• Member Since 8th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Slicer Jen

Comments ( 74 )

Ooh. Didnt know they were allowing more Five Score stories. Good luck I look forward to reading a new one.

subbed liked and followed

I am so confused. Context is your friend

I shall put in a preamble, suffice to say I assumed if someone were following a Five Score tale, they would have read some of the more major ones.

<edit> Done. Hope that explains a bit more. If not....story time!!!

I read the rules, asked around. There was a 'cease and desist' in the past,

and on more careful searching, I found a forum post dated back in 2013, which addresses the issue that these stories were not being properly vetted in the MLP universe or were completed beyond the transformation. Mine is only using the setting of the universe, it is not detailing transformation. It involves a pegasus sent to the human world...and let's be honest how many stories have we had like that? In any case if there is an uproar because I happen to use Five Score as a historical footnote in my story, that's pretty nitpicky. We shall see.


I detailed his transformation. Sue me.

ok you have my full attentions this story is looking to shape up to be good.
i can see this is going to refer to the five score to just get things off the ground but that it will be it's own story from there on out.
or so i talked with slicer in chat and found this bit out

exultant writing a huge tums up from me.

Woohoo! Update! Nice to see the story continue. Also, not sure if it’s an issue with the site, but your story didn’t show up on my tracker. It happened with another story in the last couple days. Just luck I happen to see them in the updates field.

I pulled it briefly to do a major overhaul on it. Might have screwed up the tracker algorithm or something. Sorry.

wow the re-right is awesome it totally changes the hole story.

wow the new chapter is grate.
i can see Civil is going to have so much to overcome.

The scalpel hovered just above the ink mark where she planned on beginning her cut, her eyes focusing on the only other living person in the room. "I wouldn't know about God, but we have to believe there is something greater than ourselves, that what we do matters beyond our lifetime, no?" She puts the knife down gently across the woman's chest, covering it with her hand. "Not that I have had much experience in religion, adding to the fact I deal with death all the time." Her gaze sweeps around the room for emphasis, then alights onto the officer again. "A single life may or may not matter, but our actions will always move beyond what we can see. Is that not where God is, beyond where we can see?"

Amen, sister! :yay:

Nothing for 10 months, then 2 in 10 days. Woohoo!

ok this chapter is so fun to read and O boy are things going to get interesting in a few days for Civil.

Sorry! Had a lot going on. And the rewrite helped crystallize what I want for the story.

Nice update. Bigger than the first three by itself. Really enjoyed the char development and world building. Keep an eye on the lyrics. Site can have issues if they are copywrited. Looking forward to next chapter.

love this i can really see the story coming in too it's self.
grate righting friend.

Thankyou. The muse slapped me last night 6 hours straight. Had to appease it. Was mostly done, just the choreography and the hotel scene left, typed the entire time. Writing is hard.

aww yes the muse beast can be a slave driver at times.

i am glade to see work has given you a bit of time off.
now if my internet was up and working so we cod chat. :derpytongue2:

a grate chapter and i can see all kinds of things happening with Civil's family good and bad.

we also now know that his sister is not going to be a pony, if she was he would have called her by her pony name the first time he saw her, it is a five score thing.
i can see this story is going to be supper fun as it grows.

be safe at work friend. after all a author we know was just heart at work in the same kind of job.
Bobby Brony.

Gotta love siblings.


-_- you know nothing, John snow.

don't be so sure about that.
the Five score story's have a cretin set rules.
but than if a person is not close Civil would not feel the true name.

a great chapter so much fun and family.
this story is just starting to show what you are really capable of righting Slicer.

Thankyou. Yes this was a long chapter, but the scenes felt right.

right? shit you did a amazing job with this chapter.

Holy cow. Awesome chapter. I love the character interactions between Civil and his sister. Can't wait to see what's next.

Thankyou, trying not to make it too unreasonable. People are driven by their own desires and agendas and are not robots. Can be difficult to express that in writing.

a totally amazing chapter all the back story had to take weeks to get right.

the end lol pore Civil.. :pinkiehappy:

all the details in the chapter awesome.

holy crap this hole chapter is one complete plot twist.
this is totally amazing.
woot woot grate writing Sir.

I've been binging this story whenever I've had even a little free time today. Thoroughly enjoyable. Will let you know more as I go along. The flight work was excellent.

Thankyou, I appreciate your support. If you see any timeline discrepancies, feel free to point them out so it lines up better with the Five Score world.

Over the last two days, I've binged this story to this point. Fantastic work! Any time you are on Discord, we can chat pone ideas. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Greatly enjoyed reading your tale so far. Its gone in a lot of ways I didn't expect and has a lot of heart in it that is really relatable. Glad to see another 5-score story written so well.

And he hasn't even gotten a job yet.

Thankyou for the appraisal.

talk about a amazing chapter.
this chapter grabs you and holds on tight this is a wiled ride so hold on tight.
i can't really say more as i don't want to give out spoilers it is just that good.

Took a while to get through this chapter, quite a word binge! Awesome to see how everything keeps playing out and all the musical interludes are really cool. Pones need more music. Lots of interesting dynamics to watch. Keep up the awesome work!

I got it fast P-1 P-one, Pone, Pony.

Definitely an interesting chapter, finally getting to the part of the book promised by the cover. Not one for the faith parts, but we all seek guidance in our own way. Might be a bit difficult with all the police conflicts lately though...

I know. I started this story before all the anarchy. I hope the story is relevant long after.

no need for me to leave a comment as i am talking to on discord ..:rainbowwild:

the song so cute this chapter really shines a good bit of light on how things got messed up and went right.

Sounds like the whole disease thing was quite a huge mess. Lot of questions still unanswered but it is a start. Also, am I the only one that thinks Liberty would be some kind of wild mare with a spiked mane and black spiked clothes while chewing bubblegum kinda punk look? Come to think of it Hot Pink and Liberty are almost the same pony xD

Hot is a slightly mellower version, but she is Las Pegasus. Liberty is Cloudsdalian. I might expand on that, thanks for the idea, to show the differences. Maturity has a lot to do with it too. But yeah, that's why they are likely to get along.

i love this chapter totally amazing.

Damn, I'm all caught up? Been enjoying the read! More, I need more! Quite interesting your take on Discord.

Yes there will be more. My ability to churn out chapters is not as productive as others. Anyway, I was using your take on Discord as a base reference. It would make sense that an immortal would continue to seek change, ie chaos, to keep things interesting, but not so destructively that it completely destroys everything and achieves full entropy. Like a fire that must consume, but not so quickly that it outpaces its fuel.

Spbpt....I might use this paragraph in a later chapter.

awesome chapter.
it sure sounds like family time is fun time.
the talk with Princess Luna seams to have helped a good bit.
And a murder death kill for a cliffhanger. :heart:

ok it's vary close to 1/2 a year from the last chapter,, this cannot continue..
it's time for me to start rattling the chains.
pulls back leg's and kicks the author in the plot, hay are you still around.

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