• Published 27th Sep 2018
  • 12,386 Views, 81 Comments

How Anon-A-Miss Mucked Up - DragonxFlutter

Anon-A-Miss thought they could easily manipulate their sisters into hating Sunset Shimmer. They're about to realize that they shouldn't have tried to mess with a professional.

  • ...

Alternate Title: They Really Should Have Thought This Through

Walking into school one December morning, the Rainbooms looked like a small pack of Sleep Zombies. They had all spent the night prior at Pinkie Pie's house, the first in a series of sleepover parties leading up to Sunset Shimmer's first Christmas celebration in the human world. They knew they'd end up suffering such fatigue for the whole week, but none of them regretted the chance to bond.

Applejack smiled and chuckled softly to herself as she recalled the silly games they played at Pinkie Pie's insistence. Charades, Truth or Dare, Twenty Questions, all with that trademarked Pinkie Pie craziness. It turned out a lot more fun than it first seemed, and AJ in particular loved that one round of Charades when Rarity had to-...

Something snapped Applejack out of her recollections, her acute ears picking up the faint sound of giggling. Malicious giggling. Upon shifting her gaze, she noticed the trio of friends known around school as the Flower Girls. All three were looking directly at her and giggling until they caught her gaze; at which point they promptly looked away.

She was about to shrug it off as just gossipy girls doing their thing, when she heard someone snort behind her. Almost like they were imitating a pig. She whirled around to get a look at the jokester, but only saw the ever-shifting crowd of her peers.

"That was weird," she muttered as she turned to catch up with her group. "Coulda sworn Ah heard summun oink b'hind me. Huh...must be th' lack o' sleep."

She caught up with her friends at their lockers and started sorting out her books and assignments. She was just about done when she noticed Apple Bloom in Rarity's mirror; running up in a slightly panicked state.

"Applejack! Applejack!" she called, panting as she slid to a stop near her sister. "Ya gotta see this!"

"Whut 'n tarnation you on about, Bloomy?" Applejack yawned. "An' why this early in th' mornin'?"

"LOOK!" Apple Bloom shoved her phone out for Applejack to see.

On the screen was the elder sister's MyStable page, and at the very top was a new post published some three hours prior by a user named "Anon-A-Miss":

Did you guys know when AJ was a kid she loved playing with her pigs? OMG! She sat in the mud for hours! Her whole family calls her "Piggly Wiggly" cause she loves them so much! What a PIG!

Applejack snatched the phone up and blanched when she saw the post, and how it had been liked by sixty-nine people; twenty-five of which left some kind of mean spirited comment of amusement.

"WHAT?! How th-... Whut th-... Who's this 'Anon-A-Miss' character?"

"Th' profile wus created same time as th' post!" Apple Bloom explained. "No tellin' who it is! She posted on your page, mah page, our friends' pages! Ah'd reckon the whole school knows by now!"

Applejack stood there breathless, her hearing picking up faint calls of "Piggly Wiggly" and "oink oink" from the crowd around them. It took a bit, but she steeled her emotions with a deep breath and plopped the phone back into its owner's hands.

"W-well, Ah ain't gonna let this bother me," she stated, trying to sound confident. "Ah wusn't raised tuh fold to a lil' teasin'. Even if it is about sumthin' this embarrassin'."

"Okay, but what about this 'Anon-A-Miss'?" asked Rainbow Dash. "How'd they even know your old family nickname?"

"And why would they put it on the internet?" added Fluttershy. "That...that's just so cruel!"

Before anyone could answer these questions, the bell rang for classes to begin. "Ah guess we'll just have tuh wait until after school."

Noticing how dejected her friend looked, Sunset Shimmer reached out a comforting hand and placed it on AJ's shoulder. "Let us know if we can help," she offered.

AJ looked at the hand and smiled a bit. "Sure thing, Sunset. Thanks."

Applejack sighed as the friends parted ways for classes, and she slowly walked down the now empty halls. Apple Bloom stuck next to her sister, waiting for a bit then clearing her throat.

"So, sis...about this 'Anon-A-Miss' thing."

"Whut about it?"

"Well...th' only people that know that story are us, our family, and yer friends. Are ya sure ya never told nobody else?"

Applejack sent a confused look towards her sister. "Positive. Whut'cha gittin' at, Bloomy?"

"Well..." Apple Bloom took a second to scratch the back of her head. "Sunset only heard last night, both the account and th' post were made this mornin', and th' page has the same colors as Sunset's hair..."

Applejack stopped in her place and glared at her little sister. "Are y'all suggestin' what Ah think yer suggestin'?"

Apple Bloom also stopped and waved her hands. "A-Ah mean...it's th' kinda thing she used tuh do, so it's not too big uh leap..."

The elder Apple became borderline furious. "How DARE you?!" she shouted. "Sunset's mah friend! Ah've seen her change and grow wit' mah own two eyes, Apple Bloom! Do NOT go accusin' her to mah face like that!"

Apple Bloom backed off, knowing this was a fight she'd never win. "O-okay! Okay! I-it was just a thought! N-no need fer shoutin'! Ah'll meet up wit' ya after school."

Applejack huffed and briskly walked away, ready to put these events behind her so she could be in a better mood for Rarity's slumber party later that night.

Later that week, Sunset strolled into Canterlot High with a smile on her face. The past few nights had been ones to remember. Sketching wacky clothes with Rarity, playing with Fluttershy's foster pets, the video game tournament at Rainbow Dash's. She felt closer than ever with her friends.

My friends, she thought, hugging herself as warmth began to build in her core. Those five. Who'd have thought that the girls I would target the most ended up becoming my closest relationships? Heck, I think I might even be able to call them-

She stopped walking, yanked from her inner monologue by the sight of her friends. They were all standing there, looking at each other in confusion and concern. Rainbow Dash and Rarity in particular had rather angry looks on their faces. Something was wrong.

"Hey guys," Sunset called warily. "What's up?"

"Sunset, did y'all loose yer phone?" Applejack asked, getting straight to the point.

"Nnnooo?" Sunset said, pulling the device from her pocket. "Why? What's going on?"

"Explain this." Applejack handed Sunset her own phone, which was currently opened to Anon-A-Miss' page.

Sunset took it and looked. Her eyes flew open when she saw pictures of her and her friends, all playing around with the clothes from Rarity's "Closet of Shame".

"H-how...how did they get our pictures?" Sunset asked, more from concern over their virtual security than the embarrassing photos.

"Those ain't ours, Sunset," Applejack said bluntly. "Those 're all th' pictures you took."


"Yer Anon-A-Miss, ain'tcha?"

"Wait! Wait, wait. Hold on a second."

Sunset, ignoring the glares of her friends, began investigating the Anon-A-Miss profile. She scoured the entire page and all its posting history; taking in every detail of how things were written and organized. She even investigated the colors of the page and the avatar, which had been done up specifically to look like her.

The Rainbooms were about to object to Sunset's dodge when they heard her giggle. Confused, they looked at her and saw her smile. Their confusion quickly grew to concern as the smile became a grin and the giggles turned to cackles.

"S-Sunset?" Fluttershy meekly called, becoming rather scared at how long Sunset kept laughing. "A-are you...are you okay?"

"LOOK AT THIS!!" Sunset practically screamed, making the rest of the Rainbooms - and everyone around them for about ten feet - jump back in shock. "Look at this bullshit! What is this?! Fucking AMATEUR HOUR?!"

Rarity flinched a little at Sunset's words. "S-Sunset, dear, please curb your language. We are on school property, after all. We could all get in trouble if-"

"Oh, I'll happily take a citation for language if it means exposing this poser!" Sunset interrupted; still grinning manically. "Just look at this thing! It's so sloppy!"

All the Rainbooms just went silent and looked at each other for a bit. The silence was broken when Pinkie looked back and asked "Come again?"

"Pull up my profile and let's compare," Sunset said, waiting for Pinkie to comply. When she had it up, Sunset took the phone and held it next to AJ's to demonstrate. "Look at this! First of all, I don't use acronyms this often in my posts. Secondly, there are some posts that have decent grammar, but others that have the worst grammar I've ever seen! Thirdly, some of these posts are properly categorized, like I would do, but then there are tons that have no categorization or wrong categorization! And finally, it looks like me! Even the avatar looks like me! Even in my early days I wasn't this sloppy! What an absolute amateur!"

She handed the phones back to their respective owners and starting laughing again. "You guys go on to class, and I'll meet up with you at lunch. Right now, I gotta go call in a favor with Principal Celestia."

As Sunset skipped away, her slightly crazed laughter echoing through the halls, the girls all looked to each other. Each felt a mix of emotions, chief among them being concern for Sunset's mental health and guilt over their thoughts of her earlier that day.

It wasn't too long later that the school's PA system turned on.

"Attention students of Canterlot High!" Sunset's voice cheerily came from the speakers. "This is Sunset Shimmer, and I've finally investigated the MyStable Profile known as Anon-A-Miss! And I want to say a few things to whoever set this up! First of all, thank you!"

Students throughout the school started chattering in confusion at the thanks.

"I haven't had a laugh this good in years, so thank you very much for making my day!" Sunset continued. "Second, did you really think I wouldn't catch onto your sloppy conjob? You made the profile look like me, dude! Why would I ever do that?!"

The confusion turned to mumbles of agreement as everyone took a moment to consider such an obviously stupid move.

"That's a surefire way to get caught! I was never that stupid even in my early days! Ask any of the faculty! They'll tell you! And finally, I have warning for you."

Everyone went deathly silent as Sunset's tone abruptly turned to ice.

"You targeted the wrong people, Amateur. Those girls are my friends. Hell, they've become like a family to me."

The Rainbooms each felt more intense guilt at the praise.

"I haven't had a family like this in so long. Why would I ever give that up? So now, you've gone and pissed me off. Here's the deal: I'll be waiting in the cafeteria with Principal Celestia during lunch hour. Either you come turn yourself in, or I'll come find you. And that's not an empty threat. I will find you, and it will be painful. You don't fuck around with my family, bitch."

The system noticeably turned off, and the entire school felt an unnatural chill crawl up their collective spines.

Lunch came, and there was only hushed murmurs between students. Everyone felt the intense air given off by Sunset Shimmer. The former bully sat at the Rainboom's usual table, Principal Celestia among the small group. The older woman grumbled and shifted about in her chair, unable to find comfort.

"Geeze, is this really the quality of chair we have?" she mumbled to herself. "How long have we even had these for? Since I was a student here? I'll have to look into getting these replaced later..."

Pinkie and Rainbow both hid their amusement at the Principal's discomfort, both getting a little satisfaction in seeing her struggle with what they struggled with every day. Sunset didn't notice, her eyes locked on the door to the room. When they opened and Vice-Principal Luna walked in, she stood up and crossed her arms. And when she got a look at just who was following the woman, she sighed and closed her eyes for a bit.

"Sunset Shimmer. Sister," Luna announced upon her arrival. "These three would like a word with you."

The Principal and the rest of the Rainbooms looked on in shock at the sight of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, all standing in a row and looking very guilty. Their respective sisters just about couldn't believe it.



"Ah thought y'all wus jes' blowin' air when ya tried tuh blame Sunset a few days ago! Wut were y'all thinkin'?!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked to their group's defacto leader, and she sighed as she began explaining. "We were jealous of Sunset. Y'all've been spendin' so much time wit' 'er, to th' point that y'all don't make time fer us anymore. So...we tried tuh git her on y'all's bad sides so you'd have more time fer us..."

"And the pictures from Rarity's sleepover?" Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow to emphasize her level voice.

"That was me," Sweetie Belle squeaked out. "I-I snuck into Rarity's room while you were all asleep and took your phone to copy them..."

"What made you decide to turn yourselves in?" Celestia asked, having remained silent until now.

"At first we were really glad that our plan was working," Scootaloo answered. "Sunset was getting in trouble with our sisters, and then they'd have more time for us. But...then I overheard Rainbow talking about how she'd punch Sunset's lights out if it really was her..."

Sunset turned her head to find a stunned and rather sheepish Rainbow Dash. Her only response was to throw her a look that said "We'll talk about this later".

"So, when I told the others," Scootaloo continued. "We all decided it was best to call it off. We were gonna come to you anyway, but then you made the announcement."

"And we really, really, really don't want to get beaten up," Sweetie Belle whimpered as she started to hide behind Apple Bloom. "I-I've heard stories about how strong Sunset is, a-and I really don't wanna see it up close..."

Sunset looked at them all and closed her eyes, a rather dark expression growing as she thought things over. Each of the girls grew ever more worried about what would happen to them, and even started to panic when Sunset lifted a fist. They all clenched their eyes shut and braced for impact...and all they felt was a light bump on the top of their heads, like one might do to tease a younger sibling.

They curiously opened their eyes and looked at Sunset, whose expression turned to more disappointed than angry.

"If it was anyone else, girls," Sunset said. "If it was anyone else. I'm still really mad about the whole situation, but I'm mostly just disappointed right now. I wish you three had learned from my mistakes instead of having to make some of your own. Trust me, the stunt you pulled? It could have lead you to a dark place. And even if you got away with it for a while, it'd come back to bite you in the end. I had to learn that the hard way."

Each of the younger girls looked rather embarrassed and humbled at that.

"So, what'll happen to us now?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That's up to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna," Sunset started. "As well as your families. But right now?" She knelt down to eye level with them. "Just...promise me you'll talk to us first next time you start having these kinds of thoughts, okay?"

They each nodded in unison. "We promise, Sunset."

"And we're really sorry about all this," Scootaloo said. "We really weren't thinking things through at all..."

The other two voiced similar apologies, and Sunset sighed out the rest of her stress. "Thank you for apologizing, girls. I don't know if I can really forgive you right now, but I'm glad you've realized what you did was wrong."

With that settled, the two principals lead the trio to Celestia's office and Sunset sat down as the cafeteria grew lively again once the show was over. The Rainbooms all kept silent for a while, each trapped in their own thoughts. Sunset was about to get up to obtain some lunch, when Fluttershy and Pinkie hugged her tightly from either side.

"We're so, so sorry, Sunset," Fluttershy sniffled into her friend's shoulder.

"We should have trusted you more before jumping to conclusions," Pinkie sighed sadly, her hair rather limp.

With little else to do, Sunset just patted her friends' arms reassuringly. "Hey, I get it, girls. All the surface-level evidence was pointing right at me. And with my past, I'd have jumped to conclusions too."

"Still, that gives us no excuse for our hostile behavior earlier," Rarity objected. "As your friends, we really should have given you more benefit of the doubt. Especially when we feel like family to you."

Sunset smiled and looked at them all with teary eyes. "Thank you. And it's okay. I'll get past it in time. Right now, I'm starving, and Ayjay needs to think of how to include a second vegetarian at her holiday party. That is, if it's still on for this weekend."

"You bet'cher jacket it is," Applejack said with a small smirk. "An' Ah'll make sure it's extra special tuh help us get our spirits up after this week."

With a nod and another bit of reassuring to Fluttershy and Pinkie, Sunset got up and walked to get some food.

Sunset sat by a crackling fire, dressed in a warm sweater and yoga pants, wearing comfortable woolen socks, and nursing a mug of hot chocolate. She smiled in satisfaction as she watched her friends, those five girls who endeared their way into becoming her surrogate family. They each sat around the Apple Family living room in various states of dress similar to her own, and they all were doing something or other.

Rainbow and Applejack were once more trying to defeat the other in some competitive game, Pinkie was snarfing down treats like her stomach was a black hole, Rarity was sketching away on her design pad as she listened to one of Granny Smith's old stories about past Christmas parties, Fluttershy had pretty much glued herself to Sunset's side ever since they met up again after school. In addition, Maud and Big Macintosh were sitting together to enjoy the other's approval of silence. Even the Canterlot Movie Club was at the party, having been allowed to attend once they had finished doing all the chores on the Apple Family property.

Feeling inspiration strike her, Sunset placed her mug down and took out her journal, her link to Equestria, and opened it up. Taking out her pen, she began to write:

Dear Princess Twilight,

This week has been a doozy. I'll give you the full details later, but for now I'll tell you what we've all learned from the experience.

When someone new comes into the life of a beloved family member - be it a new friend, a romantic partner, etcetera - and you start feeling jealous of the time they spend together, it's important to talk to them about it the first chance you get. They're likely not trying to make you feel jealous, and will be more than happy to make more time to spend with you. And who knows? You may even find a potential friend in the new person as well.

Again, I'll go into details later. Trust me, you're going to need to be lying down for it.

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer

As she closed her journal, she saw the Club walk up and offer her a plate of treats. Sunset accepted with a smile and got as many hair ruffles in as she could, ilisiting small squeals and giggles as the three ducked out of reach.

She chuckled as the three ran off, and draped her arm over Fluttershy, who had fallen asleep after getting comfortable.

Yeah, Sunset thought to herself. I think I could get used to having a family as lively as mine.

Author's Note:

Yes, I did add in subtle gratuitous SunShyne. Why? Because I could, duh. :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 81 )

Why do I have the feeling that; if they got rid of the swear words in this story, THIS IS HOW THE COMIC SHOULD HAVE WENT?!

This is well executed, but there is an odd dichotomy involved.

The story, with the swearing and threats of violence, feels like it is reaching further into a real-world interpretation of Canterlot High than what Equestria Girls gives us, yet at the same time none of the responsible adults in the room react to those aspects at all. We don't see VP Luna wring a promise from Sunset not to threaten or hurt the perpetrators and we don't see Celestia berate Sunset for her swearing over the PA.

I think this could be about 1000-2000 words longer and fill in a lot more of the reality of the situation. Great take on what is usually treated as an excuse to trigger thermonuclear war.


Because, the comic was written by talentless hacks

A fresh and surprisingly accurate version of how Anon-a-miss comic should’ve happened! I swear if this had been the actual comic it would’ve been better and if they had made a version with swearing that would’ve made it even better lol. I think the moral of the story is DON’T FUCK WITH SUNSET OR HER FAMILY!

Yeah. Considering Sunset's past, it's hard to believe that she wouldn't have spotted such a sloppy frame job from a mile away.

Because the announcement was made very publicly from Celestia's office, I wanted to imply that all the negotiating had actually happened. It just wasn't relevant enough to the story I wanted to tell for me to warrant including it. I considered reducing the swearing, but I felt that it lacked the proper impact I wanted to get across. And the threats of violence? That was, in my head, mostly just to spook the perpetrator. The worst that would have happened, in my mind, would have been a smack upside the head and dragging them across the school by the ear.

Yeah. By the time post-Rocks, Sunset was already well on her way to a familial connection with the other Rainbooms. On top of that the fact that everyone was so gullible, and you have a weak comic. Honestly, I wanted to include a bit about Sunset being disappointed with how Humans can be as gullible as the Ponies, but it wormed its way out for the sake of time and moving on. No need to harp on a single point too long, yeah?

I wish this was canon.

I wish there was a part at the end where Princess Twilight was informed and then she told them the whole story of Gabby Gums and highlighted the difference between the two

and Ayjay needs

AJ? Can't say I've seen someone spell that phonetically.

There really needs to be more of this kinda thing - Sunset easily beating Anon-a-miss. Imean, some one really shouldn't be able to beat Sunset at her own game.

Okay, I was a wee bit doubtful about this when we got to the PA announcement bit (as an earlier comment said, there's an odd dichotomy with Sunset cursing and threatening violence, and yet none of the authority figures react to that at all), but I must say, I really, really liked the scene with Sunset and the CMC. Just, that felt right, and was very well-done. I'm so tired of all these grimdark and edgelord Anon-a-Miss fics, so it was just wonderful to see this story where (earlier PA shenanigans aside) Sunset responds to this with some real honest-to-God maturity.

Hahahahaha :rainbowlaugh: Oooh man... like some said below, get rid of the swearing and this is how the comic would've went :rainbowlaugh:

Good show

Honestly, this is exactly what I wanted to happen.

Finally, an Anon-a-Miss reworking that doesn't end with the CMC getting beaten up. I really like what you did with this one, as well as the reasonable punishment, but the fact that it wasn't obvious to the others exposes a real plot hole in the original.

Indeed, good Sir, indeed. This was my reaction to the original comic;

Skip to 25 seconds.

This would also do the trick nicely:

Skip to 1:31.


Nice pleasing little alternative, with everyone actually having an ounce of intelligence amongst other things.

Let's be honest here. There was nothing good to say about the comic. Period. Hasbro made it clear how much they don't like it with Forgotten Friendship.

Which, let's face it, is how the comic should have done it. It would make far more sense if it had.

I had considered something like that, but I felt that this particular story was long enough as it is. If there's enough interest, I might make a supplementary part with that scenario.

I started doing that after remembering something from my old Star Wars books. Whenever they refer to the characters R2-D2 and C-3PO by their nicknames in character dialogue, they spell them out as "Artoo" and "Threepio". That actually made more sense to me than putting numbers and acronyms in character dialogue.

And that's where we get this story. XP

Like I explained earlier, I had intended for Sunset and Celestia to have negotiated that "favor" off-screen. I didn't feel it was important enough to the story to include it on-screen.

Indeed. Consider at this point that Sunset has helped save the school from the Sirens, and even synchronized with the Elements of Harmony to do it (her first Pony-Up). Had this story been placed prior to those events, the original version would have made much more sense.

"Pull up my profile and let's compare," Sunset said, waiting for Pinkie to comply. When she had it up, Sunset took the phone and held it next to AJ's to demonstrate. "Look at this! First of all, I don't use acronyms this often in my posts. Secondly, there are some posts that have decent grammar, but others that have the worst grammar I've ever seen ! Thirdly, some of these posts are properly categorized, like I would do, but then there are tons that have no categorization or wrong categorization! And finally, it looks like me! Even the avatar looks like me! Even in my early days I wasn't this sloppy! What an absolute amateur !"

Thank you Sunset, THANK YOU!

What can I say except well done!

Thank you for doing a fic that answers that bit of oversight of the obvious

There was an author who did that, actually. The story made a lot more sense as a result. In fact, I suspect the comic was written before Rainbow Rocks was released and then had some references to the film lazily shoehorned in.

I did find the parallels intruiging, to say the least. CMC are out of character in the comic, though. Could girls this adorable really start a rumour engine that kicked of a war in CHS and destroyed Sunset's life?

I could buy that theory. Comics get delayed for various reasons all the time, so I can see it being originally intended for pre-Rocks.

Thank you for reminding more people of what the Human Crusaders call themselves. XP

Funny you should mention that. In that short, they call themselves the Canterlot Move Club. However, in Rainbow Rocks Apple Bloom uses the expression Crusaders, though that's presumably in the context of their band.

Cut to 2:56 for the line in question. Then, in the most recent CYOE short, Rarity's ending, Rarity refers to them as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which is nonsense given Cutie Marks are not a concept in our world.

Will they ever sort this out and be consistent?

Given the inconsistent writing of this franchise? Nope. Always.

I only recently found the dub of the comic on YouTube, and was pondering either writing something similar to this (in basic concept - i.e.: maturity prevails) or ignoring it completely.

A story like this would definitely have made the comic much better. Nicely done. :twilightsmile:


Not talentless; just lazy. They still tend to pander to certain tropes. Applejack being a timid farmer; Rainbow Dash being a dumb athlete.

Twilight being the obvious main character because she's really the only one that gets to save the day most of the time.


No, they are talentless, they chose too tackle cyberbullying, then portrayed it in the most insulting manner possible, a pandering comic would have had a consistent tone, this on the other hand went straight from emotional breakdown to nothing about what happened mattered, not to mention the motivations made no sense considering that the comic taked place after the dazzlings.

Yes, I did add in subtle gratuitous SunShyne. Why? Because I could, duh.

I approve.


There was nothing good to say about the comic. Period. Hasbro made it clear how much they don't like it with Forgotten Friendship.

They did? I didn't notice any references to Anon-A-Miss in "Forgotten Friendship."

There's not any references. Forgotten Friendship is how the comic should have done it. Hasbro won't say that of course.

But anyone who bothers to think it through will see it.

Do you also think The Force Awakens is just a cheap knockoff of A New Hope?

Ooh, look how edgy you are, calling professionals talentless. You want to know what I call talentless? Paragraph after paragraph that are each a single run-on sentence rife with capitalization and spelling errors. I'd quote the whole thing, but then my comment would be longer than your fics.


Childish insults? That's how you address the points I made? I'm the edgy one, for calling out a comic that was tone deaf, poorly written plot, and overall insulting to anyone who actually goes through what was put on the pages, sure I'm the edgy one.

Also, I highly doubt you actually read anything ive written.

Oh, come now, little one; think. If I'm the one being childish for calling you talentless, what are you for calling better writers than you childish? Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?

I have read some of what you've written. I stopped after the the first ten paragraphs were 100+word in a single run-on sentence that made little sense.

We're still doing these?

Yep. Just that this time it's a rewrite.


Ha, yeah right, I highly doubt you read anything, I already adressed why thier talentless, and your first grade philosphy needs work, so this the end of this, ill leave you as an idiot, while I go and live life.

Hope you dont prove me right, by replying to me.

Applejack stopped in her place and glared at her little sister. "Are y'all suggestin' what Ah think yer suggestin'?"

"Sunset, did y'all loose yer phone?" Applejack asked, getting straight to the point.

"Ah thought y'all wus jes' blowin' air when ya tried tuh blame Sunset a few days ago! Wut were y'all thinkin'?!"

(y'all is a plural pronoun.) And before you bring up AJ doing that. It was only twice, out of over 120 episodes. The rest (like with AJ's family) has always been properly used (even when she's using implied plurals. They don't use it improperly).

Sunset smiled and looked at them all with teary eyes. "Thank you. And it's okay. I'll get past it in time. Right now, I'm starving, and Ayjay needs to think of how to include a second vegetarian at her holiday party. That is, if it's still on for this weekend."


(Not only is it how it's done across both fics and stories of MLP:FIM, but it's how proper Initialism is done. That and A isn't Ay which is pronounced I. Kind of ruins the immersion when thinking what the hell is Ayjay (not a word), and then scrolling down to see it's a butchery of initialism (and doesn't work for things like DOR-15 (Doris), or Nate and Chadling.)

Who in the hay is SunShyne?

Okay ... all in all, not horribad. But ... it was decent. Not too bad, not great. But decent.

Honestly after I learned that the fics were non-canon from Hasbro, and seeing just how horribly they butchered the Sunset Shimmer Mirror story. Which was just atrocious. They should feel bad about themselves for ever for butchering something that watching the movie would show they are wrong.

But I stopped paying attention to it. And it's story lines. It's just not the fanfic that I follow, although I will give them credit on making very, very few good fanfic stories. Anon-A-Miss being one of them for sucking so hard other fanfic writers work on making it not blow chunks.

As a born and raised Texan, I can tell you right now that "y'all" is indeed sometimes used to refer to an individual. It just varies from person to person.

I believe that putting acronyms, initials, and numeric symbols in character dialogue is stupid. They're speaking, not typing.

You don't delve into shipping much, do you?

And, honestly, that's just your opinion. I'm sorry I wasn't about to entertain you to your standards. I was just posting a story that I wanted to write, and that's all there is to it.

1) No. Grammatically, and appropriately. It's a plural. Or at most an implied plural. It is never a singular. There is already a singular you. That and "You all" makes no sense as a singular. And one of the things that pisses me off on idiots who misuse it, or in places that have a cultural history of being morons and slaughtering the word.

All over the continental US. There are plenty of plural you's, and noone misuses those. Y'all is a Southern Plural You, and people butcher it like no tomorrow, which makes it even more stupid since they also do use the word "you".

2) You may think it's stupid. But they are saying the letters A and J. Ay, is pronounced I, no A. So either go with a different nickname, or stick with the initialisms. Since the pronunciation of AJ is AJ.

3) I do, but the more common ones.

4) And yes, that obviously is my opinion on not being properly entertained.


  1. Real Life doesn't follow the rules 100% of the time. Sometimes people will use plural to refer to a single person. It just happens and we can't change that. I hate when people make certain grammatical mistakes too (such as never using proper capitalization/punctuation), but there's nothing I can do to change their minds if they don't care.
  2. To use an example I've seen: In a Star Wars book, you won't see "R2-D2" in character dialogue. You'll see it as either "Artoo-Deetoo" or just "Artoo" for short. It's the phonetic pronunciation. I have never heard "a + y" pronounced as "i" before in American English. The only other thing I can think of is "a + e", and I think that's more of a Latin thing (though I could be wrong).
  3. Then you've never seen the nickname for Sunset + Fluttershy (SunShyne: Sunset + FlutterShy + a pun on sunshine), which is a very common ship nowadays.
  4. Then why are you still here debating this with me? My stance is not very likely to change; you've already decided you don't like me, if the interpreted tone of your comments is any indication; and you didn't even enjoy the story. I have better things to do than talk about this, and I'm pretty sure you do as well. Why cause us both more headache?

1) And those people sound like morons, or uneducated. But honestly, I have never heard it used singularly IRL.

You have a singular you already, that even this character has been shown to use (and the two canon misuses out of over 100 episodes, are over shadowed by her family using it properly 100 % of the time.)

Misusing it sounds as stupid as if she were to say "youse guys", "you lot", or "youses" singularly (all 3 proper plural you's). And the whole "exception to the rule" doesn't count. When every other plural you is a freaking plural.

The only exception to the rule is that you in English is both singular and plural. The second you use a colliqual plural from any English area. It no longer can be used singularly since it's a plural of a singular.

2) Look up Ay in the dictionary. As well as the phonetics of A. Which has the pronunciation of A.

The simple fact is, you are arguing L33T to English. To two letters. Not a mix of letters and numbers. For instance RT would be Artee or Arty both are a totally different name.

And both books, transcripts, and fanfics use AJ. That is both canon, and what everyone (but you) uses. It's easier to use what everyone uses for a name. Rather than invent a new one, that you get people calling you out on.

3) Never seen it. Got any worth while links?

4) :facehoof: please tell me you're not being serious? You can't be that stupid, when a person is agreeing on a point. Please tell me you weren't arguing with me agreeing with you? :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:


  1. The only retort I have left before I run out of patience is that it just rolls off my tongue even when it doesn't technically fit. If that's unacceptable to you, then you're welcome to never speak to me again.
  2. Again, I have never heard of "ay" being pronounced as a long "i". Every single example I can think of uses the combination as a long "a" sound. Day, bay, lay, gay, jay, ray. And your "RT" example is mute here, as that's more how you emphasize certain syllables. "AR-TEE" vs "ARty".
  3. Dig around here, you're bound to find something.
  4. I'm not debating the one point we're agreeing on. I'm saying that, from how my mind is interpreting the tone of the comments as a whole, you don't particularly like me because of whatever arbitrary reason. So, if that is indeed the case and not just my Aspergers kicking in again, why are we still talking?

1) Rolls off the tongue, still not canonically or grammatically correct. And makes them sound like retards that don't know how words work.

2) If all of canon. All source materials. All written uses of a nickname use one way. And you use a different way.

Your use is wrong, and will only cause confusion. Especially since everyone is using the proper nickname, and you're the only one who doesn't.

You may not like it but if you aren't going to use the full name. Use the proper nickname.

3) I'll have to give them a look.

4) You're being way to sensitive.

If I didn't like you, I would out right say "I hate you because ...". I was merely saying what fee things were and are wrong with the fic.

While stating multiple freaking times that the fic wasn't either memorable (good) nor horrible but decent.

Honestly the only thing I would remember about this fic. Is how annoying a simple comment turned into more of a big deal than it should have been.

And having to add that you're super sensitive to the list so if I ever do decide to read anything you make again. Either leave or pussy foot my words to not bruise your apparently fragile ego.

I don't have a fragile ego, I just don't have the patience for you harping on about something that, in the end, doesn't matter. So I used it wrong. So what? It doesn't hurt you, it doesn't ruin your life. Thank you for the information, but I'm very much tired of this conversation now.

Actually it being used wrong does cause me physical pain. So yes, as a matter of fact it does hurt me. At least on the first part. The second one only caused my brain to hurt when you tried standing by it. So you can put it as either causing pain, or a minor inconvenience.

As for the last part. How else can a person take it, when a person says "you hate me for some arbitrary reason". As not having a fragile ego? And it wasn't harping on about the last point. The last point, was repeatedly made as me agreeing that my lack of enjoyment was my own opinion, and my personal bias. And not anything against the fic itself.

That's not a lack of patience. That's ego, when you feel attacked by me not singing praises on your work.

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