• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 1,524 Views, 11 Comments

Coming Out - NightCoreMoon

Rarity comes to Rainbow Dash in tears, and an emergency friendship meeting is called. Sunset struggles with her PTSD and feelings towards the Spitfire from Equestria while being around the human one. Twilight finally unveils a long-held revelation.

  • ...

Part 2


“How could you kick out your own daughters, Hondo!?” Bow accused angrily into the phone. “What kind of man just abandons his children?”

His eyes widened by the response he heard.

“You're a bastard,” he said, coldly. “And you can forget about that beer I owe you.” Without waiting for a response he made as if to slam the phone onto the wall, but paused and took a deep breath before placing it gently on the receiver.

After a few moments of contemplation, Bow dialed another number and placed the phone to his ear. After a few rings, the other end picked up.

“Hey, Night,” he greeted neutrally. “No, this isn't about her, don't worry.” He paused for a moment. “I'd be calling from the hospital’s phone if that was the case. No, this is about something else. About Rarity. Yes, the one with the fancy car. Well, you know I hate to ask a favor without doing something in return first, but this is important. Seems Rarity doesn't have a place to stay anymore... it ain't my place to tell you that but- oh. Yeah, that's totally it. I know, I didn't expect it either. But, that doesn't matter. Anyway, there’s not enough room for all three of them here... yes. Yes? Oh, fantastic! I appreciate this, my friend, and they will too. We’ll grab a beer some time, I’ll pay. Okay, wine then. I'm gonna need a new drinking buddy anyway. Oh yeah, he's on my shit list big time now. You don't insult a man’s daughter to his face and expect him to respect you anymore. Oh, Twilight’s here. Yes, she’s fine. Yes, I’ll make sure she eats something. You forget she was like a daughter to me too... Yeah, I understand. No problem. We’ll talk more at the bar, the wife’s on her way over.” He chuckled. “You know it. Later man- and hey, thanks again.” Bow finally hung up and turned to Windy, who had just opened the door to the kitchen proper.

“Who was that?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Night Light,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “I just wanted to make sure the girls had a place to stay in the long run.”

“I could pick up another job,” she supplied, resting her head on his bulky chest. “Afford some more groceries. Do more laundry. I could-”

“No,” he said, stroking her hair and breathing in her shampoo. Mint. “You do more than enough as it is, and I’m not gonna stand by and watch you tear yourself apart trying to be a mom for four kids instead of just one. We can take Scootaloo in, sh-they always have a second home here... but those girls deserve better than to sleep together on our couch.”

“We can't ask Vel and Night to do this for us, grizzly bear.”

“I already did, and he says it's okay. Besides, Twilight is always with Pinkie and Applejack. She basically replaced Rainbow in that trio ever since Rainbow and Spitfire started staying the nights together. He won't say it but ever since Vel took on the Yearling job he's been lonely as hell. He even started watching...” Bow shuddered. “The BBT.”

Windy physically recoiled. “Sweet criminy, that man needs some company that isn't a talking dog and its robot fucktoy, stat!”

Bow bellowed his laughter before pulling her back in. “You've never been more right about anything in your life, sweetheart!” He kissed her on the forehead and lead her back into the living room. “The girls get fed?” He asked before looking to see they did indeed have plates. “AJ, Pinkie, Twilight. Good to see you all. I wish it was under better circumstances, but you're always welcome under our roof.”

“Heya, Bo-bo bo bo bo-bo-bow!” Pinkie greeted nonsensically to all but herself (and secretly Spitfire, who struggled to keep a straight face).

“Howdy.” Applejack said, tipping her hat as Twilight merely waved.

All eight (well, ten, technically) teenagers sat in a rough circle around the living room, each with plates and drinks in hand. Rarity and the kids’ moods seemed in a little brighter spirits, which was all that the adults wanted to see.

“Eat as much as you'd like, girls,” Windy said, running her fingers through her close cropped scarlet hair as her other hand wrapped around her husband’s. “There’s plenty to go around.”

“Just please don't eat all of it,” Bow teased. “I gotta have leftovers for dinner tomorrow. Buckball night is leftovers night, after all, and it has been for decades.”

“We’ll leave you to your... uh...” Windy looked to Bow for help. “Gathering? Meeting?”

“Assembly?” Twilight suggested.

“Yes, that! Your assembly. Bow and I have some business to take care of... elsewhere in the house. Not here. Maybe the bedroom.”

“I would love that,” Bow slyly suggested with a wink.

Windy sighed, and put her hand on his forehead, playfully shoving him away. “Men, am I right girls?”

An awkward silence settled over the group as all were silent save for Applejack and Pinkie’s hearty “Hear, hear!”s. Rainbow audibly facepalmed.

“Ah... right...” Windy shuffled her feet as she saw the Glances™ amongst the more sapphically-inclined houseguests. “Well, just have Rainbow come get us if you need anything.” And with that the two adults left the room.

A beat of silence passed before the bedroom door audibly closed.

“Okay, I think that's long enough,” Twilight said, adjusting her glasses and sitting up straight. “What's the friendship emergency? Who's got the dark magic? Is it already too late? Do we need the Princess me?”

“Easy Twi,” Rainbow appeased. “You'll give yourself an aneurysm.”

Pinkie snorted. “Everyone knows that rocks don't talk...”

“There isn't exactly a friendship problem, per se,” Rarity indicated, not heeding whatever Pinkie was on about. “As in there's no physical danger. But there is something important that I must discuss with all of you.”

“That's all fine n’ dandy, Rares,” Applejack said, leaning forward. “But y'all can't tell me somethin’ ain’t a problem. I know the kids ‘bout as well as I know you gals, and things ain't exactly goin’ well. I can see it in your faces.”

“Let her explain,” Rainbow said, gently putting a hand on the farmer’s shoulder. “Trust me.”

“Just tell us what happened in your own time,” Fluttershy gently cooed. “We’re all here to support you whatever it is.”

“I do appreciate that, dear,” Rarity replied, turning to acknowledge everyone else. “And I appreciate all of you coming on such short notice. Although I would be remiss in saying a part of me wishes the circumstances were on my own terms...”

“It's no problem at all, Rarity,” Sunset said. “We’re your friends.” After a few moments of silence, she continued. “I mean, Spitfire texted Fluttershy so we thought it was about Rainbow, but, you're both just as important to us.”

Fluttershy nodded in affirmation.

“Right.” Rarity took a deep breath. “Perhaps I should just... clear the air. Start with the basics. We are... no longer welcome in our own home under orders of our parents.”

The room erupted with questions coming from everyone except for Rainbow and Spitfire, who gripped each other’s hands, knowing the reason that was just barely eluding the grasp of the small crowd. A reason all too familiar to them.

“Everyone, please,” Rarity pleaded, putting her palms out. “I'm sure you're all very concerned, and more than a bit curious as to why, but... it's a very personal and private reason that I had hoped to tell you all about under much more favorable circumstances than this. It will... take me some time to find the words to say it.”

Applejack’s eyebrows crinkled as she slowly glanced at Rainbow. The look she received in return set a light of recognition off in her mind, as she nodded and leaned back against the couch. This wasn't lost on Twilight.

“Is this...?” she mused, barely audible.

“What kind of parent does that to their kids...” Sunset seethed, fists clenching and teeth grinding. Memories of her own upbringing flooded through her mind. “There's no good reason for it!”

Fluttershy put a calming hand on her shoulder for what little it did to quell the smoldering rage building up inside the pony.

“Unless...” Pinkie murmured, glancing between Rainbow and Twilight.

“Unless what?” Sunset snapped, eyeing Pinkie incredulously. “What good reason could anypony have for abandoning their foals? Rarity and the kids are good people, they don't deserve that!”

“There isn't,” Pinkie replied with a simple shrug. “But... sometimes things can be rationalized. Sometimes reasons that seem bad to us can seem like good reasons to another person with a wrong perspective. It doesn't make it any less wrong or mean though.”

“Why all three of you?” Twilight asked. “Everything I can think of would end with only one or two of you...” Her eyes widened. “Except...”

“Before I say it,” Rarity began. “I just want to explain first that I never hid this from you all because I didn't trust you, or because I was trying to keep secrets in order to take advantage of you. Ideally, I just... never would have told anybody else about this. Not if I could help it. I knew that if my parents ever found out, they might very well cut me off and prevent me from seeing my sister.”

Sweetie Belle looked up at this. “Really?” She asked. “I was worried the same for you...”

Fluttershy sat a little straighter in her seat.

“I...” Rarity said before stopping and gently nudging her sister’s arm. A minute passed without either of them saying anything, so Scootaloo stood up.

“So like, you're all smart enough to know that Belle and I have been dating for a while now. Well, her parents and Rarity came home early and... found us on the couch.”

The older teens’ faces all blanched, save for the ones who already knew and Sunset.

Pinkie put her fist to her mouth. “Oh.”

Sunset turned to face her. “Oh?” She asked. “I mean yeah that's gotta be mortifying but how does that lead to all of you not...”

“Dad was yelling at us,” Sweetie murmured. “And he told us to put clothes on and pack our things and get out.”

“That's insane.” Sunset narrowed her eyes. “What's his problem? People your age do that sort of thing. I mean I'd understand cleaning the couch but-” she then froze and read the body language of her present company.

“Oh shit...” she whispered. “Does he not like...?”

“Why do you think we never hung out at Rarity’s?” Rainbow asked. “Her parents are whack. Uh, well, no offense, Rares.”

Rarity merely waved it off with a conceding gesture.

“But what about you, Rarity?” Sunset asked in earnest. “I don't understand why he'd keep you from staying too...”

She sighed before pulling her spine and setting her posture. Her manicured hands clenched into fists and began to tremble.

“When it happened,” she said, evenly. “And our father indicated that... that homosexual behavior would not be tolerated in his household from the ones he feeds and clothes... I knew I could not say nothing. I could not let him mistreat my siblings in such a way. So, when he backed them into a corner, I stood between them. I made sure he would not even have an opportunity to hurt them if he got a chance to. And I told him that... he didn't just have one queer child.”

Sunset’s eyes widened, and Twilight pulled her knees to her chest.

“I told him that I was bisexual too... because I am.”

Dead silence settled over the room.

“So if he was going to kick them out...” Rarity began to quietly sob, bending her head down to obscure her face. “Then I was going with them too.”

Rainbow sat and read the room. Applejack leaned back and stared at the ceiling. Twilight didn't move. Fluttershy stared at the back of Sunset’s head, and Sunset was shaking. Pinkie was the first to move majorly, and she crossed the room to slide her arms around Rarity’s shoulders.

“You're okay now,” she whispered. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

“How long?” Applejack asked.

Rarity returned Pinkie’s hug as she choked back her crying enough to answer. “I found out I liked girls in middle school... before I met any of you.”

Applejack nodded sagely. “I’m guessing y'all didn't tell us because ya didn't think it was that important because your plan was always to marry a man?”

This time it was Rarity’s turn to nod, but this was a no. “That's not it. I just didn't want my parents to learn. So I didn't tell anybody. Not even my own sister...”

Fluttershy joined Rarity on the couch.

“That must have been so hard...”

Sunset suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen. Rainbow’s eyes followed her, and soon enough her feet did as well.

“Suns,” she said, shutting the door behind her. “Now is not a good time for a snack... uh... you okay?”

Sunset leaned over the sink, hot tears streaking down her cheeks. A furious grimace adorned her reddened face as she tightly gripped the counter.

“Suns, I know you're pissed at her dad but-”

“I'm not!” She barked, struggling to keep her breathing in check. “Okay, I am, but that's not it.”

Rainbow leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, impatiently tapping her foot. “Okay I know you're not pissed at Rarity for being bi. So what’s up?”

Sunset turned to look up at Rainbow. Her anger gave way to hurt and vulnerability, and more tears came.

“You remember what put Twilight in the hospital?”

Rainbow instantly turned to face the other direction.

“I don't wanna think about that right now.”

Flashes of Twilight’s collapsed, unconscious, bleeding form crossed her mind.

"My pictures,” Sunset said, advancing forward. “The ones Rarity took of me. After Anon-a-Miss, after I slashed my arms, when I still had body dysphoria. The nudes she took to help me feel better about my human body.”

Rainbow slowly turned back.


Sunset stared Rainbow in the eye.

“When we went shopping for bathing suits before going to Twilight’s beach house. When she and I were in the changing room together.”

Rainbow’s eyes slowly wandered to the side as she started putting together what Sunset was getting at.

“When she told me about human clothes. She should have told me...” Sunset whispered. “I trusted her with my body. She said she didn't care because she only liked men. She lied, and... and I know why she did. I’m not angry at her for that. But I just...” she put her hands up to her temples. “Ever since I came back from Equestria, I just... I’m just so fucking angry, just losing my temper all the time. Seeing all that shit, having attacks and flashbacks and nightmares and fake memories, just...”

Rainbow pulled Sunset into her embrace.

“You're feeling guilty that you're mad at her for this, but you still feel hurt and betrayed because you thought she was straight.”

Sunset nodded. “I came in here so I didn't get mad at her because I know she needs love and support right now. But I came to her because I needed someone who could objectively see me naked without it being a thing, and...”

“Just because she likes girls doesn't mean she only said yes to be pervy-”

“I know that!” She cried, stepping back. “I know, the logical, sane, rational part of me knows that. I know Rarity, I love her, and I know she’d go to the ends of Equestria for my sake, but... but the bitter, angry, scared part of me doesn't wanna listen to me.”

Rainbow nodded as the all too familiar behavior manifested itself before her. “Cognitive dissonance... you believe two different things at the same time.”

“I don't know how to stop it...” Sunset whimpered. “Rarity just told us something big she’s been hiding her whole life, something traumatic just happened, and I know I need to be here for her but I- I can't! I don't know how...”

Rainbow sighed. “I don't know what reasons you went to Rarity in private for, and I don't know all of what fucked up shit happened to you in Equestria, but... it really doesn't take much. Just say the basics right now, about how you love and support her and wanna be there for her, and then later on you can have a whole heart to heart type deal with her and say everything you said to me when your head’s cooler and you know what the actual words you wanna say are and she gets all of her living arrangements in order, you know? I'm not saying your deal about hating your human body isn't important but right now you're not the one who just got kicked out of her home for being gay. Or bi or whatever. Rarity should be our main focus here.”

“I know...” Sunset hiccupped. “I just... needed to get that out.”

“I know,” Rainbow said, reaching for some tissues on the microwave. “That's why I came here after you. Here, use these. Rare and I already talked earlier so I figured I'd come help you out.”

Sunset blew her nose. “I appreciate that... thank you.”

Rainbow clapped her shoulder. “Now come on, let’s go love and tolerate the shit out of her.”

Sunset nodded as she balled up the paper and shoved them into the nearby trash can. “I think I can do that.”

“By the way...” Rainbow murmured with a sly wink. “You sounded just like-”

“Twilight?” They both said with a single dry chuckle shared between them, one half each.

“I suppose...” Sunset muttered. “Interesting how that works out, huh?”

The two girls headed out of the kitchen and back into the living room to see that four figures were arranged to comfort three. Sunset went directly to Rarity as Rainbow did a basic headcount. Coming up short she looked at Spitfire, who merely pointed to the hallway.

Rainbow rolled her neck and sighed before striding down the long dark towards the bathroom. Indeed the light was on and shining from underneath the lower crack. She rolled her shoulders and stared at the ground, lightly knocking three times.

“I'm in here,” a nervous voice quivered from the other side. “I'll be out in a minute.”

“Twilight, I know you're not using the toilet or the shower right now. Something’s up and you need someone to talk to who isn't gonna judge you for feeling bad about this or having a problem.” Silence. “I did the same to Sunset.”

The door opened a crack.

“Sunset... had a problem with this too?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. I'm not gonna tell you what it was because private business but you totally just said too. Let me in and tell me what's up so I can try to make you feel good enough to help Rarity out. She needs all of us.”

The door opened more. Twilight wordlessly invited Rainbow in.

“Thanks... hit the fan if you want.” Rainbow sat on the sink counter as Twilight shut the door and did so before stepping back, wringing her hands nervously.

“I don't have a problem with Rarity... being bi.” Twilight looked all around the bathroom except at her audience’s face. “This is... purely selfish.”

Rainbow shrugged. “I mean I figured you didn't have a problem with it, you're like the gayest girl in the room if me and Spitfire leave. Not that I'm saying you're selfish, but I mean I figured that it's something about you. But like, what?”

Twilight grimaced, prompting Rainbow to continue.

“I'm just genuinely confused here. With Sunset, I figured it out almost instantly when she talked about it because yeah there's exten...uating?” After a nod she continued. “Circumstances there. But with you, like... literally nothing comes to mind.”

“I-” Twilight sighed and put her hands to her forehead. “I can't. I can't tell you. I've said this a thousand times but I can't tell any of you. I know you mean well and you want to help but this isn't something I can just talk about with any of you girls. It would ruin everything.”

Rainbow pinched the bridge of her nose at the all too familiar phrase.

When the two dated, this was the main thing causing most of their not-quite-fights-but-more-like-debates-but-still-kinda-altercations. When either wanted to become more physically closer, that is to say in a sexual manner, they would do so but right before clothes came off Twilight would ask to stop. The first dozen times Rainbow figured hey whatever, but after that it started getting really old really fast and the athlete’s libido began raging.

When Rainbow’s libido raged, her brain turned off.

After some initial questions that may have come off as interrogations in the heat of the moment, Rainbow eventually just stopped bringing it up. Whenever Twilight mentioned it, Rainbow had changed the subject and eventually Twilight just stopped asking. Things would have been okay or at least not horrible until, well, school ended and they just stopped hanging out together. They broke up eventually, citing mutual communication issues, and decided that being just friends was better.

After all, that's what their ‘relationship’ had become. Just friends. Who happened to hold hands and have sleepovers and kiss. But not in a platonic way like Twilight did now, in a specifically romantic lovey-dovey way (much as Rainbow would have loathed to admit it back then). At least for a while before even those activities ceased occurrence. Both agreed it was a healthy decision that may have potentially salvaged their relationship as friends in the long run.

Still, that phrase had continued to happen as the group went to Twilight’s family’s beach house. The girls went swimsuit shopping, which had grown to be too much for Twilight to handle, and upon being asked why, lo and behold, she apparently couldn't talk about it because it would ruin everything. She dropped gym when the showers were changed to communal, and when asked she couldn't talk about it because it would ruin everything. She slowly grew into a depressed guilt driven mess when Midnight seemed to have returned but she couldn't talk about it because it would ruin everything. Over and over terrible things happened that maybe wouldn't have been so bad if she just talked to them about whatever it was but alas.

It would ruin everything.

“You know I hate when you say that.”

Twilight closed her eyes and flinched, as if slapped.

“I know.”

The two sat in relative silence, the fan overhead drowning out the ambience.

“I don't understand. I know I say that every single time but I just don't get it. I can't conceive anything you could ever do or say or be that would end in us hating you or stopping being friends with you.” Rainbow flung her hand to the side. “I mean for fuck’s sake, the other Twilight would tear us all new assholes for not only abandoning her clone, but her friend. She’s forgiven chaos gods and bug armies and former cult leaders who almost literally destroyed the universe. She forgave Sunset fuckin evil bitch queen Shimmer and we will never forget the tongue lashing she gave us after the Anon a Miss incident.”

“This is-”

“Is different and I wouldn't understand and it's just something you have to work through on your own and it really isn't a big deal so I should worry about insert mutual friend here instead because insert other problem here. Right?”

Twilight didn't respond, knowing full well that she was read like the latest Daring Do novel.

Rainbow sighed before hopping down and giving her friend an unreciprocated hug.

“Look, I know that there's skeletons in every closet but we fucking love each other, man. Rarity’s been hiding being bi for like, ever. Longer than she ever knew any of us for. She comes out and only her shitty dad has a problem with it, and we’re all here for her. All of us... except for you.”


“Sunset just needed a moment to cool off because of stuff it isn't my place to talk about. You're sitting here crying in the bathroom when Rarity probably needs all of us more than any other time in her life. I know you're not a selfish person so what gives? I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on, because if it's so important that Rarity being homeless and abandoned takes a backseat, then it must be really really bad.”

Rainbow leaned back and placed her hand on the side of Twilight’s head, gently moving it up.

“Carrying you to the hospital was the scariest moment of my life, Twilight. It showed me how close I was to losing one of my best friends. I'm worried about you, all the time. Sometimes I still have nightmares where I'm not fast enough, and...” she sniffed and wiped at her eyes. “Why won't you just tell me what's going on? Don't you trust me?”

“Of course I trust you!” Twilight wailed, pulling Rainbow close. “And I thank the Creator every single day that you saved my life. But this isn't because I don't trust you, or any of you girls. I've just... never seen any of you talk about it. I've met Rarity’s dad before and he never seemed like he would do something like this to her, and seeing that someone she trusted implicitly just go and do something like this... I'm just so scared of what could happen if any of you found out. I'm scared of the possibility that you'd do the same...”

Rainbow froze as she was brought back to a recent time that she heard those same exact words. She connected dots she’d never connected before, and her eyes widened in realization.

“Twi...” she murmured, puzzle pieces finally falling in place. “I think it would be best here if I had Spitfire talk to you for a sec. She’ll clear it up a little. Okay?”

Twilight pulled away and nodded, numbly wiping away her tears. A puzzled look pushed through the tears, but her trust was nonverbally affirmed.

“After she talks to you, we’ll all be out in the living room.”

Satisfied that anything else to be said in the conversation would merely be excess garnish, Rainbow left the bathroom and headed back down the hallway. She nearly ran into Sunset, who was putting on her fingerless gloves and jacket.

“Princess Twilight?” Rainbow asked.

Sunset nodded. “Be right back plus one. How’s Twilight?”

Rainbow sighed. “I think it's the thing that both of the Twilights have in common.”

Sunset’s mouth formed an O of recognition. “I see. Doesn't she know that-”

“She will, but for right now I’m gonna have Spits talk to her.”

Sunset’s brow raised. “Why-” her eyes widened. “OH!”

“What do you mean oh?” Rainbow asked, somewhat defensively.

“I-” Sunset sighed before leaning in close to whisper. “I had sex with the other Spitfire through the mirror.”

Rainbow blinked. “Ah.”

“Yeah.” Sunset put on her helmet. “Be right back.”

Rainbow clapped her shoulder before making it a little further into the living room proper. Rarity and the kids seemed to be in somewhat of a better mood, which was good, but the atmosphere still felt stiff regardless. Rainbow stepped over to her girlfriend, bending down to whisper in her ear.

“Can you talk to Twilight for a minute?”

Spitfire turned to Rainbow and gave her a look as if she’d just renounced sports as a worthwhile pursuit. “Uh... yeah... but... why?”

Rainbow gently sighed. “It's about the only thing that you two have in common. Aside from, you know...” she discreetly made a lewd gesture.

Spitfire blinked. “I don't know what that would be, we’re like polar opposites.”

Rainbow facepalmed and cut the air with her hands. “I'm scared of the possibility that you'd do the same.”

Spitfire leaned back and breathed out her nose. “Oh.”

“I forgot I didn't tell you, honestly,” Rainbow muttered. “I figured I'd have mentioned it at one point anyway because I do that.”

“Babe, you've been working on that. And honestly that's fine, I’ll go do it. You just stay here. Scoots kinda gave you a look both times you left, so I’d go talk to them first.”

Rainbow nodded. “Got it.”

The two girls kissed before going their separate ways, Rainbow to the conglomeration and Spitfire to the solitary girl in the bathroom.

Upon arrival she brusquely knocked twice. “Hey.”

Twilight opened the door and allowed entrance. “Hey.”

Spitfire pushed through as the door closed behind her, and the two girls stood in a way that could summarily be described as awkward.

Spitfire turned the fan on.

“So Rainbow wants us to talk about something we have in common. Problem is I didn't know that until she said something I said to her so I knew what she was talking about. But now I do know but like. I don't know the whole issue so I don't know what to talk about. Since you've got the advantage here, mind filling me in?”

Twilight sighed and leaned against the wall, before realizing she had leaned on the towel rack and then positioned her body so she didn't break anything. “What did she say so I know what you're talking about?”

Spitfire sat on the sink counter. “I'm scared of the possibility that you'd do the same. I said it in a context that I'm gonna hesitate to mention until I know for a fact that you said it in the same context.”

Twilight crossed her arms and looked to the side. “Then it seems we’re at an impasse because I’m of the same opinion.”

“That's a shame.”

The two girls were set in silence, fully absorbing the fact that Rainbow had just sent her current girlfriend to talk to her ex girlfriend over something neither were willing to talk about easily with someone they barely knew. At least she meant well, right?

“Ah, fuck it,” Spitfire ceded, hopping down. “I don't care what you think of me, I barely know you. But my girlfriend cares about you and if you had a problem with me, she wouldn't like it. So look, that phrase is what I said to Rainbow right before the first time we ever had sex. Basically I was a little anxious she’d have a problem with me being trans because my dad had a problem with it, left mom and me over it, and worried she’d be the same way even though I know how good of a person she is. So there's that. Your turn.”

Twilight swallowed heavily. “You're... trans? As in, like, transgender?”

Spitfire nodded, before pulling a bottle of pills out of her pocket. “Been taking these for years. Dash and I were, you know, getting busy and when things got past second base I wanted to stop- well, I didn't wanna stop, you know? You probably know, you were with her too. So yeah, I stopped and she asked if it was her fault and I said no, and I kinda hesitated a bit because, well. It's never easy to come out to someone. But I did, I told her, and she asked me if I actually thought she would treat me differently because of it. So I told her about my dad and everything, and that I wasn’t scared that she would push me away, that I was just scared of the possibility that she’d do the same. But, she wasn't, and uh... well, we had sex that night. And many other nights after, heh. She doesn't care. Now, I’m assuming that either I've made a horrible mistake and overshared something completely unrelated to whatever's eating you, or if I can tell from the look on your face, I hit the nail on the head.”

Twilight slowly nodded.

“I...” she started, before wringing her hands. “Me too.”

Spitfire nodded as well.

“I...” Twilight pressed her forefingers together. “So did she... not care? At all?”


“You know, the... your...” Twilight motioned downwards, prompting Spitfire to snort.

“Let’s just say that because of me, she learned that she’s a vers, not a top.”

Twilight blushed heavily at this, and covered her cheeks. “That's... unexpected... who else knows?”

Spitfire shrugged, slipped the pills back in her pocket, and put her hands on her hips. “Other than my family, Dash and her parents, a couple of my closest friends in the WC, and you, nobody. It's not something I want common knowledge, you know, especially considering all the sports I do. I wanna avoid all the locker room drama.”

“Rainbow’s parents know?”

“I wore a Life of Agony shirt; they're a metal band with a trans singer, Bow recognized it because he liked them before she came out, we got to talking about music, and I figured he seemed to not give a shit about it, and Rainbow knew anyway, so hey, why not mention it?”

Twilight pursed her lips as Spitfire continued.

“Anyway, I guess I came here to say what I wanted to say, but the problem now becomes I don't know why I did that. I can speculate but I don't wanna assume anything. All I know is it's because of this because that's all Rain told me.”

“Rainbow told you!?” Twilight exclaimed, pulse instantly jumping. “What- but- I- how?”

“Easy! Don't freak out.”

“What did she say? What did she tell you? How did she know? What-”

“She said!” Spitfire exclaimed, cutting off the barrage of questions. “That you said the same thing I did. How she knows, well, that's something you'll have to ask her. Now, my turn, why are you here in the bathroom when your friend needs as much love and support as she can get? Rainbow says you're not a selfish person, so what's the rational explanation here?”

Twilight took a few deep breaths as she processed the situation. Once her thoughts were settled, she began to speak.

“If I'm being completely honest here, I’m... envious. What happened in the room with Rarity there, with everyone letting her know that it'll be okay and they still love her, I just realized that eventually I'll have to tell them all about me, because eventually they'll somehow find out. Things like that don't stay a secret forever, especially how close we all are. So I needed to step away from this, and not be as visibly upset so I can help her without worrying her. But also... did you see Sunset?”

Spitfire nodded as Twilight continued.

“She just stormed out, and when she came back her eyes were red. And she just sat there, kind of hollow and vacant, and I... I knew exactly why she was upset. I can't tell you but it involved what I'm certain Sunset considered to be a breach in a long standing trust. And that brought me to realize how they might actually react when I do get there, they might all feel the same level of distrust and betrayal and they'll blame me and push me away I don't know how I can avoid that from happening and-”

Twilight stopped as Spitfire’s arms wrapped around her own comparably tiny frame.

“That, I get,” she murmured. “A hundred percent. Well, maybe not as bad because I was out to people outside my family long before you were, but now I can kinda get the sentiment. But I can't help you there. You gotta decide the right time to let people know if and only if you're absolutely sure that you want to. I can't promise that people won't react negatively but tell me this, Twilight. If your friends would push you away because you have different genitals than them, would you want to continue being friends with them?”

“But it’s di-”

“Different. I know. Was your worst family?”

Twilight turned her face up. “What?”

“Your worst coming out experience. Was it family?”

“Y- yeah... my paternal grandmother. She called me a f... the f slur, and him a failure of a parent. I haven't seen her since, and neither has he. Why?”

Spitfire nodded sagely. “Your worst coming out experience usually defines the anxiety that will accompany future experiences. But what was your best?”

“More like only... I told my parents, my brother, and my babysitter- Dean Cadance, she’s basically my sister. At first they said they were still gonna love me and support me as far as they could, but that they just didn't really understand what it meant. Luckily I had a research paper done, two copies in both professional and layman’s terms. I was able to answer most of the questions they had, and most questions I thought that they were going to ask in the future. They were kind of used to that when I showed them stuff about autism two years prior.”

“Wow,” Spitfire muttered. “I kinda forgot you're one of the smartest teenagers in the world.”

“Oh, I was only ten, I made countless mistakes. But anyway, they went into it wholeheartedly. They had trouble adapting to the name and pronouns at first but they tried, they really did. After a year of it they stopped reverting entirely. Dad was a little bummed because he lost a son, but he told me later that whatever negative feelings he had from that, he forgot about because he gained a daughter. And mom was always ecstatic about it, she took me clothes shopping often so I could have a nice girl’s wardrobe. And one day when I was doing our taxes, I found a fund separate from my college fund that I assumed was for a future surgery, so... at least I have my parents.”

“Shit man, that's more than I have. Now I'm the one envious... alright.” Spitfire clapped her hands together. “Here's something that might blow your mind. What if those girls out there accept you to the degree that your mom and dad did?”

Twilight blinked. “What?”

“What if you told Rainbow, Sunset, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack, and they reacted the same way as your parents? What if they were really loving and supportive and you didn't have to feel so much internalized guilt and shame about this anymore? What if that happens?”

Twilight wrung her hands together. “It would be really nice... but it's too risky. The negatives far far outway the positives. I've calculated it multiple times, and it's much better for me to keep it a secret for as long as possible so I can reap the maximum benefits of friendship before I may lose it all entirely. I avoid situations that could potentially be misinterpreted as predatory as often as possible, I cite it as internalized homophobia and file it away, and- what’s wrong?”

Spitfire, who was pinching the bridge of her nose, had sighed heavily. “So you're worried that they'll think you're being predatory, and your response is to not be predatory, whatever you decide in your head that the word means? And you're worried that your friends who love you and in Rainbow’s case would die for you, might react as negatively as humanly possible? Despite the fact that they've forgiven fucking Sunset Bitch Queen Shimmer?”

Twilight pursed her lips. “Well, when you put it like that...”

“Look, those girls are some of the kindest, most honest, and generous people I know. And yeah, I’m including the WC. There's not a snowball’s chance in Tartarus that they'll just throw you away like that. And even if one of them would, do you really think that all of them would? Now that you know Rainbow Dash has no problem with trans people, do you really think that even if most of them did, Rainbow would take that lying down? If anything you'd at least have her, and without you and Rainbow their dynamics will eventually fall apart completely and they'll realize that despite any potential issues they might have with you, they'll pale entirely in comparison to just how much they miss having you guys around, and they'll toss their prejudice away in favor of having their friends back?”

“What if that doesn't happen?”

Spitfire smirked victoriously. “You're right. What if it doesn't happen in the way either of us think it will? What if there's no problems at all? What if it's a perfect 27? ...it's a baseball term.”

Twilight frowned, knowing she was caught in a logical fallacy.

“Look, kid,” Spitfire said, gently clapping Twilight’s shoulder. “If all goes to shit, and you do end up losing that group of friends, you're not gonna be alone. You'll have Dash, and you'll have me, and you'll have my network of support and friends too. Wouldn't you rather be with people you know for an absolute fact will love and support you than constantly worry and fear that everyone you spend your time with might shove you away if they found out what you had between your legs?”


“Fan fuckin’ tastic. Now come on, Rarity needs all of you. You can worry about this later. And I know, anxiety waits for nobody, but I brought cinnamon whiskey. Dash has hard cider. We were gonna mix it tonight, and a little bit of alcohol does wonders for short term worries in case of emergencies. Just don't rely on it, you know?”

Twilight remained silent.

“You don't drink, then.”

“No, that's not it, I just...” Twilight’s eyes started to mist over. “You said earlier you don't care what I think about you, but just now you said you'll be my friend and I’ll have access to your friends too. Why?”

Spitfire shrugged. “Because I know what it's like to be in your shoes. I know from what you've told me that you're a good person. And Rainbow always talks highly about you, so I know that after enough time passes, we’ll probably hang out solo if you wanted to. You're cool, Twilight. Anyone who would decide to not be your friend when they have the opportunity is an idiot.” She reached for a nearby box of tissues. “Here, kid. You alright?”

Twilight gratefully nodded as she took the tissues and dabbed under her glasses. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just... you’re the first person who’s ever said anything like that to me who’s not my family or someone who was friends with the other Twilight first.”

Spitfire blinked. “Oh yeah, right, there's two of you. Well, I think you're pretty cool, and all of my friends would love you. And if you want, we’re gonna all hang out soon. Dash isn't coming, she has a thing, but you're definitely invited. They all know who you are. Like I said, Dash talks about you a lot. Like, all the time.”

“Does she really... what are you guys doing?”

“Just watching some... movies. But yeah. A lot of ‘em actually thought you two were back together before she and I started dating with how much she mentions you.”

A small smile graced Twilight’s lips at this. “Sounds like fun. I'll see what my schedule is like. But for now, I think I'm ready to help Rarity now.”

Spitfire nodded. “Then the job I came here to do is done. Let's go.”

Twilight nodded as the two exited the bathroom, a newfound confidence in her step. Once the two were just about to reach the living room, Sunset and Twilight came up the stairs. Spitfire was taken aback as her head whipped back and forth between the two Twilights.

“That never gets old to see,” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Hello Spitfire,” greeted Princess Twilight. Her hair was a bit rough around the edges and she clearly hadn't been getting enough sleep, but she still carried herself with regality and pride. “Hi Twilight. Hi girls!”

Twilight and Spitfire stepped lightly back as this Twilight stepped past them. She then rushed immediately to the vacant seat immediately at Rarity’s right, awkwardly sitting on her fists and knees in a very inhuman pose. She nuzzled the side of Rarity’s head before wrapping an arm over her shoulders.

“Sunset told me your parents evicted you,” she said, voice sorrowful and full of regret. “I'm so sorry Rarity, I wish there was something I could to to help you.”

“It's okay, love,” Rarity replied, setting her own hand on Twilight’s face. “The fact that you're here is enough... did she perchance mention why?”

“Nope,” Sunset said, returning to her original seat in front of Fluttershy. As she did so, Spitfire and Twilight did as well, Spitfire and Rainbow having a wordless conversation through their eyes as they wrapped their hands together. “It wasn't my place to tell her.”

“Ah. I appreciate that, darling... I'm bisexual.”

A melancholy smile passed Twilight’s face as she repeated her prior show of affection. “Well, if it's any consolation, so am I. I would offer you a place to stay, but...”

“It's okay, dear, you live in another dimension. The fact that you're here is enough for me. But aren't you needed at home?”

Twilight glanced at Spitfire. “Spitfire is covering for me right now. There isn't much left to do but cleanup now. She, Sunset, and Tempest already did all the hard work for us, and Daring Do is taking care of the artifact. And you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?”

The entire room sans Sunset and Rainbow nodded, Sunset because she was fully aware of the situation, and Rainbow because her jaw had fallen completely open.

“Daring Do is real in your world?” She exclaimed, awestruck. “That settles it, I HAVE to go next time! That is, uh, as soon as Equestria isn't at war with itself...”

“Maybe one day,” Princess Twilight said before returning to her present situation. “Oh my gosh, this is not how to sit in a skirt as a human!” She fixed her sitting posture so that she was no longer mooning the (luckily vacant) dining room. “There, that's better. Sorry everypony. Gah, I mean everycreature.” Beat. “Uh, everybody. Ugh, my nerves are so frazzled right now...”

“It’s okay, dear,” Rarity assuaged, gently patting Twilight’s thigh. “You're under a lot of stress that none of us can possibly understand. We’re your friends, and nothing can change that. I'm just glad that you're here with us.”

Rainbow and Spitfire glanced at the human Twilight, who had pursed her lips. They glanced at each other, nodded, and then looked back to her. Spitfire was about to say something to her when Twilight reached into her pocket for her phone. Upon seeing the caller ID she answered the phone and made to leave the room.

“It's my dad,” she said before entering the kitchen. “Hi daddy.”

“Hi Twilight. Are you doing good? Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I’m fine. And don't worry, I will. What’s up?”

“I'm assuming you're still at Rainbow Dash’s house?”

“Rainbow?” She asked, eyebrows raising. “Yeah, I am, but... how did you know? I told you I was going to Applejack’s.”

“I know, but Bow called me.”

“Rainbow’s dad? Why?”

“Long story short because it’s his business, but it's about Rarity. From what I understand, Hondo is a piece of garbage and kicked his kids out of the house, and now they don't have a place to stay, right?”

“Yeah... it's so weird that our dads all know each other.”

“I feel it would be weirder if we didn't... anyway, don't tell Rainbow, or anyone for that matter, but Bow expressed some financial concerns about housing them. Now, we both know the that the Shys, the Apples, and the Pies would be more than willing to house some extras, but financially that isn't very feasible for any of them...”

“I think I know where this is going.”

Night was silent for a moment. “Now, I talked it over with your mother first. We figured that we can definitely afford a few more mouths, and we do have the guest bedroom. But-”

“But it would feel like being a bad host if you crammed them all together into one room so you're about to ask me if I’d be comfortable sharing my room with Rarity for the time being so that she has a place to stay.”

“You can read me like a book.”

Twilight’s mind was racing as she considered some of the implications presented to her.

“Yeah...” she murmured. “I wouldn't have a problem with that, not at all.”

And then the entirety of the implications hit her like a truck.

Rarity did indeed experience romantic attraction towards women. Therefore, the carefully balanced structure supporting the constant state of denial that Twilight had been in for years about her enormous crush on Rarity began to shatter, imploding in on itself.

Operating under the assumption that Rarity was heterosexual, it was easy to stuff down romantic feelings for her. She didn't like girls so there was a 100% chance that the feelings would not be reciprocated, so there was no big loss there. Her friendship was valuable, after all. The romantic infatuation had a sheet thrown over it, and for the many long years Twilight had known Rarity for, it was incredibly easy to masquerade, to crudely scribble the word “platonic” on the sheet.

However, Rarity did indeed like girls... so the sheet caught on fire.

“Great!” Night cheered through the phone. “I was a little concerned whether you would be okay with this, considering how important your space is to you, but I’m glad to see those were ill founded. I'll get the guest bedroom prepared. Thank you sweetie, I’ve got some work to do now... also, Spike’s little robot girlfriend broke again, so I’m putting her on your bed.”

“Okay...” Twilight answered, absentminded, barely processing what she was hearing. They exchanged farewells and ‘I love you’s before he hung up, leaving Twilight standing alone in the kitchen.

After a few minutes she crammed the phone back into her pocket and went back into the living room.

Everyone turned to face her.

“Everything okay?” Rainbow asked.

“Rarity,” Twilight began. “Belle, Scootaloo, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want first?”

“Bad news first!” The three chimed simultaneously.

“Ending on a good note would be best.” Rarity adds.

“Alright then...” Twilight exhaled. “The bad news is that you probably won't be staying here.”

The room exploded with various questions, which paused when Twilight put up one finger.

“And the good news is that, if you three wanted to, there is a guest bedroom at my parents’ house and you're welcome to it.”

A beat of silence passed as everyone processed this.

“Also, Rarity,” Twilight continued. “Half of my own bedroom is yours for the time being. My dad can help you three move your things in.” She glanced at Rainbow, whose pride bore a heavy dent. “Your dad called my dad. We just have more room than you is all.”

“Twilight...” Rarity whispered, hands pressed together in front of her mouth, eyes shimmering. “You don't have to do this.”

Twilight shrugged. “No, I don't have to, but I want to. The least I can do for you three is make sure you have a place to stay that isn't Rainbow’s bed and couch. Especially given the circumstances.”

Rarity closed her eyes and looked down, her body beginning to shake. The kids shared a glance with each other, then with Twilight, and Sweetie Belle put a hand on her sister’s shoulder.

Rainbow and Spitfire had another inaudible conversation with their eyes which was rapidly interrupted by Rarity jumping off the couch and glomping Twilight.

“Thank you!” She cried. “Thank you, thank you, thank you Twilight!” She pulled back and smiled through her tears. “You don't know how much I appreciate this! And I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you... and,” she said, turning to address Rainbow. “I know you would if your room were bigger, but-”

Rainbow dismissed her with a hand wave and a gentle smirk. “Yeah, I get it. Thought that counts, can't control where you live, you would do the same in my position, yadda yadda yadda. She’s got more, doesn't mean I’m less. I’m not gonna be upset about it, if that's what you're worried about. And Twilight? Good on you. The couch has seen better days.”

Rarity nodded at her before pulling Twilight in close again.

“Are you sure we won't be imposing?”

Twilight awkwardly wrapped her arms around Rarity’s middle as she tried not to inhale her herbal shampoo. “Not at all, Rarity; having a roommate will be a new experience for me. And I’m glad it'll be you. That is, uh... I’m assuming the three of you are good with that?”

Over Rarity’s shoulder Twilight saw Sweetie and Scootaloo nodding, the latter squeezing the former’s hand.

“Of course!” Rarity exclaimed, pulling back and wiping her eyes. “Your house is so nice, and I’m looking forward to spending more time with you in a one on one setting... it seems like the last time we hung out alone was when you made me the website.”

Twilight nodded, plastic smile covering the twisting doubt snarling inside her stomach. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Spitfire flash her an ‘okay’ sign.

“Uh...” Twilight muttered. “There is... something that I should tell you about... alone. But it's really not... pressing. For right now we should just... go ahead and let Pinkie explode.”

Rarity turned to witness Pinkie literally vibrating in place, hand creeping towards her hair as she struggled to keep her composure.

“Pinkie Pie...” Rarity began, cautious. “Is there something you want to ask?”

She inhaled before screeching.


Rarity hesitantly nodded, and within the blink of an eye Pinkie somehow pulled a plastic gun out of her hair and shot a round of streamers out of it.

“I’d do glitter too but Dashie probably wouldn't like it if I threw glitter all over her living room.”


Everyone laughed at this as Pinkie dove to her backpack and pulled out a notebook. She quickly snapped to Rarity and Twilight’s side, grabbing them both by the arms.

“Twi Twi, I’m hoping that I can throw the party at your house because that's where it is and Rarebear I’m hoping that you're okay with that and I’m also double hoping that you two are gonna help me out with what you're gonna wanna do then?”

The two shared a look that said they might as well get it over with, before relaxing and letting Pinkie drag them over to the dining room table to help her plan a no doubt ridiculously over the top party to celebrate the narrow dodging of Rarity and crew’s homelessness.

There were worse fates to be had.


Author's Note:

I realized just now editing this that there is one tiny plot hole. A special prize will go to the first person to point it out.

If you have a problem with trans and queer characters in a fic literally titled "coming out" published during pride month written by a queer trans person, idk what to tell you bro. I can at least explain why though. Spitfire had a male VA in other languages so before I even knew I was trans myself back in 2013 I headcanon'd her as a trans butch lesbian (which was a little problematic but hey so is calling Rainbow Dash a lesbian for having rainbow hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). I did a human au Dusk's Dawn where Twilight's character was replaced with a trans man (written at the time for my best friend who is now my boyfriend) and because of that I thought wow Twilight being trans is a cool concept to play with so it's basically law in my fics lmao. Also Scootaloo is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns because hey fuck it why not. I don't have any trans male characters but it's not like there are even any male characters in Equestria Girls besides Flash (I don't acknowledge human snips and snails as characters). Besides, judging by how people reacted to me saying the word "cis" in my Sparity dragonfurry smutfic to indicate that it wasn't futa, if I added one more trans character I think that the "absolutely disgusting" group on here would actively try to hunt me down for being a politically correct social justice warrior. Even though your gender and sexuality isn't a political stance but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lmao "bisexual for president".

Life of Agony is a great band btw. They're like if Suicidal Tendencies, Crowbar, Helmet, Type O Negative, Ugly Kid Joe, and Prong all got thrown into a blender together.