• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 111: The Destroyer of Worlds: Void Termina

The tension is at its height among the ponies, dragon, and draconequus watching Sweetie Belle and her friends. Despite the portal only being a one way window, they all could feel the power of the Dark God the instant the dark cloud engulfed Hyness, filling all of them with dread. Despite this, some of the ponies are still able to do what they do best.

"Come on, Sweetie! We're with you!" shouts Hondo Flanks as he waves a flag with Sweetie's face on it.

"Yeah! Show this God!" yells Pinkie, doing the same.

Most of the fillies and colts are surrounding them, also cheering.

Babs Seed looks at Discord. "Uh... Is this the time to throw those hearts you gave us?"

"Not now," answers Discord, not stopping to look at the portal. "Soon."

All forms of activities in the Dream Universe immediately stopped the instant the dark cloud enveloped Hyness, because everyone could feel it: a powerful being is free.

The majority doesn't know that this being is a Dark God, but they all understand that he's powerful enough to destroy the universe, and that he must be responsible for all those rifts. Only a handful, mainly descendants of the mighty Ancients and some others, understands that this being is THE Dark God free from his prison.

Most inhabitants of the Dream Universe immediately start panicking, thinking that this is the end. What could stop this being from destroying the universe? Only a handful knows that they still have a chance: a group of heroes.

And so, this handful starts mentally encouraging those heroes, hoping for the best.

Because that's all they can do: hope.

Please, be careful...
You can't lose! You hear?!
You are our last hope...
Come back safe...
Great King! Save us!
Boss! We're with you!
Come on, heroes. You can do it.

It doesn't take long for the heroes to catch up to the dark cloud. As if sensing that they want to fight, the dark cloud then starts approaching a huge crystalline arena surrounded by small planetoïds above a seemingly infinite space ocean that has survived the destruction for now.

Following the cloud, the heroes divide themselves into ten Star Allies Sparklers, all of them containing five heroes excepted two containing six (including one where the six animals are grouped together). Kirby and Sweetie Belle are at the head of their own stars, Kirby being with Meta Knight, Gooey, NESP, and Rocky, while Sweetie is with Dedede, Bandana Dee, Taranza, and Birdon.

The dark cloud stops at the center of the arena, and the heroes stop a few dozens feet away from it, watching in determination as the cloud grows.

Then, two huge arms made of cloud come out of it, the cloud forming them changing to become skin and objects, followed by two huge feet loudly stomping on the arena. Finally, the cloud disappears, revealing HIM.

The Dark God.


The roar of the titanic beast is almost enough to send the Sparklers flying, but they resist, and as Void Termina slowly starts advancing toward them, each steps causing a huge shockwave, the heroes disperse to circle him.

Void Termina's attention seems to remain focused on the star with Kirby, the little, round, empty eyes of his heart shaped... mask? Head? constantly following him.

The heroes are the first to attack, the ten stars firing star projectiles and lasers at the Dark God from all sides. Only, the projectiles bounce from his body, not affecting him at all.

As if waiting for the heroes to understand that they're powerless against him, it's only now that Void Termina starts attacking. Targetting the heroes closest to the ground, he starts pounding it with his strong fists, creating pillar-like shockwaves the size of small buildings that home in on them. The targetted heroes quickly fly out of the way, getting away from the ground. But then, Void Termina punches the air, sending more shockwaves as projectiles. The heroes barely avoid them.

"He's playing with us..." says Meta Knight.

"And we can't do anything in return! How will we beat him if our projectiles bounce from his body?!" shouts Dedede.

"There must be something..." says Sweetie Belle. "We can't lose..."

Then, as Void Termina continues punching the air, a red eye appears on his chest, and the Dark God looks at it in annoyance before putting a hand on it to protect it.

"Weakpoint spotted!" shouts Bonkers.

"It's weird for him to have such a weakness appear like that," wonders Taranza.

"And it reminds me of the weakpoints on Susie's robot form," says Ribbon.

"But now, how will we reach it with his hand protecting it?" asks NESP.

"I think I know," says Meta Knight. "Now that he's using a hand to protect the weakpoint, he can only use the other to attack. If we avoid his projectiles, he may eventually lose patience and may restart using both hands. That's when we will hit."

"Poyo!" says Kirby with a nod.

So the heroes proceed to do their best to avoid the shockwaves sent by Void Termina, and as planned, after about one minute, the Dark God loses patience. However, instead of using his other hand, he jumps directly toward the heroes, intending to crush some of them under his giant elephant-like feet. Despite the surprise, the heroes are able to fly out of the way, and Void Termina lands without hitting anyone, his landing creating dozens of shockwaves that spread to the whole arena, some of them in the air! Despite his frustration at not hitting anyone, Void Termina quickly acts again, sweeping the air with his arm to try to slap some of the heroes still too close like flies. One of the stars is hit and sent to crash on one of the planetoïds, but they quickly recover and return to the fight.

Seeing that his tactic worked, Void Termina jumps toward the heroes again and immediately tries to slap them, but this time, they see it coming and avoid his arm, to his annoyance. Not trying again, Void Termina decides to use something else, and to everyone's surprise, his hand morphs into a whip, its base looking like the Master Crown, that he uses to wrap and throw one of the planetoïds.

Acting quickly in panic, the heroes about to get rammed by the planetoïd fire huge beams and successfully destroy it. Void Termina then uses his whip to send another planetoïd, but this time, the heroes gather and charge at it, and after a small clash, they send the planetoïd back at Void Termina, hitting him on the head. The hit causes him to take a few steps back to regain his balance, using his two arms, which means that his weakpoint isn't protected anymore.

The ten stars immediately fire lasers at it, and before Void Termina can protect it again, the weakpoint explodes, causing him to step back again. Recovering, he looks at his chest in what seems to be surprise as a second weakpoint appears on his left shoulder.


Yelling in rage, Void Termina morphs his two hands into giant swords that are actually Ultra Swords (with their bases still looking like the Master Crown). From the beak-like bottom of his mask, he then spits fire at them, turning them into fire swords. He then swings the swords to send huge waves of fire at the heroes, sometimes using both swords to send a giant X of fire that home in slightly on one of the stars. He makes sure to target in priority the ones flying to his left to target his shoulder. This still doesn't stop them from destroying his weakpoint, causing a third one to appear on his right shoulder.

Void Termina changes the element of his swords to electricity before he prepares to swing them again. But again, he takes everyone by surprise by jumping to the heroes before spinning with his swords, spreading electricity all around him. More than half the stars are electrified by this attacks, so the heroes quickly separate and make sure to remain as far from each others as possible as they circle the Dark God.

Void Termina morphs his swords back into hands, and uses his left hand to cover his right shoulder while he morphs his right hand into a gun and fires at the heroes with it. The heroes get away from him and hide behind the planetoïds. Flying from planetoïd to planetoïd, they gather behind one before they all charge at it, sending it toward Void Termina. Not letting himself get hit, Void Termina fires at the Planetoïd and destroys it, only for a second planetoïd to come behind it, taking him by surprise. The Dark God is hit again on the head, causing him to almost lose his balance like before. The heroes use this to destroy the now unprotected weakpoint.

A fourth weakpoint appears on Void Termina's back.

Not letting them time to circle him again, Void Termina jumps high into the air and violently smashes the arena, totally breaking it into pieces that starts floating around. He then kicks one of those pieces to send it at some of the heroes who barely avoid it before he raises his hands and creates two huge dragons made of fire. The dragons proceed to fly in the field of debris, hunting the heroes. While they're busy escaping the dragons, Void Termina starts jumping from debris to debris, using his strenght each time that he jumps from one to send it flying toward the heroes. The more crazy is that he has no problems standing on something no matter if he walks on it, under it, or on the side. Gravity doesn't work on him.

Eventually, the dragons disappear, and Void Termina stops jumping to create new ones. The heroes take this occasion to play his own game and to charge at one of the floating pieces of the arena to send it at him. Void Termina however sees it coming and stops creating the dragons before jumping away, punching a piece on the way to send it back at the heroes who disperse again. What Void hasn't seen is that not all the stars were gathered in front of him. Three stars come from behind him and manage to destroy his weakpoint, taking him by surprise.

A fifth weakpoint appears on his mask.

Void Termina immediately covers it with his left hand, then punches the air with his right hand. Only, he actually punches a hole in space, and his fist comes out of another hole beside one of the stars. The star hasn't time to get out of the way before it is punched, the punch sending it flying. Void Termina then punches another hole to punch another star, his fist also hitting.

Despite this, the heroes who haven't been punched gather to charge and throw another piece of arena at Void Termina, but the Dark God simply destroys it with a punch, and also destroys the one that follows. He then punches a hole in space again, but before he could punch one of the stars, a beam comes from nowhere and creates a star-shaped portal right in the way. Another similar portal appears just in front of Void Termina's mask, and out of it comes his own fist. The Dark God ends up punching himself on the face.

The heroes quickly look at the origin of the beam and spot the Lor Starcutter approaching. They nod at it in thanks before they fire at the now unprotected weakpoint, but they aren't able to destroy it in time before Void Termina recovers and covers it again. He then raises his left hand and creates a huge ball of electricity. But rather than sending it directly, he closes his hand, breaking the ball into dozens of smaller balls that are sent everywhere. He then repeats the action again and again and again before he takes the heroes off guard by sending a giant electric ball directly with a punch.

Uncovering his weakpoint while the heroes recover from this attack, he then... grabs the space in front of him and tears a hole in it. A huge space beam then comes out of the hole to attack the heroes who have been hit by the electric ball, but the heroes recover faster than expected and manage to avoid the space beam. In return, they all fire at the weakpoint, and this time, destroy it.

Void Termina's mask then does a full turn on itself before the Dark God's body falls on the piece of arena he is, seemingly losing consciousness. But then, the mask fall from his body, revealing a hole with a vortex to enter his body.

The heroes aren't sure of what to do.

"Do we... enter?" asks Waddle Doo.

"But why would we enter?" asks Bandana Dee.

"This isn't Void Termina's real body," then says Zan Partizanne.

"What?" ask the others.

"This is just a shell to protect his real body."

"Ah. This explains so much," says Sweetie Belle. "It reminds me of what you did, Taranza. You too, Daroach."

"So we have no choice," says Dedede.

"Yes. And we should hurry before he recovers," says Magolor. "We would have to restart from the beginning."

Not wanting this, the heroes hurry to the vortex and let it suck them inside Void Termina's shell, leaving behind the Star Allies Sparklers.

The inside of the shell reveals to be bigger than expected, and for a shell, it is surprisingly... fleshy. Which is also disgusting. They swear they can even hear a heart beat. But it seems that Void Termina expected them to enter, because they fall on platforms made of hexagons, which reminds them of the platforms in the cloud of darkness in which Sweetie, Kirby, and Ribbon fought Zero Two.

Above them, they spot what must be their target: a spherical core, which looks more like another protective shell also made of flesh (linked to the main body by... veins?). A particularity of this shell is that it has many swirls in which yellow hearts are flowing.

Behind it, trapped in a fleshy cocoon, is Hyness back to normal but unconscious.

"Lord Hyness!" yell the three mages at seeing him.

But before they can do anything, the body starts shaking, causing drops of liquid to fall from the ceiling. The heroes quickly discover, painfully, that this liquid must be acid. The round shell also starts to spout from an opening strange purple smoke-like symboles that fly around randomly, and again, the heroes discover that anyone touching them is injured.

So the heroes start attacking the shell while doing their best to avoid the drops and the symboles. Not much difficulty here, excepted that the more they damage the shell, the more the opening widens (revealing that the inside of the shell is entirely plunged in a cloud of negativity), and the more symboles are spouting out of it. The symboles also get bigger. Some of them can be destroyed, making the heroes' job easier.

During this fight, due to the constant shaking of the body, Hyness' cocoon is destroyed, letting the leader drop on the platform.

After a whole minute passed at attacking the shell, the heroes have opened it enough that some of them decide to jump on it to place their hands in the opening and use their strength to, well, totally open it. They get hit by many symboles as a result, but this is worth it, because they manage to open enough the shell to cause the negativity inside it to escape, totally breaking it.

However, this also causes the heroes to be expelled out of the body along with Hyness. Thankfully, the Star Allies Sparklers are still here and quickly come to take the heroes before they fall into the ocean below. As for Hyness, the Lor Starcutter catches him before it escapes inside a portal, to the mages' relief. The heroes then move away as Void Termina's body restarts moving. With his hands, he grabs the mask and puts it back at its place before getting up. He then spread his arms, and turns them into wings! Disturbingly, the 'feathers' are white and red hexagons, which are a direct reminder of Zero Two's wings as well as Marx' (for the hexagons) and even Star Dream (the red hexagons have the same form than Star Dream's feathers). He then pushes a different roar than before, his voice now ressembling Kirby's, before he jumps, and his legs morph into a tail that is actualy a succession of heart-shaped purple crystals.

Taking off, Void Termina flies away, and the heroes immediately proceed to chase him, away of what remains of the arena. After a few seconds, Void Termina turns around and tries to ram them, but the heroes have no problem avoiding him. After this, the Dark God faces them again, but this time, he sends some of his 'feathers' as projectiles, almost getting some of them.

That's when the shell's weakpoint finally appears on the chest. Seeing this, Void Termina immediately turns around so his back faces the heroes who have no choice but to fly after him among the black holes and other dangers of the dying dimension.

Void Termina is much too fast for the heroes to expect to overtake him and be able to reach his weakpoint, so they have to find something or wait until the Dark God turns around. So, until something happens or they find something, they have no choice but to follow him.

Then, Void Termina starts using his wings to slash the space around him, creating holes after holes from which giant space beams are fired at the heroes. After a few seconds of this, the heroes managing to avoid the totality of the beams, they come near a planet that hasn't been yet destroyed, and Void Termina materializes something that looks like a giant, bat-winged Master Crown. The Master Crown lookalike then fires a huge, extremely powerful laser at the planet, and almost as soon as the laser hits the planet, it explodes into millions of giant boulders flying into all directions, including toward the heroes. Again, the heroes do their best to avoid them, also firing at the boulders to destroy them.

Destroyer of Worlds alright. Only one laser and a few seconds was all it took. It's at this moment that the heroes truly understand the full scale of Void Termina's power. They just can't let him escape.

At least, the destruction of this planets reveals to be a boon for the heroes, because as a giant boulder passes in front of them, they charge at it, sending it toward the Dark God. Having his back turned to the heroes, Void Termina doesn't see the boulder coming and he's hit by it, causing him to lose control. He quickly recovers, but when he looks back to see how close the heroes are now, he doesn't see them anymore. They seem to have disappeared.

But he knows better. Feeling the matters in them, Void Termina 'sees' that they're now above him, hidden behind a boulder. They probably expect him to look around for them, and then, they would come out of their hiding place to attack him by surprise.

Nice try.

He slashes a hole to fire a space beam at them. Obviously, they have been watching him, because they escape. Void Termina quickly turns around to hide again his weakpoint before they could attack it.

He has forgotten again to count.

Suddenly, four Star Allies Sparkler come out of a rift in front of him and immediately fire at his weakpoint. This is not enough to destroy it, but Void Termina is so taken off guard that he flies backward in surprise, letting the others catch him and attack his weakpoint too. It explodes before he knows it, and another appears on his left shoulder.

The heroes know that the God who can create the four matters could certainly sense them no matter where they are, so they expected him to spot them behind the boulder. But this is what they wanted. While a first group gained Void Termina's attention and stopped him from flying further, a second group entered a rift they could see lead to Popstar and quickly flew to another nearby rift that they saw would lead them back in front of Void Termina just as he started to turn around.

A plan that has gone perfectly, but now, the Dark God is even more angry. He is already flying away, and as soon as the heroes start chasing him again, he starts doing aileron roles while slashing space, creating a double space spiral firing space beam that, at this point, are more space wall beams that seem to spin.

This continues like this for a few more seconds before, to their horror, the heroes see that they are approaching the space where the other dimension and the Dream Universe are now forming one. Jambandra Base is visible in front of them, not much affected for now by the nearby destruction.

They can't do anything to stop Void Termina from entering the Dream Universe. It is already a miracle that the Dark God hasn't decided to use one of the rifts until now. They now just hope that the others have gone away with the ships.

This hope is broken when, as they now fly around the Jambandra Base, they see the battleships still here. To their surprise, they have even grown in numbers, dozens of painted ships now being present here and there.

No matter, they will all get destroyed if they remain here!

Vul taps nervously on one of the consoles in the bridge of the Halberd.

He knows, right now, that Meta Knight and the others are fighting the Dark God. He can feel it, and he has no doubts that they will win, but meanwhile, the Dream Universe is slowly going to hell. Especially around the Jambandra Base. The space where the two universes are merging is growing more and more rapidly, surrounded, by now, by a real web of cracks as well as by a field of black holes. Already, he, as well as the captains of the other ships, have ordered to move away from the Jambandra Base, which chunks of it are slowly being sucked by the holes. But they don't go too far because, well, they aren't sure what to do, but they still hope to be useful again in some way.

Okay, the thing is, if the Dark God comes passing by this merging space, they hope to stop him from going further into the Dream Universe. They don't want him to come near any planet, even if they have to die (but Vul wouldn't mind not dying). With the members of the Jambastion Religion joining them, they now have an armada of almost one hundred ships (plus four dragons and a legendary air ride machine), so surely they will be able to help stop the Dark God if he comes.

At least, this Galacta Knight, apparently the most powerful warrior of the universe (under Sweetie Belle now), is now among them. Well, he's now sleeping, but they can always wake him up as soon as they see the Dark God coming.

Which Vul hopes will never happens!

"Captain Vul! Something is approaching from the Jambandra Base!" suddenly shouts an Axe Knight.

Oh dear Dark God, please, tell me it's not you... "What is it?"

"It... looks like a giant bird... with a really weird head."

"We are seeing it!" then says Lockwar through the link they have kept with the other ships. "Oh... Oh [bip]! it's him, guys! It's the Dark God!"

"That bird is the Dark God?!" asks Paint Roller.

"Hey! I think I see the boss and the others chasing him!" shouts Doc.

Vul gulps. "Okay everyone! Let's do like we said! Ready the cannons! We will not let that monster come further!"

"Little reminder that the Ancients fought him with huge armadas of certainly more powerful ships than ours and still got almost wiped," says a Mace Knight.

"Silence, you!"

If there's something that Void Termina hasn't been expecting, beside having a surprisingly hard fight against a bunch of mortals (and one not so mortal that feels like him) immediately after waking up, is to find himself facing an armada of spaceships ready to welcome him with a barrage of thousands of lasers and other projectiles. They don't know about his weakpoint, so they fire randomly all over his body, but some of the projectiles still hit his weakpoint and destroy it.

As the third weakpoint appears on his right shoulder, he maneuvers to get out of this barrage. As he approaches the ships, he then spots Mirror Kirby approaching him very rapidly with the Dragoon. Despite the vehicle's speed, Void Termina still manages to slap it away. The Landias then come to fight him too, but Void Termina easily gets rid of them with a charge doubled with an aileron roll to slap all of them. He then creates four crossbows and fires four ice arrows at them before they recover. This isn't enough to kill the dragons, but at least, they stop being a nuisance, trapped inside ice.

He continues flying to get away of the heroes still following him and to avoid the projectiles of the ships still firing at him. Creating a giant axe under him, he approaches the closest ship, the Halberd, and gets ready to slice it in two. That's when Galacta Knight comes and parries the axe!


Galacta Knight is still slammed against the Halberd by the axe, and the ship is pushed to the side by the force of the blow, an indentation forming where Galacta Knight is stopping the axe from cutting the ship. Void Termina eventually gives up trying to cut the ship. He knows Galacta Knight, his most powerful son, and knows that he will not yield like that. The Halberd's claw also forces him to get away.

Galacta immediately flies at him to attack his weakpoint, but Void Termina flies to the side to avoid him, only to find himself attacked by the heroes who have caught up to him. The ships finish to destroy the weakpoint, the fourth appearing on his back.

Galacta Knight, he can deal with. A group of punny heroes, he can deal with. An armada of spaceships, he can deal with. But all of them together, and just as only two weakpoints are remaining? He must starts to get serious.

At least, the other three warriors who sealed him aren't here.

Facing the ships, Void Termina materializes dozens of giant electric spears that he throws at them. One by one, the near one hundred ships are pierced and electrified. Only the Unisqueak is able to avoid the spear coming at it. The spear aren't enough to destroy the ships, but they, at least, badly damage them, and the crews have probably been badly hurt by the electricity. As a result, all the ships stop firing and start simply floating around like ghost ships.

He will destroy them later. Right now, he has more pressing matter to deal with: Galacta Knight and the heroes who have just started to fire at his back.

And they are also sweating. Again, Void Termina just proved that he's a God by incapacitating a whole armada in a few seconds. Thankfully, he hasn't destroyed them... yet. But they are now very vulnerable. So, hoping that some of the crews are still conscious, they send one of the stars, the one with Magolor, to thank them for their help and to tell them that they should go away before things get worst.

Right now, Void Termina is facing them while flying backward, hiding his back to them. But Galacta Knight, opening a hole in space, enters it and comes out of another hole behind the Dark God to attack him weakpoint. With a sudden flap of his wings, Void Termina manages to avoid him, then quickly flies to his left to avoid a laser from Unisqueak. Void Termina faces the robot-ship to attack it with dozens of fire and ice arrows, and despite its agility and speed, it isn't able to avoid all of them, getting badly damaged. This, at least, opens Void Termina's back to the heroes who fire at him, and rapidly, the fourth weakpoint is destroyed.

The last one appears on his mask.

"Your sacrifice will be remembered, Unisqueak!" says Daroach with a salute.

"We aren't dead yet!" yells back Doc angrily through the Unisqueak's speaker

Meanwhile, Void Termina has turned to the Jambandra Base. Facing it, he materializes four Master Crown lookalikes and forms a circle with them, a huge quantity of energy charging at the center.

Galacta Knight's eyes widen in panic. "Get away of the Jambandra Base!" he yells.

Seeing his panic, the heroes immediately proceed to follow what he said, only for Void Termina to fire with the four Master Crowns an absolutely huge laser of unimaginable power at Jambandra Base. The giant space fortress is obliterated by it, and the giant explosion that results of it knocks away anyone and anything too close, from the Star Allies Sparklers to the ships, sending them flying into all directions. Another consequence of the destruction of the Jambandra Base is that the 'Merging Space' has become three times bigger, and the effects of this immediately start to be felt. The Dream Universe is now starting to shake, the 'merging space' is growing even faster, and other, smaller 'merging spaces' are appearing a little everywhere, spreading with them the destruction happening in the other dimension.

And Void Termina isn't even done! Just as the heroes recover from what happened, Void Termina fires another huge laser at Kirby, and the puffball barely avoids it. As he flies away of the laser, the Dark God starts to sweep space with it to make it follow him.

In the distance, any stars unlucky enough to be in the way of the laser... disappear.

The heroes (including the Sparkler of Magolor who has returned and joined by Galacta Knight) quickly help Kirby by circling Void Termina and attacking his weak point, but the Dark God then stops firing the laser and materializes a dozen Master Crowns around him. From each Master Crowns, he then fires dozens of lasers that he uses to sweep space in all directions, causing a light show of destruction extremely hard to dodge.

Some of the ships, despite having been blown away by the earlier explosion at a rather safe distance, are destroyed by them. And let's not talk about the distruction that they cause to the rest of the Dream Universe.

But then, a star-shaped portal opens, and out of it comes the Lor Starcutter, again.

To everyone's surprise, the ship surrounds itself in energy as it charges at Void Termina!

"Hey! Dark Lord!" they suddenly hear none other than Hyness yell through the Lor's speaker. "Here's my birthday gift!"

Slaloming between the lasers, the ship rams Void Termina right on the head, destroying the last weakpoint! With a yell, Void Termina stops moving, and the mask separates from the body, slowly floating away in the vacuum of space.

"Eeeeh?! Lord Hyness?!" yells Zan Partizanne.

"I saw the Truth!" yells Hyness. "And the Truth is... I was a fool, and the Dark Lord must be stopped! I will find another way to make the Techno Clan regret what they did. But I don't know what came over me. I got so focused in making the Techno Clan pay that I didn't care for anything else, not even our other goal. And I thought that the Dark Lord was the answer to everything."

"Void Termina probably has something in it," says Sweetie Belle.

"Now goooo! Go go go go go go!"

"Alright! Alright! Gee!" shouts Sweetie before the heroes start flying toward the vortex leading to the inside of Void Termina's body.

"Also, jamanke and japologa for everything," says Hyness before they reach the vortex and enter the body.

Nothing has changed inside the body of Void Termina, but after landing, they look up to see... a purple sphere with colors swirling around and three black spots moving about the surface.

Then, the three black spots form two oval eyes, and a small, round mouth, giving the sphere the form of a familiar face looking at them.

The face of their worst enemy... is the same as the one of their friend...

This is the real Void Termina. Kirby's father.

And then, he smiles at them with the same 'angel face" than Zero Two before the three spots start spinning while Void Termina sends strange shockwaves that have some holes. To Sweetie and Kirby's horror, any of their friends hit by those shockwaves are immediately corrupted and start attacking each others, like against Morpho Knight! And like against Morpho Knight, the two of them are the only ones who can't be corrupted. So the two of them as well as anyone that has been able to avoid the shockwaves start throwing hearts at the corrupted heroes.

Void Termina takes this occasion to attack them while they're busy. His eyes suddenly become very big to the point of almost merging, and he fires from them dozens of small purple and yellow projectiles of energy in all directions, successfully hitting many of them this way. But the heroes are able to save everyone from the corruption, and that's when Kirby throws a heart at Void Termina. Surprisingly, or not, the heart hurts the Dark God. Seeing this, as Void Termina starts laughing for some reason while using the same needle attack than the multi-eyed white Dark Matter of Ripple Star, the heroes start attacking him by throwing dozens of pink hearts, feeling that this is the better way to fight him. They can already feel the hearts replace the negativity in him by positivity little by little.

Finishing his needle attack, Void Termina then starts bouncing around in a very similar way than Buff Dedede (also reminding of Drawcia's Soul) before slamming himself against the platform to crush the heroes and create powerful shockwaves. After trying to crush the heroes three times, he then tries to ram them also like Drawcia's Soul, sweeping above the platform back and forth covered in fire.

Void Termina eventually stops moving, and the two spots forming the eyes disappear while the third spot grows to form a smile, only to reveal that the spot isn't a mouth anymore, but a single, big eye. Small appendages then appear on his back, and now, Void Termina looks like a Dark Matter

"So the Dark Matters' form comes from here, of course," says Adeleine.

"Yes, those are father's two main forms," says Galacta Knight.

"Brrr... I'm not happy to find myself in front of a Dark Matter again, even if this isn't a real one," says Dedede. "Hopefully, this one can't possess others."

"Yes, he can, but he doesn't need to," says Galacta. "But watch out."

Just as Galacta says this, Void Termina fires a powerful beam at Kirby who jumps out of the way. As he starts moving around, he fires more lasers at the other heroes (his main target still being Kirby), sometime sweeping the platform with them. After a few lasers, he returns to his 'Kirbyself' and restarts doing weird faces while turning himself into stone and rolling around, creating an Ultra Sword to slash around, sending cutter blades in all directions, and even trying to inhale the heroes!

Yep, he's Kirby's father alright.

Returning to his Dark Matter form, he restarts firing some lasers, but he also attacks by firing black lightning bolts, and even fires the same explosive projectiles than Zero Two! After firing a last laser, he returns to 'Kirby mode' and slams himself on the ground, and sharp spikes of ice sprout out of the platform around him, and immediately follows it by the needle attack again.

The heroes have the idea to do like before and to merge all the hearts they collected into a giant heart that they throw at Void Termina, heavily injuring him. But surprisingly, this is just enough to convince him to use more power in return as he starts to attack very rapidly, and even starts teleporting to take the heroes by surprise. Lightning rain, fire pillars, ice spike carpets, tornadoes, fire comet, lasers, sword, cutter blades, hammer, bombs... He uses pretty much all of Kirby's abilities against them. And contrary to Kirby, he can switch abilities without problems, and some of the attacks are really hard to avoid.

The healers work hard to heal everyone while the heroes continue to throw hearts after hearts at Void Termina. But... they feel that he isn't using all his powers. It feels like he could do more. Outside, he was firing lasers that could destroy stars, but here, while still giving a fight that would give problems even to Galacta Knight if he was alone, his attacks aren't at the level of power expected of a God.

Is there still more? They will discover soon enough.

Eventually, Void Termina seems to have enough of having hearts made of positivity thrown at him, because his expression becomes angry and he creates a powerful force that expels everyone out of the body. Like previously, they are caught by the Star Allies Sparklers, Galacta Knight joining Kirby's. Void Termina himself comes out of the body which disappears just after.

The three spots on Void Termina then disappear, and his body suddenly releases a huge quantity of energy as it starts glowing like a star, to the point that the heroes are forced to close their eyes. When the heroes can open them, they see that Void Termina is now a bluish white, and they can feel a great quantity of Soul Matter coming from him.

A Soul Form...

Of COURSE he has a Soul Form!

"I must tell you something..." then says Galacta Knight. "I don't know what to expect from now. We didn't give him time to take on this Soul Form before we sealed him."

"Great..." says Dedede.

That's when they see that the 'merging space' has now reached them, meaning that they're now both in the Dream Universe and the other dimension, and meaning also that cracks, black holes, and purple erasing space are all around them, as well as what remains of the Jambandra Base. The still mostly intact Dream Universe is visible behind them. The fully breaking other dimension is visible behind Void Soul.

The spots forming back Kirby's face, Void Soul stares at them, and they stare back. Then, Void Soul moves to a random direction, going further inside the other dimension, and the heroes follow him. The Dark God starts attacking with the same shockwaves than before, but much faster, but the Star Allies Sparkler's lasers are able to break them so no heroes get corrupted this time.

Void Soul follows this with the creation of strange ice balls that he just lets to float around without throwing them at the heroes. But it doesn't mean that they are harmless, so the heroes keep an eye on them. They do well, because when they approach, the ice balls explode, sending sharp ice shards in all directions.

Void Soul then separates himself into a dozen clones of himself that start to eratically fly around before they pass through space one by one, creating holes, before coming out of space beside the heroes to ram them coated in fire. Some of the heroes counter this by charging back at the Void Clones, clashing with them. Then, spreading themselves among the heroes, the Void Clones use the needle attack, causing dozens of needles to threaten to impale them from all directions.

The Void Clones then start attacking each in their own way, using already know attacks like the lasers, cutter blades, explosive projectiles, lightning bolts, and some others while flying around, causing real chaos. The heroes can only to their best to avoid all those attacks coming from all directions while attacking the clones until they merge back into a single Void Soul just before they pass through a rift, appearing back in the Dream Universe beside a random planet made of ice.

Materializing a giant Ultra Sword, Void Soul cuts the planet in two, then flies between the two cut parts still followed by the heroes. Avoiding the chunks of ice breaking from the left and the right and falling toward the center of the planet, the heroes have a hard time hitting Void Soul because of them getting in the way. Void Soul also uses his powers to sprout pillars of ice from the parts, and the heroes have to slalom their way.

Sooner than expected, they reach the center of the planet, and Void Soul starts accumulating energy. Understanding what he's about to do, the heroes immediately turn around to get out of the planet, soon hearing a big explosion behind them. Kirby's Crash ability, Void version. They come out of the planet, and a couple of seconds later, the planet explodes into countless giant shards of ice that they have to avoid.

While the heroes are busy avoiding the shards, Void Soul gathers the energy and fire of the explosion to create a Moon-sized fireball that looks more like a sun, and throws it at them. Galacta Knight jumps out of his Star Allies Sparkler and slice the fireball, saving everyone. The two halves of the fireball continue their way into space before they another planet-sized explosion in the distance.

Void Soul charges back at them followed by different giant weapons he materialized, sword, axe, hammer, spear, crossbow, mace, gun, and saber, and starts attacking with all of them while firing lasers in his Dark Matter form, and also tries to ram them directly.

While the fight continues, they move through another rift, returning in the other dimension where Void Soul eventually gives up on his weapons. Instead, he separates himself into two halves, and the two halves surround themselves in purple and blue energy before they fly toward the heroes to ram them, one of the halves flying where he expects heroes to fly to as they avoid the other, almost hitting some of them. After a few back and forth, the two halves then crash into each other, creating a huge explosion. Void repeats this a couple more times before he stops and restarts flying away to force the heroes to follow him.

As they pass another rift, appearing thankfully near no planets, Void Soul then creates smaller versions of himself that fly toward the heroes before creating black holes. Those Mini-Void can be easily destroyed by the Sparklers, and the black holes can be easily avoided, but their attractive force is a real nuisance to avoid Void Soul's other attacks.

As the fight continues, they pass through more rifts, constantly moving between the Dream Universe and the other dimension, sometimes passing beside something. Generally, they pass their way without Void Soul doing anything, but every now and then, he uses his destructive powers on the element beside which they pass to attack them, like when he forces a sun to turn into a supernova, forcing them to use a rift to escape the explosion. there's also that time where they fly in an asteroid field and Void Soul uses his lasers to destroy giant asteroids and causes boulders to fly everywhere as a result.

Like in his bird form, he also cuts directly space with giant swords to create holes from which he fires powerful space beam, and later, he even materializes those Master Crown lookalikes to fire even more powerful lasers. By now, the heroes are seriously injured, but they can see that Void Soul is also reaching his breaking point, prompting them to not give up, not so close.

As they return to the 'merging space' where the Jambandra Base has been, finding themselves inside the other dimension again, Void Soul seems to have enough and, in his Dark Matter form, glares at the heroes in pure rage. Using his powers, he forms a tunnel made of the purple erasing space all around them before he starts gathering energy before his eye. Having no choice, the heroes gather and charge energy too.

The heroes and the Dark God both fire a huge laser, the heroes' pink and Void Soul's purple, and they clash.

At first, Void Soul beats them, but they put in more energy, and their laser starts to gain the upper hand. Seeing this, Void Souls puts more energy in his laser, and the heroes do so again. This continues like this a few more times until Void Soul decides to put in everything, his laser doubling in size, totally outmatching the heroes' laser.

Seeing Void Soul's laser approaching, the heroes close their eyes.

They call for help.

Everywhere, friends hear their call in their heart. They follow this call, and despite not being physically present, they are able to join the heroes in their fight. They send the energy in them into the laser, making it triple its size, totally dwarfing Void Soul's laser and even destroying the purple erasing space around them. Void Soul can only look in panic as his laser is destroyed before he find himself engulfed in the pink laser, and he returns to his Kirbyself.

It terribly weakens him, to the point that when the heroes separate and surround him, envelopped in positive energy to the point of shining like stars, he can't do anything to stop them. When the first star charges at him with the cumulated positivity power of thousands of souls, he can just close his eyes and wait for the impact. One after another, the ten stars pierce him at a speed close to the speed of light, then pierce him again, and again, and again, and again, and again until the heroes just stop counting as they continue relentlessly.

After a whole minute of this, Void Soul finally starts glowing, seemingly on the brink of exploding, a quantity of energy beyond anything they've seen until now escaping him. This seems to also be the definitive breaking point for the dimension around them because the cracks are now spreading everywhere at worrying speed, and pieces of space between those cracks start breaking like glass, causing the purple erasing space to spread like never before.

The heroes quickly turn around to escape this, flying toward the 'merging space' to return to the Dream Universe. This universe is also shaking as a result of what's happening, but at least, it seems to resist.

Then, a huge explosion, followed by something that sound like glass breaking, comes from the merging space. Said space, as well as other spaces like it, then becomes a huge and powerful black hole that starts sucking everything around. All the rifts and cracks then disappear before the black hole shrinks little by little until nothing remains. Finally, the universe stops shaking.

The heroes look at where the black hole has been as if not believing what happened, until Yin-Yarn asks "We... We did it? This is over?"

"No," answers Galacta Knight. "Father is still out there." He looks at all the other heroes one after another. "We saved him from the negativity that had fully invaded him, but... we have yet to save him from his past. As long as he's still bitter about all that happened, this won't be over. We have to act quick, or this will all be for naught."

"But before that, I wouldn't mind a Maxim Tomato," says Sweetie Belle.

That's when they are joined by the Lor Starcutter, Hyness on the deck beside a pile of Maxim Tomatoes. "Did someone say 'Maxim Tomato'?"

"Hyness, I take back everything bad I said about you," says Dedede.

"That was intense!" shouts Pinkie Pie. "Did everypony feel it? Like, we where here, but we were also there! And then, we all fired that giant laser at the Dark God and we pierced him like one hundred times! And now, it's like I have billions of new friends!" She gasps. "This is a lot of birthdays to remember!"

"That was certainly an experience beyond anything we felt until now," says Celestia. "I didn't think that the power of friendship could go this far."

"Those hearts have helped a lot," says Discord. "But it seems like we will still need them. Their fight against Void Termina is not over."

"But the other dimension has collapsed, right?" asks Starlight. "Where will they fight Void Termina?"

"In the void, of course," answers Discord. "If Void Termina -actually, I think he is just Void now- hasn't moved since then, this is where they will find him after the collapse of the other dimension." He chuckles. "Ah, they will fight Void in the void." But then, he starts wondering something. "But how will they be able to go in the void and survive? The void is a place where no mortals can survive. Nothing exists here, not even the laws of physic. It's a place where only Gods can live. Mmh... Do they even think about this? I think it's my cue." He materializes one of those old phones with a rotary dial and uses it, composing a random number. "Hello Dissy, I need you to tell something to our little band of god slayers..."

"So you think Void is back to his old self?" asks Meta Knight.

Galacta Knight nods. "And this means that he will be much more powerful. When he became Void Termina, all his positivity was expelled out of him along with a great part of his powers. We all know what became of all this," he says before turning his eyes to Kirby.

Kirby smiles and waves at him. "Poyo!"

Chuckling, Galacta Knight continues. "Now, he's back to normal. A neutral being not limited by positivity or negativity. The God Creator and Destructor. Ultimate Master of the Four Matters. But don't worry. I knew we would end up to this, so I prepared what will lead us to victory."

"What we felt earlier? All those friends who helped us defeating Void Soul?" asks Sweetie Belle.

Galacta nods.

"It's nice to prepare your victory, but you seem to forget something," suddenly says someone away of the group. Following the sound of the voice, everyone spot not far above them a small serpentine creature with a mismatched body.

"Dissy?!" shouts Sweetie Belle in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello everyone. I'm... Ugh... I'm Dissy, messenger of Discord, the Spirit of Chaos from Sweetie Belle's world, and I have a message." He spits a paper and catches it while clothes of a messenger from old times appear on him. "Hear ye, hear ye! The God named Void is now in... Pfffft... The void! If you, brave heroes, don't find a way to survive in the void, then you will all die upon entering it before even fighting! Think about this before you charge into the action!" Finishing his message, he bows. "That's all." On this, he disappears.

The heroes look at the spot where Dissy has been in wonder, then turn to look questioningly at Sweetie Belle who rolls her eyes. "Like he said, Discord is the Spirit of Chaos in my world. He can use his chaotic magic to shape reality like he wants. Don't worry, at first, he was a bad guy, but my sister and her friends managed to befriend him. Now he's just... a friend with a sense of humor really funny at best, really annoying at worst. And yes, this means he could have used his powers to bring me back to my world all this time..." She smiles at her friends. "but after discovering about the threat of the Dark God, I refused. Oh yeah, and he uses his powers to let my friends and family watch us when we go on adventures."

Galacta Knight chuckles. "Yes, I encountered them earlier to give them Friend Hearts. You have quite the audience, Sweetie Belle."

"Eh. When they learned that I was about to fight the Dark God himself, I'm sure they all gathered immediately. My sister's friends, the princesses, and my classmates. Well, thank you for the help, everypony!" she shouts toward... nowhere. "I'm not even sure if the portal they use to watch us is over there."

"So, we are being watched?" asks Dedede. Immediately after asking this, he gets up and takes a proud pose. "Bwahahahaha! I, the Great King Dedede, will clobber that there God! He doesn't stand a chance against me and my super hammer!" he shouts dramatically, even doing some dramatic movements with his arms. "King Dedede and his warriors will save the universe!"

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes. "They already know everything about you. They will not buy your 'Great and Powerful' act."

This makes Dedede pout.

"Anyway, this Discord has a point," says Galacta Knight. "If father is in the void, then we will need a way to avoid disintegrating as we enter it. In the void, nothing exist, including the force that keeps the atoms of our bodies together."

"Oh yeah, that's really bad," says Magolor. "How will we fight Void, then?"

"I have something in mind," says Galacta Knight. "We will simply keep the portal that we will use to go to the void open. As long as we don't go too far from it, then the physical laws of the Dream Universe should still affect us. Then, we will use the positivity power in us to float at will."

"Oh yeah, if there's nothing in the void, then there will be no gravity or whatever for us to move," says Sweetie Belle.

Again, Galacta Knight nods. "So, are you all ready?" he asks.

They all nod.

"Will you join us, Lord Hyness?" asks Zan Partizanne.

"Of course Zap Parmesan! Wait, I think I still got it wrong..."

Zan Partizanne covers her eyes with her hands groaning in embarrassment. Beside her, Flamberge rolls on the flour in laughter. She is quickly joined by Marx and Poppy Bros Jr.

"Parmesan? Nice name," says Magolor with a laugh.

"Shut up, Eggman!"

In the nothingness of the void, a star-shaped portal suddenly opens. Passing it are 54 beings of various forms, powers, and origins, all united in friendship and under a common goal: save their universe for good. Well, for one of them, this isn't her universe, but Sweetie Belle has made so many friends and has lived so many adventures in it that, at this point, she considers the Dream Universe as a second home. This is helped by the fact that she's now the queen of a kingdom in this universe.

And now, those adventures have led her to this place beyond reality, where nothing exists.

Nothing except Dark Matter, or whatever other name it is given. As the 'energy of the void', she can feel it absolutely everywhere here, in each mm3.

But the Dark Matter isn't the only thing she can feel in this place that isn't as empty as they thought. They can't see anything, the only light coming from the portal behind them and from a glowing sphere not far further, but they just can feel that their arrival has gained the attention of really powerful beings, maybe even more powerful than Void. Gods and abominations that call this place their home. Hopefully, none of them will decide to do anything and will just watch what is about to happen. It's not everyday that mortals come to the void to fight a God, so why not just enjoy the show?

In this infinite emptiness, the heroes can also see clouds of what they recognize are pure Dream Matter, Heart Matter, and Soul Matter, coming from the same glowing sphere. Understanding that this sphere is certainly Void, they use the power of the positivity in them to advance, slowly floating forward. Thankfully, Void isn't too far of the portal.

Void has kept his spherical body with the three spots moving around on the surface, but now, it is entirely white, and the weird colors swirling around have been replaced by rainbow colored pulsating veins. Dream Matter, Heart Matter, and Soul Matter are constantly coming out of his body to form the clouds around him. Feeling about the Matters, Sweetie Belle can actually see that Void is absorbing the Dark Matter to create the three other Matters as well as more Dark Matter. He's like a self-sufficient Matter factory. Just give him a pinch of Dark Matter, and in a few thousand years, he can create a whole universe!

Sensing them approaching, the three spots reform the visage of Void, the one that looks like Kirby's face, and he looks at them. More exactly, he looks at Kirby, then at Galacta Knight, then at Magolor, then at Hyness.

Memories come back to him. Memories... of being betrayed, being used, being sealed.

No... Never again...


Tears flowing from his eyes, Void starts the fight by sending hundred of those little white and yellow projectiles in all direction, leaving almost no space for the heroes to pass between. He follows it with lasers all around his body, firing them more than once.

Against this storm of projectiles, the heroes have the idea to float backward until the distance between the projectiles becime big enough for them to easily fly between. Thanks to this, they also have an easier time avoiding the lasers, the distance between the lasers being bigger further from Void. The heroes aren't sure if sending Friend Hearts at Void would work well at this point. They know they still have to befriend him, but for someone like Void, they will need a lot of power, but with him on the offensive, gathering enough power is impossible. They have no choice but to fight him the old way: dodging his attacks and attack him with everything they have. Thankfully, with all of them floating, it is much easier to dodge the attacks.

Well, it would be easier to dodge attacks from anyone else, but here, they are against the God Void. His attacks are everything but easy to dodge. The bullet and laser storm was just the beginning.

Like previously, Void duplicates himself, however, this time, it's impossible to count the number of clones, easily in the hundreds. After flying and bouncing around, the clones unleash a real festival of attacks on the heroes. Absolutely everything they can think of, Void uses it, and even more.

Sweetie Belle wraps her whip around Spikezilla to get him out of the way of a clone coming out of a portal as a fiery comet to burn him, then self-levitates herself to avoid a dozen Ultra Swords slashing at her. She uses her own swords to attack back the clone using them, then flies up to avoid a laser sent her way but a clone now looking like a giant Dark Matter with mirrors levitating around him, exactly like Dark Mind. She avoids a Void charging at her with the Super Ability version of the Beam ability, then fires an Ultimate Doom Laser at another Void about to attack Francisca by exploding like a bomb, sending him to explode on another Void.

She then sees a Void inhaling Dedede and spitting him at Kirby, so she creates a mirror to make Dedede bounce back at the Void, only for her to be hit from above by a powerful lightning bolt created by yet another Void passing and going bonkers with electricity. She is saved from being impaled by a Void turning into a drill by Meta Knight, and they both attack by this same Void by sending at him a powerful tornado. Meta Knight continues to attack this Void while Sweetie goes to parry a giant spear about to pierce Galacta Knight as he slice a hole to fire one of his space beams.

The Voids then materialize water to trap the heroes in before they electrify it, successfully hitting all the heroes thanks to it. The heroes quickly use the Friend Power to create a shockwave that expel the water around them, and the ice users freeze some of it before others throw the resulting giant ice boulders at the Voids. The God then restarts attacking chaotically. Elements are sent back and forth, weapons are clashing everywhere, lasers rain constantly from all directions...

But despite Void unleashing all his rage on them, the heroes resist, to his surprise.

So he makes all his clones merge back to only one, then gathers all the Matters around into one giant ball of energy above him. He throws it at the heroes, too rapidly for most of them to get out of the way in time.

So the heroes gather together, and with the Friend Power, they assemble to form the head of a spear that pierces the ball. The ball seems like it would overpower them at first, but putting all their energy in their attack, and getting the help of all their friends again, the heroes are able to win the clash and to cause the ball to explode.

Void looks at them in disbelief. Seeing this, Sweetie Belle, despite being a little winded, smiles at him.

"Dear Void,
You are angry and I know
That is because you suffered long ago."

As Sweetie Belle starts to sing, the boosting aura, helped by the Friend Power, envelops all the heroes. But it's not just that. As Void stares at them, he could swear that he could see pink ghosts of thousands of beings behind them, and he can clearly feel the link between them, as well as this link gaining in power thanks to the song. He understands now that he isn't just fighting a ragtag of 54 heroes, but a whole army condensed in a ragtag of 54 heroes, all united in one goal: fight him.

"Dear Void,
All your friends turned into foes.
Your universe, family to oppose."

Again, Void duplicates himself into countless clones that restart attacking with everything anybody can imagine, from throwing hundreds of Ultra Swords to creating black holes. But now, working together with the power of thousands of beings baking them, the heroes manage to avoid, block, or counter most of Void's attacks and to attack him directly with their most powerful attacks.

"But please, just hear our tale
And you will see that love and friendship prevail!

Possession, destruction.
We saw ma-ny actions.
And we en-countered all kinds of foes.

We have now many friends,
Yesterday, they were fiends.
Together, as one team, our power grows."

One of the Voids sends hundreds of cutter blades in proximity of Meta Knight, only for Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight to join him, and together, they parry all the blades.

Some of the heroes grouped together find themselves in the path of a small sun. Seeing this, Chef Kawasaki invokes his pot and attracts said heroes in it, saving them from being burned to ashes and also creating some food for them.

A Void turns himself into a giant round boulder and charges at Kirby who readies his hammer. As he starts spinning, he is joined by Dedede, the penguin spinning. They then both hit the Void boulder and, using all their strenght, send him crashing into another Void.

"You are a God and yet you now have nothing,
And now you are scared of losing again everything.

But do not be scared anymore
As different we can't be more
Than the fool people who turned their back on you at a time of yore."

Not only do the heroes help each other against Void's attack, but they also merge their powers and skills to create more effective attacks against Void. Poppy Bros Jr throws bombs at Bonkers who uses his hammer to send them at the Voids. The element users send said elements at tornadoes created by the Knights to create fire tornadoes, ice tornadoes, and others. The Mage Sisters work together with Hyness to create powerful electric, fire, and ice combos. Yin-Yarn creates beings of yarn that Kawasaki attracts in his pot to always have something to cook to create food while the others are busy fighting.

"We went through many trials that got us close,
And so our friendship became unbreakable thanks to those.

And now we ask you to give us a chance,
Because we're giving you a chance.
We would be friends in other circumstances."

Void decides to use their tactic against them by making his clones work together, creating cataclysmic attacks like a giant fire hurricane, a meteor rain, or a huge web of electricity (the Voids connect each others with electricity while moving around). The Voids also start join force to protect each others.

The battle gains even more in intensity due to this.

"Everything will get much better.
So let's get out of this netheeeer
Aaaaaaaand finally beeeeee aaaaaaall toooooogeeeeeetheeeeeer..."

In the middle of the fire hurricane and of the meteor rain, one of the Voids inhales a dozen of his clones, then spits them one by one like a gatling gun, each spitten Void turning into a spiked ball. Burning Leo, one of the heroes not targetted by this, approach the Void to send some fire at him and force him to stop, only for his fire to be stopped by a stream of water sent by another Void. But this stream then gets electrified by Zan Partizanne, shocking the Void at the origin of it and letting Burning Leo attack the other one, joined by Chilly.

"All to-gether..."

Some of the heroes fly away from a huge carped of giant spikes appearing out of space.

"All to-gether..."

Parasol Waddle Dee charges at one Void, only to be rammed from the side by another Void. This second Void ends up attacked by nine of Sweetie's cannons while she uses the tenth as a double beam sword to stop a third Void from saving the second.

"All to-gether..."

One of the Voids fires pellets at Gim, only for Wester to throw Dark Meta Knight in the way, the dark knight creating mirror to send the pellets back at the Void who moves out of the way.

"All to-gether..."

Galacta Knight slashes holes everywhere to fire dozens of beams.

"Dear Void,
You caused so much suffering,
From you so many mons-ters were coming.

Dear Void,
From Dark Matter to Star Dream,
Millions of lives disappeared like a dream."

One of the Voids turns into a drill, and some of the heroes counter him by gathering to form a drill like they used against Hyness, and the two drills clash. Two Voids come to stop the heroes, but they are themselves stopped by Galacta Knight and Sweetie Belle. A third still manage to approach, only for Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, and Magolor to assemble their swords into a giant one that cut him in half. Hyness and the Mage Sisters, now forming a Friend Circle, then ram into the Void drill from behind, and the heroes are able to pierce him just before dozens of other Voids fire at them with all kinds of projectiles.

"We know it's not your fault
Because your mind was lost inside a strong vault!"

Ribbon is almost inhaled by one of the Voids, only for NESP to teleport her out of the way while Poppy Bros Jr throws a bomb at the vortex. Sweetie Belle then uses her magic to grow the bomb just before it gets inhaled, and the clone is destroyed in a big explosion.

Void is weakening.

"With thick walls made of hate
That we were able to break.
The Dark God is now gone. The God's awake!

Not a thing could negate
The love you have for all
Because you still are the Father of all!"

One by one, slowly but surely, the clones are destroyed. But Void doesn't give up and multiplies the powerful attacks covering huge areas to try to hit as many heroes as possible. By now, black holes are becoming really common, both from Void and from the heroes who can create them, causing thousands of projectiles to be sucked by them..

"You are a God and yet you now have nothing,
But let us in, we beg you, and you will regain everything.

We do not want to seal you back.
With us, we want you to come back.
And you will see that not everything is all black."

Finally, Void decides to merge all the remaining clones until only one Void remain, hoping to reduce the amount of damage he's taking. Normally, he wouldn't mind taking damage. with his powers, he can heal immediately any physical injuries he gets. But the Friend Power the heroes are using attacks not just him physicaly, but his whole being. Each hit gets him closer to mental exhaustion.

So he decides to go all out. Unleashing his full power, he sends absolutely everything he has, becoming the center of a hurricane of... well, everything, going from simple weapons to planet-sized boulders and small suns. The heroes aren't sure how they will be able to pass this to reach Void.

"You do not want to be with anyone
But don't you want to come and to encounter your new son?

In spite of all, warm like the sun.
In spite of all, soft like no one.
In spite of all, ready to help just e-ve-ry-one!

Isn't it what you were for the others?"

The word 'son' seems to gain the attention of Void because he actually turns to stare at the pink puffball with uncertainty, the hurricane around him getting a little weaker as a result. The heroes take this to assemble again the power of everyone (EVERYONE!) and they start charging energy before they fire a beam similar to the one they used against Void Soul. The beam traverses everything, destroying all obstacles, before engulfing Void. Not stopping here, everyone linked to them thanks to the Friend Power appears as a ghost and charges at Void as soon as the laser disappear. Each ghost ramming the God causes a huge quantity of damage to him, and by the time the last ghost hits, Void is totally weakened, not able to do anything anymore.

Void now vulnerable, they judge it's time.

"So let's get out of this netheeeer
Aaaaaaaand finally beeeeee aaaaaaall toooooogeeeeeetheeeeeer!"

Gathering together, the heroes raise their arms (or whatever else) and start assembling all the Friend Power they have. It will probably mean they won't be able to throw Friend Hearts anymore or to do things like Friend Stars or Friend Trains, but after this, they shouldn't need to.

After this, this will be over.

All to-gether.

"It's time," says Discord.

"Yes, we can feel it," says Celestia as she lets go of the Friend Power in her in the form of a pink heart. The others all follow her exemple, and Discord opens a portal so the hearts can fly to the heroes.

All to-gether.

Hearing the call, everyone in the ships that survived Void Termina looks up at the star-shaped portal to the void and send their Friend Power to it.

Vul gives a salute while looking at his pink heart flying away. "Let's end this."

All to-gether.

From Popstar to Ripple Star, from Patch Land to New Halcandra, thousands of pink hearts are now flying toward the portal to the void, carrying with them the hopes and dreams of an universe that just want things to stop.

All to-gether.

Each seconds, hundreds of pink hearts come out of the portal to gather above the heroes, forming a giant Friend Heart that grows before Void's shocked expression.

"So let's go.
Come and join us for naptime
In the spring breeze, with some treats, anytime."

The heart contonues to grow.

And it grows.

And it grows.

And it stops, the last heart merging in it.

Sweetie Belle looks at the Moon-sized Friend Heart in joy, silently thanking everyone, before she smiles back at Void.

"Let's go.
Come and join us for dreaming
Dreams of friends re-united and smiling."

They throw the heart.

Void looks at the incoming heart with an empty expression before he closes his eyes, accepting that maybe... maybe he can give friendship another chance.

The giant Friend Heart hits him, and it explodes into a giant cloud of positivity that gets absorbed inside of Void.

Such power entering him causes Void to spasm for a moment, the three spots forming his face moving erratically around before they reform to form a smiling face. Stars and light come out of him, engulfing the void, with the heroes in it.

At this instant, from the power of friendship, a new universe is born.

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