep a bit."

"That not be a good thing, I think?" Furrows wondered.

"No. The contacts tend to be just as cruel."

"Good. We cannot tell you where the box is as the Nothing tends to listen in on us. There's a special creation of its that moves the box whenever we mention the location in any way possible. Now go!" Creator pointed towards the back of everybody and a bright light began to engulf them all.

Before any words could be said, besides the rude gestures that both the Sapian and Destroyer sent to eachother, everybody found themselves back where they were before Mond cast her spell. Nobody around seemed to have noticed anything. Pencil was sweating profusively in panic, while Furrows found that she still had her bone in her mouth.

"What just happened?" the stallion asked aloud as he wiped his forehead.

"What happened is that the two highest beings of existence have asked for our help to defeat something that even they can't defeat."

"Is that even possible?!" he yelled.

"Yes. It is something called 'the Nothing'." Mond added, her face very stern.

Sapian's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat.

"I had misunderstood. The Nothing? Even its name indicates that there exists nothing that can defeat it."

"Well, obviously, there is, and you know where to start."

"Hmm. Yes." the sapian started to scratch his chin. "Yes. There's a bar not far from here. It's full of dangerous characters, but it's a place to start. Let's go."

Three of the four started to leave for the target location, while Pencil tried to sneak away, only to be grabbed by Furrows and placed on her shoulder.

"We have important mission to accomplish. Did you not want exciting thing to happen to us?"


The flying eyeball was still observing in this dark and ripping cavern. It had definately noticed what had happened and had been watching the four during the time they were "frozen". As it was about to fly off, it was pelted with a rock by a pegasus colt and felt eye first onto the ground. It understood full well that the children were mocking it. It just got back up, and dodged the next rock, only to charge directly towards the colt again. A scream was heard as the flying eyeball opened its eye to show that the occular organ also served as a mouth. It chomped tightly on the blue colt, which promptly yiped and started running away from the flying eyeball.
His friends just stood in place and laughed the entire time this happened. Unfortunately, they all panicked and ran away without a sound when they saw their friend turned into a skeleton, with the eyeball chewing on the bones.

This part of the slums was extremely dark, extremely dirty, and extremely humid. Characters with questionable intentions were everywhere. There were buildings with rather...'special' offers here and there, but the place the group was going to was just a bar. It was straight forward, and was etched in black, as well as glowing pink, green, and purple. There were many characters going in and out of the bar. However, while thr group were moving forward, two ponies dressed in black popped up with sharp weapons in hoof.

"Stop right there. Heheh. Give us all your money...and that mare there too."

Those were the only things the first one said, as Sapian grabbed him, while furrows grabbed the other, smashed them together, and tossed them aside into opposite buildings. The other robbers and kidnappers steered clear when they saw what just happened. Coming closer to the bar revealed that it was also a "dance hut" as they were called in the slums. The beat in it was literally making everything rumble around. The sapian smashed the door to the bar open, and the group was flooded by flashy colors coming from illuminated crystal being directers by handles and a wide variety of gear work. Nobody paid attention to this action, and Mond stepped forward.

"Who am I calling?"



Everybody clutched their ears at once as Mond's Canterlot voice erupted like a furious volcano. The entirety of objects made from glass inside the bar either cracked or exploded outwright.

"Are you nuts?!" Box screamed. "You don't shout names like that out in the open he-"

"What? WHAT?! What do you want? What's wrong with you?! Why are you destroying everything with your voice?" screamed some sort of bug creature.

"A silph?!" Mond looked horrified.

"Yeah? What's it to ya?"

This "silph" was quite old. In basic appearance, they resembled praying mantis, only, the blades were now hands equipped with four digits. This one was wearing a torn up gray suit and seemed to have become "bald", if Silph's did indeed have hair, as judged by the long strands of gray slipping off the sides of its head.

"Do not mind her, Silmen. We need info." the sapian forced himself in front of the mare.

"Ah. Sapian. Need another job?"

"No. It's related to...well..."

The sapian hunched forward to speak quietly in Silmen's ear while shifting his eyes from left to right. The glass the creature was cleaning dropped like an egg and exploded just like one.

"Dear Creator. Come with me."

"What did you tell him?" Furrows had found another bone and continued to chew on it as she asked the sapian this question.

"The Nothing."


While the bar itself was filled to the brim with colorful lights and decorations coming from a wide variety of cultures, as well as possessing numerous things made of wood, such as tables, chairs, and stools, the back was empty. Completely. The entirety of the stock was underneath the bar.

"There he is, meditating between the moon rock and the sun stone."

The four stopped immediately to see a pony who's age seemed impossible. His fur and mane had long since lost their color, and had become whitish-gray. They were extremely long and unkempt, but there was something odd about the face.

"Sapian. You have come for more teachings? No. I know what you are here for."

"Yeah. I want to know what my cutie mark represents and-"

"-How you got it when you don't remember? I suppose you've just recently heard of the Nothing?"


"Come closer to me. Do not be afraid."

Box looked nervously at Furrows, who patted him on the back, giving the stallion a well needed confidence.

"Now then. Look into my eyes."

The stallion opened his eyes, and the strangeness of his face became apparent. Hiw two eyes were grown on the right side, while the left only had a vertical scar in its stead. Box started to panic, but began to remember.

"Remember this place? Of course you do." the elderly stallion spoke, despite the lack of his prescence, and the prescence of Pencil Box in this place.

This place was nothing but shades of blue, but Box was sure he had seen this place. He was young, and there was a stallion next to him. This pegasus had just finished making a box. It was so familiar to the young stallion. There was a tiny colt in this place, which was now apparent to be a workhouse, with all sorts of tools on the walls, as well as drawers filled with crafting materials.

The little colt joyfully opened the music box and began to sing to its tune, but this was where the memory became fuzzy, then skipped forward to one that the stallion had never seen before. The colt was holding a box that he made himself. The older stallion looked at it with a disencouraged face, certain that it wouldn't give a beautiful melody, although the box itself was beautifully crafted. The music holder was now opened, and the stallion was shocked at the magnificent music floating through his ears. He seemed to have been complimenting the colt, who soon received his cutie mark. It was the same one that Pencil Box had.

"You know it now. This was your father. Before you avert your eyes, see what happened that made your memories die away."

As the two started to bob their heads and hum to the tune, a mysterious bipedal creature made from black smoke came through the door and engulfed Box's father. The little colt tried to fight it, but he was cast aside like paper, with his father diminishing into defragmenting particles as he tried to get out of the clutches of the shadows, but it was too late.

The vision stopped, and the bar's beat came back. Box was gasping madly.

"Is it done?" Silmen wondered as he tried to get over the sapian.

"Yes. You do not need to say anything. What you are seeking was hidden in the office of the head of this city."

"The mayor?" Furrows yiped. "But he have great security. How do we get past?"

"This is your task, not mine."

"Thank you very much for reminding me of my past." Box hugged the elderly stallion who obviously wasn't expecting this and nervously patted the hugging pony on the back.

"That's...quite alright. Now go. I must continue meditating. Before, though. Mond, I must speak with you. The rest of you, leave."

Once the room was quiet, and the doors shut, Mond stepped up to the stallion with a curious but suspicious look.


"Luna, I presume?"


"Don't act surprised." the stallion said as he looked at the small unicorn with his eyes."I know it is you."


"I believe you have a student of mine in your dungeons. The first floor, I believe."


"Farseer. He is in the dungeon of the psycho smiles."

"The psycho...*shiver*."

"If you do not put that past behind you, it will continue to add excessive weight upon your mind. My student in your dungeon should be able to help you wit that. Several times did he come into contact with your friend, and he returned unscathed."

"And who is this student?"


Luna suddenly looked shocked and tried to gasp, but no sound came out.

"Then you are..."

"Yes. I'm HarSight."

The night had now completely fallen, and Destitute was resting in the now extinguished town. There was nothing lefta round him but the cries of ghosts. As one would think of ghosts, the spiritd of those who died had summoned an evil spirit. It was in the shape of a pony wearing a suit of armor seemingly from Tankopon, a country from the far-east. It was a Dorammo, a spirit of vengeance. Destitute did not react to this unholy prescence, and continued to remain immobile. The spirit brandished its spear and threw it at Destitute, who took it right at the tail and the weapon come out of his stomach.

The stallion turned to around to face the Dorammo, and opened his eyes to exert a massive pressure. While this worked on everything around, the spirit did not react, and the more the Dorammo stayed in the town, the more visible the spirits destroyed by the fires and falling debris became. They were all twisting and tchurning as well as wailing in pain at the one who caused them this horrid existence. Destitute cared not, and the spirit of vengeance seemed angered by this, its glowing green eyes now having become red through the black space in its helmet. It is through the its mouth that another spear as taken. As Destitute saw the staff dissolve into nothing, the Dorammo attacked.