• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
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Aspiring writer looking to practice with a favorite subject. Planed on waiting til premise of first story finished before starting account but after seeing another artist's work just had to comment:)

Comments ( 64 )

For once, this actually looks promising. :raritystarry:

In all honesty I'll be content if he did fuck the mysterious female dragon before the pitiful slut to be called his foster sister. :trixieshiftleft:

the story already has a sequel so why make a new one?

Ok, let's see where this AU goes.

Why do comic books, TV shows, novels, and movies have some many variations on a single story that already has an established cannon with a scheduled timeline? This is simply exploring an idea I had reading another author's work and seeing where it goes for a bit of fun. Again, with their consent, of course.

Are we still going to have a Super Power Badass Spike later and he still going to get the girls?

as long as you got permission from the original author.

He has returned

without giving away too much, I will say the end result should be to your liking. I will, admittedly be focusing on a lot of romance/sentiment in the first of the story but remember I've opened the story with characters mentioning the fact that he is less capable then he should be at this age and this is a problem that cannot be ignored. Any good story with a hero always starts with them being a whimp. After all, the best part of watching a badass is knowing where they started or what they had to deal with to get to where they are:rainbowdetermined2:.

Well, I'm pretty sure I stated this several times in story description and in comments:unsuresweetie:, but yes. I did make sure to get permission. One thing I always pride in myself as a writer is my respect for the works of others:moustache:.

Yeah.... Not enough to pass judgment still. But what the hell, I'll see where this rabbit hole leads to.

A chance is all I ask and I'll do my best to make sure you enjoy:scootangel:.

That said, I would love to know where and why the flux of downvotes on the first chapter and why they won't even comment why:ajbemused:.

I don’t understand why some people don’t like I think it’s ok

Here is something... Twilight in Summer Time Beach time is NOT a slut, she was terrified that the jerk wouldn't tell her where Spike was, she done that in order to find him. And even if she did have sex with him, he would never tell her where Spike is, he would have left Spike for dead.

Even if you are right I..........................I'm sorry I just can't. I find her really pitiful and this series is already cringing to me. Like I said in the other fic the only ponies who ever stood with him for so long are the Royal Sisters. Other than that I can't bring myself to liking these tilting Thots of Harmony... :fluttershysad:

Nothing wrong with giving this a chance, as it is an AU. I'm not leaving an upvote or a downvote until i can see enough content to properly judge it.

Well im hooked. But please change up the stuff towards the ending. To cartoony and i realy hate the the none of the roylity used tgeir status to make that fucker pay. He kidnaps spike a n d twilight just goes along with his plan. If thats not a time to go game of thrones on some ones ass i dont know what is.

That's all I ask:twilightsmile:.

Oooh, don't you worry about that. Big bad 'Ladies Man' is definitely going to see a healthy dose of karma:rainbowdetermined2:. Though, not likely through direct royal intervention, at least not only that. As many times as I've wished to see royals step in during a story, I also quickly admit that it wouldn't be quite as satisfying as something more...creative:trollestia:.


*sigh*:facehoof: Okay, while I hate getting involved in such things, I think it's time to try and put this flame out before it goes past the first chapter:ajbemused:. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, let me be firm on that. I ask, though, that we please respect others as well and not turn this into a free-for-all. I will not name names, nor claim one side or the other, and will do my best to remain neutral. Only point out the facts and request four things things.

Fact one: This is the first chapter of an AU. That means no one knows anything about what will or will not happen. Only the character names, location, and basic plot. Making any judgement on events, character, or decisions at this point is irrational. The only fair and logical thing is to wait and watch.

Fact two: Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. We have the right to express them. The problem is when this turns into a circular argument that merely makes the same statement with varied insults.

Fact three: the judgements based here are based on a story and author from another section of the site! A story, whether AU or original, should be judged by its own merits not another's.

So here are my requests for everyone.

1) If your belief is too incompatible to coincide with another's, that's fine. Many people can't agree on a point. That doesn't mean we can't be civil. Therefore, please try to limit such arguments to two comments and then just say to 'agree to disagree.' I'd rather not see and entire comment section cluttered with insults and escalating arguments that never change.

2) If you must contest a point here, do so based on the merits of this story not another one. To do otherwise is needlessly insulting to the author who worked on it and the readers who want to decide themselves without pages of argument to color their opinions. I don't mind comparing differences (big point of any AU). I don't mind asking if there will be changes from the other or even requests for such. Again, that is the point of an AU. I do mind being judged on an argument you brought from another page.

3) If you are unable or unwilling to keep an open mind, give the story a chance to prove itself, or lend an ear to others' belief...that is still your right. Just as with any opinion. But if you are dead set on ignoring any other possibility or disallowing any outcome but the one you want and can't keep civil with others, please move on. Do not comment. Do not like/dislike. Just peacefully move on and let others enjoy their day. Otherwise, it is my right to delete comments, ban, report, or otherwise take action allowed by the site to stop this before it goes further. I don't want to. I really don't, so please don't let it come to that:pinkiesad2:.

4) Above all other things listed, please...enjoy yourself. Relax. Let yourselves and other just indulge in some story and banter and nothing more. Is that not the point of this site and the story it is based on? To have fun and let others be themselves?

Damn I’m sorry you have to go threw that.I just understand some people it’s not even they’re story.SMH

I have to admit, I am looking forward to more of this story, particularly because it is an alternative taking on what happened after 'Recovery'...Seems that it is gonna answer some questions that I really didn't ask, nor answer because at the time it didn't seem to me of that it didn't matter. But how you are showing this, it really shows a much-needed scene with the character. The immediate events after the brawl in Canterlot with the dragons--how everyone reacts after the smoke has been lifted and specifically how Celestia reacts on how she feels so down in that she failed to protect her son. Honestly, I was surprised in STBF (Summer Time Beach Time) that there wasn't more of how Celestia was taking care of Spike, not to mention how it seemed that Twilight and Spike seemed to already be a couple even though it wasn't entirely official ( Everypony does see it though). This interpretation of it is much more plausible, same with Twi and Spike potentially becoming a couple. It just works a bit better and I think with this, the payoff is gonna be much smoother and more rewarding because there is more to overcome for everyone, not just Spike like the original telling.

Also, kudos to Dante24 for greenlighting this...he's a great guy.

Thank you! High praise, indeed, and I'll do all that I can to live up to it:twilightsmile:. And I'll be honest. I'm glad someone has already commented on some of my reasons for doing this:pinkiehappy:. Liked the original just fine, but felt there were a few always a few questions of character and their relationships that bugged me as well as a few opportunities that I thought were missed. Mind you, there were a few good reasons for the questions. Like Celestia's minimal to nonexistent help afterward. She didn't do much aside from coddle him, but then, just how many alternatives did she actually have in the story context? The only real source of info and possible help was from the dragonlands and they weren't exactly on best terms before the conflict in the last story. As I saw it, the biggest limit was the lack of options for answers, so, as the summary suggests, I provided another. Also as the summary suggests, this option is a rather dubious one which will hopefully explain why she didn't access it anytime before the worst case scenario we're seeing now. The only thing that may put anyone off is that it will be, for lack of a better description, a bit over the top. Really over the top. Like Sci-fi, comic science over the top. Then again, part of what made the original fun was having a bit of over the top mayhem from time to time. And as you said, I hope that my own spin on the Twi-Spike situation will add a bit more depth as well as possibly add more for the others. But, only time will tell how whether I pull it off.

And yes, Dante24 is pretty awesome and good sport for this:yay:. Even hope they might have a look and get some fun out of it.

Thanks for the sentiment:scootangel:, though I'll be more than happy to move on and pretend nothing happened if others are. After all, the big thing here is that we all have a chance to have some fun, right?

Alright, things are going better than expected. Good work!

Great chapter by far. Found it absolutely hilarious about what blueblood did. Also I enjoyed our own personal character in this and I laughed extremely hard when he mentioned pinkie pie and the chaos doomsday experiment and everyone’s reaction to the fact. Also I have to say I was most shocked towards the ending and I can’t wait to see how it was even possible for such a thing to happen, I also wander if it will be just much of a shock to the royal family that he already seems to know the dragon was? All in all I like how you are taking this story and it is quickly becoming of one of my favorites that I’ve read and wait to read the next chapter!

I'm getting the Attack on Titan Abridged vibe going on. :twilightsheepish:

Love /hate cliff hanger chapters but the do leave us wanting more. I like how git the side characters upfront instead up just having show up when the games starts. Lets them develop and fleshed out the world. I cant wait to see the explination fir this dragoness and spike knowing her but no one else.

Thanks! I'll try to keep it that way:scootangel:.

It's always nice to hear someone managed to get a smile and laugh from a story:twilightsmile:. Glad to hear Blueblood's part has worked out. Technically, he did similarly in the original but I felt he seemed a little too quick to open conflict in the beginning. I felt like a reformed(or AU, matured, etc.) Blueblood might have been open to retribution against someone that wronged him so badly but would have tried to be a bit more subtle about it, at least at first. In part because he doesn't want to see his friends and aunts see him at his worst or reminding them of his past and part because court training would have put him in the habit of hiding his reactions. Also glad to hear someone likes the doctor:pinkiehappy:. Yes, he's basically a living McGuffin brought in to help justify the change in the storyline but...Mad Scientist:raritystarry:! How can I not do want to see a character like that do well? Not to mention he is something of an homage to some of my favorite fictional characters. Pleasantly surprised to hear the ending was still surprising. Maybe it's the fact that my writing it and knowing the events ahead of time boogers with my ability to accurately judge suspense, but I was kind of afraid everyone would be rolling their eyes thinking it would be way too obvious:fluttershysad:. As for the royal family? Without giving away too much, the earlier part of the story did have them agreeing on the plan and talking about needing extreme resources and pushing morality lines, so it kind of goes without saying they would mostly be in the know more than anyone else. However, rest assured there will be at least one or two surprises for them as well in the next chapter:trollestia:. Hope it continues to entertain:scootangel:!.

Good! Glad to see someone else noticed and/or enjoyed seeing that:pinkiehappy:. Also genuinely thought that personality would fit well here. Seeing shocker in the orginal, I tended to think of Mr. 'awkward praises' from that abridged and thought it would work here. I actually plan on adding a few touch ups to the rest of Sentinel's crew personalities. Just a few little ideas to toy with and maybe add some more depth to the story.

I know what you mean. Can't keep track of how many times I cursed/praised an author for a good cliff hanger:trixieshiftleft:. Yet, here I am trying to do the same thing:trollestia:. Glad to hear you like how the pacing and introduction of the character is going so far. I had hoped I managed to give a little mystery to Moonstone with the dream scene and introduction. Actually still kind of worried about how well the pacing will go as we move forward:ajsleepy:. Still, just going to move ahead and hope for the best. As for explanation? As I said before, might be a little out there. However, I like to think that classic Syfy like Jurassic park, Startreck, Dr. Who, and others prove that audiences can be forgiving of stretching belief as long as we can have fun with the story. Here's hoping I still manage that here.

Well as long as it doesn't try to brake what you already set up then I don't think you got anything to worry about.

The true villain here is Blueblood, but for a good cause.

As reading the story at first I was a little disappointed that it was admitted right of the bat to spike of what moonstone really was/is.... but as I kept reading it just got funnier and funnier, as well as it being better than I thought it would turn to. You weren’t kidding in when you said the royals would get a surprise! and boy did they especially Luna and the resulting realization of how they were technically related was priceless from both spike, Luna and twilight. I also like how Luna tried to resolve the issue between rarity and pinkie and how it extremely backfired (since the summer time beach fun pinkie destroys the city because she drinks an acholic beverage) and what blue blood does at the end of the chapter. All in all it is turning out to be a great story so far and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Hopefully twilight and cadence will have a chat about what is going on between her and spike.

Don't mind the chapter being longer if its like this. Also kudos for teasing and useing sex as a joke and instead getting some chemistry with spike and moonstone. And an interesting way to make moonstone. I have guessed they got her through alternate. Dimenstion/time line.
Also a few more names for sex just for fun. The dance of the bouncing butox, the horizontal tango, poking your wive,a bit of rumby bumpy, twister with out the board.

Am I the only one who is horrified at the prospect of literally making a person for the explicit reason of being essentially "married" for the benefit of someone else? This seems like a gross violation of any sapient persons rights, being made to love someone. Yeah Moonstone is ok with it, but it seems like she was made to only be ok with it. Could she ever really want anything different? Would this still be considered an ok thing if we changed the setting to a future tech setting where a person can just create someone to be their wife/husband, no input from the newly created person? This seems like genetically/metaphysically enforced, well, marital slavery. I honestly don't understand why this is ok and getting some high class prostitute is terrible.

Really really really Hope Luna gets in trouble for this screw up.


While I'm glad for constructive criticism and support others voicing their own beliefs, do you think you could dial back the hostility and drama a few notches:trixieshiftright:? Especially when there has been much worse on this site and even supported in mainstream science fiction:ajbemused:. That said, I will give credit in that you at least put in an argument with some thought rather than mindless 'your stuff is weird, disgusting, and stupid', (although this is coming pretty close:trixieshiftleft:) or general trolling and flame war fodder. So I will do my best to address the concerns here.

1) A common theme in science fiction where humanity starts toying with the idea of creating life is that they make a fundamental mistake: they forget that life isn't static. AI, genetic splicing, bringing life to dead matter. A learning intellect is not going to be stuck in their basic instincts/programming forever. In forgetting this, they try to suppress this new life which, nine times out of ten, results in the rebellion/apocalypse they were trying to prevent. All of which would likely have been prevented if they stepped back and gave this life a chance to grow on its own. Yes, there were boundaries set in Moonstone's conception, but this mad scientist is the type to treat that as a starting point then stand back and watch where things go. We will be seeing Moonstone with her own opinions and changes as she goes on and, more importantly, will be accepted not condemned, feared, or 'reprogramed' because of it. We see an example already here as she bonded to Luna as a parent despite no one planning for such a thing and instead of being branded or looked down on she is immediately accepted. The point of this is that, despite the unsettling circumstances of her creation, she will be treated as another living being. She will show similarities to her 'parents' the same as any other offspring and she will even develop her own ambitions that will play a part later.

2) Your comment indicates that the cast immediately accepted the situation and that Moonstone was the only one in risk here. This is incorrect. Spike was just as involved as new elements were introduced into his mind. The girls were asked to do the same to themselves and ultimately allowed it, not without hesitancy mind you, because they empathized with Moonstone's situation. The royals would only seem okay now because they have had weeks to mull over the idea. None of this event was taken lightly or without thought.


getting some high class prostitute is terrible.

Needless insult and crassness aside:ajbemused:, this insinuates that Moonstone is simply a tool for a one night stand to be tossed aside at the earliest convenience. This is also incorrect. She will prove a major support for Spike's recovery and wellbeing, much as I believe any husband/wife should be to their spouse and vice versa in real life.


Would this still be considered an ok thing if we changed the setting to a future tech setting where a person can just create someone to be their wife/husband, no input from the newly created person?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean here:rainbowhuh:. Are you saying that things would be better if this technology were more commonplace making it would be more acceptable? If that's the case, then I'm compelled to point out this demonstrates a massive double standard and more than a few cracks in the morale stance you are taking. While an action like this may be judged by a number of variables, I personally don't think availability or popular opinion should be counted in those variables:trixieshiftleft:. Are you trying to point out there are moral pitfalls here? If so, please remember it was literally stated in the first chapter that 'the plan' involved pushing moral boundaries, relying on an unstable mind, and was only turned to as an act of desperation. Similar claims were made in the summary. I added in drama warning to show there would be some serious moments. I'm sorry if you were violently surprised to find a morally questionable event but...this point has been about as subtle and surprising as Liberachi coming out of the closet. I really don't know how much more I can say to this:applejackunsure:.

4) We've seen questionable decisions by mad scientist in everything from Tenchi Muyo to Dexter's Laboratory and countless more after and you never heard News channels screaming bloody murder about them. Why? Because it was clear they weren't meant to be take seriously. This isn't a commentary on society or a political/scientific manifesto. This is a story with magic, cartoon violence, and memes. If you are that desperate to find something to object to or find offense with, I can assure you there is content in multimedia and the world at large far more worthy of your time and effort than the fanfic you are currently reading.

I have said this before and I'll say it again: Everyone has a right to their opinion and belief, but that doesn't mean we can't be civilized and leave petty insults out of these discussions. Just take a breath and relax. If that is asking too much from you, then please leave quietly and respectfully to let others enjoy their day.

This story will have antagonists. It will have thugs. It will have threats. But you may well be right in that they won't measure up to this Blueblood in regards to the Board of Investors or those that threaten his loved ones:moustache:.

Yeah, I will admit that reveal may have been a bit much at once, but I always intended this as more of an origin an a major surprise for the others to get over, even as this origin will contribute more as the story goes on. Glad you liked the technicality response as it was actually a last minute thing when I went over it before publish. Thought about how it would be nice for Luna to have a chance at having more familial bonds and to show that Moonstone was more than a plot device then realized 'Wait a minute. This could make them cousins if legally brought up:twilightoops:!' Then thought this might make a decent one-liner gag. Really glad someone liked Luna's problem solving. As well as a partial tribute to a few classic jokes, I thought it fit Luna's personality to a T. It's old fashioned, direct, and looks for results. Also shows well why 'solutions' like this wouldn't work for everyone when you introduce it to individuals as...eccentric...as these girls:rainbowlaugh:. And yes, I do plan a bit of serious talk for Twilight as she has to learn to deal with these feelings and circumstances.

Thanks. I figure everyone would expect to immediately jump to sex scene or the like with the whole betrothal and bizarre madscience introduction. I was hoping a moment of levity and bonding would reinforce that there would be more to this than sex alone while giving Moonstone a chance to develop some character. As for the multiple sex slang? That was actually a joke borrowed from and referencing to a joke in Twilight gets a Puppy where Rainbow enjoys doing that to get reactions out of others.

I wouldn't say massive amounts of trouble, but there certainly will be words exchanged between the sisters. Particularly in regards to a revelation the two drunk mares will accidently make when Luna caught them:trollestia:.

I originally thought the two may of gotten in to a sex fight or make out. Kinda disappointed was this outcome, it's funny but.... well hehehehehehe sorry.

I'm kinda worried about Spike's bride hope doesn't backfire badly.

Luna's eyes widened in horrified understanding. The same happened for the other royalty, the girls, and their boyfriends. Eventually, the silence was broken by Moonstone after shrugging in Luna’s arms, “Well, you know what they say. Incest is wincest.”

That caused Twilight to choke and cover her eyes. “DEAR CELESTIA, GET THESE NEW IMAGES OUT OF MY HEAD!!” she wailed in despair.

Like you one to talk Twily when you were fantasizing big bro Shining and his big long swor-...............no wait, wrong story. :trollestia:

Thanks for responding to my questions/statements. I have a big thing about personal autonomy and making a person for an explicit purpose that is to benefit another just doesn't seem right to me, even if everyone is accepting of the situation and trying to make the best of it (and it just seemed to me that everyone was bit to, well, immediately accepting of this entire "situation" being thrust upon them. Maybe if someone said they had to step out and needed space to think about it I would be less skeptical of the reactions, but that's just me.) I am not surprised the mad scientist did this with few thoughts on the moral implications, I am just surprised that the Princesses would do this without trying other methods first since, as I have said before, this seems like a huge sapient rights issue to me. As for the prostitute comment I made, I think I was still remembering the other story this one is based off of and how the girls were adamant against sending Spike to a some prostitutes, acting like it would be the worst thing ever and they would be just throwing him at diseased women of the night, when finding professionals who know what they are getting into was still an option.

Final point being, I have strong (kind of needlessly strong given this particular situation) feelings about personal autonomy and the idea of making people for specific roles to benefit another. But as you have said, this story isn't some manifesto on sapience and the rights of individuality, it is just a story you are writing to have some fun, so I just have to remember that.

Thanks for the response!

Of course. While I admit my patience was thinning a bit, possibly due to a few outside issues today as well, I do try to be fair and answer others concerns as best as I am able. I did what I could to express that there were concerns to the group, both for her origins and tampering with memories, through their initial reluctance and awkwardness, but I suppose it could have used a couple of stronger responses. Might chalk that one up to oversight and/or annoyance from trying to tie it all in. Royals' concerns were ideally meant to be covered by the argument in the first chapter, playing on their desperation and distress, and the fact they had weeks to get used to get past their reservations. One thing I think we can agree on is that desperate people can be talked into overlooking quite a bit.

I also respect your concern and frankly agree that the idea of creating a life like that would be more than a little terrifying and disturbing. I just view this as 1) this is an absurd story that overlooks extremes via cartoon logic and 2) this being like countless science fiction I've read with the exception of having a mad scientist not making the mistake of being too controlling of said life and maybe a best case scenario vs the normal doom and gloom.

Anyway, I will understand if your concerns keep you from reading and would not hold it against you if you stopped. If you keep reading, I hope you can get past this initial bump to enjoy and assure you that I'm still glad to answer any questions, constructive criticisms, or views you may have:twilightsmile:. Just remember to stay calm and that you don't have to feel you need to go on the defensive. We're all here to goof off a bit, after all:scootangel:.

My biggest question is what will happen with Twilight?:twilightoops: will she ‘join’ with Spike and Moonstone, or will someone else show up (NOT SENTINEL)

I don't want to give too much away, but I did add this to the Spilight group:moustache:. That said, I don't want this completely focused on their pairing or others they may/may not have. We have Twilight dealing with a rollercoaster of emotions brought by the last story: guilt and grief, shame, confusion on new attraction to someone she knew as a little brother. We have Spike dealing with insecurity, confusion with memories and this girl that appeared almost literally out of thin air, as well as learning new things about his biology and culture. Then we have Moonstone. Pretty sure I don't have to elaborate on that hot mess of emotional baggage on top of what I may include later.

As for Sentinel? He will show up. He will try to cause trouble. He will try to force himself into Twilight's pants. And the consequences will be...memorable for him *cue evil laugh*:moustache:

vil ve give him to ze gut doctor? :coolphoto:

Not a bad chapter.
I think that Dr. Strangelove accent is great to hear but hard to read, its too heavy, I felt like I got lost in some parts and had to guess what he was trying to do.

I notice some seem to glance over because of being an AU of another fic. Does anyone have suggestions on how to get past this and show new take without making it sound like I'm disrespecting the original? A new title, maybe:trixieshiftright:?

It's not going to be the easiest thing to do. If people glance at it is probably because they feel like they already know how is going to end. I am having a hard time not trying to compare to the original but it is not easy. For example:

You just fix the conflict with Pinkie and Rarity right of the bat, we miss out the hilarious parts with the "Death by Sex" between Pinkie and Dizzy, it is also the post effect in which Spike helps Pinkie and Rarity, that Dizzy is the most grateful and it changes the perspective between Dizzy and Spike, as he no longer consider him a rival but a friend. You also have to consider the Conflict of Spike and Twilight with Sentinel which was part of the majority in the Original story, I am not even sure it would still be a harem story or not especially after the whole "She was created for you to marry/sex" it feels like it negates one of the important plot points in the Original, and that's just me. Others would have a different opinion on it.

It is going to be conflicting because you got people that enjoyed the original and feel like it is not on par and you got others that giving it a chance because it is an AU.

So I will be repeating this again, it will not be easy. I will definitely keep on reading your story and see where it goes.

Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad to see a comment with constructive crit. and willingness to debate:twilightsmile:.

Yeah, accents, especially heavy ones, are always a bit of a risk and uncertainty in writing. On the one hand, the accent is supposed to be a big part of his charm. I like to think it shows come of his eccentricity. Kind of like he learned enough language to get work with others done but didn't have the patience to refine it as he had more important things to do. Like defying the laws of physics and common sense with mad science:pinkiecrazy:. Just not sure how much I can cut out without taking too much away. Maybe leave in the occasional German terms or phrases such as fraulein or Entschuldigung while making the rest straight English? Maybe an early Author Note to say 'just imagine German accent?'

As for comparisons? I actually don't mind it that much when comparing certain changes between one or the other and whether it worked. I actually encourage the idea of debating it. I just don't like a concept being ignored altogether or harsh judgements because they hated a certain scene...that didn't happen yet:ajbemused:. Take your point on the Pinkie/Rarity fight. I don't disagree that there were things lost in this version. I don't disagree that it may have seemed too quick. I just felt the original seemed a bit off to me. Not bad, per se, just that it didn't fit in my mind. I felt it might have gone on a bit too long. Almost like a good joke that lost some meaning after trying to keep it running longer than should. Mainly because a fight between friends as close as the Elements over something like a broken party cannon, even with sentimental value, lasting so long didn't make sense to me. Maybe earlier in first season, but after everything they've been through by this point:applejackunsure:? Also seemed out of character, both for Pinkie to hold a grudge that long being actively mean and risking friendships or making others miserable as well as the idea the others would let this go without intervening. Even with an absurdist story dealing with extremes, I thought this was a little to OOC to make sense to me. At the same time, I couldn't just chuck it. So I did this as sort of a compromise: I had Dizzy's threat of 'death by snu snu' mentioned earlier with mentions of his worsening condition and I brought it to a head sooner but did so in as flashy and hilarious way as I could. Also, it's not completely finished yet. I plan on having some fallout from it on display later:trollestia:.
The harem question hasn't been thrown out either. Remember that harem is only defined by having multiple interests introduced. Origins don't necessarily matter. There has been everything in anime from clones and aliens to spirits and time travelers. And even if the origin and betrothal with Moonstone becomes set in stone, that doesn't mean others may not show up anyway. We're still fairly early in the story and we've already seen some emotional turmoil/tension from Twilight, so that ship hasn't sunk yet.
And Sentinel. Oooh, dear Sentinel:trollestia:. He very much will still act as a major antagonist in this. I'm just starting out with some focus on relationship and bonding at the moment. Remember, this is just the first day of their summer. There's time yet:scootangel:.

Vill I :duck:? Hmmmm:coolphoto:.

Think of this, not as an answer, but a tiny, tiny hint at what will be coming his way:coolphoto::moustache:.


maybe leave in the occasional German terms or phrases such as fraulein or Entschuldigung while making the rest straight English? Maybe an early Author Note to say 'just imagine German accent?'

Please don't do the 'just imagine German accent' that would kill Dr. Strangelove character, I think what you can try is that some of the words that end with an "S", change it to a "Z" keep some of the German terms or phrases. But please no 'Imagine German Accent', I am already seeing him as the Mad Scientist type.

Also, I hate Sentinel, He is a Dick.

The doctor cut himself off, blinked, and looked to the side of the group. “Umm. Pardon if zis seems abrupt but…vat is your name, fraulien?”

“Oh, me? I’m Pinkie Pie!” the party pony chirped.

“Pie. Ya, ya. Und does your family come from a quiet profession? Somezing like, oh say, blacksmiz, bakers, or hmmm,” he hummed and tilted his head back and forth lightly as if searching for a term before flatly saying, “a rock farm, perhaps?”

“Yupperoni! The Pie farm is the bestest, and most profitable rock farm in Equestria!”

“Ya, gut, ya ya,” Strangelove nodded absently as he stroked his chin thoughtfully with one hand and tapped the handle of his wheelchair with the other. “Perhaps it vas a success after all.”

...........................That..........explains...............so much.................TOO much actually.

Funny i was rereading this and wandering then the next would be out

Ok, I'll stop pitying Twilight from now on...
.........................................cuz now she's starting to scare the fuck outa me. Should I be worried? :fluttershyouch:

Nice worlding building with the dragon biology. Some interesting other explinations i have read are 1) they are purly for pleasure and only show when sexually aroused. 2) dragons choice to have them so the more closely resemble the mortal race and other reasons. 3) tge orignal a humanoid race with dragon mixed into . like the dragon born from DnD

Hope the new ginnie pigs i mean patients dont inturept the good Dr ,starlight and subburst.


In cases like this, I always prefer to have an actual reason for something odd like mammaries on a reptilian being in a story. Always irked me to see it in some stories as clearly just for the sake of exotic eye candy:trixieshiftleft:, so I tend to come up with head cannon explaining it in a story when I see it:twistnerd:. Glad to hear someone liked one of the ideas I came up with:twilightsmile:.


Huh...:rainbowhuh:. Kind of expected that more about Moonstone rather than Twilight. Why this reaction:trixieshiftright:?


Glad to hear you were happy to see it:scootangel:.

You cut it off right were I got interesting can’t wait for next chapter now!


I don't know there wasn't much reactions in the Emoticons so I tried to use whats closer. As much as like the mysterious dragoness Moonstone. I hope she won't go into some emotional wreck or yandere related stuff or something.

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