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New Breed

Three years later after gaining multiple friends, Twilight was sitting in her bedroom reading when she had a visitor; that by this time was expected.

“Twilight; AJ needs you to help out at the farm,” Dash said, panting

“What am I to do?”

“It's probably easier for her to tell you,” Dash answered vaguely

With that, the two left the library and headed down to Sweet Apple Acres where their friends were engaged in a disagreement. Twilight was going to end up having a difficult decision to make on which of her friends to support.

“Twilight; please tell Applejack she's wrong,” Fluttershy asked desperately

“Twi; you should back me up on this,” AJ countered

“Enough! What in Luna’s name is going on here!?”

“The farm’s infested with vampire fruit bats. They're eating all the apples before I can harvest them,” Applejack explained

“They're only eating because they need to feed their families,” Fluttershy pointed out

“And I need to feed my family and all of Ponyville. That's more important than these vermin,” AJ replied angrily

🎵Vampires are dark and icky. They'll make you so sicky. This pest leaves such a dirty mess. They really have to go,’

🎵They really mean no harm. All they want to do is live on your farm. Yes, they eat some apples but can you deny them such a meal,’

🎵These pests give such dread. They really should be dead,’

🎵How can you say what lives or dies? They deserve to be treated like equals like anyone else,’

🎵Bats are such a sight. That gives you such a fright. They really are uncouth, with their type of tooth,’

🎵Twi; its really up to you. Just tell us what to do,’

“I don't know. Can you see if they won't move,” Twilight suggested weakly

Fluttershy temporarily departed to talk to the bats to see their opinion about the situation. Twilight really didn't know what to do as she put on the spot by her friends.

“I tried to talk to them, but didn't get an answer,” Fluttershy replied

“I guess it's up to you; Twilight. There's got to be some kind of spell to solve this problem,” Applejack decided

Everyone left the farm and headed to the library. Twilight had no answer for the others as to what to do, but couldn't tell them as they depended on her. Looking through the books found little information that could help.

“Twilight; please tell me you aren't going to exterminate the bats,” Fluttershy demanded

“They will not be exterminated; but I'd like to change their opinions on food.”

That seemed to satisfy the others as none actually wanted to see the creatures killed. Armed with a single spell, the group returned to put Twilight’s plan into motion. To everyone's delight the bats were no longer interested in fruit; but the unforeseen side effect saw Fluttershy turn into a vampire.

“What the buck? How'd this happen,” Dash demanded

“I don't know, but the spell must have redirected itself to Fluttershy.”

“Can't we get her to just use the Stare on herself,” Pinkie suggested

With that determined; the others put their plan into motion. All they had to was lure Fluttershy to a clearing whereby a series of mirrors would enclose her as Twilight used the same spell to return Fluttershy to normal.

“Hey! I got something here you'd like to suck,” Rainbow called

Fluttershy immediately attempted to dive bomb Dash only to be surrounded by the mirrors. Twilight proceeded to use the spell to seemingly return her friend to normal.

“Now that that's over; I'm heading home.”

“See ya later, Twi,” AJ said

Twilight found herself up some time during the middle of the night and unable to return to bed. To try and relax; she headed downstairs and retrieved a vampire book to read. As usual; an upper window was opened, signifying the return of a particular visitor.

“Really; Rainbow? You couldn't wait to visit in the morning?”

“Hello cousin,” a voice said

“Fluttershy? But I turned you back to normal.”

“I closed my eyes before your spell connected. So, I'm still a vampire fruit bat; and I know you have vampire blood in you,” Fluttershy replied

“What exactly do you want?”

“How's about this: you don’t tell the others about me still being a vampire and I won't tell them your secret,” Fluttershy said simply

“Are you really trying to blackmail me into keeping quiet?”

“If that's what you want to call it. I just prefer to see it as incentive,” came the answer

“Very well. I'm going to let Luna know about this.”

I never mentioned this earlier, but my friend Applejack’s farm, Sweet Apple Acres had a problem with vampire fruit bats. Without getting into details; a spell I used turned my friend Fluttershy into a vampire fruit bat.’

Twilight sent the letter to her former teacher only to receive a reply moments later, consisting of a single sentence. The letter was read again as if more was expected. A knock on the door startled Twilight out of her trance.

“Greetings Twilight,” Luna said

“Princess Luna. What brings you here,” Fluttershy asked

“The letter Twilight sent. You are a vampire fruit bat; correct,” Luna asked

“Yes. Twilight changed me into one accidentally; but when she went to return me, I refused to do so. You are a vampire as well as Twilight,” Fluttershy answered

“I am. To help your ‘condition’; I am formally inviting you to the castle. Once a month you will receive enough to drink in order to get by. You are lucky it's juice and not blood,” Luna replied “Neither of you are to speak of this meeting, nor your monthly trips to Canterlot.”

A few weeks after that meeting; Twilight was going to be celebrating her 18th birthday. She woke up early that morning and headed to a mirror and was shocked at the reflection. Instead of her normal eye color, a pair of blood red eyes stared back.

“What the buck?”

Not having any idea what to do; she decided the best course of action was writing to Luna in the hopes of getting an answer.

‘Mom, I just woke up and found my eyes turned red. What do I do?’

‘I am sorry, but I am unable to help with that. The redness should go away on its own.
-Your loving mother, Luna’

● LUNA ●

“Was it really right to lie to Twilight in your letter,” a voice asked

“No it isn't. I actually hoped this day wouldn't happen for a while. You would be better help to her than I could be,” Luna said

“Why me,” a voice asked curiously

“Simple. You have been in this same position as Twilight. Just make sure the group heads there.”

“Of course. I'll send an anonymous invite to Rarity,” came the response

“Thank you; my dear Melodious.”

“I haven't heard that name in quite some time,” she said with a chuckle


“Hey, Twilight! You here,” Dash called from outside

“Go away. I'm not feeling well."

“Sugarcube; are you okay,” Applejack asked as Twilight opened the door

“No. I don't know if I want to go out.”

“What happened,” Pinkie asked “Have you been reading all night? Your eyes are really red.”

“Wow. You look like you haven't slept in weeks,” Dash added

“I just woke up like this.”

“I hope you'll join us, Twi. I was given an invitation for my friends to attend Club Melody,” Rarity said “Besides, it's Nightmare Night.”

“I'll see. I'm not too fond of this day.”

“Why's that,” Dash asked curiously

“Personal reasons I don't like talking about.”

“We'll stop by later and hope you change your mind,” Rarity decided before they departed

“You should go with your friends. It'll take your mind off your past,” a voice said

“As. I should have known you'd be listening to that.”

“I was asked to keep an eye on you. Besides; right now I'm just a voice you're hearing,” Asmodeus replied

Reluctantly; Twilight joined all her friends, except for Fluttershy that night as they celebrated her birthday. Rarity had her close her eyes as the others led to the destination.

“We're here. Open your eyes,” Rarity directed

In front of them seemed to be a simple building with one word on the side ‘Melody’. If it wasn't for the long line of ponies and two stallions in suits in front; the place would go unnoticed.

“A club? Why would you bring me here?”

“You need to lighten up and enjoy yourself,” Pinkie said “It's your eighteenth birthday.”

With Rarity leading; the group approached the front of the line where they were stopped by one of suits.

“Where do you think you're going,” the bouncer demanded

“My friends and I were invited to attend this event,” Rarity said, withdrawing a simple scroll

To Rarity Belle-
I'd like to invite you and your friends to attend Club Melody tonight. Have fun.’

“Looks official. Welcome to the club,” the bouncer said, stepping aside

Everyone headed inside the club as Twilight noticed it seemed to be classy with an area for food and a bar nearby. The biggest portion of the building was dedicated to a dance floor where a white unicorn DJ was playing music.

“I'm going to head to the dance floor,” Pinkie decided

“I'm heading to the bar,” Dash decided, as Applejack joined her

“What about you, Twilight? What do you want to do,” Rarity asked

“I don't know. This has never been a good day for me.”

“It's Nightmare Night. What's not to like about the defeat of the evil Daybreaker,” Pinkie asked

“Something happened years ago I don't really want to remember.”

The others started enjoying themselves, except Twilight as she was still worried about her eyes. Music was playing by the DJ, but Twilight could only hear noise. She decided to head over to the bar for a drink as Dash and Applejack were already passed out.

“What can I get you,” the bartender asked

“Beer, please.”

“How old are you,” the bartender asked

“Eighteen. I'm celebrating my birthday today.”

“Here you go.”

A simple glass bottle was removed from under the counter and passed over to Twilight. Having never tried alcohol before; she drank slowly trying to get used to the beverage. After the DJ finished her set; she headed over to the bar and opened a small fridge under the counter to remove a small pouch. The contents were dumped into a mug and handed to Twilight to replace the empty beer bottle in front of her.

“Drink this. It'll help,” she said vaguely

Twilight gladly accepted the drink and smelled it to see what the beverage was. Not getting an answer, she decided to just drink some and hope for the best.

“Huh. Tangy,” she commented

With that, Twilight finished the mug in moments. The DJ grabbed Twilight and led her towards a side door in the club, much to the delight of some of the patrons.

“Somepony’s gonna get laid,” a patron said cheering

“Go get her Vinyl,” another added

“That's Twilight. I didn't know her barn door swung that way,” Pinkie commented

“One doesn't have to talk about whom they are attracted to. If Twi is a filly-fooler; then who are we to judge,” Rarity replied

“Here, here,” a drunken Dash said, kissing an equally drunk AJ on the cheek

“What happens in the club; stays in the club,” Rarity said with a sigh

Once out of the club, Twilight was directed down a small hall leading to a staircase. Their final destination was a room above the club. Looking around, Twilight saw a plain room with a bed in one corner and various objects strewn around the place.

“Welcome to my home; sis. Sorry for my rudeness; I'm Vinyl Scratch,” she said

“What do you mean by sister?”

“I'm a vampire like you. Why else do you think I gave you a mug filled with blood? It helped return your eyes to normal,” Vinyl replied

“Really? Thank you for that. Out of curiosity; why do you live above the club?”

“Why? Because I can. Also; because I'm the owner,” Vinyl said with a chuckle

“Why choose the name ‘Melody’ for the club?”

“Easy. That was my name about a thousand years ago before I was turned. Melodious Harmony to be exact."

“What was that about getting ‘laid’?”

“I've had stallions and other mares here. We have sex and I take a little bit of blood afterwards,” Vinyl started

“I've never been with anypony before. I wouldn't know anything about sex.”

“Don't worry, this is about knowledge,” Vinyl replied “Do you know how many vampires exist in Equestria?”

“Three that I know. Luna, you and I; although I'm not exactly a vampire.”

“You have vampire blood inside you. There are three others you didn't know. Fleur de Les is one. The other two may be a bit of a surprise,” Vinyl answered

“Well, don't keep me in suspense. Who are they?”

“Mayor Mare and Nurse Redheart,” Vinyl said simply

“Fleur isn't much a surprise. A model like her would want to keep her beauty by any means; but I can't see the mayor being a vampire.”

“Why not? She's ran the city for so long, yet no one’s been able to take her position. You're not surprised by Redheart I take it” Vinyl commented

“No. A vampire working as a doctor is a good way to obtain blood for others without being noticed. Could you tell me more about yourself?”

“As I just mentioned; I was born Melodious Harmony and had celebrated my fifth birthday with my family when they were attacked. Unknown at the time, but it was Luna who killed them and proceeded to turn me. Over the centuries; I have died multiple times and changed my name just as much,” Vinyl answered “Don't commit suicide. It really hurts afterwards.”

“The exact same series of events that happened to me. I'll take a guess in saying your birthday was on Nightmare Night. And thanks for the advice; although I hope I don't need it.”

“Yes. Luna asked me to teach you about being a vampire,” Vinyl said

“You mean there's more than just drinking blood once a month?”

“Twice is actually preferred as it prevents us from taking too much from a victim. You already know about vampires being immortal,” Vinyl started

“Seems easy so far. Drink regularly for safety.”

“As I was saying; you'll have to leave your friends eventually. It's not easy to form attachments with others due to our condition. Next; you have two types of vampires.”

“Vampire subtypes?”

“Yeah. One are pure-blood, while the others are half-breeds. In other words the first have been turned by Luna, herself; while the others were turned by a younger vampire,” Vinyl finished

“I'd fall into the first type for sure. Why did my eyes become red when I'm not exactly a vampire?”

“That's tricky to answer. Luna isn't sure; but it might have something to do with you gaining residual effects of the vampire blood in you. Since this is the first time it happened; no harm has emerged, save you just gaining red eyes. You're lucky about that,” Vinyl replied

“Why's that?”

“Your eyes temporarily turned red; mine are naturally that way. That's why I wear heavy-duty sunglasses. There is another reason for the subtypes. Pure-bloods have no worry about the sun, due to receiving blood directly from Luna. Half-breeds have their lineage diluted by multiple branches of vampires.”

“In other words, one that was a pure-blood turned somepony and transferred their blood. That somepony turned somepony else and continued down for years.”

“Exactly. Care to guess what type Fleur, the mayor and Redheart are,” Vinyl asked curiously

“Fleur is a pure-blood while the others are half. I've seen Fleur plenty of times to know that one.”

“Damn. I was hoping you didn't know. It was my urging that led Luna to turn Fleur into a vampire and my student. In fact; she was pretty good in bed. She could do this thing with her tongue,” Vinyl said, reminiscing

“I so did not need to hear about your sexual exploits. That's too much information.”

“Well; I could help you,” Vinyl teased

“Lalala. Not listening.”

“Changing the subject; it is getting late and I'm sure you're feeling tired. Your friends are still here,” Vinyl said

After looking out the window; Twilight confirmed Vinyl’s observation and realized that she was exhausted from everything. She headed to a nearby couch to sleep on; only to find herself being moved.

“It's better to sleep on the bed,” Vinyl said, lowering her down

Without any argument, Twilight found herself drifting off to a dreamless sleep; much to her delight. Every year on that day, she would remind herself of the family she lost and the life that never was.
The next morning, Twilight found herself being woken up by something burning on the nearby stove. Heading over to see what is was; Twilight found herself staring at strips of an unidentified food in a frying pan.

“Glad to see you're up. The bacon was getting crispy,” Vinyl said casually

“Bacon? What's that?”

“A type of meat that is rare for most ponies to eat, considering it comes from dead pigs. I thought it would be a nice meal. I'll make haycakes and eggs to go with it,” Vinyl answered

Not to be rude to her host; Twilight helped cook before the two sat down to enjoy their meal. After cleaning up, they headed downstairs to check on the others. Twilight was shocked at the sight in front of her, while Vinyl just laughed.

Lying on one of the tables in the dining area were Rainbow Dash and Applejack; cuddling together. Rarity somehow found herself between both a stallion and mare, without a care while Pinkie was surrounded by multiple ponies of both sexes on the dance floor.

“Sleep well, everypony,” Twilight asked casually

“Oh buck,” Dash exclaimed, before rolling off the table onto the floor

“This ain't what it looks like,” AJ added hastily

“Somepony seems to be enjoying herself,” Vinyl commented, motioning towards Rarity

“We just slept together. Nothing more. I'm not sure I like mares in that way,” Rarity replied

“I could help if you'd like,” Vinyl suggested

“No thank you, Miss Scratch,” Rarity said, trying to regain formalities

“Just call me ‘Vinyl’. Everypony does,” she replied

“Sleep where you can, when you can,” Pinkie said simply

Without warning; the door opened to allow a single visitor inside. Upon seeing the pony in question; most charged for the door, leaving six in the room.

“Good morning everypony. I hope I am not intruding,” Luna said “I came to pick up Twilight for a little while.”

“See you soon, Twilight,” Rarity said, hugging her

“I'll be gone only a little while. It's not forever.”

“I know, but you're going to Canterlot. I've dreamed of going there,” Rarity replied

“It's a really boring town. I spent fifteen years there.”

“Same. And I lost track of when I was in Canterlot,” Vinyl added “Many of the rich nobles are snobs. You really wouldn't like them.”

“Well, we should be going. It's nice to see you, Vinyl,” Luna said

“Alright. See you soon girls.”