• Published 13th Aug 2018
  • 1,011 Views, 25 Comments

Super Smash Bros. The RPG - FandomPlays1234

When Fandom get's sucked into his favorite game series, his life becomes a whole new world of games, anime, and even the internet

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Chapter 5: World of Anime

Fandom, Reiko, and Twilight were greeted by happy villagers as they walked out of the gate. Fandom waved towards the cheering crowd as they walked isle created by the villagers.

"Exciting isn't it?" asked Reiko.

"Maybe too exciting," laughed Twilight. The three were greeted by four guards who were waiting for them at the end of the isle.

"We heard the news," said one of the guards. "Congratulations, you successfully liberated Equestria from Origin's forces!"

"Come along, the emperor would like to reward you for your efforts," said a second guard. The three looked at each other and nodded. They followed the four escort guards back to the emperor as the villagers paraded behind them. As they walked back Fandom pulled up his party's stats.

Lvl: 5
To Next Lvl: 1,000 EXP
Atk: 18
Def: 18
HP: 200/200
Skills: Cross Boomerang
Final Smash: None

Lvl: 5
To Next Lvl: 1,000 EXP
Atk: 18
Def: 18
HP: 200/200
Skills: Sword Strike, Burst Barrage
Final Smash: None

Twilight Sparkle
Lvl: 5
To Next Lvl: 1,000 EXP
Atk: 18
Def: 18
HP: 200/200
Skills: Magic Blast
Final Smash: None

"Could grind a little more," suggested Reiko looking over his shoulder.

"You think?" asked Fandom.

"Stronger the better right?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah definitely, we want to be ready for anything," answered Reiko.

"Can we at least wait till we get to the next world?" asked Fandom. "I'm exhausted,"

"Alright," laughed Reiko. The guards split off into two groups as they arrived at the temple. Fandom and his party kept walking in and made their way to the emperor's throne room. The two guards opened the door to the emperor's throne room as Fandom ans his party approached. The three were greeted by cries of joy as they entered the room.

"Congratulations!" the emperor beamed.

"Thank you sir," said Fandom bowing.

"Haha I knew that Reiko brought me the right person, I bet it was no easy feat trying to liberate Equestria from the Subspace Empire," laughed Sakaki. "And because of that I bet you brought back many stories from trip there, why don't you tell us some while you rest up?"

"Thank you sir," said Twilight.

"Nonsense, heck I even prepared a feast and nice a warm bath for each of you!" beamed Sakaki.

"Oh thank god, I could really use a nice warm bath right about now," said Fandom.

"Well then go on you three, I'll have your feast ready by the time you get back," said Sakaki. A male and female guard walked in and escorted the three out and to the baths. "Prepare the food," he ordered one of the kitsune sitting in the circles.

"Yes sir!" he said. He got to his feet and walked out of the room. As he left the room another guard walked in carrying a small black box.

"Sir you have a message," said the guard.

"Oh from who?" asked Sakaki.

"It's from someone by the name of Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery aka Ritsu for short," answered the guard.

Lightning erupted in the sky from the dark clouds as the floating city, Subspace Megalopolis, hovered above the dangerous terrain down below. The area where the city was flying over was filled with nothing but death and destruction. The ground below the city was filled with large black spikes that protruded from the black earth. The sky was dark and all forms of life had been replaced with bones and thorny vines that grew rapidly. In the distance the water looked like tar and the nearby forest was filled with dead trees. Several of Bowser's airships flew around the city along with Kabula, and an entire fleet of the Storm King's ships. Within the center of city, stood, Genesis Tower. The main HQ for Origin and the place where the Subspace Empire received their orders. Above Genesis Tower was a single platform. Beneath the left side large black prisms extended with blue lights running up and down the gemstones. Beneath the right side black vines with red veins sprouted. This was Final Destination. And at the top of Genesis Tower, Origin sat in his throne looking out the window behind him.

"Sir," a voice spoke up.

"You have failed me Wrath," said Origin.

"I sincerely apologize for my foolish mistake sir," said Wrath. "I never expected that brat to actually go for the reactor,"

"Enough excuses," sneered Origin. The wicked smile on his pale white mask glared at Wrath. Normally Wrath would be the one scaring others, but even for him that mask was absolutely terrifying. "It was bad enough, that Bowser and Sakuya failed, but it makes it even worse that YOU of all people failed as well,"

"Sir please, I beg for another chance, surely next time that kid will die!" pleaded Wrath.

"I'll think about it, in the meantime get me those two geezers," ordered Origin. "I need to complain about that lazy excuse of a robot to them,"

"Yes sir," said Wrath. He turned around and pushed the button on the elevator and descended.

"I heard that you know," a female voice spoke up.

"Shut up Glados, I don't need your pity," hissed Origin.

"How sad, and after all the things I've done to support you up until this point," sneered the robot. Origin turned around in Glados's direction as the red light flashed from the center of his left eye. Glados nervously backed up.

"I didn't call for you," growled Origin. Feeling unwanted Glados reluctantly retracted from Origin's space. Origin groaned as he slumped down in his chair. He picked up his cup of coffee and began drinking as a large white wheel a single red eye in the center dropped down from the ceiling.

"Captain," the wheel spoke up to him in low demonic voice.

"Auto, I don't need any advice," groaned Origin.

"Captain, you've received a message from Commander Lust and Commander Tempest," said Auto.

"Alright I'll answer it later, I just need a minute to myself," said Origin.

"Understood," said Auto as he returned to his original state. Ever since Origin brought back Glados and Auto he had given them the ability to activate and deactivate at their own free will in exchange for their alliance. Now he was starting to regret his decision.

Twilight squealed as she popped another sushi in her mouth. In all the years that she lived, she'd only eaten food from Equestrian society. To her this was a rare occasion. She felt glad that she decided to join Fandom's party.

"How's the food?" asked Reiko.

"It's delicious, I've never eaten food like it!" beamed Twilight.

"That's Japan for ya," said Fandom. He reached over and broke off one of the legs from the king crab and grabbed the meat with his teeth.

"I'm glad that you've taken a liking to our dish," said Sakaki. "By the way, you've received some messages from the other worlds,"

"Already?" asked Fandom.

"It's amazing indeed, you only liberated one world and already your names are spreading like wildfire," answered Sakaki. "Well anyway, the first message is from the anime world representative, someone by the name of Ritsu,"

"Ritsu?" asked Reiko munching on a sushi.

"Yes, and well the second representative is here actually," said Sakaki.

"Really where?" asked Twilight. Sakaki looked over to one of the guards and nodded. The guard walked over to the doors and opened it. The guard held the door as human figure walked in. He was wearing a white tunic and two golden rings on his left arm. A golden flower crown sat in his brown hair and his blue eyes stared at the three intently. Two white angel wings sprouted from his back.

"Hey wait a minute, I know you," said Fandom.

"And I know you too Fandom," said the angel.

"Fandom who is this guy?" asked Reiko.

"His name is Pit, he works for a goddess back in his world," answered Fandom. He may have wings but the truth is he can't fly for very long,"

"Fandom don't tell them that!" exclaimed Pit.

"It's true ain't it?" asked Fandom. "Anyway you having trouble with the Subspace Empire?"

"Trust me, I don't know how they came back," said Pit.

"Most of us is still trying to figure that out," said Fandom. "Well I guess we can help you out,"

"Great I'm sure Lady Palutena will be happy to see you," said Pit.

"Who?" asked Twilight.

"We'll explain everything on the way," said Fandom. He was about to stand up when a the sound of worried villagers could be heard from outside the temple.

"What's going on out there?' asked Sakaki.

"Sir we need the three heroes!" said a guard bursting into the room.

'What happened?" asked Reiko.

"Follow me," said the guard. The four looked at each other and followed the guard outside.When they got out a crowd of kitsune was gathered around something.

"I've brought them," said the guard. The crowd dispersed to reveal a young girl crawling on the ground. She was wearing a dark green school vest and brown skirt. Her caramel colored short hair was a mess and her clothes were torn to shreds.

"Hey are you alright?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah somehow," she answered nervously. Her eyes widened as she looked up at them. "Are you who I think you are?" she asked.

"Yes," answered Fandom.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" asked Reiko. Fandom looked above her head to see two words.

"Chihiro Fujisaki?" asked Fandom. "That's your name?"

"Uh huh," she answered.

"Chihiro, where did you come from?" asked Twilight.

"From....the anime world," Chihiro stuttered.

"The anime world!?" gasped Reiko.

"What happened?" asked Fandom.

"I was-" But her answer was cut off when the sound of screaming children rang out. The three looked up as three fireballs rained down and struck three houses causing an explosion that sent them up in flames.

'What the hell!?" yelped Reiko. Just then the ground beneath them began to shake as something burst out of the ground. The creature flew up in the air spreading out it's wings. The creature's body was covered in purple scales and had bright pink wings. It had a long tails with sharp tip at the end. It's glowing yellow eyes glared down at the citizens of the village.

"What is that!?" yelped Twilight. Fandom looked above the creatures head. Sure enough, a red HP bar sat over it's head and under it's name, a skull next to it.

"It's him," said Fandom.

"Who?" asked Reiko.

"The villain from the Metroid series and the arch nemesis of Samus Aran," answered Fandom. Twilight, Reiko, Pit, and Chihiro all looked at Fandom.

"Ridley," growled Fandom.

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Author's Note:

Chapter 5 complete. Ok so now our heroes are back in Ingress after saving Equestria. And as soon as they return they immediately get messages from other worlds asking for help. In this chapter we also encounter some new characters. First off Ritsu from the Assassination Classroom Series. We are also introduced to Glados from the Portal Series and Auto from Wall-e. Then we are introduced to Pit from Kid Icarus, Chihiro Fujisaki from DanganRonpa, and finally everyone's favorite villain, Ridley from the Metroid series.