• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 686 Views, 28 Comments

Lightning Dust: The Story Of Shadow - Whooves235

After Rainbow Dash ruins her chances of getting into the Wonderbolts, a mysterious group called the Shadowbolts approaches her with a chance for revenge

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Year 4: Part 1

Shadowbolt Camp

Lightning Dust rose early today. In three weeks she would be given her initiation, and she wanted to be prepared for whatever task Princess Cinch wanted her to do. As she walked to the training grounds she noticed that Nightshade and Sky Striker were talking to each other near the mess hall. She ignored them and continued walking to the training grounds.

"Hey Dust, wait up!" Sky Striker said he ran over to her side. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Oh hey Sky, I was just going to the training center to..." Lightning said before getting interrupted.

"You know, I think you should really consider relaxing a bit," Sky Striker said.

"What?" Lightning said. "What do you mean, relax? I have my initiation in three weeks and I need to be prepared for whatever Cinch may give me."

"Hey, listen to me: you don't need to train. Cinch would not have you take the test in three weeks if she did not think you were ready," Sky-Striker said.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I just have a feeling that I need to prove myself to Cinch, ya know?"

"Is this still about Nightshade?" Sky-Striker said with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm sorry Sky, she just really bothers me. It seems like she always bothers me some way or another."

"Maybe you just need a break, you know? Spend some time doing something else," Sky-Striker said.

"And what do you have in mind?" Lightning asked, smirking.

"How about....you and me..tonight, at the watchtower."

"If I didn’t know any better, I'd say you're asking me out on a date," Lightning said.

"What If I am?" Sky-Striker replied.

"Then maybe I’ll say yes," Lightning said.

"Then it's a date," Sky-Striker said, smirking. "Now you should probably go and train. Cinch does not make initiations easy. They’re always unexpected, with unknown consequences."

"What was your initiation?" Lightning asked.

"Cinch made me go to the Crystal Empire outlands, and I had to bring back an Ursa Major’s tooth. It nearly killed me, but I got the job done."

"You don't think she will make me do something like that, do you?" Lightning said.

"No, she will most likely pick something that will challenge you," Sky Striker said. "It will also make you confront your greatest fears."

"So, you were afraid of Ursa Majors?" Lightning asked.

"I had a friend when I was a filly. She went to play with a couple of our friends and when the three came back, an Ursa had attacked her, and she lost her horn," Sky Striker said. "After that I was terrified of them—until Cinch told me to get the Ursa tooth, that is— and after that I wasn’t afraid."

"Nightshade said she needed to kill Prince Blueblood," Lightning said, "but she failed, so why did Cinch pass her?"

"Nightshade was afraid of killing. She may not have killed Blueblood, but she did kill some guards," Sky Striker said. "She conquered her fear."

"So that means I'm going to have to conquer my fear?" Lightning said.

"I would guess so, but you can do it," Sky Striker said.

"I don't know, Sky. I’ve only ever had one fear, but not even Cinch could know about it."

"Trust me when I say this, Lightning Dust: Cinch knows everything." Before Lightning Dust could respond a cold wind blew into the cave. The stalagmites began to freeze within seconds, the floor began to frost, and the lights in the cave went off.

"What the hey?" Lightning said. "Since when does the cave get this cold?" All of a sudden, the loudspeakers came on and Cinch’s voice came on.

"Attention all Shadowbolts: the cave is going into lockdown. There is a severe snowstorm surrounding the Crystal Empire and its adjacent areas. I will update you all as soon as more information is available," Cinch said. The loudspeaker turned off, leaving Sky and Lighting alone in the now quiet cave.

"Well then, it looks like we are off duty until the storm passes," Lightning said.

“So, about that date?" Sky Striker said.

"Meet me at the west lookout tower in 20 minutes, ok?" Lightning said.

"Got it," Sky Striker said, he then started walking to his barracks.

"So, little Dusty has a date?" Nightshade said, stepping out of the corner she was hiding in.

"H-How long have you been hiding there?!"

"Long enough to know that you have a crush on Sky Striker," Nightshade said, "and I think it would be best for you to not do what I think you want to do."

"What's wrong with me wanting to date Sky-Striker?" Lightning said. "It's not like it's affecting you."

"Yeah, well, it’ll affect all of us if you and Sky Striker get together," Nightshade said. "Not only will you two distract each other, but your relationship could jeopardize the entire mission!"

"Oh shut it Nightshade, you’re just jealous that I'm with him and you’re not," Lightning said. "And if you get in my way...I will end you!" Lightning said, then flew off to the west lookout tower, to meet her date.

West Lookout Tower

As Lightning landed at the lookout tower, she could see that the metal on the tower had frost on it. She put her hoof to the metal and felt how cold it was.

"Well, it might be cold, but it looks fine enough to be on," she said to herself, then climbed the ladder to the top of the tower. As she walked onto the top of the tower, she could see that it was lit up by candles and there was a blanket on the floor with two plates on it, with some hayburgers, and hay fries.

"Hey Dusty," Sky-Striker said, climbing up the ladder behind her. "Well? Do you like it?"

"It’s really nice Sky," Lightning said. "Thank you."

"Hey, I just wanted to make things as nice as they could be, that's all," Sky-Striker said.

"Well you did great," Lightning said. She and Sky then walked to the blanket and sat down, and started to eat the food "So, you think that Cinch has my initiation thought out yet?"

"Listen Lightning, you need to stop worrying. You have impressed me from the moment you got here, and I have no doubt that you will make a great Shadowbolt," Sky Striker said.

Lightning blushed at the remark. She took a deep breath and spoke, "My father..."

"What?" Sky Striker said.

"That's my greatest fear. Ever since I found out about his murders I was terrified that he would kill me," Lightning said. "I know I'm an older mare, and I know that he would never hurt me, but I always was worried about what he would do if he escaped, what he would say to me, what he would do..."

"Hey, it's ok. After my parents got arrested, I was scared too, but after they died in prison, I learned that they can't ever hurt me."

"My dad is still in prison," Lightning said. "He has a life sentence."

"I'm sorry, Lightning. Did you two used to be close?" Sky Striker asked.

"I was closer to my mom, but he still wanted the best for me," Lightning said. "I miss him at times, but....he killed somepony."

"But...we kill ponies," Sky Striker said.

"Yeah I know, but I haven’t killed before," Lightning said. "It just seems impossible to do, to take someone's life."

"What about the pony who got you kicked out of the Wonderbolts," Sky Striker said. "Rainbow Slash?"

"Rainbow Dash, and...Yeah I hate her, but she doesn’t deserve to die for it," Lightning said.

"You do realize if Cinch or Sombra ever knew this, you would be kicked out...or worse."

"I know, but I trust you, Sky," Lightning said.

"I trust you too, Dusty," Sky-Striker said. As the two leaned into each other both grew blushes on their faces, and their faces got closer and closer until their muzzles were inches away from each other.

"Sky...I..." Lightning said before the two ponies’ lips came into contact with each other.

They embraced each other in a warm, loving kiss, and as Sky broke it he replied, "I love you too, Lightning Dust."

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I know that it has been a while since the last chapter was uploaded, but I'm back to writing I promise that the next chapter will come soon, as for spelling and stuff My Proofreader is working as fast as he can so be patient hope to see some good comments

Rainbow Whooves