• Published 12th Sep 2018
  • 555 Views, 2 Comments

Doctor Whooves And The Wonderbolt Assassin - Whooves235

When A Murder Takes Place In The Wonderbolts Academy in 2001 BMNR (Before Nightmare Moon's Return) The Dr and Rainbow Dash Must FInd The Killer Before The Wonderbolts Ceese To Exsist

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Chapter 7: The Chase/End

As Tiny Dust ran away from the mess hall he tried to get some air, knowing that he would surely be caught, though he decided to run for it instead. As he ran at top speed he could see Rainbow chasing him, and he was doing his best to lose her while at the same time Rainbow was trying her best to catch up to him.

"If I could get into the air then I could differently get the upper hand," Rainbow thought to herself. Rainbow then unfolded both her real and metal wing and took off into the sky, but before she could get up to speed in front of Tiny he got into the air as well and started to head to the obstacle course.

"Face it Prism," Tiny said, "you can't catch me. That metal wing is only holding you back!" He then flew into the course and started to rearrange the course, starting with the numerous rain clouds.

"Bucking hell, my wing will rust if I get it wet, and he’s getting away! Rainbow thought.

"Hey, you need some backup?" Spitfire asked. "I'm not letting you have all the fun."

"I’m sorry Spitfire, but I can't let you. He’s dangerous, and his family and I have some history," Rainbow said.

"Hey, we’re a team, remember? Like Commander Hurricane said, we’re swift as a coursing river and as strong as a million stallions. Together we can do amazing stuff."

"Yeah, we can, but we need to catch Tiny, and we can't do it not at this speed," Rainbow said.

"Well, at the distance he’s at, the only thing that could catch up to him would be a Sonic Rainboom, but that’s just a myth."

"A Sonic Rainboom, that's it!" Rainbow said, darting to the group coming out of the mess hall. "Doctor I have an idea."

"What is it?" The Doctor said.

"I need to do a Sonic Rainboom to catch Tiny," Rainbow said.

"Are You Insane?!" The Doctor said "Rainbow, a Sonic Rainboom gave you and your friends a cutie mark, but it was also the first time a Rainboom had been seen in over 100,000 years. If you do one before your younger self does, it could have massive effects on the timeline."

"Then what can I do?!"

"Well Rainbow, when you perform the Sonic Rainboom you are traveling at 7,610 MPH, so if you were to catch Tiny you would need to be able to fly at a speed that is at least 7,600 MPH, which means you will need to literally stop flying the second you feel the Boom happen. That way you can catch Tiny at the given speed needed," The Doctor said.

"So, you want me to stop mid-Boom?" Rainbow said. "Is that even possible with my metal wing?"

"Theoretically yes, but there is a 10% chance that if you stop at mid-Boom, your wings will physically give way and disintegrate," The Doctor said. "But don't worry, it’s a 10 out of 100% chance."

"Oh yeah don't worry, it's not like my wing is going to completely disintegrate or anything!!" Rainbow said in a stern but worried tone.

"Hey, listen, you can do this," Orion said as he walked over to Rainbow and The Doctor. "If you get enough speed to the point where you can pull of the Sonic Rainboom, then all you have to do is slow down a bit. It's just like running, but with wings."

"Ok, I'll do it, just..." Rainbow looked up into the storm clouds, then back at The Doctor and Orion. "If I don't make it, tell Applejack that I love her, and that she was the best thing to ever happen to me in the entire world, and also to not kill you for letting me die."

"Well then, we better make sure that doesn’t happen," The Doctor said. "Go and catch that killer."

Rainbow kicked herself off the ground and leaped into the air. As she flew into the obstacle course she could feel the rain, wind, and freezing temperatures on her coat, her fur getting tiny flakes of frost. As she looked at her metal wing she could see that it was starting to freeze up a little so she sped up, faster and faster, then started to fly forward at top speed. She could feel the pressure of the sky funneling in as the sky started to form a triangular shape around her, and she could feel her face getting pulled back at the sheer pressure. Then, she could see Tiny Dust flying toward the clear sky. As she got closer and closer she could feel just the Sonic Rainboom forming, so just before the boom she jolted herself back and sent a powerful gust of air at Tiny.

"What the?!" Tiny said as he started to lose control of his wings and fell downward. "AHHHHHHHH!"

"Ah, bucking hell," Rainbow said, knowing that she would have to save him, despite not wanting to do so. She bolted down towards the falling pony and put her hoof out in front of her, then flew directly under Tiny. "You’re not getting away that easily" Rainbow said.

Wonderbolts Training Camp - Runway

As Rainbow flew down onto the runway she could feel Tiny struggling to get out, so she increased the pressure of her squeeze, to suggest he stop.

"You think this is over? When I get the chance I'm coming for you, Prism!" Tiny said.

"Yeah, good luck doing that behind bars," Rainbow replied.

"Prism," Commander Hurricane said as Rainbow landed. "You caught Tiny, good work."

"Thank you sir, but if it wasn’t for Spitfire, I would have never done it," Rainbow said. "She was the one who gave me the idea."

"No, Prism, you caught him. You should get the praise," Spitfire replied.

"Well, it doesn’t matter who came up with what, you both are heroes," Commander Hurricane said. "You are both going to be great Bolts someday."

"Thank you, sir," Spitfire said.

"Yeah, thanks sir," Rainbow said.

"Now, as for Tiny," Commander Hurricane said, turning to Tiny Dust, "I have called Celestia and told her what happened. She has sent two royal guards to come and take you in."

"You think that prison can hold me?!" Tiny said. "When I escape, I'm going to come for all of you, especially you, Doctor!"

"Come one, let's go," Commander Hurricane said.

"Um, sir?" Spitfire said. "What about our training?"

"I’m afraid that because of what happened, the Academy will have to be temporarily closed as the investigation is taking place," Commander Hurricane said. "But as soon as it's over you are free to return. I will hold your applications until you come to get them or when I see you at the next training session."

"Yes sir!" Spitfire said as Commander Hurricane walked away with Tiny to the now-arriving Royal Guards.

"So, now what do we..." Rainbow said before getting confetti shot in her face, yet again.

"Hey Guys!!!" Surprise said.

"AHHHHH" Rainbow said, jumping back. "Pink...Surprise what the hay?"

"Oh, sorry Prism, I didn’t mean to frighten you, but I wanted to take a group photo to keep in my scrapbook," Surprise said, holding out her camera.

"Where did she get...." Spitfire said.

"Just don't question it," Orion said. "Trust me, it’s no use trying."

"Come on everypony, get in for a picture!" Surprise said, waving her hooves to get everypony in the shot. "Ok, everypony say Cherry-Chimichanga!!!"

"Cherry-Chimichanga!!" the group said as the camera flashed four times, indicating the pictures were taken.

"Here, I made one for each of you," Surprise said, handing out the photos.

"Thanks, Surprise," Rainbow said. "So what are you two planning on doing until the Wonderbolts open again?"

"Well, I have to head back to the farm to help out the family, and I have to plan a wedding too, so I’ll be busy"

"Yeah, well, because I was a part of this whole ordeal, I’ll most likely be helping Commander Hurricane with the investigation and the court case against Tiny," Spitfire said. "What about you, Orion? What are you going to do?"

"I don't think The Bolts are cut out for me...I think I might try my hoof at the Royal Guard, I hear they are looking for recruits" Orion said.

"Really? damn...I hope we can see each other again at some point" Spitfire said smiling.

"Yah I do too" Orion would say smiling back

"Well, The Doctor and I have to get back home. I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day," Rainbow said.

"So you're leaving too then?" Spitfire asked "Well... 'll make sure to look out for you alright?"

"Ill keep you on that promise!" Rainbow said smiling

Outside The T.A.R.D.I.S

"Well, Mrs. Dash," The Doctor said, "this has been quite the adventure."

"You’re telling me," Rainbow said. "Applejack will never believe me when I tell her what happened."

"Yeah, well, that happens a lot," The Doctor said as Rainbow entered the TARDIS, but before he could step in Surprise came walking up to him.

"Hey Doctor!" Surprise said.

"Oh, Miss Surprise, what are you doing here?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh, I just came to see you go, and to wish you luck,"

"Oh, well thank you,"

"Hey Doctor," Surprise said. "What is wrong with your eyes?"

"What… What do you mean?"

"They just look so… old and sad," Surprise replied.

"How… how do you-" The Doctor said before getting interrupted by Rainbow.

"Doctor, hurry up!" Rainbow said from inside the TARDIS.

"Listen Surprise, I really need to go," The Doctor said.

"Ok, just be careful. I know you’re from Ponyville, Prism told me," Surprise said. "I know they have had a really Bad Wolf problem."

The Doctor stared at Surprise for just a second, then slowly entered the TARDIS, closing the door on a now-empty lot of grass.

The T.A.R.D.I.S

As The Doctor entered the TARDIS with Rainbow, he could see that she was all sweaty and exhausted. "And I thought Spitfire was a tough teacher," Rainbow said.

"Well, hopefully, you now know how to fly using that metal wing of yours," The Doctor said.

"Yes, I do," Rainbow said, "and I’m now faster than ever before."

"Good," The Doctor said. "Now let's get you back to your time zone.”

As the TARDIS made that noise again, Rainbow was burning with a question for The Doctor and couldn’t wait any longer to ask it.

"Doctor?" Rainbow asked. "Will me and Applejack make it through what is happening with Lightning Dust?"

The Doctor froze.

"I’m sorry, Rainbow. I’m not allowed to tell you your future," The Doctor said. "I can only tell you this… You will both have great happiness and sorrow, that is yet to come."

"Will… Will Me or Applejack die?"

"I am afraid that is all I can tell you." The Doctor said

The TARDIS grew silent. When the door opened, Rainbow could see Sweet Apple Acres.

"Now usually I would come to explain why we were late," The Doctor said, "but we can't stay here."

"Why, is something bad about to happen?"

"No, not at all… Well, you will see, or rather you will hear."

"Okay then… Well, I hope to see you soon, Doctor," Rainbow said.

"Oh, trust me, you will see me very soon," The Doctor said.

As Rainbow Dash exited the TARDIS, the box slowly began to disappear, until just like that, it was like it was never even there.

"Wonder what he meant by that?" Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she headed to her loving wife waiting for her at the barn.

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