• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 52 - Can Starlight Glimmer Stand The Heat?

Exacting Starlight Glimmer’s penance proved to be trickier than I had anticipated. I took her to the Tasty Treat for lunch only to discover a crowd outside the door. A quick inquiry with the ponies in line and we immediately headed back to the castle. We were a victim of our success in promoting the restaurant as it currently had a wait time for a table of almost two hours. I was gratified to see ponies of every social class waiting patiently for their turn to sample Saffron Masala’s cuisine.

On the second try, we avoided the obvious lunchtime rush. Unfortunately, that idea occurred to a lot of other ponies too along with one of the few minotaurs who lived in the city. The line contained an especially large number of the City Guard who took their breaks between peak citizen activity. This time, I got smart and went inside to talk to Coriander Cumin about reserving a table for later in the day. The stallion looked offended.

“Reservations are for lazy ponies! If you really wish to dine here, you must make the effort.”

“Father!” Saffron’s voice floated out from the nearby kitchen. “You cannot expect everypony to have the time to wait in line.”

“As long as I am in charge of hosting, I will not prioritize anypony. No reservations!”

I was both surprised and impressed by Coriander’s ethics. Considering how so many ponies would bow and scrape in front of royalty, the stallion was unwaveringly adamant in his equal treatment of all customers, and this in spite of the fact that we were the ones responsible for bringing in those clients. When some of the City Guards offered their places to us, I politely refused. Not only did I not want to make a mockery of Coriander’s policy, but I also was not the kind of person to abuse my authority like that. Starlight’s grin at seeing me stymied yet again was starting to get to me.

“Isn’t it a shame that you can’t pull rank as is due your station, Prince Mark Wells?”

I snorted. “I think you’ve been around me well enough to know that isn’t how I do things. Just you wait. Your time will come.”

“We’ll see,” chuckled the mare with a spring in her step.

We surprised Sterling Shield when we returned early to the castle once more. Upon hearing the reason, he gave me a knowing smile. “If I may suggest, Your Highness, go to the restaurant on Thursday afternoon. The Tasty Treat will be hosting a private event for military ponies. I can pass the word to expect you two.”

I blinked in confusion for a moment. “But… if Coriander won’t take reservations, how did you get the restaurant to yourselves for the event?”

“Work the system, sir. If the management will only take ponies on a ‘first come – first served basis’, then make sure that you have your group in place to guarantee that you will fill every table by the time the event starts. That way, we relieve Mr. Coriander Cumin of the responsibility of seating ponies.”

“That’ll do it, although I suppose we’ll still have to stand in line for a while.”

“Not necessarily, Your Highness. My partner and I can ask for a table for four if that is amenable to you.”

“Excellent. Let me know when to turn up.” Then something occurred to me. “Partner?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sterling just smiled in reply.

“O-okay. I suppose I’ll find out more then.”

After confirming the time, Starlight and I got back to work. She had come up with a few suggestions already on how to improve Equestrian weapons and armor that we were investigating for practicality and affordability. The budget had been getting a little strained lately due to unusual outlays for such things as the Dark Magic therapy, massive upgrades to the military, and all of Twilight’s research teams getting a new shot of blood thanks to Red Changelings adding their skills and knowledge.

When Thursday afternoon came around, Starlight, Penumbra, and I got into the Royal Sky Chariot as usual for the trip into the city. Upon being told our destination, the two Royal Guards pulling the chariot shared a knowing grin. Only then did I really wonder what the private event was for but I figured that I would find out soon enough.

There was quite a crowd of soldiers outside of the restaurant but our timing was good. Sterling was waiting with only two others in front of him. While I got respectful salutes from the Guards, they were off-duty, as evidenced by them all being out of uniform, and they were more relaxed around me than normal. I noted that they included a couple of the new griffon recruits. One even said, “We’ve been looking forward to you joining us, sir.”

Sterling had obviously made sure that the others would know to expect us so that we would not be thought to be queue-jumping. We took our place next to him and I got to meet his partner. I smiled in recognition.

“Corporal Keen Eyes – a pleasure to see you again,” I said.

Since none of the off-duty Guards was wearing their helmet, it was easy to see the mare blush a little as she leaned up against Sterling. “I’m glad that you could join us, Your Highness.”

“Consider me off-duty too, Keen – call me Mark, please. So – you and Sterling?”

Her blush deepened and she nodded shyly.

I looked at Sterling with an eyebrow raised questioningly.

“She knows,” he replied quietly.

I wondered how many other changelings had partners or even lovers who knew what they were. None of my business normally, but considering what we were trying to do for pony-changeling relationships, it was relevant. Keen Eyes’ work with Thorax and Twilight might have influenced her feelings though.

“So,” I said, changing the subject to save the mare from further embarrassment, “what’s the special event that’s drawing in so many Royal Guards?”

Sterling replied, “I introduced my fellow soldiers to the Tasty Treat and in particular to my favorite meal there. It started a new tradition.”

His favorite…? “You’re seriously getting them all to try the vindaloo?” I asked incredulously.

“You’ll see, sir,” he replied mysteriously as a rather nauseated earth pony emerged from the restaurant.

We were able to enter not long after and we were taken to a table centrally located in the Tasty Treat but Penny chose to watch outside. While the restaurant was still basically laid out the same as I had last seen it, across the room from us, one of the tables had been pulled aside a little to allow a line of Guards to queue up in front of it. Seated at the table was a pegasus who wasn’t eating but seemed to be watching intently as a unicorn hesitantly lifted a fork full of what I recognized was the chicken vindaloo. I observed as what would have normally been a fearless soldier scrunched up his eyes and brought the fork to his muzzle. He hesitantly put it in his mouth and gave it a chew and swallow before his eyes bulged out and he grabbed for a waiting glass of water. He nearly choked on it and stood up coughing and spluttering as his fellow Guards cheered and slapped him on the back. He was given high hooves as he made way for the next victim. Sterling took advantage of the pause to introduce the judge-mare as Specialist Rampant Gale. We nodded to each other in acknowledgment and she went back to watching the next in line—a burly earth pony stallion with a halberd for his cutie mark.

“Okay, is this some kind of hazing?” I asked Sterling.

“No, more like an initiation into an elite group,” he replied.

“What elite group?”

“Fire-meat-eating ponies,” he replied with a grin.

“That vindaloo is full-strength?”

“Yep. First, each pony has to get up the nerve to eat at least one bite of meat. If they want the bragging rights of having more, that’s up to them. Because pegasi and thestrals frequently will indulge in fish, they have to eat at least two bites. However, all ponies have to survive the fiery curry. Even the griffons have a hard time with that.”

I gave Starlight a toothy smile. “Looks like you’re going to have to outdo all these Royal Guards. Think you’re up to it?”

“Do I have a choice?” she replied with ears flattened to her head.

“Nope. You are required to eat an entire serving, and if you fail, you have to try again another time.”

“Celestia help you!” Keen Eyes exclaimed.

“You’ve been initiated already, I gather?” I asked Keen.

“Yes, I have. I had to eat two bites as I’m a pegasus. My head nearly exploded.”

I chuckled as I knew what that image was doing to Starlight. Coriander came along just then to take our orders. Sterling, unsurprisingly, ordered a medium-strength chicken vindaloo but Keen went for something a lot milder – the spinach dish palak paneer. I ordered a mild heat cauliflower and potato curry entrée called Aloo Gobi Masala that sounded interesting… and of course, a dish of chicken vindaloo for Starlight. I made sure that Coriander understood that I wanted it full five-alarm-strength for her. He gave her a doubtful look but took the order. Then we waited and watched the Guard initiation continue while Rampant Gale watched carefully to ensure they didn’t cheat somehow. Some coped better than others, and while the burn would not be soon forgotten, I knew that it was the memory of eating chicken that nauseated them. Except for the griffons, of course. They confidently ate the vindaloo before squawking in alarm. It was hilarious watching the water squirting from the sides of their beaks as they tried to quench the fire in their mouths.

Eventually, the ponies at our table were served their meals. As Starlight stared doubtfully at her full plate, I stood up and loudly called for attention.

“Mares, stallions, and griffs, while I admire your audacity in trying the vindaloo, I’m afraid my Advisor is going to have to show you all up. Starlight Glimmer is about to attempt to eat an entire serving of full-strength chicken vindaloo, right here, right now. Starlight, are you ready?”

“Are you kidding me?” she replied sourly.

“Yep – you’ve got no choice, ready or not. And no magic tricks or you start all over again.”

“O-Okay. Give me a second.” She took a deep breath while looking at the plate in front of her.

Discussion started up among the guards who had crowded inside after hearing my pronouncement.

“Five bits she doesn’t get more than four bites.”

“Fifteen she doesn’t get further than halfway through.”

Sterling barked out a laugh that got everyone’s attention. “I’ll take every one of those bets if you’re all dumb enough to make them. This here is Starlight Glimmer. She defeated the Captain of the Guard and two of the best Royal Bodyguards in the force—all while holding off attacks from the alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle. Now she’s playing hoofball on our team. You should be making bets on how long it will take her to finish.”

All of the guardsman’s eyes shifted from the plate of vindaloo up to Starlight’s nervous face.

“Twenty-five bits on ten minutes!”

“I’ve got forty bits for anyone who thinks it will take her longer than eight!”

I smiled to myself. Sterling had deftly shifted the spectators to rooting for her.

I gave the soldiers a minute to make their bets and for Starlight to get up her nerve. Loudly, I said, “Begin!”

She took a deep breath and started shoveling the food into her mouth as fast as she could. Not a bad technique, I admit. She was trying to get it down before the burn set in. Too bad that it didn’t take long for the fire in her mouth to become nigh unbearable. Nevertheless, she kept going. The Guards stared in wonder and then started chanting in encouragement.

“Go! Go! Go!”

Starlight started sweating profusely and each bite progressively took longer to cope with but she powered through it all. Her eyes did seem to almost puff out of her face and her pupils reduced to pinpricks. I had to stifle my laughter at her facial expressions because that wouldn’t be fair to her. Not once did her fork waver as she levitated the next mouthful up. Sterling and Rampant were watching carefully to ensure none of the magic she was using to levitate the fork was used to deal with the food in any way. Then she was down to the last mouthful and she seemed to relax a tad.

“You got this!” yelled a thestral mare.

Starlight smiled and turned to face her. “What can I say? It’s my favorite dish!”

She stared at the last bite and seemed to have second thoughts. Slowly, she brought it to her lips. She opened her mouth and took it in, shuddering and wincing, but then she swallowed, belched loudly, and opened her mouth to show that it was empty.

Pandemonium broke out as the Guards burst into an enormous cheer. Four of them grabbed her and hoisted her up onto their withers and carried her through the restaurant as others gave her congratulatory slaps in passing. They exited the establishment with the rest of the raucous soldiers following. The last that I saw of her was the mare raised up onto even more hooves as they paraded her down the street. Only Sterling, Keen, Rampant Gale, and I were left in the suddenly empty restaurant. Even those Guards waiting to get in had followed the others having witnessed Starlight’s feat through the open door. Penumbra looked inside with a raised eyebrow but chose not to say anything.

Sterling said, “I reckon Starlight’s reform is off to a good start. She’s managed to earn the respect and admiration of a group of ponies that would have otherwise been very difficult to win over.”

I smirked. “I hope she enjoys it while it lasts. Tomorrow, she’s going to find out that what goes in must come out again.”

Sterling gave me a long look before he shook his head. “Starlight Glimmer’s assessment was right, sir. You are, indeed, a pain in the ass.”

My smile just grew broader. “You just need to look on the bright side, Sterling. Now that it’s nice and quiet in here, we should be able to enjoy our meals properly.”

Keen Eyes brought a hoof up but couldn’t hide her smile. Rampant Gale laughed while Sterling sighed. “I knew having you spend that much time with Sergeant Penumbra was a bad idea.”

Penumbra called out from the entrance to the shop, “My understudy is gradually improving, but I will always be the Grandmaster of Snark.”

I shook my head. Even here, she managed to get in the last word.

I ran into Twilight practically skipping down the hallway a few weeks later. “Good evening, Twilight. I see you are in a great mood today.”

She laughed. “Is it that obvious? I guess I'm not that surprised. Starlight has been doing so well at her friendship lessons! If she keeps this up, I may have to spend an evening just thinking up new ones! We're already at the point where she's teaching the concept of friendship to others.”

I smiled. Starlight had been a tiny bit full of herself lately. Apparently, acing her way through Twilight’s lesson plans had something to do with it.

Hmmm. Should I? Or rather, why should I not? “I'm very glad you are getting along so well with my Advisor. All things considered, I didn't really expect that.”

Twilight stopped her pleased humming and looked me in the eyes. “All things considered?”

I waved a hoof. “Well sure... I mean... doesn't she still have a book checked out that's way overdue?”

The mare blinked a couple of times.

“Star Swirl’s book of spells?” I offered helpfully.

Twilight’s eyes went white and her mane caught on fire. Just before she teleported away, the alicorn twisted her mouth in a fearsome scowl.

A few seconds later, I heard Twilight's Royal Canterlot Voice echoing through the hallways of the castle, “STAAAAAAARLIIIIIIIIIGHT!”

Whistling a happy tune, I continued my trot toward my wife’s chambers.

Just before I reached it, Starlight tore around the far corner of the hallway at a full gallop. She had to put three hooves up on the wall to keep from skidding face-first into it. The two door guards tensed as she approached, her wide eyes and flattened ears enough to cause them alarm. I waved the two back to their positions by the wall just as the mare zoomed by in a clatter of horseshoes.

Her head only turned towards me fractionally as she blurted out,

I got a whiff of something unpleasant after she passed. Looking after her, I saw a thin stream of smoke coming from her tail.

“Wow,” said the guard on my right – Gilded Buckler, I think from his voice and build. “Her tail really is on fire.”

I turned to look him in the eyes with my most serious expression. “Never piss off a librarian. Never ever.”

He nodded enthusiastically with a fearful gaze down the corridor.

Resuming my happy tune, I pushed open the doors to my wife’s chambers. All was right with the world again.

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Author's Note:

Art by Foxenawolf.

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