• Published 15th Oct 2018
  • 3,145 Views, 76 Comments

Antics of Anon - 23 KM To Nerdiness

Silly short/long stories with the reference-spewing human.

  • ...

Nightmare Night

Nightmare night.

The time where foals, Pinkie Pie, stallions, Pinkie Pie, mares and especially Pinkie Pie would creep about the streets of Ponyville, scavenging for candy to sacrifice to the mysterious and dangerous Moonbu- er, Nightmare Moon.

But hey, that's THEIR way of this crazy holiday.

You're doing it YOUR way.

Because of all the mistreatment you've suffered through greatly back on Earth, Halloween was your semi-favorite time of the year because that gave you the freedom to scare the living bajabbers out of everyone who wronged you, and you loved EVERY....single....minute....of it.

And in a world like Equestria, this is REALLY gonna be a fun, scary time.

Right now you're strolling through town towards the Apple Farm for a maze/scavenger hunt. Although in actuality, you're trying to escape Twilight's bombardment of questions about the HUMAN holiday...

Damn ponies.

Along the way, you watch everypony prepare for the bone-chilling event, setting out themed games and bowls of candy placed outside the residents' homes. Soon, you see your first victims friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders walk by with a box of costumes.

"Perfect." you say to yourself.

You creep over and casually 'bump' into the three. "Hey girls, strange bumping into you. How are ya?"

"Oh, hey Anon." AppleBloom says surprised.

"We're just got our costumes!" Scootaloo states. "What are you up to?"

"Eh, just waiting for the fun to begin. Gotta keep my title, ya know?"

"What 'title'?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"The title of King of Frights!" you say extravagantly.

A second or two pass before the three fillies burst into laughter, shaking their heads in disbelief.

"What? I can be scary."

"No offense Anon, but you couldn't give Spike goosebumps." the pegasus chuckles.

"Big mistake, girls." you think.

While they recover from their hysterics, you reach into your back pocket and grab a silver stone with a glowing, green swirl in the center.

"Yeah yeah, VERY funny. But be warned, it's not nice to laugh at a human." you say in a sinister tone.

As you lend a hand to help Scootaloo up, your fingers suddenly expand and wrap around the filly's hoof until they form a trio of black and white snakes that slink across her body.

"O-Okay. I t-think you made your point across." she stutters in fear.

The snakes slither into your sleeve and transforms back to a hand. Then, you lean in close to the shivering foals.


They jump in surprise and scurry off with their costumes.

"Thank. You. Discord. Long live the king."

You pull out your headphones and head further into town.

Eventually, you stroll by the Carousel Boutique and see a group of foals with their parents leaving the building in 'spoopy' outfits. Almost reminded of your vengeful years as a kid, it was amazing. You'd go Rambo on candy thieves with rotten eggs, pouring scalding hot water and unleash the neighborhood bulldogs on them...

"Geez, I was a twisted kid, wasn't I?"

Yes, yes you were.

But you're 'wonderful' reminiscing is cut short as you arrive at the farm. There, you spot AJ and Big Mac giving out candy to young foals, AJ in a lion costume and Mac, a zom-pony. It never leaves your mind, these ponies look like TOYS in costume.

"Howdy Anon! What brings ya?" AJ greets.

"Just passing by, check up on my ponies. See how the hunt was going."

The farm mare notices your hesitant tone and gives you a quizzical look.

"Those eyebrows..." you thought.

"Twilight?" she asks.

"Eeyup." you utter.

Big Mac frowns.

"So what do ya have planned on this spooky of nights?"

"I'm gonna prove to everypony that I can be scary."

Like the Crusaders, the two chortle in disbelief.

"Y-Ya really are kidder, right Big Mac?"

"Eeyup!" the stallion chuckles.

"Whatever, all of you are gonna learn true fear tonight."

"And how ya gonna do that, exactly?"

"First, I have complete control of Twi's castle tonight and plan to-"

"Now just hold your horseshoes." she stops you. "Ya managed to borrow the whole castle?"

"It took some persuasion..."

Last week
"Can I borrow the castle, Twi?"
"Nope." Egghead says.

Three days ago
"Pretty please?"

"Pretty please with a cherry on top and free belly rubs for a week?"

"Ugh, Starlight's not going to like it though." you thought. "But, I assure you, cutie marks WILL be scared off."


You look up to see your arch-enemy/rival/friend/bro descend on the farm, cockily crossing her hooves. "Yeah, I'll know it when I see it."

So badly.

You wanted to wipe that smug look off that cocky pegasus' face SO badly, but decided to save her for last. "Oh, me and the guys have something special for you, Dashie."

"Oh, I'm shaking in my FLUFFY bunny slippers." she mocks.

"How dare she remind you of your furry misadventures?!"

The Piss-O-Meter has reached the highest level of pissitity as you dash to prepare things.

"Okay, there should be a cauldron THERE, and a bottle of potion THERE-"

Back at the castle, you're adding the finishing touches to your monsterpiece with the chaotic stone in your room.

"Uhh, Anon?"

You pause in your frantic pacing and see your dragon bro in his Garbunkle outfit.

"Yes, perfect! That's JUST this theme."

In a flash, the room turns into a theme reminiscent to Ogres and Oubliettes.

"Woah, how'd ya do that Anon?!" the dragon asks.

"Eh, just a little faith, trust-"

"ANd a TINY b1t oF Ch40s!"

Suddenly, Discord slinks out the back of your shirt in his Captain Wuzz persona.

"I knew YOU had something to do with this, Discord."

"0h, JuZt be<au5e it'S oUt of the 0Rd1NarY, I'M reSp0n5iblE?"

"Pretty much." you and Spike shrug.

The shocked chaotic spirit crosses his hybrid arms and nods in appreciation. "I'vE tAugHt y0u tW0 v3ry wELL."

"Now," you say. "let's get down to business."

As you three continue your work, the little dragon looks out the window. Whatever was out there shook his nerves.

"Spike, what's the matter br- Oooh, that's a lot."

The girls weren't kidding when they said RD's good at spreading news fast because practically HALF, if not more, of the residents in Ponyville, including the students of the school of friendship are approaching the castle in costume. Amidst the crowd, you notice Dashie in her Shadowbolt outfit with a devilish grin on her face. All those potential victims coming all at once sends you into a hyperventilating fit. But then, a bitch slap across the face by the tail of a disappointed draconequus brings you back to reality.

"I cAn't beLieVe wh4t I'm sEe1ng H3re!" he exclaims. "Wh0'z the V!ce K1ng of Fr/gHts?

"I told you, we're co-owning that title as king." you huff.

"0h, wH4teVer. Wh0'z the C0-K1ng of Fr/gHts?"

"Mmm...I am." you mutter stubbornly.

"I can't hear you!" Spike yells.

"I am."

"L0UD3R!!!" Discord's voice booms.

"I AM!" you bark. You clutch the chaos stone in your hand with all your might, emitting a sinister green, glowing mist in your palm. "Let's do this."

Suddenly the mist explodes, spreading throughout every square inch of the castle, transforming it into a chain-covered, trap-filled, spiky metal-toting dungeon of destruction. The drastic change amazes the crowd as they make it to the stairs.

There, you appear in front of the doors in a puff of smoke, wearing a black cape. "Welcome everyone, to the Castle. Of. CHAOS!!!" you bellow dramatically.

Everyone ooh'd or ahh'd at the display.

Except Rainbow, of course.

"Yeah, yeah we get it." she says dismissively. "Let's see what 'horrors' you've got in store for us."

"Of course." you say. "Inside is a castle filled with some pretty scary surprises."

Pinkie squees in delight.

"Your mission: save the princess. Simple as that, really."

"Pssh, I'll beat this in a snap." Rainbow scoffs as she gets in a running position. "Watch and learn folks, this'll be easy as-"

She's cut off as a spring in the ground sends her flying sky high, screaming. The shocked expression on the crowd's faces said it all: You had them.

"Is everyone ready?" you ask.

"U-Um, actually I have a thing to do...somewhere." Scootaloo squeaks.

"Y-Yeah, same here." Sweetie Belle stutters.

"Too late." you snap your fingers and an army of thick vines crawl out of the ground, forcing everyone inside. The door locks tight behind them as you teleport back to your room.

"You all said I'm not scary. Now, let the fun begin."

Discord opens up a plethora of portals that observe every room in the castle a lá FNAF. You poof in a mic. "What are you waiting for?" your voice echoes. "Go save the princess!"

Everyone hesitantly explores the area, splitting up into teams. You see Snips, Snails and Button Mash searching the kitchen, possibly looking for candy. As they near a pot in the sink, a flick of the stone brings the grimy kitchenware to life, soaking the three in Mr. Tidy's dish soap and scaring them off. Your mischievous act earns a sarcastic clap from the draconequus. "H0w adeQu4tely aMus1ng. MY tUrn!"

Another portal floats into view, showing Sandbar, Ocellus and the others scavenging through the library. With a snap of his eagle talon, Discord creates a flock of book-bats that swarm the group, forcing them to flee.

"Mm, yeah that was impressive, I guess," you say. "but...these are my traps."

You slam the stone into the wall causing every room to activate their traps, ensnaring, scaring and tearing away at the frightened patrons, who rush out the castle with their tails literally between their legs.

"Wel1 pl4yed."

Then, Twilight comes into view of the portal to the foyer.

"Alright boys, you've had your fun. Now can you turn the castle back?" she asked.

"I promised I'd scare everyone!" your voice echoes.

Soon, a pile of books fall in front of the alicorn and bursts into flames, shocking the distraught mare who gallops away in horror.

"Woah, that must've been terrifying." Spike says astounded. "Well, for Twilight that is."

"Well guys, I think we've outdone ourselves tonight. Consider this night a-"

Suddenly, a colorful blur zooms past the hall in the portal.

"What was that?!" Spike exclaims.

The blur flies into room after room, dodging or destroying your terror traps with ease. It reaches the living room and effortlessy ties up a tentacle monster in a cauldron. The blur stops, giving you three a good look at it.


It was Rainbow.

"Oh buck, she's back!" you hiss. "Discord, tag team?"

Discord's eyes widen. "I hAve aN !deA." he says sadistically.

As he whispers in your ear, an evil smirk takes over your face. "Discord, I like the way you think."

"I tRy."

With a wave of the stone, you teleport to Rainbow's location.

"So, you made it this far."

"Ha! Your 'surprises' didn't couldn't make Fluttershy flinch." she mocks. "You might as well give up."

A tiny Discord appears behind your ear. "D0 !t." he says with malice.

"Ya know what, you're right." you admit. "You zoomed through the place like it was nothing. Maybe you should REFLECT on that."

You pull out a tall mirror and hold it up to the pegasus.

"I do look awesome, as usual."

As she makes flexing poses in the mirror, her entire facial features in it morphs into one that closely resembles an actual pony with makeup. "Ugh, w-what kind of mirror is this?" she winces, examining her face.

"Rainbow Dash always dresses in style." you hum.

"W-Who told you that?! It's not true, I said that was behind me!"

The nervous mare attempts to run for it only to bump into Spike, who's holding an identical mirror. No matter where she turned, she'd still see her horrific form. As she prepares to buck the glass to shards, Discord poofs the tightest, frilliest dress in all ponykind and tops it off with patches of singing, dancing flowers with flutes. RD freaks out trying to tear it off as the three of you watch in amusement.

Eventually, she collapses before you, exhausted.

"Who's scary now?" you ask smugly.

"Y-You are." she sighs in defeat.

"And don't you forget it."

You give her the Beetlecider face, scaring the cutie marks off of her as she dashes out of the castle screaming and trailing glitter. It was fistbumps all around for all that night among guys.

"Heh, we got her good, bro!" Spike chuckles.

"TrUly a w0rK oF Art." Discord inflates to his normal size.

"A shame no one rescued Schmarity." you shrug. "Guess she's stuck there."

Spike's eyes skyrocketed.

"Wait, RARITY is the princess?! You mind if I try it?!"

Before you could react, he's already off, down the hallway.

You open a portal to observe the dragon's skills. He didn't disappoint as he progresses from room to room until he reaches his prize. There, on a pile of bits is the cloaked princess. 'Garbunkle' trudges towards the princess and carries her in his arms.

"What are you waiting for bro, kiss her!" you goaded.

Her knight in scaly armor removes the sparkling veil and he stares into her glistening, cross-eyed yellow eyes.

"Hiiii Spiiiike!"


You and Discord laugh your tails off as the goofy pegasus chases the screaming dragon around the room, lips puckered.

"Happy Nightmare Night, sucka!"

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night everypony.