• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


"So... Doctor... care to take a stroll in our private garden?"
On the run from Gallifrey, the First Doctor encounters Celestia and Luna in the pre-classical era. And the encounter changes the destinies of all three of them forever.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

This was fantastic! Filly Luna and Celestia are so cute! Although I'm surprised they've already apparently had long lives.
I really wish the Doctor had stumbled upon StarSwirl. Can you imagine the arguments over magic and science! :trollestia:
We need more!!!

A most wonderous story!

Thanks for reading! Yes, I deliberately wanted to suggest Celestia and Luna had had some formative experiences already, which might have included the period before their coronation, so that in talking with the First Doctor there's more of a feeling that they're comparable in age. Plus there's the fact that alicorns age slower, etc. making their true ages a little ambiguous.

I agree, having the Doctor debate with Star Swirl would be a cool scene! That would probably work better with one of the later doctors, since Hartnell's Doctor and Star Swirl would pretty much be glaring at each other, daring each other to make the first move. :twilightsmile:

In this tale, though, Star Swirl unwittingly provided a perfect "out" for the Doctor to slip away again at the end of the story. (Actually, I was strongly tempted to have the First Doctor turn out to *be* Star Swirl, but sadly Star Swirl has too much canon backstory before and after to make that really workable.)

I'd love to write more stories like this. This is kind of a test piece, in a way, to see if there's enough interest for crossover stories with the "classic" Doctors, since I'm familiar with both the old and the new series, so there's plenty of potential there.

Thanks much! I was surprised myself at how I was able to make a quick trip in the TARDIS have such a significant impact on the Two Sisters' outlook, and I'm glad the story works for the reader as well!

Just a suggestion. You might want the doctor to occassionally appear during times of crisis which he helps, without credit, to resolve. In the process, you can establish a timeline that isn't just "A thousand years ago" which is the standard expression of past events in the series. For example, the doctor's next adventure should deal with Star Swirl vs the Dazzelings in the guize of Patrick Trouthton. Following that, he returns as John Pertwee to help the princesses trap Tirek in Tartarus. Then, a Tom Baker Dr Whooves help the Pillars create the tree of harmony and trap the Pony of Shadows, regretfully loosing them in limbo.
Continuing, a Peter Davidson Whooves fights alongside the princesses when they find the elements and defeat Discord. He is followed by a Colin Baker version of Whooves who tries to help Luna and Celestia battle King Sombra. Then a Sylvester McCoy Doctor witnesses the corruption of Luna and her banishment to the moon. He is followed by a Paul McGann doctor who tries to help Celestia deal with her loss of Luna and lonliness. And of course, when the first changeling invasion occurs, it's John Hurt's war doctor to the rescue. (I'm assuming there had to be some kind of war to trigger the rivalry between ponies and changelings during the thousand years of Celestia's solo rule, perhaps the changelings impersonating the Griffons, . - This one is entirely made up by me). Then Christopher Eccleston arrives to help Twilight and friends defeat Nightmare Moon (everybody wins!)
This would be followed by Discord's return with David Tennant as Dr. Whooves helping to chizel out a happy ending. Not long after, a Matt Smith pony would help the Main Six deal with Chrysalis' return. Then, a really grumpy Dr. Whooves, whose been unable to return to his prime universe in all this time, appears to deal with the return of the Chrystal Empire and Sombra. Then in grand Dragonball Z fashion.... Dr Whooves as a filly (aka Jody Whittaker) appears to help Twilight and friends defeat Tirek again.


If you wanted, you could have a Peter Cushing Dr Whooves help Discord and Starlight free the other ponies from Chrystalis' Empire.

There you have it. Are you breathing as hard as I am? LOL. I know it a lot, but I just had to get that idea out there because I really likes the story you just wrote. I think it's the best treatment of Dr. Whooves yet seen on this site.

"What are you doing? You know, you should sweep me off my feet out yonder window and down a rope onto your valiant steed."
"You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you?" :twilightsheepish:

Seriously, though, thanks very much for reminding me to take a look at the backhistory of the MLP universe and see how that can be combined with Doctor Who in new and interesting ways. The timeline you lay out makes a lot of sense. One minor concern is that a strictly linear historical sequence can become limiting: one of the great strengths of Doctor Who as a series is that it's able to cut back and forth across time at will, and drop the Doctor into new and interesting situations, so you never really know when the next story will be set, or what will happen. It's also free to ignore its own canon from time to time in the name of telling a great story. This can make the series seem chaotic at times, but it's also one of its charms, and keeps fans coming back to it. I'm hoping, if there's enough interest, to do something similar with subsequent Doctors.

Thanks again for reading, and for your very kind compliment! It's reassuring knowing readers get as much out of these stories as I do writing them. :twilightsmile:

May I suggest then you get yourself a small container and place bits of paper inside each with a number (2 through 14) to randomly generate which doctor shows up when. As you've already used Hartnell you disregard number 1. Number 9 would be the war doctor, 10 Eccelston, 11 Tennent, 12 Smith, 13 Capaldi and 14 Whittaker. (15 could be Cushing if you're feeling energetic.) Stick to the Equestrian timeline so you can follow the growth and development of the other characters and follow them through each crisis. After all, it's when there's a crisis the doctor tends to appear. And remember, which ever doctor appears will influence how the other characters respond to him in the future. Having a grumpy Capaldi show up after an affable Hartnell, or a crazy Baker could really toss things into a mix master. Enjoy. (By the way, I'd recommend saving the War Doctor for some really serious fighting. LOL)

Good suggestion -- and how about this: instead of numbering and drawing the Doctors randomly, number and draw the events... that way the Doctor views Equestrian history "out of order" so to speak, like Dr. Song in the new series. Though it would require a bit more advanced planning, since other characters (particularly Celestia and Luna) would know things about the Doctor's future that he doesn't -- or shouldn't -- know. But that could provide interesting side color to the main story for each Doctor's adventure.

That would work too. The only thing you'd need to to is make sure you had a timeline as to when each event happened so everything isn't "A thousand years ago." I mean, we know the critical thousand year mark was the battle between Celestia and Luna. Prior events just have to be referred to sequentially based on the timeline.

I'd recommend the following:
Princesses meet Dr. Whooves (2,100 BFIM)
Starswirl defeats Dazzlings (2,075 BFIM)
First battle with Tirek (2,045 BFIM)
Pillars of Equestria Form (2,038 BFIM)
Tree of Harmony Created (2033 BFIM)
Pony of Shadows Banished (2031 BFIM)
Discord Conquers Equestria (1,500 BFIM)
Discord Defeated (1,350 BFIM)
King Sombra Conquers Chrystal Empire (1290 BFIM)
Celestia Defeats Nightmare Moon (1000 BFIM)
Celestia Turns Autocratic (995 BFIM)
Changeling War (722-719 BFIM)
Celestia Reforms (718 BFIM)
Nightmare Moon returns (001 FIM)
Discord Returns (002 FIM)
Chrysalis Secret Invasion of Canterlot (003 FIM)
Chrystal Empire and Sombra Return (004 FIM)
Twilight gets Alicornitis (004 FIM)
Tirek Returns (005 FIM)
Chrysalis Returns (006 FIM)

You can splice in other events as you so choose.

Thanks! It's really meant to be as much about the Two Sisters as the Doctor. I tried to make them all co-equal characters in the story, though the intent is also to serve as an Equestrian reboot, of sorts, for the Doctor's history.

You did a wonderful job of capturing the First Doctor in this story. Very well done.

Thanks much! And you're exactly the kind of classic-Who-aware reader I wrote it for -- I'm glad you enjoyed it!

How about prequl plz its soooooooooooooo good that it has to have a seqiull or I'll never sleep!!!!!!

P.S i'm not kidding :ajbemused:

WHAT IS TAKING SO (yawn) LONG I HAVENT SLEEPT FOR A F***ING (yawn) WEEK!!!!!!!! AND I CAN'T DO UNI (yawn) :flutterrage:

P.S NOW DO YOU (yawn) BELEEF ME!?!?!?!?!?! IF YOU DON'T YOU (yawn) WILL BE EXTERMINATED!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing! You managed to get the First Doctor's/ William Hartnell's personality down perfectly.

The First Doctor is so often overlooked. Great job on regenerating his essence here!

Thanks much! This was also one of my first stories with Celestia and Luna as major characters, so I'm really pleased with how it turned out. :twilightsmile:

I think your thumbs ratio says we are pleased as well :scootangel:



Meanwhile, as the 10'th or 11th doctor


It was awesome.
I see at first there were several pony 5-10, that needed to control the Sun and the Moon. With Doctor shows sisters them close their domain, because they had connected their magical powers to these celestial bodies. You made an interesting idea.

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