• Published 1st Sep 2018
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Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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March 7th - March 14th, the Year MCCCXLVI

March 7th, the Year MCCCXLVI

Our departure began in the late morning, the ship made ready and we sail from the Manehatten harbor. As the dying throes of winter still maintain a hold on the kingdom, my best sailors have predicted we will experience some tumultuous weather as we travel, bringing the length of our journey to approximately a week.

Our vessel is the Lady’s Grace, my personal vessel for whenever duties have required I leave Equestria’s shores. She is a beautiful craft, and sails peacefully, and we cut through the water as cleanly as a knife through butter. She will likely experience punishment at the hands of nature, but I have no reason to fear; it is made for such dangers and I know our ship shall sail through wonderfully.

The Royal Guard is somewhat in flux at the moment, very few of my soldiers ever having sailed- or even journeyed across water, save for the calm weather of a lake or pond. The sea is a wild creature, untamable and vast. Some of the passengers have already begun to experience seasickness, and I doubt the trouble will dispel itself before we make landfall. As much as I wish otherwise, those who fare poorly will simply have to endure the unpleasantness of the trip.

Hearth Fire, as always, is indomitable, and has taken to the situation without any hesitation, or outward signs of discomfort. The Royal Guard, at least those among them that can still perform their duties, maintain the ship alongside her crew. Ford, as I have noticed, is being kept busy across the entire vessel. Hearth Fire has been pushing him to great lengths lately, and I began to be concerned as to the nature of what seemed almost to be torment.

“Rest assured, Your Majesty, I mean no ill will towards him,” Hearth Fire told me when I asked it of him- discreetly, of course. “I merely intend to push his limits, and see where they stand. He is exceptionally gifted- I wish to see what he can do.”

“You believe by exhausting him you can see his mettle?” I asked.

“Not exhaustion, but what he can accomplish, and absorb, under duress,” Hearth Fire answered. “He is a one-in-a-million talent. If he is as capable as I believe him to be, Corporal Ford will go down in history as one of the greatest soldiers we have ever known.”

“We can only hope so,” I said, dismissing him so I could turn to write in this very diary.

Ford! It has been several days since we were last able to be with one another, duty or simply lack of privacy separating us. He bears it well, my presence and my voice seemingly enough to carry him. Perhaps memories of me buoy his spirits. I, however, have found myself to need him on a more physical level. His touch, his warmth, all that he is- I crave it. For a time, due to our duties, I will simply have to grin and bear it.

A week of travel, and who knows how much time we will have to spend in the Griffon Kingdom, then our return journey. It is a great deal of time- far too much for a poor, lovestruck girl to be kept away from her beloved.

March 10th, the Year MCCCXLVI

I suppose I should feel some semblance of shame about it all, but I cannot help but laugh at the situation. Really, it is unfair. Poor Ford, I should not torment him so.

I have been, as they say, under pressure. Having Ford so nearby, yet so inaccessible, has been tortuous to me. I wished to find ways to spend our time aboard this ship together, but found no truly discreet way of accomplishing such a task. Such a burden I found too unpleasant to bear, so I decided to spend my time with him in a public setting, with as much discretion and formality as I could manage.

All the while, teasing him relentlessly.

I should truly feel, at the very least, some semblance of shame about this. Ford is furious with me, in his own way. But, if I must admit, the fun of it was too good to ignore.

The weather has been unusually fair since our journey began, and we have been making good progress. Despite our steady movement west, I found myself restless. There is little to do out at sea when you are merely a passenger, and all my manners of state and daily duties were absent, left behind on Equestria’s shores. I struggled to keep focus. I meditated, but found it helped little. The sound of the sea was all I could hear- and then came in the voices. Not within my head, but those of the crew and my loyal soldiers. Ford’s voice, as clear to me as the open sky, rang in my ears. Finding myself distracted, I crept towards the door of my cabin and listened in, hearing him share words with another of his fellows.

“How much further do you think we have?” his friend asked of him.

“About halfway. Three more days or so, from what the crew says. Weather seems to be holding, too,” Ford replied.

“What are we expecting to see when we get there?”

“For us, we will likely be in the palace for our time here. Wherever the Princess goes, so shall we.”

“Tell me something, Corporal,” his friend said, his voice lowering and I struggled to hear his words. “Is it true, about King Peregrine?”

“What about him?”

“They say his personal guards are all women. Particularly… well-endowed women, is what I have heard.”

Ford, to his credit, laughed the suggestion away. “And where in heaven did you hear of such a thing?”

“The crew has made mention of it. I am eager to see if the stories are true.”

“You will find out either way. And even if you do, you know you’ll need to leave them to their duties,” Ford said firmly. “A scandal breaking out during peace talks is the last thing we need.”

“It is easy for you to say, they would adore you,” his friend replied. “You hardly have to raise your head to garner looks from the womenfolk.”

“As I have told you, I hardly have reason to care,” Ford said. “I am satisfied enough with what I have.”

“Too mysterious. You give no one any of your heart at all, not even that scullery maid who doted on you. Is your service all that you have?”

I could not help but reveal myself, the opportunity too good to let pass by. I strode out from my cabin and onto the main deck, finding Ford and a fellow Guardsman perched atop a series of crates beside the door, my presence sending them stumbling to their feet.

“Your Majesty! Is anything the matter?” Ford asked, his eyes betraying himself at the sight of me.

“Hardly. You may rest, gentlemen,” I told them. “I merely wished to enjoy the sun and the sound of the sea when I heard voices outside my cabin.”

“Guard duty, Your Majesty,” his fellow said. “We were lucky this day to receive an afternoon shift.”

I stared out and took in the glorious surroundings. A warm breeze on the air, beautiful skies with hardly a cloud in the sky, the ocean clear and bright beneath us. They had gotten lucky indeed.

“I do not believe I recognize you two,” I said, trying to hide a smile at Ford’s instant confusion. “Corporal… Ford, is it? And your fellow?”

“Uh- Sergeant Hallas, Your Majesty,” Ford answered, trying to shake the obvious uncertainty at my goals. Despite his best, his eyes still betrayed him plainly: What are you doing?

“Tell me a bit of yourself, Corporal,” I said, a small grin beginning to form on my face. “Do you have a family to call your own? A spouse, children?”

Ford’s confusion only grew from there. “No… no, Your Majesty, I do not.”

I feigned surprise. “Surely a man such as yourself has had to push away suitors to maintain such a status!”

Ford began to go red. “Well- I do have one at the moment, Your Majesty,” he blustered. “She is quite dear to me.”

“I am glad to hear it. I assume she is quite fond of you as well. Has the thought of marriage ever entered your mind?”

Ford somehow began to choke on the very air, coughing violently as his composure continued to crumble. “Uh- holy, what are you- Your Majesty, I wouldn’t even begin to know how to broach the subject,” he said, his face now a deeper red than any I had ever seen before.

“Surely she has hopes for such a thing!” I protested. “You wouldn’t want to keep a lady waiting for too long, would you?”

“I- I guess not, Your Majesty,” he said weakly. “She is just… it would be a bit of a shock, I think, for some.”

I feigned suspicion. “Is this someone I know, Corporal? Not one of my nobles, is it?”

“No, Your Majesty! But- uh, I guess you do know her, uh… a little.”

“Hmm…” I began to pace back and forth, pretending to be deep in thought. “Is she beautiful?”

“Cert-ainly, Your Majesty,” Ford said.


“Without a doubt.”


“Far more than I, Your Majesty,” he said.

“Hmm…” I crept closer to him until we were eye level, peering at him with such intensity that Ford began to tremble, his hands twitching as they desired to reach out for me, to caress my face as he had done so often- as much as I desperately wish for him to do so myself.

I smiled wisely, giving a small laugh. “Your secret is safe with me, Corporal. I wish you both happiness,” I said. “Please, can you tell me where Commander Hearth Fire is at the moment? I wished to discuss some formalities of our visit with him.”

Ford struggled for words so greatly that I realized he would be unable to speak. Sergeant Hallas realized the same thing, and managed to supply me with the information. After a glowing goodbye, me giving Ford a knowing wink and a remark about his ‘dear lady’ I departed, listening as I heard Ford give a bullish roar of agony, while his fellow laughed in delight.

At the end of the day, when the moon was high in the sky and I found myself wearisome, I returned to my cabin, finding a small, crumpled note placed neatly upon by bed. I opened it and read,

I love you.

But please never do that again. I can’t take it.

~ Ford

Laughing to myself, I took the note and dipped a quill in ink, writing on the opposite side of the paper:

Only because you asked.

Love you. You make me proud.

~ Tia

Ford is far too serious for his own good. I wish he would let himself relax.

March 12th, the Year MCCCXLVI

The crew has been difficult today, Hearth Fire and I have been trying to negotiate with them for much of the day. It has been so long since I last traveled across the seas that I have forgotten how tightly sailors hold to their superstitions.

We are nearing the shores of the Griffon Kingdom. If we remain on course, we shall reach their primary port come late morning. However, the ship’s crew wish to remain at sea for an additional day, fearing disaster may come if we make landfall tomorrow- for tomorrow is the 13th, and the number brings ill luck.

Hearth Fire has been less patient than I, leaving me to struggle with my own frustrations as well as be the ambassador between the crew and my soldiers, all the while I insisting that we continue our journey and make landfall as quickly as possible.

Our captain, a wild-looking woman named Amancia Wave, simply refused to budge, no matter our insistence. To finally convince her took a very rare resort for me, to issue a royal command and sail us into port. I wish I could have avoided it, but I will not allay the fears of superstitious mariners for the sake of avoiding a catastrophic war that will save thousands of lives, if not tens of thousands. Captain Amancia was not pleased, but knew better than to outright refuse a direct order from her ruler.

We will arrive around noon, when the sun is high. After that, it will be a day’s journey till we reach Griffonstone- and then the real work will begin.

March 13th, the Year MCCCXLVI

Landfall! Much to the relief of my seasick soldiers, we came ashore at Osprey Port this morning. When we arrived, a royal party of King Peregrine’s court officials were there to greet us, Ambassador Faell riding ahead to ensure our arrival is known. We will join him there late tonight; despite my hopes, all official business will be conducted tomorrow and beyond.

Currently, we are making our way inland, a royal coach transporting myself and Commander Hearth Fire, while the rest of the Royal Guard travel comfortably in the passenger trains. We are well guarded, and I have no doubts that Hearth Fire’s preparations for this journey are adequate.

Still, something about this unnerves me. The Griffon Kingdom guards traveling with us remain uneasy. They look upon us –upon me- with fear. The tales of Equestrian folk raising havoc on their shores ring clearly in my mind. I worry that the tales may be true after all.
I hope King Peregrine will be able to explain more. Hearth Fire hopes this is not an elaborate setup for a trap. If it truly comes to such a thing...

March 14th, the Year MCCCXLVI

I knew something was amiss. There is too much for me to write down now, and I need time to consider the information myself. But something sinister is at work here, and I fear I am being watched.
Hearth Fire has ordered a constant guard at all times. For once, I believe is hypervigilance has reasoning behind it. Something may indeed strike while we are here.

Author's Note:

I took too long to publish this. I had a fair amount of schoolwork I needed to complete, so it ended up trying to eat me alive.

Expect another chapter not too long from now. As always, leave comments and corrections below. Enjoy.