• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 8,247 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced DemonSlayers - Flowjam

Two best freinds get transported to equestria by a man in a resident evil merchant costume at con.

  • ...

Chapter 6 Questions and More Demons

Soon night turned into day. Inside the castle of friendship Nero was sleeping soundly, the sun rose and the light peeked through the window and passed the curtains. The light hit Nero right in the face, he scrunch up his face, the light waking him up from his slumber.

Nero sat up and rubbed off some of the sand out of his eyes. He signed and got off the bed and headed to the curtains. He moved them and was bath in sunlight, he looked out the window seeing some parts of ponyville outside. Nero yawn and thought "A new day in this strange world and in a body I've come to get use to"

Nero looked himself over and said "I forgot to take my coat off before sleeping, hope me and Dante can get ourselves some cloths other than this" Nero didn't hate the original Nero's clothing but living in a world not his and wearing the same clothing would not seem right to him.

He walked over and opened a door, he looked inside and notice it was a bathroom "Huh neat" he went inside and took his cloths off and took a quick shower. He got out looking clean and fresh, even washed his hairs. Nero put his cloths back on and brushed his teeth and hair.

He walked out of the bathroom, he grabbed red queen off the side of the bed and felt blue rose inside his coat and headed out the door. He opened the door and when he did the door Dante was inside opened also. Nero turned and saw Dante with his cloths on looking tired, hair messy, and bags under his eyes.

Nero chuckled silently when seeing Dante remembering that he was always up only to clean himself later. Nero walked out and headed to Dante with a grin "Morning sleeping beauty how was your sleep"

Dante slowly looked at Nero and smiled tiredly "Oh hey man. I slept like a rock, I just dove on the bed and passed out"

Nero nodded and heard commotion far down the hall, he turned back to Dante "Happy to hear that, why don't you go back inside and get your self cleaned up. Don't want to scare them with that haunting face you got"

Dante looked at Nero finding his words insulting but listen and went back inside "Psh, haunting? I look good tired or not. I'm fucking sexy!" Nero heard him and started to walk down the hall and towards the voices until he heard Dante yell out "Holy shit they have bathrooms in here too. That girl must be rich!" Nero chuckled from Dante's outburst and continued on walking.

Nero followed the voices and sensed two high levels of energy suspecting them both being celestia's and Luna's. He turned and was met with a dining room, all three princesses were there, spike, and the guards that got healed by the pony doctors. They were eating a normal breakfast, he notice spike was in the kitchen hearing the sound of his voice humming a tune.

Celestia looked up seeing Nero in the room "Ah Nero. I see you have woken up" This got everyone to stop and look at him. Nero walked pass the guards and took a seat next to Luna.

He looked over at celestia "Yeah, those beds were great. Better than mine"

Twilight smiled happy that her guest enjoyed her castle "Thank you, I'm happy that you were able sleep after what happened yesterday" twilight cringed and shuttered when thinking about it.

Nero nodded to her and looked over at Luna that was next to him. She felt his eyes on her and turned to look at him. She notice that he was much cleaner and could smell soap on him, nero said "Morning princesses. I hope you and your sister are feeling better"

Luna shyly nodded her head "Yes we-I and my sister are feeling much better" she said quickly, fixing her speech so nero doesn't notice. He did but didn't mind it.

Nero smiled and said "That's good, glad to hear that your both alright" this made Luna blush and return back to her food hastily.

"Yes, I thank you for your concern" how fast she was eating got the attention of both twilight and celestia and the female guards.

Celestia giggled at her sister "Luna slow down, you could choke from how fast your being" Luna stopped. She had some food in her mouth and swallowed it all down.

She coughed in her hand and returned to her normal self "Your right sister, I'm sorry"

Celestia waved her off "It's fine lulu, I'm just helping you from having everyone stare at you" Luna's right eyebrow rose, she looked around seeing everyone staring at her from her unknown eating craze. She blushed in embarrassment and went back to eating, she glared at her sister seeing her turn her head and hold in her laughter.

Nero heard her also and thought "These two may be princesses but act like true sisters" He heard the kitchen door open and out came spike with a plate of pancakes, and orange juice.

Spike set the plate down and handed Nero's food "Here you go! chefs spike special of pancakes with a side of juice" nero looked at his food, the pancakes were perfectly cooked.

He thanked spike "Thanks spike"

"No problem. I just hope Dante gets here before his breakfast gets cold" spike wondered.

Nero eased his worry's "Don't worry spike if I know Dante, and I do. He should be here once he gets a smell of your food" after nero said that everyone soon heard loud steps of someone running. They all looked and saw Dante come around the corner, he looked better with his face cleaned, hair washed but still messy, and coat on proper. He dashed pass the guards fast enough for them to not react to him until he went right pass them.

He stopped and grabbed his plate of food off of spike's and sat down next to nero and started eating. He stopped a few times to say things like "Oh god!" or "This is great!' while eating his four stack of pancakes. Everyone watched as Dante destroys his food while nero eats his without a care in the world.

Dante chewed his drank his juice finishing his breakfast. And just like in pinkie's party his stomach didn't rise. Twilight saw this and magic up her notebook and pencil and started writing things down. Right after dante was done nero finished his breakfast also.

Dante patted his slim stomach "Man that was good. Thanks for the meal little buddy"

Spike shook his head from the sight he just witness and took dante's complement. Spike grabbed both their plates and headed back into the kitchen to put them away. Nero notice that the guards after witnessing dante eat were eating a bit faster to, mostly the male guards "You can try if you like but no one can compete with dante when food is involved if he's hungry"

Nero turned to celestia seeing her finish with her breakfast and spike taking her plate, Luna's, and twilight's, he thought about the day and asked "So celestia what's the agenda for use today?"

Celestia heard nero and thought it would be good to tell him what they will be doing "Today we and the rest of the girls will be going to canterlot. I must rebuild and fix the damage the demons have caused our kingdom, and free my ponies from inside the bunker"

Nero nodded, dante jump into the conversation "So like are we going know or later?"

Celestia looked around, seeing that both her and her sisters guards were done eating and looked back to dante "Yes we know" she turned to twilight "Twilight can you bring the rest of the elements here"

Twilight got up and said "You can leave it to me" she saw spike come out of the kitchen and teleported to him "Come on spike we need to get the girls here so we can head to canterlot" she grabbed spike's arm and teleported out of the castle and to who ever first.

Dante saw what happened and said "Woah! did she just teleport, that so cool!" Nero found it interesting seeing this form of energy of some kind.

Celestia giggled at dante's reaction and said "That my dear hero was magic" both dante and nero looked at celestia in speculation.

Nero said "Um what?"

Luna answered him "That was magic young twilight used. Does your kind not use magic?"

Dante yelled out "We wished! things would have been way more awesome if we could use magic. Shooting laser and teleporting would have been great" nero rolled his eyes at his friends child like thoughts if humans could use magic.

"That would be freighting in the wrong hands either way" Nero answered Luna "No, our kind can't use magic because there is no such kind and some don't believe in magic"

Both sister and ponies guards found it unbelievable that there were creatures that could not use magic not even believe in it. One of the guards spoke out and said "But wait, what was that whole thing with the blue light around you. Was that not magic"

Nero understood that he was talking about his demonic energy flowing out of him "No that was something else' the same pony was about to ask something else but nero stopped him and said "And the huge figure behind me was also not magical" he let his arm drop after hearing his next answer be questioned.

Celestia and luna already knew that both nero and dante didn't have magic because they didn't sense any. but after feeling the energy nero displayed they both knew what it was but didn't press onwards into thinking they were evil, with them both saving their lives and ponies from the demons and hearing that they were demonslayers with no distrust in dante's voice when calling it out.

Soon a pop was heard and everyone looked to see twilight and the rest of the girls there. All of them were wide awake, well except rainbow dash that was sleeping on a cloud.

"I brought everyone here princess, I had to bring rainbows bed with her because she didn't wake up how many times I've tried" they all got up and went to the girls.

Nero and dante said their good morning to them and they back to them. Dante looked over at the sleeping rainbow and found her sleeping face cute. He knelt down to her ear and whispered "You have a cute sleeping face skittles" and just like that rainbow woke up and flew high in the air from the sudden voice of dante.

"No I don't, I sleep awesomely!" she had a blush on her face and notice everyone was there chuckling at her. She grumbled and flew down to twilight and said in a tried and angry tone "What the hay twilight I was trying to sleep"

Twilight apologized but told her she needed to bring everyone and had to bring her here while she was sleeping because she wouldn't wake up. Rainbow signed then said "Whatever, so why are we here"

Luna spoke out "We will be heading back to canterlot to make sure our ponies are alright and try repairing the kingdom" the girls nodded and was lead by celestia outside with nero and dante following. They made a turn to the two carriages, Stone heart ordered his men that had wings to take one carriage for the guards that can't fly and the other for the princesses, elements, spike, and demonslayers to ride inside.

They saluted and did as he command. Dante soon notice what was going to happened and said "Wait, so are they going to fly use there"

Twilight nodded "Yes they will be carrying use to canterlot and don't worry the carriages were covered in a weightless magic aura that will make for the guards to carry use through the air" nero was thinking about that until twilight said that and made him not worry about the weight the guards would be taking.

A female guard opened the door for them all. They stepped inside sitting down with celestia, twilight, pinkie, Dante, and rainbow on one side and the other with nero, applejack, fluttershy, rarity, and spike that was force to sit on twilights lap making dante snicker at the baby dragon.

The guards that can't fly walked inside the second carriage and were ready to head off with the Pegasus and bat ponies that were going to carry them. Celestia gave the ok and they were soon lifted in the air and off into the sky towards canterlot.

Dante moved over pinkie and rainbow, his body touching them making them blush a little while he looked out the carriage window. He looked out seeing them fly over the forest where the demons came out of "Man, this is pretty cool. Kind of reminds me of riding a plane"

Dante moved back and sat down, both girls letting their feelings brush by and their blushes fading away. Rainbow and the rest heard dante and she said "Plane? what's that"

Dante answered her question "A plane is a huge metal machine that transport people through the sky. Something our kind created for not having wings"

They listen and were intrigued by this usage of technology. Twilight still had her notebook and wrote down what dante said and asked if he could tell more about his kind. Dante didn't mind and told them the things humans have created and done over the year.

While he was doing that nero looked out the carriage feeling the wind hit his face, liking the feeling of cool air on his skin. He started thinking about the other demons beriel said and wondered what they were doing or where they are right know as the carriage gets closer to canterlot.

Griffonstone Kingdom

King black beak the griffon king of griffonstone was a tall griffon, his wings and head feathers were black nad his beak gold, the bottom half of his body was lion like, the fur being gold; he was wearing a regal king clothing of black and brown. He was looking over his paper work while being escorted to the dinning room by his griffon guards. They opened the door for him and walked inside to the dining room table and seeing his wife white feather her head and wings completely white her beak yellow and lionlike bottom half brown. She was wearing a yellow and white dress eating her breakfast.

She looked up seeing her husband walk in and smiled "Morning my love, how are you feeling?"

He sat down next to her and signed, a chef came in and handed the king his food and walked away. Black beak took a bite and said "I'm feeling well my love. The paper work is almost finished" he looked around and notice his daughter wasn't there with them "Feather were is cheeriest?"

White feather took a sip of her milk and said "She came here early, ate and went out"

He signed again when hearing this "How many times do I have to tell her, come and eat with her family. I swear that girl is doing this on purpose"

White feather chuckled at her husband "Oh don't be like that, the girl is getting older and you know how they get when they get to that age. And don't worry I sent guards to watch over her just incase"

Black beak understood what she meant. His daughter is becoming a teen, and he knew this when he was her age. They soon finished their breakfast and walked out of the dining room together. He talked about the important of their royal states "I know that but she must know that she is royalty there are things she must do to uphold her rank. I care for her deeply but she must take her life more maturely"

White feather nodded "That is true but don't forget she is know a women and you know what that means" she waved her eyebrows up and down. black beak widen his eyes and was going to say something until a loud explosion was heard far off, rattling the whole kingdom. Black beak grabbed onto feather making sure she does not fall.

The rumbling stopped and they were able to steady themselves. White feather spoke in a scared worry tone and said "What was that?"

Black beak answered "I do not know we must-" then a platoon of royal griffon guards ran to the royal couple with captain granite in the lead. He had a worry look on his face, when he got to them "Your highnesses we are under attack!"

Feather gasped and black beak spoke in a commanding voice "Who!"

Captain granite spoke one work that widen both griffons eyes and fearing the worse for their kingdom "Demons"

Soon they were seen flying through the castle and to a balcony looking over the kingdom. Black beak and white feather looked out to see demons running amuck and setting homes on fire at the outer kingdom. Black beak turned to granite and said "I what all guards and soldiers out and take out as many demons they see. And a pack to fly out and move all citizens away from the carnage" Granite saluted and ordered his men out. Feather was more worried for their daughter that was out there.

"What about cheeriest, She's still out there!" She said making black beak worry even more that his only child was out while the kingdom is under attack.

He ordered granite once more "I want you and a group to find my daughter and bring her here"

"Yes your highnesses" granite nodded and flew off to find cheeriest wing.

Black beak ordered a griffon scout to him. One came and he said "I want you to head to canterlot, inform princesses celestia that my kingdom is under attack and need help. Go Know!"

The griffon scout nodded and flew off and headed to canterlot. Black beak watched as more demons rush in, he followed where they were going and saw that the were coming from the woods. He looked closely seeing two eyes looking at his kingdom, one being a set of blue and the other orange, he feared that his home will be destroyed if help doesn't come soon.

Back with the Group

They were getting close to canterlot, nero watched the scenery as they flew. Fluttershy watched as nero looked out seeming he was thinking about something. She could not ask because she was to shy but applejack that was sitting next to him also notice this and asked.

She patted nero on the shoulder grabbing his attention "You alright there partner?"

Nero answered "Yeah just thinking and enjoying the view"

"Mind telling me what you were thinking about" she hoped that nero would tell her, this would give her a chance to get to know him better.

"Sure, I was just thinking if there will be anything else that might happen. Seeing how your kind got attack who knows if there will be more problems while being here" nero spoke honestly to applejack. She could tell because of her element and thought what he said and responded back.

"Well I don't know about that. Equestria has had its far share of problem that happened randomly But I like to think positive with those around me" they both looked around and saw dante talking too the girls he was sitting with. Rarity being apart of it and fluttershy nodded when asked something.

Nero understood what applejack was talking about. They both look at one another "Your right, if something does happen we'll take care of it when it comes. But it doesn't hurt to be ready before it happens"

Applejack smiled that she was able to help him out of his thoughts "Well I know with you both here, we don't have to worry about a think"

Nero chuckled "Don't worry applejack I'll keep you safe" nero said slyly making the apple farmer blush with nero having his focus on her.

She huffed with her blush still on "I can take care of myself thank you very much. And call me AJ, almost everypony calls me that"

Nero did see that applejack seemed more the strong willed women type and respected that "You got it AJ" nero said smoothly making her blush more with him calling her by nickname.

"Princesses we're here" Everyone looked out from the side. Canterlot stood out as a beautiful and bright kingdom but because of the demons the city if canterlot was almost destroyed. They could see some building knocked down and the streets littered with mud and dirt from the battle, some pony guards lying on the street dead making the girls gasp.

Fluttershy covered her mouth, shedding small tear "Oh my goodness!"

"As you can all see the battle was uncontrollable and brought death to many of our ponies" Luna said in grief.

One of the Pegasus guards carrying them yelled out "Princesses I was just told by captain stone Heart that he saw survivors" This grabbed everyone's attention.

Celestia ordered "I want use to head to them immediately" The guard said "Yes princesses" and relayed the message to the second carriage. They dropped down to were stone heart saw the survivors, They landed and all got out to see 30 pony guards injured but standing.

They limped to them while the group get to them. One off the injured guards spoke in graduated and was happy that the princesses were fine "Princesses we are lucky that you have gotten away" the female guard said.

"No you all are the lucky ones. How did you all survive" celestia asked, one of the guards answered her question.

"It was when you fled. The giant demon that attacked left use and ordered his army to chase after you and went inside the forest. Leaving use to die" But then a earth pony stallion spoke up.

"If not for the whole unicorn platoon using their healing magic we would have died from our injuries" So it would seem that the unicorns used their magic to heal both earth and Pegasus ponies so they could help the unicorns right after, twilight summarized and found the whole thing smart.

Celestia gave praise to her ponies that took the gratitude. One of the guards that was a unicorn stallion saw both Nero and Dante, spooked when seeing them and because they were close to the girls and princesses "Princess may I ask who or what are these two" he pointed at them both inflicting the rest of the guards to get on there's hooves when noticing them.

Nero and Dante didn't see them as threats because they were still injured. Luna was the one to answer "These two are the reason why ponyville was not destroyed and why me and my sister are here and safe"

The guards listened but could not believe that two unknown creature faced the demons and lived. "Are you sure princesses" Celestia gave her two cents.

"My sister speaks the truth. We all watch them both face the army that's attack our home, and defeat the two demon leaders that's tried to take canterlot. The elements, guards, and we both were there to see this happen first hand" the guards could not believe it but if the princesses say this than to them it was true.

They all looked at the demon slayers in wonder. Dante waved at them and said "Sup" while nero looked around looking at some of the homes and buildings that stood standing.

Celestia saw that they had some bruises and rapped up cloth around were their cuts and marks the demons they faced have caused.

Her horn started to glow "I will know heal you all much better" her gold aura surrounded all 30 guards, in 10 seconds she was able to heal them all. The guards with them helped unwrapped their bandages.

When that was done stone heart came up "Alright I want a group commanded by night walker a thresal female guards to help clean and move stones and house parts out of the streets and road"

20 guards stepped up and went with night walker to clean around canterlot.

Celestia came up behind stone heart "Good idea captain" stone heart saluted. She looked at the rest of the ponies "We will head to the bunker to bring out canterlot citizens know that everything is safe.

They all nodded and went with them. The guards that just first seen nero and Dante watched them and spoke to their fellow guards about them. They talked about what the two did and how they faced the demons while they looked around the place.

Dante whispered to nero "Man, they did a number to this place. I only counted 6 homes that stood standing and 4 shops that weren't destroyed"

Nero did the same "Same here. But what matters is that not many were killed than everyone thought. A quarter half of their guards were killed leaving the rest. Lives matter more than homes that can be rebuilt" nero was right, the girls and princesses that focused their ears to them agreed with him.

Dante also agreed but than saw a shop that sells donuts that was ransacked and destroyed, he frowned like a sad puppy "They destroyed a donut shop. That's just messed up in so many levels"

Twilight and pinkie looked over at the shop and both said "Nooo!" At the same time.

Pinkie yelled out "Not the donuts!"

Twilight was sad for her favorite shop was destroyed "I hope donut joe is alright"

Dante almost laughed out loud when hearing the name. He was finding their pony names more and more ridicules "Oh my God, these names are going to make me laugh if they get even more weirder"

Nero didn't care much on the name but mainly on where they were going. Soon they made it to the castle. Nero and Dante have never seen a castle before but the one they looked upon was beautiful.

Celestia notice them looking at the castle, with their own looks of surprise and wonder "I see you both are surprised of me and my sister's castle"

Dante said "I'll say, it's way bigger than Twilight's. We saw it from afar but up close it's crazy"

Nero said "We've never seen a castle before. But this one may just be on the top of our list of castles never seen before"

The royal sister were glad that the two appreciated their home. The guards opened the door for them "You both will get to see inside and out of the castle. Let use free thy citizens" they all walked in and followed the sisters.

While they walked Nero and Dante looked the place. Twilight started to tell them about the floors and the things the castle has to offer.

Soon they stopped to a wall close to the throne room door. Both princesses horns glowed and a hidden door was reviled and opened for them all.

Dante found this cool like in those spy movies "Sweet hidden passage way" then he started to sing the mission impossible song with pinkie joining in surprisingly knowing the simple verse for reasons unknown.

They walked forward with the two in the group saying "Dunt dunt, dunt dunt!, dunt dunt" while they walked inside.

They went down the steps. When they got to the end they were met with the pony citizens in a big open space with food and water for them to eat and drink and tents to sleep in.

One of the ponies that saw them yelled out "Princesses!" getting them all to turn and head over to them.

While canterlots citizens moved to the royal sisters, a light purple mare with light blue highlights in her dark purple mane ran over to the girls "Twilight! Spike!" twilight and spike saw her and hugged the mare together.

"Starlight! I'm so glad that your safe" twilight said.

Starlight moved away "I'm glad to, when the demons attacked I was with celestia the whole time. Then she transported use here"

The citizens all praised the two princesses glad that they were alright. One of the ponies that was a high class royal stallion said "Are they gone princesses, are the demons gone" they silently waited for celestia's answer.

Celestia made sure that their worries be forgotten "Yes my ponies, the demon army was defeated by two brave warriors. The ones that saved use and protected ponyville, demonslayers Nero and Dante" she moved her hand towards the two.

The girls moved away for the citizens to see them both. They were shocked to see beings they never seen before. Starlight thought the same "Twilight, what are they?"

"There humans. Well that's what they say" twilight said not really believing them.

Starlight soon thought they were evil "So you think their both lying. Are they dangerous!"

Twilight shook her head "I believe that they aren't telling use the whole truth when we first met them, but I don't think their evil. If they were then ponyville would have been destroyed" Starlight redundantly agree but kept her eyes on the two.

Dante smiled, liking the attention "No big deal just took on an army all by myself. No biggy" he acting like it wasn't a big deal but actually a very big deal to them.

Nero saw them start to fear them when Dante said that, making them think they may hold I'll intentions. He made sure they didn't by saying "Don't worry me and Dante helped because we wanted to and nothing else"

But another high class stallion didn't believe Nero, thinking that no one would face something dangerous without wanting something like them "Yeah right. You think we would believe you" some of them thought the same but Luna made sure that they understand.

In her own way of course "Do not let your own egos get to you. Nero and Dante tell the truth, if not we would not be here and the demons would have taken not just canterlot or ponyville but all the other pony city's and villages"

They listen and if Luna believed them than they would also, well some did while others didn't trust the two nonpony creatures. Celestia came up "Now I will drop the magical dome in here so I can teleport use back to the top" she canceled the magical protected dome than used her magic to teleport them back to the top.

They appeared, some that were not unicorns felt dizzy but shook it away. This didn't affect Nero or Dante because of their demonic healing taking away their dizziness faster than anyone.

Luna ordered stone heart to escort the ponies out and help with the cleaning. He nodded and informed her he will also bring in help from building ponies to get started in repairing the homes.

This left with the girls, princesses and demonslayers. Dante looked around not knowing what to do "So what know?" He asked.

Twilight knew what to do and it excited her. Her favorite thing to do "Know we ask questions about you both"

Nero and Dante looked at her in uncertainty. Celestia nodded "She is right, we like to know about you both seeing as you helped use but don't know you at all or what you are"

Nero and Dante looked at each other thinking about it. They sensed what the other was thinking and nodded.

Dante spoke first "Sure we'll answer your questions" that got a smile in them all mostly twilight.

Than Nero said "Unless we get to answer our own questions. We don't know anything about this place so it would be far if we asked questions also"

Twilight nodded "Of course. It wouldn't be far if we were the only ones asking. But you must be honest"

Nero looked at her evenly making her jump "We will, but there are somethings we can keep to outs selfs"

Twilight agreed scarily. Nero dropped his look and accepted. They walked to a place were they could talk.

They were lead to a room with books and chairs. They all sat down, twilight pulled out a notebook and pencil with her magic and was the first to ask her question.

"Ok firstly, can you tell use who you are again"

Nero spoke first thinking he would use his fake name and use his real last name with it "My name is Nero Blake. I'm 20 years old, I'm 6.3 making me taller than dante"

"And I'm Dante caliber, you know the handsome one" Nero socked Dante on the side "Ow! Alright, I'm 19 and 6.2 making me younger and an inch shorter than nero"

Twilight wrote it all down and looked over at applejack. She saw twilight look over at her and said "Their not lying twi" when she said that twilight nodded but this captured the two slayers.

Dante asked "What do you mean not lying?"

Twilight answered "You see applejack has an ability to tell when someone is not telling the truth, we just wanted to make sure your keeping the end of your deal"

Nero looked over at applejack, wanting to know if twilight was telling the truth "She's right, I can tell when someone not being honest. Sorry for not telling you before hand"

Nero let it slide thinking it was actually smart of them but seeing as it didn't work because they did lie "Our demon powers must be the reason some how, good thing too"

Dante asked a question "Ok than how do you have this power"

"That would be our connection to the elements" twilight said.

Nero raised one eyebrow "Elements?"

Celestia explained "You see the six of them are connected to equestria's shield, the elements. Combined together they have defeated many forces of evil"

Dante said "Huh, so like you guys are like heroes than"

Rainbow took that as a compliment "Awesome heroes. We took down many villains that tried to take equestria and kicked their flanks"

Dante found it interesting "That's cool. Guess were in the presence of heroes Nero think I should ask for their autographs" Dante said jokfuly making the girls giggle.

They got back to asking question with celestia asking "Where do you two come from" they both looked at each other believing they could not dodge this question.

Nero said "You see that's the think. We don't belong here"

Rarity like the rest were confused "What do you mean darling"

"Me and Dante are not from this world but another one" this surprised them. Celestia and Luna somewhat knew that they must have came from somewhere they have never been before because they have never seen anything like them over the many years in their rule.

Twilight asked "Then were do you come from and how did you both get here?"

Nero spoke again by changing the truth a bit and with Dante following behind " You see both dante and I live on a planet called earth, and born in separate parts of our world. We met at a young age in a orphanage. We became friends and when we got older found out we had powers"

"We worked together and went around taking down demons that have caused death and destruction around our world. Yesterday we took a job on our world to take care of a demon. We encountered the demon and fought it, we kick his ass and was about to finish him, but then he pulled a fast one and opened a demonic portal back to hell"

"Hell is like your world's tartarus just worse" Nero informed them. Making them scared of the fact of a place worse then tartarus.

Dante continued "Both Nero and I killed the asshole right when he tried opening it but he still did. The damn think was all messed up but sucked use both in, when we went through we thought we were in hell but instead inside some forest that you called white tail"

Twilight connected the dots out loud for the sisters and getting a understanding of how this came to them getting here and to them in ponyville saving them.

Nero asked a question "Tell use about equestria, are there other places besides canterlot. Any other kingdoms out there?"

Celestia answered "Yes there are 9 other kingdoms in equestria. Theres the crystal empire, the griffons closes to use called griffonstone, the other is the minotaur kingdom minos, yak kingdom yakyakistan, dragon kingdom flamerock, the hippogriffs from mount Aris, the nonevil channeling kingdom southwest from here in the bearn realm, the ariban ponies in sattle Arabia, and the zebra kingdom Sititch"

Luna than spoke up "Those are the kingdoms in equestria but who knows, there could be a chance that there are other kingdoms or empires besides the ones here"

Nero was surprised that there were many creatures besides ponies in this world. Not to mention some of them are mythical creatures also.

Dante was interested in seeing these different types of sentient creatures. Dante asked "So are there other pony cites than this"

"Yes" celestia said "There's cloudsdale, fillydelphia, manehattan, trottingham, hoffington, appleloosa, manechester and many others"

Both Nero and Dante looked at them like they were crazy. Nero hide it with a normal poker face look while Dante tried understanding the names of the cities.

He moved close to nero and said "Is it just me or did those places sound like ours"

Nero responded "I don't know about this cloudsdale place but the others are like ours just pony named"

"Is something wrong?" fluttershy asked.

"Nope just remembering the name of those places" Dante said "I got nothing else to ask, do you" he looked over at Nero.

Nero thought and said "Is there a way we could get ourselves a place to live"

Both sisters smiled "For saving use that will be one of the things we will do for you both, we will even build the home in ponyville for you two" celestia said.

"Then that's all I have to question. Anything else you want to know?"

Celestia found this the right moment to ask. She looked over to Luna and saw her nod her head to her signaling to ask, celestia put on a serious look on her faced that got everyone to focus on her.

She said "Can you tell use what you both really are" this confused the girls but surprised the two demonslayers.

Nero completely knew what she meant "How did she know?" he thought back to ponyville and he found out "It must have been when I used my DT form, she likely sensed my demonic power"

Dante was not understanding and said "What do you mean?"

Luna said "When we first met you both. You two said you were humans but we believe you hide the truth from use, we would like to know what you both really are"

Dante and nero didn't really know if they should. The girls looked over at them waiting for there answer.

Nero sighed getting them all to look at him. He thought it wouldn't matter if they tried lying seeing how the princesses could figure it out "We lied. Were actually not human, well somewhat"

Twilight asked the big question "Then what are you two"

Nero said "Both Dante and I are part demon" this got the girls to gasp, this also surprised the sisters knowing it but still surprising to here it"

Applejack said "Wait part demon, so than you two aren't completely demons"

"No. I'm part demon and human" He showed his devil bringer, grabbing there attention and giving them a good look at the glowing blue and black scaled arm "This arm is apart of my demon side when I was born"

They looked to Dante. Pinkie asked "So are you part demon and huemon too danty"

Dante chuckled "Actually no" they were confused so dante explained "I'm actually part demon and angel, a Nehalem" the girls were shocked to hear this. The sisters looked at dante in shock. They knew what an angel is from the books from starswirl.

Twilight spoke how crazy it is "What! B-but that's impossible there have been no discovery of angels from long ago, the only pony to witness an angel is starswirl himself"

Dante laughed at twilight's exaggerated claim "Well know you get to meet one, well half of one I mean"

Rainbow asked "Then wait so does that mean you two were born from two different creatures?"

Nero nodded "That's right. My father was a demon and my mother was a human. While dante's father was also a demon but his mother an angel"

The girls, spike and princesses said "Wow" all together except twilight that was writing it all down in her notebook too fast for anyone to follow.

Celestia gave her gradatute to them both "I thank you both for telling use about yourselves"

Dante was confused he thought they would be scared of them being part demon "So your not scared of use?"

Twilight was done writing and said "Of course not. Have you forgotten you fought and protected everyone in ponyville and saved both princesses you already earned our trust"

Nero and Dante smiled together, happy that their worries from being part demon didn't bring problems.

Celestia and Luna got up, Luna said "Why don't we give you a tour around the castle. This would give you a chance to know about the place when ever you come or if we need you for something"

The two agreed and everyone got up and followed the princesses around the castle unknown to them a griffon was close to canterlot.

This griffon was shocked to see canterlot in such destruction. He saw the guards cleaning around with pegesaues flying around dropping off the rubble and unicorns and earth ponies moving them also.

The scout flew down to them. A pegesaues saw him and intervened "What business do you have here?" he ordered.

The griffon spoke in hast "I must meet the princesses urgently"

"Torrent sky's what's going on!" they both looked down to see stone heart looking up at them.

Torrent told the griffon to come with. They flew down to the ground were stone was at. Torrent saluted and said "Sir this griffon has come in urgent matters"

Stone looked to the griffon "What's the reason of you coming here"

The griffon said "Griffonstone is under attack by demons. My king black beak has sent me to inform the princesses and ask for help!" Stone heart and the other pony guards around could not believe the bad luck that the demons are attacking another kingdom besides there's.

Stone turned to his guards "I want the debris moved off the streets and roads before 1:00 and positioned in front of the castle"

He ordered, they all yelled out "Yes sir" and started to move faster. He turned to the griffon "Come with me, I'll take you to them" stone and torrent escorted the griffon scout to the castle.

Back with the group celestia and Luna escorted them to the throne room and show them the glass paintings.

Twilight told the two demonslayers that each glass shows who and how equestria was almost taken over but stopped with the help of her and the rest of the girls, using the elements to save the day.

She told the two about sombra, chrysalis, tirek, the storm king, and nightmare moon. Nero asked who she is but celestia said it was a touchy subject for her and mostly her sister, so Nero, even if he could piece it together didn't feel like doing it.

Twilight moved to the next painting that had a weird creature with miss matched body parts of different animals "And this is one of equestria's most unorcadox villains, discord the God of caos"

They both looked at it, and couldn't find anything dangerous beside how weird looking it was.

Dante said "Your telling me that this guy is a God. You can't possibly think I would believe that"

"Now, now, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I like to believe I do a good job in causing godly caos"

A voice spoke out startling the two demonslayers and pulling their swords out in a defensive way.

The voice chuckled at them "No need to be startled" in a pop the creature the two saw on the glass appeared right in front of them "Old dissy is here!" Tiny fireworks sparked behind him. Discord was tall about celestia's height, he had a stallions face, his left hand was a lions paw and his right a griffons claw, left food dragon like, and right foot a minotaur hoof, the top of his head had both an antler and horn, his back had two wings one bat like and the other normal, he even had a tail. He was wearing a brown suit, his tie white with different kinds of doted colors.

Nero and Dante ignored the sudden fireworks and was about to attack discord but twilight notice this.

She got in their way "Wait! Discord's not evil anymore he's good know"

They still kept their weapons out, but confused from thinking he was bad "I thought you said he was a villain" Dante said.

Twilight said "That's true he was evil, but that changed when he broke free again. With fluttershys help she "cured" discord and showed him what friendship means"

Discord cut in talking in fake shame and wallow "Yes that's true! The great and all powerful discord was defeated and changed by the sweet fluttershy"

He snapped his griffon claw and pop next to fluttershy "Not like I care I'm happy to be friends with her" he hugged her and she hugged him back.

Nero and Dante put their swords away now knowing that he was good somewhat. Dante walked up to him and said "So what are you anyways"

"Discord answered "I am a draconequus, a being made out of other creatures and composed of caos magic"

Nero listened and never heard of such a creature, and thought how him and Dante couldn't sense his presents "He must be powerful for use to not sense him. But I refuse that he's some God, and even if he is, even gods can be beaten"

Dante then asked "So your a good guy and help the ponies?"

Discord chuckled and said "I may be good but I wouldn't say help them. More on the lines of riddles and clues"

Nero then asked "Then what about the whole caos thing you still do that?"

Discord seemed to think about it "Well not alot, but I do tend to do my job here" he pointed his finger at a potted plant, a beam shot out and hit the plant. Making it grow a little taller and grow leaf like feet "and there" and shot another beam at a vase changing it into a pineapple.

They all watch as the potted plant ran around the hall and the pineapples top sliced opened and shooting out confetti in the air.

It was weird to look at but Dante found it cool. The plant ran into his leg, and fell down. Dante picked the plant up and looked at it's leaf feet "This is weirdly cool" he laughed when he tickled it's feet making the plant wiggle.

Pinkie wanted to play with the plant "Ohh I want to tickle the plant!" They both tickled the plant making it wiggle all around in a funny way.

Celestia looked at discord unamussed and said "Discord. What did I say about using your magic in the castle"

Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his claw, making the two things turn back to normal "No using my magic to change things. Your such a killjoy sometimes"

Discord let it slide because something else had his attention. He looked over at Nero and Dante "Know who are you both"

"Oh! my names" Dante was going to say his name but discord cut him off.

"Trick question kid. I already know you both" he pointed at Dante "Your Dante the fun joker of the two, strong headed and uncontrolling, something I respect"

Dante grinned "Thanks but you also forgot sexies of the two. Am I right" he looked over at pinkie, rainbow and twilight. He winked at them making all three blush.

Nero found it insulting and elbowed Dante in the side making him fall to the ground "Ah! my liver!" Dante screamed.

Discord laughed and pointed to nero "And your Nero, the smart and cool one, the serious type that I find boring, and a glare that could beat a cockatrice"

Nero glared at discord for his unknown reason of knowing them. Discord faked jumping away and turning himself to stone.

The fake stone if discord fell down and broke into pieces. He then appeared next to nero "You two hold caos inside yourselves, well hidden beside all that demonic energy inside you"

Nero could feel this so called caos energy inside discord and there was a lot. Nero didn't like discord he reminded him of joker in the game, damn clown.

Nero said "How do you know use so well. Have you been spying on use" Nero spoke in a serious tone wanting answers.

Discord waved his lions index finger "Ah, ah, ah, I gave enough answers already. Why don't you tell me about yourselves hmm. Who you really are" he whispered the last sentence.

Nero's eyes wide a bit not wanting them to know of his reaction "He knows!" Nero thought.

Nero shook his head "Sorry not saying" Nero said just when Dante got back up.

Discord whined at first "Oh come on please!" He looked at nero's right hand senses great power. He pop to his hand and said "Oh! What's this?"

He grabbed nero's devil bringer. Dante tried stopping the foolish God of caos but he was to late.

In great speed even for discord Nero grabbed discord around his neck with his devil bringer and lifted him in the air. The girls gasp with the princesses watching to see what would happen.

Discord could see the fire in nero's eyes "Has anyone taught you not to touch others without asking" Nero said in a cold tone.

Discord huffed, choking slightly and said "Nope but it's only in fun and games" he snapped his finger to get out of nero's gripped but when he did nothing happend, he looked at his claw and tried again, again,and again but nothing.

"I don't understand why won't my magic wor-" he stopped and looked at nero's devil bringer "That's it, his arm"

Nero threw discord away, now out of his grip discord snapped his finger poping behind fluttershy "Well I never! I just wanted to look"

"And I wanted to bash your face in, but I rather not mess up the princesses castle" Nero said in a uncaring tone.

Fluttershy found his words not nice and his actions unfriendly. She walked up to him and said "Nero can you please say sorry to discord"

Nero looked at fluttershy like she was crazy "Excuse me, he should be the one to say sorry. On our world touching someone out of know were would lead you getting punch in the face"

Fluttershy nodded but said "Discord didn't mean any harm. He just wanted to see your arm"

Nero looked away and sighed and looked over at the smiling discord "I'm sorry" be bitterly

Discord was going to play around with Nero but found it a bad idea so he took his apology "Apology accep-"

Nero cut him off "But if you try something like that again, I'll punch your whole godly self to the afterlife. Got it!"

Discord surprised the ponies by nodding and said "Yes sir" he felt a cold shutter from nero's threat.

Celestia coughed in her knuckle getting everyone's attention "Well seeing as that was done I would like to ask" she looked over to discord "Did you find anything on you vacation discord?"

Discord looked to celestia and changing into a detective outfit "I did, ya see doll someone's been doing a lot of door opening"

Rainbow dash was confused and said "What?"

Discord sighed and turned back to his normal outfit "It means someone has opened tartarus doors that open to the different aspect of demons in each door"

This shocked the pony princesses, Luna said "How could that be possible there is no way someone could opened the doors"

Discord shook his head "Oh my dear little moon" Luna glared at discord for calling her that "Anything can happen with the right power, and this one was able to free the demons in their so called cells. More like cheap homes"

"Did you find anything that could tell use who might have done this" celestia asked.

She got no good answer "Nope, who ever did this wasn't anyone we know. This person didn't just free them he/she was also able to make a second exit out of tartarus"

Twilight was finding this unbelievable "That's impossible! There is only one exit and it's guarded by Cerberus. Their no magic in tartarus to use to do such a thing"

Discord nodded "That's true, even I can't understand it and that scares me. The only thing I could think of is that demonic magic was in play"

Nero stepped in "You think a demon freed them, that's unlikely" everypony and discord looked to nero.

Celestia said "What do you mean that is unlikely"

Dante said "All demons compose in 7 things wrath, pride, sloth, gluttony, greed, envy, and lust. Even demons have there reasons in doing something, it just ends in a bad way"

Nero finished "It means that demons would never work together without a reason. They may be the same race, but would rather kill one another than work together"

Discord summoned a ringing buzzer "Ding, ding, ding, your right. A demon would not work with another, unless something or someone is making them"

"The question is who is doing this" discord said ending it in mystery.

Dante wiggled his fingers "Freaky" as everone thought of this mysterious person.

Twilight notice that discord kept saying demons with a "s"

"Wait you said demons, meaning more than just one" this grabbed all of the ponies attention.

Discord nodded slowly thinking they would all notice that "That's right and seeing as canterlot looked like a college party, it would seem they came here"

Applejack cut in "Eyup if not for Dante and nero ponyville would have been the same"

Discord rolled his eyes "Well yes it is their job to do"

Fluttershy spoke in a scared tone "Then there are other d-demon out there"

Celestia said "It would seem so. And if they came and attacked my kingdom then"

Soon the throne room door opened reveling stone heart and torrent sky's with the griffon scout behind them.

"Princesses a griffon from griffonstone comes in dire need" stone heart said moving to the side with torrent to let the griffon speck.

The griffon spoke in worry "Princesses, griffonstone is being attacked by demons. My king black beak sent me to ask for help" Princesses celestia and Luna could not think that the demons would attack another kingdom, and just after there kingdom was assaulted.

The griffon scout asked "Would you help use"

Both princesses thought that with their guards only few their help would be meaningless. Stone heart thought the same and said "Princesses we don't have the power to help them. I believe we should"

"Help them" they all looked to nero that spoke "Where going to help them"

Stone heart decline nero's proposal "Are you mad! We don't have enough guards to help them. If the demons are attacking then they should have a army maybe even greater than canterlots attack!"

Nero never dropped his seriousness "Then we just bring a small group"

Stone heart was baffled by nero's words "A small platoon could do nothing!"

Dante stepped in "Dude cool you shit. Have you forgotten you have two badass demonslayers here, we'll go and take down every demon there"

Twilight and the girls agreed "Their both right we can't just let the demons attack another kingdom, and if griffonstone falls they will have a fortress in their disposal"

Celestia made up her mind "Stone heart I want you to pick out the guards we will be bring to griffonstone" stone heart saluted and with torrent they went to form a small platoon.

She turned to twilight "Twilight you and the girls will come and help"

"You can count on use princesses" twilight said with the rest of the girls by her side.

The griffon scout went to nero and Dante and said "Is it true. That you both are demonslayers"

Dante grinned standing next to nero "You got it, the very best"

"You have nothing to worry about, we'll help your home and send those demons back to hell where they belong" Nero said making the griffons worries fade away.

In the back discord was smiling. He could just taste the caos in the air "I never was the type in carnage, blood stained caos. But I'm not picky" he said to no one but himself.

Soon they were all out of the castle. The guards finished cleaning, outside and lined up with canterlots citizens watching as they headed to stone heart. Luna spoke to stone heart "Is thy carriage and guards ready Captain?"

Stone heart nodded "Yes princesses, We formed the small platoon just like you asked and readied both carriages"

"Good we must make haste to griffonstone" Celestia looked over to her ponies "My ponies, fret not, we will return" the citizens said their goodbyes while the group went inside the carriage. Stone heart left night walker in commanded and got inside his carriage with his men. The griffon scout flew with torrent to carry the carriages with his men.

This time Nero and Dante sat next to each other with twilight and rainbow while the rest sat on the other side. Nero asked "How long until we get there"

Celestia answered "8 minutes"

Dante found that bad "Damn, hope those griffons can hold on until we get there" and like that they were off, heading to griffonstone in haste.

8 Minutes Later

The group were now in griffon territory and over the kingdom of griffonstone. As they looked out they could see the carnage, many griffon soldiers fought to keep the citizens safe but most demons went pass or killed the ones in their way to get further inside the kingdom.

"Its just like in canterlort" they looked to celestia "Berial did the same thing when he marched his army into canterlot. Spreading out like a plague and killing all those around, a terrible thing to see"

Dante looked over at the demons "Yup there are a lot of Stygian down there"

Starlight looked to Dante in a questionable look "Stygian, what's that"

Nero said "Stygian's are black fluid demon constructs that attack anything they see. There seems to be a lot of lesser type and only a few normal ones"

Starlight was getting more suspicious around the two demonslayers "And how do you know that hmm?" she said trying to see if she could rule them out.

Dante answered "Me and Nero fought these things accouple of times back on earth" starlight grumbled when not finding anything wrong in Dante's claim.

The griffon scout flew to their carriage "Princess, stone heart informs that he has found a safe place to land" Celestia was going to tell her Pegasus guards to follow the second carriage but Nero intervened.

"Wait" everyone looked to him "Looks like the demons have broke passed the front lines" they all looked back to griffonstone as what Nero said was true, the demons were know completely inside griffonstone and spreading out.

The griffon scout wailed "No! my people!"

Nero thought fast and said "We need to stop them from taking to much ground in griffonstone before they take whole of the kingdom" he looked over at Dante "Think you can take care of that"

Dante smiled and got up "No problem, I'll take care of it" Dante told the griffon to move away from the door. He did and Dante kicked opened the door surprising the girls, twilight said "Did you really have to do that"

Dante responded "No just felt like it" he grabbed the top of the door frame and flipped himself on the top of the carriage.

The group watch dante step back, twilight and the others knew what Dante was going to do and said "Wait sto-" it was to late.

Dante jumped off the carriage and headed straight down at the middle of the kingdom. Their eyes widen seeing Dante falling from the sky. Rarity yelled out "Is he out of his mind!"

Nero rolled his eyes at her words "I'm surprised you just notice that, and calm down. Dante is just going to take care of the demons in the middle, watch"

They listened and watched as Dante got closer to griffonstone. Dante got excited the closer he got to the kingdom, he summoned Eryx and pulled his right fist back. Once he got close to the ground Dante punched the ground, shattering everything around him and sending stygian's into the air, and knocking them down with rocks slamming into them from the wave Dante created from his punch.

Dante was crouched down with his fist in the ground. He pulled his fist out and stood up, looking around and seeing the demons he landed on dead and fading away "Rough landing, but still got where I wanted to be" the demons that were out of Dante's range came out from the side of the building and slowly creeping towards him.

He saw them and showed off his wicked grin at them "You save one kingdom, and know another" dante switched out eryx for rebellion and pulled the sword off his back "Come on, lets dance!" dante yelled as the stygian's all ran to him all together.

Back with the group they looked in shock at the crater dante made when landing in the middle of griffonstone. Pinkie said "Holy cupcakes batmare, danty did a number on those demons"

Nero didn't know why she phrased it that way but ignored it "Dante will take care of the demons in the center and move out farther inside"

Celestia told her guards to follow the second carriage while Nero explained the plan he thought up "While he's doing that. You all will head to the castle and get to the king, now that you both have your powers back you should be able to get there and take on the demons there"

Celestia and Luna were both impressed by Nero's fast thinking and planning, he acted like one of their captain guards, even better. Luna was inspired that Nero thought she could handle herself and followed his plan.

He turned to the girls not thinking they could face the demons "I know you guys done a lot of things, but I gotta ask. Are you sure you all can handle this"

Twilight said "Don't worry Nero we've faced a lot together and still will"

Rainbow cut in "Those demons won't stand a chance against us, we'll help the princesses and free the griffon king"

All of the girls yelled out yeah, Fluttershy whispered out with them. Nero didn't know if he should trust them with this tasked. This is nothing like their other adventures, this is a war where lives are instate. He let his worries go knowing that they will be with the princesses "I hope their ready"

They landed southwest inside griffonstone but far away from the battle taking place. They got out and walked over to stone heart and torrent sky's instructing the guards and getting ready for battle. Rainbow notice that Nero didn't say what he was doing and said "So wait what are you going to do Nero?"

Nero said "I'll be leading the guards southwest from here and take out any demons we encounter. If we come into contact with any griffon soldiers, we'll help them and get any griffon civilians out of harms way and continue to move forward"

They nodded understanding Nero's role in this, but stone heart didn't agree with the prospect of his guards taking orders from him, and having him lead them into battle possibly getting them killed, he thought.

He marched over to Nero and stood right in front of him showing he wasn't scared of him. He spoke in a commanding voice like he would with his guards "I will not have you take command of My guards, I don't trust you. You could get them killed out there, And I will not let that happen!"

The girls got worried that the two would fight ending with Nero hurting the captain. Luna was going to stop this and let Nero take command but celestia stopped her wanting to see what he would do.

Nero stood his ground giving stone heart an emotionless look, he spoke in a calm voice "So you rather have me behind them and you leading them into the demons? News flash captain, they'll die in seconds" this made the guards flinch from Nero's prospect of what would happen "If I take the lead, I could face the demons first having them focus on me while the guards move around and take out any demon out of line"

Torrent knew that Nero was right. He saw the demons from the sky, they were nothing like the ones in canterlot but in a close up fight they would be killed if not careful. He's fought the demons in canterlot and only killed three before being pushed back from the onslaught of them, pushing him and the other guards back and killing few of them before the princesses arrived to help them.

Nero shoved passed stone heart and moved to be in front of the guards. He looked at them, Nero said "If you don't trust me or Dante then I'll tell you what we are. Both of use are demons" The guards were surprised by this information, the same for torrent and stone heart.

Stone heart was angered that he let two powerful demons get close to the princesses "You bastard! How dare you deceive use" He was going to attack Nero but celestia stopped him with her magic "Princess what are you-"

"Silence!" she said in authority making stone heart shut his mouth "And listen" she said to him and the guards.

Nero nodded to celestia and continued "Yes were demons but nothing like the ones you've seen or face. You can tell by how we helped ponyville and saved both your princesses from being killed"

They had to agree with him. They both are the reason the princesses are not dead, Nero kept talking "I know you all don't trust us, hell I can tell that you all are afraid of me and dante" they all looked away making his statement true.

"But let me tell you all, I will not let any of you die here" they all looked back at Nero, hearing him say that "I will lead you all into battle and face the demons together"

His words soon encouraged the guards, with him by their side "We will kill any demon in our way and help the griffons protect their kingdom and not let the demons destroy it just like they did in canterlot"

The guards yelled out agreeing with Nero. Not wanting the griffons to suffer the same fate as them. Nero wasn't done "If you all follow me into battle, we will save griffonstone, we will help the griffons and save the civilians here, we will kill any demon that we face. So tell me, are, you, with me!" Nero yelled out.

The guards roared out saying "Yes!" Or "I will follow you" letting Nero know they trust him.

Celestia, and Luna were impressed in nero's ability in giving the guards hope and courage. The same for the girls that watched the speculation. Luna was mostly impressed because to her it was like watching a king raise his army to battle, her heart swelled when watching Nero show just how determined he was to help the griffons. The same goes for fluttershy and applejack.

Their thoughts were finished when Nero looked over at them, Nero said "You guys should hurry to the kingdom, who knows if the king is endanger. If He's killed the griffons under his rule will give up"

Celestia thought the same. Because if the king falls every griffon will fall just the same "Your right, we will be going" she looked to twilight "Are you ready twilight?"

Twilight looked over at her friends. Rainbow flew up with her fist ready to punch something, applejack had her lasso, rarity her crystal shards in her magic grip, pinkie pulled out her party bazooka, fluttershy had a box of medical supplies, starlight with her magic and spike breathing out green fire signaling he was ready.

Twilight looked to celestia "Ready princess!" Celestia nodded, and with Luna they activated their magic to teleport to the castle.

Luna called out to nero. He looked to her, Luna said "Be safe sir nero"

Nero said "You to princess, try not getting yourself hurt again" he only heard her giggle before teleporting, leaving him and the guards.

Torrent sky's walked up to nero, and like them was encouraged by nero's speech wanting to fight beside him "Your orders sir nero"

Nero looked at him with a raised eye brows, not knowing why they started calling him that but let it slide.

"I want all guards to follow behind me, if we face any demons I'll attack first grabbing their attention while you all move around and take on any demon left out. Do not face a demon alone, always have someone with you to help. When we get to the griffon soldiers, we'll help them push the demons back and save any civilians"

Nero looked at each of them "Is that clear" he said.

The guards yelled out "Yes sir!" torrent did the same except stone heart.

"Good, let's move out" Nero took the lead just like he said and the guards followed behind as be instructed.

Stone heart followed but didn't like having to do what Nero says. He felt betrayed that his own kind would trust and listen to him. He pretended to agree with all this knowing that there were more important matters than this.

Griffonstone center

Dante was killing stygians left and right with rebellion. A stygian ran at dante and swung its arm blade, but dante dodged to the side and sliced the demon through the waist. Another one attacked dante, he was quicker and striked the demon twice with rebellion, four stygian's tried attacking him from both sides but dante knew this and used "Death Coil" spinning his body and hitting all four. He finished it off with one under-up slash killing the demon in front of him.

Dante notice the griffons were having a hard time with the lesser stygian's so he switched out rebellion for Ebony&Ivory and fired at the demons heads killing them and saving the griffons. He turned back to the stygian's that were heading towards him and fired at them.

They were smart enough to use their sword arms as shields, blocking his shots. Dante thought "These guys are surprisingly smart, Lets see if they can handle this"

Dante put his pistols back inside his coat and pulled out Aquila, the two shuriken's shined in the light. When they were in range dante sent aquila at them, the blades turned into three and hit 5 stygian's. He used "Killer" hitting them all, he spun making the shuriken's spin doing extra damage and killing them all. 6 stygian's thought it would be smart to attack from above and jumped into the air and right at dante.

He saw their shadows, and he jumped into the air being in the middle of them and used "Aerial Buy In" sending 6 shuriken's out, they sliced the 6 stygian's necks, they fell down with their heads falling to the ground. Dante landed back on the ground, More stygian's came and surrounded Dante.

Dante spun both Aquila's in his hands "Alright you ugly fucks, lets spin!" dante spun his body around using "Tornado" slashing every demon that tried to get close to him or attack, he moved around hitting every demon in the middle. Dante stopped and looked around him. he saw that the stygians were all dead only leaving him and the griffon soldiers that had their eyes widen when seeing dante kill all the demons by himself.

Dante put aquila away "That takes care of the demons in the center, Nero should be moving around the kingdom with the others" he heard flapping and saw a group of griffons flying to him and in the front a griffon wearing something different from the rest.

They landed close to dante and the lead griffon walked up to him "I don't know who you are but I thank you for helping my griffons in battle" he bowed his head to dante.

Dante took the griffon leaders thanks "No problem, just doing my job"

The griffon leader asked "May I ask who you are brave warrior"

Dante was liking this guy already "Names dante, I came with the princesses from canterlot to help take out these demons"

The griffon nodded "I see, I was told that the king sent a scout to ask for help, but I did not think the princesses would bring a powerful warrior to assist use"

Dante patted the griffon on the shoulder "Don't worry, these demons got no chance in winning. Am I right!" he said to the griffon's behind the leader. They yelled out in victory, agreeing with dante. He smiled but then saw something that caught his attention.

He looked right and saw a giant fog taking the entire right side of the kingdom "How the heck did I not notice that?" dante said.

The griffons with him also saw the fog and just like him were confused in how it appeared. Dante could feel bad vibes coming from it, asking for trouble. Good thing he was just the right guy to take care of it.

He turned back to the griffon leader "Mind telling me your name"

The leader turned back to Dante "Talon shot, commander of this unite"

Dante remembered the named and started to head off to the fog "It was nice meeting you talon but I got demons to kill, lives to save, and having to look badass while doing it. I'll take care of this mess over here. You can take care of keeping your people safe" before talon could ask dante to come with, dante was already inside the fog.

Talon thought he should listen to dante and see if there is anymore griffon's that needed to be escorted to the castle "Come! we must be sure that every griffon was evacuated from this area" The soldiers saluted and flew off around the center and back for any civilians.

Inside griffstone castle the princesses, girls, and spike appeared in the main hall. And as they came, they witness that the demons have gotten inside also. Griffon soldiers fought to keep them away from a large door, but few slipped passed them.

Celestia and Luna did not waste any time. They used their magic to summon their royal armor, celestia's golden army with her claymore, and luna's armor silver with her scythe.

They both flew at the demon's from behind killing each one, the girls didn't hesitate with rainbow yelling "Lets kick their butts!" and going in to face the demons, except for fluttershy that stayed back and helped treated the injured griffons in the hall.

Celestia cleaved two stygians while Luna sliced three in one swing. Twilight and starlight fired beams of magic taking out a few stygians that were fighting the griffons.

Rainbow dash used the hit and run tactic knocking down any stygian with her speed, applejack lassoed one stygians blade arm, and with her strength sent it at the two demons next to each other, she finished the last one by sending it at a group of them.

Pinkie fired harden frosted cakes, they were so hard that it sent one demon into a wall, and fired right through the side of a demons head, rarity used her crystals as projectiles hitting the demon, caving through their bodies.

The griffons notice the help from the ponies and fought harder, finishing the demons in the hall.

Twilight walked over to celestia "Are you alright princess"

Celestia said "I am fine twilight, we must head inside quickly to speck to black beak"

The griffons obliged and opened the door for them. Inside king black beak and his wife white feather were facing the demons and keeping them away from the castle staff and civilians that got here.

Black beak stabbed one stygian in the head "Back you foul monsters!" he pulled his sword out of the demon head and was ready to face the next.

But then a women like yell was heard that spoke in old equisish "Face the might of the moon demons!" the griffons watched as Luna slice through the demons in her way with celestia and twilight caving through them with their magic. With their help they took care of the demons that gotten inside. Black beak was glad that the royal sisters came to help him.

He walked over to them "Celestia, Luna, I am glad that you both came, and I see you brought the elements with you" white feather stood by his side.

Celestia set her sword by her side "Yes, we came as fast as we could. What happened, how did they get here?"

White feather said "We don't know, they came out of no where. Pushing through and getting inside the kingdom"

"I inform all my soldiers to bring all griffons to the castle, I just hope nothing else surprises use" black beak says, just then a rumble sounded and a large demon broke through the door knocking black beaks soldiers away. This demon was different from the rest. It was large, having two giant spike limbs, fat meaty legs and the head spouting black tentacles.

The group moved back as the demon stepped forward. Black beak said to his guards and people "All of you stay back!"

Luna did not want the demon to get to close to the civilians and attacked it. Celestia didn't waste time to follow close behind her. Luna flew for the demons head "Die!" he said as she aimed her scythe for its head. But the demon was no fool, it saw where she was going for and blocked her scythe with its right spiked arm.

Luna tried pushing away its arm but she wasn't strong enough "My energy must not have completely recovered" she thought. right when she said that, the demon knocked her back and sent it's left arm at her. Luna blocked the demons arm with her scythe but was outclassed in strength and sent into the castles wall.

"Luna!!" celestia scream just when she got close and swung her sword with both hands at the demon. She was able to push it back but the demon stood strong an tried swatting her away like Luna, but celestia was faster and more agile than it.

Luna got back up, her armor saved her from receiving the full power of the demons hit. She flew back into the fight with celestia. Knowing that her sister was fine celestia gave her attacks more power and with Luna they were both able to push the demon back further.

The griffons watch as the royal sisters show off their skill, the girls cheered them on, and black beak keeping a eye on the demon. Celestia striked the side of the demons metal like head, dazing it. Luna took this moment to deal a powerful blow to the demon, she charged her magic into her scythe and slashed across the demons stomach. Her attack actually tore open the demons stomach as black ooze flowed out. The two huffed and breathed.

Celestia said "Are you alright luna?" Worry in her tone.

Luna scoffed "I am fine sister. It will take more than that to defeat me" she assured her.

Knowing that her sister was fine celestia went back fighting the demon with Luna by her side. Before they could rush back in the demon wailed in anger, loud enough that everyone had to cover their ears. The demon raised it's arms and slammed them on the castle floor, creating a shockwave that was sent at the sisters.

They both saw the projectile and flew up, evading it. The demon set it's focus on the group, stepped back and charged right at them.

Pinkie saw the demon charging and said "It's coming right for use!" making the griffon staff scream and the soldiers freezing in fear. Twilight and starlight tried stopping the demon by combing their magic and firing a beam at it, but only slowed its charge.

Celestia and Luna flew after the demon, Luna yelled out "Sister the legs!" celestia knew what Luna was planning and followed her lead. They both flied on either side of the demon, Luna on its left and celestia on its right. They both charged their weapon, and together they swung at the demons legs, cleaving a chunk of its metal flesh.

The demon tripped from the action, both twilight and starlight let their magic go as the demon slide on the ground towards the group, all of them stepped back except black beak as the demon stopped next to them. It tried getting up, but black beak stopped it with his sword.

With his strength he impaled the demon straight in the head. The demon perished in dark colors, black beak slide his sword back in his sheaf as the sisters flew down to the girls, and spike.

When they landed the girls gave them their praise for facing the demon "Wow princess, you two really gave that varmint a good beating"

Rainbow dash yelled out "That was awesome, the way you both just went in and fought it was crazy"

The sisters appreciated the complements from the girls. Black beak walked over to them, and gave his thanks "Thank you both for helping me and my people"

Celestia said "It is fine black beak, we are both rulers only wanting to protect those in our rule"

Black beak smiled knowing that with their help they could save his kingdom "Know that every demon here is killed we can go and help your army with mine to defeat the demons"

Luna said "I'm sorry to say this but we did not bring an army with use" this made black beak frown in confusion the same with his wife.

White feather asked "What do you mean?"

Twilight informed them both "Canterlot was attacked by demons just like griffonstone, many guards lost their lives from protecting it. We could only bring a small group of guards with use and leave the rest to keep canterlot safe"

This news of information made white feather to gasp and black beak to lose a bit of hope, he said "Then what should we do? my men are barley able to keep the demon back let alone kill any!"

Celestia reassured him "Do not worry my friend, we have brought two powerful warriors with us to help your kingdom" this captured the kings attention.

"Warriors you say?" he was skeptical by this.

Luna said "These two saved our kingdom from the demons, and protected ponyville when the army tried invading. As we speck they are both fighting demons around your kingdom liberating them and helping your soldiers.

This brought hope back in the old king, wanting to meet these warriors "Alright, we will head out and help face the demons"

White feather said "We must find our daughter, she's still out there. I remembered she said she was going to be walking around near the center of the kingdom"

Twilight smiled "Your just in luck, the middle should be cleared of demons thanks to Dante, we were to meet there once we made sure that you both are safe"

"Then let use go, my people need me and my daughter must be found!" black beak and white feather flew up in the air with celestia, Luna, twilight, spike, rainbow dash and fluttershy.

Celestia used her magic to pick the rest of the group up. They flew off, heading to the center of the kingdom were nero said they will all meet. Speaking of nero, he was taking care of the demons with the guards in his location. He cut down three stygians, and killed another that tried killing one of the guards with blue rose.

The guard startled backwards when the demon fell back and die. Nero yelled out "All guards in groups! kill them together not alone!" nero slash a stygian vertically, splitting the demon in two. The guards did as he instructed, with many of the demons going for him and the rest left out like nero thought giving the guards a chance to kill the stragglers.

Nero kicked out into a building, three others jumped from behind all three aiming their arm blades at him. Nero turned and blocked all three with red queen, he knocked them back and slashed horizontal, hitting their waists. Nero turned to see a bunch of stygian's coming right at him, he ran at them and used "Combo C" he first slashed the lead demon, then cut down the second, he rose red queen and sliced two more with two slashes, four stygians came up and nero swung wide hitting all three, the rest came after and nero let his body turn from the swing creating a circle rounded slash hitting them all.

Nero placed red queen on his shoulder and looked around seeing that the guards were doing good, they scattered in groups of three, killing one or two demon together. He notice that stone heart and torrent with a earth pony mare guard taking out four demons. Nero was interested in their skill, well mostly torrents, not really interested in stone hearts mostly because he still felt bad vibes coming off him.

Nero saw that all demons were beaten and seeing that the guards were fine, some had slashes, and their armor looked dented from the demons attacks but they all looked fine. He looked towards a rising smoke in the air, he could sense more demons in that direction.

Nero looked over at the guards "Alright, lets keep moving" he moved and ran towards the smoke, with the guards following behind him.

From where the smoke is rising, a battle was taking place between the griffons and the demons. The griffons fought back, but were no match for them single handling. One griffon ran up and tried attacking a stygian, the demon blocked his blade with its own and impaled the griffon through his chest. Another tried crawling away but a stygian stopped him with its foot and stabbed him through the back, making him screech in pain.

The leader of the group was a female griffon, she watched in sadness as her men be killed. She ordered the rest to fall back behind the barricade and fire arrows at them. It worked for the lesser stygians but the normal ones just blocked the arrows with their arm blades and continued to advance.

Her and the rest kept on firing with one griffon saying "Their pushing through! We're going to die!" Scaring the rest of the soldiers.

But she didn't back down and kept on attacking with her crossbow "Keep firing!" She yelled.

They did but it was no use, one of her soldiers notice this "Their blocking the arrows, we need to retreat gilda!"

She didn't listen and continued to fire, she didn't want her home to be taken without a fight. One stygian saw an opening and ran at them.

This scared the soldier's and gilda, she tried to load another arrow but she fumbled and dropped it. She looked down but then back up to see the stygian right near them. It focused on her and jumped over the barricade.

Gilda watched as the demon aimed it's arm blade at her, seeing no way out and fearing her death, but then a shot rang out, and the demon that tried killing Gilda was sent back. She blinked out of her fear just in time to see a being her and the rest never seen before, jump pass them and slam it's sword into the demon that tried attacking her.

They watch as the demon withered around before the being shoved it's sword deeper killing the demon. It faded into dark colors and the being looked forward at rest. Nero revved the handle making red queen heat up, but not on fire only glowing red, he didn't waste any time and charge at them.

Nero used "Exceed Combo A" he slashed downwards on the first demon, and again for the second, nero swatted another demon making it crash into a building, another stygian came up but nero finished with one more downwards slash that ripped the demon apart. One tried attacking from behind but swinging its blade arm but nero caught the blade with red queen and pointed blur rose in its face, nero fired and blasted the stygian away.

Gilda and her men watch as Nero took on, and kill many of the demons. His skill with his sword shocked and awed the griffons, how easy he tore through them.

They soon heard the sound of hoof steps, they turned around to see pony guards. The pony guards all jumped over the barricade and started fighting the demons with Nero, but in groups doing a better job than when the griffons had to face the demons.

Gilda watched as they fought and push back the demons, she saw this as an opportunity and said "All griffons! help the ponies and push back the demons!" They yelled out and flew into battle supporting the ponies.

With their help they forced the demons to move back and away from the barricade that lead to the castle. Nero chopped one stygians head of and slashed another across the chest.

He looked around seeing that the griffons were helping the pony guards fight the demons together "Finally, took them long enough to jump in" Nero said before ducking under a stygians blade and uppercutting the demon into the air with his devil bringer.

Together they were able to push back the stygian's to retreat. But then a loud painful scream was heard, they all looked to see a griffon with a hole in his chest. The griffons were shocked and disgusted in how one of their own was killed, he fell down forward. Then a buzzing sound caught their attention they looked up at the sky to see 10 demons flying around. They all looked the same, with small heads, dirty wings, the center of their bodies glowed yellow, and like the stygian's they had black ooze coming out of them.

Nero knew what they were and said "Everyone get back to the barricade!" he ran and the ponies listen, Gilda told her men to do the same seeing as Nero didn't look like the type to run away and followed behind. They got to the barricade just in time for the flying the demons to fire glowing balls at them, hitting the barricade and making it rumble from the blast.

One of the griffon guards said "What are those things!"

"Bathos" they all looked at nero that spoke "Their demons that can fly and attack from the air, they can fire balls of energy from their stomachs killing anyone they hit, as you can tell from what happen to the griffon soldier" the griffons and ponies guards flinch from the reminder and didn't want to get hit by any of them.

Gilda growled when feeling the demons hit the barricade, she hate feeling useless "Then how the tartures are we going to get out of this! They'll destroy the barricade sooner or later" she said to nero as her soldiers feared for the worse.

"Don't think that they have the upper hand" she heard him say, she notice that the pony guards had their full focus on him "Bathos are weak demons, weaker than the stygians. Their only advantage is that they have air cover but that's it, if we can hit them from afar then they have no way of winning"

Torrent asked "Do you have a plan sir Nero" Gilda heard the name and suspected it was the beings name and remembered the name when if she needed something or wanted to ask him a question when this is all over.

Nero grinned and pulled blue rose out of his coat, the weapon captured the griffons attention of never seeing such a thing before "There's something you always got to know about me lieutenant" nero made sure that all bullets are accounted for "Is that on every situation. I always make a plan for it"

Nero asked Gilda, surprising the griffoness of him noticing that she was the leader of the group. He asked her if she had shields and crossbows, she nodded saying that every griffon soldier is equipped with those.

Nero told the them his plan "Listen we will group up in threes, three ponies or griffons will be the defense while the rest will be the offensive, attacking with the crossbows"

The pony guards nodded but the griffons didn't seem to trust this plan, Gilda said "How do you know this will work?"

Nero said "Beacuse bathos are weak demons a strong hit would kill them simply, or a shot from an arrow that hits a weak spot. With the group defence protecting the rest, they'll be able shoot down the bathos without getting hit"

Gilda thought about it and understood, the plan was good and simple. Nero divided the three groups with gilda's soldiers and nero's guards while the bathos attack the barricade. Once it was done Nero started his plan by jumping over the barricade and firing two shot out of blue rose, killing two bathos. This got the other demons to attack him giving a chance for the teams to get over the barricade and get into position.

When they did, Gilda, torrent, and stone heart with those that had crossbows, fired and attacked the bathos while they were distracted. The bathos notice this and tried fighting back but the shield holders took the demons blast and kept the others safe.

With their combined effort they were able to kill two bathos, Gilda shot one down by hitting it in the head with her arrow, and stone heart kill his by hitting it through the neck. This left three bathos that Nero took care of.

Nero ran for the middle bathos, he had red queen in his hand grinding the cobble floor. Nero used "High Roller" sending himself into the air and slicing the middle bathos in half, he then used "Hell Bound" sending his devil arm at the left bathos and pulling himself towards it and did "Aerial combo" slicing the demon all over, in the air he kicked away from it and fired a shot at it making the demon explode, and went for the last bathos. The demon tried attacking first but Nero used "Caliber" slashing the demon in two as it turns into dark colors.

Nero landed back on the ground, he saw that all bathos we're killed and that the stygians ran off. He heard sounds of cheering as the guards came to him and praised the demonslayers abilities in finishing off the last three bathos.

Nero waved them off and said "You all did a great job in taking care of half of those flying bastards, you all should be proud of yourselves" nero's kind words struck the guards in a good way, happy to be helpful to nero.

Gilda came over with her soldiers that also praised Nero of his skills, Gilda said "Thanks for the help, I don't know how long we could have lasted without your help"

Nero said "Think nothing of it, you fought hard like a true soldier. I bet your king would be proud of a strong griffon like you keeping his kingdom safe" nero's complement and kind words made Gilda blush.

She rubbed the back of her neck with her claw and said "Uh... Thanks, you weren't so bad yourself" she never felt nervous around anyone before except rainbow dash when they were still friends.

Nero and the rest soon heard screaming and yelling coming from not to far from them. Nero and gilda looked at each other both thinking the same thing, they nodded at each other and told their squads to follow them as they head towards the noise. When they got there it was mayhem. So many demons running around, attacking innocent griffons. The griffon soldier's kept them back but was fruitless ending them killed by the demons.

Gilda didn't waste time and told her men to help the soldiers. As they flew into battle time seemed to slow for Nero, he instantly knew that a lot of innocents will be killed even if they tried fighting. He saw that there were demons going for the civilians, his eyes widen just a little seeing the demons advance "Shit I won't be able to reach them on time, I'm not that fast!"

This seemed to spark something inside Nero, well inside his devil bringer. He looked down at it the arm glowed bright blue for some reason. That's when an image appeared inside his head, Nero couldn't believe it and soon harden his eyes.

Time soon turned back to normal. Torrent said "Sir Nero we have to save the griffon citizen's!

Nero clutched his right hand "I'll deal with that, you all help Gilda and her men" the guards thought it would be meaningless because many of the griffons would be killed before he gets there.

Nero outstretched his devil bringer, he opens his hand and swung his arm back. When he did a object started to form. It glowed blue but then the colors started to fade off. That object in his hand was a sword but one the guards have never seen before.

The sword was long and inside a scabbard, the scabbard being black and gold with a yellow thin cloth tied to it, the handle of the blade was white. Before torrent, stone heart or anyone of the guards could question, nero suddenly disappeared. They looked around and couldn't find him.

In high speeds Nero moved towards the stygians aiming for the civilians, everything around him moved slower. He cut down every stygians that was close to a griffon, slashing once then going for the next. One stygian was going to attack a small griffon child, she shook in fear as the demon was about to kill her but out of nowhere a blade stabbed through the demons stomach stopping it. The griffon girl gasp as the stygian looked down at the blade, and in a fluent motion the blade was pulled out and the demon, then was cut in many directions, killing the demon as it start to fall in pieces but fade into colors.

Standing in its place was Nero himself, bringing the fact that he was the one that killed the demon. Behind Nero all of the demons that tried attacking any of the griffons died and turned into dark colors, the griffon girl stared in shock and awe at Nero.

The same would be said to the Pony guards. They saw that every demon was killed, and Nero standing far back across from where the demons were at. One guard said "W-what just happened?" His tone of voice in shock.

A mare guard said "Every demon just died!? What did sir Nero do!" All of the guards thought the same, because they never saw him up until he was standing next to them. Stone heart could not believe that this was nero's doing, he didn't even see him but one person did and it was torrent sky's.

He did not see Nero but only his blur like body, being a peguses gives them better sight then other ponies, and thanks to his training he could spot something from miles. This helped him see Nero but the slayers speed was still to great, only giving torrent a blur figure.

Stone heart said "How about you torrent, did you see anything" he asked after questioning the other guards.

Torrent dumbly nodded and said "Yes captain but also no quite"

Stone heart raised one eyebrow, he said "Not quite, the hay do you mean" stone heart was confused by torrents statement.

Torrent said "The only thing I saw was a blur captain, nothing more" stone heart was surprised that torrent saw something but then shocked that all he saw was a blur.

The griffon girl watch as Nero slides yamato back in it's scabbard, and jump up when the sword disappear in blue colors in his scaled like hand. She said "U-umm.." but got startled when Nero looked down at her.

Nero saw that she was shaking in fear, some from him and most from the stygians that attacked and the one that almost killed her. Nero crouched down to be close to her level of height, Nero tilted his head "Hey, little birdy"

She looked up a bit to see Nero crouching next to her, "Y-yes...?" She said in fear.

Nero said "Don't worry, there's nothing to be scared of. I'm the good guy here, as you can see from all the demons now gone" Nero waved his hand around him, the girl looked and saw that he was right. All the demons were dead only leaving the guards, soldiers, and civilians.

Nero places his left hand on top of her head. She flinched at first but calmed down when Nero started petting her. He chuckled when he heard purring coming from her.

Nero said "Can you stand?" She tried getting up but the scared feeling she faced made her legs feel numb. She shook her head telling Nero she could not stand. Nero asked "Mind if I pick you up?" She thought about it and nodded, the fear she felt from him leaving her body.

Nero carefully picked her up and held her in his left arm. He walked back to the guards, they surrounded him and asked him question on how he killed the demons. Nero said it was just skill, the guards believed him.

Gilda soon came over and said "Thanks again for your help, I don't know what you did but thanks anyways"

Nero smirked feeling prideful that he was able to save the griffons, kill demons, and help keep many of the griffon soldiers alive at the same time.

Nero said "Here" and handed the griffon girl to Gilda, she held the girl in care. "I appreciate the gradatute, but I'm needed elsewhere, what will you do know that the demons here are beaten"

Gilda said "Me and my men will escort our people to the castle"

Nero nodded and waved the guards to follow him "Best of luck to you...?" Nero said not knowing her name.

"Captain Gilda of the second platoon" she saluted with her free claw.

Nero smiled "It was nice fighting with you, hope we get to see each other again in different circumstances" this made Gilda widen her eyes as she believe she just made a friend.

Nero started to walk away with the guards. He heard the griffon girl yell out "Thank you" and "Be safe" this made Nero smile one more time and wave his hand, saying bye in his own way. Nero picked up the pace "Alright you fuzz balls let's get moving, we have to meet the others at the middle" the snark remark made some of the guards chuckle and the rest to grin.

As Nero and the guards head to the middle, the princesses, girls, spike, king and queen was also heading to the middle just like them. As for Dante he was walking aimlessly trying to find anyone inside the fog. Not that far away a team of griffons lead by captain granite was escorting black beaks daughter back to the castle but the fog caught them and know they are lost inside.

They walked in a tight formation with the princess in the middle and the soldiers around her, the princess said "I can't see much, this stupid fog is making this impossible" she was aggravated and a little scared that she was inside something the demons probable created.

Granite said "Do not worry princess, I was task to bring you to the castle and that is what I am going to do" he gave his word making cheeriest feel a little better that she had granite to protect her.

But that was when it happen, in the corner of granite's eye he saw something coming right for them. Have no time he yelled out "Watch out!!" And pushing cheerest away. He moved her away as the princess scream when something flew by fast.

The two were on the ground with granite covering her. He looked behind him, as some of his men started to get up and look around them. He got up and, pulled the princess up with him. Granite said "Is everyone alright?" His men looked at him as he counts them off finding that they were missing two griffons.

Granite yelled out "Battle formation!" Making his guards pull out their swords and move around him and the princess. Granite pulled out his swords and keeping cheeriest close to him.

Inside his head granite thought "What the tartarus was that!? It came out of the fog and tried grabbing the princess, something must be in here with us" he looked around him only seeing the fog move slowly.

The soldiers waited. Only to feel fear creep on them as they watch the fog move around. Cheeriest was know more scared, figuring that something was inside the fog with them. That was when she heard the sound of something in the fog.

Granite was able to hear it and the same goes for the guards, one said "What is that?" Speaking to the others and getting no reply because they were too focus on the noise. Granite predicted that it was the sound of something wheezing through the air, granite whispered with widen eyes "That means....!"

That was when a giant blade flew at them and sliced three guards in one simple motion. Seeing the three dead soldiers made the princess scream and get granite and the soldiers even more nervous. He thought "Dammit, that only leaves me, cheerest feather, and four of my guards! Something is out there, watching us, hunting us!!!"

The soldiers start to shake in fear as granite puts most of his focus on keeping cheerest feather safe no matter what. Not that far away was Dante walking around with rebellion on his shoulder "God where am I, stupid fog is making this ridicules" Dante was annoyed that there was nothing or something trying to attack him inside the fog.

That's when he heard a scream coming from his left. This made Dante smile "Seems I'm not alone in here" he started to jog to the scream, moving at a normal pace not wanting to run face first into a wall or anything "More griffons to save, well as long their still alive"

Back with the griffons to stood and waited, waiting to see if they could see the demon in the fog. Granite kept close to cheeriest. The princess looked around her seeming as it felt like hours to her, but only being minutes when the two griffons were taken, and the three others killed by a blade. This left her, granite, and the last four guards.

Out of the fog something ran out and grabbed two soldiers. This made the last two soldiers to move away in fear and granite to move himself in front of cheeriest as her shield. It kept moving and went back inside the fog, they could hear their screaming going distant until they could not hear them anymore.

Cheeriest started to tear up as those that were to protect her were being killed left and right. She yelled out "Please anyone out there, help us!"

Then the blade that killed the three griffons came back and sliced one of the soldiers in half making the griffon soldier standing next to him jump back and fall to the ground as the dead soldier falls to the ground. The griffon got back up in shaking legs, he started to move to granite and the princess to be safe but a large hand came out grabbing him, this made cheeriest scream and having granite watch as the last of his men get taken.

His screams were loud as he was taken, screaming until everything was silent once more. In rage granite yelled "You monster! Show yourself"

A deep and dark chuckle was heard inside the fog, the being said "Monster? No, I am more than just a monster" the demon appeared with its face peeking through the fog and showing himself to them both. The demon appeared walking on four legs, it was huge and resembled a giant monkey, it had fur on some parts of its body, and a wicked open wound on it's face. The demon smiled at them both giving them a full view of its razor sharp teeth and the dagger it held in its right hand "I am a Hunter!"

The hunter demon creeped around them, the two followed its movement not wanting to be taken by surprise. Granite pointed his blade at the hunter to keep it away but would not do anything either way. The hunter chuckled deeply "So many lives to take, prey to hunt and kill. Know I have a captain, and a princess" he licked his lips scaring cheeriest even more.

Granite did not let his fear take hold of him, he said "I won't let you take the princess!" he moved up, making the hunter stop it's pacing.

The hunter grinned "The old hero speech will not help you. You both will be apart of my collection" he moved up, granite took the action as a challenge and stood his ground. When the demon was in hitting range, granite flew at its left arm with as much speed he could muster. He swung his sword and slashed at the arm, but instead of blood flying out his sword was knocked back like he hit a shield. he fell to the ground and looked up at the demon in shock.

Hunter said "Your puny attacks could never harm me, weakling!" he moved his arm back and swung at granite. He could not get up in time and dodge so he was knocked away by the hunter and slide on the ground close to the princess. Cheeriest looked at the demons as it moves up. She started to cry as nothing was there to stop the demon.

The hunter gripped his dagger and held it up, about to strike her down "Don't worry, this will end very soon" that only made her widen her eyes in fear as the dagger was held over the demons head, with blood from her soldiers dripped from the blade.

He was going to kill her until something burst through the fog and slammed it's foot onto the hunter face, while saying "Surprise bitch!" the kick sent him flying away from the princess and almost inside the fog.

She watch as it landed on the ground and turn to her saying "You alright birdy?"

Dante watch as she blinked her eyes a few times before nodding. Dante turned back to the demon, the hunter looked confused and it's eyes going to him. Hunter was trying to understand what happened. He did not believe that some griffon attacked him it would have been impossible, and second he would have been able to notice someone coming inside his fog.

At one glance hunter knew that what every Dante was is something he never seen before. And the scent he got from dante made his hairs stand out "What is that? its making me want to put my guard up"

Dante looked at the hunter and instantly knew that he was the boss from his game. Dante figured that someone powerful should be leading the demon army, he never though it would be a hunter demon.

The Hunter said "What are you vermin?" He spoke with venom in his tone.

Dante smiled and said "The names Dante monkey, and I'm a demonslayer. You can guess why I'm here for yourself"

Hunter was baffled by dante's words, he as never heard of a demonslayer over his years. No such creature on equis has taken such a title. Hunter let himself calm down and his hairs lowered. He knew that he would not get harm as long that his outer shell was on him. Hunter sneered at the word demonslayer "Demonslayer? You must be a fool playing hero, because if so you are not funny" he growled at the end raising his dagger.

Dante saw this and turned back to cheeriest and said "Can you fly?"

She flinched from his sudden question and was slow to answer. Dante asked again and she said "Y-yes" nervously.

"Good" Dante said, he then extended his arm and pointed where he came out and kicked Hunter "Take your friend and go that way, keep going straight and you should be able to get out of the fog" Dante summoned rebellion on his back that startled cheeriest and made Hunter take on a stand. Dante placed his right hand n the handle "I won't let this guy get close, so get going"

Cheeriest was speechless, this person that she has never seen before that not only saved her but also would keep the demon away from her and the captain for them to escape from. It was like looking at a knight in armor risking his life for others.

She admired that for a while until Dante made her come back to her senses by yelling "Why are you just sitting there, get going!"

She nodded quickly and got up, she took some of granite armor because it would be to heavy for her to lift him with some on. She lift him up and placed one arm around her head and picked him up.

Hunter watched her do this, he would have attacked but Dante made him refuse to do so. The bloodlust coming off him, made the demon predict what would happen "If I even move just a little, or show any intention on going for them, he will stop me" he looked at dante as he looked at the Hunter. For reason unknown for the demon it felt like he was facing a demon but not at the same time, this confused him greatly but put that in the back of his mind.

Once she had granite in position and was ready, she turned back to Dante and said "Thank you, will you be alright?" She asked mostly because she still found it crazy that her savior would face the demon alone, and second because she was worried about her hero"

Dante chuckled "Of course I will, I'm me!" He turned his head, only having his left eye look at her "Know go" Dante said seriously.

She gulped from how serious he become out of nowhere. She flapped her wings and flew up, she balance herself and granite before Flying into where Dante came from and leaving the two behind.

Dante closed his eyes "Know with that taken cared of" he opened them back up, taking on a excited looked "Time to get slaying" his focus souly on the Hunter demon.

While the Hunter felt dissapoated that he let his prey get away this did not change one bit. Only bringing him a new challenge right in front of him.

Hunter said "This does not change anything. You only gave me something better, in my decades I have hunted many beings, ponies, griffons, minotaur's, changelings" he licked his fangs when listing them off "And know I get the chance to kill something I have never seen in my entire life"

Hunter's talking didn't scare Dante it only bored the demonslayer for having to listen to the demon ramble "So what, all your saying is that you killed innocents. That only makes me want to kill you even more"

The Hunter chuckled slyly "That matter not to me. Once I kill you, your head will go with the rest of my collection"

Dante took rebellion off his back "That's too bad. Because taking my head will only have your hand sliced off"

Hunter snarled at dante's threat and got into pouching postion. He lowered his body close to the ground, putting pressure into his hind legs, he placed is free hand out on the ground and clutched it making his nails stab into the earth.

Dante moved his arm and had rebellion pointed down by his side, he placed his his left leg forward and his right leg back, taking on his own stance. They both stared at each other as time goes by.

And like animals their eyes harden and they both lunge at each other, Dante yelled "Ahh!!!" As he got close to the Hunter demon, and swing rebellion at the Hunter as the two fight inside the fog.

Back at the center of the kingdom, in the sky celestia, Luna, king and queen of griffonstone, twilight, spike, rainbow dash, fluttershy, and the group that had no wings that were carried by celestia made it to the center of the kingdom and landed down safely.

As they did black beak looked around him in confusion and shock "I don't understand. My men told me that the center was completely filled with demons, how is this..." the king could not believe it.

Celestia smiled and said "This would be the work of Dante that has done this"

Black beak turned to her "Dante? Is that the name of one of the warriors you spoke about?"

Pinkie came up and said "You got that right, you should have seen it! Danty jumped out of the carriage while still in the air and dived down like a bomb" she moved her hand up and acted the scene with it, she made bomb nosies "Zoom! And then when he landed Boom!" She startled everyone except the sisters and black beak "He knock every demon, sending them everywhere. He even left behind a crater see" she pointed at the crater.

Black beak and white feather' s minds were blown when seeing the crater. Showing that what pinkie was saying was true. Twilight continued from there "Dante's plan was to take care of the demons in the middle mostly because there were too many and would spread out further in the kingdom"

Black beak spoke in wonder "One creature did this all by himself, I see it but I just still can not believe this"

White feather said "And what about the other warrior, where is he?"

Luna said "Nero was task to move out through griffonstone, killing any demon with the guards and help your soldiers face them with his help" Luna summarize for the two "In fact he said he would meet us here.

"Look" everyone turn to applejack "There he is" they turned to where she was looking and like she said Nero was there, and with the guard's. Celestia notice that all guards was accounted for, they may have cuts and bruises that she could tell they all had but still looked fine, she was happy that Nero kept his word.

When Nero was in talking distance he said "Seem you guys got here first" he notice two griffons with him "And you brought the king and queen with you" he saw them both look at Nero all over, the same with the griffon's soldiers that have not seen him.

Rainbow flew up "Yup, we saved them and they came with us"

Fluttershy walked up to him "Are you all right, you don't have any wound or marks on you, do you?" She looked over him trying to see if he was hurt.

Nero shook his head "I'm fine but the guards might need some patching up" fluttershy nodded and moved to the guards and help them, rarity went to help her.

Luna asked "I suspect that all demons you encountered are beaten" she knew that Nero did it but said so any ways.

Nero grinned "That and then some" he looked over at the king and queen "I helped kill more demons with your men, and help protect your civilians from the demons also"

Black beak felt relived that his people are safe, he could tell that Nero may not look much but could sense power coming off the warrior. He placed one hand on his chest and bowed surprising the guards that a king would even bow to another "I thank you warrior, for putting yourself for my people"

Nero scratched and moved his hair a bit "There's no need king black beak, I'm just doing my job"

"My king!" They all looked up to see commander talon shot and his platoon flying over to them. Both king and queen saw someone with them and were overjoyed when seeing her.

She waved at them "Mom! Dad!" cheeriest wing waved her claw at them while holding captain granite by one arm while the other was held by a griffon soldier. They landed and cheeriest was given a family hug by her parents. The princess sheded tears when feeling their love. The scene made many around them smile.

White feather nuzzeled her daughter "Oh my little girl, I'm so glad that you are safe"

Black beak looked over to talon "Thank you my friend for keeping my daughter safe"

He was surprised by what talon said "I wouldn't say that my king, princess cheeriest was actually inside the fog. We met her when she came out" he pointed at the fog that everyone except Nero just notice until he pointed his claw at it.

Pinkie scratched her puffy mane "Huh when did that get there"

Nero said factly "It was always there. You all just didn't notice"

Black beak turned back to cheeriest and asked "Are you alright, how did you even get in there"

Cheerest said "I don't know, when the demons attack captain granite found me and was going to bring me back to the castle. But then before we could get into the air the fog came out of nowhere and trapped us inside. We walked inside the fog not flying because we couldn't see anything and might fly into a wall or something, as we moved forward something came out of the fog and took two of granite's soldiers"

They looked over at the unconcioues captain, and back to cheeriest as she continues "One by one each soldier was taken, and two were grabbed by the demon that attacked us. When it was just me and granite it walked out of the fog, granite tried fighting it but his sword did nothing and was knocked away by the demon" cheeriest covered her eyes as the images of the demon killing the soldiers appeared in her mind "I was so scared, I t-thought I was going to die" she hiccuped, her mother went to her side and hugged her.

Everyone felt bad for the poor princess, but then twilight asked "If That's so how did you escape?" They all wanted to know so she told them.

Her emotion changed from being sad to happy, and took on a dream like look "Right when the demon tried attacking me, a being came out of the fog and kicked the demon away. He put himself between the demon and us"

The royal griffon parents wanted to know who this being was but everyone else already suspected who it was. Nero said "Let me guess this person had black messy hair, a black coat loosely placed, and a silver like sword"

Cheeriest nodded her head "Yes! That's him. He saved us from the demon, it was like watching a brave knight saving his love~"

This caught three mares attention from how cheeriest phrased it. They looked at her in suspicion.

Celestia said "Dante gave you a chance to escape instead of just killing the demon. That would mean he could be facing the leader of this demon army" her summery made sense to the ponies because of how strong Dante and Nero are, the only thing that could challenge them is a high tier demon like berial, and the dreamrunner or a demon stronger than the last two demon bosses.

Starlight was watching the fog until it started to shrink, starlight called to everyone "Look the fog is starting to fade away"

They looked at the fog as it gets smaller, Nero found it strange that it would just start shrinking, he asked talon shot "How long as this fog been here?"

Talon said "About 5 hours warrior of equestria"

"5 hours... something must be going on inside for it to shrink" they watch as it still gets smaller, when something shoot out of the fog in the air. Everyone looked at it as what ever it is start to fall towards them. It wasn't heading for them but the crater Dante made. It slammed down on the crater and bringing up dust and rocks from the impact.

Everyone looked at where the being landed as they wait to see what it is. Nero with his demonic senses knew it was Dante that crashed down, but what surprised him was that it was Dante that was sent out of the fog "The hell could have knocked him far out inside the fog, it must be the demon leader celestia suspects that Dante must have been fighting"

And like he thought as the dust from his landing started to fade away Dante was getting himself back up. He looked very annoyed meaning his fight wasn't going so well.

He rubbed the back of his head, Nero saw a bruised mark on his left cheek but healed before anyone could notice except him "God dammit that hurt"

Rainbow dash yelled out "Dante you ok?!" She sounded worried, he looked to see everyone there including some griffons and talon shot in the mix. He cursed in his mind that of all the places had to be, it was the middle of the kingdom where is friends are gathered.

Twilight was worried that Dante might have sustain any fatal wounds when he crashed down "Don't worry Dante I have a healing spell that should-" she spoke while walking over to him but Dante cut her off.

He said "No! Stay back, all of you" she stopped and like everyone else that heard him being serious was a warning in its own rights. Before she could ask, the Hunter demon ran out of the fog and rushed to Dante. Twilight quick flew away when seeing the demon and the princesses, guards, soldiers, all pulled out their weapons as the giant demon went for Dante.

Dante sighed when seeing the Hunter, he summoned rebellion again and when the Hunter leaped and pointed it's dagger at him Dante swung rebellion intercepting the dagger and moving his body to the side redirecting the demons momentum, and sending him crashing into a building behind Dante.

Dante turned and looked at the building crash onto the Hunter, dante smirked "How do you like that you overgrown monkey!" he yelled out.

A hand came out of the building, scaring the females in the large group. Hunter pushed his way out of the building and showed no cuts or damage that angered Dante. Since he fought the demon every hit he made with rebellion on the demon did nothing, it was like he was hitting armor and not skin.

Once the Hunter was completely out of the building he crawled around to be in a good distance from Dante. He notice the griffons and ponies, when he saw celestia and Luna he started to laugh, confusing and making them feel uncomfortable.

"I see that berial failed in taking canterlot" this news of information that the Hunter some how had caught their attention.

Nero walked up "Yup, him and his army got destroyed. The same will happen to you and your army just like his"

Hunter growled at nero but notice he had a somewhat same scent as dante, resembling a demon but mixed with something else. Hunter found Nero's words insulting "Do not compare me with that arrogant fool. I am much stronger and smarter then he was"

Nero raised an eyebrow "That fact isn't true unless you do conquer the griffon kingdom, and you don't only have one problem on your hands you got"

Hunter was too focus on nero to notice dante running up to him. He notice to late when dante jumped and yell "Two!" Dante summoned eryx and punched hunter off the ground, shocking the griffons of the display of raw power from just one punch.

Dante didn't stop there and switched eryx for rebellion and used "Helmbreaker" slamming the blade onto the hunters chest but resulted in rebellion being binked back the demons flesh.

Hunter tried grabbing him at that moment but Dante jumped over his hand, and landed on the ground. Hunter smashed his palm on the ground and sent it at Dante, he dodged backwards but the nails dug deep in the ground sent rock and dirt that hit dante in the face.

Hunter got back up and swung his arm at Dante, he landed a hit and sent him flying. Dante hit the ground, he groaned before getting back up and in good timing because the Hunter was charging right at him.

Hunter swung his dagger and Dante swung rebellion, their blades made contact as the two fought. Everyone watch as Dante face the Hunter in combat, they both moved around in the center neither one losing ground from the other.

As they watch the fight twilight notice when Dante dodged a swipe from the hunters claws and jumped up, hitting the side of the hunters face, she saw that there was no cut mark on his face from dante's sword.

Twilight said "What's going on? Dante got a clean hit on the demon but it did nothing!" The rest looked at the demons face, having no slash mark from rebellion. They soon notice this more when Dante deflected hunters dagger and hit his stomach but left no mark.

Rainbow said "How is that even possible? Dante took out an army with that sword, and beaten that demon that tried killing you with it"

Nero thought the same and tried remembering anything about the Hunter. A memory came to mind, it was when Dante was playing "Dmc reboot" and fought the Hunter, he remembered that a women that threw a cocktail at the Hunter, burning his face and breaking his shell.

Nero thought of a way he could burn the Hunter, he looked at his devil bringer and thought of the weapon he got from berial "Looks like I'll be using my new toy here"

Dante was pushed back by hunters dagger, then knocked away. The girls were worried, the same for everyone that watch as Dante was forced to defend himself and not be able to attack because his strikes would do nothing.

Pinkie spoke in worry as her hair start to droop "Oh no! Dante's losing!"

That's when a bright red light attracted everyone. They turned to see Nero summoning Berial, the bow appeared in his devil bringer, shocking the griffons of the weapon coming out of nowhere to them.

Luna said "Nero what are you do?" She asked, she knew what Nero might be doing but it would not be of him to interfere in a fight unless Dante was completely in danger.

Nero pulled the flame like string and a fire arrow was created. Nero said "Just giving Dante a little help so he doesn't get himself killed" Nero remember that in the game the girl aimed at the face but he thought he should hit places that Dante could hit.

So as he planned on the places he would hit, five arrows appeared with the first. Nero pointed the arrows right at the Hunter just when he was about to jump at Dante, Nero fired all six arrows. The arrows moved like they had a mind of their own, because each arrow turned and went for the places nero thought in his head.

It was like the arrows were fired from a sniper, going so fast that the Hunter didn't notice them until they all hit him. He first felt pain and then burning, lots, and lots of burning. The Hunter flail around in pain, something he hasn't felt in a while thanks to his outer layer.

Dante watch with widen eyes as the Hunter was on fire, from his face to his chest. The Hunter dropped to the ground and rolled until the fire was gone. It took a minute for the fire to be gone all over his body, Hunter breathed roughly and felt somewhat tired from the sudden pain.

Everyone was surprised that nero's bow was able to hurt the demon, twilight stuttered "W-what?! How did you"

Nero said "That demon is called a Hunter demon, or Hunter for short. Not a lot of things could hurt him because of his tough skin, but if you have fire then you could destroy apart of his outer layer to actually hurt him" Nero let berial go back inside his devil bringer.

Dante was able to hear him and facepalmed inside his head "Holy shit! How could I forget, I fucken fought this guy in the game before. Well at least know I can hurt him"

Applejack then asked "But wait, why didn't Dante try that?"

Nero answered jokfuly "Mostly because Dante doesn't really much think when ever he in a fight, just blackness and his penut size brain" what he said made some laugh and others chuckle.

Dante yelled at Nero "Oh shut it you white haired jerk" all he got was a grin from Nero that annoyed him. He looked back at the Hunter, the demon rising up slowly. Dante moved up to the downed demon "How does it feel, it must be really painful" he said in fake worry.

Hunter was able to get himself in his normal position. He growled at Dante and said "You may have found my one weakness but I can still kill you. I am not alone in this kingdom, just like with berial I to have someone with me"

As he said that Hunter howled out making many to cover their ears as he howled. When he finish everyone took their hands off their ears. Nero's senses sky rocket out of nowhere, something was coming and fast. Then in the distance a explosion roared out close to the castle. Everyone turned to see building flying wildly in the air but then something started crashing through more homes and was heading right to them.

Fluttershy said "What is t-that" no one answered as what ever it is was getting closer.

That's when up ahead of the thing two griffon soldiers appeared, they both had fear on their face. They flew pass a few houses and didn't seem to notice the group.

Rarity said in a fearful tone "My word, what are they running from?"

And when she said that something large, bigger than the Hunter flew up and smashed through the buildings. This made everyone move back but Nero as he watch the thing disend on the two griffons. It grabbed one of the soldiers with its teeth and the other with its right hand, crushing the one in his hand and slightly biting the griffon so he could hear him scream.

With the buildings out of the way everyone could see the demon fully. First off is the appearance, it reminded them of berial but with no mane like the demon, on his back was four white wings that gave away that he can fly, he had a scorpion tail and two glowing red eyes that were circle like. The demon crushed the soldier in his hand, and bite completely killing the griffon in his teeth.

It was disgusting for everyone mostly the females in the group, rarity, fluttershy, and pinkie felt like pucking same for the guards and soldiers. But the princesses and king black beak pulled their weapons out just in case the demon would go for them next.

Nero looked all over the demon and instantly knew who it was "Beowolf" Nero whispered as the demon turned to the Hunter. Nero could see that beowolf was looking all over the Hunter seeing him flinch from the pain of his burned body, but instead of being worried beowolf just laughed at him.

Everyone looked in confusion expect Nero the knew beowolf would not care about the hunters wounds. The demon laughed and said "Look at you! Hahaha... you thought you were big but it looks like a fool like you can be beaten by weak griffons"

Black beak and his soldiers did not like the rude remark he said about his kind, Hunter was fed up by his circumstances and said "You damn cat! The griffons did nothing to me, it was these creatures that are helping them.

Beowolf evened out his eyes but then captured a scent he's never smelled before. He looked where he smelled it and saw a creature with the ponies and griffons. Beowolf has never seen anything like it, and could also smell no fear coming from the thing that hit his pride.

He moved a bit forward making everyone jump and ready for a fight, but Nero just looked at beowolf making the demon feel cautious that made him think of the sudden reason.

Beowolf said out loud " Your scent... it's different and familiar. You smell like a demon but theirs something mixed with it, the smell hurts and annoys me"

Black beak was skeptical what beowolf said, that Nero and even Dante could be demons. He looked over at celestia that felt his eyes land on her, she looked back at him to see him look at her with a questionable look.

She didn't think that she should tell him but would caused commotion if not settled "Yes my friend both Nero and Dante are part demon, but don't let that fool you they are nothing like the evil demons but good and compassionate"

The king thought about it and would ask them himself when this is all over. Hunter did not like that beowolf was not going to help him and said "Beowolf help me kill this creature and not stand there looking like an idot!"

Beowolf did not care what Hunter said, he said back "Quit you overgrown ape! I have been doing what I wanted since we attacked, killing every griffon I see. I did just came from attacking a group of soldiers trying to take civilians to the castle"

What he said made Nero widen his eyes because he only knew one group that was heading to the castle at the time "He couldn't..." Nero thought but was wrong.

"You should have seen them, I killed every last one of those birds thinking they could get away from me" he grinned at the thought.

Nero looked over at the dead griffons and saw that they resemble the others soldiers that were with Gilda, Nero places it all together that those griffons he helped save are.... "The little girl"

Beowolf was then shot at by king black beak that had the look of anger on his face, he was seething mad that his griffons were killed before getting to the castle with the rest and most likely others that did the same.

"You foul demon! Youh will pay for killing my people!!!" He yelled out, scaring not only his men from seeing their king so angry but his daughter that's never seen her father so mad before.

Beowolf chuckled from the anger he felt from the king, the arrow he shot fell to the ground from not even piercing the demon. Beowolf placed his front paws down and walked on four legs towards them slowly "I was actually trying to get you out of the castle but it seems you were out here all along, I'll kill you and rip open your flesh and eat your heart!"

Beowolf would have done so if Nero wasn't there. Something was fired and hit beowolf in the face, making his head turn from the impact and almost slip on his left paw. He placed his right paw on his face and felt pain from what ever that hit him. He looked at the group and only saw one up front and with something in his hand.

It was nero that attacked him, he had blue rose in his hand, he used "Charged shot 3" wanting to do a lot of damage on beowolf.

Beowolf could sense rage coming from the creature. Nero's eyes were covered by his hair. When he look up and at beowolf his eyes were seen from under. Nero had a dead look in his eyes, staring at beowolf and behind that look was anger from what might have happen to Gilda and the griffon child he saved.

The others could see his eyes and backed away from him, celestia and Luna could feel completely rage coming from Nero and was focus on beowolf, they did not know why he was so angry but did not want to get in his way of anger. Nero put blue rose away and placed his left hand on the handle of red queen and walked up to beowolf. He stopped meters away from him, he looked up at the high tier demon with no fear.

Beowolf was mad that he let himself get hit and the pain he felt from the shot, he yelled at nero "You dare attack me creature, do you now who I am!"

Nero turned his body and revved red queen once, he looked at beowolf the demon only seeing one eyes that held something powerful behind them but only saw a hateful look aimed at him.

"I don't care if you a demon or some kind of God. Your going to pay for every life you taken here and before, by the end of this you'll be lying dead with one eye mismatched the other" beowolf stepped back from nero's words and the demonic power he felt from him.

Dante chuckled when seeing Nero, Hunter heard him and said "What's so funny?" in a angry like tone.

Dante said "You both are shit out of luck, when you make one of use mad the other carries the sentiment" Dante twirled rebellion and was ready for round 2. Both sides were up against two demons like berial and the dreamrunner, maybe even stronger that the first two. This fight will either end the conflict or continue with the griffon kingdom falling to the demons.

Author's Note:

I will be putting "The blue blazing dragonslayer" on hold. I have been working on another story, and this one will be different from my other two stories.