• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


Writer, reviewer, creator of Filly Fantasy VI, occasional PMV maker, and uploader of mildly amusing image macros to Derpibooru. https://www.patreon.com/drakeyc

Comments ( 81 )

WELP, instant favorite.

Following this like burning.

well it's incomplete I'll have to wait for the next chapters.

This is super interesting for sure. I love how Rarity has such a dominate position in things and isn't just hungry for cock. THAT is how something like this should be. She is teaching him, making him learn how a REAL man should be and not just about being intimate. I think that is the thing I am really hoping this touches on. That she will teach him to not just look at her, and all women, as sexual objects or pieces but see the person. To fall for someone for who they are not just because they are hot. I want to see her guide Spike on the path on being a good man not just do sexual things and make him a hornball. She will keep him in line and have it not be all about sexual act but intimate, passion, loving, caring, how a man SHOULD treat and think of a woman and not be like how so many men are now a days. Life isn't a porno and you shouldn't treat or think of women like that all the time. I really want to see romance on top of the erotic moments with this story. I think also her making him do ALL of his missing work would be funny as well. Make him earn all the time he has with her. And show it that if he DOESN'T do his work she wont spend time with him. I honestly would love to see a scene of them just sitting down and talking getting to know more about THIS Rarity and Spike and what makes them tick.

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Sep 2nd, 2018
Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Sep 2nd, 2018

Its because hes so hopelessly passive that people can project themselves onto him

Comment posted by DrakeyC deleted Sep 2nd, 2018

Oooh! this is gonna be a lot of fun i just know it.

Why no SEX tag ?

My bad, missed the Genre field and thought Porn was enough. Thanks. :twilightsheepish:

Colour me intrigued. I can't wait to see where you take this.

Color me curious, this has left me Interested.

Please, continue, you have my attention.

Yeah, Spike is the first male character of any significance that we see, he's right in the thick of the show, involved in a large percentage of things, and he has a love interest in the form of the prettiest of the six who is just a little too old for him. It's enough to give any shipper Mrs. Robinson vibes.

I need to have more following this story until my dying breath (not really) or until its finished and favoriting

Not bad, some small mistakes, get yoself an editor.

What errors did you notice, I'll correct them.

Small errors with commas mainly, nothing major (in case I scared you)

Over time this perception of

Over time, this perception of

If I reject it that’s marks

If I reject it, that’s marks

A vision nothing less than

A vision of nothing less than

Spike couldn’t help but gap

gasp or gape

his cock like greased lightly tightened

I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say here

Whats the update schedule looking like, or is it a (whenever I have time) I don't like to read unfinished stories because sometimes they go unfinished and it makes me sad cause I'm already invested in it, yea I know its annoying.

I have no words to describe how much I loving this outstanding story... Thank you very much and please provide us more asap.

Well I know one teacher who's gonna get a shiny red apple on her desk. :moustache:

Rarity here is... rather perfect for how you want her written. It's impressive, what you give and what you don't both speak volumes and were wisely chosen. This has a lot of promise. Plus, I'm a sucker for anything that uses the day in the chapter title :raritywink:

The question should be: How much resistance Rarity has left?

Well I'm going to follow this like it's a firetruck heading to my house.

I love this story so far and I can't wait for more.

This is the gooooood kind of delayed gratification erotic/clop stories I like to read about.

This is the sexiest story that doesn't have any sex in it.

This is a great story really. I SOOOO wish every clop/lemon/erotic writer I work with would read this. SOOOO many write the same way Spike did and it drives me crazy. That isn't sexy, that isn't romantic, that isn't intimate. That is a guy's power fantasy and doesn't give a shit about the female and their perspective. That is like how they ALWAYS write how the female is just 'loving it' or it is mind blowing and the guy is a sex god. Please. I get the fiction in fan'fiction' but to me it just comes off as sad lol. This feel like we will see a much more real interactions of not just intimacy but of relationship in general with Rarity teaching Spike on how to REALLY treat a woman like she is more than just a hole to stick your junk into.

Rarity sighed. “I must saw I’m quite disappointed in you, Spike. Although, not entirely surprised, either. You are a man, after all. It is an discomfitingly common trend for males to give in to their most primal, selfish urges when making love.” Rarity took a box of tissues from her desk and tossed it on Spike’s. “Clean yourself up, and this mess on the floor, too.”

This story is great, so far, but here is a small spelling error I caught. Superb writing, though.

I never expected this story to be updated, so this is a very pleasant suprise indeed.
Also, I'm really liking the way his relationship is panning out between spike and rarity, keep up the good work mate

A pleasant surprise and very well done at that, you certainly have a talent for this. I look forward to the next chapter.

Also, a editorial note: "He tightened his hands on his hips," should be, 'He tightened his hands on her hips.'

Ironic that Wednesday is hump day.

“You desire me, Spike. I am willing to make those desires a reality for you. But if you want to have me, you are going to have to earn me.” She gave a small chuckle. “Think of it as a quest to win your lady fair, sir knight.”


Gotta admit, since reading this second chapter, this fic’s been high on my list of fics I’d love to see updated. I love both Spike’s and Rarity’s characterizations.

Is chapter three on your schedule, or do you just plan to get to it whenever the mood or inspiration hits? (Don’t mean to sound pushy or anything, I’m really just curious.)


Oh but was it worth it. Spike is learning fast.

I love this story really digs into the emotional side of sex on a mature level.

Y’know, if this were made required reading in high school, young women the world over would build fucking statues of you.

What a wait this was. At least it is great quality like always.

Trust me on this, no one ever does it... it just happens. It'll probably happen gain at some point, but what's important is that it was well worth the wait.

I actually clapped softly for Spike as Rarity orgasmed. This was as usual very excellent, the detail in the foreplay both physically and mentally, as well as the emotional connection between the characters is what makes this one of best examples I could give on how to do sex right, and we haven't even gotten to the sex. Spike isn't the only one who should be proud.

Two days. Two more days.

Oh it would be worth the wait.

Inside Spike's mind:

“I want you to give me an orgasm.”

Shit just got HEATEEEEED!!!

This story is the best.

Good work Drakey C 👍
I will be waiting for the next part.
Have a nice day.

Comment posted by juaa deleted Jan 8th, 2020
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