• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,577 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

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Sand... Sand as far as I can see. After walking though the sandy hills and the heat of the cruel sun on me, my moist skin has been dried and the slime gone from my chin and arms as I stand now on this ledge on the mountain to see that there is no green of life as far as I can see. After falling to my butt sitting, I look down as tears of green goo falls down my cheeks at knowing I'm alone here with no one.

After a while of I don't know how long of crying, I open my eyes to see the yellow box case still hanging around my shoulder, well the top is yellow but the bottom is a cream white and the same color button on the top half that will open it if pushed. 'Hmm after waking up down there I never did open it it see what was inside it after buying it from the nice but creepy salesman at the....' blinks once. 'Hmm I forget now, and who I was before then... I hope that's not going to be bad for me later on.'

After shaking my head a little I see blue near my neck, looking more down I see a blue scarf around it. Lifting my arms I see pink three stub like fingers on each arm as I gently wiggle them. Looking over my new body I see that most of me is pink but my underside is lavender, my thick long tail as three green circles on both sides in the middle and I pulling them to feel and look at, I have two thick long tentacle like appendages that run back and curl up in a spiral at the end and two more smaller ones in front of them. Taking this all in, I now know what I am! I'm a Pokémon! And one I like so much that I start to smile to myself as I feel a little happier as say it out loud.


My voice sounds just like one and sounds a little bubbly in nature. Giggling to myself that means on my neck is another two green circles on both sides as well. When looking back over the dead land before me the smile slowly disappeared as the sadness was getting to me again. Shaking my head fast and hard, I push those lonely thoughts down as I look again out to the world around me to look for something else to do besides that.

As I was looking around quietly, something caught my eye flying away, it was hard to tell for sure, the hair was like red sand. And a white body. When it disappeared over the mountain far away from me and my new lone mountain. Yes! This be mine now for now. It may have been flying Northern direction, shaking my head sadly as that was the only sign of life now gone.

After looking around a bit more at this dust ball, something comes to my mind as I think it over now. 'Hmm it couldn't hurt to not try, and if it works I know for a fact that I have powers and my idea could help me feel better for my skin and maybe jump start the land and bring some life here. And green food to much on. I was fiddling with the idea of my own garden, now I can start working on it now on a larger scale. As I see this is all mine now and no one around to say other wise, and if so, I won't go with out fighting for this land as it's mine!'

Closing my eyes, I look in myself as best I can looking for something. Silly as it may sound, I could feel it, it was a little light in me. It felt timed as it felt me seeing it, but I could feel it reach out to me as I do did. When we touched, I could feel warm and happy, and feeling more pumped for anything before now. It know what I was thinking and I could feel it showing me what I needed to do to get started, and it was like the very land was looking to me waiting for my next move and wanted to help as well. With my hands to my chest as I could feel that I'm not so alone after all. With that I focused on what I wanted to do, leaning my head back so it was looking to the sky with closed eyes and my mouth open a little as I feel a power grown there with a feeling of cool wetness. As it felt ready, I released my hold on it and felt it kick back launching up high.

And then I heard the rumble of thunder over me and a drop of water hit my forehead. Opening my eyes smiling, I just did Rain Dance. And the dark clouds spread far away from my mountain and begin the raining down on everything to be see, I felt my body get better from the down pour and my skin looking better and the goo come back where it should be. Then I felt it happen! The land before me rumbled as I felt it in me the land change with the waters of life.

Rolling green fields of grass and trees growing up around and far, and so did different sizes of body of waters and with them rivers and steams. It was so beautiful watching it all happen before me as I hold my mouth crying at such beauty of nature at work and maybe some magic. As the rain slowed down in it's down pour, the air around me was getting colder and little flakes of white flew by, I was starting to shiver from it all but smiled all the same. Snow was starting to build up here to be a proper looking mountain should be with this much green around it. With that in mind, I got up and started to head back down the mountain at a steady pace my legs would let me as I watch the forest grow bigger and the open fields and flowers grow in many colors, and some areas that looked like swamps. As I was still heading down to look around my new garden, hehehe. I looked back down to the box that I know as the tool box of a Pokémon Rescue Team to use for when out on work, but I see no need to be doing that as I am the only one here and there is no trouble. But I open it to take a look at what is hidden in.

Pulling it up and holding it in one hand and the other one to push the button to lift the led, I find a set of dices together that could be TM's! But I will look at them later as the food and some scarfs are inside it neatly placed for space. But the box is a little deceiving at first look, the inside is a little deeper than one would think. Many berrys from helpful healing ones to ones that can be used to make yummy snacks if made right. But sadly there is nothing around or in the tool kit for making yummy candies or the other things the show has the humans did for their Pokémon.

Sighing a little at that thought, I look at the colorful scarfs and see a open spot for one and see a name tag 'Defense Up'... So that must be the one on my neck now, and I smile at seeing more of the helpful scarfs, bands and ribbons too, and the most helpful one is the weather band one to deal with the weather and not feeling the bad effects like hail hurting me and the cold when it gets worse around here. Hmm? Oh! There is some orbs in here too at the bottom with rocks, sticks of metal and wood. Ok then, I guess I could have used a orb that was called 'Rainy orb', but better for me to lean about myself more first then quick answers like those offer.

Closing it back up and moving it back to my side to hang again I continue on my way to the bottom and find a place to plant some of these and start growing food for myself. After what seemed like hours going down, I hit the bottom finally and smile as I head over to the forest that is some ways away from the mountain and begin my relaxing walk over the soft damp grass humming happily as I look around me. As the clouds did not leave, it was a little hard to tell what time it was, but it was getting darker as I continued on my way not stopping as I was taking it easy and felt fine but a little hungry from all the walking before now. Reaching inside the box I pull out a yummy looking apple and happily ate it but saved the seeds for later planting. With my stomach feeling better I continue on through the night, the rain did stop for a while at night, but when it started to lighten up like it was now dawn, I smiled to myself looking at the world and feel the rain pick back up and pour more as I feel the land through my feet fill in areas with more water waiting for to be used, making me raise a eyebrow at that. But continue on I did as the forest I was heading to was coming up and a very large open field.

As I was nearing the it now I stopped and looked to my right and lend my head to the side a bit at the open field before me and smiled as I got an idea and turned to it and walked over and give a quick puch into the ground and drop some seeds of the apple before in and cover it and doing it some more making a good 30 apple seed filled holes, noding to myself at a good morning days work, I turn and walked away and head on back to the forest again to go in. But as I was at least 20 feet away from them, is when I felt it happen. Turning around again, I watched as the land glowed and the dirt piles of the apple seeds started to grow up as sapplings, then little trees. And they didn't stop as I covered my mouth again in awe, as they grow bigger and bigger into full on trees with branches beautiful and green with leafs and so juicy looking apples hanging there. As I smiled at this truly wonderful sight to behold, I cried happy green gooey tears as I stepped closer and put my paw on the nearest tree and gave a little gasp as I could feel the life in the tree reach out to me and feel it's happiness at meeting me and see the leafs shine as I put my forehead to it and humming happily to them all as the air was feeling like I was in the company of family and the warmth they gave off. These trees will live a very long time with me. I just know it. Reaching up easily and pulling off two apples, I put one in the box and ate the other one and fall to my butt sitting again as the taste was beyond what they first one. Juicy, sweet and mouth watering as it dissolved as I chewed it.

Blushing as I held my cheeks savoring it as the best apple ever. As if knowing my thoughts about it's fruit, the apple trees gently swad at me as I stood up and put my paw back on the tree for w bit and turned away again and walked away to continue on with I feel must be done inside the forest.

After entering and walking peacefully, I would would use my antenna like things on my head, yes I call them things as I have no other name to call them. With one I would reach in the box and pull out a berry and use my other one to punch the ground for a hole and drop it in as I moved on and use my tail to cover the hole as I would move on to the next one and so on. Sitrus, Oran, Pecha, Cheri, Chesto, Rawst and Leppa berrys to name a few here and there, so the forest has many good berrys for what ever comes to call this place home too with me. And so it would go, with the sound of pounding and scraping as I won't on my way deeper. By later afternoon of going like that I stopped to look back and smile as the new fruit trees are fully grown and full of berries, moving on I came to a open spot with water ponds here and there. A good swamp lays before me and I like what I see, as I feel in me the Goodra is happy to see this. I see more open ground and looks ready for what I have planned for more of the berries to be placed here and grow under my eyes, and this will be my base and home.

After working on the rest of planting my smaller garden, giggling to myself at the idea of a smaller one here. I sit down to look at my new garden start to grow up to sapplings, but I blinked in surprise as they stopped at that, and felt the rain come to a stop. Looking up I was now seeing the evening sky of the beautiful gold's, reds and blue as the clouds disappeared to reveal it as the night came out and the beautiful night sky with the stars shining up there, giving me the first time seeing them with out the clouds in the way. After being up for two days with no rest, I yawned big as little tears are at the edges of my eyes. Rubbing my eyes I wasn't sure what I was seeing as in front of me, as living plants started to grow up taller than me and coming together in a way that looked like a plant cave with vines over the front like a door to block the outside world from seeing in. With out really thinking about it to much as I was getting sleepy and wanted to lay down, so slowly getting up. I walked over to it smiling with a wobly, swaying from side to side gently I made it in passed the curtain of green and removed my scarf and tool box and put them in the back of the cave and layed down in front of them curling up and closing my eyes to rest for tomorrow and more garden tending to. With a smile and a little hum, I drifted off to the dream realm.

As the new Guardian Goodra was sleeping in his new home in the swamp of the forest with the fruit of his labor around him growing, and the rest of the land calms down from the magic to start new life. Animals of the air and land begin to make there way into the land and pick places for them to live as well, the faster ones of the filers came to over the swamp and the sleeping dragon in his home and came in to land and home it their home to with him and roosted where they could to sleep as others that found temporary resting place for the night and others that live for the night continued on deeper.

Far to the North, the flying creature came to land in a grassy field as and folded it's large beautiful white wings to it's side and held it's head high and it's white coat shin in the night light as it spoke in a calm voice to it's self.

"Faucet! This will be the land that your little ponys will call home. I only hope they will live in Harmony with themselves and others."

Looking back from which she flew from, her mind was on the land before and the only creature that was pink of color she spotted on the mountain over looking the land before it. She figures it laid claim to it and would not be a nice thing to fight with it over it as there was still more land to find for her plains. Maybe when she gets things started here for her ponys, she could make a trip back and say hello. It would be nice to have a friend and learn something new and share with it. Smiling to herself at a future meeting with the being to look forward to, she began to use her magic to light her long white horn up and letting it flow with magic and interact with the magic in the land and start it to grow life as grass replace the dirt and in some areas sapplings for many other plants begin to surface. But it was a slow process, it will be sometime before she can do anything else.

With a ear perking up at the sound of a rumble, she looks behind to see a stormfron of clouds moving in from the lands far back were it was. As the clouds continued on over her and beyond deeper into her lands, rain gently fell and watered the plants and her for a bit before a flash of magic protected her to stay dry. Everything around her was growing faster now. As the look of surprise came over her at this. A smile as beginning to move her lips as her thoughts was on a pink helpful creature from before is unintentionally helping her.

"It seems things will be moving along faster than I thought! I may have to say hi a little sooner than later. Hehehe" Giggling to herself at the meeting.

As trees begin to get bigger with cover from the rain, she moved under the protective branches and layed down to rest and watch as the land before her got more beautiful over night and can't wait to see it in the light and start on future plans sooner now.

Author's Note:

And so it starts, welcome to all of you for joining me and Goodra on our path of watching the land of Equu grow. I will do my best to make chapters. And this is a displaced story. Don't know about if any crossovers will happen. Anyway, hope you liked it and we'll will see what happens in the morning for our hero. And this will be my crazy starts!:pinkiecrazy: enjoy the ride!